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Integrated Pollution Prevention and Control (IPPC)

Reference Document on the application of Best AvailableTechniques to Industrial Cooling Systems

December 2001


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Executive Summary

Industrial Cooling Systems i


This reference document on the application of best available techniques to industrial coolingsystems (BREF) reflects the information exchange carried out according to Article 16 (2) ofCouncil Directive 96/61/EC on IPPC. The document has to be seen in the light of the prefacethat describes the objective of the document and its use.

In the framework of IPPC, industrial cooling has been identified as a horizontal issue. It meansthat “Best Available Techniques”(BAT) in this document is assessed without an in-depthassessment of the industrial process to be cooled. Notwithstanding, BAT for a cooling systemis considered within the cooling requirements of the industrial process. It is acknowledged thatBAT for cooling a process is a complex matter balancing the cooling requirements of theprocess, the site-specific factors and the environmental requirements, which allowsimplementation under economically and technically viable conditions.

The term “industrial cooling systems” refers to systems to remove excess heat from anymedium, using heat exchange with water and/or air to bring down the temperature of thatmedium towards ambient levels.

In this document, BAT is described for cooling systems that are considered to work as auxiliarysystems for the normal operation of an industrial process. It is acknowledged that reliableoperation of a cooling system will positively affect the reliability of the industrial process.However, the operation of a cooling system in relation to process safety is not covered in thisBREF.

This document presents an integrated approach to arrive at BAT for industrial cooling systemsacknowledging that the final BAT solution is mainly a site-specific matter. With respect to theselection of a cooling system, this approach can only discuss which elements are linked to theenvironmental performance of the cooling system, rather than select and (dis) qualify any of theapplied cooling systems. Where reduction measures are applied, the BAT approach attempts tohighlight the associated cross-media effects thus emphasising that reduction of the differentemissions of cooling systems needs balancing.

The five chapters of the main document describe the BAT approach, its key issues andprinciples, the cooling systems and their environmental aspects, the key BAT findings and theconclusions and recommendations for further work. Eleven annexes give backgroundinformation addressing specific aspects of designing and operating cooling systems andexamples to illustrate the BAT approach.

1. Integrated approach

The integrated BAT approach considers the environmental performance of the cooling systemin the context of the overall environmental performance of an industrial process. It aims atminimisation of both the indirect and direct impacts of the operation of a cooling system. It isbased on the experience that the environmental performance of cooling of a process largelydepends on selection and design of the cooling system. Therefore, for new installations theapproach focuses on prevention of emissions by selection of an adequate cooling configurationand by proper design and construction of the cooling system. Additionally, reduced emissionsare achieved by optimization of daily operation.

For existing cooling systems there is on a short term less potential for prevention bytechnological measures and emphasis is on emission reduction by optimized operation andsystems control. For existing systems a large number of parameters, such as space, availabilityof operating resources and existing legislative restrictions, may be fixed and leave few degrees

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Executive Summary

ii Industrial Cooling Systems

of freedom to change. However, the general BAT approach in this document can be consideredas a long-term goal, which fits with equipment replacements cycles for existing installations.

The BAT approach acknowledges that cooling is an essential part of many industrial processesand should be seen as an important element in the overall energy management system. Theefficient use of energy in industrial processes is very important from the environmental andcost-efficiency points of view. First of all, BAT means that attention must be paid to the overallenergy efficiency of the industrial or manufacturing process, before measures are taken tooptimize the cooling system. To increase overall energy efficiency, industry aims to reduce theamount of non-recoverable heat by applying proper management of energy and by adopting arange of integrated energy-saving programmes. This includes energy exchange betweendifferent units inside the cooled industrial or manufacturing process as well as links outside thisprocess with adjacent processes. There is a tendency towards a concept of heat recovery forindustrial regions when industrial sites are interlinked or are linked with district heating orgreenhouse farming. Where no further recovery and re-use of this heat is possible, it may haveto be released into the environment.

Distinction is made between low level (10-25ºC), medium level (25-60ºC) and high level (60ºC)non-recoverable heat. In general, wet cooling systems are applied for low level heat and drycooling systems for high level heat. For the medium level no single cooling principle ispreferred and different configurations can be found.

After optimization of the overall energy efficiency of the industrial or manufacturing process agiven amount and level of non-recoverable heat remains and a first selection for a coolingconfiguration to dissipate this heat can be made balancing:- the cooling requirements of the process,- the site limitations (including local legislation) and- the environmental requirements.

