The Micheal Kay Show Full Show Friday May 31st 2024 - FOGOLF - FOLLOW GOLF (2024)

New York sports radio talk show host and play-by-play voice of the New York Yankees, Michael Kay, brings his 30+ years of expertise and insight to NY sports fans during his live radio simulcast Monday through Friday from 3-6:30 p.m.

oh my God I’m the bitter X I get no listen by the way by the way let me be clear though I you you have every right if you are a if you are a Nets fan hating Kyrie is so fair mhm the the dude really just made things a disaster I mean there’s absolutely no way around it he was bad in every way possible like brought unnecessary attention uh totally let you down expectation wise wasn’t available might have said things that offended you talked like he was better than everybody like you know built they built a whole team around him then he wasn’t there to play like everything about it stunk so I absolutely get that but then I also get the other people who everything almost went so bad for Kyrie and people turned on him so much that then Don that also ingratiated him to some people who felt and I get this too they felt a desire to defend him and they were rooting that he would turn it around so I understand both angles of it because because as bad as it got for Kyrie and Brooklyn it was at least you have to admit Joe it wasn’t all his fault a lot of it was not all of it but a lot of it it was but again that but that it happens to the Nets and I can understand now all of a sudden he finds you know uh maturity when he goes to Dallas he couldn’t find it a couple of years ago when he was in Brooklyn I I I listen I get get it I understand it but uh shouldn’t come at the expense of the caller Peter right no like good kid very very articulate call no he put his points together he he felt it he felt it deep in in his in his loins um and I didn’t get to ask my question and you had a Don had a very important question that he wanted to ask and now he can’t so bad job Joe call back no it’s okay you you know the movie Lean on Me with Morgan Freeman sure of course I do you kidding me that’s that’s Joe that was East Side that was Eastside High School he might have went to that school we did find the Nets fan though guys we found Joe oh here we go yeah we found one is it pile on Joe now not piling on what’s his name again oh Joe Clark yes I don’t think Joe Clark was in that fan I don’t know in the movie you mean or the real person he was a real person I don’t know maybe he started following when they were at the Armory back in the day yeah big uh New York Net fan with Julius yeah sure he’s a big big Dr J fan let’s go to Javier in Queens Javier is this the same Javier from yesterday hey Javier it is I apologize I messed up the Mets uh the Mets players name when you when you called Jorge Pablo it was very troubling yeah it’s such a typical name to use like as a kind of ah throwaway name but although by the way I just called him jge I I just called him Jorge and his name is George so throw me right in there hit the hit the buzzer again um ja Javier what Javier what do you have today well I got to thank Don because he came to my defense right away he’s a good guy like that um but yesterday my call was a little bit more about Lis heel and going to the Bolton and I quote Don said one of these guys can get hurt and then boom Clark Schmid is out so I’m not gonna talk baseball with you guys this is it might have been happening as we were speaking Javier that’s uh but I was right guys get hurt he looks like he’s going to be out like four to six weeks so yeah Cole might be back before talk about the Yankees ever again um with the NBA Peter I did tell you last week I felt good about Boston I’m not a Boston fan but even with the Dallas matchup I think Boston should win this series but I don’t know if anyone has brought this up yet but like the transformation of Jason kid like Hall of Fame player to now looking like Mr Meo like with his glasses and how old you know what you know what the transformation you know what Javier you know it’s not Don it’s not a bad take for like yeah for like a cool dude he he it’s it’s an interesting take but that’s on us right because when he was making those runs in those back-to-back runs to the finals that was that 0102 that’s that’s over 20 years ago and even when he was a Nick was over 10 years ago people are allowed to get older that’s kind of on us isn’t it yeah but the look is just such a particular you know whatever look at me I’m I’m more like Mr well I was going to say kind of is Peter esque right I know look at me I’m bald now and glasses but is it possible that Peter’s more styling than Jason is oh yeah by the way I hung out with a friend last night who I love it’s a great guy his name’s Howie and great great guy and Howie is like a moved to the suburbs in his mid-30s right mhm and he’s doing very well in his life he’s a he’s a an agent doing very well and the look that he has put together is is done it’s like that it’s the middle-aged white guy in the suburbs look where he wears like a a polo is shirt and a sweater vest where every time you see him no matter what time of day it looks like he’s headed to the golf course like there’s no way I I I I love him I love him I said I I I saw him I go immediately I’m thinking you coming straight from the links what’s going on here is he that guy that I described which one the one’s like how about an Alabama Slammer meet you at the bar high five not at all not at all no not even a little bit that guy he’s like uh no he’s he’s he’s not a cool he’s not a wannabe cool guy at all he’s like uh he sounds like he wants to be a suburb kind of he but but people well I think you know what happens though you don’t have any friends like this Don when once they moved to the BBS and kind of gave up I mean this my my my friend he’s he had four kids in like 5 minutes right once they they end up in that role the only way to survive your life has changed so much that the only way to survive is to absolutely Embrace that Dad life 1,000% you got to adapt yeah like I know people who have done that that like they didn’t want to hang on to any part of being young and cool because if you hang on to any part of it it almost hurts too much so you just go out and buy the smoker and you know or the expensive Grill of the lawn mower and now all you are a Suburban guy like that’s you’re just going to be that guy we got people listening right now and they’re thinking that is me I bought in I don it was I had two choices fight it or buy in and they bought it it’s hard to do that because I grew up in the suburbs so I don’t know everybody’s already in the suburbs mode a Alex by the way called back he went to damasco Tech he went to my school the guy we hung up on right so you feel bad joe now no no even a little bit we could have had a moment and the moment’s gone Joe by the way Joe you got to give Joe a lot a lot of props though for being for being a punk yeah oh my for no for for the coones though for the coone he’s he’s he’s the producer on our show the least and he shows up on a Friday first day of the week and just boom firing here’s the here’s the true analysis of Joe and Joe knows how I feel about him a little too comfortable that’s fair little too com like Ty was remember Ty was a little too comt he know the energy of the show Joe’s a listener so he he gets it I know but you know what just kind of Know Your Role a little bit kind of ease into it just don’t jump in with both feet but you know what eventually he’ll get there like Tai got there so he’s if he can get through this little bit he’s going to be in good shape all right uh lot more of your phone calls next we’ll go back to the Rangers in a bit as well Peter and Don on the K show on 987 ESP New York and [Music] yes hard water makes it hard to keep your home looking like the work of art you’ve always envisioned it would be Culligan softeners reduce hard water buildup and your cleaning time transforming every drop every Splash every rinse into the Fine Art of a longl lasting clean with a Culligan water s Revel in the breathtaking beauty of your home just the way you’ve always pictured it Culligan Water you love the next Powerball drawing is presented by jackpocket 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Shelter Pet and support American Humanity you can learn more at we all want to feel safe when traveling that’s why if you see something that feels suspicious such as an abandoned bag or erratic behavior from a passenger just call 911 you can call anonymously and it’s okay if it turns out to be nothing work together with the Port Authority of New York and New Jersey to keep our transportation facility safe visit P to learn more the best ideas come from solving common problems my problem like a lot of other men I couldn’t find a shirt that looked good un tucked so this became my passion to design a shirt that captures the perfect balance between length and fit easy to say not that easy to do but with some Innovative design changes is we did it our problem my solution yes network is now streaming on fubo watch the Yankees and more of your New York teams streaming live on all your devices plus over 350 top channels start watching at is it possible to be more capable and more practical be able to perform here and here make a statement while barely making a sound and command the road as well as what lies ahead how we get there matters get exceptional offers at your local Audi dealer [Music] [Music] okay okay it is the K show 987 ESP beautiful beautiful Friday tomorrow I’ll be in Philadelphia for The Roots Picnic uh what The Roots Picnic I’m not familiar you’re familiar with the roots right I’m not sure musically the band yeah that’s right okay they have a they have a yearly festival called The Roots Picnic I did not know that yeah sure they do every year where might this be happening in Philadelphia where they’re from no but I’m saying where in Philly uh I think like Cent Centennial Park oh nice that sound right like I think that’s about Andrew uh well Andrew doesn’t live in Philadelphia so no um I can’t imagine he’ll be at the Root’s picnic but um I am going to try to get a cheesecake at Angelo’s if I can on there and um I’m doing that tomorrow then we have Summer Jam at UBS Arena come Sunday really yeah that’s right uh lot lot going on this weekend and the weather looks gorgeous for all of it so hope everyone’s making plans Don you have any big plans with for the kids with the nice weather this weekend well I’ve got Rangers tomorrow but I will be taking Marco to his practice because his team’s got a playoff game next week so I’ll take him to his baseball practice and then on Sunday they’ve got uh a birthday party look at you Don look at you Dad life in Full full swing on this beautiful first weekend in June that we’re going to have believe what happened to May man what happened to it what H Don what happens to every month dude just start just say what happened to June right now might as well right before you know it’s going to be the beach bash right well no really right like it’s I know you you know oh you know what good point Don I’m glad you brought up the beach bash so casually he didn’t even know it was there Don good for you because it’s uh it’s coming up Friday June 28th at bar a what does that stand for Don anticipation in Lake KO New Jersey head on down the shore and join Barton Han in the K show starting live at noon and appearances by dpon Rothenberg plenty of giveaways for fans and attendance music from The Mark ribler band all brought to you by Open Road Auto Group flight by Yingling New Jersey Lottery cander Bakery and General Plumbing Supply you got to be 21 years of age to enter got to talk to the band I got to give them my list of songs because I can’t do it unless they know how to play it I want to keep the anniversary theme going so I got a song in my head basing it around an anniversary remember last year was the 50th Anniversary hip-hop yeah so I want to try to do something in that vein we’ve got like 20 plus days to figure this one out Peter we can put our heads together but we were just saying Anthony that the time goes by next thing you know it’s going to be the night before and I’m going to be scrambling well no I’m saying there’s no time at all but me and Peter can start brainstorming now we what anniversary we could be thinking of Don what if what we Don what if you and I together got up there and did a slow ballad duet trying to think of what would I guess would just go to Yankee Classics or something what do you mean why would you say that oh yeah no they get special um approval to to yeah what do you mean it works every time yeah somehow we do this every year but Don what about what about Cheryl by by uh Kid Rock and U what about picture by Cheryl Crow and Kid Rock I don’t know if I’m familiar really well I’m sure I am I just can’t think of it now living my life in a slow hell