The Colonie-Loudonville Spotlight - [PDF Document] (2024)

The Colonie-Loudonville Spotlight - [PDF Document] (1)

The Colonie Spotlight (USPS 004-642) is published each Wednesday by Com-munity Media Group LLC, 125 Adams St., Delmar, N.Y. 12054. Periodicals postage paid at Delmar, N.Y., and at additional mailing offi ces. Postmaster: send address changes to the Colonie Spot-light, P.O. Box 100, Delmar, N.Y. 12054. Subscription rates: Albany County, one year $30, two years $55, elsewhere, one year $40, two years $73, Subscrip-tions are not refundable.


Volume XXIV Number 4 $1.00 January 23, 2013


Serving Colonie, Latham

& Watervliet


INDEXEditorial Page ....................... 6

Sports .......................... 15-16

Entertainment .............. 10-11

Classifi eds .................... 12-13

Police blotter ....................... 4

Community briefs ................ 7

me XXIV Number 4 $1.00

Fit for your phoneCapital District woman’s diet app tracks meals.

Page 9

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■■ Walk Page 3

Fun withthe Force

Canadian-born actor Charlie Ross reenacts the original Star Wars trilogy in a high-energy, 60-minute comedy performance at Proctors.

See Page 10.

Musical mindRoessleville student Sha-

shaank Narayanan’s musical composition will be performed at concert in Hartford.

See Page 2.

A second chanceJustin Finkle is competing

this weekend in Florida for a Skip Barber Racing School schol-arship that would pay his way to drive in a series – one which could propel him into a profes-sional race car career.

See Page 16.


A d h

State project will see sidewalks on Route 9

from Fiddlers Laneto Newton Plaza

By ZAN [emailprotected]

Come next year, the Town of Colonie will hopefully have some-thing it’s been lacking: sidewalks.

The New York State Depart-ment of Transportation gave a short presentation to a packed house at a Colonie Town Board meeting on Thursday, Jan. 17, de-scribing the logistics of the high-ly anticipated sidewalks along Route 9. The project will install 5-foot-wide side-walks that will run from F i d d l e r s Lane to New-ton Plaza, as well as make upgrades to crosswalks and pedestrian signal systems. The project is backed by state funds acquired by former Assem-blyman Bob Reilly.

The Department of Transpor-tation is partnering on the project with Siena College, the Town of Colonie and the Capital District Transportation Authority. Siena College is currently working on its own initiative to add sidewalks along the east side of Spring

Safer strolling planned

Huge food donation resultsfrom record holiday giving

By ZAN [emailprotected]

Part of what was labeled an historic food donation rumbled into the Regional Food Bank of Northeastern New York Tuesday, Jan. 15, ensuring thousands of people will have food on the table this winter.

Tractor trailer trucks fi lled with a total of 400,000 lbs of shelf-sustainable food departed are being shipped from the Ocean State Job Lot Rhode Island warehouse to 10 locations

across the region, as part of the company’s Three Square Meals program.

Throughout the year, OSJL will deliver over $1.25 million worth of food, making it the largest single food donation by a private company in New England. One truck made its way to the Regional Food Bank of North-eastern New York in Latham Tuesday, where it delivered nonperishable food that will help serve thousands of Capital Region residents.

The donation program started 10 years ago, when OSJL stores ask shoppers to contrib-ute money at the register during the holiday

Feeding the Northeast

■■ Food Page 3

Northeastern Executive Director Mark Quandt oversees Tuesday, Jan. 15, as a tracker trailer full of 40,000 pounds of non-perishable food was delivered to the Latham food bank.

Zan Strumfeld/Spotlight

Colonie Central club asks peersfor 26 kind acts in wake of Newtown

By ZAN [emailprotected]

Last month’s tragedy at Sandy Hook Elementa-ry School had an effect on everyone, and a group of student at Colonie Central High School want to turn that negative impact into kindness.

Colonie Central High School’s iCARE pro-gram, which launched last year, aims to promote

anti-bullying but also inspire good character. After the Newtown, Conn., shooting, the group came up with a campaign for the school’s nearly 2,000 students to commit 26 acts of kindness over 26 days in honor of each of the victims. If a teacher witnesses a good deed, students receive a black ribbon with the number 26 on it.

“We wanted to make some good come of some-thing so awful,” said Rachey Tenny, a 16-year-old junior in the unoffi cial club. “Do one act of kind-ness for each victim and carry that into our daily

“We wanted to make some good come of something so awful.” – Rachey Tenny, 16

Members of Colonie Central High School’s iCARE program hold up some of their core values, including Integrity, Community, Accountability, Respect and Empathy.

Zan Strumfeld/Spotlight

Students respondwith acts of kindness

■■ iCare Page 3

The Colonie-Loudonville Spotlight - [PDF Document] (2)

Page 2 • January 23, 2013 Spotlight Newspapers

Roessleville student’s work recognizedat a young age

By ZAN [emailprotected]

Shashaank Narayanan may look like just another kid on the playground, but when he gets home from school, he sits down at his computer and starts composing. And after only three years of practice, the 9-year-old Roessleville Elementary School student’s hard work has paid off.

Come April, Shashaank will take one of his compositions, “Mystery Cave,” to the Young Composer Concert in Hartford, Conn., where his piece will be performed as the winning entry in the National Association for Music Education (NAfME) Eastern Division Young Composers Contest. Narayanan’s piece was one of 14 winning compositions selected among entries from elementary through graduate school-aged applicants.

“I feel humbled and proud of myself,” Shashaank said.

Composing, it seems, has come naturally for Shashaank. He began taking piano lessons at 5-and-a-half years old and started to dabble at composing only a year later. He began using several programs, including Sibelius.

“He was very much interested in that rather than practicing one small piece of piano,” Jay Narayanan, Shashaank’s mother, said.

His private lesson teacher, Alan P. Danahy, saw Shashaank’s growing potential and suggested the young learner look into taking an online music program. Although the school was skeptical of Shashaank’s age, he was accepted to take Berklee College of Music online courses, one normally taken by college students and working professionals. He completed two courses, “Counterpoint” and “Music Composition for Film and TV,” with high honors. He also started another course just last week that focuses on fanfare music.

His winning classical music piece, “Myster y Cave,” is a woodwind quintet running more than three minutes long, at Allegro tempo and with a meter in 4/4. Shashaank described the composition as an “imaginational fi eld trip with my classmates to a mystery cave.” He said he was inspired to score the piece after visiting Luray Caverns in Virginia last spring.

“It’s an imaginary trip that I thought about, going to a cave that has unusual things,” Shashaank said.

Danahy, who has been teaching Shashaank for more than three years, moved to South Carolina recently but has continued lessons with Shashaank on Skype. Danahy uses the teaching methods of Dr. Edwin E. Gordon, a nationally-known music professor who has made major contributions to the study of music.

“Most students, even when they graduate from high school, are incapable of composing a piece of music. Even kids who come out of a band or orchestra program, only a few of them actually compose music,” Danahy said. “When a fourth-grader is doing it, it’s even more remarkable.”

Danahy helped Shashaank along the way with “Mystery Cave” and said he is “absolutely thrilled” about his achievement.

“I think it’s well deserved. His composi t ion is ver y unique sounding,” Danahy said. “It demonstrates a vast understanding of musical elements.”

Shashaank’s mother said Shashaank succeeds in many other fields, including math, reading and science.

“He’s a very quick learner. He shows a lot of interest in learning,” Narayanan said. “We’re always happy for him whatever he does. He’s defi nitely a very special child.”

Shashaank’s composition will be performed in a Young Composer Concert during the 2013 NAfME Eastern Division

Kid composer hits a high note

Conference in Hartford, Conn., April 4 through 7. Pieces were chosen based on three different criteria: compositional technique, overall musical appeal and originality.

Inspired by composers like John Williams, Shashaank said he wants to be a composer when he’s older, too.

“My hope is that he will

continue composing and continue winning competitions,” Danahy said. “Eventually, I’d like to see professional orchestras and musical ensembles begin to perform his work at concerts.”

To listen to Shashaank’s award-winning composition, visit www.southcolonieschools.o r g / R o e s s l e v i l l e / p d f /mysterycavelisten.mp3.

“I feel humbled and proud of myself.”

– Shashaank Narayanan, 9,youth composer

Shashaank Narayanan’s piece, “Mystery Cave,”will be performed at the Young Composer Concert in Hartford, Conn.

Submitted photo





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The Colonie-Loudonville Spotlight - [PDF Document] (3)

Spotlight Newspapers January 23, 2013 • Page 3

Street Road to Fiddlers Lane. For consistency, NYSDOT is looking at adding sidewalks at the east side of Fiddlers Lane to Maxwell Road.

Additionally, they are also looking to construct sidewalks at Maxwell Road to Homestead Drive, or the south entrance of Newton P laza . Fr om ther e , pedestrians could cross Route 9 on the nor th side of Maxwell Road and continue on the west side to Newton Plaza.

P r o j e c t M a n a g e r John Masi discussed several challenges the DOT foresees, including avoiding utility poles, underground utilities and roadway drainage.

Masi said the total cost of the project will be about $460,000 and work will be underway i n l a t e 2 0 1 3 . T h e town wil l ult imately b e r e s p o n s i b l e f o r m a i n t a i n i n g t h e sidewalk and for snow removal. A resident at the meeting brought up the possibility of trash being left on or near sidewalks, and Masi said the DOT will look into the issue.

S o m e r e s i d e n t s had safety concer ns regarding the 45 mph speed limit at the corner of Route 9 and Maxwell Road. The major i ty of sidewalk users will most likely be Siena College students, and one resident said she is worried too many people speed through the light at the intersection and may hit student. Masi sa id he would look into the possibility of changing the speed limit so people don’t fl y through the light.

“We will take a look at that, but you have to look at the other aspect of it, too. Without sidewalks right now, they are still walking on the road and without a safe refuge,” Masi said.

O t h e r s w e r e interested to hear if there were plans to e x t e n d s i d e w a l k s fur ther nor th. Town Planning and Economic Development Director Joe LaCivita said the Colonie Planning Board is currently tr ying to work sidewalks into any new projects by asking developers to add them into plans.

“As we star t to see t h i n g s c h a n g e a n d development , we ’re trying to get (sidewalks) as far north as we can,” LaCivita said.

lives in school. We want to inspire people to do acts of kindness all the time, but we’re going to start with 26.”

The program launched on Jan. 4 and the ribbon giveaways are quickly catching on around the school. Students can receive a ribbon for doing something as simple as smiling at a teacher or standing up for someone who is being victimized, and display it on their clothing or backpacks.

“We go through the whole month and impress it upon students to just be more aware of how they’re acting and interacting with each other so they do choose a more positive path when they decide to do something,” said A s s o c i a t e P r i n c i p a l Thomas Kachadurian, who is also the group’s advisor.

T h e s t u d e n t - r u n club, which stands for Integrity, Community, Accountability, Respect and Empathy, emphasized that they hope committing one act per day can turn into a habit for their peers.

“One of our big goals is to be a voice for the voiceless,” said. Jason Neal, a 17-year-old senior and the campaign’s leader.

The core iCARE group is made up of about 12 students, and several said

they were all affected by the tragedy in their own way.

“My initial thought was, I have a younger brother; he just turned 6 in January,” Neal said. “I was thinking that could’ve been him. I couldn’t imagine my life without my brother. I couldn’t imagine how the families in Connecticut could’ve felt.”

So far, the acts of kindness, and the scope of the Newtown tragedy i t se l f , have br ought a sense of unity to the school.

“ I t w a s d e f i n i t e l y really close to home for everybody. Those kids are students, we’re students. So we’re the same,” Tenny

said through tears. “It could happy to anybody. Kids are supposed to think they’re invincible. Kids even as old as us, we’re supposed to think we’re invincible. Kids aren’t supposed to die.”

The c lub has had several other campaigns, including selling blue and green ribbons in honor of the vict ims i n t h e D e c e m b e r S h e n e n d e h o w a /S h a k e r h i g h s c h o o l Nor thway crash. The $400 in proceeds went to a scholarship in the victims’ honor. The group also asked high school students to write letters to fourth graders about advice for transitioning to the middle and high

schools. Come Memorial Day, they are planning another campaign to honor fallen veterans.

The club hosts movie nights throughout the school year, featuring movies like “The Breakfast Club” and “Mean Girls” that focus on some of the social troubles in high school.