The cooling requirements of the industrial or manufacturing process must always be met toensure reliable process conditions, including start-up and shut down. The required minimumprocess temperature and the required cooling capacity must be guaranteed at all times so as toenhance the efficiency of the industrial or manufacturing process and reduce the loss of productand emissions to the environment. The more temperature sensitive these processes, the moreimportant this will be.

Site conditions limit the design options and the possible ways a cooling system can be operated.They are defined by the local climate, by the availability of water for cooling and discharge, bythe available space for constructions and by the sensitivity of the surrounding area to emissions.Depending on the process demands on cooling and the required cooling capacity, site selectionfor a new installation can be very important (e.g. large cold water source). Where the choice fora site is driven by other criteria or in the case of existing cooling systems, the coolingrequirements of the process and the site characteristics are fixed.

For cooling, the local climate is important, as it affects the temperature of the ultimate coolantwater and air. The local climate is characterised by the pattern of wet and dry bulbtemperatures. In general, cooling systems are designed to fulfil the cooling requirements underthe least favourable climatic conditions that can occur locally, i.e. with highest wet and dry bulbtemperatures.

The next step in the selection and design of the cooling system aims to meet the BATrequirements, within the requirements of the process to be cooled and the site limits. Thismeans that emphasis here is on the selection of adequate material and equipment to reducemaintenance requirements, to facilitate operation of the cooling system and the realisation ofenvironmental requirements. Besides the release of heat into the environments otherenvironmental effects can occur such as the emission of additives used for conditioning of

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Executive Summary

Industrial Cooling Systems iii

cooling systems. It is emphasized that where the amount and level of heat to be dissipated canbe reduced, the resulting environmental impact of the industrial cooling system will be lower.The principles of the BAT approach can also be applied to existing cooling systems.Technological options may be available, such as a change of cooling technology, or a change ormodification of existing equipment or chemicals used, but they can only be applied to a limitedextent.

2. Applied cooling systems

Cooling systems are based on thermodynamic principles and are designed to promote the heatexchange between process and coolant and to facilitate the release of non-recoverable heat intothe environment. Industrial cooling systems can be categorized by their design and by the maincooling principle: using water or air, or a combination of water and air as coolants.The exchange of heat between process medium and coolant is enhanced by heat exchangers.From the heat exchangers the coolant transports the heat into the environment. In open systemsthe coolant is in contact with the environment. In closed systems the coolant or processmedium circulates inside tubes or coils and is not in open contact with the environment.

Once-through systems are commonly applied to large capacity installations in locations wheresufficient cooling water and receiving surface water are available. If a reliable water source isnot available, recirculating systems (cooling towers) are used.

In open recirculating towers, cooling water is cooled down by contact with a airstream. Towersare equipped with devices to enhance the air/water contact. The airflow can be created bymechanical draught using fans or by natural draught. The mechanical draught towers are usedwidely for small and large capacities. Natural draught towers mostly are applied for largecapacities (e.g. power industry).

In closed circuit systems the tubes or coils in which the coolant or process medium circulatesare cooled, in turn cooling the substance they contain. In wet systems an airflow cools byevaporation the tubes or coils which are sprayed with water. In dry systems only an airflowpasses the tubes/coils. In both designs coils can be equipped with fins, enlarging the coolingsurface and thus the cooling effect. Closed circuit wet systems are widely used in industry forsmaller capacities. The principle of dry air-cooling can be found in smaller industrial as well asin large power plant applications in those situations where sufficient water is not available orwater is very expensive.

Open and closed hybrid cooling systems are special mechanical tower designs, which allowswet and dry operation to reduce visible plume formation. With the option of operating thesystems (in particular small cell-type units) as dry systems during periods of low ambient airtemperatures, a reduction in annual water consumption and visible plume formation can beachieved.

