The Springfield Daily Republican from Springfield, Massachusetts (2024)

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The Springfield Daily Republicani

Springfield, Massachusetts

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5 New SlbtJErtisem*nts WANTED IMMEDIATELY A Meat Cook at the Exchange Hotel m21 Gd BLOODY SCENES IN THE CAPITAL GEXS YIXOY AXDiCIUXZY EXECUTED THE GOVERNMENT POWERLESS Id Id ad fSulmdaw 5 Bill Of New Subvertisem*nts Id EDGINGS AND INSERTIONS ROM TIIK WEST Id ini' lyx5 A new lot Just received at the URNISHING STORE the am barricaded but circulation is unimpeded Shots have been heard but no conflict is reported The cannons in the arrondissment des Buttes Chaumont were returned to the authorities on Saturday the national guards of that section being unwilling to become insurgents Thiers is firm but full of grief Gen indignation is boundless It is said that the Germans decline to interfere with affairs in Paris It is thought that the revolutionary movement now in progress in Paris will extend to Marseilles and Lyons and even to Bordeaux EONAPARTIST AGENTS AT WORK Special to the World from Paris 20th The insurgents hold the Hotel de Ville the Palace of Justice the Tuileries and Place Ven dome Complete apathy is displayed by the bourgeois and no resistance has been made to the insurgents The murders of Lecomte and Thomas were by order of Riciotti Garibaldi who heads the Insurrection Thomas resisted vigorously but Garibaldi ordered him to be held against a wall while his body was riddled with bullets Lecomte died with the utmost calmness smoking a cigar and refusing a bandage over his eyes Many other executions have occurred The government has telegraphed for the 30000 men at Camp Sortray to come to Paris The Prussians at St Denis will enter Paris if the gar rison is increased beyond 40000 men The city is full of Bonapartist agents including Chevran Conti Ranhl and Regnier The insurgents for some days past have received five francs daily which is supposed to have been furnished by these agents At less pris ture? it is our our bas'mei price Not a patent medicine but one that the compositioa is known to physicians and used by them Dyspeptics nervous folks weak ones pale cheeks ana lips taxe notice ana act Sold by druggists One of the incidental ills of the carpet bag governments at the South was recently discovered by the North Carolinians when a committee was appointed as usual to accompany the corpse of a deceased member to his home When they looked up that locality it proved to be in 5 er mont and they had a tour to the Green moun tains at an expense of about $1000 to the state THE CITY AT THE MERCY A MOB ERRE CO 2 allon's Block I was a little boy 1 know what I would do: go to MILLER store And get a suit right through The cheapest place In the city to buy Boys' Cloth ing Remember the place SO Main st Massscoit Block Id THIERS AND HIS COLLEAGUES AT SAILLES The Paris Revolt OICIAL DISPATCH ROM MINISTER WASI1 BUliXE Washington Monday March 20 Secretary ish received the following cable dis patch this afternoon rjHE BEST TONIC IS IRON TONIC WANTED One first class Tin and Sheet IV Iron Workman to whom steady work and the best of wages will be Slven Apply TaGUE CO'S Springfield Mass or at 5V North Adams Mass ui 1 REMEMBER That the best place in this city to buy CARPENTERS TOOLS Is at 100 Main street JWERY MAN That Is posted buys his boots at the CENTRAL SHOE STORE Id MORSE CO $200 BOULEVARD SKIRTS ARMORY HILL DRY GOODS STORE OR SALE IN CIIICOPEE The property of the late Josiah Stevens situated on Center street on the direct road to Springfield or partic ulars inquire on the premises or of JOSIAH STEVENS Jr ml4 12 lorence Mass gTITCHING AND PLAIN SEWING Done cheap at 110 State street Springfield Mass Domingo Much excitement exists here because the negro police received $10 each for the capture of 27 drunken seamen belonging to the Tennes see The railroad committee of the New York As sembly will report this week on the bill repeal ing the Erie classification act A reso lution instructing the attorney general to com mence an action in the name of the people for the removal of isk and Gould from the Ene direc tory was offered in the Assembly Monday but went over under the rule The Ottawa Times organ of the Dominion government commenting upon the national policy adopted by the Dominion government in its Monday edition says that until last year there were comparatively no charges on the American vessels trading at Canadian ports while Canadian vessels entering American ports were subject to such heavy charges as to virtually place the whole ferriage business in the hands of Americans Last year the Dominion government placed a similar tax on American vessels and the result is a circular from the secretary of the treasurv withdrawing such charges on all vessels engaged in lake trade IP HE Popular Combination Concert is on A Wednesday Evening March 22 Tickets of ad mission 15 cents Id 1IO LET by the quarter Desk Room in row A vacant room on secona floor of Agawam Biak building or the same will be let to one sole tenant Apply only March 21 and 22 between 10 and 12 a to JAS MARSH General Agent State Mutual Life Assurance Agawam tank Building m212dx JJAMBURG AN EARLY RESUMPTION NOT PROBABLE A dispatch from Pottsville Pa says that the situation remains unchanged in the Schuylkill region The general feeling among coal tors is that there will be no resumption until the middle of April or the 1st of May unless the Lu zerne or Lehigh men break from the working benevolent association in which case there would be immediate resumption Advices re ceived from the above regions