With the school’s 26 acts of kindness campaign drawing to an end, the iCARE club is hoping other schools will catch on and adopt a similar program.

“Even when we stop giving out ribbons, the kindness act should still carry on,” said Barry Betz, a 15-year-old freshman in the club.

season. During 2012’s holiday season, shoppers in seven states were asked to donate $1 at the register through Dec. 31 to help buy goods for local food banks. OSJL then matched the customer donation’s fi rst $100,000. In two months, the program raised more than $1.2 million.

“Just in that shor t period of time we had a lot of success,” OSJL Store Manager Peter Sgorrano said. “The donations this year have been great … (there is) overwhelming support for the program.”

O v e r t h e c o m i n g months, OSJL’s donations will help provide 333,330 meals to communities around the northeast. All of the food is shelf stable, such as canned tuna, canned soup and tomatoes.

“It’s stuff that will last a great shelf life,” Sgorrano said.

The Regional Food Bank of Northeastern New York collects donations of food and distributes it to 1,000 charity agencies in 23 counties.

“ L a s t y e a r , w e distr ibuted about 28

million pounds of food,” Regional Food Bank of Northeastern New York Executive Director Mark Quandt said.

The food bank has been working with OSJL for several years, and this year specifically, OSJL’s donation will be ver y helpful for agencies.

“ I t ’ s g r e a t . Nonperishable food is really helpful because you don’t need refrigeration for it,” Quandt said. “This will be great product, agencies will love it. It will go very fast.”

■■ Walk(From Page 1)

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■■ Food(From Page 1)

■■ iCare(From Page 1)

Jason Neal, 17, the campaign leader of iCARE stands with one of the painted iCARE logos around the high school.

Zan Strumfeld/Spotlight

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Police Blotter• C o l o n i e p o l i c e

arrested Stephen J. Kelly, 44, of Western Avenue in Albany, on Wednesday, Jan. 16, and charged him with burglary with criminal intent in the second degree.

• C o l o n i e p o l i c e a r r e s t e d T h o m a s J . Foggo, 22, of Glenmore Drive in Niskayuna, on Wednesday, Jan. 16, and charged him with grand larceny in the four th degree and falsifying of business records in the fi rst degree.

• C o l o n i e p o l i c e a r r e s t e d G e o r g e E . Howard, 45, of Douw S t r e e t i n T r o y, o n Wednesday, Jan. 16, and charged him with criminal possession of a stolen credit card in the fourth degree and identity theft in the second degree.

• C o l o n i e p o l i c e arrested David J. Hanna, 40, of Washington Avenue in Albany, on Wednesday, Jan. 16, and charged him with grand larceny in the fourth degree.

• C o l o n i e p o l i c e a r r e s t e d Wa l t e r A . Letsinger, 37, of Pinewood Avenue in Albany, on

T h u r s d a y, J a n . 1 7 , and charged him with aggravated unlicensed operat ion of a motor vehicle in the fi rst degree.

• C o l o n i e p o l i c e a r r e s t e d J e f f r e y M . Jackson, 47, of South Pearl Street in Albany, on Thursday, Jan. 17, and charged him with burglar y in the third degree and grand larceny in the fourth degree.

• C o l o n i e p o l i c e ar rested Deborah A. Munoz, 48, of Shaker Run in Albany, on Saturday, Jan. 19, and charged her with grand larceny in the third degree.

• C o l o n i e p o l i c e ar rested Lashanna L. Jacobs, 28, of the Bronx, on Sunday, Jan. 20, and charged her with criminal possession of a controlled substance in the fifth degree. She was allegedly found to be in possession of cocaine.

• C o l o n i e p o l i c e arrested James E. Turley, 39, of Central Avenue in Albany, on Monday, Jan. 21, and charged him with grand larceny in the third degree.

Alzheimer support groups provide

empathy and encouragement

By JOHN [emailprotected]

Caring for a loved one with Alzheimer’s isn’t an easy responsibility, but there are others ready to provide compassion and encouragement through sharing experiences.

T h e A l z h e i m e r ’ s A s s o c i a t i o n o f Northeastern New York offers support groups at more than 30 locations across 12 counties to help care-giving partners and individuals with early stage Alzheimer’s or others forms of dementia. The suppor t gr oups are designed to provide emotional, educational

a n d s o c i a l s u p p o r t for caregivers through r egu lar ly schedu led m e e t i n g s . G r o u p s typically meet monthly, with some meeting twice and month, and trained staff or volunteers facilitate discussions.

Jason Lee, community ser vice representative at Home Instead Senior Care, facilitated his first group Tuesday, Jan. 15, at Kingsway Community’s Village Apar tments in Schenectady. The group meets monthly every third Tuesday at 7 p.m.

“You can just ta lk about personal conflicts, concerns and problems with your loved ones dealing with early stage dementia and Alzheimer’s,” Lee said. “I just kind of move the conversation, and then people share stories.”

Lee said the groups often discuss how to better care for loved ones with dementia and Alzheimer’s. The learning experience often provides insight not found in textbooks or through browsing online.

T a l k i n g a b o u t frustrations and challenges might seem wrong to people at first, but Lee said it is important to share experiences.

“What people wind up telling me is, ‘Man, I didn’t realize I could do this,’” Lee said. “I think people don’t realize they can actually get that weight off their shoulders about discussing their trials and tribulations of the stressors they have.”

His mother, Eileen, has come up with her own techniques to solve issues dealing with her husband’s Alzheimer’s disease.

For instance, Eileen will lock one of her arms around her husband at night so she would awaken if he was going to get up in the middle of the night. Sometimes Lee’s father would be downstairs and have no recollection of how he got there or what he was doing.

“I never would have thought of that,” Lee said, “because she always fears about him getting up in the middle of the night.”

During the discussion group, Lee would often refer back to his personal experiences to help ease others into talking about their loved ones.

“I think my wife was going downhill before we really realized what was happening,” John Strizzi said. “All of a sudden about a year ago, I got laid up and couldn’t get out of bed

… and it became perfectly clear real quick that she could not cope.”

Strizzi said his wife wasn’t able to take care of herself without him helping, and doctors said she needed to get memory care. Recently, his wife fractured her ankle, but nobody knows how it happened.

“They say, ‘I don’t think she knows where she is or why,’” Strizzi said, “but life goes on.”

Strizzi’s daughter-in-law, Cathy, joined him at the meeting and has been helping him care for his wife. Cathy Strizzi’s mother has severe dementia, so she’s familiar with the challenges he is facing.

“It is scary because as the kid, you don’t always know what the best thing is to do,” Cathy Strizzi said.

For information on the Alzheimer’s Association of Nor theaster n New York visit theasternny, which has a link to a calendar of all upcoming meetings. You can also call Karen Brit , wester n region program manager of the Alzheimer’s Association, at (518) 867-4999, ext. 303, for meeting information, too. The 24-hour helpline is (800) 272-3900.

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Judging from the light, it was maybe 7:30 by the time I f inally steeled myself enough to unzip my sleeping bag and star t the arduous and uncomfor table process of putting my layers on.

I’d been awake for at least 15 minutes though, staring out of the tiny hole I’d left for my face in the sleeping bag and watching my breath travel to the top of the tent, where it was forming into a layer of hoar frost. It looked cold out there. Really, really cold.

The thing is, it wasn’t all that cold, at least not by Adirondack standards. Maybe a few degrees below zero. But the wind whistling around the tent reminded me how hard of a day it was going to be. A short, dark, hard day.

The great thing about having the proper outdoor gear and know-how is you can get out of town and into the backcountry without a lot of notice. Once you’ve f igured out what works best for dif ferent situations, it’s a simple matter to round ever ything up and get packed, confi dent you’re prepared.

That’s the state of zen I’d finally reached w i t h b a c k p a c k i n g . But living here in the

Nor theast, I was only taking advantage of a bit more than half of the months in the year when it came to truly getting away and spending the night outdoors. It was time to tackle winter backpacking.

A few years back, I picked up a book called “At the Mercy of the Mountains: True Stories of Survival and Tragedy in New York’s Adirondacks.” As the title suggests, its author, Peter Bronski, detailed some mostly r e c e n t e x a m p l e s o f disaster that have befallen hikers in the High Peaks area of the Adirondacks — some of them with fatal results. It’s a fantastic read, and a good reminder of exactly how serious striking out into the wilderness can be.

A great deal of the more extreme stories came from hikers who had de lved in to the A d i r o n d a c k s i n t h e winter months. There were campers who had to climb on top of a lean to to escape a sudden raging river when an ice jam gave away. Others were caught in sudden, harrowing blizzards that

buried tents and made simple sur vival a true challenge.

“Laura, listen to this!” I called as I read. “These halfwits sleep outside in the winter! Can you believe it? What kind of mental disease would compel you to do that?”

Not two years later, there I was, shivering in my inadequate sleeping bag on the fl oor of a lean to as the snow fell outside. If I was going to be an idiot, I was clearly going to have to go all the way.

So this year we decided to get serious. We sought out b ig , f lu f fy down sleeping bags, a nifty tent made for snow conditions, a new stove that will burn at any temperature and a bunch of other odds and ends. After researching, comparing, reading and researching some more, I fi nally felt prepared. We spread out all our nifty, cold weather gear and started to pack.

Halfway though, the seams of my pack were bulging. “No more,” it seemed to whimper. “Why are you doing this? Think of my poor suspension!” But I would not be deterred, grabbing carabiners to hook my crampon bag, water bottles and odds and ends onto the outside of the pack. Then I decided

New trails to travel in this new yearON THE TRAIL

Charles Wiff

to put it on and see how the weight was.

T h e p a i n w a s immediate and searing. My knees quaked. My vision went dark around the edges as a faint quake of breath escaped my lips.

“ H e l p . H e l p ! ” I managed to stammer as my wobbly legs sent me careening around the room.

“ H m ? ” c a m e a disinterested voice from the adjoining room.

“Call 911, I think my lungs have a hernia!”

“Oh, that reminds me. I put some of the food in the fridge, so don’t forget to pack that, too.”

A f t e r r e g a i n i n g c o n s c i o u s n e s s , I unpacked , r esor ted , repacked, unpacked and repacked again to get something resembling a workable confi guration. It was still an absolute mess. But we had everything we needed, so we’d be happy and warm, right?

That was only the t ip of the iceberg of ineptitude that was to follow us around that trip. We discovered the tent stakes we had were worthless for snow. So we dug rocks and branches

out of the snow to anchor the tent’s guy lines—but not well enough to keep the tent fl y from sagging under the falling snow, which got the tent wet overnight.

It only took us the majority of this geological age to set the tent up, so I was exceedingly proud when I got the stove lit in no more than seven tries (I didn’t even set fi re to hardly any nature). That’s when I discovered snow in the woods, which you imagine as pure and clean, is actually filled with all manner of pine needles and birch bark. We drank our tea through our teeth.

But that was nothing compared to dinner. I got the stove running (saving half a mitten! Outdoors exper t over here!) and whipped up some chicken-less chicken noodle soup. It was stone cold by the time we refi lled our bowls again, turning a hot slice of heaven into a gruel that resembled excellent English cooking — in other words, inedible. Then it was into our sleeping bags at 6:30, two hours after the sun had set, for a rousing game of “stare at your partner,” because your eyeballs are

the only part of your body you might risk uncovering.

Sounds like a blast, huh? You might think I would have applied the fi nicky stove to the tent and kissed the winter hardships goodbye then and there. Well, I must have acquired that brain wasting illness all those folks in the disaster book suffered from because the trip was still a blast. And the next, with the lessons we’d already learned, was even better.

T h a t ’ s t h e t h i n g that’s so invigorating about the outdoors: new experiences. There’s always a new peak to summit somewhere or a new skill to learn. And even when things are tough, well, that just serves as a reminder of how well you have it otherwise.

So if you haven’t already, take the opportunity this 2013 to do just that and try something you never though you’d ever do. Even if it’s a hardship, at least it will be yours.

Charles Wif f is the m a n a g i n g e d i t o r a t Spotlight Newspapers and enjoys hiking and the great outdoors.

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Matters of Opinion in The Spotlight



This article originally appeared in Capital District Parent Pages.

American society has come a long way, making huge leaps in technology, medicine and education in the past 50 years.

We can communicate easily and instantly with just about anyone in the world; we are finding cures for diseases that once were fatal; and we have improved educational opportunities for all. And yet, we are still rendered almost defenseless against fl ood waters, raging fi res and prejudice.