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Executive Summary

iv Industrial Cooling Systems

Table 1: Example of technical and thermodynamic characteristics of the different cooling systemsfor industrial (non-power plant) applications

Cooling system Coolingmedium

Main coolingprinciple



Minimum achievableend temperature of

the process medium5)


Capacity ofindustrial process


Open once-throughsystem - direct Water Conduction/

Convection 3 – 5 18 – 20 <0.01 - > 2000

Open once-throughsystem - indirect

Water Conduction/Convection 6 – 10 21 – 25 <0.01 - > 1000

Open recirculatingcooling system -direct


Air2) Evaporation3) 6 – 10 27 – 31 < 0.1 – >2000

Open recirculatingcooling system -indirect


Air2) Evaporation3) 9 – 15 30 – 36 < 0.1 - > 200

Closed circuit wetcooling system


Air2)Evaporation+ convection 7 – 147) 28 – 35 0.2 – 10

Closed circuit dry aircooling system Air Convection 10 – 15 40 – 45 < 0.1 – 100

Open hybrid cooling Water1)

Air2)Evaporation+ convection 7 – 14 28 – 35 0.15 - 2.5 6)

Closed hybridcooling


Air2)Evaporation+ convection 7 – 14 28 – 35 0.15 - 2.5 6)

Notes:1) Water is the secondary cooling medium and is mostly recirculated. Evaporating water transfers the heat to the air2) Air is the cooling medium in which the heat is transferred to the environment.3) Evaporation is the main cooling principle. Heat is also transferred by conduction/convection but in a smaller ratio.4) Approaches relative to wet or dry bulb temperatures

Approaches of heat exchanger and cooling tower must be added5) End temperatures depend on the site’s climate (data are valid for average middle European climate conditions

30°/21°C dry / wet bulb temperature and 15°C max. water temperature6) Capacity of small units – with a combination of several units or specially built cooling, systems higher capacities

can be achieved.7) Where an indirect system applies or convection is also involved the approach in this example increases with 3-5K leading to

an increased process temperature

The table shows the characteristics of the applied cooling systems for a given climatic situation.The end temperature of the process medium leaving the heat exchanger after cooling dependson the coolant temperature and on the design of the cooling system. Water has a higher specificheat capacity than air and therefore is the better coolant. The temperature of the coolant air andwater depend on the local dry and wet bulb temperatures. The higher the bulb temperatures themore difficult it is to cool down to low end temperatures of the process.

The end temperature of the process is the sum of the lowest ambient (coolant) temperature andthe minimum required temperature difference between coolant (entering the cooling system)and process medium (leaving the cooling system) over the heat exchanger, which is also calledthe (thermal) approach. Technically the approach can be very small by design, but costs areinversely proportional to the size The smaller the approach the lower the process endtemperature can be. Each heat exchanger will have its approach and, in the case of additionalheat exchangers, in series, all approaches are added to the temperature of the coolant (enteringthe cooling system) to calculate the achievable end temperature of the process. Additional heatexchangers are used in indirect cooling systems, where an extra cooling circuit is applied. Thissecondary circuit and the primary cooling circuit are linked by a heat exchanger. Indirectcooling systems are applied where leakage of process substances into the environment must bestrictly avoided.

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Executive Summary

Industrial Cooling Systems v

For the cooling systems commonly applied in the power industry, minimum approaches andcooling capacities are somewhat different from non-power plant applications because of thespecial requirements of the steam condensation process. The different approaches and relevantpower generating capacities are summarized below.

Table 2: Examples of capacity and thermodynamic characteristics of different cooling systems forapplications in power industry

Cooling system Applied approaches (K) Capacity of power generatingprocess (MWth)

Open once-through systems 13-20 (terminal difference 3-5) < 2700Open wet cooling tower 7-15 < 2700Open hybrid cooling tower 15-20 < 2500Dry air-cooled condenser 15-25 < 900

3. Environmental aspects of the applied cooling systems

The environmental aspects of cooling systems vary with the applied cooling configuration, butthe focus is predominantly on increasing the overall energy efficiency and reduction ofemissions to the aquatic environment. The consumption and emission levels are very site-specific and where it is possible to quantify them they show large variation. In the philosophyof an integrated BAT approach, cross-media effects must be taken into account in theassessment of each environmental aspect and the associated reduction measures.

• Energy consumption

The specific direct and indirect consumption of energy is an important environmental aspectrelevant for all cooling systems. The specific indirect energy consumption is the energyconsumption of the process to be cooled. This indirect energy consumption can increase due toa sub-optimal cooling performance of the applied cooling configuration, which may result in atemperature rise of the process (∆K) and is expressed in kWe/MWth/K.The specific direct energy consumption of a cooling system is expressed in kWe/MWth andrefers to the amount of energy consumed by all energy consuming equipment (pumps, fans) ofthe cooling system for each MWth it dissipates.