another girl every night at the motel who’s dressing up as Kid Rock well you know I’m going to go ahead and stay away from that uh that’s a tough one for you know what the Kid Rock is a tough one right now what about what Don what about my love there’s only you in my life the only thing that’s right the lional Richie action are you kidding me I I’ve never done I’ll tell you what I’ve never done a a performance at the uh beach bash I and I’m not like you I’d get scared of it I’d be a little less scared if it was a duet but you did um you did a wind horse somewhere that was spectacular it was I I was so nervous I didn’t want to do it it was why would you be nervous that was a tough period done I don’t know you guys have the audio I’m sure of that the live Wind Horse in Wind Horse at Sea I didn’t plan on you guys by the way you guys forced me to do it I didn’t really agree to do it and then the band just started playing and you said do it do it dance monkey boy dance how does Peter Rosenberg have stage fright grab your PO grab your shirt grab your coat no and grab your pocket square I guarantee you one thing we could go anywhere yeah that’s a that’s a studio version there’s so it’s hard Joe there’s a lot of versions with all the all no that’s not Joe that’s me oh well you’re a failure then what can I say every you I learned that more every day Joe Joe do me a favor handle the phone calls Anthony see yourself out we’ll see you on Monday all right sounds good see you guys later some’s got to start over again but we did so many different Renditions and and at the beach bash I but it wasn’t great Don and you put in such a real effort it’s such a real performance I don’t know like I know that’s very strange the amount of the TV and radio that I do and that doesn’t make me nervous it makes me excited a little bit of nerves but like excitement but the idea of like I’m going to get on stage and sing and I don’t know it makes me and both you and Michael have no nerves but Michael’s voice is horrifying I mean like Don’s voice is bad but in a good way like meaning you don’t try to sing with you’re a power guy you know what I mean you’re not getting up there trying to finesse it you’re just GNA in the words of Don the ca jam it up and that’s what you do Michael you know Michael does like he tries to sing and I it it it is what it is it makes you sick hey speaking of Michael I heard that Mike Breen uh was on pardon my take and threw a little shout out towards the direction of the K show do we have that uh I I don’t know do we have the audio that I saw it on social media I did not listen to it and then I heard how about that speaking of Po popular podcast there we go I heard not only do we have a shout out on uh pardon my take but that on the SV OD the Scott Van Pelt vehicle there’s been a regular conversation between Scott and Stanford Steve where they’ve been fighting because Scott refuses to get a new phone and his phone has been broken for a long time and Stanford Steve Steve’s complaint has been he can only use speaker phone which means that every Monday he has to listen to him talk to us for 25 minutes on speaker phone when they ride together uh on Mondays oh really so we’re getting shout outs down on some of the biggest podcasts in the world but the big thing I I forget who it was that sent it to me but I got it from multiple places was that I guess Michael was a guest of Rich Eisen show really and I guess it was a long form thing because the complaint from people was that we were never mentioned during the show wow that’s like he said something like my show whatever never gave us a shout out never talked never said the Michael K show I didn’t hear it but he was on with Rich Eisen cuz he’s out in California oh and I listen to the whole thing it’s not as dramatic as everybody’s making go ahead well then tell us they just he said on my show we talk about that it wasn’t like yes my solo show that I Do by myself all alone with no one that that that wasn’t and Rich knows us Rich has been on a tons of that’s still a bad job out my on my show you’re on a national platform why wouldn’t you promote the show like are we that out of sight out of mind that like on I can’t be bothered stage of Michael K’s career with his own show like my show you don’t shout it out like part of the reason you do those gigs is to promote the show unless he’s on there specifically talking Yankees but if he s if it’s a sit down with Michael about his life and what’s going on and then he mentions his show Peter would you ever do that or would you say on on you know Ebro in the morning or You’ say you know we were just on my show the Michael K show you say m show no no can I tell you the truth no but well for but for the record I’m I’m just putting it out there we couldn’t do that because we’re not in the the front scene I I I have heard times where both Michael and Ebro in other situations have said you know we and we’ll reference other people and I’ve heard them both go for self and say mine because at the end of the day it’s theirs that’s the whole thing Don that’s the that’s the of what the problem is you see I’m just here to point out the I’m just pointing out the reality not say my show even I mean it’s the Michael Cas it’s not his show do you I hear what you’re saying but do you hear what I’m saying I do and it disgusts me to no end because I hear you no but but no because listen the the name of the show is just I it’s either out of complete negligence or sheer ignorance it’s one of the two whoever wants to take responsibility for either of those two things do it but for me to be a part part of this show for 22 years and have somebody else say it’s their show uh hey say it a word I listen I know how you I have Mo I have these moments as well and listen I love you Peter but you don’t have a kick coming compared to me no not compared to what’s happening in the morning show but you know listen where are you I’m here big New York moment Rangers in the playoffs what are you doing what am I doing the show what am I doing Peter the show program a horse race today that’s right you know how much easier you know I’d win the race if I could take off but I finish in fourth so I can do the show you wait you’re saying that if you took off the show because and you train a bit well that’s what I’m saying if I I get a read of the track get to know the horse sit down with the driver maybe break bread with them get a strategy going you know what that my competitors are doing they’re probably here now they’re probably working the track I’m doing the show and you know what’s going to happen I’m going to finish in fourth why because you’re PRI right and why are you doing the show because it’s our show by the way guys it was it was bring shouted out ker on part of my oh so he didn’t shout out our show either he was talking about where bang originated from and he said I would travel around in forom cover like going to the games and with one of them being my good friend Michael K that’s nice it wasn’t like any show you’ve been on recently it’s like oh yeah Michael K show just with Michael that that didn’t happen oh god well no in that case in the bre in the Breen case I I thought that he just shouted out the Michael K show which I was good with no just the caser just the caser got all right well thank you for cl hey hey uh way to turn down the temperature a little bit up there producer oh yeah no you got it thank you and you know you wonder why I like Bob raceman right and you you make fun of me for liking Bob and has nothing to do with the fact that he does seem to skew nicer to me than the other ones although he we’ve had our moments but if you notice raceman whenever he mention like if he’s ripping K or whatever talking about the show he always says with Don lrea and Peter Rosenberg now that might be a shot at Michael I don’t know what his intent is but I do appreciate the fact that we’re not forgotten yeah yeah Don believe me uh from your mouth to my therapist ear it’s it’s all there does this come up in therapy of course and and one day when I leave both shows you’ll know why this is what Listen People I got news for you there’s a reason Michael wants to have his name on the show right and it’s the same reason that you and I would want to have our name on a show no one in the world says I want to go through all the hard hours that it takes to make it in this business I want to entertain I want to skip all the events the life events that I have to do I want to reveal the personal things about my life to reveal to entertain our audience and connect but I want to make sure I do all of it under someone else’s thing without my name listed not one person in the history of broadcasting has ever done that and anybody out there who’s in the position of of of doing that you there’s there’s there’s there’s only a a scale of of of happiness that it can it can have and the highest can be it’s cool it’s fine that’s as high as it gets that the best it can get is it’s cool it’s fine no one ever goes oh it’s amazing can you imagine what I’d have to deal with if they listed my name on the show oh my God I would never want that I would rather have other people on the street scream out other people’s names by the way you mentioned Bob raceman when we come when we come back I I got to mention Phil mushnik who who who to me pulled an all-time bad guy move you made disagree really but to me it’s an all-time bad guy move I’ll explain that we’ll get back to your phone calls next it’s the K show with Don mrea and Peter Rosenberg right here on yes and 98.7 ESPN New [Music] York when finding your perfect pair of glasses is made easy and affordable you can spend your time doing other things like riding bikes jumping off cliffs or just enjoying the view but it all starts with seeing and that’s where warie Parker comes in visit a store or try five pairs for free we started to use Square as we moved from one location to two we quickly realized that we needed better data so that we could customize the curation for each of the markets originally we started with the KDs by adding the square online for the full grocery offering we hope to grow sales about 20 25% and we use the Loyalty 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favorite people in the world to me here hero is someone who fights for our country and freedom my dad is a hero H troops built this house and it’s basically made for him my dad can get through the wide doorways when he is making our lunch he can reach anything we need he’ll help me build tiny projects life is good here without homes for our troops we’d be living in a home that didn’t have all these features that helped him homes for our troops builds and donates specially adapted custom homes Nationwide for severely injured post 911 veterans and enables them to rebuild their lives if they get a new house like this one it will help them like do normal life my dad’s not just a hero he’s my hero join our mission at hfot [Music] hi Eric hi Mel is now good for a quick catch up on your plan yes now’s great now or refinance later here are 10 tips to make your needless to say your money could be working so much harder yes I’m thinking more longterm rates will remain at current levels great we’ll make that change to your plan and adjust as needed this helps a lot bye Mel bye the best ideas come from solving common problems my problem like a lot of other men I couldn’t find a shirt that look good on tucked so this became my passion to design a shirt that captures the perfect balance between length and fit easy to say not that easy to do but with some Innovative design changes we did it our problem my solution when I hit 80 I needed help around the home A friend of mine told me to call Freedom care and they’ll pay my granddaughter to take care of me funded by Medicaid Freedom care allows people to choose who provides their care and the caregiver gets paid instantly after their shift life is sweeter with her around Nana gave me so much joy as a child now it’s my turn to return the love call now to find out benefits and pay and how fast you can get started for years one company has battled to deliver business products the next day with no Freight charges now WB Mason with their famous Fleet of trucks and drivers faces their biggest challenge rescuing shipping and packaging buyers from expensive free charges that’s right now boxes stretch film and packaging tape are delivered the very next day at amazingly low prices so who do you call for fast delivery and no expensive free charges who but WB Mason one in six black men will [Music] be 630 then is Dan graa one 800 919 3776 number to call here because later tonight hanga to participating in the broadcasters Derby trying to snap a four game fourth or four race finishing in fourth streak which is embarrassing ridiculous and I demand the best horse in this race I want to win this thing and I’ve never ever finished other than four in