We are working on controlling the devastation of water and fi re as we add to our knowledge after each catastrophe, but our ability to learn from past experiences in regard to prejudice eludes us. We continue to struggle with “man’s inhumanity to man.”

Prejudice rears its ugly head everywhere both subtly and blatantly. When it is blatant, we should be grateful because it is then that we are not be able to walk around the monster.

To bring this philosophical refl ection into focus in current times, let us look at a school environment probably no more than 20 miles from where you are reading this. I would like to share a true story of the good and the bad of a sporting event involving two school districts, two boys’ soccer teams and two coaches. Names are purposely left out because this is not a unique stor y; it is instead a universal tale repeated often in different places with different players.

It was an end-of-the-season game with much at stake. Both teams were highly skilled and well prepared to face this big game. Each team had worked hard toward the same goal and had played well. It was right that they both ended up as contenders in this important matchup. The players on both teams were as psyched as they were confi dent, and they looked forward to the match

that would make one team the winner. Their attitude toward preparation for the big game exalted everything good about sportsmanship and athletics.

A member of one of the soccer teams by chance learned of the courageous battle a student from the other team’s school was waging against cancer. A young woman, also an athlete, had been sidelined by her illness. The young man from the competitive school was moved into action when he learned of the young woman’s situation. He wanted to do something to help.

His team would be hosting her school’s boys soccer team in a few days. He contacted people and set up a vehicle for collecting donations to aid the student in need. Before lunch on that particular school day, the specifi cs of the good deed were in place and ready to go on game day.

If only the story ended here, it would have been a simple and reassuring testament to our student athletes. Sadly, the story continues, and after lunch on that same school day, a prejudicial rant filled with slurs against a few players of one team had been posted on Facebook by the other soccer team’s coach. The coach’s post on Facebook was in the form of a list, one disgusting insult after another. The young man who had spearheaded the donation collection was on that list.

Now if you were asked to project what happened next, you would probably suspect that there would be tension and trouble ahead in both school districts. Well, the best part of sharing this stor y is that those same conscientious, sportsmanlike athletes, as well as the school leaders from both schools, decided they would

not be defi ned by one ignorant adult. The school district leaders came together and in a common bond of doing right, acted immediately in a manner af firming the values of their respective school communities. The offending coach was fi red, there was a heartfelt apology extended, and the game was played on schedule.

The match was played with impeccable spor tsmanlike conduct; the good deed to aid a student in need was carried out as planned; and in the end, there was one soccer team who scored more goals. However, it was every student and citizen of both school communities who won a battle, not the war, against prejudice that night.

The story could end here, but it doesn’t. As serendipity would have it, the team and its coach who had demonstrated extraordinar y grace under pressure, went on to win the New York State Championship a month later. Congratulations to them; they know who they are!

True sportsmanship in ugly times

Point of View

Weekly pollWhat do you think about New York’s new

gun laws?Log on to to cast your vote.

Last week’s poll results:“Will 2013 be a better or worse year than 2012?”

• Absolutely. Peace and prosperity 13%

• No way. Doom and gloom this year 38%

• It will be about the same 50%

Going off half cockedThe State of New York’s gun laws, already some of the most restrictive

in the nation, are now a little tougher. The toughest, even.State lawmakers rushed to pass the Secure Ammunition and

Firearms Enforcement Act (SAFE Act) last week, which puts new restrictions on what sorts of fi rearms may be sold and how. Banned under the new law are assault weapons. The defi nition of that class of gun is tightened down as well, making the class encompass guns with one “military-style” feature instead of two. Magazines will now only be allowed to hold seven bullets, down from 10. Stores and private sellers will also be forced to run background checks on buyers in more circumstances and it’s now illegal for New Yorkers to buy guns over the Internet.

Gov. Andrew Cuomo is right about at least one thing: the law is nothing if not comprehensive.

The passage of the law touched off a fi restorm of debate, which is really saying something when one considers the popular topics of conversation in the weeks following the Newtown, Conn., school shooting. But sadly, all this discussion is something like yelling into the empty barn the horse just left. Despite a general debate over gun control in the past weeks, there was barely enough time for the general public to read this bill before it was passed into law, never mind provide their representatives with comment on it.

The measure passed overwhelmingly, meaning there was likely enough support for a tough gun control law to make any opposition futile. But when the path of a major piece of legislation can be tracked in hours instead of days, it raises major concerns about governmental transparency and introduces the danger of long-term negative consequences from a knee-jerk reaction.

No matter where you fall on the issue of gun control, this law should have been vetted — especially considering President Barack Obama was set to deliver a set of federal actions in mere days.

And Second Amendment advocates are right to criticize the law for paying only lip service to the issue of mental health. The SAFE Act addresses the issue by extending a law that allows judges to send someone to psychiatric treatment and makes it easier to seize the fi rearms owned by a person deemed to be mentally unsound. Not bad ideas, mind you, but also not doing a lot to address the root of the problem and make more effective mental health care available to more people.

What is perhaps the easiest part of the SAFE Act to get behind is the “Webster provision,” which mandates a life sentence with no chance of parole to those convicted of killing a fi rst responder. Named after the town in which two fi refi ghters were gunned down on Christmas Eve, it is perhaps one area in which most, if not all, can agree more regulation is undoubtedly a good thing.

Follow The Spotlight on Twitter!Charles Wiff — @Wiffc_SpotlightJohn Purcell — @JohnP_SpotlightMarcy Velte — @Velte_spotlightZan Strumfeld — @Zan_spotlightMarci Revette — @marci_spotlightKristen Roberts — @Robertsk_cdppLocal sports with Rob Jonas — @Jonas_spotlight

What’s your point?

The Spotlight welcomes longer opinion pieces for the Point of View section. Do you have a hobby or cause you feel passionate about? We’d love to share it with our readers. Do you have information you think others would benefi t from hearing about? Let us know. Point of View submissions should be around 700 words and can be submitted via email to [emailprotected] with “POV” in the subject line.

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Your Community in The Spotlight

SCHS senior earns high rankSouth Colonie High School senior, Kyle J. Cogan, recently earned the rank of Eagle Scout in the Boy Scouts of America. Cogan has earned over two dozen badges in Scouting since he started as a Tiger Cub in 2001 and plans to enroll in college to pursue a degree in business this fall.

Submitted Photo

Movie night at Cohoes Library

Join us on Wednesday, Jan. 30, at 6 p.m. for ‘My Week with Mari lyn. ’ N o m i n a t e d f o r t w o Oscars, this movie stars M i c h e l l e W i l l i a m s , Kenneth Branagh, Eddie Redmayne and Judy Dench and is directed by Simon Curtis. Colin Clark, an employee of Sir Laurence Ol iv ier ’s , documents the tense interaction between Ol iv ier and Marilyn Monroe during production of ‘The Prince and the Showgirl.’

This movie is Rated R. Admission is free and open to the public. All children must be accompanied by an adult. For additional information, contact the library at 235-2570. The Cohoes Public Library is located at 169 Mohawk Street, Cohoes.

Mystery book club

A lex Kava ’s tenth Maggie O’Dell novel, ‘Fireproof,’ will be the subject of discussion at the Feb. 20 meeting of the Mystery Book Club. A Nebraska native, Ms. Kava is a NY Times Best-Selling Author known for her psychological suspense novels.

Join us at the Cohoes Public Library at either 10:30 a.m. or 6:30 p.m. Please let us know if you are coming to the 6:30 meeting. Books are available at the library.

For updates visit, or call 235-2570.

Babysitting to the Galápagos

Several Colonie High School s tudents ar e looking for babysitting jobs to raise funds to travel to the Galápagos Islands in April of 2014.

If you are looking for a reliable high-school student for babysitting, dog sitting or mother’s helper, please contact our group at 817-2294 and we can put you in touch with a student attending the trip.

Free small business seminar

The Town of Colonie’s Small Business Advisory Council will present a free seminar providing information on starting or expanding a small business from 5:30 to 8:30 p.m., Wednesday, Jan. 16 in the meeting house at the Crossings of Colonie.

The evening wi l l be broken into three different tracks focusing on star ting a business, o b t a i n i n g f i n a n c i a l backing and staying in

business. Each track will feature several presenters knowledgeable about business development.

M a r i l y n S m i t h , business liaison from C o n g r e s s m a n P a u l Tonko’s of fice, will be among the speakers. Also speaking will be Mark Egan, president of the Albany-Colonie Regional Chamber of Commerce, and Tom Nolte, president of the Colonie Chamber of Commerce.

Additional speakers i n c l u d e t h o s e f r o m the Community Loan Fund, the University at Albany’s Small Business Development Center and its SEED Program, the U.S. Business Administration, New York State Empire Development and the New York State Business Development Corporation.

In addition, both the Albany-Colonie Chamber’s E n t r e p r e n e u r s h i p M a n a g e r a n d L o a n Of ficer will speak, as well the president of RLS Demographics and as a representative from the Service Corps of Retired Executives.

J o s e p h L a C i v i t a , the Town’s Director of Planning and Economic Development, will also par ticipate. LaCivita is the Town’s liaison to the Colonie Industrial Development Agency and the Town’s Local Development Corporation.

Colonie Police Chief Steven Heider will speak on ways to protect business from white collar crime, now the leading cause of bankruptcy among small businesses.

The event i s f r ee and open to the public. Light refreshments will be served. Registration is recommended. To register, call the Town’s Of fice of Planning and Economic Development at 783-2741.

Archeology and architecture presentation

The Historical Society of the Town of Colonie cordially invites you to a special presentation by Paul R. Huey & Walter R. Wheeler Schuyler Flatts: Archeology and Architecture on Sunday, Jan. 27, at 2 p.m. The talk will take place at the Town of Colonie Library, 629 Albany Shaker Rd., Loudonville. Admission is free.

Paul R. Huey will present an historical background of the Schuyler Flatts site and will describe the archeological excavations conducted there. Walter R. Wheeler will follow with a presentation on the houses and other str uctures formaerly at the Flatts site and will interpret them using contemporary documents and vernacular

buildings. Both parts of the talk will be illustrated w i t h a P o w e r P o i n t presentation.

Mr. Wheeler is Senior Architectural Historian at Hartgen Archeological Associates; Mr. Huey is a retired Scientist (Archeology) at the NYS Bureau of Historic Sites.

For further information, call Bebe Morehead at 694-8610 or Mark Bodnar at 459-5147.

CEIP for businesses

On Wednesday, Jan. 23, from 7:30 to 9 a.m. at Berkshire Bank, 151 Vly Road, Niskayuna, we will be discussing the Career Exploration Internship Program (CEIP) offered at both North and South Colonie School Districts.

With ZERO liability to your business, CEIP encourages a school-to-community partnership t o h e l p s t u d e n t s better understand the relat ionship between school and work.

J o i n i n g t h e conversation will be South Colonie CEIP coordinator Chris Hanley, guidance counselor Kristen Mesick and North Colonie faculty member Rich Heim. Also present will be students, parents, and businesses that have participated in CEIP.

For more information visit,

Mailing 101 Please plan to join us

on Thursday, Jan. 24, from 8:30 to 10:30 a.m., at the Albany GMF Post Office, 30 Karner Road, as we present the basics of shape-based mailing from flats to letters to parcels and information on the new regional fl at rate shipping boxes.

Learn ways to take advantage of the new products offered by the Postal Service that can save you, your company and your cus tomers both time and money. Registration is at 8:15 a.m. The event is free, but reser vat ions are requested.

To sign up, call Brenda at 452-2286 or email PCC [emailprotected] by Jan. 22.

Host a Fresh Air child

Join host families in and around Saratoga County for our 137th summer and open your heart and home to a Fresh Air child! Each summer, over 4,000 inner-city children visit suburban, rural and small town communities across 13 states from Virginia to Maine and Canada through The Fresh Air Fund’s Volunteer Host

Family Program. The Fresh Air Fund, an

independent, not-for-profi t agency, has provided free summer experiences to more than 1.7 million New York City children from low-income communities since 1877. Fresh Air children are boys and girls from six to 18 years old who live in New York City. Children on first-time visits are six to 12 years old and stay for one or two weeks. Children who are reinvited by host families may continue with The Fresh Air Fund through age 18 and can enjoy extended trips. Over 65 percent of all children are reinvited to stay with their host families year after year.

For more information on hosting a Fresh Air child this summer, please contact Patty LeRoy at 885-9505 or The Fresh Air Fund at 800-367-0003. You can also visit The Fresh Air Fund online at

Mardi Gras celebration

Please join Harmony House Marketplace on Sunday, Feb. 10, as we chase away the winter blues at the Cayuga Lake Wine Trail Mardi Gras celebration.

