Manufacturing process-II Question papers - [PDF Document] (2024)

Manufacturing process-II Question papers - [PDF Document] (1)


(08 Marks)(08 Marks)(04 Marks)

(10 Marks)(05 Marks)(05 Marks)

(08 Marks)

(12 Marks)

(10 Marks)uses of the

(10 Marks)

(10 Marks)(10 Marks)

Fourth Semester B.E. Degree Examination, December 2Ol2Manufacturing Process - Il

Time: 3 hrs. Max. Marks:100Note: Answer FIVEfull questions, selecting

st lesst TWO questions from eaclt part.

PART - AI a. Write shorl notes on the following:

i) Rake angles; ii) Orthogonal and oblique cutting; iii) Tool signature with example.(I6 Marks)

b. During orthogonal machining with a rake angle of l0o and uncut thickness of 0.125mm. The

average thickness of chip is 0.43mm. Evaluate cutting ratio and shear angle. (04 Marks)








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(04 Marks)With neat sketch, explain various heat generation zones during metalcutting along with heat

distribution curve. (10 Marks)c. With the help of neat sketch, explain Tool-Work thermocouple technique to measure tool-tip

temperature. (06 Marks)

3 a. With necessary sketches, explain various stages involved to produce hexagonal bolt usingturret. (08 Marks)

b. Explain with neat sketch open and cross belt drive mechanism of a planer. (08 Marks)c. A shaper makes 36 complete strokes/min and the stroke length is 30 crn. The shaper has a

cutting stroke to return stroke ratio of 3:2. Determine the cLrtting speed in mrmin. (04 Marks)

What doyou understand by i) 18-4- 1 HSS; ii) 6- 6 -4 -2 HSS.

6 a. Mention various bonding processes and explain vitrified and retinoid bonding process.

1 a. With a neat sketch, explain in detailthe nomenclature of twist drill.b. Explain with neat sketch, the working principle of radialdrilling machine.c. Give the advantages and disadvantages of CNC machines.

PART _ B5 a. Explain following milling operations with relevant sketches:

i) Form milling; ii) Gang milling; iii) Straddle milling.b. Differentiate upmilling and down milling with sketches.c. With the help of crank mechanisrn explain simple indexing.

b. Write short notes on the following:i) Grade; ii) Marketing systems for grinding wheel; iii) Structure.

7 a. With the help of neat sketch explain pull broach.b. Mention in detail the advantages of honing and lapping process along with the


energy leveldiagram.b. Explain in detailwith respect to AJM element influence on AJM process.

8 a. Explain laser beam machining process with relevant sketches of formation of laser beam and


Manufacturing process-II Question papers - [PDF Document] (2)







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Time: 3 hrs. Max. Marks:100

Note: Answer FIVE fuU questions, selecting atleast TWOquestions each from Part - A and Part - B.

PART. Aa. Explain the geometry of single point cutting tool with neat sketches.b. Derive Fs = Fn cos (0 + B - 8') from Merchant's circle diagram.c. What is the effect of cutting speed and depth of cut on tool life?

2 a. Discuss the following tool materials as regards to composition, manufacturing andapplications : i) HSS ii) ceramics. (08 Marks)

b. Explain tool work thermocouple technique for measurement of tool tip temperature.(08 Marks)(04 Marks)

(04 Marks)(08 Marks)(08 Marks)

(10 Marks)(10 Marks)

(06 Marks)(06 Marks)indexing.

(08 Marks)





State the desirable properties of cutting fluids.

Differentiate between turret and capston lathes.write the classification of shaping machines based on different parameters.Explain with a neat sketch, open and cross belt drive mechanism of a planer.

Sketch and explain radial drilling machine.Explain with a neat sketch the nomenclature of a twist drill bit.

PART. BExplain up milling and down milling principles.

lxplain the following milling operarions : i) Slot milling ii) Form milling.Show the calculation for indexing 69 divisions in a milling machine by compoundThe following index plates are available :

Plate No. I - 15, 16,17,18,19,20.Plate No. 2 - 21, 23, 27, 29, 31, 33.Plate No. 3 - 37,39,41, 43,47.49.

Explain BIS specifications for grinding wheels.Write detailed classification of grinding machines.Discuss the principle of centreless grinding.

What is lapping? Explain hand lapping process.Explain the working principle of honing.State any three applications of lapping and honing.

Fourth Semester B.E. Degree Examination, June 20lzManufacturing Process - ll

(08 Marks)(08 Marks)(04 Marks)

(06 Marks)(08 Marks)(06 Marks)

(10 Marks)(05 Marks)(05 Marks)








a. Explain with a neat sketch, the working principle of ultrasonic machining. Mention theprocess parameters. (10 Marks)

b. Explain with a neat sketch, the working of abrasive jet machining. Mention its applications.(10 Marks)


Manufacturing process-II Question papers - [PDF Document] (3)

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c" The following are the details during turning of a mild steel work piece :

feed:0.19mrn/rev , chip thickness = 0.385mm , depth of cut:2**.Calculate : i) Chip thickness ratio ; ii) shear angle.

2 a. Briefly explain the desirabie properties of a qutting tool rnaterial.b. Write short notes on the following cutting tool materials :

i) Cemented tungsien carbide ; ii) liSS.c. List any five factors for selecting a cutting fluid.d. write short notes on the heat generated during rnetal cutting.


