Special buildings - CK3 Wiki (2024)

Many Counties in the game feature slots for Special Buildings. This is in addition to any Building or Duchy Building slot that the county may have. Each Barony in the game only has 1 Special Building. Almost all of these buildings are considered a point-of-interest for traveling characters and will grant lifestyle experience the first time they are visited per character.

Holy buildings can only be constructed in a Faith's holy sites by Feudal or Clan Rulers and can only be used if the county owner's faith considers the barony a holy site. All holy buildings require 1000 Special buildings - CK3 Wiki (1)Gold and 6 years to be completed. Holy buildings can be used as destination for University Visit activities. Visiting a barony with a holy building as part of an activity travel will grant 100 Learning Lifestyle Experience regardless of faith.

BuildingHolding effectsCounty effectsRealm effectsReligionDescriptionGrand Cathedral
Special buildings - CK3 Wiki (5) +2.0 Monthly Tax
  • Special buildings - CK3 Wiki (6) +20% Holding Taxes
  • Special buildings - CK3 Wiki (7) +20% Monthly Development
  • Special buildings - CK3 Wiki (8) +0.15 Monthly Development
  • Special buildings - CK3 Wiki (9) +0.2 Monthly Piety
  • Special buildings - CK3 Wiki (10) +5% Monthly Renown
  • Special buildings - CK3 Wiki (11) -15% Holy Order Hire Cost
  • Special buildings - CK3 Wiki (12) +5% Monthly Control
  • Special buildings - CK3 Wiki (13) +5 Clergy Opinion
Special buildings - CK3 Wiki (14) ChristianityThe Holy Site in this area attracts Christian pilgrims from all around the known world. The grand cathedral is not just a marvel of engineering and beauty, but also a safe haven for travelers and a prestigious monument to its sponsor.Grand Mosque
Special buildings - CK3 Wiki (16) +2 Monthly Tax
  • Special buildings - CK3 Wiki (17) +20% Holding Taxes
  • Special buildings - CK3 Wiki (18) +20% Monthly Development
  • Special buildings - CK3 Wiki (19) +0.1 Monthly Development
  • Special buildings - CK3 Wiki (20) +0.25 Monthly Piety
  • Special buildings - CK3 Wiki (21) +5% Monthly Renown
  • Special buildings - CK3 Wiki (22) +5% Monthly Control
  • Special buildings - CK3 Wiki (23) +15% Levy Reinforcement Rate (same Faith)
  • Special buildings - CK3 Wiki (24) +15% Domain Taxes (different Faith)
Special buildings - CK3 Wiki (25) IslamThe Holy Site in this area is a popular destination for devout pilgrims. The grand mosque gives them a place to pray, rest and pay homage before continuing their journey. Its beautiful domes and great intricate spires signal the greatness of god for all to see.Great Fire Temple
Special buildings - CK3 Wiki (27) +2 Monthly Tax
  • Special buildings - CK3 Wiki (28) +20% Holding Taxes
  • Special buildings - CK3 Wiki (29) +20% Monthly Development
  • Special buildings - CK3 Wiki (30) +0.1 Monthly Development
  • Special buildings - CK3 Wiki (31) +0.2 Monthly Piety
  • Special buildings - CK3 Wiki (32) +5% Monthly Renown
  • Special buildings - CK3 Wiki (33) +5% Monthly Control
  • Special buildings - CK3 Wiki (34) +15% Different Faith Domain Taxes
  • Special buildings - CK3 Wiki (35) +15% Same Faith Levy Reinforcement Rate
Special buildings - CK3 Wiki (36) ZoroastrianismInside this grand edifice burns an Atash Behram, a Fire of Victory, the greatest and purest of all flames, gathered from lightning, royal candles, cremation pyres, goldsmiths' furnaces and ascetics' hearths. Pilgrims from far away lands come to behold this wonder, while the magi perform seemingly unending purification rites.Grand Temple
Special buildings - CK3 Wiki (38) +2 Monthly Tax
  • Special buildings - CK3 Wiki (39) +20% Holding Taxes
  • Special buildings - CK3 Wiki (40) +20% Monthly Development
  • Special buildings - CK3 Wiki (41) +0.1 Monthly Development
  • Special buildings - CK3 Wiki (42) +0.25 Monthly Piety
  • Special buildings - CK3 Wiki (43) +5% Monthly Renown
  • Special buildings - CK3 Wiki (44) +5% Monthly Control
  • Special buildings - CK3 Wiki (45) +5 Different Faith Opinion
  • Special buildings - CK3 Wiki (46) -15% Different Faith Popular Opinion
  • Special buildings - CK3 Wiki (47) Buddhism
  • Special buildings - CK3 Wiki (48) Hinduism
  • Special buildings - CK3 Wiki (49) Jainism
  • Special buildings - CK3 Wiki (50) Tibetan
  • Special buildings - CK3 Wiki (51) Tanism
The Holy Site in this area attracts scores of humble pilgrims seeking to cleanse their souls. The grand temple is covered from foundation to spire with statues and idols to the gods, retelling ancient legends and the lifes of noble prophets.Grand Temple
Special buildings - CK3 Wiki (53) +2 Monthly Tax
  • Special buildings - CK3 Wiki (54) +20% Holding Taxes
  • Special buildings - CK3 Wiki (55) +20% Monthly Development
  • Special buildings - CK3 Wiki (56) +0.1 Monthly Development
  • Special buildings - CK3 Wiki (57) +0.25 Monthly Piety
  • Special buildings - CK3 Wiki (58) +5% Monthly Renown
  • Special buildings - CK3 Wiki (59) +5% Monthly Control
  • Special buildings - CK3 Wiki (60) -2.50% Men-at-Arms Maintenance
  • Special buildings - CK3 Wiki (61) -10% Short Reign Opinion
  • Special buildings - CK3 Wiki (62) Dualism
  • Special buildings - CK3 Wiki (63) Miletê Tawûsê Melek
  • Special buildings - CK3 Wiki (64) Judaism
  • Special buildings - CK3 Wiki (65) Taoism
The Holy Site in this area is a meeting point for the devout and dedicated. The grand temple stands as a noble tribute to the higher powers, its walls and domes smoothed and painted in resplendent colors that honor the divine.Grand Temple
  • Special buildings - CK3 Wiki (67) +1 Monthly Tax
  • Special buildings - CK3 Wiki (68) +500 Levies
  • Special buildings - CK3 Wiki (69) +10% Levy Size
  • Special buildings - CK3 Wiki (70) +10% Holding Taxes
  • Special buildings - CK3 Wiki (71) +20% Monthly Development
  • Special buildings - CK3 Wiki (72) +0.1 Monthly Development
  • Special buildings - CK3 Wiki (73) +0.25 Monthly Piety
  • Special buildings - CK3 Wiki (74) +5% Monthly Renown
  • Special buildings - CK3 Wiki (75) +5% Monthly Control
  • Special buildings - CK3 Wiki (76) +15% Knight Effectiveness
  • Special buildings - CK3 Wiki (77) +10% Levy Reinforcement Rate
Special buildings - CK3 Wiki (78) All PaganThe Holy Site in this area attracts the faithful in droves. The grand temple is covered in ornate carvings displaying heroic deeds by gods and demi-gods alike. Massive bonfires send plumes of smoke upwards to the gods themselves, with holy men administering blessings to all who venerate the spirits.

Historical holy buildings are constructed in the place of regular holy buildings in certain baronies.

Universities can be used as destination for University Visit activities. The also increase the quality of sponsored Book inspirations. They do not require any innovation to be constructed, but the county must have a Special buildings - CK3 Wiki (80)development of 30 or higher, and builder must be Duke or higher with at least Special buildings - CK3 Wiki (81)Exalted among Men fame. Visiting a barony with a university as part of an activity will grant 100 Learning Lifestyle Experience.