The bus will be leaving from Historic Remsen Str eet in Cohoes a t 7:30 a.m. Experience the frivolity as we go from winer y to winer y receiving specialty Mardi Gras Beads, a chance to pick the lucky coin for instant prizes plus possibly participate in a scavenger hunt for a sampler case of fi ne wines from the trail.

At our starting point winer y we will receive a wine glass, as well as wine and food pairings and recipe cards at each winery we visit. The cost of the outing is $89 and will include transportation to and from Cohoes, a Mardi Gras event ticket and snacks on the bus. Please cal l Harmony

House Marketplace at 238-2232 to make your reservation.

Tutor training workshops

Literacy New York is of fering tutor training workshops in Bas ic Literacy and in English for Speakers of other languages beginning in Januar y. You can help adults in Albany, Saratoga, Schenectady, War ren and Washington counties learn to read, write and understand English. Your help will remove the communication barriers that often keep us apart and separate our diverse cultures.

To be a tutor you must read, write and speak English, have the equivalent of a high school education, be a minimum of 21 years of age, and attend a Literacy Volunteers training series. Knowledge of a foreign language is not required. Volunteer tutors are asked to commit to 2 hours a week for one year. Tutoring is on a one-on-one basis.

Tutors also can help with the improvement of parenting skills and with passing the citizenship test.

Tutor trainings will be held at Public Libraries. For a copy of the tutor training schedule, contact Literacy at 452-3381, or go to the website

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Life in hard places

A fi lm will look at the life of Delmar optometrist Tom Little, who was killed in a Taliban ambush in Afghanistan during one of his philanthropic missions to the war-ravaged country.

Submitted photo

Film on work of Tom Little needs backing for Afghanistan trip

By MARCY [emailprotected]

Out of respect for Libby Little, Dan Swinton waited a year after her husband’s death before approaching her about producing a documentary on his life and work in Afghanistan. But Swinton had no idea that was actually the worst possible moment.

“There were just planning a memorial to honor his life because it’s so dangerous to travel to Afghanistan,” he said.

It was a little more than two years before Libby Little was ready to help make the film come to life for PBS. The title is “The Hard Places,” a nickname many aid workers have for Afghanistan.

“It took me a while to entertain the idea of having the documentary done,” Little said. “We were private people and we kept a low profi le. Eventually, I found that it would be balanced and Tom wouldn’t be made out to be a hero.”

Tom Little, an optometrist who kept a home in Delmar, was killed in August of 2010 in a Taliban ambush in Afghanistan. The incident has since been d u b b e d t h e B a d a k s h a n Massacre, and it is viewed as the deadliest attack against aid workers of the Afghanistan War. A total of 10 members of the International Assistance Mission Eye Camp team were killed as they traveled from Nuristan to Kabul.

When Tom Little’s stor y became national news, Swinton

was working at WMHT, the PBS station in Albany. The story had broad interest as far as current events, but also a local, human connection. Swinton said he quickly knew he wanted to produce a project about Little.

“We want to examine his legacy, but this story is also important because in 2014 our troops are scheduled to leave,” he said. “I think the country would like to forget about Afghanistan because we are sick of hearing about it, but there are a lot of humanitarians who poured their life into their work there and are going to stay no mater what. This is a story not just about Tom’s death, but also what his team accomplished.”

Libby and Tom Little met in high school before going to separate universities. They married after graduation, and Tom helped his father, also an optometrist, in his practice. It was in the 1970s that Tom heard about the growing need for eye care in Afghanistan and spoke with his wife about moving there to help out. The couple moved

in 1976, raised their family and lived in Afghanistan almost full time for 30 years.

“For the fi rst two years we got our feet wet,” Little said. “Then, once we got involved and it never got better, Tom felt very strongly that you don’t just skip out when things got rough. I believed that, too.”

T h e L i t t l e s l i v e d i n Afghanis tan through the R u s s i a n i n v a s i o n a n d occupation, the emergence of the Taliban and the War on Terror. During that time, Little worked to set up clinics and hospitals through IAM’S National Organization for Ophthalmic Rehabilitation (NOOR) and t rave led to see patients throughout the countr y. The program has evolved into a system of hospitals with a training and education centers for locals and mobile eye camps.

“The thought is to train the Afghan people to care for

themselves,” said Little. “It’s the only sustainable way to work in a setting like that and it’s the best situation for everyone involved.”

Filming got the documentary has already begun. Swinton said the fi lm will cover Tom’s early life in Claverack and Kinderhook, and then move on to his time in Afghanistan and Delmar. The crew has already collected archival material that is being edited together, and filming has been done at the Little’s home in Delmar.

Cur rent ly, the crew is attempting to raise $20,000 to pay for a trip to Afghanistan to fi lm. The money will be used to cover travel costs and salaries. Other money is being found through private donations and grants, but the travel funding has to be gathered up soon. There isn’t a good sense of how safe conditions in the country will be as U.S. troops withdraw, so the crew must go when there is still some security in the area.

The hope is to film at the hospital where Tom Little worked. Libby will travel with the crew and they will speak with some of Tom’s colleagues and patients to get a sense of the work done and what is still needed.

“He’s sort of a legend over there,” said Swinton. “A project like this is important so people don’t forget.”

Little said she thinks her husband would like anything that helped raise awareness for his life’s work.

“This is based on his story, but he wouldn’t agree to a hero thing,” she said. “He didn’t think of himself that way. He was just an ordinary person doing his job somewhere else.”

To help with production of the documentar y, people can donate by visiting To donate to NOOR, vis i t

“For the fi rst two years we got our feet wet. Then, once we got involved and it never got better, Tom felt very strongly that you don’t just skip out when things got rough. I believed that, too.”

– Libby Little

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Glenmont woman takes new

approach with dieting app

By MARCY [emailprotected]

It’s been only a few weeks since the ball dropped, but already many — if not most — people have given up on their New Year’s resolution to shed the extra holiday pounds and get in shape.

Keeping up with a diet can be tough, but Christy Venter of Glenmont has created what she believes to be a new approach to eating healthy. Her new iPhone app, HealthyME Living, helps people keep track of what they eat and works to modify their behavior to achieve a healthier diet.

“This helps people to make the connection between what they’ve eaten and how they feel afterward,” she said.

Venter graduated from Siena College with a degree in psychology. After having a full-time career for eight years, she is now a stay-at-home mom, but she also recently attended the Institute of Integrative Nutrition in New York City to become a certifi ed holistic health coach.

Venter in tegra ted her knowledge of both fields of

study to create her new app. She said after studying nutrition, she was looking for an app that would not just count calories, but show her what she’d eaten throughout the day. After not fi nding one, she decided to take matters into her own hands.

The HealthyME Living app asks the user to take a picture of everything they eat throughout the day. When the picture is taken, it asks why the user is eating. The hope is the user will then be able to identify if they are just eating because they are bored, out in a social setting or if they are actually hungry. An hour later, the app will pop back up with the picture and ask how the user feels after eating the meal or snack.

“If you’re eating fast food, an hour is about the time when the happy feeling starts to wear off,” said Venter. “It’s important to note how you feel after you’ve eaten something, so hopefully you will be able to recognize that feeling next time and make smarter food choices.”

The app also has a calorie counter and can keep track of weight loss.

Venter worked closely with developers to create the app. Because of the cost, she wasn’t able to include ever ything she wanted, but she hopes it can eventually be developed further to link with Facebook in order to create virtual support groups.

Venter said HealthyME Living will have different effects of different people, but the hope is it will help people to recognize their unhealthy behaviors and modify them. Anyone can use the app, but Venter said it is

especially helpful for busy moms.

Venter ’s fr iend, Ala ina Laferriere of Watervliet, said she has been using it to help lose the extra baby weight she gained during her pregnancy after developing poor eating habits.

“I have to be accountable for what I’m eating now because I took a picture of it,” she said. “I now notice myself making sure I eat appropriate amounts and I’m

choosing better snacks than the pattern I was using before.”

The app is $1.99 and is now only available on the iPhone. Venter hopes to eventually make it available on other smartphone platforms.

“I have a lot of ideas about how to make it more useful but anything added is more time and money for the developers,” she said. “Hopefully for now, this can be used to inspire people to change.”

A picture of health

Christy Venter, left, created an iPhone app that aims to keep people on track with their diet goals.

Submitted photos

“It’s important to note how you feel after you’ve eaten something, so hopefully you will be able to recognize that feeling next time and make smarter food choices.”

-Christy Venter

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Entertainment in the Spotlight

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The force is strong with this one

harlie Ross wasn’t the t y p i c a l S tar Wars gur u as a k i d , b u t he did see

condensed 60 -minute version of the three Star Wars movies into a one-man comedy stage show called, “One Man Star Wars T ri logy.” In the show that hits Proctors Fr iday, Jan. 25 , Ross reenacts the Star Wars trilogy without props, c o s t u m e s o r s p e c i a l ef fects, miming his way through three movies.

“It’s really is just me up there,” Ross said. “ A 3 8 - y e a r - o l d m a n running around acting l ike an 8-year-old kid pretending to be all of t h e c h a r a c t e r s f r o m Star Wars – flying ships and all the romance and battles and stuf f. It has to be the most absurd thing in the world to watch – but a lot of fun.”

To h i m , t h e s h o w may seem like child’s play, but to audiences all over the world the show is enter tainment at its best. In the past

1 2 y e a r s , R o s s h a s per formed his one-man show more than 1,200 t i m e s i n m o r e t h a n 180 cities across four continents.

“Ever y time I think i t i s c o m i n g t o a n end, i t just keeps on going,” Ross said. “It’s a fun show and I stil l genuinely enjoy doing it.”

What keeps the show f r e s h f o r h i m i s t h e audience.

“There are cer ta in characters that always get a good laugh,” he

said. “It tends to be the non-speaking ones like R2-D2 or Chewbacca.”

Ross said he also likes to add a l i t t le improv to the show when the moment strikes.

“If someone’s phone goes of f, we are all going to know about i t ,” he says. “Or if someone gets up to go to the bathroom in the midd le o f the show – if it happens at the right moment – I will definitely stop the show and sort of highlight the whole experience.”

Ross said audience

By DANIA [emailprotected]

One man, three films; Star Wars reenactment hits Proctorsmembers don’t have to be avid Star Wars fans to enjoy the show.

“ I d e f i n i t e l y h a v e people who have never seen a moment of the movies and enjoy it,” he said. “Knowing there ar e people who have never seen the movies who come to see it, it

has tasked me to make the show more of a show for ever ybody.”

“One Man Star Wars” opens at Proctors on Friday, Jan. 25 and runs through Jan. 27. Ticket price is $25. For more information about show t imes or to purchase tickets, visit

Cthe movies more times t h a n h e c a n c o u n t . Having grown up in an area without television reception, he was lucky enough to own a VCR and three videotapes.

“One of the films on tape was Star Wars,” he said.

Ross might be living a much di f ferent l i fe today if that hadn’t been the case. Watching the movies as many times as he did gave him a u n i q u e p e r s p e c t i v e , which came in handy after he graduated from theater school and was hit with the desire to do something “a bit more of my own,” said Ross.

The Canadian-bor n actor’s creation was a

“It has to be the most “It has to be the most absurd thing in the world absurd thing in the world to watch – but a lot of to watch – but a lot of fun.”fun.”- actor Charlie Ross- actor Charlie Ross

Page 10 • January 23, 2013 Spotlight Newspapers

The Colonie-Loudonville Spotlight - [PDF Document] (11)

Arts and Entertainment

Weekly Crossword


Marty Egan’s original play about a French banker who must house a German offi cer during World War II, presented by Not So Common Players, Jan. 25-27, Clif-ton Park-Halfmoon Library, Moe Road, Clifton Park, shows 7:30 p.m. Friday and Saturday, 2 p.m. Sunday, free. Informa-tion,

DRACULAStage adaptation of classic thriller, pre-sented by Curtain Call Theater, 210 Old Loudon Road, Latham, through Feb. 9, shows 7:30 p.m. Thursday, 8 p.m. Friday and Saturday, and 3 p.m. Sunday, $23. Information, 877-7529.