(08 Marks)

(06 Marks)

(ES lVlarksi

({}5 Marks)(05 Marks)((}5 Marks)

Fourth semester B.E. Degree Examination, December 2011Manufacturing processes - tI

Time:3 hrs. Max. Marks:100Note: Answer any FIYE full questions, selecting

at least TWO questions from each part"

I'ART - AI a. With neat sketches, explain the difference between orthogonal cutting and oblique cutting.(06 Marks)b. With a neat sketch, briefly explain the following, for a single point cutting tool :

i) Back rake angle ; ii) End clearance angle ; iii) Side rake angle ; iv; SiOe relief angle.








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3 a' Hxplain with a neat sketch, the main parts of,a turret lathe, (08 Marks)h" Explain with a neat sketch, hydraulic shaper quick retum mechanisrn. (08 Marks)e. A shaping machine is used to machine a rectangular piece 18cm long and 35cm width, withcutting speed being 26 rnlr*in. Feed is 0.8 mm/cycle" Cutting stroke is adjusted to 20cm.Time for eutting to return stroke is 3:2. Find the time required fcrr rnachining the wholesurface. (04 Marks)

4 a" with simple sketches, explain : i) Reaming ; ii) Boring. (04 Marks)b. r,ri-ith a neat sketch, explain the radial drilling machine. (06 Marks)c" Expiain mr! u neat sketch, tire gcometry of a tr,vist drill" (04 &[artrs)d" A i2nim hole is to be drilled through a Z0rnrn thick plate. The cutting speeel is l2mm/min

and the feed rate is 0.12 rnrn/rev. Estimate the rnachining time. Taki G over travel pius theclearance of the tool as 5mm. (06 Marks)

P.ART -_ts5 a' Differentiate betwean upmiiiing and down miiling. Show the chip cross section with figuresfCIr both the operaticrns" (06 Marks)b^ Sketcl: and explain the slabrnilling and gang milling operations. (08 Marks)e. {llassify rniiling rnac}:.ines, b,riefly. {06lv[arks)

6 a. Explain the different types of abrasives.b. Ilifferenriate between ii"o*rr* and plunge grinding. l3: ffill:ic, Explain with neat sketches : i) Centreless grinding ; ii) Internal grinding. (08 Marks)

7 a" Sketch and explain the process of lapping on a lapping rnachine. (10 Marks)b. what is honing? Exptrain the vertical honing process. (07 Marks)c. l,ist the ad',zantages and applications of honing. (s3 plarks)

I a. With a neat sketclt, hr"iefly explain the operation of cufting, using a laser beam. (ls Marks)b. With a neat sketch, i:riefly explain the principle involved in ivater jet machiging. (10 iwarSsi


Manufacturing process-II Question papers - [PDF Document] (4)


Max. Marks:100

(06 Marks)

(12 l}Iaries)

various methods of(08 Marks)

(06 Marks)

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(10 Marks)

(06 Marks)(05 Marks)

(08 Marks)various feeding

(08 Marks)(04 Marls)


Time: 3 hrs.







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Fourth semester B.E. Degree Examination, June/July 2011Manufacturing Process - ll







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What is TAYLOR's Tool life equation? Calculate the cutting speed for a tool to have a taollife of 160 min. The same tool had a life of 9 minutes when cutting at 250 m/min.Take n :0.22 in the Taylor's tool life equation. (08 Marks)Why can relief or clearance angles never be zero or negative? What is the effect of cuttingspeed, feed rate and depth of cut on the force on cutting tool? (06 Marks)

Write short notes on the following cutting tool materials.

Note: Answer FIYE fwll qaestions selectingat least TWO questions from each part.


How is 'TOOL L[FE' def,rned? On what factors does the tool life depend?

i) Carbo,n steels ii) High speed steels iii) Cemented carbidesDiscuss briefly "Temperatwe distribution in metal eutting", List themeasuring chip-tooi interface ternperature.

Ditferentiate befween CAPSTAN and TURRET LATI{ES.

nr';c sketch.Stiit* th'l :trritr .:liiir.r:ri.*,;d-.s }+i-l".,*er, S1{AP.Lli. atld Pl,i\l,JEP.

Iliaw a rte&t sketeh rrt' ].IVIST' Dft.iLL by showing va:ior"rs }lartsnomenclature.

List and explain briefly the various attachments used in milling machine.

Explain the faotors to be kept in mind in selecting a GRINDING WHEEL.Describe the "CENTRE LESS GRINDING PROCESS". What are themethods used in centreless grinding?What are natural and artificial abrasives?

Horv shapers ar* cl;*^csified? Exptrain briefly i:Quick R*;fum Mee!:nnism" u$ed in strapm *ith

Find the time required to &ill 6 holes of 16 mm dia^each on a flange. Assume flargethickness:30 mm, Cutting speed:20 m/min, feed: 0.2 rnmlrev. (06 Marks)List various work holding devices used in a DRILLING machine. (04 Marks)


Explain briefly with neat sketcle the following MILLING operations:i) Face Miiling ii) Angular Milling iii) End Milling (0e Marks)Show the calculation for indexing 28 equal divisions in a mitling machine. The fr:llowingindex plates ilablex prares aTg aYZ. [1

Plate No. 1 15 t6 t7 18 t9 20Plate No. 2 2t 23 27 29 31 JJPiate No. 3 37 39 41 43 47 49

Find the sirnple indexing arrangement.