represent tbe mens unwilling to continue the strike and say that hero is much dissatisfaction among them A number of miners at Johnstown Pa have published a card contradicting the report that the miners there have united with the min benevolent association ot the anthracite re gion and elected officers They say: We have no idea of abandoning our own organization which we control to put ourselves under a lor eign organization controlled by strangers have had steady work for the last fitrocn yc(aJ and want the same in the future lear that the anthracite region may be the cause ot the re peal of the duty on bituminous coal which win injure the miners of this region and the miners of the whole country POPULAR COMBINATION CONCERT at the Opera Bouse on Wednesday Evening March 22 Tickets now for sate at Gate Bur dett's) drug store Id A Cook and Second Girl (color ed) In one family I also want places for a good Cook and Assistant Cook or the latter would take table chamber or laundress work provided they could be together I want a wet nurse also a good farm hand 8 HART 269X Main street HAVE BEEN TOLD That there is a House of 13 rooms beside bath room pantry and closets nicely arranged marble mantels hot and cold water etc everything to make home comfortable Lot 95 feet on Main street and 1 la feet on School street situated in that beautiful localityover the river) on Main st corner School that can be bought for the low price of $6500 Terms easy Inquire of TITl Beal Estate Agency Otlice hi drugstore Id Haynes Hotel Block and It is not necessary say that where a con sumptive person exposes himself to frequent colds he is certain to die shortly therefore my advise is go well down into the state out of the reach of pre vailing east wind? and fog? Jacksonville or almost any others of the localities I have named will benefit those who are troubled with a torpid liver a dis ordered stomach deranged bowels sore throat or cough but for those whose lungs are diseased a more southern point is earnestly recommended or fifteen years prior to 1869 1 was professionally In New York Boston Baltimore and Philadelphia every week where I saw and examined on an aver age five hundred patients a week A practice so ex tensive embracing every possible phase of lung dis ease has enabled me to understand the disease lolly and hence my caution in regard to taking cold A person may take vast quantities of Pul monic Syrup Seaweed Tcnic and Mandrake Pills nd vet die if he does not avoid taking cold in lorida nearly everybody is using Schenck Mandrake Pills for the climate Is more likely to pro duce bilious habits than more northern latitudes It is a well established fact that natives of lorida rare ly die of consumption especially those of the south ern part On the other hand in New England one third at least of the population die of this terrible disease In the middle states it does not prevail so largely still there are many thousands of cases there What a vast percentage of life would be saved if consumptives were as easily alarmed in regard to taking fresh (colds as they are about scarlet fever small pox etc! but they are not they take what they term a little cold which they are credulous enough to believe will wear off in a few days They pay no attention to it and hence it lays tbe founda tion for another and another still until the lungs are diseased beyond all hope of cure Mv advice to persons whose lungs are affected even slightly to lay in a stock of I ulmonio Syrup SeaweedTonic and Schenck Man drake Pills and go to lorida I recommend these particular medicines because I am thoroughly acquaint ed with their action 1 know that where they are used In strict accordance with my directions they will do the work that is required This accomplished nature will do the rest The physician who prescribes for colds coughs or night sweats and tlienadtises the patient to walk or ride out every day will be sure to have a corpse on his hands before lone My plan Is to give my throe medicines in accordance with the printed directions except in some cases where a freer use of the Mandrake Pills is necessary My object is to give tone to the to get up a good appetite It is always a good sign when a patient begins to grow hungry I have hopes of such With a relish for food and the gratification of that relish comes good blood and with it more flesh which is closely followed by a healing of the then tbe cough loosens and abates tbe creeping obtlls and the clammy night sweats no longer prostrate and annoy and the patient gets well provided be avoids taking cold Now there are many consumptives who have not the means to go to lorida Tbe question may be asked is there no hope for such? Certainly there is My advise to such is and ever has been stay in a warm room during the winter with a temperature of about seventy degrees which should be kept regular ly at that point by means of a thermometer Let such a patient take his exercise within the limits qt the room bv walking up and down as much his strength will permit in order to keep up a healthy circulation of the blood I have cured thousands by this system and can do so agidn Consumption is as easily cured as any other disease if It Is taken In time and the proper kind of treatment is pursued lhe fact stands undisputed on record that Schenck si ul monio Syrup Mandrake Pills and Seaweed Tonic have cured very many of what seemed to be hopeless cases of consumption Go whero you will you will be almost certain to find some poor con sumptive who has been rescued from the very jaws of death bv their use to far as the Mandrake nils are concerned every body should keep a supply of them on hand