THE PILLOWMANMartin McDonagh’s dark comedy about a writer who is interrogates about the content of his short stories and their similarities to a series of child murders in his town, presented by Channel Z Productions, Caffe Lena, 47 Phila St., Saratoga Springs, Jan. 28 and 29, 7:30 p.m., general admission $15, students/seniors $12. Information, 583-0022.

RACERegional premiere of David Mamet play,

presented by Capital Repertory Theatre, 111 N. Pearl St., Albany, through Feb. 10, $20-$60, call for show times. Informa-tion, 445-7469.

THREE TALL WOMENEdward Albee’s Pulitzer Pirze-winning play, presented by Schenectady Civic Players, Schenectady Civic Playhouse, 12 South Church St., Schenectady, Jan. 25-27 and Jan. 30 through Feb. 3, shows 7:30 p.m. Wednesday and Thursday, 8 p.m. Friday and Saturday, 2:30 p.m. Sun-day, $15. Information, 382-2081.


Mike, Peter and Elizabeth perform a va-riety of oldies and originals, Jan. 24, 8 p.m., Moon and River Cafe, 115 South Ferry St., Schenectady, free. Information, 382-1938.

DAVID RUBINTraditional folk musician, Jan. 25, 7 p.m., Emack and Bolio’s, 366 Delaware Ave., Albany, free. Information, 512-5100.

LOUDON WAINWRIGHT IIIVeteran folk artist, Jan. 25, 8 p.m., Sw-yer Theater, The Egg, Empire State Plaza, Albany, $29.50. Information, 473-1845.

BILL STAINESNew England folk troubadour, Jan. 25, 8 p.m., Caffe Lena, 47 Phila St., Saratoga Springs, members $16, general admis-sion $18, children under 13 $9. Informa-tion, 583-0022.


Two talented singer-songwriters, Jan. 25, 8 p.m., Moon and River Cafe, 115 South Ferry St., Schenectady, free. Information, 382-1938.

CHILDREN’S OPEN MICHosted by Saratoga Children’s Theatre and open to performers age 8-17, key-board and CD player available, Jan. 26, 6:30 p.m., Lillian’s Restaurant, Broadway, Saratoga Springs, free. Information, sara-toga

ALAN GOLDBERGSinger-songwriter, Jan. 26, 7 p.m., Emack and Bolio’s, 366 Delaware Ave., Albany, free. Information, 512-5100.

MANHATTAN TRANSFERPopular jazz vocal group, Jan. 26, 8 p.m., Swyer Theater, The Egg, Empire State Plaza, Albany, $39.50. Information, 473-1845.

OLD SONGS SAMPLER CONCERTBenefi t show for Old Songs Festival with performances by Annie & Jonny Rosen, Jeff Gonzales, Addi & Olin Unleashed and the Wheelbarrow Boys, Jan. 26, 8 p.m., Old Songs Inc., 37 South Main St., Voorheesville, $20. Information, 765-2815.

RYAN, MATT AND FRIENDSSchenectady County Community College jazz group, Jan. 26, 8 p.m., Moon and River Cafe, 115 South Ferry St., Sche-nectady, free. Information, 382-1938.

SPUYTEN DUYVILEight-piece acoustic Americana band, with special guests Loves It, Jan. 26, 8 p.m., Caffe Lena, 47 Phila St., Saratoga Springs, members $12, general admis-sion $15, children under 13 $7.50. Infor-mation, 583-0022.

RICK ROURKE CD RELEASE PARTYCapital District musician brings his three bands — Rick Rourke & The Lost Wages, Bluz House Rockers and Out of Control Rhythm and Blues Band — together for one show, Jan. 27, 2 p.m., Swyer The-ater, The Egg, Empire State Plaza, Albany, $20-$35. Information, 473-1845.

ALFIE BOEGifted British tenor, Jan. 27, 3 p.m., Hart Theater, The Egg, Empire State Plaza, Al-bany, $34. Information, 473-1845.

MAGPIEActivist folk duo, Jan. 27, 7 p.m., Caffe Lena, 47 Phila St., Saratoga Springs, members $12, general admission $15, children under 13 $7.50. Information, 583-0022.


“Spontaneous Broadway,” a weekly show of improvised comedy and music, Jan. 25, 8 p.m., Proctors Underground, 432 State St., Schenectady, adults $14, stu-dents/seniors $6. Information, 346-6204. Also, weekly improv skit show, Jan. 26, 8 p.m., Comedy Works, 500 Northern Blvd., Albany, advance tickets $15, day of show $20, dinner packages $33.95 in advance, $44.95 day of show. Informa-tion, 275-6897.

COMEDY WORKS (ALBANY COUNTY)Kevin Meaney with special guest Carole Montgomery, Jan. 25 and 26, 7:30 and 9:30 p.m., 500 Northern Blvd., Albany, advance tickets $15, day of show $20, dinner packages $39.95 in advance, $44.95 day of show. Information, 275-6897.


Kevin Meaney with special guest Carole Montgomery, Jan. 26, 6 p.m., City Sports Grille, 1668 U.S. 9, Clifton Park, advance tickets $15, day of show $20. Informa-tion, 275-6897.

GOD HAS A SENSE OF HUMOR TOO!Comedian Cuzin Mann brings together the area’s best comedians, gospel sing-ers, poets and more for one show, Jan. 26, 6:30 p.m., WAMC Performing Arts Studio, 339 Central Ave., Albany, ad-vance tickets $15, day of show $20. In-formation, 528-8701 or 590-9707.


MARVELS AND WONDERTALES”Virtuoso puppeteer and mime, Jan. 26, 2 p.m., Troy Savings Bank Music Hall, 30 Second St., Troy, $10-$18. Information, 273-0038.


“An Irrepressible Confl ict: The Empire State in the Civil War,” through Sept. 22; “Seneca Ray Stoddard: Capturing the Adirondacks,” through Feb. 24; “1934: A New Deal for Artists,” through Jan. 20; “Beneath the City: An Archeological Perspective of Albany,” permanent col-lections on the 9/11 recovery effort, New York state history and geography, Empire State Plaza, Madison Avenue. Informa-tion, 474-5877.

ALBANY INSTITUTE OF ART“The Eternal Return: Stephanie Rose Por-taits,” through Jan. 27; plus “The Folk Spirit of Albany: Folk Art from the Col-letcion of the Albany Institute of History and Art” and exhibits on Hudson River

School painting, American sculpture and the history of Albany, 125 Washington Ave. Information, 463-4478.

ALBANY AIRPORT GALLERYInstallations by Paul Katz, Harry Leigh, Harold Lohner, Lillian Mulero, Ken Rags-dale, Nancy Shaver and Joy Taylor. Infor-mation, 463-3726.

ALBANY CENTER GALLERY“The Eighth Annual Members Show,” through Jan. 26; 30 Columbia St., Al-bany. Information, 462-4775.

BROOKSIDE MUSEUM“The Threads of Time,” through Jan. 31; 6 Charlton St., Ballston Spa.

CLEMENT ART GALLERY“Group Show V,” through Jan. 29; 210 Broadway, Troy. Information, 272-6811.

MISCI“Seeing,” through June 2; plus “FETCH! Lab” and “Fueling the Future,” ongoing; Nott Terrace Heights, Schenectady. Infor-mation, 382-7890.

SARATOGA AUTOMOBILE MUSEUM“The Syracuse Mile,” featuring two of the central New York’s famous stock cars; plus ongoing exhbits including “East of Detroit” and New York racing, 110 Avenue of the Pines, Saratoga Springs. Information, 587-1935, ext. 20.


“We the People,” through April 7; Skid-more College, Saratoga Springs. Infor-mation, 580-8080.

UPSTATE ARTISTS GUILD“In Art We Trust,” through Jan. 25; 47 Lark St., Albany. Information, 426-3501.

CLARK ART INSTITUTE“Lions and Tigers and Museums, Oh My!” through March 31; “Clark Remix,” through Jan. 1, 2014; 225 South St., Williamstown, Mass. Information, (413) 458-9545.

MASS MOCA“Invisible Cities,” through Feb. 4; “Oh Canada,” through April 1; “Sol LeWitt: A Wall Drawing Retrospective,” ongoing; plus more; 87 Marshall St., North Adams, Mass. Information, (413) 664-4481.

ARKELL MUSEUM“From Giverny to the Brooklyn Bridge,” through Feb. 2; “Pastoral and Parkland: American Landscape Paintings,” through March 31; plus “Arkell’s Inspiration: the Marketing of Beech-Nut and Art for the People,” ongoing; Canajoharie. Informa-tion, 673-2314.


Holding auditions for spring production of “Deadly Deal” by Bill St. John, Feb. 6 and 7, 7:30 p.m., Berne Reformed

Church, Route 443, Berne, parts for four men and fi ve women. Information, 506-5834.

SCHENECTADY CIVIC PLAYERSHolding open auditions for May pro-duction of “Sunday in the Park with George.” Feb. 5 and 7, 7:30 p.m., Schenectady Civic Playhouse, 12 South Church St., Schenectady, roles for at least 17 men and women age 20-79, plus one girl age 10-12. Information, 469-2269 or email [emailprotected].

AJKUN BALLET THEATRESeeking dancers from pre-Kindergarten to young teens for its summer residency production of “La Bayadere” at The Egg in Albany, rehearsals begin July 29, 2013 for the Aug. 10 performance date, danc-ers will have the option to join the full company for its performances the follow-ing week in New York City. Information, or email [emailprotected].

BALLSTON SPA COMMUNITY BANDOpenings in several sections, especially percussion, rehearsals Wednesdays at 7 p.m. at Ballston Spa High School. Infor-mation, 580-1037.

THURSDAY MUSICAL CLUBWomen’s singing group entering its 99th year, practices held Wednesdays from 9:30 to 11:30 a.m. Information, 765-4536.

THE CHORALIERSMusical group looking for singers of all abilities, performs concerts at Christmas and in the spring, pieces are familiar and fun to sing, no auditions are necessary, practices are 6:30 p.m. Wednesdays at Saint Clares’ Chapel, McClellan Street, Schenectady.

ETUDE CLUBLooking for women interested in vocal and instrumental performance, meetings held the fi rst Thursday of every month. Information, 374-5536.


Ongoing rehearsals for its winter concert, Shenendehowa Adult Community Center, Clifton Common, Clifton Park, no audi-tions required to join. Information, 371-6681.

CAPITALAND CHORUSOpenings for all voice parts for women who love to sing and perform, rehearsals are at 7 p.m. Thursdays at New Covenant Presbyterian Church, corner of Orlanso and Western avenues, Albany. Informa-tion, 785-3567.


Auditioning professional dancers by appointment at Arthur Murray Dance Studio, 75 Woodlawn Ave., Saratoga Springs. Information, 306-4173.

Spotlight Newspapers January 23, 2013 • Page 11

The Colonie-Loudonville Spotlight - [PDF Document] (12)


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Burt tries to turn the match in his favor

Colonie’s Wayne Burt attempts to get John Jay High School’s Andrew Anthony on his back during their 195-pound quarterfi nal round match at Saturday’s Shenendehowa Invitational in Clifton Park. Burt defeated Anthony on his way to the championship round, where he lost to Shen’s Levi Ashley 9-5. Burt was one of three Garnet Raiders to reach the fi nals in their weight classes. Golan Cohen defeated Shen’s Kevin Guardino and St. Anthony’s John Twomey before losing to Hoosick Falls’ Luis Weierbach in the 106-pound fi nals, while John Mullaly got past Harrison’s Max McMulen and PSAL’s Elvin Giorvacio before losing to Newburgh Free Academy’s Isaac Serrano in the 220-pound title bout. Colonie took seventh place in the team standings with 85 points. Rob Jonas/Spotlight

Big third quarter lifts Raiders to win

Colonie hangs onto defeat Shaker

in crosstown battle

By SPORTS STAFF [emailprotected]

The Colonie boys bas-ketball team posted its biggest win of the season by knocking off Suburban Council North Division leader Shaker 58-49 in last Friday’s crosstown battle.

The Garnet Raiders (5-5 league, 6-6 overall) built a 31-28 halftime lead and expanded it by out-scoring the Blue Bison (8-2, 10-2) 13-4 in the third quarter.

G o d f r e y F r e e m a n had 13 points, and Jake Samuels contributed 12 points. Zach Yakel netted 14 points for Shaker.

Co lon ie t rave ls to Ballston Spa (3-7, 4-7) Friday, while Shaker hosts Suburban Council South Division leader Bethlehem (9-1, 11-1).