Measures to reduce the specific indirect energy consumption are:- to select the cooling configuration with the lowest specific indirect energy consumption (in

general once through systems),- to apply a design with small approaches and- to reduce the resistance to heat exchange by proper maintenance of the cooling system.

For example, in case of power industry a change from once through to recirculating coolingmeans an increase in energy consumption for auxiliaries, as well as a decrease of efficiency inthe thermal cycle.

To reduce the specific direct energy consumption, pumps and fans with higher efficiencies areavailable. Resistance and pressure drops in the process can be reduced by design of the coolingsystem and by application of low resistance drift eliminators and tower fill. Proper mechanicalor chemical cleaning of surfaces will maintain low resistance in the process during operation.

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Executive Summary

vi Industrial Cooling Systems

• Water

Water is important for wet cooling systems as the predominant coolant, but also as the receivingenvironment for cooling water discharge. Impingement and entrainment of fish and otheraquatic organisms occur with large water intakes. Discharge of large amounts of warm watercan also influence the aquatic environment, but the impact can be controlled by suitable locationof intake and outfall and assessment of tidal or estuarine flows to insure adequate mixing andadvective dispersion of the warm water.

Consumption of water varies between 0.5 m3/h/MWth for an open hybrid tower and up to 86m3/h/MWth for an open once-through system. Reduction of large water intakes by once-throughsystems requires a change towards recirculating cooling at the same time it will reduce thedischarge of large amounts of warm cooling water and may also reduce emissions of chemicalsand waste. The water consumption of recirculating systems can be reduced by increasing thenumber of cycles, by improving the water make up quality or by optimizing the use of wastewater sources available on or off site. Both options require a complex cooling water treatmentprogramme. Hybrid cooling, which allows dry cooling during some periods of the year, with alower cooling demand or with low air temperatures and so can reduce water consumption inparticular for small cell-type units.

Design and positioning of the intake and various devices (screens, barriers, light, sound) areapplied to reduce the entrainment and impingement of aquatic organisms. The effect of thedevices depends on the species. Costs are high and measures are preferably applied in agreenfield situation. Lowering the required cooling capacity if possible by increasing the reuseof heat may reduce emissions of warm cooling water to the receiving surface water.

• Emissions of heat into the surface water

As mentioned before the emissions of heat into surface water can have environmental impact onthe receiving surface water. Factors of influence are e.g. the available cooling capacity of thereceiving surface water, the actual temperature and the ecological status of the surface water.Emissions of heat can result in the exceeding the EQS for temperature during warm summerperiods as a consequence of heat discharges into the surface water resulting from cooling water.For two ecological systems (Salmonid waters and Cyprinid waters) thermal requirements havebeen taken up in Directive 78/659/EEC. Relevant for the environmental impact of heatemissions is not only the actual temperature in the water, but also the temperature rise at theboundary of the mixing zone as a consequence of the heat discharge into the water. The amountand level of the heat discharged into the surface water related to the dimensions of the receivingsurface water are relevant to the extent of the environmental impact. In situations where heatdischarges at relatively small surface waters and the hot water plume reaches the opposite sideof the river or canal this can lead to barriers for the migration of Salmonides.Besides these effects high temperature as a consequence of heat emissions can lead to increasedrespiration and biological production (eutrophication) resulting in a lower concentration ofoxygen in the water.When designing a cooling system the above aspects and the possibilities to reduce the heatdissipated into the surface water have to be taken into account.

• Emissions of substances into surface water

Emissions into the surface water from cooling systems caused by:- applied cooling water additives and their reactants,- airborne substances entering through a cooling tower,- corrosion products caused by corrosion of the cooling systems’ equipment, and- leakage of process chemicals (product) and their reaction products.

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Executive Summary

Industrial Cooling Systems vii

Proper functioning of cooling systems may require the treatment of cooling water againstcorrosion of the equipment, scaling and micro- and macrofouling. Treatments are different foropen once-through and recirculating cooling systems. For the latter systems, cooling watertreatment programmes can be highly complex and the range of chemicals used can be large. Asa consequence, emission levels in the blowdown of these systems also show large variation andrepresentative emission levels are difficult to report. Sometimes the blowdown is treated beforedischarge.