BuildingCounty effectsRealm effectsBaronyConstructedDescriptionUniversity
  • Special buildings - CK3 Wiki (84) +10% Monthly Development
  • Special buildings - CK3 Wiki (85) +0.1 Monthly Development
  • Special buildings - CK3 Wiki (86) +0.25 Monthly Renown
  • +10% Monthly Lifestyle Experience
  • Special buildings - CK3 Wiki (88) +1 Learning per Level of Fame
  • Special buildings - CK3 Wiki (89) +5% Cultural Fascination Progress
  • Anuradhapura
  • Barcelona
  • Bidar
  • Bologna
  • Cambridge
  • Coimbra
  • Dumbarton
  • Ferrara
  • Fes
  • Janakpur
  • Kanchipuram
  • Krakow
  • Leipzig
  • Madrid
  • Malappuram
  • Messina
  • Milan
  • Naples
  • Oxford
  • Padua
  • Pisa
  • Prague
  • Qartajana
  • Rostock
  • Salamanca
  • Sarsar
  • Somapur
  • Speyer
  • Srinagara
  • Turin
  • Ujjayini
  • Uppsala
  • Valabhi
  • Vienna
  • Wazwan
  • Anuradhapura
  • Kanchipuram
  • Somapur
  • Srinagara
  • Ujjayini
  • Valabhi
A university is a place of higher learning, reserved for those of good standing and wealth who are deemed worthy enough. It attracts scholars and scientists who debate, study, scribe, and ultimately pool their knowledge within its walls.Nalanda University
  • Special buildings - CK3 Wiki (91) +20% Monthly Development
  • Special buildings - CK3 Wiki (92) +0.3 Monthly Development
  • Special buildings - CK3 Wiki (93) +0.25 Monthly Renown
  • +10% Monthly Lifestyle Experience
  • Special buildings - CK3 Wiki (95) +1 Stewardship per Level of Fame
  • Special buildings - CK3 Wiki (96) +1 Learning per Level of Fame
  • Special buildings - CK3 Wiki (97) +5% Cultural Fascination Progress
PataliputraSpecial buildings - CK3 Wiki (98)The Nalanda University is an important seat of Vedic scholarship and attracts students from as far away as Tibet and China.Al-Azhar University
  • Special buildings - CK3 Wiki (100) +20% Monthly Development
  • Special buildings - CK3 Wiki (101) +0.3 Monthly Development
  • Special buildings - CK3 Wiki (102) +0.25 Monthly Renown
  • +10% Monthly Lifestyle Experience
  • Special buildings - CK3 Wiki (104) +1 Diplomacy per Level of Fame
  • Special buildings - CK3 Wiki (105) +1 Learning per Level of Fame
  • Special buildings - CK3 Wiki (106) +5% Cultural Fascination Progress
Cairo1066The Al-Azhar University is named in honor of Fatimah, the daughter of Muhammad, who was often called 'al-Zahra' (the Luminous).The University of Sankoré
  • Special buildings - CK3 Wiki (108) +20% Monthly Development
  • Special buildings - CK3 Wiki (109) +0.3 Monthly Development
  • Special buildings - CK3 Wiki (110) +0.25 Monthly Renown
  • +10% Monthly Lifestyle Experience
  • Special buildings - CK3 Wiki (112) +1 Martial per Level of Fame
  • Special buildings - CK3 Wiki (113) +1 Learning per Level of Fame
  • Special buildings - CK3 Wiki (114) +5% Cultural Fascination Progress
Tirakka1066The University of Sankoré, which started out as a Mosque, transformed into a center of learning after acquiring a wealth of books from traveling merchants.The University of Siena
  • Special buildings - CK3 Wiki (116) +20% Monthly Development
  • Special buildings - CK3 Wiki (117) +0.3 Monthly Development
  • Special buildings - CK3 Wiki (118) +0.25 Monthly Renown
  • +10% Monthly Lifestyle Experience
  • Special buildings - CK3 Wiki (120) +1 Intrigue per Level of Fame
  • Special buildings - CK3 Wiki (121) +1 Learning per Level of Fame
SienaSpecial buildings - CK3 Wiki (122)The University of Siena and the maestri who serve within are entirely funded by taxes from Siena itself, more specifically a tax imposed on those who rents rooms to its students.

Historical buildings are unique buildings, both ancient and those built during the middle ages which have to be constructed, located in predetermined Baronies on the map. Some historical buildings are represented with 3D models on the map. Some historical buildings may only be constructed by characters of a certain religion and become disabled if captured by someone of another religion.