They act on the liver better than calomel and leave none of its hurtftil effects behind In fact they are excel lent in all cases where a purgative medicine is re quired If you have partaken too freely of fruit and diawhea lensues a dose of the Mandrakes will cure you If you are subject to sick headache take a dose of the Mandrakes and they will relieve you in two hours If you would obviate the effeet of a change of water or the too free Indulgence In fruit take one of the Mandrakes every night and you may then drink water and eat watermelons jears apples plums peaches or corn without the risk of being made sick by them They will protect those who live In damp situations against chills and fevers Try them They are perfectly harmless They can do you good only I have abandoned my professional visits to Boston and New York but continue to see patients at my office No 15 North Sixth street Philadelphia every Saturday from 9 a to 3 Those who wish a thorough examination with the Respirometer will be charged five dollars The Respirometer declares the exact condition of the lungs and patients can readi ly learn whether they are curable or not But 1 desire it distinctly understood that the value of my medi cines depends entirely upon their being taken strictly according to directions In conclusion I will say that when persons take my medicines and their systems are brought Into a healthy condition thereby they are not so liable to take cold yet no one with diseased lungs can boar a sudden change of atmosphere without the liability of greater or less irritation of the bronchial tubes ull directions In all languages accompany my medicines so explicit and clear that any one can use them without consulting me and can be bought from any druggist II Schenck MD No 15 North Sixth Street Philadelphia GEORGE GOODWIN CO Boston Agents ANOTHER TERRIBLE TORNADO IN MISSOURI A terrible tornado passed over a portion of St Glair county Mo last Tuesday night The storm passed halt a mile east of Lebanon Twenty farm houses were either blown from their foundations or entirely demolished and outbuild ings fences and trees were destroyed One lady was instantly killed and one man named ernul lion has since died of injuries received His wile was also injured and will probably die other wounds Some houses were moved from 100 to 200 yards and trees two or three feet in diameter were snapped like pipe stems csaiSl BURGLARY AND MURDER IN INDIANA ifel Burglars stole $400 from the sleeping room of George Schmelzer proprietor of the Rossville ex change at Laurensburg Ind early Monday morning and shot and killed Mrs Schmelzer who awakened by the intruders screamed for help Jackson of the Chicago firm of Jackson Sexton Co was drowned on Sunday while sunning inCaluraet river 15 miles from the city A delegation of prominent Chicagolcitizens rep resenting the city council and board of trade left for Ottawa last night to urge upon the Domin ion Parliament the importance of providing means for the immediate construction of the Huron and Ontario canal John Alexander the great cattle breeder of Morgan county HL has not failed as recently reported THE COAIi TROUBLES THE IKE RECORD Heff dye works at Manaynnk Pa were badly damaged by fire Monday morning An employe named McKinley was found dead in tbe fly wheel pit after the fire and is supposed to have fallen into the pit while attempting to remove the belt from the wheel and to have been suffocated Tucker rope walk near Hushing ave THE SPRINGIELD DAILY REPUBLICAN TUESDAY MARCH 21 A EW IRST CLASS TAILORESSES WANTED on Coats and Pants At 227 Main street RAY Merchant Tailor GENERAL EUROPEAN NEWS London Monday March 20 Great Britain THE IN ENGLAND Napoleon left Wilhclmshobe for England Sun day He was escorted to the railroad station at Cassel bv a guard of honor composed of two companies of tbe 83d Prussian regiment and ar rived at Dover at 1 this afternoon Im mense crowds were waiting at the landing in cluding a large number of rench refugees who cheered enthusiastically as the emperor made his appearance on the dock In the House of Commons to night Mr Low gave notice that the budget would be laid before the House immediately after Easter holidays Mr Trevellyn moved a resolution abolish ing honor ary colonelcies which he said cost the a year The motion created a debate which the government in view of its measure for the reorganization of the army was able by 93 majority to postpone The House voted £53000 for the relief of Paris and passed a resolution for the purchase of picture Henri Rochefort is at Bordeaux suffering from a relapse of his recent sickness Jules Mires a banker at Bordeaux rance is dangerously ill Sir Henry Bulwer has been elevated to a peer age as Baron Dalling and Bulwer A distinct shock of earthquake was felt in all the northern counties of England riday night The bark Cornwall has been sunk by a colli sion and eleven lives were lost The negotiations commenced here for the new rench loan have been suspended NAPOLEON STILL HOPEUL Special to the World from London 20th Napoleon arrived to day and is in excellent health To anjold friend the emperor said My return to rance is only a question of time Sooner or later she will summon me to save her from the incapables who are now displaying their folly and madness in shedding her blood and plunging her into anarchy My pretended deposi tion will never be ratified by the people There are only two parties in rance who possess real republicans and but the empire alone is able to conduct rance to true and permanent liberty The Orleanists possess only imaginary strength they dare not venture to appeal to the popular will Italy