a four horse race Peter so I’m finishing last every single year it’s got to stop so if you’re in the area swing by have some fun I’m racing for the Ronald McDonald house so you love the minimum I’ll get a grand out of finishing in fourth Just for participating but so how much could you get how much could you get if you I don’t hold me to it I think it might be five if I win and then everybody else gets a thousand so give me a good voice man it’s for a good cause God bless it’s a beautiful night you can bet some uh Trotters enjoy the night out you got the fanuel you can hang out and bet on some baseball if you want CU I that’s all that’s going on really unless there’s some WNBA you want to bet on and you’re right it’s it is 5,000 uh 5,000 for the winner a th000 for everyone else and I get the big cardboard check that I get to bring home and put in the man cave and I’ve got four that say a th000 and it’s time to get the fifth one right it just makes sense the fifth one five grand 5 five five come on let’s do it give me a horse give me a horse with a pulse give me a horse that’s not going to be at Wild West City next weekend the kids are going to be uh riding on in some kind of like live merrygoround thing up in the up the Wild West City or going to some Farm someplace to live out its remaining months give me a horse with potential a horse that this show deserves by the way hopes and prayers to that horse um because why yeah whatever horse they’re giving me you know thoughts and prayers feel bad for it cuz its future is like none God I wish is there any way FanDuel has this listed no I just look I’d love to hear come on get with it f what what’s going on or what about mine B mg what about B ESPN what’s I don’t I don’t think you give it on charity races why not cuz it’s for charity well but you whatever cuz you’re after Harness race three and it just goes right from Harness race three to Harness race 4 no guts let’s go back to the phone shall we uh let’s talk to uh Nick in La hey Nick hey guys thanks for taking my call oh you’re welcome I I was having a good day day but I to be quite Frank with you it’s ruined oh no what did we do I’m I’m an aging Suburban Dad yeah I just turned I just turned 30 I’m losing my hairline yeah I got a sweater vest last week I got an indoor grill and I called in twice in one week to a Sports Talk Show in the middle of the day Embrace what you are man there’s nothing wrong with that you’re in La what are you g to be doing going to the whiskey hooking up just be what you are I I guess you’re right I might need some therapy I might need the better help code um I was GNA ask I was gonna ask a quick hockey question I was curious to know it seems like people are super excited about the Rangers in New York but I was curious Don what you thought about sort of the national interest in hockey this year compared to previous year Well feels like it’s up because you got ESPN involved and I’m not saying that because it’s our company but I just think there’s there’s always more interest when you have you know TNT and what they’ve been able to build up with the NBA and have an ESPN and last night over two million people watched that game last night so uh I think it’s good I mean now it’s always going to be you know compared to the NBA that had 6 million but I think it’s kind of finding its place and it’s growing and the ratings are all up and I just think there there’s something Peter to a cache of being on ESPN and then tomorrow game is going to be on ABC and that’s kind of where it needs to be I mean NBC did a great job but I don’t know a lot of people that had you know NBC Sports Net in their rotation of checking things out back in the day but ESPN people probably flipping around pop on ESPN oh there’s a hockey game on oh it’s a it’s a it’s a playoff game I’m going to watch it it’s one1 in the third I’m going to watch that I just think it it really hurt the NHL Peter that they were literally the only professional sport that was not on ESPN and now they’re there and I think they’re thriving and I think it’s growing and you lose the Rangers you’re going to lose a lot of interest because there’s Ranger fans all over the country but the ratings for both have been good TNT’s been getting good numbers as well and not bad for with a Canadian team in the conference final let’s go to actually no let’s not take any of these let’s let’s get into the five o’clock hour because we got people lined up to talk about was a really tough Ranger loss last night and a really Monumental game tomorrow night I feel like Don there’s a little bit bit of an energy shift that you can feel over the last couple of days a lack of belief and this series could still be far from over we’ll talk about that take your cars calls next but first Don talk to me about [Music] cars the tired of pointless meetings so in this meeting we’re going to plan the next meeting to schedule other meetings there is nothing more pointless than unproductive meetings what about watching grass grow nope what about pushing the crosswalk button repeatedly nope what about bringing sand to the beach nope thanks to clickup now all of our communication and work is in one place it allows our team to collaborate remotely and finish projects faster click up all your work in one place so home Chef has a new menu designed specifically for families which is my favorite thing I love that home Chef helps me solve dinner for those nights where I just do not have the bth to figure out what I’m doing so I love to have these on option in the fridge waiting for me there she is so I got the Teriyaki glaze on the meatballs and got some broccoli here oh no zo want to be in the [Music] picture switch to square and join over 4 million businesses worldwide start with our point of sale more than a system it’s the brain of your business train your staff in minutes and connect your POs to a KDs to handle orders ASAP and with square banking get a loan quickly for everything from small repairs to the biggest dreams gain time and peace of mind with restaurant tools that bring everything together switch to square today visit to get started there are a lot of us now and it means so much when we can all be together especially when 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let’s get right to it a a really tough loss again last night for the New York Rangers they find themselves down 3-2 and as I said to you a few minutes ago it just feels like their lead in this series was a lifetime ago when really it was just half a week but what do they have to do to to make this thing happen and at least extend this to a game seven and knowing that it appears like they are not the stronger of these two teams well especially even strength and and and when they’re five on five they just can’t generate the offense necessary to give you the confidence to believe that they’re going to be able to win two in a row what they’re going to need to do is what they’ve been doing all year long and that’s have the Special Teams carry them now it’s no way to live but you’re going to get your power plays and you got to cash in on them and they were two for their last 14 after being on fire for most of the first two rounds of the playoffs and Carolina started to figure them out late in that series and then they’ve just got the two Power Play Goals so far in this one they’ve going to have to take advantage of and they’re going to have to make some adjustments I don’t know if you can continue to trot out that same top unit with troch panarin Fox krider and zaban Jad and just hope that it’s going to work your best player in this series has been Alexa lafranier he has shown the ability to find Space he’s shown the ability to finish get in front of the net and I think that you should need to apply that to the power play laviolet has made adjustments five on five he’s double shifting Panera he’s double shifting lot Fier changing things around well you know what none of it’s working but what they need to do is make those same adjustments on the Special Teams I would put Gerson at the point I would put lafier on that top unit and see if that get something going on the power play because that seems to be where a they get a lot of their goals and B that seems to what really generates I think and kind of Spurs them on you know I go back to a few of the wins that I called late in the season one of them against the Panthers in March they’re down two nothing Fox scores a power play goal they get momentum from that they become the better team and they end up winning that game in a shootout that’s what they got to do they’ve got to be able to build that kind of momentum that’s the adjustment I would make and and I think it would work I need to see more of La forer in those types of situations and just get a win as much as they’ve been dominated all these games have been close in in effect they’ve all been just like one goal games you know last night they lost three to2 but there was a 1-1 game midway through the third they were on the power play seven minutes in when Mika took that penalty that range your team in the regular season scores on that power play gets an empty nck goal wins the game but they fail 0 for three give up an even strength goal and they end up losing a game so that’s the adjustment I would make steal a game they’ve already proved they can win two in a row in this series they’ve proven they can win down in Florida they haven’t been blown out just find a way to get to Monday put some pressure back on the Panthers get the Panthers thinking my God this team just won’t go away they just keep getting up and that that’s what you got to try to do one game try to get it let’s play Monday lot of troubling things uh from last night’s game and and from the last couple of games down but giveaways Rangers 12 Panthers one uh that is just going to be a problem car carelessness with the puck it will will lose you series you I’m just the one thing that’s great I mean happens at all sports is like everybody’s all over like every play every missed call every missed opportunity and you see I saw it myself roslovic spins to the right uh Wing trying to buy some room loses the puck um kaco behind the net trying to find somebody open loses the puck and these are like unforced air these are not the the the puck being poked Away by a stick check or you being driven out of the play by a check they’re just losing the puck because there is that I don’t want to say fear that that there’s that nervousness that’s that everything’s got to be perfect because they have so little time to make decisions in this series and you’re starting to see unforced errors because when they do find some time it’s like there’s a panic there’s a panic offensively trying to create trying to get that shot on goal and there’s clearly a panic defensively trying to get the puck out of the Zone God how many times have we seen Peter Rangers win a face off pucks pinned in the corner and somebody will fling it up in the air and then the panther will be right at the Blue Line glove it down and keep it or they’ll get it out of the Zone but only a few feet out of the Zone Panthers tag back up go right back into the Zone again you know or a panic move where they’re able to finally have an angle to skate it out or to kind of Pitchfork it up high so that they can get back and they panic and they throw it too hard out of the Zone results in an icing and it comes right back like there there’s too much panic in their game right now because there’s just so little time to think so little time to move this Panther team is just so suffocating but we know they’ve got the talent they’ve won games already here hopefully Peter can make the adjustments and and and just just get get give us a game seven and then once you get there I guess Anything Can Happen let’s go to the phones and see what the people want to say let’s start with Bob in Maplewood talking Rangers Bob what do you got I’m a big believer in you have to have four lines and each line has to have its own chemistry um and I think there’s a couple of adjustments that could be made with the Rangers right now to restore some of that chemistry they’ve had in Prior um playoff series one is when you Lose a Guy like VC plugging in Ry into that fourth line does nothing for the chemistry um and when you do that it keeps good off the ice board who’s a guy in the playoffs you need to have on the ice so I would stick brazinski who’s a little closer to VC style yeah into that line and I would bench Ry the second thing is on the zaban Jad line with krider they’ve slotted in all sorts of different Wingers to go with those guys and they they really need someone who could be a sniper and who has some decent size to play that third person on that line and I they got a guy sitting who played really really well in the AHL had a few debuts in the NHL um who’s sitting in the stands and I would give a chance right now to and that’s Amman