I of2

Manufacturing process-II Question papers - [PDF Document] (5)


What is a LAP? What for it is used and how does it difter from grinding? (06 Marks)

Explainbriefly the LAPPING PROCESS. Give the examples of LAPPING WORK.(06 Marls)

What is HONING? How are honing machines classified? List advantages and disadvantages

of honing. (0E Marla)

Explain briefly with a neat sketch the working principle of PLASMA AR.C machining. State

also its characteristics, advantages and disadvantages with applications. (10 Marls)Explain briefly with a neat sketch the working principle of ULTRA SONIC Machining.State also its characteristics, advantages and disadvantages with applications. (10 Marks)








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Manufacturing process-II Question papers - [PDF Document] (6)






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Fourth Semester B.E. Degree Examination, December 2010

Manufacturing Processes - llTime:3 hrs" Max. Marks:100

Note: Answer any FIVE full questions, selectingat least TWO questions from each part.


1 a. Sketch and explain the nomenclature of a single point cutting tool, highlighting the

significance of different angles. (10 Marks)

b. Explain the following types of tool wear with necessary sketches : i) crater wear ;

ii) Flank wear. (lo Marks)









(10 Marks)

(05 Marks)

(15 Marks)

grinding wheel, highlighting its advantages and(10 Marks)

(10 Marks)(10 Marks)

Explain the different properties required of a cutting tool material. (08 Marks)

Explain the following cutting tool materials : With respect to usage, composition and

structure. i) High speed steel ; ii) Ceramics. (12 Marks)

With a sketch, explain any two methods of taper turning, using a Lathe. (12 Marks)

With a sketch, explain one method of quick return mechanism of a shaper. (0s Marks)

Sketch and explain a radial drilling machine, highlighting its field of applications. (10 Marks)

Sketch and explain the following drilling operation with their field of application.:i) Counter sinking ; ii) Counter boring,


5 a. Differentiate between a plain and an universal milling machine.b. Explain with sketches, any three of the following :

i) Straddle millingii) Gang millingiii) Face millingiv) Up milling and down milling.

Sketch and explain a centrelessdisadvantages.Explain the different factors to be considered, in the selection of a grinding wheel. (10 Marks)

Sketch and explain the following machines, indicating their field of applications :

i) Lapping machineii) Honing machine.

Write explanatory notes on any two of the following processes :

i) Electro chemical machiningii) Laser beam machiningiii) Abrasive jet machining.


(20 Marks)

Manufacturing process-II Question papers - [PDF Document] (7)











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Time:3 hrs.

PART - AI a. with a neat sketch, explain the various parameters which makesingle point cutting tool.

b. Derive an expression for the shear angle in orthogonal cutting,chip thickness ratio"

c. Explain the functions of cutting fluids.


up the tool signature of a(08 Marks)

in terms of rake angle and(08 Marks)(04 Marks)

Fourth semester B.E. Degree Examination, May/June 2010Manufaeturing proeesses - Il

Max. Marks:100Note: Answer any FIYE full qaestions, selecting

at least Tl4/O questions from each part.

2 a" Explain the factors which affect the machinbility of a material. (08 Marts)b. A cast iron bar stock was tumed at 50 m/min, for which, the tool life was 3 hours. For the

same material, at 40 m/min, the tool life was 5 hours. Find the value of constant c and n inthe Taylor's tool life equation. Also, staie the type of tool material based on the value of n.

3 a- With the help of a neat sketch, explain the turret indexing mechanism. (08 Marks)b. Explain the working of a hydraulic shaper mechanism, with aneatsketch. ioa ruu.loic. Compare shaper and planer in terms of their operation, type of workpiece and applications.

c. With neat sketches, explain flank and crater wear(08 Marks)(04 Marks)

(04 Marla)and explain the

(08 Marks)

(08 Marks)(04 Marks)

PART _ B5 a. Differentiate between :






i) Up - milling and down millingii) Simple indexing and compound indexing. (08 Marks)69 teeth of a spur hear are to be cut around the periphery of a cylindrical blank. Recommenda suitable indexing mechanism (06 Marts)With a neat sketch, explain the working of an universal dividing head. (06 Marks)

Explain the centreless grinding process with a neat sketch. Also discuss the advantages andlimitations of the same. (08 Manrs)Write a note on : i) Dressing and truing of grinding wheels ; ii) Wheel balancing. (08 Marks)with an example, explain the specifications of a grinding wheel. (04 Marks)Explain the following, with neat sketches : i) Honing ; ii) Lapping. (10 Marks)List the factors rvhich affect the lapping process. Discuss the influence of these parameterson laPPing. (to Marks)

ly,lain the principle of Laser Beam Machining [LBM], with a neat sketch. (08 Marks)With a schematic diagram, explain the ultrasonic machining process IUSM]. (0s Marks)Discuss the applications and limitations of non - conventi,onal machinirig processes overconventional machining processes (04 Marks)


4 a. Draw a neat diagram of a radial drilling machine. Name all the partsprinciple of operation.

b. Explain the following operations, with simple sketches :

i) Reaming ; ii) Boring ; iii) counterboring ; iv) Trepanning.c. Sketch and explain the nomenclature of a twist drill.