The discussion in the Chamber of Deputies upon the subject of special guarantees closed on Saturday and an order of the day was carried forbidding interference on the part of the gov ernment with religious worship The pope has repudiated the guarantees offered him by the gov eminent In the Chamber of Deputies to day Senor Mordini proposed an order of the day to the effect that papal guarantees are not an object for international regulations discussion ol the proposition was repudiated by the government JI ice) lancouH The Luxembourg Avenir says that tbe present unfriendliness of the rench toward the inhabi tants of tbe former country has been much exag gerated They did not expel Luxemburgers from Paris but sent them home at their own request Another new rench consul has absolved the Luxemburg consul from all responsibility for the withdrawal of his cxequatcur One of the Vienna papers asserts that while no treatv to that effect exists between Prussia and Russia there was a distinct understanding that Prussia would support the czar in his propo sition for the abrogation of the clauses of the treaty of 1856 relative to the Black sea King George of Greece has addressed a note of thanks to United States Minister Tuckerman for an elaborate report by the latter upon the subject of brigandage 11011 SALE A good driving Horse also 1 Buggy and Harness both nearly new Reason for felling want of time to them Apply tob I1 REMINGTON 46 Carew ft nul od Dr Currin on A Medical ay on the cau and cure of 1 reniature Doline and Physical Debility Sperma torrhoea Sedentary Life Consti tntion Abuses of the System Itglvws clour ernopd? of the ImpedimcDtJ to Marriage an 1 the remedies therefor the results of twenty uccetsful practice by de Curtis Curtis on Manhood'' should be read by the young for its instruction and by the afflicted as a source of relief It will injure no Medical limes andThere is no member of society by whom this book will not bo found useful whether he be parent pre ceptor or London Times Price $100 by mail Address Du Curtis No 9 Tremont Place Boston Mats xd 6 Manly Dr Schenck Advixcs Cou nmptlvea toGo to lorida in Winter Having for the last thirty five years devoted my whole time and atten tion to the study of lung diseases and consumption 1 feel that 1 understand tally the course that ought to be pursued to restore a tolerably bad case of diseased lungs to healthy soundness The first and most im portant stop is for the patient to avoid taking co and tbe best of all places on thi? continent tor this purpose in winter is lorida well down in the eta te where the temperature is regular and not subject to such variations as in more northern latitudes I alatka is a point I can recommend A good hotel is kept there by Peterman Last winter I saw several persons there whose luugs had been badly diseased but who under the healing influence of the Climate and my medicines were getting well Ono hundred miles further down the river Is a point which 1 would prefer to Palatka as the tempera ture is more even and the air dry and bracing Alelon vUle and Enterprise are decided Difference to Melon ville it wtuomiiea from river Por take I and It seems almost imposs bln to bike cold there tables In Honda might be better lind patiputs complain at tlmon but that ia al eta as it indicates a return of appeti and when thiS is the case they generally increase In flesh arid thpn the lune? must heal Jacksonville Hibernia Green Cove and many other nlace in various parts of lorida can be safely recom mSded to consumpUves In winter My reasons for saying so are that patients are less liable to take cold thlre than where there Is a less even temperature fkoh the pacific co ant San rancisco Monday March 20 IVE MEN LOST IN OREGON MOUNTAINS John Perdue and John Beasley of Looking glass valley Oregon went out to the Coast range mountains on the evening of the 11th for a few hunt intending to return before night Diligent search has since been made for them but no traces have been found Three of a par ty of five searchers are also supposed to have been lost Large companies are forming at Oak land to go into the mountains after the missing men who have no doubt perished from the cold as it has been snowing and raining with dense fogs in the mountains for a week past and the storm still continues VIGILANTES AT WORK IN NEVADA The vigilantes of Nevada are sending notices to suspected persons to leave immediately and their demands are invariably complied with with alacrity Eight persons have been banished from Virginia Citv already and six from Gold Hill GENUKAL NEWS ITEBM Solomon Hoxie a Philadelphia architect died in that city Monday morning The tobacco crop is entirely destroyed in por tions of tbe uelta Abajo district Cuba It is reported that Gen Charles Prevost will re ceive the nomination of collector for 1 hiladelphia Robert Selfridge of Rondout 1 was acci dentally shot and killed on Saturday while hunt ing dock rats Steamer arrivals At New York the Merrimac from South America at Moville the St Andrew from Portland Me for Glasgow rederick anning a workman in the Red Rock tannerv near Great Bend Pa was caught in the and instantly killed Saturday morn ing Rio Janeiro advices state that an attempted in surrection of the slaves in the province ol Minas Geracs had been discovered and thirtj of the ringleaders arrested William McManus of Rochester a brakeman on the New York Central railroad was killed Suspension Bridge Saturday afternoon while coupling cars Rev Eaton for the last 30 years rector of Trinity church Galveston Tex was taken sud denly 'ill while delivering a sermon Sunday and dtad'at 4 Advices from Buenos state