Emissions of oxidizing biocides in open once-through systems, measured as free oxidant at theoutlet, vary between 0.1 [mg FO/l] and 0.5 [mg FO/l] depending on the pattern and frequency ofdosage.

Table 3: Chemical components of cooling water treatments used in open and recirculating wetcooling systems

Water quality problemsExamples of chemical

treatment* Corrosion Scaling (Bio-)fouling







Zinc XMolybdates XSilicates XPhosphonates X XPolyphosphonates X XPolyol esters XNatural organics XPolymers (X) (X) XNon-oxidizing biocides XOxidyzing biocides X X* chromate is not widely used anymore due to its high environmental effect

Selecting and applying cooling equipment that is constructed of material suitable for theenvironment in which it will operate can reduce leakage and corrosion. This environment isdescribed by:- the process conditions, such as temperature, pressure, flow speed,- the media cooled, and- the chemical characteristics of the cooling water.

Materials commonly used for heat exchangers, conduits, pumps and casing are carbon steel,copper-nickel and various qualities of stainless steel, but titanium (Ti) is increasingly used.Coatings and paints are also applied to protect the surface.

• Use of biocides

Open once-through systems are predominantly treated with oxidizing biocides againstmacrofouling. The amount applied can be expressed in the yearly used oxidative additiveexpressed as chlorine-equivalent per MWth in connection with the level of fouling in or close tothe heat exchanger. The use of halogens as oxidative additives in once-through systems willlead to environmental loads primarily by producing halogenated by-products.

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Executive Summary

viii Industrial Cooling Systems

In open recirculating systems, pretreatment of water is applied against scaling, corrosion andmicro-fouling. With the relatively smaller volumes of recirculating wet systems alternativetreatments are successfully applied, such as ozone and UV light, but they require specificprocess conditions and can be quite costly.

Operational measures reducing harmful effects of cooling water discharge are the closing of thepurge during shock treatment and the treatment of the blowdown before discharge into thereceiving surface water. For treatment of blowdown in a wastewater treatment facility theremaining biocidal activity must be monitored as it may affect the microbial population.

To reduce the emissions in the discharge and to reduce the impact on the aquatic environment,biocides are selected which aim to match the requirements of the cooling systems with thesensitivity of the receiving aquatic environment.

• Emissions to air

The discharged air from dry circuit cooling towers is usually not considered as the mostimportant aspect of cooling. Contamination may occur if there is a leak of product, but propermaintenance can prevent this.The droplets in the discharge of wet cooling towers can be contaminated with water treatmentchemicals, with microbes or with corrosion products. The application of drift eliminators andan optimized water treatment programme reduce potential risks.Plume formation is considered where the horizon-marring effect occurs or where risk exists ofthe plume reaching ground level.

• Noise

The emission of noise is a local issue for large natural draught cooling towers and allmechanical cooling systems. Unattenuated sound power levels vary between 70 for naturaldraught and about 120 [dB(A)] for mechanical towers. Variation is due to differences inequipment and to place of measurement as it differs between air inlet and air outlet. Fans,pumps and falling water are the major sources.

• Risk aspects

Risk aspects of cooling systems refer to leakage from heat exchangers, to storage of chemicalsand to microbiological contamination (such as legionnaire’s disease) of wet cooling systems.

Preventive maintenance and monitoring are applied measures to prevent leakage as well asmicrobiological contamination. Where leakage could lead to discharges of large amounts ofsubstances harmful to the aquatic environment, indirect cooling systems or special preventivemeasures are considered.

For prevention of the development of Legionellae pneumophila (Lp) an adequate watertreatment programme is advised. No upper concentration limits for Lp, measured in colonyforming units [CFU per liter], could be established below which no risk is to be expected. Thisrisk has to be particularly addressed during maintenance operations.

• Residues from cooling systems operation

Little has been reported on residues or wastes. Sludges from cooling water pretreatment orfrom the basin of cooling towers have to be regarded as waste. They are treated and disposed of

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Executive Summary

Industrial Cooling Systems ix

in different ways depending on the mechanical properties and chemical composition.Concentration levels vary with the cooling water treatment programme.

Environmental emissions are further reduced by applying less harmful conservation methods forequipment and by selecting material that can be recycled after decommissioning or replacementof cooling systems’ equipment.