Manufacturing process-II Question papers - [PDF Document] (8)


me: 3 hrs.

Briefly explain the honing process with

disadvantages.b. With a neat sketch, explain the lapping process'


neat sketches.(06 Marks)(08 Marks)(06 Marks)

(08 Marks)

material? Briefly(06 Marks)

briefly tool(06 Marks)

(04 Marks)

a capstan lathe from a(08 Marks)

mechanism of a shaper Marks)

(06 Marks)

(08 Marks)

lips, body clearance,(06 Marks)

Fourth Semester B.E. Degree Examination, Dec.o9/Jan'10

Manufacturing Process' llMax. Marks:100


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Note: Answer any FIVE futl questions, selectingat least TWO questions from each part'

PART.- AGive the differences between orthogon-al cutting and oblique cutting with

Briefly describe the factors affecting tool life'

W"Jy tfr. tool fails during cutting? Explain, giving reasons' tool wear'

Briefly explain the desirable properties and purpose of cutting fluids.

What are the desirable propertiei or characteristics of an ideal cutting tool

explain cemented carbide tool material'

List the various methods of measuring chip-tool interface temperature' Explain

work thermocouple method of measuring it'

Differentiate between a capstan and a turret lathe'

Drawthetoollayoutforproducingahexagonalheadedboitonhexagonal bar stock.

Witlithe help of a neat sketch, explain whitworth quick return

Explain universal radial arm drilling machine, with a neat sketch'

Wiit ,irnpte sketches, explain the following drilling machine operations:

i) Tapping ii) TrePaning'

f*ptuin tnJiollowing iwist drill nomenclature: Flutes, flank, face, land,

with a neat sketch

PART - BDifferentiate between the following in a miliing machine : ,

ll uo milling and down milling ii) Face milling and end milling. (10 Marks)

what is indexing? Nu*. differeit methods of indexing. Briefly explain compound indexing

method. (10 Marks)

Briefly explain external cylindrical centreless grinding with

advantages of same over centre type girding'

Explain the following grinding wheel parameters'

i) Grit ii) Grade iii) Structure.

Explain the factors to be considered for selection of grinding wheels.

a neat sketch. Mention the(08 Marks)

(06 Marks)(06 Marks)

a neat sketch. State its advantages and(10 Marks)

State its advantages and disadvantages.(10 Marks)

o6nZ .ccotoo..E

& . a. Differentiate between conventional and unconventional machining process. (05 Marks)

b. Explain, with neat sketch, plasma arc machining. Give its merits and demerits' (10 Marks)

c. List the uarurriug"r, disadvantages and lnfrJ?lt*s

of abrasive jet machining. (05 Marks)

Manufacturing process-II Question papers - [PDF Document] (9)


Fourth Semester B.E. Degree Examination,Manufacturing Process - ll

Time: 3 hrs.


June-July 2009

Max. Marks:100


Note : Answer any FIVE fall questions, selecting atleastTWO questions form esch Part - A and Part - B.

PART. AWiih neat sketches, give ncmenclature of a single point cutting tool. (07 Marks)

Derive the conditions 2$+F*y =1. Explain its significance withusual notations./.

(07 Marks)(06 Marks)

a. List various cufiing tool r^raterials in the increasing order of their hardness. (06 Marks)b. Explarn with the help of neat sketches, heat distribution at tool and workpiece. (06 Marks)c. What are the methods of measurement of temporature of cutting tr:ol tip? Explain any

one of them. (08 Marks)

a. Differentiate between capstan and turret lathes. (s5 Marks)b. With a heat sketch, explain any one of the driving mechanisms used in a shaping

machine. (08 Marks)o. Sketch a planning machine ineiicating major paris. Name any one of the rnechanism for

c. List various factors influencing tooi - life. Explain anv one of them.

quiek retum movement in a planer"

List various drilling machines.Draw neat sketch of a radial drilling machine indicating parts.







List various grinding wheel abrasives and'oonding processes.

Sketch a centre type - cylindrical grinding machine indicating parts.Differentiate between horizontal and vertical grinding machines.

Sketch and explain verticai lapping machine.Name the parts along with a neat sketch of a tool head for honing of holes.List the uses of lapping process

Mention any five non - traditional machining processes.Explain AJM with aneat sketch.What are the applications of non traditional machining methods?


(07 Marks)

(05 Marks)(06 Marks)

(07 Marks)(08 Marks)(05 Marks)

(08 Marks)(07 Marks)(05 Marks)

(05 Marks)(10 Marks)(05 Marks)

Sketch and mention the application of the drilling machine operations - counter boringreaming and trepanning. (09 Marks)

BART - Ea. With sketches, differentiate between up milling and Cown milling operations. (06 Marks)b. Draw a neat sketch to show major parts of a horizontal milling rnachine. (08 Marks)o. What is Xndexing? Explain compound indexing. (06 Marks)





Manufacturing process-II Question papers - [PDF Document] (10)


Fourth Semester B.E. Degree Examination, June/July 08

Manufacturing Process IITime: 3 hrs. Max. Marks:100

Note : Answer any FIWfull questions, choosing at least twofull questions

from each part.