that Gov Baibieye defeated Lopez Jordan on the Oth of January with a loss to the latter of prison ers and a large quantity of arms Rev Edward Hale rector of St church at Kinderhook Village became insane about ten days ago and died at the Luca (N Y) lunatic asylum on brioay A dispatch from Bombay India says that there has been an excited debate in the council over the abolition of the income tax which has evoked a strong public feeling on the subject Judge Elias Lewis late chief justice of the Pennsylvania supreme court died at est 1 hila de phia Sunday at the age of 74 He was he first iuffiro elected by the people ana at the ex piration of his term declined renomination on the democratic ticket A dispatch from Kingston Jamaica says Two officers of the Tennessee are under arrest on fit the Nanrasket which has tailed for San Paris 19 The national committee is master of Paris The departments of the interior and of justice and the prefecture of police are occupied by the insurgents Gens Vinoy Thomas and Lecomte have been murdered by the troops The election for the commune will be held to morrow All the members of the Thiers government have gone to Versailles I follow with the whole diplomatic corps Washburne London Monday March 20 THE MOB TRIUMPHANT A Paris dispatch of last evening says The insurrectionists hold the mayoralties the offices of the ministers and the telegraphs The muni cipal elections are ordered for Tuesday The Parisian mayors and deputies demand the re moval of Gens Paladines and inoy and ot the prefect of police Valentin erry was sug gested as the successor and the govern ment gave its consent to the change Gen Lang lois who succeeded Gen Paladines after the latter was taken prisoner went to the Hotel de Ville but the insurgents refused to recognize him Sev eral positions in Belleville and Montmartre have been fortified The national guards are now the only armed force in Prris Most of the na tionals marching through the streets belong to the faubourgs There are barricades in the Rue des Martyr the Avenue Trudaine the Chaussee de Clignancourt the aubourg St Denis the Rue Rochechouart and the vicinity of the Hotel de Ville and the aubourg St Antoine Elsewhere all is calm A special dispatch to the London Telegraph says that on Saturday the gendarmes fired upon the national guards The latter re turned the fire and several of the gendarmes were wounded Gen Vinoy has been mobbed The mob are triumphant and virtually possess the city Only wine shops are open Drunken ness is rampart Even women are armed Gen Chanzy upon his arrival in Paris was arrested at the station bv the Montmartrists and it is said will be shot to day All persons of prominence are flying from Paris THE GOVERNMENT DRIVEN OUT A dispatch from Versailles says that the official journal announces that the whole government all the authorities of Paris and 40000 good troops under Gen Vinoy are there The departmental authorities have been instructed that they must obey only orders from Versailles otherwise they will forleit their positions THE MURDER THOMAS AND LECOMTE Gen Lecomte was abandoned by his troops and arrested on the bights of Montmartre Gen Thomas was arrested in plain clothes His last word was He fell at the third dis charge It is said that Assy of the internation al society was president of the court which con demned Gens Lecomte and Thomas to death GEN CHANZY ALSO SHOT A Paris dispatch of to day says Gen Chanzy was sent with a large body of troops to Mont martre to suppress the insurrection Thcjtroops however for tbe most part went over to the in surgents Chanzy was made prisoner taken to the garden of the Rue des Rosiers Montmartre where the central revolutionary committee were sitting and after a short trial was shot ATTEMPTS AT RECONCILIATION The Gaulois reports that overtures have been made to the government by the Montmartre in surgents and that Labische minister of the inte rior has been fully empowered to grant liberal but legitimate concessions The Brussels Etoile Bebre has advices stating that negotiations have been opened with the insurgents in Paris and represent the rioters as flushed with their suc cess and in full possession of the city The win of the Hotel de Ville are crowded with armed national guards Chassepots are being distributed among the people and the cry of the mob is The center of the city however remains undisturbed PROCLAMATIONS THE INSURGENTS A dispatch from Paris says that the national guards have placarded two proclamations lhe first one issued says that the rcach prople awaited calmly until an attempt was made to touch the life of the republic The army did not raise its hands against the arch of the liberties of the the only government that can close the era of invasion and civil war lhe people of Paris are convoked for communal elec tions The proclamation is signed by tbe central committee of the national guard and dated at the Hotel de Ville The second proclamation is as folows lo the people of Paris You have entrusted us with the defense of the rights of Paris have drncn out the government which betrayed us Our mission is fulfilled and we now report to you Prepare for the communal elections Give us as our only recompense the establishment ot a real republic The same signatures thirty in number are ap pended to this latter proclamation The Journal Officiel contains the following which is signed by the ministers at present in Paris A proclamation from a committee assum ing the name of central committee has been distributed throughout Paris lhe men of the barricades have taken possession of the min istry of justice ajid assassinated Gens ement Thomas and Lecomte Who