Elsewhere last Friday, Loudonvil le Christian School ripped apart New Lebanon 76-19 in a Central Hudson Valley League game.

The Eagles (8-0, 11-1) raced out to a 31-7

lead within the fi rst eight minutes, and they poured it on from there to remain perfect in the CHVL.

Mat Yamin’s 20 points led four Loudonville Chris-tian players in double fi gures. James Hilton con-tributed 14 points, Gabe Brown chipped in with 12 points and Jonny Dariano added 10 points.

The Eagles host a pair of CHVL games this week. They meet Germantown (6-1, 7-4) Thursday and Berlin (2-6, 3-8) Friday.

Christian Brothers Aca-demy (10-1, 11-2) hung on to its share of the Big 10 lead by pulling out a 54-47 victory over Amsterdam last Friday in Colonie.

The Brothers struggled through the first three quarters before out-scoring the Rugged Rams 20-9 in the fi nal eight minutes to remain tied with Troy for the league lead.

Greig Stire poured in 32 points, and Tyrell Ramsey added 13 points for CBA. Luis Laboy netted 15 points for Amsterdam (2-9, 2-10).

The Brothers begin a two-game road trip Friday by playing LaSalle (7-3, 7-5) in Troy.

The Colonie-Loudonville Spotlight - [PDF Document] (14)


NOTICE OF FORMATION DOMESTIC LIMITED LI-ABILITY COMPANY (LLC).Name: 3055 SOUTHSHORE DRIVE EAST, LLC. Articles of Organization filed with NY Secretary of State, De-cember 6, 2012. Purpose: to engage in any lawful act or activity. Offi ce: in Albany County. Secretary of State is agent for process against LLC and shall mail copy c/o 9 Washington Square, Albany, NY 12205.85068 (C)(January 23, 2013)


Notice of Formation of Limited Liability Company (LLC)Name: VDK HOLDINGS, LLCArticles of Organization fi led by the Department of State ofNew York on: 11/27/2012Office location: County of SchenectadyPurpose: any and all lawful activities. Secretary of State of New York (SSNY) designated as agentof LLC upon whom process against it may be served. SSNY shall mail a copy of process to:33 Carriage Hill DriveLatham, NY 1211085071 (C)(January 23, 2013)


NOTICE OF FORMATION OF264 Bradford Street, LLCUnder Section 203 of the Limited Liability Company LawFirst, the name of the limited liability company is 264 Brad-ford Street, LLC.Second, the articles of or-ganization were filed with the New York Department of State on December 6, 2012.Third, the County in which the limited liability company is located is Albany County, New York.Fourth, The Secretary of State of the State of New York has been designated as agent of the limited li-ability company upon whom process against it may be served. The principal ad-dress of the limited liabil-ity company is 264 Bradford Street, Albany, New York 12206.Fifth, the purpose of the company is to engage in any lawful act or activity for which limited liability companies may be organized under the New York Limited Liability Law.85073 (C)(January 23, 2013)


NOTICE OFFORMATION OFLIMITED LIABILITYCOMPANYName: Ovel, LLC(LLC). Articles ofOrganization fi led withNYS Dept. of State ofDecember 6, 2012. Offi celocation: Albany County.NY Secretary of State(SOS) is designated asAgent of LLC for serviceof process. SOS shall mailcopy of process to P.O. Box 1668Latham, NY 12110.Purpose: Any lawfulAct or activity85082 (C)(January 23, 2013)


NOTICE OFFORMATION OFLIMITED LIABILITYCOMPANYName: DA-MAD LLC(LLC). Articles ofOrganization fi led withNYS Dept. of State ofDecember 7, 2012. Offi celocation: Albany County.NY Secretary of State(SOS) is designated asAgent of LLC for serviceof process. SOS shall mailcopy of process to P.O. Box 1668Latham, NY 12110.Purpose: Any lawfulAct or activity85083 (C)(January 23, 2013)


Notice of Formation of CAP-TAIN’S LOOKOUT DEVEL-OPMENT, LLC. Arts. of Org. fi led with SSNY on 12/6/12. Off. Loc. Albany County. SSNY designated as agent of LLC upon whom process against it may be served. SSNY shall mail a copy of process to: The LLC, 1698 Central Ave., Albany, NY 12205. Purpose to engage in any lawful activity.85084 (C)(January 23, 2013)


NOTICE OF FORMATION OF LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANYNAME: MURRAY CPJ LLCArticles of Organization were fi led with the Secretary of State of New York (SSNY) on 11/16/12. Offi ce location: 50 Chapel Street, City of Albany, County of Albany, New York.SSNY has been designated as agent of the LLC upon whom process against it may be served. SSNY shall mail a copy of process to the LLC, 50 Chapel Street, Albany, New York 12207.For any lawful purpose. 85138 (C)(January 23, 2013)


NOTICE OF FORMATION OF LIMITED PARTNER-SHIPNAME: CPJ 17 L.P.Certifi cate of Limited Part-nership was f i led with the Secretary of State of New York (SSNY) on 11/16/12. Office location: 50Chapel Street, City of Albany, Albany County, New York.SSNY has been designated as agent of the LP upon whom process against it may be served. SSNY shall mail a copy of process to the LP, 50 Chapel Street, Albany, New York 12207The name and business or residence street address of each general partner is available from the secretary of state.The latest date on which the limited partnership is to dissolve is: November 15, 2111.For any lawful purpose. 85139 (C)(January 23, 2013)


ROULEAU CONSULT-ING GROUP, LLC, Author-ity fi led with the SSNY on 11/29/2012. Offi ce loc: Al-bany County. LLC formed in MA on 06/04/2010. SSNY is designated as agent upon whom process against the LLC may be served. SSNY shall mail process to: 7 Michael’s Lane , Glouces-ter, MA 01930. Address required to be maintained in MA: 7 Michael’s Lane Gloucester MA 01930. Cert of Formation fi led with MA Sec. of Commonwealth, 1 Ashburton Pl., 17th Fl., Bos-ton, MA 02108. Purpose: Any Lawful Purpose. 85146 (C)(January 23, 2013)


NOTICE OF FORMATION DOMESTIC LIMITED LI-ABILITY COMPANY (LLC).Name: DESIGN LOGIC, LLC. Articles of Organiza-tion fi led with NY Secretary of State, December 18, 2012. Purpose: to engage in any lawful act or ac-tivity. Office: in Albany County. Secretary of State is agent for process against LLC and shall mail copy to c/o United Corporate Ser-vices, Inc., 10 Bank Street, Suite 560, White Plains, NY 10606.85148 (C)(January 23, 2013)


SPIRO REALTY ASSOCI-ATES, LLCNotice of formation of Spiro Realty Associates, LLC, a limited liability compa-ny ( the “LLC”). Articles of Organization filed with

the Secretary of State of NY (the “SSNY”) on 12/10/12. Offi ce location: Albany County. The SSNY has been designated as agent of the LLC, upon whom process against it may be served. The SSNY shall mail a copy of any pro-cess to the LLC, 8 Empire Circle, Slingerlands, New York 12159. Purposes: any lawful activity.85149 (C)(January 23, 2013)


NOTICE OF FORMATION DOMESTIC LIMITED LI-ABILITY COMPANY (LLC).Name: CAMPUS ASSOCI-ATES VI LLC. Articles of Organization fi led with NY Secretary of State, Decem-ber 14, 2012. Purpose: to engage in any lawful act or activity. Offi ce: in Albany County. Secretary of State is agent for process against LLC and shall mail copy to 302 Washington Avenue Ext., Albany, NY 12203.85150 (C)(January 23, 2013)


NOTICE OF FORMATION OF DOMESTIC LIMITED L IABIL ITY COMPANY (LLC).The name of the limited liability company is 425 WESTERN AVE LLC.The Articles of Organization creating the limited liability company were fi led in the Offi ce of the Secretary of State of NY (SSNY) on December 10, 2012.The principal offi ce of the limited liability company is in Albany County. The SSNY is designated as the agent of the LLC upon whom process against it may be served and the post offi ce address to which the SSNY shall mail a copy of any process against the LLC is: c/o LLC, 16 Fox Run, Latham, NY 12110.The LLC is formed for the purpose of engaging in any business purposes permit-ted by law.85151 (C)(January 23, 2013)


Notice of Formation of Av-ery Manufacturing, LLC, Arts of Org. filed with NY Secy of State (SSNY) on 12/12/12. Office location: Albany County. SSNY is designated as agent of LLC upon whom process against it may be served. SSNY shall mail process to 177 Paine Street, Green Island, NY 12183. Purpose: any lawful activity.85152 (C)(January 23, 2013)


NOTICE OF FORMATION DOMESTIC LIMITED LI-ABILITY COMPANY (LLC).Name: SANDY GLENN STABLES LLC. Articles of Organization filed with NY Secretary of State, Au-gust 30, 2012. Purpose: to engage in any lawful act or activity. Offi ce: in Sche-nectady County. Secretary of State is agent for process against LLC and shall mail copy to 54 Freeman’s Bridge Road, Scotia, NY 12302.85222 (C) (January 23, 2013)


NOTICE OF FILING OF ARTICLES OF ORGANIZA-TION IN NEW YORKBY A LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANYName: Pryde Rock Prop-erties II, LLC. Articles of Organization fi led with sec. of state of NY(SOS) on 10/11/12. Office loca-tion: Albany County. SOS is designated as agent of LLC for service of pro-cess. SOS shall mail copy of process to 11 Rose-mont Street, Albany, NY 12203. Purpose: Any law-ful act or activity.85225 (C)(January 23, 2013)


STATE OF NEW YORKSUPREME COURT COUNTY OF ALBANYThe German Evangelical Protestant Society in the City of Albany. Petitioner, For an Order Decreeing the Dissolution of The German Evangelical Protestant Society in the City of Albany.

NOTICE OF PETITIONIndex No.: 6516-12RJI # 01-12-108635TO: Trustees, Dea-cons, Members of the Con-gregation, Of f icers, Members, Church Council, Creditors of the Petitioner, and all whom it may concern.PLEASE TAKE NOTICE: Upon the petition of the entire membership of the Church Council of The German Evangelical Prot-estant Society in the City of Albany, in the County of Albany, State of New York, a religious corporation, affi li-ated with the United Church of Christ, the undersigned will, on January 16, 2013 apply to the Supreme Court of the State of New York, at a Special Term, to be held in and for the County of Albany, at the Albany County Courthouse, 16 Eagle Street, Albany, New York 12207, at 9:30 o’clock in the forenoon, or as soon thereafter as counsel can be heard for an Order pur-suant to Section 18 of the Religious Corporations Law. 1. Decreeing the dissolution of The German Evangelical Protestant So-ciety in the City of Albany, and 2. Order ing and directing the conveyance and distribution of all real property belonging to The German Evangelical Prot-estant Society in the City of Albany, to the New York Conference of the United Church of Christ, Inc., and 3. After ascertaining the debts of the corpora-tion and the necessary costs and expenses of this proceeding of dissolution, ordering and decreeing that such debts, costs and expenses be paid and that the balance of all assets be conveyed, delivered and paid to the New York Conference of the United Church of Christ, Inc., to be applied to the purposes of that religious corporation affiliated with the United Church of Christ, and 4. For such other and further relief as the Court may deem just and proper.Hoffman & Naviasky, PLLC.Attorneys for Petitioners1802 Eastern ParkwaySchenectady, New York 12309 (518) 370-474385128 (C)(January 23, 2013)


Notice of formation of D&E INSURANCE SERVICES, LLC Arts. of Org. fi led with the Sect’y of State of NY (SSNY) on 12/6/2012. Of-fice location, County of Albany. SSNY has been designated as agent of the LLC upon whom process against it may be served. SSNY shall mail process to: The LLC, 5 Fox Run, Latham, NY 12110-5035. Purpose: any lawful act85241 (C)(January 23, 2013)


Notice of formation of TO-MAROCH MANAGEMENT LLC Arts. of Org. fi led with the Sect’y of State of NY (SSNY) on 12/10/2012. Offi ce location, County of Albany. SSNY has been designated as agent of the LLC upon whom process against it may be served. SSNY shall mail process to: The LLC, 25 Corporate Circle, Karner Industrial Park, Albany, NY 12203.