BuildingHolding effectsCounty effectsRealm effectsBaronyRequired innovationRequired religionArk of Bukhara
  • Special buildings - CK3 Wiki (124) +10% Stationed Men-at-Arms Damage
  • Special buildings - CK3 Wiki (125) +10% Stationed Men-at-Arms Toughness
  • Special buildings - CK3 Wiki (126) +4 Fort Level
  • Special buildings - CK3 Wiki (127) +6 Defender Advantage
  • Special buildings - CK3 Wiki (128) +500 Garrison
  • Special buildings - CK3 Wiki (129) +25% Hostile Raid Time
  • Special buildings - CK3 Wiki (130) +10% Monthly Development
  • Special buildings - CK3 Wiki (131) +0.10 Monthly Development
  • Special buildings - CK3 Wiki (132) +5% Monthly Renown
  • Special buildings - CK3 Wiki (133) -25% Attrition Taken in Drylands
BukharaAlways constructedAnyBuddhas of Bamiyan
  • Special buildings - CK3 Wiki (135) +10% Holding Taxes
  • Special buildings - CK3 Wiki (136) +75% Monthly Development
  • Special buildings - CK3 Wiki (137) +0.30 Monthly Development
  • Special buildings - CK3 Wiki (138) +1 Diplomacy per Level of Devotion
  • Special buildings - CK3 Wiki (139) +10% Monthly Piety
BamiyanAlways constructedSpecial buildings - CK3 Wiki (140) Any EasternCity Walls of Toledo
  • Special buildings - CK3 Wiki (142) +2 Fort Level
  • Special buildings - CK3 Wiki (143) +25% Garrison Size
  • Special buildings - CK3 Wiki (144) -20 Danger
  • Special buildings - CK3 Wiki (145) +50% Hostile Raid Time
  • Special buildings - CK3 Wiki (146) +10% Holding Taxes
  • Special buildings - CK3 Wiki (147) +5 Defender Advantage
  • Special buildings - CK3 Wiki (148) +10% Monthly Development
  • Special buildings - CK3 Wiki (149) +0.30 Monthly Development
Madīnat al-MulūkAlways constructedAnyDanevirke
  • Special buildings - CK3 Wiki (151) +5% Stationed Men-at-Arms Toughness
  • Special buildings - CK3 Wiki (152) +5 Defender Advantage
  • Hedeby
  • Husumbro
Always constructedAnyDoge's Palace
  • Special buildings - CK3 Wiki (154) +5 Monthly Tax
  • Special buildings - CK3 Wiki (155) +3 Fort Level
  • Special buildings - CK3 Wiki (156) +100% Levy Size
  • Special buildings - CK3 Wiki (157) +100% Garrison Size
  • Special buildings - CK3 Wiki (158) +10 Defender Advantage
  • Special buildings - CK3 Wiki (159) -20 Danger
  • Special buildings - CK3 Wiki (160) +50% Hostile Raid Time
  • Special buildings - CK3 Wiki (161) +30% Monthly Development
  • Special buildings - CK3 Wiki (162) +0.50 Monthly Development
VeneziaAlways constructedAnyFalak-ol-Aflak
  • Special buildings - CK3 Wiki (164) +20% Stationed Men-at-Arms Damage
  • Special buildings - CK3 Wiki (165) +20% Stationed Men-at-Arms Toughness
  • Special buildings - CK3 Wiki (166) +4 Fort Level
  • Special buildings - CK3 Wiki (167) +6 Defender Advantage
  • Special buildings - CK3 Wiki (168) +10% Siege Weapon Effectiveness
  • Special buildings - CK3 Wiki (169) +500 Garrison
  • Special buildings - CK3 Wiki (170) +15% Holding Taxes
  • Special buildings - CK3 Wiki (171) +0.5 Monthly Control
  • Special buildings - CK3 Wiki (172) +10 Popular Opinion
Special buildings - CK3 Wiki (173) -50% Attrition Taken in Desert MountainsDez-e-SīāhAlways constructedAnyFarum Brigantium
Special buildings - CK3 Wiki (175) +1 Monthly Tax
  • Special buildings - CK3 Wiki (176) -25% Embarkation Cost
  • Special buildings - CK3 Wiki (177) +25% Naval Speed
A CorunnãAlways constructedAnyGreat Mosque of Samarra
  • Special buildings - CK3 Wiki (179) +20% Holding Taxes
  • Special buildings - CK3 Wiki (180) +20% Monthly Development
  • Special buildings - CK3 Wiki (181) +0.30 Monthly Development
  • Special buildings - CK3 Wiki (182) +0.3 Monthly Piety
  • Special buildings - CK3 Wiki (183) +5% Monthly Renown
  • Special buildings - CK3 Wiki (184) -10% Building Construction Time
  • Special buildings - CK3 Wiki (185) -10% Building Construction Gold Cost
SamarraAlways constructedSpecial buildings - CK3 Wiki (186) MuslimGreat Wall of Gorgan
  • Special buildings - CK3 Wiki (188) +1 Fort Level
  • Special buildings - CK3 Wiki (189) +25% Hostile Raid Time
  • Special buildings - CK3 Wiki (190) +25% Garrison Size
  • Special buildings - CK3 Wiki (191) -10% Building Construction Cost
  • Abaskun
  • Bakrabad
Always constructedAnyHadrian's Wall
Special buildings - CK3 Wiki (193) -10% Building Construction Gold Cost
  • Bebbanburg
  • Carleol
  • Hexham
  • Whitehaven
Always constructedAnyHouse of Wisdom
  • Special buildings - CK3 Wiki (195) +20% Holding Taxes
  • Special buildings - CK3 Wiki (196) +20% Monthly Development
  • Special buildings - CK3 Wiki (197) +0.30 Monthly Development
  • Special buildings - CK3 Wiki (198) +1 Learning per Level of Fame
  • Special buildings - CK3 Wiki (199) +5% Monthly Renown
  • +15% Monthly Lifestyle Experience
  • Special buildings - CK3 Wiki (201) +10 Different Culture Opinion
  • Special buildings - CK3 Wiki (202) +10% Cultural Fascination Progress
  • Special buildings - CK3 Wiki (203) -20% Faith Creation and Reformation Cost
BaghdadAlways constructedAnyIron Pillar of Delhi
  • Special buildings - CK3 Wiki (205) +10% Monthly Development
  • Special buildings - CK3 Wiki (206) +0.20 Monthly Development
  • Special buildings - CK3 Wiki (207) +5% Monthly Prestige
  • Special buildings - CK3 Wiki (208) +5% Monthly Renown
  • Special buildings - CK3 Wiki (209) -5% Army Maintenance
  • Special buildings - CK3 Wiki (210) +10% Heavy Infantry Toughness
  • Special buildings - CK3 Wiki (211) +10% Heavy Cavalry Toughness
IndraprasthaAlways constructedAnyLake Maharloo
  • Special buildings - CK3 Wiki (213) +60% Monthly Development
  • Special buildings - CK3 Wiki (214) +0.10 Monthly Development
  • Special buildings - CK3 Wiki (215) +5 Popular Opinion
  • Special buildings - CK3 Wiki (216) +1 Learning
  • Special buildings - CK3 Wiki (217) +10% Stress Loss
Shiraz-FarsiAlways constructedAnyMount Damavand
Special buildings - CK3 Wiki (219) +20% Stationed Men-at-Arms Toughness
  • Special buildings - CK3 Wiki (220) +30% Monthly Development
  • Special buildings - CK3 Wiki (221) -30 Danger
  • Special buildings - CK3 Wiki (222) +50% Levy Size in Mountains
  • Special buildings - CK3 Wiki (223) +10% Stress Loss
  • Special buildings - CK3 Wiki (224) -10 Mountains Danger
FirrimAlways constructedAnyOffa's Dyke
  • Special buildings - CK3 Wiki (226) +5% Stationed Men-at-Arms Toughness
  • Special buildings - CK3 Wiki (227) +5 Defender Advantage
  • Chester
  • Clifford
  • Clun
  • Hereford
  • Shrewsbury
  • Wigmore
Always constructedAnyPalace of Aachen
Special buildings - CK3 Wiki (229) +0.30 Monthly Development
  • Special buildings - CK3 Wiki (230) +0.10 Monthly Prestige per Powerful Vassal on the Council
  • Special buildings - CK3 Wiki (231) +5% Monthly Renown
  • Special buildings - CK3 Wiki (232) -20% Tyranny Gain
  • Special buildings - CK3 Wiki (233) +5 Clergy Opinion
  • Special buildings - CK3 Wiki (234) +5 Powerful Vassal Opinion
AachenAlways constructedAnyPetra
Special buildings - CK3 Wiki (236) +0.8 Monthly Tax
  • Special buildings - CK3 Wiki (237) +25% Supply Limit
  • Special buildings - CK3 Wiki (238) +10% Holding Taxes
  • Special buildings - CK3 Wiki (239) +15% Monthly Development
  • Special buildings - CK3 Wiki (240) +0.20 Monthly Development
Baidha-PetraAlways constructedAnyRainbow Mountains
  • Special buildings - CK3 Wiki (242) Increased Hunt Sighting Chance
  • Special buildings - CK3 Wiki (243) Increased Hunt Success Chance
  • Special buildings - CK3 Wiki (244) +10% Holding Taxes
  • Special buildings - CK3 Wiki (245) +20% Monthly Development
Special buildings - CK3 Wiki (246) +1 DiplomacyAharAlways constructedAnyRock of Gibraltar
  • Special buildings - CK3 Wiki (248) +1 Fort Level
  • Special buildings - CK3 Wiki (249) +2 Defender Advantage
Special buildings - CK3 Wiki (250) +10% Monthly Development
  • Special buildings - CK3 Wiki (251) +1 Stewardship
  • Special buildings - CK3 Wiki (252) +20% Diplomatic Range
AlgecirasAlways constructedAnyRoman Walls of Lugo
  • Special buildings - CK3 Wiki (254) +1 Fort Level
  • Special buildings - CK3 Wiki (255) +1.0 Monthly Tax
  • Special buildings - CK3 Wiki (256) +10% Garrison Size
  • Special buildings - CK3 Wiki (257) -10 Danger
  • Special buildings - CK3 Wiki (258) +1 Learning
  • Special buildings - CK3 Wiki (259) +5% Monthly Renown
  • Special buildings - CK3 Wiki (260) +1 Learning
  • Special buildings - CK3 Wiki (261) +5% Monthly Renown
LugoAlways constructedAnySanctruary of Imim Reza
Special buildings - CK3 Wiki (263) +2.0 Monthly Tax
  • Special buildings - CK3 Wiki (264) +15% Holding Taxes
  • Special buildings - CK3 Wiki (265) +55% Monthly Development
  • Special buildings - CK3 Wiki (266) +1 Learning per Level of Devotion
  • Special buildings - CK3 Wiki (267) +0.2 Monthly Piety
  • Special buildings - CK3 Wiki (268) +5% Monthly Renown
  • Special buildings - CK3 Wiki (269) +5 Advantage against co-religionists
  • Special buildings - CK3 Wiki (270) +10 Imamism Opinion
TusAlways constructedSpecial buildings - CK3 Wiki (271) MuslimShwedagon Pagoda
Special buildings - CK3 Wiki (273) +2.0 Monthly Tax
  • Special buildings - CK3 Wiki (274) +20% Holding Taxes
  • Special buildings - CK3 Wiki (275) +20% Monthly Development
  • Special buildings - CK3 Wiki (276) +0.30 Monthly Development
  • Special buildings - CK3 Wiki (277) +0.5 Monthly Piety
  • Special buildings - CK3 Wiki (278) +5% Monthly Renown
  • Special buildings - CK3 Wiki (279) -10% Tyranny Gain
  • Special buildings - CK3 Wiki (280) +5 Clergy Opinion
DagonAlways constructedSpecial buildings - CK3 Wiki (281) Any EasternStonehenge
  • Special buildings - CK3 Wiki (283) +2 Learning
  • Special buildings - CK3 Wiki (284) -20% Faith Conversion Cost
  • +15% Monthly Learning Lifestyle Experience
SalisburyAlways constructedAnyThe Colosseum
Special buildings - CK3 Wiki (287) -10% Building Construction TimeSpecial buildings - CK3 Wiki (288) -5% Army MaintenanceRomeAlways constructedAnyThe Friday Mosque
  • Special buildings - CK3 Wiki (290) +20% Holding Taxes
  • Special buildings - CK3 Wiki (291) +25% Monthly Development
  • Special buildings - CK3 Wiki (292) +0.30 Monthly Development
Special buildings - CK3 Wiki (293) +50% Level of Devotion impact