Part - AI a. Derive an expression for shear angle in terms of chip thickness co - efficient and rake

angle for orthogonal cutting. (10 Marks)

b. The following data refer to an orthogonal cutting process. Chip thickness 0.62 mm, feed

0.2 mm, rake angle 150. Calculate chip reduction co - efficient and shear angle. (05 Marks)

c. Define tool life list out the factors that affect tool life. (05 Marks)

2 a. Clearly explain the different factors that are to be considered during the selection of a

cutting tool materials. (I2 Marks)

b. With a neat sketch explain different heat affected zones during orthogonal cutting.(08 Marks)



Differentiate between a turret lathe and a capsten lathe.Explain with a sketch keyway cutting on a shaping machine.With a neat sketch explain hydraulic driving mechanism of a shaper.

Sketch a radial drilling machine and lable all parts.

Explain the following operations on a drilling machinei) Boringii) Counter sinking

List out drill bit materials.

Part - BClearly explain up milling and down milling.

(06 Marks)(06 Marks)(08 Marks)

(08 Marks)

(10 Marks)(02 Nlarks)

(10 Marks)



5a.b. Show the calculations for setting dividing head to mill 69 divisions on a spur wheel blank


b. With a neat sketch explain the principle of working of a





Sketch and explain the process of lapping on a lapping machine.What is honing? Explain vertical honing process.List out advantages and applications of honing.

With neat sketch explain electro chemical machine.List out limitations and applications ofi) Laser beam machiningii) Plasma Arc machining

by compound indexing

Clearly explain the designation processgrinding wheels withi) Vitrified bondii) Rubber bond.

, (10 Marks)

of manufacture and properties of following

(12 Marks)center type cylindrical grinding

(08 Marks)

(10 Marks)(07 Marks)(03 Marks)

(10 Marks)

(10 Marks)

Manufacturing process-II Question papers - [PDF Document] (11)

Page No... 1 ME403




2. (a)



3. (a)




5. (a)


A seamless tubing 35mm outside diarneter is turned orthogonally on a lathe.

The following data is available, ral,<e angle = 350, cutting speed=l5m/min, feed-

0.10mm/rev, Iength of continuous chip in one revolution is 50.72mm, cuttingforce=20ON, feed force 80N. Calculate the coefficient of friction, shear plane

[Max.Marks : 1OO

(6 Marks)

(6 Marks)

(8 Marks)

(6 Marks)

(8 Marks)

Fourth Semester B.E. Degree Exarnination, January/February 2004

Mechanical Engineering

Manufacturing Process IITime: 3 hrs.l

Note: 1-. Answer any FwE fall questions.2. Draw neat shetches whereaer necessa,ry.

tr. (a) Draw MERCHANTS FORCE diagram and state the assumptions made in the

development of such a diagram.

Differentiate between orthogonal and obiique cutting methods.

angle, velocity of chip along tool face and chip thickness.

Define tool life and explain the factors which affect the tool ]ife.

Explain the mechanisms of F1ank wear and Crater wear.

With a neat sketch expiain the twist drill NOMENCLATURE.

In a tool wear test with a high speed steel cutting tool, the foilowing values of

tool life were obtained.

Tool life Cuttins speed

30 min 25.0 m/min1.5 min 70.0 m/min

Caiculate the value of n and C of Taylor's equation. (G Marks)

Explain the different types of cutting fluids. (6 Marks)

Differentiate between capstan and engine lathe. (6 Marks)

With the help of a tool layout give the tool schedule change for a hexagonalheaded bolt. (8 Marks)

4. (a) Explain with a neat sketch the principal parts of a radial drilling machine.(10 Marks)

(10 Marks)

List the differences between a planer and a shaper. (4 Marks)

With a neat sketch explain any two operations that can be done on a shaper.(8 Marks)

Explain the With-worth quick return mechanism used in shaper. (8 Marks)

Contd.... 2


Manufacturing process-II Question papers - [PDF Document] (12)

2 ME403

With a neat sketch explain the principal parts of a slotting machine. (8 Marks)

List the different mechanisms used to drive the table in a planer and explain












7. (a)

any one of them.

Differentiate between shaping and slotting machine.

List the different types of milling machines and with a

universal milling machine.

Sketch and explain the following milling operations :

i) Gang milling ii) Slab milling.

Briefly explain simple indexing.

With a neat sketch explain the centreless grinding.

Sketch and explain push type broaching tool.

Write a note on the following :

i) Lapping ii) Super finishing 'iii) Abrasives.



(4 Marks)

neat sketch explain(10 Marks)

(8 Marks)

(2 Marks)

(8 Marks)

(6 Marks)

(6 Marks)


Manufacturing process-II Question papers - [PDF Document] (13)



Page No... 1 ME408

Reg. No.

Fourth Semestsr B.E. Degree Examination, July/August 2OOz

Mechanical EngineeringManufacturing Process [I

Tirne: 3 hrs.I lMax.Marks : 100

Note: 7. Amsuser a,ny FNE full que*tions.

