Going Down Turbo - 10th birthday special edition - RC1-7 (2025)

You might enjoy discovering some of this stuff yourself, but I can't be arsed to go into massive detail about changes anyway, so this probably won't spoil much.

In general the monster population has been thinned out a bit and certain problem enemies have been nerfed or removed. I did my best to stop monsters teleporting in front of you while you are firing rockets, they mostly come out of closets or from marked teleport pads now.

map 1: Completely redid the rooftop combat and moved the blue key. Also made some minor changes to the roof layout and added earlier shotguns. Pistol is faster too.

map 2: Refurbished the bathroom. Simplified the route and added more office equipment and barrels. You can now stand on tables.

map 3: The map now has a single circular route and you can choose which way round to go. Added a new bathroom and made the chainsaw a bit faster, though you wont need to use it as much.

map 4: Completing either side of the map will now trigger the final battle, and the monsters from the opposite side will join in. The stairs and balcony have been widened and I installed a lift. I also made the east wing a bit simpler to navigate and added a video arcade.

map 5: Mainly small quality of life changes. The armour pillar no longer crushes you. There's also a toilet if you need one, and some extra steps in the central area. The final onslaught is a bit more organised and I tidied up a couple of the secrets.

map 6: Totally redid the combat on the upper level and got rid of both the switches and their rooms. Instead there is a bridge to the centre. There's also a couple of panic buttons for blowing up monsters and the virtual reality has been given a makeover.

map7: The two dead-simple triggers now activate one consolidated enemy wave and the mastermind has reduced health. There's also a monster lift for your inconvenience, and the stair bannisters no longer block projectiles.

map 8: The path to yellow key has been slightly changed and 2 alternative routes to it have been added. Not much else, most of the work on this one was behind the scenes making the archviles behave.

map 9: The battle is now triggered by either by making a noise or by opening the big door. All the standalone bookshelves are now lifts with obvious switches, and there are fewer of them to give the player more space.

map 10: Redid the combat in the first part of the map and adjusted the layout in the final section to make it a bit simpler and more roomy. The baron snipers are now crushed instead of telefragged, and the final onslaught is a bit more organised.

map 11: Some rooms and corridors have been enlarged to make them less cramped. All rockets have been replaced with plasma, and there's no more invul, soz. The "cyber crusher" can now be stopped and started, though I think you'd have to be lucky to catch the cyber with it.

map 12: Redid most of the combat and re-engineered the random spawning mechanism to make it more random. Progression has been streamlined into basically one big battle, and the layout has been slightly improved. Also, toilet.

map 13: Redid (and mostly got rid of) the combat on the first descent of the stairs. The second descent is largely the same, but I moved the secret to the ground floor so you can't miss it. The final battle a bit more survivable now.

map 14: Made the progression more speedy and a lot less obscure. I also added 2 new routes to the final battle and got rid of those weird monster spawners. The mastermind has had its health reduced.

map 15: Combat is largely unchanged, other than slightly less monsters in the attack waves. The main difference is the new path to the secret exit. I'll say no more about that.

map 16: The upper floors have been widened and their gameplay has mostly been redone. I also added side lifts to the upper floors so there is more choice for where to go. The switches have gone, and instead the final battle is triggered by killing all the arachnotrons in the magic circles.

map 17: This map has had extensive layout and combat changes. The central area and northern corridor are largely redone, the circular room has been replaced by the archvile tomb, and anything that hasnt been changed has been widened to improve navigation. The final battle is now more organised and less random.

map 18: Not much different, except the enemy waves can now be triggered manually (they will still activate themselves on a timer). The central area has been slightly modified to make it less awkward, and revenant snipers have been culled.

map 19: RIP pain elemental section. This is now 100 mega hurts, and the PEs have been bannished to easy mode. Most of the secret areas are no longer secret, and I added a comedy archvile crusher, just for fun.

map 20: The layout has been slightly adjusted and both cybers are now auto triggered at once. The caco/arachnotron enemy waves have been rearranged to create a bit more chaos, and there are extra imps to make things extra confusing.

map 21: All crushers are now slow crushers, and the progression has been simplified. I added a new room for the red key, and whats this? A rocket launcher? In a tyson map? Well its up to you if you want to use it. I would.

map 22: This map has had a lot of work done to it, pretty much every enemy encounter has been changed in some way, and the layout has been extensively altered.

map 23: I removed 2 of the skull keys and streamlined the layout in places, adding more connectivity and removing a couple of annoying corridors. The mastermind health has been lowered somewhat. Also, a super secret "turbo mode" has been added, if you can find it. Its not for the faint-hearted, though.

map 24: There were some minor accessibility adjustments made in the starting room, and the mastermind is now a bit more friendly. The cyber onslaught has been tweaked to hopefully make it a bit more consistent, and the final wave of enemies that appears as you exit is no more. It was only there to prevent players leaving early, there's an alternative deterent in place for that now.

map 25: Big improvements to navigation in this map, with less awkward geometry and generally more elbow room everywhere. Combat has been streamlined and some of the "forbidden fruits" have been removed. The final battle is now less archvile nonsense and more caco cloud.

map 26: Combat for the pre-transformation section has been reduced to mostly imps to help speed it up. The mid section is largely the same but with less annoying snipers, and the pillars don't get in the way any more. The yellow key caco wave has been replaced with a ground based assault. The edges of the map now wrap around pacman style, allowing for more creative pathing, perhaps. You might find a toilet, if you look hard enough.

map 27: This map is pretty different now. The layout and combat have been greatly altered to make navigation more fluid and encourage a more aggressive style of play. Also I got rid of the invul and added some windows with a nice view outside.

map 28: The barons at the start have disappeared. I also removed the bfg ambush, it was duplicated later anyway. The blue key switch is gone as well, instead the final enemy wave is triggered on a timer after lowering the key. It can also be triggered manually by approaching the exit. There are secret escape teleporters in the two bunkers which might come in handy.

map 29: The boss now starts in its final form. I added new entrances for spawning mobs and got rid of the archviles.

map 30: Triggering the appearance of the key has been simplified, and the front door opens a bit earlier now. There might also be some other stuff...

map 31: Some of the stairs have been widened and made less steep. I got rid of the cacodemons on the final section so you can now see where you are going. The final fight is a little more organised with less archvile nonsense to deal with.

map 32: Ok, this one is pretty different. First there is no BFG. Yeah, you heard that right. The tomatoes have been pre-squashed though, so you'll be ok. The combat has been more or less completely redone, and you can now teleport from roof to roof in both directions. Oh and there's no secret invul either.

Co-op: I've added an escape button in the elevator for each map, so hopefully that will stop co-op players getting trapped by hoards of monsters blocking the door (all elevator doors are monster blocking now). The escape button will appear after a certain point in the map has been reached.

Going Down Turbo - 10th birthday special edition - RC1-7 (2025)
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Author: Ouida Strosin DO

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Name: Ouida Strosin DO

Birthday: 1995-04-27

Address: Suite 927 930 Kilback Radial, Candidaville, TN 87795

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Job: Legacy Manufacturing Specialist

Hobby: Singing, Mountain biking, Water sports, Water sports, Taxidermy, Polo, Pet

Introduction: My name is Ouida Strosin DO, I am a precious, combative, spotless, modern, spotless, beautiful, precious person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.