Special buildings - CK3 Wiki (294) +5% Monthly Renown

IsfahanAlways constructed
  • Special buildings - CK3 Wiki (295) Muslim
  • Special buildings - CK3 Wiki (296) Zoroastrian
The Great Mosque of Cordoba
Special buildings - CK3 Wiki (298) +3.0 Monthly Tax
  • Special buildings - CK3 Wiki (299) +15% Holding Taxes
  • Special buildings - CK3 Wiki (300) +15% Levy Size
  • Special buildings - CK3 Wiki (301) +20% Monthly Development
  • Special buildings - CK3 Wiki (302) +0.15 Monthly Development
  • Special buildings - CK3 Wiki (303) +0.5 Monthly Piety
  • Special buildings - CK3 Wiki (304) +5% Monthly Renown
  • Special buildings - CK3 Wiki (305) +5 Different Culture Opinion
  • Special buildings - CK3 Wiki (306) +0.2 Monthly Development in Realm Capital
QurtubahAlways constructed
  • Special buildings - CK3 Wiki (307) Christian
  • Special buildings - CK3 Wiki (308) Muslim
The Pyramids
Special buildings - CK3 Wiki (310) +0.20 Monthly Development
  • Special buildings - CK3 Wiki (311) +5% Monthly Renown
  • Special buildings - CK3 Wiki (312) -20% Short Reign Opinion
GizehAlways constructedAnyTomb of Batsheba
Special buildings - CK3 Wiki (314) +1.0 Monthly TaxSpecial buildings - CK3 Wiki (315) +0.5 Monthly Control
  • ler Opinion
  • Special buildings - CK3 Wiki (316) +0.25 Disease Resistance
  • Special buildings - CK3 Wiki (317) +5% Monthly Renown
  • Special buildings - CK3 Wiki (318) +10 Close Family Opinion
IstakhrAlways constructedAnyWalls of Genoa
  • Special buildings - CK3 Wiki (320) +3.0 Monthly Tax
  • Special buildings - CK3 Wiki (321) +2 Fort Level
  • Special buildings - CK3 Wiki (322) +25% Garrison Size
  • Special buildings - CK3 Wiki (323) -20 Danger
  • Special buildings - CK3 Wiki (324) +50% Hostile Raid Time
  • Special buildings - CK3 Wiki (325) +5 Defender Advantage
  • Special buildings - CK3 Wiki (326) +10% Monthly Development
  • Special buildings - CK3 Wiki (327) +0.30 Monthly Development
GenoaAlways constructedAnyDome of the Rock
Special buildings - CK3 Wiki (329) +3.0 Monthly Tax
  • Special buildings - CK3 Wiki (330) +30% Holding Taxes
  • Special buildings - CK3 Wiki (331) +30% Monthly Development
  • Special buildings - CK3 Wiki (332) +0.30 Monthly Development
  • Special buildings - CK3 Wiki (333) +1 Martial per Level of Devotion
  • Special buildings - CK3 Wiki (334) +3% Monthly Piety per Knight
  • Special buildings - CK3 Wiki (335) +5% Monthly Renown
  • Special buildings - CK3 Wiki (336) +20% Knight Effectiveness
  • Special buildings - CK3 Wiki (337) +10% Monthly Control
  • Special buildings - CK3 Wiki (338) Jewish faiths can convert the building to use it
JerusalemAlways constructed
  • Special buildings - CK3 Wiki (339) Christian
  • Special buildings - CK3 Wiki (340) Muslim
Hagia Sophia Cathedral
Special buildings - CK3 Wiki (342) +20% Monthly Development
  • Special buildings - CK3 Wiki (343) +2 Learning
  • Special buildings - CK3 Wiki (344) +2 Intrigue per Level of Fame
  • Special buildings - CK3 Wiki (345) +0.1 Monthly Piety per Knight
  • Special buildings - CK3 Wiki (346) +5% Monthly Renown
  • Special buildings - CK3 Wiki (347) +2 Number of Knights
  • Special buildings - CK3 Wiki (348) +20% Knight Effectiveness
  • Special buildings - CK3 Wiki (349) Muslim faiths can convert the building to use it
ConstantinopleAlways constructedSpecial buildings - CK3 Wiki (350) ChristianAljafería
  • Special buildings - CK3 Wiki (352) +20% Stationed Men-at-Arms Damage
  • Special buildings - CK3 Wiki (353) +20% Stationed Men-at-Arms Toughness
  • Special buildings - CK3 Wiki (354) +4 Fort Level
  • Special buildings - CK3 Wiki (355) +6 Defender Advantage
  • Special buildings - CK3 Wiki (356) -20 Danger
  • Special buildings - CK3 Wiki (357) +40% Siege Weapon Effectiveness
  • Special buildings - CK3 Wiki (358) +500 Garrison
  • Special buildings - CK3 Wiki (359) +5% Holding Taxes
  • Special buildings - CK3 Wiki (360) +0.5 Monthly Control
  • Special buildings - CK3 Wiki (361) +1 Diplomacy per Level of Fame
  • Special buildings - CK3 Wiki (362) +5% Monthly Renown
  • Hoardings
  • Always constructed in 1066
AnyBrihadeeswarar Temple
  • Special buildings - CK3 Wiki (365) +20% Holding Taxes
  • Special buildings - CK3 Wiki (366) +20% Monthly Development
  • Special buildings - CK3 Wiki (367) +0.20 Monthly Development
  • Special buildings - CK3 Wiki (368) +1 Stewardship per Level of Devotion
  • Special buildings - CK3 Wiki (369) +0.2 Monthly Piety
  • Special buildings - CK3 Wiki (370) +5% Monthly Renown
  • Special buildings - CK3 Wiki (371) +5 Same Faith Opinion
  • Manorialism
  • Always constructed in 1066
Special buildings - CK3 Wiki (373) Any EasternGolden Gate of Kyiv
  • Special buildings - CK3 Wiki (375) +2 Fort Level
  • Special buildings - CK3 Wiki (376) +2 Defender Advantage
  • Special buildings - CK3 Wiki (377) -20 Danger
  • Special buildings - CK3 Wiki (378) +250 Garrison
  • Special buildings - CK3 Wiki (379) +10% Holding Taxes
  • Special buildings - CK3 Wiki (380) +10% Monthly Development
  • Special buildings - CK3 Wiki (381) +0.1 Monthly Development
  • Special buildings - CK3 Wiki (382) +10% Monthly Piety
  • Special buildings - CK3 Wiki (383) +10% Monthly Prestige
  • Battlements
  • Always constructed in 1066
AnyIron Pillar of Dhar
  • Special buildings - CK3 Wiki (386) +0.1 Monthly Development
  • Special buildings - CK3 Wiki (387) +15% Levy Size
  • Special buildings - CK3 Wiki (388) +0.20 Monthly Development
  • Special buildings - CK3 Wiki (389) +5% Monthly Renown
  • Special buildings - CK3 Wiki (390) +5 Advantage
  • None
  • Always constructed in 1066
AnyTemple City
Special buildings - CK3 Wiki (392) +1.5 Monthly Tax
  • Special buildings - CK3 Wiki (393) +20% Holding Taxes
  • Special buildings - CK3 Wiki (394) +20% Monthly Development
  • Special buildings - CK3 Wiki (395) +0.30 Monthly Development
  • Special buildings - CK3 Wiki (396) +5% Monthly Piety per Powerful Vassal on the Council
  • Special buildings - CK3 Wiki (397) +10 Different Faith Opinion
  • Special buildings - CK3 Wiki (398) -20% Faith Conversion Cost
  • None
  • Always constructed in 1066
Special buildings - CK3 Wiki (399) Any EasternAlcázar of Segovia
  • Special buildings - CK3 Wiki (401) +20% Stationed Men-at-Arms Damage
  • Special buildings - CK3 Wiki (402) +20% Stationed Men-at-Arms Toughness
  • Special buildings - CK3 Wiki (403) +4 Fort Level
  • Special buildings - CK3 Wiki (404) +6 Defender Advantage