L. (a) Give the nomenclature of a single point cutting tool in ISO system. (5 Marks)

(b) Explain the difference between orthogonal cutting and obiique cutting with atleast trvo examples for each. (6+4 Marks)

(c) Explain the different types of chip formation with a neat sketch. (6 Marks)

2. (a) List the types of cutting tool materials. (6 Marke)

(b) What are the properties of good cutting fluid. (6 Marks)

(c) Explain briefly creater rvear and flbnk wear. (5 Marks)

(d) A 75 mm dia M.S bar was turned at 220 rpm to get a tool life of 14 minutes.' The rpm was changed to 260 and tool iife obtained was 10 minutes. Find outthe value of n and c.

3. (a) With neat sketches explain

i) Pdint angie ii) hand iii) Relief anglesto a twist drill.

(b) Explain the following lathe accessories and attachments.

i) Different types of chuck and their functions.

ii) Different types of lathe rest

iii) Catch plate and carriers.

4. (a) Explain briefly Merchant circle diagram for force analysis. (E Marks)

(b) Explain the difference in working between shaping and planing with respectto

i) Retrative movement between tool and work piece.

ii) Quick return mechanism used.

iii) Size of workpiece used.

(c) Shaping machine is used to machine rectangular piece of 18 cm long 35 cmwidth cutting speed is 26mlmm. Feed 0.8 mm/cycle. Cutting stroke is adjustedto 20 cm. Tirne for cutting stroke to return stroke is 3:2. Find the time requiredfor machining the whoie surface. (6 Marks)

Sketch a oroaehing tool and name the parts. (6 Marks)

What do you mean by grit, grain and structure of grinding wheel. (6 Marks)

With the help of block diagram explain the working of a plain center typecylindrical grinding machine. (8 Marks)

Contd.... 2

(5 Marks)

iv) Helix angle with reference(8 Marks)

(12 Marks)

(9 Marks)

5. (a)



Manufacturing process-II Question papers - [PDF Document] (14)


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6. (a) What is indexing in milling operation? Clearly discuss about diff'erential andcompound indexing. (8 Marks)

(b) Sketch the following cutters.

i) Gear cutter (spur gear) ii) Fly cutter iii) End mill. (6 Marks)

(c) Index an angle of 42 degrees w'ith Index plate havingSide 1 : 24, 25,28, 30, 34, 37,38, 39 41, 42 and 43Side 2 : 46, 47, 49, 5L, 53, 57 ,58, 59, 62 and 66. 6 i\{arks)

1. (a) Define the term "Vehicle" as applied to lapping. What are the differencesbetween troning and lapping? (8 Marks)

(b) What is super finishing? How it differs from lapping and honing? (8 Marks)

(c) What is burnishing? Where is it applied? (4 Marks)

8. Write short notes on any FOUR of the following :

i) Types of cutting tooi materials.

ii) Gea:: hobbing

iii) Specification of p1a-ner machine.

iv) Work holding devices in case of shaper.

{4X5=20 Marks)(v) surface grinders ** * **

Manufacturing process-II Question papers - [PDF Document] (15)

r PageNo... I ME4O3

Reg. No.

Fourth semester B.E. Degree E'xamination, February %ilO?-

Meehanicat EngineeringMaelrfacturin$ Process II

Time: 3 hrs.j

Note: 7. Answer G'nY FM full qwesti'ans's.' i;;; iea* iketches"where requircd'

lMax.Marks : lOO

1" {a} Briefly explain the mechanism and lpes of chip fonnation' (1O [Iarts]

(b) Derive the equation for co-efficient of friction using merchant circle ti}g;ffij

2. (a) List and explain different types of Tool wear' (8 Marks)

tb)DuringthemaehiningoflowcarbonsteelwithHsScuttin$tool'tl1efollowingobservations were made:

Cutttng sPeed, m/rnint 49 !9Tool liie' minutes : 40 10

Derive the V-t relationship' (8 Marks)

List the functlons of cutting fluid' (4 Marks)

Explain the developments in HSS toois' (5 Ma*s)

Explain the properties of cutting i'ool materials' (5 Marks)

Exptain witl. a neat sketch the speciflcations of lathe. (1o Marks)

wit]. sketch e>rplain taper turning by swivellin$ the compound rest' (8 Marks)

Differentiate between capstan and turret and an engine lathe' (6 Marks)

With a sketch explain any one tool holding device' {6 Marks)

Give the nomenclature of twist drill with sketch' (8 Marks)

With sketch iliustrate the different parts of a standard shaper" (12 Marks)

Explain urith neat sketch, whitworth quick return mechanism of shaper'(8 Mar&s)


per minute i" 50 ;d til-?*tio of return time to cutting time is 2 : 3' Find the

;;iti.rg speed. - (4 Marks)

(a)Withneatsketchexplainarborassemblyi:rn:illing.(6Marks)[b) sketch and explaln a sirnple tool and cutter grlnding machine' (Gllrarksi

(c) List the parameters used in the selection of grinding wheels' (4 Marks)

(d)Explainsomegoverningparametersofhoningprocess'(4Marks)(a) What are the purpose of lapping and honing? Explain the proces" *



















Manufacturing process-II Question papers - [PDF Document] (16)





Time : Three Hours

1. (a)






Answer aruY five full questions'

Sketch neat fi.gures whereuer necessary'

Briefly describe orthogonal and oblique cutting'

Namethevariouschipformedduringmetalcutting.preferred ?

ft) Why cutting

. (7 marks)

Why discontinuous chiPs

(c) Explain Flank wear and crater wear'

2.6)Namedifferenttypesoftoolmaterials'Whatarethecharacteristicsmaterials ?