are the members ot tbe committee is unknown as is also what they deliver Paris from The crimes committed bv them remove all excuse for support by their fol lowers Let all who have regard for the honor and interest of rance separate from them and rally around the republic and the Assembly ELECTIONS OR THE COMMUNE ORDERED The national guards in obedience to orders of the central republican committee have taken up positions in various quarters of the city A ma jority of the national guard are passive and qui et Preparations are making at voting places throughout the for communal elections which have been ordered by the central republi can committee According to appointment there is one representative to be chosen from everv 0 000 voters Elections will be held on ednesday instead of Tuesday The press conaemn the as sassination of the generals recogmzinB authority of the Assembly and declare the pres ent situation unendurable It is rumored the national guards intend to march sallies Another report is that the will remove to Orleans and that they are abo to appoint Gen aidherbe generalissimo and dic tator All pacers at the prefecture ol police hate been destroyed by the nationals The Paris Journal Officiel gives a narrative 01 events It says that the position at Montmartre was carried on Saturday and the guns were about to be removed when the national guards snatched the arms from the soldiers and the latter were surrounded and repulsed 1 tie corpses of the generals were mutilated Paris savs the Journal is indulgent but it must rise and chastise the assassins otherwise the waole people will be their accomplices Immense numbers of insurgents hat left Pans for Versailles with the intention of endeavoring overawe the Assembly which will sit to morrow The Slst and 126th regiments were the first to join tbe insurgents A Paris dispatch of last evening says Tho Ho tel de Ville is surmounted by the red flag and 1VETTIE IS VERY SICK lease come hom*o 15dlw vv TY A Girl to Cook and do general IT Housework Inquire at 43 hast State st mil SALE One second hand Baby Car riage Address A Box 795 City id (OW TAKEN Came on to my prem iso? which he owner can have on paying charges m212d ALDEN WARNER Boston Road £JONCKETE PAVEMENT Of superior quality laid In the best manner and war ranted satisfactory by ORD OWLE Box 52 Armory Bill Post Office Springfield Mass Speci mens of our work can be seen at the Church of the Unity and the New City Library m21 6m A situation ns Gardener in or out of the city by one who thoroughly under stands gardening in all its branches Have worked at gardening over 20 years and understand the care of horses and cows As I have a wife and two small children 1 would like a place where I can have the use of a small house Apply to 1VM MORRISEY York st Id HOUSE OR SALE on Spring Street first from State street 1C00 cash bajance on mortgage m21 3d 55 11 1 ARSONS WANTED IMMEDIATELY 3 Carriage IV Painters and 1 Carriage Ironer In213x SMITH CO 2 Park st PIANO SOLOS AND PIANO DUETS at Popular Combination Concert on Wednesday Evening March 22 Id On Sunday on Bridge Chestnut or Maple street a Scarlet Blanket for a baby with a Hue worked in colors upon it Tho tinder will confer a favor by leaving it at Room 19 Hurlbut block 21 BABY CARRIAGE WANTED Any one having a good Perambulator either three or four wheels that they are willing to sell at a second hand price can hear of a purchaser by addressing stating price Box 843 SALE ON SCHOOL ST A very neat new two story House with modern improve meats large lot well fenced and iu every respect a desirable residence or particulars apjly to m21 12d LICE ULhDK Special Notices JIrs Scolt Sirldons will give her third Reading at the Town Hall Northampton Mass on Saturday the 25th and the opening sale of Reserved Seats will take place at tho Music Hall 5Varerooms of Christo pher Clarke Co on 55'ednesday the 22d at 1030 a 3d Jlothei and Daughtt rs you are all liable to diseases which are the result of natural causes and which in most cases do not recover without some as ssistance from a judicious course of treatment Dr CONSTITUTION 55' ATER will cureyou or sale by all Druggists 8 18Tu CriotmloroV Hair lye Black hair has been changed to white in twelve hours but Cristadoro's Liquid Hair Dye will change white hair to a tine brown In five minutes at the same time softening and beautifying it Sold everywhere Manufactory CS Maiden Lane inI3 eod eowlm Dr Balm Vapor" always cures Asthma Catarrh lunji and Throat Diseases It also cures common Colds and Coughs in children or adults in twenty four hours without fail No family will be without it after once using It Sold by all Druggists everywhere Pre pared only by Dr Broadbent at 176 Tremont street Boston jWTualy Disensea Incident to Dr Dow after an experience of twenty five years stands at the head of all physicians making such practice a special ity and Is enabled to guarantee a speedy and perma nent cure In the most difficult cases of Suppression and other Menstrual Derangements All letters for advice must contain SI Office No 9 Endicott street Boston or those desiring to remain under treat ment Board Is furnished dawly Bachelor's Hair Dye This splendid Hair Dye Is the best In the world tbe only true and per fect Dye Reliable No No ridiculous "Docs not con tain Lead nor any Yitalic Poison to injure the Pair or System" Invigorates the Hair and leaves it soil and beautiful Black or Brown Sold by all drug gists and dealers AppHed at the actory 16 Bond street New jy3O55aSly Carbolic Salve Recommended by physicians Recognized as the best Salve In use for Cuts 55' ounds Burns brost Bites and all Diseases Of the Skin JOHN 