  • Special buildings - CK3 Wiki (405) -20 Danger
  • Special buildings - CK3 Wiki (406) +10% Siege Weapon Effectiveness
  • Special buildings - CK3 Wiki (407) +500 Garrison
  • Special buildings - CK3 Wiki (408) +5% Holding Taxes
  • Special buildings - CK3 Wiki (409) +0.5 Monthly Control
  • Special buildings - CK3 Wiki (410) +1 Martial per Level of Fame
  • Special buildings - CK3 Wiki (411) +5% Monthly Renown
SegoviaHoardingsAnyAnanda Temple
Special buildings - CK3 Wiki (414) +3.0 Monthly Tax
  • Special buildings - CK3 Wiki (415) +20% Monthly Development
  • Special buildings - CK3 Wiki (416) +0.20 Monthly Development
  • Special buildings - CK3 Wiki (417) +2 Learning
  • Special buildings - CK3 Wiki (418) +5% Monthly Piety
  • Special buildings - CK3 Wiki (419) +5% Monthly Renown
  • Special buildings - CK3 Wiki (420) +10% Monthly Control
  • Special buildings - CK3 Wiki (421) +5 Popular Opinion
PaganNoneSpecial buildings - CK3 Wiki (422) Any EasternCathedral of Santiago de Compostela
Special buildings - CK3 Wiki (424) +3.0 Monthly Tax
  • Special buildings - CK3 Wiki (425) +30% Holding Taxes
  • Special buildings - CK3 Wiki (426) +20% Monthly Development
  • Special buildings - CK3 Wiki (427) +0.20 Monthly Development
  • Special buildings - CK3 Wiki (428) +0.2 Monthly Piety
  • Special buildings - CK3 Wiki (429) +5% Monthly Renown
  • Special buildings - CK3 Wiki (430) -15% Holy Order Hire Cost
  • Special buildings - CK3 Wiki (431) +5 Clergy Opinion
  • Special buildings - CK3 Wiki (432) +20% Learn Language Scheme Power
  • Special buildings - CK3 Wiki (433) Christian
  • Special buildings - CK3 Wiki (434) Muslim
Cologne Cathedral
Special buildings - CK3 Wiki (436) +2.0 Monthly Tax
  • Special buildings - CK3 Wiki (437) +20% Holding Taxes
  • Special buildings - CK3 Wiki (438) +20% Monthly Development
  • Special buildings - CK3 Wiki (439) +0.20 Monthly Development
  • Special buildings - CK3 Wiki (440) +15% Monthly Piety
  • Special buildings - CK3 Wiki (441) +0.10 Monthly Piety per Knight
  • Special buildings - CK3 Wiki (442) +5% Monthly Renown
  • Special buildings - CK3 Wiki (443) +20% Knight Effectiveness
  • Special buildings - CK3 Wiki (444) +5% Monthly Control
CologneCrop RotationSpecial buildings - CK3 Wiki (446) ChristianDome of Soltanieh
Special buildings - CK3 Wiki (448) +10% Monthly Development
  • Special buildings - CK3 Wiki (449) +3% Monthly Piety per Knight
  • Special buildings - CK3 Wiki (450) +5% Monthly Renown
  • Special buildings - CK3 Wiki (451) +10% Cultural Fascination Progress
  • Special buildings - CK3 Wiki (452) +5 Same Faith Clan Ruler Opinion
ZanjanUrbanizationAnyHeddal Stave Church
  • Special buildings - CK3 Wiki (455) +1.0 Monthly Tax
  • Special buildings - CK3 Wiki (456) +10% Holding Taxes
  • Special buildings - CK3 Wiki (457) +10% Levy Size
  • Special buildings - CK3 Wiki (458) +10 Popular Opinion
  • Special buildings - CK3 Wiki (459) +10% Monthly Piety
  • Special buildings - CK3 Wiki (460) +5% Monthly Renown
  • Special buildings - CK3 Wiki (461) +1 Number of Knights
  • Special buildings - CK3 Wiki (462) +20% Knight Effectiveness
TúnsbergCity PlanningAnyLund Cathedral
Special buildings - CK3 Wiki (465) +2.0 Monthly Tax
  • Special buildings - CK3 Wiki (466) +20% Holding Taxes
  • Special buildings - CK3 Wiki (467) +20% Monthly Development
  • Special buildings - CK3 Wiki (468) +0.20 Monthly Development
  • Special buildings - CK3 Wiki (469) +0.3 Monthly Piety
  • Special buildings - CK3 Wiki (470) +5% Monthly Renown
  • Special buildings - CK3 Wiki (471) +10% Monthly Control
LundCrop RotationSpecial buildings - CK3 Wiki (473) ChristianMinaret of Jam
  • Special buildings - CK3 Wiki (475) +5% Holding Taxes
  • Special buildings - CK3 Wiki (476) +0.5 Monthly Control
  • Special buildings - CK3 Wiki (477) +1 Stewardship per Level of Fame
  • Special buildings - CK3 Wiki (478) +0.1 Monthly Piety
  • Special buildings - CK3 Wiki (479) +5% Monthly Renown
  • Special buildings - CK3 Wiki (480) +5 Same Faith Clan Ruler Opinion
FiruzkuhNoneSpecial buildings - CK3 Wiki (481) MuslimNotre-Dame
Special buildings - CK3 Wiki (483) +2.0 Monthly Tax
  • Special buildings - CK3 Wiki (484) +20% Holding Taxes
  • Special buildings - CK3 Wiki (485) +30% Monthly Development
  • Special buildings - CK3 Wiki (486) +0.30 Monthly Development
  • Special buildings - CK3 Wiki (487) +5 Popular Opinion
  • Special buildings - CK3 Wiki (488) +1 Stewardship per Level of Devotion
  • Special buildings - CK3 Wiki (489) +1.0 Monthly Piety
  • Special buildings - CK3 Wiki (490) +5% Monthly Renown
ParisWindmillsSpecial buildings - CK3 Wiki (492) ChristianThe Tower of London
  • Special buildings - CK3 Wiki (494) +20% Stationed Men-at-Arms Damage
  • Special buildings - CK3 Wiki (495) +20% Stationed Men-at-Arms Toughness
  • Special buildings - CK3 Wiki (496) +6 Fort Level
  • Special buildings - CK3 Wiki (497) +6 Defender Advantage
  • Special buildings - CK3 Wiki (498) -20 Danger
  • Special buildings - CK3 Wiki (499) +10% Siege Weapon Effectiveness
  • Special buildings - CK3 Wiki (500) +750 Garrison
  • Special buildings - CK3 Wiki (501) +5% Holding Taxes
  • Special buildings - CK3 Wiki (502) +10% Monthly Development
  • Special buildings - CK3 Wiki (503) +0.20 Monthly Development
Special buildings - CK3 Wiki (504) +30% Dread GainLundenBattlementsAnyVisby Ringmur
  • Special buildings - CK3 Wiki (507) +1 Fort Level
  • Special buildings - CK3 Wiki (508) +25% Garrison Size
  • Special buildings - CK3 Wiki (509) +50% Hostile Raid Time
  • Special buildings - CK3 Wiki (510) +15% Holding Taxes
  • Special buildings - CK3 Wiki (511) +5 Defender Advantage
  • Special buildings - CK3 Wiki (512) +15% Monthly Development
  • Special buildings - CK3 Wiki (513) +0.30 Monthly Development
  • Special buildings - CK3 Wiki (514) +5 Popular Opinion
  • Special buildings - CK3 Wiki (515) -20 Danger
VisbyBattlementsAnyWalls of Benin
  • Special buildings - CK3 Wiki (518) +2 Fort Level
  • Special buildings - CK3 Wiki (519) +50% Garrison Size
  • Special buildings - CK3 Wiki (520) -20 Danger
  • Special buildings - CK3 Wiki (521) +50% Hostile Raid Time
  • Special buildings - CK3 Wiki (522) +50% Levy Size
  • Special buildings - CK3 Wiki (523) +20% Holding Taxes
  • Special buildings - CK3 Wiki (524) +5 Defender Advantage
  • Special buildings - CK3 Wiki (525) +75% Monthly Development
  • Special buildings - CK3 Wiki (526) +0.30 Monthly Development
Benin CityBattlementsAny