(7 marks)

(6 marks)

of ideal tool

(7 maks)

fluids are applied to tool and workpiece during metal cutting ?

(6 marks)

(7 marks)

(6 marks)

(8 marks)


(6 marks)

(7 marks)

(7 marks)

(c) Explain different types of cutting fluids'

3. (a) How lathes are classifred ?



4. (a) Sketch and describe in brief a radial drilling machine'

(b) With sketches, explain any seuen drilling operations'

(c) Draw a simple twist drill with tapered shank and write

6. (a)


5. (a)



Describe the quick-return mechanism in shaper'

its nomenclature.

, (6 marks)

(7 rnarks)

Withneatsketch,explainprincipalpartsofaslottingmachine'(7 marks)

Find the cutting speed of the shaper when the stroke iength is 180 mrn'' number

of double strokes per minute is 30 and the ratio of return time to cutting time

is2:3.(6 marks)

Write different tlpes of planer and explain standard double housing planer'

(10 marks)

what are the common operations performed using planer" explain planning vertical

surfaces ?(6 marks)

(4 marks)

Turn over(c) Write any four differences between shaper and a ptraner'

Manufacturing process-II Question papers - [PDF Document] (17)



7. (il Write different typs of milling machines.

(b) Draw neat sketch of plain milling cutter and write elements of cutter.

(c) How the size of a milling machine is specified ?

(d) Explain up milling and down milling.

8. Write short notes on any four of the following :-(a) Merchant's circle diagram.

(b) Work holding devices in planer machine.

(c) Tool layout in Capstan and Turret lathes.

(d) Taylor's tool-life equation.

(e) Milling operations.


(4 marks)

(6 marks)

(2 marks)

(8 marks)


Manufacturing process-II Question papers - [PDF Document] (18)

IPage /Vo... I ME4O3

Reg. No.






[Max.Marks : ].OO

(1O Marks)(a Marks)

(12 Marks)

(a Marks)


(6 Marks)(4 Marks)



Fourth semester B.E. Degree Examination, August 2oolMechanical EngineeringManufacturing Froc.ess If

Time: 3 hrs.]Note: 7. Answer aily FM questions.

2. Draw neat sketches rcquired.(a) Briefly explain the elements of single point tool with a neat sketch (6 Marks)(b) Explain with slietch, the Merchant's circle of forces (s Marks)(c) while machining c-sO steel with carbide tool having a tool g.o*"oy or

00 - 0o - 60 - 60 - 80 - 900 - 1**- (ortlogonJ ;il; system), t].e tangentialforce and feed force have been r"""a tB"uJzffiii #eE'o^irl"il".u*rv.Calculate the Kinetic Co-efficient of fictio"-. (6 Marks){a) Explain the e{Iect of cutting parameters on tool life. (8 Marks}(b) while machining carEon steelby gTungsten-cobalt steel tool itwas observedthat the tool life-was 60 minutel ithetooirir.ib;acuttingsp;;a;f ?11,:ilffis,:"ni?1?1,?3.T1#*3:f,tri*

taking the index 'n' as"o.i+9. (6 Marks)(c) Briefly explain the different types of cutting fluids (6 Marks)

i-"1 U* the properties of ceramics or cemented oxides (E Marks)(b) What are the cirterion used in valuating machinability (E Marks)(c) witrl a neat sketch explain any one of the gear feed mechanisms in lathe

4. (d wtrr neat sketch explain arry one type of collet chuck(b) wittr neat sketch explain a radiai arilirrg machine(a) With a sketch give the nomenclature of a Reamer(b) Explain with a neat sketch the working princlpre of a hydraulicmechanism

(c) In a shaper, the rgngth of stroke is 2oomm, number of double """{i#Ti?rrdnute is 3o and tEe ratio of return tirne-to ;itirrg til.;J;d.-;.i"d thecutting speed.

(4 Marks)(a) with. a neat sketch explain tool head of planer (6 Marks)(b) Explain with a sketch, flre vertical rnilling machine (8 Marks)(c) Explain the different types of milling mac"hine attachments (6 Marks)(a) Briefly explain compound indexing (6 Marks)(b) Sketch and explain push type of bioaching tool (6 Marks)(c) With sketch explain mounting of grinding-wtreet. (8 Marks)(a) Discuss the importance of surface flnsih generated by different productionProcesses (4 Marks)!U] lxntain the process of lapping (6 Marks)(c) Briefly explain different types of non-precision finishing operations.(d) Explain different types of abrasives.


Manufacturing process-II Question papers - [PDF Document] (19)

Page No... I ME4O3

Reg. No.

Fourth Sernester B.E. Degree Examination, July/August zaozMechanical EngineeringManufacturing Process If

Time: 3 hrs.l

Note: 7. Ansuser anly FwE full questians.

1. (a) Give the nomenclature of a single point cutting tool in

(b) Explain the difference between orthogonal cutting andleast two examples for each.

Explain the different types of chip formation with a

List the types of cutting tool rnaterials.

What are the properties of good cutting fluid.

Explain briefly creater wear and flank wear.