it’s a lot to ask the kid to step into game six of a Conference Final it really is it’s not unheard of krider did it back in what was that 2010 in that Washington series made his debut it’s not unheard of he is available uh to play that’s just a lot to ask Peter isn’t it a kid to to jump in there and play the Top Line in an elimination game got to just be a better way than you have to have an immense amount of Faith to do something you got to believe and I can’t imagine but listen he’s there right so he’s an option for them so they and they obviously believe in the but there’s believing in a kid and then they’s thrown them to the Wolves that’s a lot to ask now I brought it up earlier on the show I would have brozinsky play right wing on that fourth line I would move lafer to the first Power Play unit the other thing that gets talked about Peter especially since they didn’t play great yesterday would you ever think about breaking up the tro Che line it’s been their best line all year and do you do you make a move moving laf frer I I don’t know it’s I I would rather do that than to throw a kid in that type type of situation and and since it’s never wor Peter you know how many T you know many Wingers they’ve tried there with Saban Jad and crrider they tried Blake wheeler they’ve tried Jimmy VC they’ve tried Capo kako they go out and they trade for Jack roslovic they they’ve tried so many different people none of it seems to work so then you start to think about should you break up Savannah Jad and crrider maybe maybe they they have to stop playing with I mean obviously these are things that you you you maybe you think about in the off season maybe get desperate and try to do it if you’re down in the game tomorrow but God without those drastic things there’s still two wins away but I I I Peter I don’t know if I can throw a kid into that situation that that’s a lot that’s a lot to ask I always just find it to be interesting the decision on whether or not you do something that drastic in some ways it can fire people up in some ways it can feel like desperation that you don’t believe it’s it’s a tough spot for Lavette to be in in the decision uh making seat let’s go to Kevin in Sten Island Hey Kevin going on guys um Don I’m big fan of game’s conduct I think you and Anthony do a great job thank you mentioned bringing uh laugher up to PowerPlay one I think that uh you said take him out for cder I think cder’s a little too valuable uh with what he provides there I think Ma I don’t think he’s been entering the Zone well on the power play I think Lair has been phenomenal entering the zone the whole time and um and M’s bottom line is mik’s one timer has not been working it it 2022 that run he was scoring him like crazy he had like 20 points in 20 games or something he was a point per game player it’s not the same his his onetime isn’t the same I think laier should replace M on the power play it’s tough because you you like the ability to have somebody to win a faceof if troch gets kicked out of the dot so you kind of lose that hey I I I we’ve had this conversation on the road Dave and I talked about it talking about it with different people who do you take out of the number one power play Spot to put lafer in you in there is it crrider is it zaban Jad is it panarin um I I just think zaban Jad is too valuable with that one-time I think he’s too valuable winning faceoffs krider I know he’s big but but the deflections haven’t worked it just hasn’t happened yet uh for him um but I I you got to figure it out man he’s too valuable an offensive player to not get that opportunity on the power play and I know chemistry is a main thing but but it’s not working they’re two for their last 14 on the power play that second unit doesn’t get a lot of time now does that mean that they’ve got to maybe be more relying on that unit maybe Anthony do you do you start with the number two unit when you get a power play and have the first unit get less time I mean that’s also something that can be an adjustment as well but they do that on the third one Donnie I thought they did yeah they Fox was G because Fox was the one that that Drew the penalty right and that line was essentially gassed so rather than kind everybody up it usually happens if it if if the majority of the guys on the number one unit like if that Top Line with uh with kryder and Savanah jet are on the ice for a while but when the penalty’s committed and then they the other unit will jump on but I just I I don’t know how to do it I really don’t but I I I still have to get lafier on that top unit some somewh let’s go back to the phones Donnie Puck and go to Charlie and queens has some thoughts Charlie what do you got how you doing good man listen I want to talk about the rers power play I watched just about every game this year and I noticed the earlier in the season even in the first couple rounds of the playoffs they will when they won the power play they would make one two passes and a shot now they seem like they’re making seven eight passes and by the time they’re ready to shoot um prowers all over them because they they’re very quick skaters maybe they should go back to just the one or two passes and the quick shot it seems like they’re looking for the perfect shot every time they come in and also I just want to say about when you say about meet people or celebrities I met DMC when I was uh a New York City Cop I met DMC I stopped them me and my partner one night they were just starting out there with young kids and we stopped them for going to a red light and uh we we we play we played a joke on them we told them they gave us a nice rap we let them go and they r with us they gave us a rap and we let them go but they really nice kids this was back in the um early mid 80s and um wow that’s pretty cool is cool nice kids but uh that’s what I want Don your opinion about that what I said about the power play because I’m curious to know if you agree with me I agree with you I agree with you a lot I mean shoot the puck Barry right that’s always getting thrown out there from way back in the day when Barry Beck wouldn’t shoot the puck there’s it happens in hockey all the time I don’t know what what what psychological thing happens when you’re not scoring offensively instead of just throwing shots at the net and like a pokeing hope mentality in pool it we’re waiting for the perfect shot waiting for the perfect Lane to open up and and and you’re wasting opportunities you’re wasting time you know I’ve called my fair amount of hockey recently and I can’t tell you how many goals do not go into clean they deflect off a skate they deflect off a body um there’s a rebound that’s juicy because it didn’t get through there’s no such thing as a bad shot to me I’ve seen so many bad goals because of just bad angle shots just get the puck to the net but it’s like you have The Yips you you you’re waiting for the perfect opportunity the perfect shot and I I just it’s Peter if it was about Zone time their power play would be spectacular because they spend almost the entire two minutes in the zone but it might only result in maybe four or five attempts and maybe only one shot on goal they’ve got to be able to up the Annie there they have to by the way from that phone call we got by the way today’s dmc’s birthday how you like that um um you want to guess 61 uh 61 H I’m gonna guess I think it’s a really good guess uh I’ll I’m gonna guess I’m gonna guess 58 oh no 60 years old how old 60 today so I win because I was under right that’s right his name is DMC the alltime great uh let’s go to and A really lovely guy uh let’s go to Mike in summers hey Mike hey guys how you doing so I know Don didn’t want to get into the impact like of officiating on the series but I said four quick points regarding its impact so I’ll rattle them off and then let you guys respond so first um Jimmy VC lomberg took him out after two cheap shots and there were clear interference from the clips I’ve seen yes there were no calls and lomberg did a similar thing to M I think it was in game one and I don’t know if that has any impact on why mik’s been so bad but anyways next Point um lack of calls on the Panthers when they’re on their 4 check they have a obviously really strong guys you see Bennett gets a lot of cheap shots when he gets in there on on the for check um but it’s easier to for check when you can get away with a lot of hooking slashing holding and it’s just not getting called um three constant flopping with um you know giv them free Power plays and zette made a point on this where they do it all the time and um morice talks to the Reps a lot and works them and gets these calls and I think we’ve seen that and then last uh game four we got we got dominated but um we had a chance to win that game and then in the last minute uh there were three clear penalties called or not called so we had the hold on MAA and the trip on kako which negated a two-on-one and then uh who is it Reinhardt sucker punched trouba right in the face at right in front of the ref no call uh then they go into overtime we hook barkoff clear’s day but they call it so my problem is the inconsistency whistles away in the third and then not to start overtime well well the one thing I’ll say about the VC play and the zaban Jad play I was calling both of those games the it was it was away from the play now should they have still seen it you’ve got two pairs of eyeballs and officials but it’s away from the play so that’s going to help now the COO I know you slowed it down when we saw when we called it live Peter we felt like how did he fall kako kind of made a move with the puck around it kind of felt like maybe he went down himself then you see the replay and you slow it down it’s like yeah looked like he got tripped but if you got to slow it down then I give the officials the benefit of the doubt because they’re watching it in real time listen has the officiating been great no but the reason I don’t like to go there Peter is because I’m sure on a Florida show after a loss they can give you a bunch of replays on what the Rangers are getting away with they both had three power play opportunities your power play is two for 14 m so I mean you really don’t have a kick coming where you it seems like the more power plays you get then you don’t cash in on them and then the one power play that really cost them a game was the one in overtime and that was a clear penalty on Wheeler like so I I go back to the NHL live days when I did it with the great EJ Ric and we were doing the whole league Peter and we would get emails and we get phone calls from every fan base that was in the playoffs and their first thing was complaining about the officials were against them like so I I I’m not saying the Ranger fans are wrong but I I can’t get caught up in that being the reason that we’re in the situation that they’re in their power play has struggled some of these things have been away from the play and I got to be honest the penalties that they have committed have been penalties so they’ve got to do a better job with that but you’ve got to find a way to be able to overcome that stuff believe me Peter you want to get into conspiracy theories if you’re the league right now the last thing you want are the pan to go back to the Stanley Cup Final you’ve got an original six team you know how sexy it would be for the Rangers to be in a final against Sydney Coss against uh Conor McDavid and the Edmonton Oilers or the Dallas Stars and that kind of Market it would be amazing you know and to get a fifth consecutive year of a Florida team going to the final like so listen Kelly Sutherland’s had a really bad playoffs I don’t think he’s been a great official all year and I hear what the Ranger fans are saying I just can’t get bogged down on it man it it takes the Rangers too much off the hook I’m sorry I’m watching what I’m watching and I’m seeing the Panthers being a better team I’m not seeing the Rangers getting jobbed I’m sorry I mean do you take a if you’re a ranger fan is there a silver lining with leier and how good he’s been in this series playoffs generally the whole season he has become everything they hoped he would be as the first overall pick listen it’s not his fault that the draft wasn’t great right he could still turn out to be the best player in that draft and he is becoming a star uh and that’s the thing I don’t want to like talk in a postmortem tone but there’s no reason to believe this Ranger team can’t pick itself back up and get right back here next year you’ve got a great coach relatively young team tremendous goenda forer is only getting better he looks like you found something in Matt Ry he’s only going to get better uh I I I think there’s a lot lot of reason to get excited about this Ranger team moving forward so they’re not dead yet but this is not a Last Chance Saloon for them it’s not they they can be right back here over the next couple of years I won’t say it’s