The following historical buildings can be upgraded.

TypeBuildingHolding effectsCounty effectsRealm effectsRequired innovationReligionBaronyActivity visit experienceAlamut Castle
Alamut Castle
  • Special buildings - CK3 Wiki (529) +30% Stationed Men-at-Arms Toughness
  • Special buildings - CK3 Wiki (530) +200% Hostile Raid Time
  • Special buildings - CK3 Wiki (531) -30 Danger
  • Special buildings - CK3 Wiki (532) +4 Fort Level
  • Special buildings - CK3 Wiki (533) +0.5 Monthly Control
Special buildings - CK3 Wiki (534) +20% Monthly ControlAlways constructedAnyAlamut MartialAlamut Fortress
  • Special buildings - CK3 Wiki (536) +25% Hostile Raid Time
  • Special buildings - CK3 Wiki (537) -20 Danger
  • Special buildings - CK3 Wiki (538) +4 Fort Level
  • Special buildings - CK3 Wiki (539) +0.5 Monthly Control
  • Special buildings - CK3 Wiki (540) +2 Learning
  • Special buildings - CK3 Wiki (541) +0.5 Monthly Piety
  • Special buildings - CK3 Wiki (542) +10 Hostile Scheme Power
Alhambra Fortress Ruins
  • Special buildings - CK3 Wiki (544) +10% Stationed Men-at-Arms Damage
  • Special buildings - CK3 Wiki (545) +10% Stationed Men-at-Arms Toughness
  • Special buildings - CK3 Wiki (546) +2 Fort Level
  • Special buildings - CK3 Wiki (547) +2 Defender Advantage
  • Special buildings - CK3 Wiki (548) -10 Danger
  • Special buildings - CK3 Wiki (549) +5% Siege Weapon Effectiveness
  • Special buildings - CK3 Wiki (550) +250 Garrison
Always constructedAnyGranada MartialRoyal Palace of Alhambra
  • Special buildings - CK3 Wiki (552) +8 Fort Level
  • Special buildings - CK3 Wiki (553) +8 Defender Advantage
  • Special buildings - CK3 Wiki (554) +1000 Garrison
  • Special buildings - CK3 Wiki (555) -20 Danger
  • Special buildings - CK3 Wiki (556) +20% Stationed Men-at-Arms Damage
  • Special buildings - CK3 Wiki (557) +20% Stationed Men-at-Arms Toughness
  • Special buildings - CK3 Wiki (558) +10% Siege Weapon Effectiveness
  • Special buildings - CK3 Wiki (559) +25% Monthly Development
  • Special buildings - CK3 Wiki (560) +0.2 Monthly Development
  • Special buildings - CK3 Wiki (561) +1 Monthly Control
Special buildings - CK3 Wiki (562) +10% Monthly PrestigeHoardingsCitadel of Aleppo
Citadel of Aleppo
  • Special buildings - CK3 Wiki (565) +10% Stationed Men-at-Arms Damage
  • Special buildings - CK3 Wiki (566) +10% Stationed Men-at-Arms Toughness
  • Special buildings - CK3 Wiki (567) +2 Fort Level
  • Special buildings - CK3 Wiki (568) +2 Defender Advantage
  • Special buildings - CK3 Wiki (569) -10 Danger
  • Special buildings - CK3 Wiki (570) +5% Siege Weapon Effectiveness
  • Special buildings - CK3 Wiki (571) +250 Garrison
Special buildings - CK3 Wiki (572) +0.10 Monthly PrestigeAlways constructedAnyHalab MartialReconstructed Citadel of Aleppo
  • Special buildings - CK3 Wiki (574) +6 Fort Level
  • Special buildings - CK3 Wiki (575) +6 Defender Advantage
  • Special buildings - CK3 Wiki (576) +750 Garrison
  • Special buildings - CK3 Wiki (577) -20 Danger
  • Special buildings - CK3 Wiki (578) +20% Stationed Men-at-Arms Damage
  • Special buildings - CK3 Wiki (579) +20% Stationed Men-at-Arms Toughness
  • Special buildings - CK3 Wiki (580) +10% Siege Weapon Effectiveness
  • Special buildings - CK3 Wiki (581) +15% Monthly Development
  • Special buildings - CK3 Wiki (582) +0.2 Monthly Development
  • Special buildings - CK3 Wiki (583) +2 Prowess per Level of Devotion
  • Special buildings - CK3 Wiki (584) +0.3 Monthly Prestige
HoardingsHotin Fortification
Hotin Fort
  • Special buildings - CK3 Wiki (587) +10% Stationed Men-at-Arms Damage
  • Special buildings - CK3 Wiki (588) +10% Stationed Men-at-Arms Toughness
  • Special buildings - CK3 Wiki (589) +2 Fort Level
  • Special buildings - CK3 Wiki (590) +4 Defender Advantage
  • Special buildings - CK3 Wiki (591) -10 Danger
  • Special buildings - CK3 Wiki (592) +5% Siege Weapon Effectiveness
  • Special buildings - CK3 Wiki (593) +250 Garrison
Special buildings - CK3 Wiki (594) +5% Monthly RenownNoneAnyHotin MartialHotin Fortress
  • Special buildings - CK3 Wiki (596) +4 Fort Level
  • Special buildings - CK3 Wiki (597) +6 Defender Advantage
  • Special buildings - CK3 Wiki (598) +500 Garrison
  • Special buildings - CK3 Wiki (599) -20 Danger
  • Special buildings - CK3 Wiki (600) +20% Stationed Men-at-Arms Damage
  • Special buildings - CK3 Wiki (601) +20% Stationed Men-at-Arms Toughness
  • Special buildings - CK3 Wiki (602) +10% Siege Weapon Effectiveness
  • Special buildings - CK3 Wiki (603) +5% Holding Taxes
  • Special buildings - CK3 Wiki (604) +0.5 Monthly Control
  • Special buildings - CK3 Wiki (605) +1 Martial per Level of Fame
  • Special buildings - CK3 Wiki (606) +5% Monthly Renown
HoardingsRuins of the Palace of Ctesiphon
Ruins of the Palace of CtesiphonSpecial buildings - CK3 Wiki (609) −10% Building Construction Time
  • Special buildings - CK3 Wiki (610) +1 Learning
  • Special buildings - CK3 Wiki (611) +5 Zoroastrian Opinion
Always constructedAnyAn-Nahrawan LearningGreat Palace of CtesiphonSpecial buildings - CK3 Wiki (613) +2 Monthly TaxSpecial buildings - CK3 Wiki (614) −20% Building Construction Cost
  • Special buildings - CK3 Wiki (615) +1 Diplomacy per Level of Devotion
  • Special buildings - CK3 Wiki (616) +0.2 Monthly Prestige per Powerful Vassal on the Council
  • Special buildings - CK3 Wiki (617) +5% Monthly Renown
  • Special buildings - CK3 Wiki (618) −25% Title Creation Cost
  • Special buildings - CK3 Wiki (619) +5 Zoroastrian Opinion
  • Special buildings - CK3 Wiki (620) +5 Persian Opinion
Shah-i-ZindaSpecial buildings - CK3 Wiki (622) +0.5 Monthly Control
  • Special buildings - CK3 Wiki (623) +1 Learning per Stress Level
  • Special buildings - CK3 Wiki (624) +0.1 Monthly Piety
Public WorksAnySamarkand LearningShah-i-Zinda NecropolisSpecial buildings - CK3 Wiki (627) +0.5 Monthly Control
  • Special buildings - CK3 Wiki (628) +10% Monthly Development
  • Special buildings - CK3 Wiki (629) +0.2 Monthly Development
  • Special buildings - CK3 Wiki (630) +0.1 Monthly Piety per Powerful Vassal on the Council
  • Special buildings - CK3 Wiki (631) +1 Learning per Stress Level
  • Special buildings - CK3 Wiki (632) +5 Same Faith Clan Ruler Opinion
HoardingsTemple of Uppsala
Temple of UppsalaSpecial buildings - CK3 Wiki (635) +1.0 Monthly Tax
  • Special buildings - CK3 Wiki (636) +10% Levy Size
  • Special buildings - CK3 Wiki (637) +10% Holding Taxes
  • Special buildings - CK3 Wiki (638) +20% Monthly Development
  • Special buildings - CK3 Wiki (639) +0.2 Monthly Piety
  • Special buildings - CK3 Wiki (640) +5% Monthly Renown
  • Special buildings - CK3 Wiki (641) −10% Men-at-Arms Maintenance
  • Special buildings - CK3 Wiki (642) +15% Knight Effectiveness
Always constructed
  • Special buildings - CK3 Wiki (643) Christian
  • Special buildings - CK3 Wiki (644) Norse
Sigtuna LearningUppsala CathedralSpecial buildings - CK3 Wiki (646) +2 Monthly Tax
  • Special buildings - CK3 Wiki (647) +15% Levy Size
  • Special buildings - CK3 Wiki (648) +15% Holding Taxes
  • Special buildings - CK3 Wiki (649) +25% Monthly Development
  • Special buildings - CK3 Wiki (650) +0.2 Monthly Piety
  • Special buildings - CK3 Wiki (651) +2% Prestige per Knight
  • Special buildings - CK3 Wiki (652) +5% Monthly Renown
  • Special buildings - CK3 Wiki (653) −10% Men-at-Arms Maintenance
  • Special buildings - CK3 Wiki (654) +20% Knight Effectiveness
ManorialismCanterbury Cathedral
Canterbury BasilicaSpecial buildings - CK3 Wiki (657) +3.0 Monthly Tax
  • Special buildings - CK3 Wiki (658) +20% Holding Taxes
  • Special buildings - CK3 Wiki (659) +10% Monthly Development
  • Special buildings - CK3 Wiki (660) +0.10 Monthly Development
  • Special buildings - CK3 Wiki (661) +0.2 Monthly Piety
  • Special buildings - CK3 Wiki (662) +0.1 Monthly Piety per Powerful Vassal on the Council
  • Special buildings - CK3 Wiki (663) +5% Monthly Renown
  • Special buildings - CK3 Wiki (664) +5% Monthly Control
Always constructedSpecial buildings - CK3 Wiki (665) ChristianCanterbury LearningTemple of CanterburySpecial buildings - CK3 Wiki (667) +5 Monthly Tax
  • Special buildings - CK3 Wiki (668) +20% Holding Taxes
  • Special buildings - CK3 Wiki (669) +25% Monthly Development
  • Special buildings - CK3 Wiki (670) +0.4 Monthly Development
  • Special buildings - CK3 Wiki (671) +0.5 Monthly Piety
  • Special buildings - CK3 Wiki (672) +0.2 Monthly Piety per Powerful Vassal on the Council
  • Special buildings - CK3 Wiki (673) +10% Monthly Renown
  • Special buildings - CK3 Wiki (674) +10% Monthly Control
Crop RotationCanterbury CathedralSpecial buildings - CK3 Wiki (676) +6 Monthly Tax
  • Special buildings - CK3 Wiki (677) +30% Holding Taxes
  • Special buildings - CK3 Wiki (678) +35% Monthly Development
  • Special buildings - CK3 Wiki (679) +0.5 Monthly Development
  • Special buildings - CK3 Wiki (680) +5 Popular Opinion
  • Special buildings - CK3 Wiki (681) +1 Monthly Piety
  • Special buildings - CK3 Wiki (682) +0.2 Monthly Piety per Powerful Vassal on the Council
  • Special buildings - CK3 Wiki (683) +20% Monthly Renown
  • Special buildings - CK3 Wiki (684) +25% Monthly Control
Crop Rotation