A 75 mm dia M.S bar was turned at 220 rpm to get a toolThe rpm was changed to 260 and tool life obtained was 10

(b) Explain the following lathe accessories and attachments.

i) Different types of chuck and their functions.

ii) Different types of lathe rest

iii) Catch plate and carriers.

4. (a) Explain briefly Merchant circle diagram for force analysis.

(b) Explaip the difference in working between shaping and planing withto

i) Relative movement between tool and work piece.

ii) Quick return mechanism used.

iii) Size of workpiece used.

(c) Shaping machine is used to machine rectangular piece of'18 cm long 35 cmwiclth cutting speed is 26mlmm. Feed 0.8 mrrJcycle. Cutting stroke is idjustedto 20 cm. Time for cuttilg stroke to return stroke is 3:2. Find the time requiredfor machining the whole surface. (6 Marks)

Sketch a broaching tool and name the parts. (6 Marks)

What do you mean by gnt, grain and structure of grinding wheel. (6Marks)

with the help of block diagram explain the working of a plain center typecylindrical gr:inding machine. (8 Marks)

Contd.... 2

lMax.Marks : lOO

ISO system. (E Marks)

oblique cutting with at


2. (a)




(6+4 Marks)

neat sketch. (s Marks)

(5 Marks)

(5 Marks)

(5 Marks)

life of 14 minutes.minutes. Find out

(5 Marks)

iii) Relief angles iv) Helix angle with reference(8 Marks)


(5 Marks)


(9 Marks)

the value of n and c.

3. (a) With neat sketches explain

i)Point angle ii) handto a twist drill.

5" (a)



Manufacturing process-II Question papers - [PDF Document] (20)

Page No...

6. (a)


what is indexing in milling operation? clearly discuss about

compound indexing'

(b) Sketch' the following cutters'

i) Gear cutter (spur gear) ii) Fly cutter iii) End mill'

(c) Index an angle of 42 degre"!-*i^h Ilaql plate having'-' sia" I : 24,n5,28, 30, -34,

37 ,3q, 39 4\ 42 -a1{ 43

SiJ" Z : 46',47',4g',5L',53,57,58, 59' 62 and 66'

7, (a) Define the term 'Vehicle" as applied to lapping' What are the

between honing and laPPing?


(c) What is burnishing? Where is it appiied?

Write short notes on any FOUR of the following :

i) Types of cutting tool materials'

ii) Gear hobbing

iii) Specification of planer machine"

iv) Work holding devices in case of shaper'

(v) Surface grinders.



differential and(8 Marks)

(6 Marks)

(6 Marks)

differences(8 Marks)

(8 Marks)

(4 Marks)

14Yg=2O lYlarks)

Manufacturing process-II Question papers - [PDF Document] (21)





Time : Three Hours

Answer anY frte full questions'

Sketch neat figures whereuer necessd'ry'

1. (a) Briefly describe orthogonal and oblique cutting'

G) Name the various chip formed during metal cutting'

preferred ?

Maximum: 100 Marks

(7 marks)

(6 marks)

the characteristics of ideai tooi

(7 maks)

(b) why cutting fluids are applied to tool and workpiece during metal cutting ?

(6 marks)

(7 marks)

(6 marks)

(8 marks)

Write any six differences between a Capstan and Turret and an Engine lathe'

(6 marks)i*

(7 rnarks)

(7 marks)

its nomenclature.' (6 marks)

(7 marks)

with neat sketch, explain principal parts of a slotting machine. (7 marks)

Find the cutting speed of the shaper when the stroke length is 180 mm., number

of double strokes per minute is 30 and the ratio of return time to cutting time

is2:3.(6 marks)

6. (a) write different types of planer and explain standard double housing planer'

(10 marks)

ft) What are the common operations performed using planer, explain planning vertical

surfaces ?(6 marks)

(4 marks)

Turn over


. (l marks)

Why discontinuous chiPs

(c) Explain Flank wear and crater wear'

2. @) Name diffierent types of tool materials' What are

materials ?







5. (a)



Explain different types of cutting fluids.

How lathes are classified ?

Describe principal parts of a production lathe with a neat sketch.

(a) Sketch and describe in brief a radial drilling machine'

(b) With sketches, explain any seuen drilling operations'

(c) Draw a simple twist drill with tapered shank and write

Describe the quick-return mechanism in shaper'

(c) Write any four differences between shaper and a planer'

Manufacturing process-II Question papers - [PDF Document] (22)

$tZ MF.-403

7. @) Write different typs of milling machines' 4 marks)

(b) Draw neat sketch of plain milling cutter and write elements of cutter'

6 marks)

(c) How the size of a milling machine is specified ? (2 marks)

(d) Explain up milling and down milling' (8 marks)

8. Write short notes on any four of t};re following :-(a) Merchant's circle diagram'

(b) Work holding devices in planer machine'

(c) Tool layout in Capstan and Turret lathes'

(d) TaYIor's tool-life equation'

(e) Milling oPerations.(4x5=20marks)

Manufacturing process-II Question papers - [PDF Document] (2024)
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Name: Stevie Stamm

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Hobby: Leather crafting, Puzzles, Leather crafting, scrapbook, Urban exploration, Cabaret, Skateboarding

Introduction: My name is Stevie Stamm, I am a colorful, sparkling, splendid, vast, open, hilarious, tender person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.