it’s as Evergreen as what the Knicks might be but it’s close I don’t see any reason why this team can’t be back here trying to go after the cup over the next couple of years with this unit let’s go to oh oh Joey Joey clams [Music] how you doing how you feeling make the PE what’s up what’s up pety what’s up Don what happening Joey I was surprised we when when Don and I had our wonderful dinner at uh at Rayos with our friend Gary the other day I was surprised we didn’t see you at Rayos you know they smoking a sto oh Don yeah Don when you were in Florida where did you go eat did you go to tranes no where did we go it was um it was a villa I gotta God I can’t think of the name of the play it was really it was a really nice water there yes yeah yeah you had to grill the a Boop the octopus yes it was very good hey Don it’s a it’s a corporate crowd at the Garden and when you could hear the guy singing the National Anthem that’s all corporate you could even see down down there when they go when they go through the crowd people are dancing and this this this is the playoffs you don’t dance when we were sitting up in the Blues four section 416 and ’94 you couldn’t even hear the national an and we were we everybody was nervous and another thing Donnie we are horrendous breaking out of our Zone with the park horrendous standing around waiting you got to be quick you got to fly out of there you got to fly out of there and break out quick that get the red line and dump it in we can’t even get a clean chain so what happens they come in our Zone keep us there there there swarming like sharks and and our legs are getting tired and we take stupid penalties yeah I mean too many passes in the skates too many passes misses guys that first pass out of the Zone Dave Maloney always says it you cannot skate as fast as the puck when you complete passes you can move up the ice in the blink of an eye Panthers are doing it the Rangers aren’t and how many times that first pass just doesn’t connect and it’s an icing or it’s in the skates it bounces the other way everybody’s moving one way the puck goes the other way and all of a sudden the Panthers have an on man rush they just got to fine-tune it just a little bit that’s the crazy like I like every other day Peter I really do I I hate like when the NBA would go on these like elongated two three days off between games and all that I mean the travels relatively easy it’s only what a two and a half hour flight down to Florida playing every other day is great but you don’t get really any kind of time to practice and so everything you’re trying to F tune is in the is in the video room a little bit dur warmups you don’t have you know if you got problems all of a sudden you get like four days off during the regular season you can practice you can work on it it’s really difficult to break some of these habits in the playoffs because you’re you’re playing every other day and with the travel it’s just so hard to get a chance to really get a good practice in all right we have so many more calls to get to including to uh Arty who wants to make a bet with me and of course a lot more Rangers calls we have a point God coming up we have an enn at 6 o’cl and we have Don talking to you about cars get more in a new [Music] the Michael K show on yes is presented by untuck it shirts designed to be worn untucked shot now at the best ideas come from solving common problems my problem like a lot of other men I couldn’t find a shirt that looked good on tucked so this became my passion to design a shirt that captures the perfect balance between length and fit easy to say not that easy to do but with some Innovative design changes we did it our problem my solution is it possible to be more capable and more practical be able to perform here and here make a statement while barely making us sound and command the road as well as what lies ahead how we get there matters get exceptional offers at your local Audi dealer teachers are Dynamic leaders shaping a new generation innovating how they teach to prepare students for our fast changing World achieving this takes skill and expertise they’re tireless explorers creatively discovering a 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league lead in dingers it stayed 2-1 until the 7th that’s when the Yankees put up a crooked number on the board to take control a five spot to be exact and three of them coming here on a basis clearing triple by Juan SoDo Carlos rodon was the definition of quality and then the buen did their job for the last three Innings Michael tonin gets Willie Calhoun to end it by flying out to Alex Verdugo in left left in the bottom of the ninth the Yankees win another series becoming just the seventh team in franchise history to win 14 of their first 18 tonight they begin the last leg of their first West Coast Swing of the season when they face the Giants Marcus strowman is first in line for the bombers with Cody poti filling in for Clark Schmidt who was sent to the iil yesterday with a right latch strain Schmidt will not throw for at least four to six weeks and Ne Cortez starts the finale on Sunday which is L Garett day we have all three games for you right here on yes over the weekend our coverage tonight starts with the pregame show at 9:30 tomorrow batting practice today gets things kicked off at 900 p.m. and then Sunday bpv commences hour coverage at 3:00 it’s the Yankees and Giants all weekend long right here on yes streaming of course on the yes app [Music] what’s that but what an interesting story that Gable stevon the Olympic gold medalist in wrestling one of the greatest College wrestlers in NC de history after a failed run with WWE over the last couple of years I guess that’s how you have to describe it is apparently signing with the Buffalo Bills according to his agent I saw that he is going to try to join Bob Hayes as the only other athlete to win a Super Bowl ring and an Olympic gold medal really interesting I I pretty cool he had a lot of potential I thought in WWE at first when he got there I’ll be honest I thought he just doesn’t have the the drive I I just there was an energy about him that I didn’t I sense he didn’t want it and like the level to which you have to want that is is crazy and then I ran into him a while later when things were sort of fading for him and he seemed much more like he wanted to happen but I guess it was a little too little too late maybe uh maybe he’ll make it happen at football but he’s an incredible athlete but I just thought that stood out as interesting let’s go back to the phone lines Arty I teased it Art’s in a story he wants to make a bet with me what do you got Arty yeah hi Peter how you doing good man how you doing hi Don all right I’m doing fine Don uh all the compliments in the world everybody’s been telling you what a you know how great you are with the games uh I know everybody’s talking about the Rangers I hope I really hope they win uh I’m a Nick fan but I had to call Peter because you know obviously he’s a big Celtic fan and I don’t know if the host if this is allowed on the radio St but I was willing to make a wager with uh Peter okay on you know against Boston with Dallas and I was ready to take Dallas so I don’t I don’t know what the procedure or policy is with the radio station on that you you mean making a bet about this you want to take Dallas against me and the Celtics what you’re saying yeah I I mean listen I think we can make a friendly gentleman’s wager what think so what would you suggest 25 racks no um what do you like what do you what do you want what do you think Dallas is going to do I think they G to beat the Celtics all right well well the Celtics are the favorite in the series um I I I’ll bet you straight up Arty and if you come on out to our um if you come on out to our beach bash you can have one adult beverage on me if you get it right okay how about that okay what if I get it wrong what you if you get H 10 grand lock it in well we we’ll figure we’ll figure it out Ry but either way I I appreciate it you’re taking Dallas I’m taking the Celtics straight up I do like the Celtics to win this series um my you know I saw my cousin who’s a huge Celtics fan Celtics in five nah I I I do not see Celtics in five I I I think they play with their food I I think this and by the way but I I don’t even know if they’re going to have the option to play with this food I don’t think it’s good you know what Dallas isn’t food this is uh this is a beast this is a living breathing Beast that the Celtics have to play guys I’m expecting a seven game series between these two I I think it’s going to be awesome I I really I’d be shocked if it’s less than six games so I’m really excited come on you have to be impressed I know Minnesota you know it really turns out when you look at it and everyone’s talked Don made some great points before we got in the air you talk about the uh the Celtics and their road to the finals a lot of questions about you know who they beat I don’t know did did did Dallas really beat world beaters were o were’re OKC W were OKC and Minnesota really that great the Minnesota story is fantastic but you saw the egg they laid last night when they had a chance to get back in the series at home they get absolutely destroyed so I don’t know that the the Celtics path was much weaker than Minesota and sometimes listen sometimes the road to the the finals is amazing sometimes the finals amazing I think this year we’re going to get an average playoff with a fantastic final I think you’re right I think that’s where we’re headed towards let’s go to Kenny in easn Pennsylvania what do you got Kenny hey what’s happening FIA so I’m going round and around with the Rangers uh yeah Don like you’re saying you know conspiracy theories yeah the NHL would love to see Rangers Oilers but to your point I’ve been thinking about it I’m a good longtime Ranger fan the Rangers have never won a game five Eastern Conference Finals never I saw that stat it’s crazy right yeah so you know you got that and you gota listen I’ve been thinking you know maybe Gant maybe it wasn’t Gant and Labs is the same way I think the Rangers I just think they’re too soft bro I mean it’s it’s become obvious is Kenny I mean soft is obviously a perative word bard of word they’re a finesse team and and panarin’s a player you know outside of the check that he had in that um in that series uh against Washington on TJ ooshi he’s not a physical player he’s a finessed player aanad he’s got some size but he’s a finessed player and there’s nothing wrong with that I mean Conor McDavid is not hitting anybody uh he’s a finesse guy you got to try to get make sure your physical guys are physical and barkle goodro is and Jacob trouba is but it is crazy about the stat in game fives of the Eastern Conference Final and I wanted to bring this up Peter because you know everybody’s looking for the symmetry of 30 years ago in 94 and all that well the Rangers were down three games to two to the devils and they came back and they won and in that game five at the Garden Rangers are run out of the building Devils beat him 4-1 Devils scored the first four goals of the game esin and had a late goal just cosmetic broke up Road door shut out it was 4-1 wi they go to the metal lands and it looked like the Rangers were dead and then the Devils jump out to a two nothing lead so think about it they had scored six of the last seven goals in the series towards the end of the second period but then kovalev scores to make it 2-1 Anda does his thing in the third period they win that game and then they win you know in double overtime in game seven so if you’re looking for that symmetry maybe there is something there to hey this is the adversity that you’re going to have to face it’s hard to win a Stanley Cup and it looked like the Rangers were dead in ’94 four and they got off the mat had the huge game six win on the road and they go on to win the series but the question is who’s Mark Messier Peter who is going to be the Catalyst because we didn’t we knew Messier was a champion in Edmonton but we didn’t know what this Ranger team was going into that game six against the Devils we didn’t know whose banners were going to be up in the rafters whose number was going to be retired who was going to be remembered it was that moment where Messier became the Messiah and kovalev became a superstar player and RoR was playing out of his mind we knew these players were good Peter but the legend was born in that game six and seven and then what they did against Vancouver so we know this Rangers team is good they won the President’s trophy like the Rangers did in 94 but now they’re faced adversity they’re up against it people are starting to to lose belief are already thinking about the off season who’s going to be the guy is it tro is a krider is a bad P Aon is it Fox who’s going to be the guy Peter somebody’s going to have to step it up who’s going to do something this weekend