Mines are historical buildings that have 4 levels each. Constructing or upgrading a mine takes 5 years. Mines can only be constructed in Castle, City or Temple holdings by rulers of Feudal or Clan government. All mines increase the effectiveness of stationed Siege Weapons regiments by +10% per level. Visiting a barony with a mine as part of an activity will grant 100 Stewardship Lifestyle Experience.

MineMining Settlement effectsMine effectsLarge Mine effectsMining Complex effectsBaronyMining Settlement constructedDescriptionHoldingCountyHoldingCountyHoldingCountyHoldingCountyForest of Dean
  • Special buildings - CK3 Wiki (687) +2
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  • Special buildings - CK3 Wiki (689) +5%
  • Special buildings - CK3 Wiki (690) +5%
  • Special buildings - CK3 Wiki (691) +10%
  • Special buildings - CK3 Wiki (692) +3.5
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GloucesterSpecial buildings - CK3 Wiki (707)The forest of Dean is the most notable center of iron mining and forging in the British Isles. The many forges here have since Roman times supplied the region with ironware.Ijil Salt MinesSpecial buildings - CK3 Wiki (708) +2
  • Special buildings - CK3 Wiki (709) +5%
  • Special buildings - CK3 Wiki (710) +5%
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Special buildings - CK3 Wiki (712) +3.5
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Special buildings - CK3 Wiki (716) +5
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Special buildings - CK3 Wiki (720) +6.5
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IjilSpecial buildings - CK3 Wiki (724)Ijil is one of the oldest salt mines in Africa and in many ways one of the first entrepôts of the trans-Saharan trade network.Khetri Copper MinesSpecial buildings - CK3 Wiki (725) +2
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Special buildings - CK3 Wiki (729) +3.5
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Special buildings - CK3 Wiki (733) +5
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SakarāiSpecial buildings - CK3 Wiki (741)The Khetri hills contain some of the longest mined copper deposits in India and have been a source for copper working for just as long.KonasamudramSpecial buildings - CK3 Wiki (742) +2
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Special buildings - CK3 Wiki (746) +3.5
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Special buildings - CK3 Wiki (750) +5
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Special buildings - CK3 Wiki (754) +6.5
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VemulavadaSpecial buildings - CK3 Wiki (758)In Northern Telingana iron is often available in lumps very close to the surface and can be easily mined in large quantities. What is exceptional however is the high quality of the iron, which is unparalleled in the subcontinent and recognized far beyond India's borders.NishapurSpecial buildings - CK3 Wiki (759) +3Special buildings - CK3 Wiki (760) +10%Special buildings - CK3 Wiki (761) +5Special buildings - CK3 Wiki (762) +15%Special buildings - CK3 Wiki (763) +7Special buildings - CK3 Wiki (764) +20%Special buildings - CK3 Wiki (765) +9Special buildings - CK3 Wiki (766) +25%NishapurSpecial buildings - CK3 Wiki (767)Turquoise is a stone that can be found in many places but nowhere is it as abundant and as high quality as in the mountains near Nishapur. The stones are also very easily accessible even without very deep pits.PansjhirSpecial buildings - CK3 Wiki (768) +3Special buildings - CK3 Wiki (769) +10%Special buildings - CK3 Wiki (770) +5Special buildings - CK3 Wiki (771) +15%Special buildings - CK3 Wiki (772) +7Special buildings - CK3 Wiki (773) +20%Special buildings - CK3 Wiki (774) +9Special buildings - CK3 Wiki (775) +25%PansjhirSpecial buildings - CK3 Wiki (776)The Pansjhir valley has been a known source of silver and emeralds since the days of Alexander the Great. Hindu, Buddhists and eventually Muslim dynasties have mined silver and minted their coins in this area.RatnapuraSpecial buildings - CK3 Wiki (777) +5
  • Special buildings - CK3 Wiki (778) +10%
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Special buildings - CK3 Wiki (780) +8
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Special buildings - CK3 Wiki (783) +11
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Special buildings - CK3 Wiki (786) +14
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SamantakutaSpecial buildings - CK3 Wiki (789)Ratnapura, the city of Gems, is one of the world's most significant sources of Rubies, and Sapphires. For hundreds of years these riches have been mined and traded with merchants from the Indian subcontinent, South East Asia and China.Sar-i Sang Ancient MineSpecial buildings - CK3 Wiki (790) +2
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  • Special buildings - CK3 Wiki (792) +5%
Special buildings - CK3 Wiki (793) +3.5
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Special buildings - CK3 Wiki (796) +5
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Special buildings - CK3 Wiki (799) +6.5Special buildings - CK3 Wiki (800) +25%BadakhshanSpecial buildings - CK3 Wiki (801)The main source of lapis lazuli in the world, the mines of Sar-i Sang have been active sine prehistoric times, and their blue stones could be seen in all the courts of antiquity. Local workers toil here night and day to extract the vaunted blue stones.SiderokausiaSpecial buildings - CK3 Wiki (802) +3Special buildings - CK3 Wiki (803) +10%Special buildings - CK3 Wiki (804) +5Special buildings - CK3 Wiki (805) +15%Special buildings - CK3 Wiki (806) +7Special buildings - CK3 Wiki (807) +20%Special buildings - CK3 Wiki (808) +9Special buildings - CK3 Wiki (809) +25%PolygyrosSpecial buildings - CK3 Wiki (810)The Siderokausia mines are rich in silver and gold, and are exploited by twelve separate villages that each run a part of the mines.Taghaza Salt PanSpecial buildings - CK3 Wiki (811) +2
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Special buildings - CK3 Wiki (815) +3.5
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TaghazaSpecial buildings - CK3 Wiki (827)The Taghaza Salt Mines is the point of origin for most of the salt of the Maghreb and West Africa.Torda Salt MinesSpecial buildings - CK3 Wiki (828) +2
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Special buildings - CK3 Wiki (832) +3.5
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Special buildings - CK3 Wiki (836) +5
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TordaSpecial buildings - CK3 Wiki (844)The massive salt massifs of Torda have been central to the economy of Transylvania for centuries. The mines and the salt market remains a great source of income for the region.ArgentieraSpecial buildings - CK3 Wiki (845) +3Special buildings - CK3 Wiki (846) +10%Special buildings - CK3 Wiki (847) +5Special buildings - CK3 Wiki (848) +15%Special buildings - CK3 Wiki (849) +7Special buildings - CK3 Wiki (850) +20%Special buildings - CK3 Wiki (851) +9Special buildings - CK3 Wiki (852) +25%Iglesias1066 onlyThe Argentaria del Sigerro is rich in underground silver veins. With sufficient incentive and development, this area could be exploited for vast quantities of precious silver.CévennesSpecial buildings - CK3 Wiki (853) +3.0Special buildings - CK3 Wiki (854) +10%Special buildings - CK3 Wiki (855) +5.0Special buildings - CK3 Wiki (856) +15%Special buildings - CK3 Wiki (857) +7Special buildings - CK3 Wiki (858) +20%Special buildings - CK3 Wiki (859) +9Special buildings - CK3 Wiki (860) +25%Cevennes1066 onlyThe deep mines of the Cévennes mountains have been built to extract the copper based silver deposits of the region.FalunSpecial buildings - CK3 Wiki (861) +2