Purpose: any lawful act85242 (C)(January 23, 2013)


TWENTYFIVECC L.P. has been formed as a Limited Partnership (LP) in NY. The offi ce is located in the County of Albany. The Cert. of LP was filed with the Department of the State of NY on 12/12/2012. The Secretary of the State of NY (“SSNY”) is designated as agent upon whom pro-cess against the LP may be served. SSNY shall mail a copy of any process against it served upon him to: The LP, 25 Corporate Circle, Karner Industrial Park, Albany, NY 12203. The latest date on which the LP is to dissolve is: 11/30/2060. The name and address of the General Partner is available from the Secretary of State. The purpose of the LP is any lawful act.85243 (C)(January 23, 2013)


P R AC T I T I O N E R O P -ERATIONAL EXECU-TIVE MANAGEMENT, LLC, Authority filed with the SSNY on 12/14/2012. Office location: Albany County. LLC formed in DE on 08/05/2011. SSNY is designated as agent upon whom process against the LLC may be served. SSNY shall mail process to: P.O. Box 176, Dorset, VT 05251. Principal Address of the LLC: 195 Derby Hill Rd. Rupert, VT 05768 . Cert of Formation fi led with DE Sec of State, 401 Federal St., Ste 4 Dover DE 19901. Pur-pose: Any Lawful Purpose.85244 (C)(January 23, 2013)


PARAMOUNT PROFES-SIONAL SERVICES, LLC, Arts. of Org. fi led with the SSNY on 11/28/2012. Of-fice loc: Albany County. SSNY has been designated as agent upon whom pro-cess against the LLC may be served. SSNY shall mail process to: Rachel Quick, 24 Dudley Ave, Cohoes, NY 12047. Purpose: Any Lawful Purpose.85372 (C)(January 23, 2013)


ALYMAT LLC, Author-ity fi led with the SSNY on 10/01/2012. Offi ce loc: Al-bany County. LLC formed in NJ on 02/27/2008. SSNY is designated as agent upon whom process against the LLC may be served. SSNY shall mail process to: 540 Ridge Road, Watchung, NJ 07069. Address required to be maintained in NJ: 540 Ridge Road Watchung NJ 07069. Cert of Formation fi led with Sec of State, 125 West State St. Trenton, NJ 08625. Purpose: Any Lawful Purpose.85373 (C)(January 23, 2013)


Notice of formation of CO-DEFACE MEDIA LLC Arts. of Org. fi led with the Sect’y of State of NY (SSNY) on 12/13/2012. Offi ce location, County of Schenectady. SSNY has been designated as agent of the LLC upon whom process against it may be served. SSNY shall mail process to: The LLC, 24 Front Street Apt 2 Schenectady, NY 12305. Purpose: any lawful act85374 (C)(January 23, 2013)


NOTICE OF FILING OF ARTICLES OF ORGANIZA-TION IN NEW YORKBY A LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANYName: Lupe Owen Hold-ings, LLC. Articles of Or-ganization filed with sec. of state of NY(SOS) on

12/21/12. Off ice loca-tion: Albany County. SOS is designated as agent of LLC for service of pro-cess. SOS shall mail copy of process to c/o Trinity Realty Group, One Park Place, Suite 204, Albany, NY 12205. Purpose: Any lawful act or activity.85379 (C)(January 23, 2013)


Notice of Formation of LOLA FASHION LLC. Arts. of Org. was fi led with SSNY on 12/27/12. Office loca-tion: Albany County. SSNY designated as agent of LLC whom process against may be served. SSNY shall mail process to: c/o The LLC, 46 State St., Albany, NY 12207. The registered agent is: USA Corporate Services Inc. at the same address. Purpose: all lawful activities.85459 (D)(January 23, 2013)


Notice of Formation of Bread Boss LLC a domestic Limited Liability Company (LLC) fi led with the Sec of State of NY on 12/12/12. New York office location: Albany County. SSNY des-ignated as an agent upon whom process against the LLC may be served. SSNY shall mail a copy of any process against the LLC served upon to the LLC, 300 Old Loudon Road, Latham, NY 12110. Purpose: any lawful activity.85498 (C)(January 23, 2013)


NOTICE OF FORMATION DOMESTIC LIMITED LI-ABILITY COMPANY (LLC).Name: WESTPALM III LLC. Articles of Organiza-tion filed with NY Secre-tary of State, January 10, 2013. Purpose: to engage in any lawful act or ac-tivity. Office: in Albany County. Secretary of State is agent for process against LLC and shall mail copy to 1828 Western Avenue, Albany, NY 12203.85505 (C)(January 23, 2013)


RASA DESIGNS, LLCNotice of Formation of the above Limited Liability Company (“LLC”). Articles of Organization (DOM LLC) fi led with the Secretary of State of New York (“SSNY”) on December 20, 2012. Of-fice location, County of Albany. SSNY has been designated as agent of the LLC upon whom pro-cess against it may be served. SSNY shall mail a copy of process to: The LLC, 7232 Belleview Drive Schenectady, New York 12303. Purpose: Any law-ful act.85506 (C)(January 23, 2013)


NOTICE OF FORMATION DOMESTIC LIMITED LI-ABILITY COMPANY (LLC).Name: SINGLE BARREL LLC. Articles of Organiza-tion filed with NY Secre-tary of State, January 14, 2013. Purpose: to engage in any lawful act or ac-tivity. Office: in Albany County. Secretary of State is agent for process against LLC and shall mail copy to 302 Washington Avenue Ext., Albany, NY 12203.85520 (C)(January 23, 2013)


MANAGED INSURANCE SERVICES, LLC, Author-ity fi led with the SSNY on 12/17/2012. Offi ce loc: Al-bany County. LLC formed in FL on 12/27/2011. SSNY is designated as agent upon whom process against the LLC may be served. SSNY shall mail process to: 361 E. Hillsboro Blvd, Deerfi eld Beach, FL 33441. Principal

Offi ce of LLC in FL: 361 E. Hillsboro Blvd, Deerfield Beach, FL 33441. Cert of Formation fi led with FL Sec. of State, Div. of Corps, P.O. Box 6327, Tallahassee, FL 32314. Purpose: Any Lawful Purpose.85521 (C)(January 23, 2013)


Section 00 11 16INVITATION TO BIDVILLAGE OF COLONIE, NEW YORKCOLONIE FIRE STATION – ASBESTOS ABATEMENTPLEASE TAKE NOTICE that the Village of Colo-nie intends to remove and abate asbestos in the exist-ing fire station located at 1631 Central Avenue and is seeking sealed bids for this work. This is a public works project.Sealed bids will be accepted until 2:00 p.m. local time on January 31, 2013 at the Vil-lage Hall, 2 Thunder Road, Albany, NY. The public bid opening will commence immediately following the above specifi ed time at the location indicated.Each sealed enclosure containing a bid is to be endorsed on the outside with the name, address and telephone number of the bidder and is to state that it contains a bid for the Colo-nie Fire Station – Asbestos Abatement.Bid security in the form of a 5% bond issued by an acceptable surety or bank or certifi ed check payable to the Village of Colonie is required.Bids must be in accordance with the terms, conditions, specifi cations and other bid documents for the project and must remain good for forty-fi ve (45) days.Bidding Documents may be obtained as follows: Con-tact Pacheco Ross Archi-tects, P.C. (PRA) at [emailprotected] for a PDF to be emailed or send $35.00 check made payable to Pa-checo Ross Architects, P.C. to PRA for paper copy to be mailed. No deposits.The successful bidder will be required to provide both performance bond and a la-bor/material payment bond issued by acceptable sure-ties and to enter into a writ-ten contract with the Village of Colonie. A copy of the form of contract is included with the bid documents.The Village of Colonie re-serves the right to reject any and all bids, re-advertise for new bids and waive minor irregularities in bidding and to accept the bid that is best suited for the Village of Colonie.Project Budget: $7,000.00 to $8,000.00Contact: Pacheco Ross Architects, P.C. PO Box 558 Voorheesvi l le, NY 12186


Pat Hurley, ClerkDated: January 16, 201385524 (C)(January 23, 2013)


TOWN OF COLONIEN OT I C E O F P U B L I C HEARINGPURSUANT TO SECTION 202B OF THE TOWN LAW OF THE STATE OF NEW YORK IN RELATION TO MERCURY SPILL RE-MEDIATION AT THE HIGH LIFT PUMPING STATION MOHAWK VIEW TREAT-MENT PLANTPLEASE TAKE NOTICE that, pursuant to Chapter 950 of the Laws of 1972 and the Town Law of the State of New York, a public hearing will be held in connection with Mercury Spill Remedia-tion at the High Lift Pump-ing Station Mohawk View Treatment Plant. A mercury contamination problem with discovered at the High Lift Pumping Station of the Mo-hawk View Water Treatment Plant which will require cer-tain excavations and repairs, which would including the following work plan:Defi ning the wetland area at the 8-inch gravity drain

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The Colonie-Loudonville Spotlight - [PDF Document] (15)

Spotlight Newspapers January 23, 2013 • Page 15

doing the honors.“That’s reassuring. You

can’t have a team with just one player (scoring),” said Madison Rowland. “You need all fi ve players contributing.”

S h a k e r n o w o w n s wins against Colonie,


LEGAL NOTICE LEGAL NOTICE LEGAL NOTICE LEGAL NOTICE LEGAL NOTICE LEGAL NOTICE LEGAL NOTICEdischarge using fi eld survey methods.Analyzing the soil samples on a progressive basis, sending the samples near-est the outfall and along the fl ow path out for analysis fi rst. Continuing analyzing samples until the results fall below the action limits for the parameters involved.Exposing and removing a section of the 8-inch drain pipe upstream from the out-fall, probably near the toe of the slope from the sludge drying bed to inspect the condition of the pipe from the bottom end.Excavating a collection pit/sump on the 8-inch drain pipe to receive the water from the pipe jetting and capture the water for set-tling and disposal. Water jet the 8-inch drain pipe until no mercury above the action level is present in the water.Excavating the areas of contaminated soil/sediment at the outfall as defi ned by the Engineer’s Investiga-tions. Importing fill materials to replace removed soil/sedi-ment.Removing the two floor drains, clean and plug the under fl oor drain piping.Plugging the 8-inch gravity drain and leave the exist-ing sump in the basement of the High Lift available for use as a sump pump

basis for the existing foot-ing drains.A report, map, plan and esti-mate of cost have been pre-pared by the engineers, the particulars of which are set forth in the engineer’s report on fi le in the Town Clerk’s Office for public inspec-tion. The maximum amount proposed to be expended for said project is Six Hundred Seventy Thousand Dollars and 00/100 ($670,000.00). Said public hearing will be held in the Memorial Town Hall, Newtonville, New York on February 7, 2013 at 7:00 p.m., at which time and place an opportunity will be given to all persons interested in being heard on the proposed project.




TOWN CLERK85525 (C)(January 23, 2013)



ALBANY, STATE OF NEW YORK PURSUANT TO AR-TICLE 12A OF THE TOWN LAW OF THE STATE OF NEW YORK AND CHAP-TER 633 OF THE LAWS OF 1965NOTICE IS HEREBY GIV-EN that the Town Board of the Town of Colonie, Albany County, New York at a regu-lar meeting thereof held on the 17th day of January, 2013 with prior notice of a public hearing given, duly adopted pursuant to Article 12A of the Town Law and Chapter 633 of the Law of 1965, a resolution subject to a permissive referendum the purpose and effect of which is to establish an ex-tension of the Latham Water District as set forth in the map, plan and report on fi le with the Town Clerk’s offi ce.WHEREAS, a map, plan and report relating to the establishment of Extension 161 to the Latham Water District has been fi led with the Town Clerk of Colonie, in accordance with the re-quirements of the Town Law; and WHEREAS, an order was adopted by the Town Board of the Town of Colonie on December 20, 2012, recit-ing the fi ling of the map, plan and report, the boundar-ies of the proposed exten-sion, the improvements proposed, the estimated ex-pense thereof the proposed

method of financing, the fact that the map, plan and report are on fi le in the Town Clerk=s Offi ce in said Town for public inspection, and all other matters required by law to be stated; andWHEREAS, the order set January 17, 2012 at 7:00 p.m. at the Town Hall, New-tonville, New York as the date, time and place of the public meeting to consider the map, plan and report and to hear all persons inter-ested in the subject, and to take action as required and authorized by law;WHEREAS, notice of such public hearing was duly published and posted in the manner and within the time as required by law; and WHEREAS, a hearing on the matter was held by the Town Board on the 17th day of January, 2013, beginning at 7:00 p.m. and the matter being fully discussed and all interested persons having been duly heard; andNOW IT IS HEREBY RE-SOLVED AND DETER-MINED:a) That the notice of hearing was published and posted as required by law, and is otherwise suffi cient;b) That all property and property owners within the proposed extension area benefi ted thereby;c) That all the property and property owners benefi ted are included within the limits

of the proposed extension;d) That it is in the public in-terest to establish the water district extension;FURTHER RESOLVED AND DETERMINED, that the establishment of the water district extension, as set forth in the map, plan and report be ap-proved, andFURTHER RESOLVED AND DETERMINED, the approval of the State Comp-troller is not required pursu-ant to the provisions of Sec. 209(f) of the Town Law; andFURTHER RESOLVED AND DETERMINED, that the requested improvement shall be constructed, and the necessary easements and lands be acquired, upon the required funds being made available and provided for, and such extension shall be known and designated as the 161st Extension to the Latham Water District in the Town of Colonie, and shall be bounded and de-scribed as set forth in the aforementioned engineer’s report on fi le in the Offi ce of the Town Clerk of the Town of Colonie and annexed hereto and the maximum amount proposed for said project is Six Thousand and 00/100 Dollars ($6,000.00) dollars to be paid for with excess water rents of the district, and it is furtherRESOLVED, that this Reso-lution is subject to permis-

sive referendum as provided by §209-e of the Town Law.