that’s going to get their number in the garden Rafters that that’s going to get a standing ovation when they attend a game 30 years from now uh breaking news here unfortunate news for me I’m I’m not excited to see this porzingis no uh Mike Tyson and Jake Paul has been postponed oh shocking but because of what happened with Mike yeah yeah they uh it’s says yeah unfortunately it is temporarily off due to that ulcer flare up that they thought wouldn’t be a thing but it it would limit Tyson’s training over the next several weeks so he’s going to be fine but in order to have a full training camp they’re now going to postpone it to later this year still at AT&T Stadium but it is postponed no Tyson Paul on July 20th wow well I mean July I mean we could still maybe get it before the Summer’s over I feel like Labor Day weekend vehicle yeah I wonder if that’s where they go cuz like it won’t be within a month if if they postpone it’ll be minimum I’d say yeah that’s why Don no it wouldn’t be because even a that would only be five weeks later if you’re worried about anything like that it’s minimum a couple of months but like I feel like you want to do it pre you know I wonder like pre Thanksgiving around then I feel like when Bo I feel like when fights get postponed you almost look to the next season right doesn’t it feel like that’s what happens year so right lat yeah so Al so I guess the latest it would be would be Thanksgiving is could be the I mean that’s what I would think so Tyson Paul off for now let’s go to uh let’s go to Kevin in New Jersey what’s up guys what’s going on hey I said cder and the Zan Jad line right we don’t have someone that’s rough and tough going in there we need to put goodro up on that right side patun him there let him go there let him double Shi there he’ll do the Dirty Work C doesn’t do the Dirty Work he do the Dirty Work yeah but you also need him you know to to to be the defensive guy as well I mean so you I like the fact that he’s got six goals in the postseason I like what you’re talking about but then we lose him in other areas that important like winning faceoffs trying to protect the lead so I I don’t I don’t think they’d go there you lose them too much in other areas Don I want to honor the cheese I uh had earlier was that and you may not agree with me cuz you we don’t always agree on the subject no that’s what makes for a good show no but I’m sorry Phil mushnik’s tribute to some to to to Bill Walton who he was friends with oh no NBA legend Bill Walton was much more than his than just his hippie person where he goes on to explain how they became friends which is a nice story and even though I I I sort of despise Phil I I enjoyed the part of the story of how they how they got to know each other but then he talks about like sort of different ways that uh you know different things Bill said none of which were like you know in any way sort of edgy or controversial or way outside what you would thought of him but he makes a point to multiple times say he’s not the hippie you thought he was he was a social conservative and I was just like I don’t know I never heard Bill Walton expressed that while he was living is it your place when he’s gone to make that the focal point to be like just so you know he’s like me he just didn’t tell you that you’re unbelievable I I I give any did he give examples on why that was the case yeah and the things that he gave examples of I guess you could say are socially conservative but not in the way Phil I mean Phil has a couple of modes of his sort of conservative approach like some are in like sort of traditional conservative values like one thing for example that I’m sure they would be on the same page about uh it used to drive Walton crazy he said that players started wearing headphones everywhere because it seemed like they like wanted to be disconnected from fans and and that that drove Walton nuts that’s con that’s a conservative view but that’s or is that just an an old you know probably had some opinions that were more leaning towards the left but I think a lot of people here’s here’s the here me not wanting to use you know headphones is not a political Stu and and here’s the part that if I were to dare to say it I would say makes this guy a son of a I’m sorry to say it in this in this moment after someone’s not there to say anything I’d be so curious to what Walton’s family would would say this the the end of it he writes uh now what am I going to do with all these emails from wal and again the personal emails from part I thought it was a nice touch and I enjoyed that I’m not I’m not that biased even if I don’t like someone he said now what am I going to do with all these emails from Walton especially those that shared our view of sports in Social Decay he was in the end like me an early 1970s hippie who graduated to a responsible reality mortgage and taxes included I mean that’s it’s nice that you painted a story for you and that’s fine that’s what you are Phil but the guy was still wearing tie-dye shirts on television till he was 70 he’s been to 850 Dead shows you guys are not the same guy I don’t care what Bill Walton’s social beliefs are but I know that he never portrayed himself to be the person that you did in this eulogy if you will that’s a weird approach to me but I also don’t think that somebody that wore tiey and go see Grateful Dead shows would also be okay with players being disconnected to the fans or or players kind of running the show and like why does one have something why does it doesn’t it doesn’t you know because I I think that you could be very liberal in your thinking and a free spirit but also be old school when it comes to sports and how you should conduct yourself and all that I mean here the examples he here here are some of the examples all right he says he doesn’t he didn’t like the headphones he described it as keep a keepa away Wall to separate players from the public he despised trash talking and post Place showboating okay um let’s see I’m telling you you’re it’s going to be crazy when you see that there’s really no one moment you’re waiting once after a player was needlessly and viciously slammed to the floor the victim lay writhing in agony while Walton’s play-by-play partner tried to excuse the unconcerned perpetrators act as not malicious um thus the injured opponent was the victim of nothing worse than an accident that’s easy for you to say said Walton he’s not your kid but none of these things are about him being a conservative I’m sorry if he was by the way if he was and you told stories about like how really these political beliefs but to really try to shape in someone’s passing their belief system to be the one that you’ve espoused non-stop for 30 years to me it’s disingenuous and a bad guy thing to do it’s self-serving after someone who you cared about passed away it’s a bad job Phil it’s a bad job want more Cas show next right here on 987 ESPN New York [Music] yes break up with that’s [Music] Entertainment you can’t write this stuff this is the match up you live for streaming now on the yes app 22 in the 2003 postseason you smashed a Tim 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local Hyundai dealers there’s never been a better time to test drive than that Hyundai you’ve always wanted Hyundai there’s joy in every Journey visit today Chris Shar back here for the Michael K show the Rangers are on the ropes and on the brink of elimination after dropping game five to the Panthers at home last night the blue shirts did take the lead on a short-handed tally by Chris krider in the second but then the Panthers lit the lamp the next three times the final one coming with eigor shesterkin on the bench after they pulled the goalie the Rangers did out a goal late off the Stick of alexe lafranier but they lose the game 3-2 now just like in 1994 they have to Stave off elimination on the road however Mark Messier isn’t in the locker room making any guarantees someone has to step up though willipie shurin he has been standing on his head the whole series evidence by the streak you see here but maybe he puts it into another gear and helps the Rangers get back to the garden for a game seven that would be Monday night but the blue shirts have to win Saturday to force the Panthers to make one more trip to the Big [Music] Apple it HS Anthony that really affected you that speech huh it was moving it was big it was important and it needed to be point guard I mean listen I will say while we’re being a little sarcastic as you pay attention to it it is something trust me it affected one of our callers that kind of made me go back to look at it and it was like if you if you can have somebody call up to realize I am now a Suburban Dad I think that’s a win ifess him Don I hope you’re I hope you’re not you know upset no why is that my did I win the week I think Don won the week yeah there’s only four we got a caller win one Peter won one Don won the other two I believe oh that’s unfortunate but if you did win I’d be happy for you right cuz you’re a teammate let’s let’s hear from uh rich in comac hey Rich hey guys so I’m uh in the car with my one-year-old who he actually turns one tomorrow son so if he starts crying at any minute I apologize um thank you guys big fan of the L Greenberg vehicle that we have going on the last couple days um Don kind of touched on it before but the Vibes in 94 before game six I know the team pulled it off but what were the fans like because I’m in full spiral panic mode um and I got to hear from you oh and Don also in your answer will you tell me how the crowd was last night I thought the crowd was great I I really did I thought I I understand what um Joey clams is saying it’s corporate but I thought it was loud and I I tell you what I don’t know what it is but if there’s ever a Nick in the building during a Ranger game like during the regular season there will be a nice Ovation but nothing over the top it’s kind of like the same Ovation that any of the other celebrities would get oh I know where you’re go I wasn’t even there for this but I know where this has to be going but I forget exactly what Nicks but it was I know no no I know who it was I go ahead so last night they showed Jaylen Brunson Rick Brun Josh Hart and tibo and the place absolutely exploded which tells me that these teams were indeed connected and you know the Knicks are totally you know still a thing so I’m not say this Ranger fans don’t root for each other but I think it really became a thing like it really that that was as loud as when the Rangers scored a goal it was that it was that crazy when they were introduced on the Jumbotron But to answer is is is question about what was the vibe 30 years ago that was over remember because the Rangers were cursed they hadn’t won since 1940 it was a chant at the metall lands it was a chant at the Coliseum and it was typical Rangers they tease you and they’re going to lose to all teams the Devils it the vibe was they were done they got blown out of the building in game five and it was just going to be over and the Rangers didn’t let it happen so I don’t feel like it’s as negative because because maybe there is this the the connection to 94 where there are still some people that believe but to my recollection and we can have a ranger call Ranger fan to call to tell me that that was not the case but remembering it on talk radio and all that that that the series was over they were done and they got off the mat so why can’t this Ranger team do the same thing but who’s going to be the Catalyst I do love seeing this connection though between the the the fan bases and the teams it’s very cool uh let’s go to Mark and Richfield hey Mark hi guys I love the show uh I grew up in San San Diego and uhill San dieago yes that’s right sounds like Santiago anyway Bill Walton was in the high school Helix High School which was a competitor of our high school but we really sucked and his team was great but in any case uh part of a tournament uh I saw him in the stands and sat behind him and of course I because he was so tall and I’m kind of short I asked him to uh move a little bit but in any case I had no idea that he was going to become such a great star and a great guy so I just wanted to share that with you that’s nice man thank you Mark I appreciate that and you didn’t know what a conservative he’d end up just a a really hardcore hardcore conservative according to uh let’s close it out last call of the day let’s go to Tony in Bon hey Tony how you doing guys how you how are you good good Don I want to ask you about the back manad um you think he’s a little intimidated by these bigger Panthers um it’s just it’s just unless he’s dealing with something he’s just trying to avoid contact he he’s just nonexistent and sometimes when they put the camera on he’s got this like deer and headlights look in his face and I I I wouldn’t say intimidated I would say frustrated that there just is no room there’s just