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Falene1066 onlyAlso known as "Stora Kopparberget" (the Great Copper Mountain) this mine produces vast quantities of copper.Kutná HoraSpecial buildings - CK3 Wiki (877) +3
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Čáslav1066 onlyThe Kutná Hora mine is a large silver mine located on the lands of the Sedlec Monastery. With the support of local Abbots (and German miners) industry in the area is prospering.Phocaea Alum MinesSpecial buildings - CK3 Wiki (889) +2
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Phocaea1066 onlyThe Phocaean deposits of Alum are among the most bountiful in the known world. The rare Alum is in high demand by dyers and textile manufacturers all over the European continent.RammelsbergSpecial buildings - CK3 Wiki (905) +5
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Goslar1066 onlyAt the foot of Mt. Rammelsberg lies a profitable and ever sought-after silver mine.Gold Mines of MaliSpecial buildings - CK3 Wiki (917) +5
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  • Figuira
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Special buildings - CK3 Wiki (929)The mines of Mali are truly overflowing with gold. Endless wealth stream from their depths and into the treasuries of the local rulers, who adorn themselves with the precious metal.KremnicaSpecial buildings - CK3 Wiki (930) +3Special buildings - CK3 Wiki (931) +5%Special buildings - CK3 Wiki (932) +5Special buildings - CK3 Wiki (933) +10%Special buildings - CK3 Wiki (934) +7Special buildings - CK3 Wiki (935) +15%Special buildings - CK3 Wiki (936) +9Special buildings - CK3 Wiki (937) +20%TurócSpecial buildings - CK3 Wiki (938)The Kremnican mountains are abundant in gold. With blood, sweat, and the assistance of a few hundred experienced German miners, that gold will be minted into Florins in no time!KollurSpecial buildings - CK3 Wiki (939) +5
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MudigondaSpecial buildings - CK3 Wiki (951)The Kollur mines exploit the largest seam of diamonds in all of the Indian subcontinent. The work is extremely dangerous, but the riches are unimaginable.RudnikSpecial buildings - CK3 Wiki (952) +3Special buildings - CK3 Wiki (953) +10%Special buildings - CK3 Wiki (954) +5Special buildings - CK3 Wiki (955) +15%Special buildings - CK3 Wiki (956) +7Special buildings - CK3 Wiki (957) +20%Special buildings - CK3 Wiki (958) +9Special buildings - CK3 Wiki (959) +25%RudnikSpecial buildings - CK3 Wiki (960)Rudnik, the mountain of Mines, is rich in silver, lead and copper and has seen continuous mining for hundreds of years.SchwazSpecial buildings - CK3 Wiki (961) +3Special buildings - CK3 Wiki (962) +10%Special buildings - CK3 Wiki (963) +5Special buildings - CK3 Wiki (964) +15%Special buildings - CK3 Wiki (965) +7Special buildings - CK3 Wiki (966) +20%Special buildings - CK3 Wiki (967) +9Special buildings - CK3 Wiki (968) +25%InnsbruckSpecial buildings - CK3 Wiki (969)The Schwaz silver mine lies at the foot of the Kellerjoch and Eiblschrofen mountains, in the middle of a valley. The opportunity for mining means that a lot of people are drawn to the area.SrebrenicaSpecial buildings - CK3 Wiki (970) +5
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SrebrenicaSpecial buildings - CK3 Wiki (982)Mined in antiquity for its enormous silver deposits Srebrenica, Silver City, is ripe to be exploited again using modern mining techniques.TakkedaSpecial buildings - CK3 Wiki (983) +2
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TakkedaSpecial buildings - CK3 Wiki (999)The Air mountains have rich deposits of copper and have been mined in Takkeda since prehistoric times.TrepčaSpecial buildings - CK3 Wiki (1000) +3Special buildings - CK3 Wiki (1001) +10%Special buildings - CK3 Wiki (1002) +5Special buildings - CK3 Wiki (1003) +15%Special buildings - CK3 Wiki (1004) +7Special buildings - CK3 Wiki (1005) +20%Special buildings - CK3 Wiki (1006) +9Special buildings - CK3 Wiki (1007) +25%ZvecanSpecial buildings - CK3 Wiki (1008)Situated on the slopes of Kopaonik, Trepča is an area that has been mined for silver since Roman times. While it was closed down in the early middle ages it still holds very rich deposits of precious metals.VerespatakSpecial buildings - CK3 Wiki (1009) +3Special buildings - CK3 Wiki (1010) +10%Special buildings - CK3 Wiki (1011) +5Special buildings - CK3 Wiki (1012) +15%Special buildings - CK3 Wiki (1013) +7Special buildings - CK3 Wiki (1014) +20%Special buildings - CK3 Wiki (1015) +9Special buildings - CK3 Wiki (1016) +25%AbrudbányaSpecial buildings - CK3 Wiki (1017)Transylvania has been mined for gold since before Roman times and remains ripe for contemporary re-exploitation.Wadi al-AllaqSpecial buildings - CK3 Wiki (1018) +3Special buildings - CK3 Wiki (1019) +10%Special buildings - CK3 Wiki (1020) +5Special buildings - CK3 Wiki (1021) +15%Special buildings - CK3 Wiki (1022) +7Special buildings - CK3 Wiki (1023) +20%Special buildings - CK3 Wiki (1024) +9Special buildings - CK3 Wiki (1025) +25%AllaqiSpecial buildings - CK3 Wiki (1026)Known to chroniclers simply as the mining country, the mountains of the Eastern Egyptian desert harbor deep gold deposits. The main hub of this region is Wadi al-Allaq and its mines.ZawarSpecial buildings - CK3 Wiki (1027) +3Special buildings - CK3 Wiki (1028) +10%Special buildings - CK3 Wiki (1029) +5Special buildings - CK3 Wiki (1030) +15%Special buildings - CK3 Wiki (1031) +7Special buildings - CK3 Wiki (1032) +20%Special buildings - CK3 Wiki (1033) +9Special buildings - CK3 Wiki (1034) +25%MedapataSpecial buildings - CK3 Wiki (1035)For thousands of years the Zawar mines have been a rich source of Lead, Zinc, and Silver. The deposits at Zawar are unique not only in their abundance but also in how they are clearly separated in a way that makes it possible to separate the ores from each other manually without more advanced metallurgical processes.

The following buildings can only be created by certain Decisions. They cannot be built in baronies that already have a special building. The Parliament will become inactive if the realm capital is moved.

The Hall of Heroes is a building chain created on a holy site via the Defenders of Dievas, Defenders of Rod or Defenders of Ukko decisions. Upgrading the Hall of Heroes costs 225 Special buildings - CK3 Wiki (1036)Gold and takes 16 months.

The Hall of Heroes can be built multiple times by swapping faiths and remains active for all Baltic, Slavic or Finnish Pagan faiths. The bonuses this building provide stack with eachother, resulting in a possible tripling of the above bonuses.

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Name: Jonah Leffler

Birthday: 1997-10-27

Address: 8987 Kieth Ports, Luettgenland, CT 54657-9808

Phone: +2611128251586

Job: Mining Supervisor

Hobby: Worldbuilding, Electronics, Amateur radio, Skiing, Cycling, Jogging, Taxidermy

Introduction: My name is Jonah Leffler, I am a determined, faithful, outstanding, inexpensive, cheerful, determined, smiling person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.