11ENR5 Sole Proprietor 8 College Place WEBBER Wholesale Arent Springneia mass GUARDIAN SALE REAL ESTATE NO 158 CENTRAL ST SPRINGIELD Bv license of Probate Court will be sold at pubhc amnion April 6 1S71 at 2 on the premises the homestead of the late Henry Hawes deceased The house Is targe and commodious and the plot of land contains nearly two acres or particiuars titJe and terms of sale RANCES HAWES Guardian of minor chil dren of Henry Hawes deceased Springfield Mass March 20 181 m2l 3Tu SPRINGIELD DYE HOUSE OLDEST! LARGEST! BEST! 3 irst Class Dyers combining the longest ex Jenre with knowledge of modern TaUorsa'andbTUgd cX foVKepS and Welsewhere facilities dyes and experience uuequaled in 55 Mass Savings Institution ISRAEL HARMON fc CO 109 Mam streei "DALL BLACK CO WILL MLL THKIB STOCK Off BRONZE AND IMITATION BRONZE GAS IXTURES at Ml cn LKSS THAX THE ACTUAL COST OT MANIAC TUBK At less prices than they would pay for Inferior hx intention to give up entirely this branch of YVblCU BALL BLACK CO 565 axp 567 Broadway Parks Ilouw ON EUROPEAN PLAN 187 WASHINGTON ST BOSTON vtnrna TA Aantfi and 1 fl dflV fare tho lowest of any hotol In the city Parties com ing to Boston will find the Parks House the most cen trally located quiet and orderly house in the city BO1NTON CO o31 5VaSflm Proprietors yiorrill'H Coloring Tincture for thclliiir Tho best article ever invented for restoring gray hair to its natural color Contain? no poison Harmless water! Read Prof Hayes certificate "1 have analyzed Morrill's Coloring Tincture with the following results It contains no Lac Sulphur Lead or Silver or any other Dana Hayes State Assayer and Chemist Invented prepared and sold by MORRILL corner High and Hampden sts Holyoke Sold by Druggists George Goodwin Co I'oslo11 eral Agents Klorrill JI Consulting Physician to the Morrill Medical Institute No 3 Bultinch street near the Kevcre House Boston may be coniidcntiy relied upon in all cases requiring skill and experience His unrivaled and world renowned preparations tor all forms of Sperinatorrhina Impotency in toen and for the cure of all emale Complaints can only be had of himself at his Office here he may be con fidentially consulted at all hours Ladies suffering under any of the complaints peculiar to their sex can confidentially consult with the doctor with every as surance of secresy satety and relief bee his Medi cal Adviser and Guide to Health price cents All letters answered by return ofmau Jlo ilnrs Coughs I nfluenza SOKE THROAT COLDS COUGH CKtMJI LI5ER COM PLAINT BRONCHITIS ASTHMA Bleeding of the Lungs and every affection of the Throat Lungs and Chest are speedily and cured of 5VISTAR'S BALSAM Ob 551LD CHLKRl This well known preparation does not dry up a cough and leave the cause behind as Is the case with most medicines but it loosens and cleanses the lungs and allays irritation thus removing the cause of the complaint Consumption can be cured by a timely resort to tills standard remedy as Is proved by hun dreds of testimonials received by Prepared by SETH 55 1O55LE SON Boston and sold bv dealers generally my 2555ab eowly Works I ike a Strange things happen where Renne's Killing Magic Oil is used thoroughly! It cures all kind? of Iain! Its use by Jacob Travor Esq of Hudson 5 llftLactua cured a large ever Sore of 25 years standing Mr Travor invites any who disbelieve this statement to call on him Mr fc Coblelgh of Athens Tenn writes that its use cured him of periodic bick Ueadachi al ways accompanied with severe Neuralgia which had defied all former treatment for years Every family should keep this Magic OH In the house and your physician will tell you it is tho best article ever Intro duced as a popular remedy Buy it where you usually trade Be sure arid see that tho name is blown into foe glass Sold wholesale and retail by all Drug Houses in cities and by Druggists and Merchants gen erally 5V'M BENN bole Proprietor jll55'aS3m Pittaiield Mass one Brooklyn was destroyed bv fire Monday morning loss $15000 A large match factory at Kingston Jamaica owned by De Cordova brother of the New York lecturer was entirely destroyed by Are on ri day the Meuse river paper mills at Raleigh were burned last Sunday night loss $50000 insured for $15000 The Ackley house at Waterloo la was burned Saturday night loss $20000 REVOLUTION IN PARIS rilO A Suite of unfurnished front JL Rooms with gas and one furnished Room at 23 Elm st Men to work ire or Life insur IV ance in Hampden county on salary or com mission Address Box 80 Springfield Miss Id rro I ill rent my Brick House on 1 the corner of Main and Central ets if applied for goon m21 3d 8 PARKER On Main street betw een the agricul tural store of erre Batchelder Co a case of steel bowed Spectacles Tbe tinder will cooler a favor by leaving at this office ANTED Immediately a small tenement IV of 4 or 5 rooms for a family without children Address stating price and location m'21 3d Box 08 MIRAND QUARTET for Soprano Violin VT Cornt and Plano at the Bonu ar Combination Concert on 55'ednesday Evening March 22 Id niHEREIS ON GREENWOOD ST a nice rench Roof House with 19 rooms two tene ments built In good style ga? etc and 1 am author ized to sell it for the low price ot only Soul) re quired down ANDRE5? T1TU8 Rea Estate Agen cy office in drug store Haynes Hotel Block Id gTEAM JOB PRINTING BANK CHECKS BILL HEADS LETTER HEADS ADDRESS BUSINESS and WEDDING CARDS CATALOGUES PROGRAMMES POSTERS receipts And every description of Blanks and Printed at low rates with neatness and dl paten SAMUEL BOWLES COMPANY ITIHE BENEVOLENT SOCIETY JL THE CENTRAL CHURCH 5V111 have a Maple Sugar Party next Wednesday evening at Institute Hall ml8 A EW