no chance to make a play now is he suffering from something I would not be surprised not to make excuses but it happens every year that if the Rangers are eliminated we’re going to get a laundry list of guys this one’s going to need surgery this one got an MRI cuz that’s just kind of the way things go when you get this deep into the playoffs and it could certainly explain the play of some players I think especially Adam Fox but I I just look at zanat as a guy that’s really frustrated that they’re just not the room that you usually see and it’s really it’s it’s been a long time since he has not been able to contribute to this level so I don’t think it’s intimidation I think it’s frustration that’s it it’s time for a huge huge enn next right here on the K show a 987 ESPN New York and yes a summer celebration of soccer is coming to the Bronx four teams two days one Stadium world champions Man City open it up with a boogie down battle versus Italian Giants Milan on Saturday July 27 before New York City FC welcomes Mexican side K Tutto to the BX Ford MLS versus Liga MX Showdown and leagues Cup on Sunday July 28th it’s the world’s game and it’s the world city Only in New York City choose between Reese’s legendary Cup and the new metal shape that’s like trying to pick between Alex Morgan and Sophia Smith you don’t have to choose same team so I get both Reese’s actually we get both Reese’s Salon pass lidocaine Flex a super thin flexible patch with maximum OTC strength lidocaine that Contours to the body to relieve pain right where it hurts and did we mention it really really sticks Salon it’s good medicine you know when I take the bike out like this all my stress is just melt to work I hear that this bad boy can fix anything yeah tough day at work nice cruise to sort you right out when I’m riding I’m not even thinking about my painful cavity oh you shouldn’t ignore that and every time I get stressed about having to pay my bills I just hop on the bike man oh come on man you got to pay your bills you don’t have to worry about anything when you’re protected by America’s number one motorcycle insurer well you definitely do those things aren’t related so ah oh that is a vibrating pain it really doesn’t matter what your politics are the military these people are serving our country and they need help United States is so much better than every other country it would not happen without people risk their lives and that’s who you were supporting it I want to hear what your rate to tunnel to Towers Foundation right which it’s always high pressure when I’m sitting right next to the guy is like but we’ll give it 10 even though I don’t generally give 10 that’s a rookie score but we’ll give you a 10 I wouldn’t be here I wouldn’t be here if it wasn’t a 10 so let’s do good together let’s do it Al did you make that call honey we already have Medicare why do I need to call Alan the Feldman said we may be able to get additional benefits with a Medicare Advantage plan right here in our ZIP code honey what do you mean additional benefits we turned 65 we got Medicare that’s all there is to it right I’m talking about Medicare Part C commonly called Medicare Advantage we have traditional Medicare which is only Medicare Parts A and B but not part C wait so not everyone on Medicare has a part C plan no that’s why we need to call because there may be plans available with additional benefits what kind of extra benefits if you’re losing coverage moving or new to Medicare call 800 benefits available Medicare plans and benefits can change each and every year if you’re on Medicare you can call now even if you called last year if you feel like your original Medicare Plan isn’t giving you everything you need call to find out if you’re eligible to enroll in a Medicare Advantage plan we will check to see if there is a part C plan available in your area with additional benefits you don’t get a plan with additional benefits automatically so call to speak with a licensed insurance agent remember you don’t get Med Medicare Part C plan benefits automatically call now for your free 2024 no obligation Medicare benefits review if you’re losing coverage moving or new to Medicare call 800 820-7550 93 800 8275 93 deep the night and done what a night I was diagnosed at 65 37 earlier than most every 9 Minutes someone is diagnosed with Parkinson’s disease and every one of them can turn to the American Parkinson disease Association visit apda to learn more and show your support today [Music] Monday Mike will be in transit heading back from the West CO who’s Mike uh Michael K I will familiar with this work um along with Don and Peter uh and this of course is znn brought to you by security Dodge go see Michelle scalesi and come get some ah stereo Michelle I don’t know it’s a Friday we can do what we want that’s right we can uh I’d like to start off by saying good evening to Don well this horse is on its way to the glue factory that’s you that’s not what you want to hear sad for the horse yeah when you think about the you know what’s happening you know what I mean like the fact that Don’s there with the horses but the horses the horses if you want that’s right uh even Don and Peter I didn’t pack the cough button oh no and uh don complaining about the negativity negativity of Michael K that was that’s it one of the new one of the new female rappers out there that was very no oh boy uh don again oh that was the sound see Don that’s not death rattle I think if I think if the horse makes that noise that’s as Don would say glue Factor oh boy a lot is going on here right now Peter there’s a rumor out there Don that every horse you’ve ridden they had to immediately euthanize that’s even worse that’s just not nice that is worse isn’t it that was sad oh just not nice Don and Peter Again The Roots Picnic actually I just looked up you’re familiar with the roots right maybe it’s just a coincidence but the name of the name of my horth is uh euthanasia is that true yeah no by the way Don just fought through that drop he really did it was like that was like Joey clam’s fighting through Dawn yesterday man do it again all right here we go here we go The Roots Picnic I’m not familiar and you’re familiar with the roots right I’m not sure the caller that inspired the point I just turned 30 I’m losing my hairline I got a sweater vest last week and Joey clams the players you don’t dance by the way I I love how the caller is like legitimately concerned yeah I love it and he was 30 he’s start but he but he’s seeing that he’s doing you issued him a warning yeah I’m I’m trying to help people out like you be mindful of course of course you got to be mindful just be mindful of these things being mindful is important uh speaking of being mindful Peter um don’t we have a very special giveaway on ESPN New York look at that like no other are you kidding me you talking about the home team oh the home team of course talking about go to the ESPN New York app right now what are you waiting for click on travel with the home team yeah you might get a trip to Beantown with the boys from the Bronx you kidding me I don’t know who those people are but I’m glad you didn’t say the name it’s yeah you can’t it’s all brought to you by Corona the official of M League Baseball I mean how else can you do that come on the on the goat for a reason that is that is that is pretty amazing that is pretty iann is AKA catch up on all the reads that Peter forgot no it was only one it was actually no it was it was very good day we got beach bash in there that was you Don you set that one up very nicely today um and uh since we’re talking about uh an unnamed team let’s get you the Yankee pitching match up tonight brought to you by Serta propers cuz a lineup’s not going to happen for a 1015 we don’t get the 945 we ain’t getting the 1015 but we do know that it’s Marcus Roman for the Yankees 4-2 with the 2.76 against recently new starter for the Giants Jordan Hicks remember he was a uh reliever for the Cardinals he is 4-1 with a 2.33 ra this season that is the Yankee pitching match up tonight brought to you by Ser Pro painters when choosing a painting professional for your home or business the choice is simple choose happy choose Serta Pro painters you give good lineup thank you Don I appreciate that also we found this in the archives go and grab your clean suit and go and comb your hair we’re going on a bball Adventure raon shell Burns there and I guarantee you one thing then it guarantee to me line you will see Brian Windor because it’s Windor at Sea Wind Horse at sea [Music] wind SE I think that’s Wily wison come and go with me it’s wind sea LeBron James best friend so that’s verse two I started going deep into his biography there was a lot going on there that was great though you know you know what it was better than I remembered I got to tell you though nothing makes me feel like a bigger loser oh on planet Earth well that’s and and this by the way all of you should be included in this Don Michael Anthony the whole radio station then the fact that we’ve done this entire bit about wior MH for five years oh sure there has never been an acknowledgement from wior like we suck like by the way it’s it’s like a a it’s Brian windhorse with all due respect he does he does a great job but we’re not referencing Tom Cruz and hoping that he’s going to hear about it it’s it’s a guy who who covers basketball and works for our company and we’re on the biggest radio station that the company owns and we’ve been doing a bit about the guy for five years done there’s not a sniff not a retweet not a mention I’m assuming then bad guy now well I think torch nailed it so here’s the question do you think that he has never heard it or heard about it didn’t take to it and ignored it yeah it’s probably the latter I I’m sure he’s heard about it yeah we run in the same Circle so he either is a bad guy which I don’t think he I don’t think he’s a bad guy or it’s that he’s he’s he’s not sure where we’re coming from thinks maybe we’re making fun of them and choose to ignore it yeah if anything good guy doesn’t want to call out fellow co-workers about a song he thinks that is us making fun of him but honestly it’s it’s I he should be flattered it comes from a place of Love Peter’s a big fan with hores SP I mean talking about him and his uh ubiquitousness or something whatever it is it was a nice try there Don I know I liked it son you get nervous for the race no I’m nervous for the horse rip little guy oh we’ll be seeing that down the road I’m sure came over last week actually massaged my inner thighs you know what we know what we didn’t play that back enough this week oh God it was so good cuz I was looking back I did uh I I I realized it like two weeks since I looked at U my short list for um for drop Madness next year and that had to go that had to go into the nether region that perfect I just just wanted to know oh yeah be really tightly contested nether region this year I love Bobby think standing with me with my night stick in his hand I got to tell you I there is a there is a a clear in my opinion number one I’m going to say this in Peters G Miami Duke seed oh boy that’s just you know it’s there it’s always going to be there no matter who comes up later in the year it’s just going to really hang up on H up this idiot is a real please how you put that I you keep everything in order that one just at number one and it hasn’t moved it was a moment it was a moment in time but it it is crazy that we’re not even through May like 10 months away and it’s it’s a thing I’ve got 16 I think in each region already horse Manu oh yeah jeez it’s a good spit in your face oh boy spit in your face too that is we’ve had some very we had some very good moments guys very very very good moment good show it’s a great show it’s a great show I encourage everybody to listen um as we’ve talked about a little bit today uh the Mavs did beat the Timberwolves last night it was pretty much over when it started LCA donic had a monster first quarter 21 of his 36 points they built up a 29o halftime lead did the Mavs um it was the largest at the break by a team that had a chance to clinch a finals trip in NBA history and they won game five14 to 103 to reach the finals for the third time in franchise history in the first since winning in 2011 when Jason kid was the point guard they beat LeBron in the heat if you remember correctly I think we should bring back that Nike ad mhm during the final Peter which one Jason kid Jason kid remember that one no no back in the ’90s no I like the Ron they gave him an echo Isn’t that cool Peter I don’t remember it Jo Leo find it you’ll find it there find it kid the truth oh here’s the it’s a really good spot find it Joe find it you need to make up for earlier oh wow Don still remembers Don never forgets the comfortable Jo Leo uh Jason kid talking about Luca’s leadership yeah I thought you talk about our leaders um Luca uh came out and and set the tone uh