TOWN CLERKNUTWOOD AVENUEThe residential properties on Nutwood Avenue to be included in the 161st water district extension are located in the northwestern area of the Town. The ex-tension area is situated to the west of Albany Street, south of the intersection with Bonner Avenue on Nutwood Avenue. The ex-tension consists of seven (7) single family residential homes located at 133, 135, 141, 151, 164, 172 and 174 Nutwood Avenue.270 & 274 BOGHT ROADThe residential properties on Boght Road to be includ-ed in the 161st water district extension are located in the northeastern area of the Town. The extension area is situated to the north of Route 7, south of the in-tersection with Howansky Drive on Boght Road. The extension consists of two (2) single family residential homes located at 270 and 274 Boght Road. 10 DUNSBACH FERRY ROADThe residential properties on

Dunsbach Ferry Road to be included in the 161st water district extension are located in the northeastern area of the Town. The extension area is situated to the north of NYS Route 87, south of the intersection with Pollock Road. The extension con-sists of one (1) single family residential home located at 10 Dunsbach Ferry Road. ARCHMONT KNOLLS (PHASE 5) – HASWELL ROAD AND NORTHERN BOULEVARDArchmont Knolls, Phase 5, is a proposed subdivision located in the eastern area of the Town. The extension area is situated to the south of Route 7, and east of the intersection with Northern Boulevard, along Verdun Street. The extension con-sists of a proposed residen-tial subdivision, comprised of thir ty-two (32) single family residential homes. 7 & 8 YORK PLACE7 & 8 York Place is located in the eastern central area of the Town. The exten-sion area is situated to the east of Route 9, south of the intersection with Over-ridge Road, along Belle Avenue. The extension con-sists of a proposed residen-tial subdivision, comprised of two (2) single family resi-dential homes. 85526 (C)(January 23, 2013)

decade except for a couple of autocross events with a local Porsche club.

“I tossed myself into the family business and really didn’t have much time to do anything else,” said Finkle.

Finkle changed his mind last summer when he saw an ad for Barber’s IndyCar Academy. With encouragement from his fi ancee, Rachael Shatsoff, he went to Limerock Raceway in Connecticut in November to attend a three-day class.

“I’m the one who persuaded him to do it because this is the time when he can do it,” said Shatsoff.

Finkle said it didn’t take him long to regain the form he had when he gained the invite to join the Barber racing series from his instructors 10 years earlier.

“Within a couple of laps, I was back to normal,” said Finkle.

Finkle impressed his new instructors and was selected as one of 84 racers nationwide to earn consideration for the IndyCar Academy. From that list, Finkle was chosen by a national committee of Barber Racing School instructors to be one of the 33 fi nalists.

Many of the other drivers going to Florida for Barber’s IndyCar Academy are in their 20s, including Olympic swimmer Tyler Clary.

“Hopefully, he doesn’t drive as fast as he swims,” Finkle said of Clary.

Fortunately for Finkle, the winner of the IndyCar Academy will be decided on the track and not by the age of the driver. The drivers will be divided into three groups of 11, and their times on the track and how cleanly they race will determine where they start on the fi nal day of the Academy, when everyone will race for the sponsored ride.

“From what I know, this is going to be a points-based system,” said Finkle. “If I do something like spin out on the track, they’ll deduct points for that.”

Finkle got into racing cars through his father, who started when he was 12 years old.

“There was a little store on the corner of Lexington Avenue and Central Avenue called Lexington Go-Kart,” said Marty

Finkle. “I got to meet a fellow by the name of Benny Rosenburg, and next thing you know I started go-kart racing.”

Marty Finkle graduated from go-kart racing to driving in three series – the Sports Vintage Racing Association, the Historic Sportscar Association and the local Porsche Club. He also became a national instructor at the Porsche Club’s driver education events at tracks across the Northeast including Limerock and Watkins Glen.

When he was old enough to drive, Justin Finkle began tagging along with his father to the Porsche Club events and fell in love with racing. Marty said he could tell right away that his son had a natural ability to drive race cars.

“What you have to do is know your limits and the limits of your car, and Justin knows both,” said Marty.

Justin’s mother, Paula Finkle, said watching him drive go-karts in his teens was a lot like watching her husband on the track, which made it easier for her to let Justin pursue his dream.

“I’ve seen Justin out there before, and I wasn’t nervous because I’d seen my husband out there before,” said Paula, who has also driven in Porsche Club autocrosses.

Justin eventually took his talents to the Skip Barber Racing School, where he did so well that he earned an invitation to a two-day advanced class. It was there he was encouraged to join the regional racing series, but he said he wasn’t going to ask his parents for the money to do it.

“I was only going to do it if I paid my own way, and there was no way I could do that,” said Finkle.

Now, Justin Finkle has a second chance to pursue his racing dreams, and his family is hoping he can take the next step toward being a professional driver such as Skip Barber graduates Michael and Marco Andretti, Jeff Gordon and Tony Kanaan.

“I’m not nervous,” said Shatsoff. “Not a lot makes me nervous. I know he’s a talented driver, and I have 100 percent confi dence he can do it.”

“A lot of the guys that make it this far, it’s because they paid their way through,” said Marty Finkle. “It’s very rare when raw talent makes it to that level, and Justin has the raw talent to do it.”

■■ Second(From Page 16)

■■ Shaker(From Page 16)

Averill Park (8-2, 9-3) and Shenendehowa (6-3, 8-3), which gives the Blue Bison an inside edge for the Suburban Council’s top seed in next month’s Section II Class AA playof fs. They can improve their chances next Friday with a victory over Bethlehem (10-0, 12-0) in Delmar.

“This is huge,” said

Madison Rowland. “If we had lost this (game), we would have been tied for second.”

Colonie hosts Ballston Spa (0-10, 1-11) in another Suburban Council game Friday.

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Page 16 • January 23, 2013 Spotlight Newspapers

By ROB JONAS [emailprotected]

Justin Finkle has a second chance to fulfi ll his race car driver dreams.

The 30 -year -o ld Delmar resident is one of 33 fi nalists for a sponsored ride in the Skip Barber Regional Racing Series. All he has to do is be the top driver at the Skip Barber Racing School IndyCar Academy Jan. 25-27 at

Sebring International Raceway in Florida.

“This is considered to be one of the premier racing series in America,” said Finkle. “If you do well there, you can be picked up to race in a bigger series.”

Finkle had the opportunity to join the Barber racing series 10 years ago when he participated in a pair of schools, but he passed on it because he had to pay his way – an expense that he said could have been as much as $5,000 per weekend.

“I was in college, and it basically

wasn’t going to happen because it was something where I’d have to pay to race each week, and you shouldn’t have to pay to race,” said Finkle. “My whole thing is I wanted to be picked because of my ability, not because of my wallet.”

Instead or continuing on a track which could have led to racing in IndyCar or NASCAR, Finkle graduated college and went into his father Marty’s business working at Harold Finkle Jewelers on Central Avenue in Colonie. He didn’t race any cars over the past

Burt leads Colonie at invyWayne Burt was one of three

Colonie wrestlers to reach the fi nals of their weight classes at Saturday’s Shenendehowa Invi-tational in Clifton Park. Burt fi ni-shed second in the 195-pound division after losing to Shen’s Levi Ashley 9-4.

See Page 13.

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Sports Editor Rob Jonas439-4949, ext 422


Finkle is one of 33 fi nalistsparticipating in competition

for sponsored ride

A second chance

Jets rally to tie Brothers

Closs scoresin fi nal two minutesfor Shaker/Colonie

Weekly pollWhat is the toughest

high school gym to play in?

• Bethlehem

• Christian Brothers Academy

• Loudonville Christian

• Scotia-Glenville

• Shenendehowa

Go to and click on “Sports” to cast your vote.

Last week’spoll results:

What is the best rivalry in Section II hockey?

• Saratoga vs. Shen 60%

• Bethlehem vs. Shen 13%

• CBA vs. Shaker/Colonie 13%

• BC vs. Shaker/Colonie 7%

• Shaker/Colonie vs. Shen 7%


• Shaker Blue Bison, 70• Colonie Raiders, 56

■■ Second Page 15

Shaker uses balance to beat ColonieMadison Rowland leads

four Blue Bisonin double fi gures

Justin Finkle, far right, has the support of his family — (from left) his parents, Marty and Paula Finkle, and fi ancee Rachael Shatsoff — as he heads to Florida this weekend to compete in the Skip Barber Racing School IndyCar Academy. The winner earns a sponsored ride in Barber’s regional racing series. Rob Jonas/Spotlight

By SPORTS STAFF [emailprotected]

Shaker/Colonie rallied from a 2-0 deficit to tie Christian Brothers Aca-demy 2-2 in Saturday’s Capital District High School Hockey League game at the Albany County Hockey Facility.

Two Chase Crawford goals gave the Brothers (6-2-2 league, 7-5-3 over-all) their lead, but Nick Dennis tallied midway through the third period and Brendon Closs added the tying goal with 1:38 left for the Jets (6-1-2, 7-2-3).

Shaker/Colonie goal-tender Zach Dignum had 22 saves, while CBA net-minder Kyle Stockman stopped 30 shots.

Saturday’s tie came on the heels of Shaker/Colo-nie’s 5-2 loss at Shenen-dehowa Friday.

Jef f Bink scored 39 seconds into the game to give the Jets a 1-0 lead, but goals by Dave Hunter, Riley Ir ving and Kyle Marr put the Plainsmen (7-1-1, 9-5-1) ahead for good.

Shen coach Juan de la Rocha earned his 200th career victory.

Shaker’s Ariene Gambles (3) fouls Colonie’s Jaclyn Welch during the fourth quarter of last Friday’s game. Rob Jonas/Spotlight■■ Shaker Page 15

By ROB JONAS [emailprotected]

The Shaker girls basketball team earned another quality Suburban Council victor y –

this time, at the expense o f i t s crosstown rival from Colonie.

M a d i s o n Rowland led four B l u e B i s o n i n double fi gures with 18 points as Shaker (10-0 league, 12-0 overa l l ) pul led

away for a 70-56 win against Colonie (7-3, 9-3) Friday in Latham.

“It was an amazing, total team effort,” said Shaker coach Emily Caschera-Blowers.

The game started as one would have expected in the Shaker-Colonie rivalr y as the teams battled back and forth in the fi rst

quarter. But early foul trouble for Colonie’s Samantha Blum and Nicole Riddick left the Garnet Raiders at a disadvantage in the low post – one that Shaker took advantage of in the second quarter as it used a 12-0 run to build a 25-15 lead.

“When Riddick went out (in the second quarter) with foul trouble, we were able to box out better and grab more rebounds,” said Caschera-Blowers.

“It was diffi cult playing without our bigs,” said Colonie senior guard Sydnie Rosales, who fi nished with 18 points.

Colonie did what it could to stay within striking distance through the remainder of the second quarter and throughout the third quarter, but Shaker kept fi nding sources of offense to maintain a healthy lead. If it wasn’t Madison Rowland hitting shots, it was Lyric Artis (14 points), Merrick Rowland (14 points), Adriene Gambles (10 points) or Sage VanAmerongen (nine points)

The Colonie-Loudonville Spotlight - [PDF Document] (2024)
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