TONS NUT SIZE LEHIGH COAL Can be bought at $11 30 delivered bv applying Id At THE ARMORY STORE administer oaf ns and take testimony to visit at their discretion th rough sub committees any portions of raid states faring the recess ot Congress and that all tbe exy arises of said committee shall be paid out of the fund of the Senate upon vouchers approve by the chairman ot said committee The resolution under the operation of the pre vious question was then passed 127 to 60 T'ae negative votes were as follows Messrs Averill of Minn Barber of 55'is Beatty of Bingham of Bird of Brooks of Mass uckley of Ala Burdett of Mo Butler of Mass 'Cobb of Coburn of Ind Cotton of la Cree Wof Pa Darrab of La Donnan of la Dunnell of Minn Eames of I Elliott of oster of Garfield of Havens of Mo Hazleton of Hoar of Mass Hooper of Mass Kelley of a Kil lin eer of a Monroe ofOOrrofIa Packard of Ind Palmer of la Parker of Mo Peck ofO Perce of Miss Porter of Va Rainey of Rusk of 55'is Saw ver of Seeley of Sessions of shanks of Ind Shellabarger of Smith of jsmith of Snyder of Ark Speer of Ga Sprague of Stevenson of Stoughton of Mich Stowell of sypher of La Tafl'e of Neb Turner of Ala Twi'chell of Mass Tyner of Ind Wallace ofS Walls of la Whiteley of Ga 5Villiams of lud Wilson of Ind and Wilson of Mr Butler after the vote was announced said Xow let Mr Wheeler introduce his resolution to Adjourn without delay Mr If I see it is right to be done I shall do it Acts returning moneys paid into the treasury of the United States and relating to the printing of specifications and drawings in the patent office were passed Mr Price of Ga introduced a bill to remove all political and legal disabilities with the exception of four specified classes but the House refused to suspend the rules for its consideration 95 to 89 two thirds not voting in the affirmative Mr Wheeler then said that lest the gentleman from Massachusetts (Mr Butler) should foil out of the line of prophets he would offer the follow ing resolution (laughter) Resolved that the president of the Senate and the speaker of the Hou be authorized to close the pres ent session on Thursday the 23d instant Mr Butler I withdraw all objections to all mo tions to print which 1 made ttus morning Mr I congratulate the House that gentleman has come around in favor of nestv Mr Cobb of moved that the House Gum whioh was not agreed to Mr resolution was then adopted 121 to 54 and the House adjourned KO11 YORK Ne5v Monday March 20 ANOTHER RAILROAD COLLISION A collision of freight trains occurred on the Morris and Essex road near Bergen tunnel yes terday through the carelessness of a switchman by which a fireman was fatally scalded and a lo comotive and five cars completely wrecked The damage to property amounts to $20000 The new Roman Catholic church of St Augus tine corner of ifth avenue and Bergen streets Brooklyn was dedicated yesterday by BishopLaughlin The attempt to rob the vaults of the bank of Commerce riday night was the work of bogus policemen The janitor of the building upon hearing the exlosion in the vault rushed out and saw two men walking rapidly away and a man in uniform in front of the bank who said that the others were private watchmen He then went for a comrade on the beat to help search the vault but has not been heard from since The counsel and friends of Pardoe who is awaiting execution at New York for setting fire to the New Bedford whaler Robert Edwards have prepared a memorial to President Grant asking for a commutation of the sentence and his broth er has left for YVashington to personally inter cede in behalf of the prisoner Capt Pease and other owners of the ship join in the efforts to save life About seventy persons who weie arrested in down town dens Saturday night were brought before Justice Dowling this morning The proprietors of the establishment at 46 Bow ery were committed for trial the rest were dis charged with a caution not to gamble in fu ture the and wife were held in $500 bail each this morning for an assault upon Mrs YVillard The party of Japanese who lately arrived over land from San rancisco left to day on their return to that citv and thence to their native land of Brooklyn agent of the Guardian Mutual life insurance company has absconded having defrauded the company and its patrons out of a large amount of money He lately played a similar role at San rancisco YVilliam Rice a wealthy citizen of Brooklyn dropped dead on the sidewalk while walking with his wife this morning Police Captain McCleary who Alder man George Richards's rooms baturday night was transferred to day to another pre cinct William Burleigh the well known poet temperance lecturer and anti slavery agitator died in Brooklyn Saturday at the age of 59 He was a brother of and George Burleigh and husband of Mrs Celia Burleigh and was lately one of the wardens of this port Gen Butler received a large number of callers at the ifth avenue hotel yesterday among them Collector Murphy Postmaster Jones and Dr George Loring of Salem He talked freely about his trouble with Speaker Blaine and pretended to believe that Blaine was working for the democratic nomination for the presidency.

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Name: Merrill Bechtelar CPA

Birthday: 1996-05-19

Address: Apt. 114 873 White Lodge, Libbyfurt, CA 93006

Phone: +5983010455207

Job: Legacy Representative

Hobby: Blacksmithing, Urban exploration, Sudoku, Slacklining, Creative writing, Community, Letterboxing

Introduction: My name is Merrill Bechtelar CPA, I am a clean, agreeable, glorious, magnificent, witty, enchanting, comfortable person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.