offensively and defensively I thought he was going to he let everybody know he was ready ready to play uh I thought we followed his lead I thought again for a half uh we played at a high level and then in the third quarter I thought we contined to play there and we continue to keep our lead and I thought again uh Luca um was be he was able to be aggressive and then Kai joined the party and when those two are going again for them to U come back after maybe a not in game four those twoed at a high level and They carried us tonight who does he don’t say Jon kid who does he sound like just like kid yeah trying to think we’ve played sound that sounds just like Jason kid all year and and that we haven’t play Jason kid out at all uh Kyrie Irving how does this moment feel ah it feels great man uh definitely don’t take this moment for granted because of how hard we had to work uh to get here and we had to earn our spot into the NBA finals and uh we had to go against some great opponents and I feel like they got us better uh as a team they really challenged us on the defensive end made us focus in and um you know I think every single one of them like I did did the previous two series for making me better you know and it has been seven long years but it’s it’s also felt like um the right amount of time you know in order to uh reward myself be in the locker room with my teammates and enjoying it um a long time coming so we are going to enjoy this but we obviously know this just a pit stop in the journey and we got to get ready for uh you know that Court turning gold as I as I like to say as a kid that’s what you dream of uh getting to is uh the finals and being able to play against the best of the best with the whole world watching this was a topic today on ESPN proper um which team has the better Duo donic and kyriea brown and Tatum I don’t have a I don’t know if I have a clear answer to this I it’s a very good qu it’s it’s what makes this such a thrill I lean Mavs yeah I do too because I really like brown um and Tatum is a superstar regardless of whether people think he’s like a top five Superstar or not um but donic and Kyrie man when Kyrie’s playing like this that is a tough that is a tough Duo to beat as the West just saw Peter you’re a Celtic fan do you have like is it hard for you to well let’s let’s see what if you ranked the four players well that’s what I was going to start with so so shut your face fouchy but uh I would say God it’s so hard between I guess Luca’s one I mean maybe he’s ahead of of Tatum by a hair but then if that’s true I mean honestly these days people think Tatum’s only ahead of brown by a bit and and by the way how far off is Kyrie from any of Kyrie on a DAT could be two on a day he could be one could be yeah on the right day yeah there are days when you watch Kyrie and you go no one in the league could stop this guy he’s perfect so I’ll tell you what it’s a really fun debate but the truth is anyone acting like they have a real answer is lying th those four players are am I don’t care I know Jaylen Brown wasn’t all NBA which is just uh insane but I don’t care what they say those four guys are four of the best you know 10 12 players in the league it should be if I think you’re right on this Peter whereas there was a lot of blowouts and a lot of even though that there were some close series there a lot of games that end up being blowouts you look at the Nick Pacer series how many those games ended in blowouts at the end this is going to be what should be a very competitive NBA Finals I think it’s going to be fantastic I can’t wait still don’t know if I’m going but uh hopefully I find out you haven’t heard well you got a while you got a wait you do have a while yeah my hope would be they tell like Monday they say they got to if I’m going to go to the to game one next Thursday I got I got to know well one guy that might be there christops porzingis seems to be uh do give me he participated in parts of Friday’s practice uh and Coach Joe moula said he’s pleased with the center’s recovery from his right calf strain uh they said they’re kind of confident where he’s at right now that’s not nothing kind of confident kind kind of wanted better he’s out there shooting went through a couple drills in practice progressing well you have the time to kind of ramp him up slowly I know I would that’s what I’m saying I thought he’d be completely good to go at this point well listen I don’t know I mean remember how they said Giannis oh there’s a chance he can come back in that series that was really never going to be a thing and then when porzingis had the injury it’s like you’re looking at Conference Finals I I wonder what this injury would be looking like if we’re talking like middle of the regular season like is this like he’s going to be out for two months like maybe he’s pushing himself maybe jannis tried to push himself to get back from this calf strain that’s obviously a lot more difficult to come back from than just you know your your garden variety injury so something to keep an eye on of course but the Celtics have been doing just fine without him but it’ll obviously to be at full strength against the Mavs yeah I I think that’s the difference though I think that minus porzingis they could lose this series I think with porzingis he creates enough of a matchup issue for basically everyone including Dallas that I I I love the Celtics if in fact they have po oh you’ll love this one this is in the article by uh Tim bontemps on uh on right now uh the quote from Joe mou is I’m confident where he’s at on whatever day today is okay thank you that’s great that’s just great you love to hear it yeah now you’d mentioned this Peter and I’m I’m really curious your take on it because I Gable Stevenson Stevenson I should say who I knew as a WWE Superstar um and an Olympic gold medalist of course uh signing with the bills I guess is a defensive lineman um he’s one of the most dominant College wrestlers in NCA history he signed a standard rookie three-year deal and will set out to join Bob Hayes as you said as the only other athlete to win a Super Bowl ring in an Olympic gold medal he’s 61 275 Peter I know he’s an amazing athlete like I I didn’t know much about a football background for him if there was any like do you think do you think I mean I’m not expecting him to be like a 10 sack guy but do you think that that with the way that he’s built and his mindset like he could be a contributor on a Bills team that probably has big aspirations this season I I got I have no clue what this guy’s skill set would be in football I I don’t know how like was he a serious football player I don’t I I it up because to be at the level of wrestler that he was how much time could you have for serious football has never played football at any level at any they level uh dline don dline lot of technique there and it’s funny he’s not he’s not a he’s not a hugely imposing guy when you see him in my opinion how tall is Gable stev 275 yes okay that is pretty big but but when honest let me just say this though compared to other D linemen exactly that’s what I was going to say so like he sounds big but like to be a guy who’s getting blocked by Trent Williams he he doesn’t feel that big so that’s going to be interesting I’m curious to see fascinating and they signed him it’s an actual signing three years standard rookie deal a okay so they they’re they’re I guess whatever you know whatever he went he went to the facility and he and he worked out with them or whatever they were impressed with what they saw and think they can get something out of them so but you know these NFL contracts aren’t guaranteed matter of fact the NFL actually has the right to go to your bank and take the money out if they want is that right yeah so they very little risk for the bill wow that’s amazing uh so we’ll see what happens with that that’s kind of an interesting story to keep an eye on here um if and for some of you thinking that’s a local story um the Mets have made some moves today um curious your thoughts Christian Scott the um the stud pitcher the stud Prospect pitcher that they had and Brett batty have been sent down to Triple A um and this is a day of course after designating Jorge Lopez for assignment um and you know uh one of the play Things We didn’t play from David Sterns a couple days ago was that it’s going to be untenable to have Brett batty and Mark Vientos both on this roster both without a spot and trying to give them as many fats as they need to continue on and be successful um so I guess batty was the OD man out there cuz ventos has really just been hitting better well the writing was on the walls batting average was down to like what 227 after a pretty quick start to the season and Scott stuff is just because of this trip to London he’s going to guess Miss time and they want him to get a start down in Triple A CU I guess they’re getting some some time off the front end and the back end of this trip so I I think that’s what they were just trying to do is just not have him sit idle because of this yoyo let’s forward base cuz it’s doing so well in this country get people in London excited about it Michael will be going there going to do a great job but stop will you stop stop it stop it the Mets have also selected the contract of Jose glacius 34 yearold you guys remember him hasn’t been in the MLB since 2022 um so he is now uh up from the Syracuse Mets and uh Sterns also said they’re going to need a middle infielder that certainly fits the bill um and the Yankees actually traded torren a catcher to the Mets for cash and they designated the Mets Omar nvz for assignment so they’re also making a change of Catcher so couple of shakeups here on this roster yeah well it’s time right let’s shake it up not everything that you were looking for right away Don but I’m assuming that that’s going to happen soon Pete Alonzo actually ended up hitting a pinch give some good news oh there you go and the Mets won that game against the Diamondbacks last night on a JD Martinez home run to break a two two tie um and they get a chance to do it again tonight at City Field do you guys think Richard was was excited last night you think said the Mets game like what was rich what that what was that was you Don that was he Don you get nervous for the race no I’m nervous for the horse and by the way that that that sound it’s played again uh what do you mean this one it it sounds like the horse at the end of the race the death rattle after Don gets off that poor horse’s back that’s the sound it makes one more time harness r on the horse it’s so good what noise was he making the first time that Michael hears that one there was something else oh the fouchy thing that that that uh that Michael’s going to learn when he comes back yeah A lot’s happened in the last week you know I’m very excited very excited for this weekend guys I uh I ordered all the um hey Donnie yes you remember the uh Time Life Mysteries of the unknown series oh sure yeah I’m going to be locked in this weekend reading about Stone Hedge what what about Stonehenge don’t shut up fouchy you wouldn’t know a damn thing about it you’re too busy injecting your fugazy vaccine in people’s arms to appreciate nature but I’ll be locked in I’m going to this weekend me and Rogan are going to get together drop some shrooms and get into a big old YouTube orgy learn about some of the uh past Wars that you don’t know about some of the most important things that affect this great nation you think anything about the Tyson Fury uh uh postponement uh Rogers is legit or do you think that that there’s something there’s something more well well here’s the thing Tyson Fury’s fight isn’t postponed fouchy Mike Tyson Jake Paul is postponed but you wouldn’t know you probably have a syringe stuck in your eyeball you quack well I would you would think that maybe Tyson’s problem are because of the vaccination you know that is a good point Donnie he did have an ulcer so that could be related to uh to any any numerous vaccines just ask my friend Bobby that’s as good a time as any to say that was brought that wasn brought to you by security Dodge 247 at during their Memorial Day sales event have a great weekend everybody just enjoy and you too good job Anthony the whole week and if you did miss it earlier Tyson Paul is off no longer July 20th they’re going to make it up later in the year because of Tyson uler flare up Don good luck on the horse and most importantly good luck to the horse go rangers and we’ll see you guys on [Music] Monday that’s a wrap on the show for today and this week don’t forget coming up at 9:30 our coverage of the Yankees and Giants gets underway with the pregame show for all of us here on the Michael K show this is Chris here and saying have a great night enjoy the game enjoy your weekend we will see you Monday at 3:00 [Music] the Michael K show on yes is presenting

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