4. Key BAT conclusions

BAT or the primary BAT approach for new and existing systems are presented in Chapter 4.The findings can be summarised as follows.

It is acknowledged that the final BAT solution will be a site-specific solution, but for someissues techniques could be identified as general BAT. In all situations the available andapplicable options for reuse of heat must have been examined and used to reduce the amountand level of non-recoverable heat, before the dissipation of heat from an industrial process intothe environment is considered.

For all installations BAT is a technology, method or procedure and the result of an integratedapproach to reduce the environmental impact of industrial cooling systems, maintaining thebalance between both the direct and indirect impacts. Reduction measures should be consideredmaintaining at minimum the efficiency of the cooling system or with a loss of efficiency, whichis negligible, compared with the positive effects on the environmental impact.

For a number of environmental aspects, techniques have been identified that can be consideredBAT within the BAT approach. No clear BAT could be identified on the reduction of waste oron techniques to handle waste while avoiding environmental problems such as contamination ofsoil and water or, with incineration, of air.

• Process and site requirements

Selection between wet, dry and wet/dry cooling to meet process and site requirements shouldaim at the highest overall energy efficiency. To achieve a high overall energy efficiency whenhandling large amounts of low level heat (10-25ºC) it is BAT to cool by open once-throughsystems. In a greenfield situation this may justify selection of a (coastal) site with reliable largeamounts of cooling water available and with surface water with sufficient capacity to receivelarge amounts of discharged cooling water.

Where hazardous substances are cooled that (emitted via the cooling system) involve a high riskto the environment, it is BAT to apply indirect cooling systems using a secondary coolingcircuit.

In principle, the use of groundwater for cooling has to be minimized, for instance wheredepletion of groundwater resources cannot be ruled out.

• Reduction of direct energy consumption

Low direct energy consumption by the cooling system is achieved by reducing resistance towater and/or air in the cooling system, by applying low energy equipment. Where the processto be cooled demands variable operation, modulation of air and water flow has beensuccessfully applied and can be considered BAT.

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Executive Summary

x Industrial Cooling Systems

• Reduction of water consumption and reduction of heat emissions to water

The reduction of water consumption and the reduction of heat emissions to water are closelylinked and the same technological options apply.The amount of water needed for cooling is linked to the amount of heat to be dissipated. Thehigher the level of reuse of cooling water, the lower the amounts of cooling water needed.

Recirculation of cooling water, using an open or closed recirculating wet system, is BAT wherethe availability of water is low or unreliable.In recirculating systems an increase of the number of cycles can be BAT, but demands oncooling water treatment may be a limiting factor.It is BAT to apply drift eliminators to reduce drift to less than 0.01% of the total recirculatingflow.

• Reduction of entrainment

Many different techniques have been developed to prevent entrainment or to reduce the damagein case of entrainment. Success has been variable and site-specific. No clear BAT have beenidentified, but emphasis is put on an analysis of the biotope, as success and failure much dependon behavioural aspects of the species, and on proper design and positioning of the intake.

• Reduction of emissions of chemical substances to water

In line with the BAT approach, the application of the potential techniques to reduce emissionsto the aquatic environment should be considered in the following order:

1. selection of cooling configuration with lower emission level to surface water,2. use of more corrosion resistant material for cooling equipment,3. prevention and reduction of leakage of process substances into the cooling circuit,4. application of alternative (non-chemical) cooling water treatment,5. selection of cooling water additives with the aim of reducing impact on the environment,

and6. optimized application (monitoring and dosage) of cooling water additives.

BAT is reducing the need for cooling water conditioning by reducing the occurrence of foulingand corrosion through proper design. In once-through systems, proper design is to avoidstagnant zones and turbulence and to maintain a minimum water velocity (0.8 [m/s] for heatexchangers, 1.5 [m/s] for condensers).

It is BAT to select material for once-through systems in a highly corrosive environmentinvolving Ti or high quality stainless steel or other materials with similar performance, where areducing environment would limit the use of Ti.

In recirculating systems, in addition to design measures, it is BAT to identify the applied cyclesof concentration and the corrosiveness of the process substance to enable selection of materialwith adequate corrosion resistance.It is BAT for cooling towers to apply suitable fill types under consideration of water quality(content of solids), expected fouling, temperatures and erosion resistance, and to selectconstruction material which does not need chemical conservation.

The VCI concept applied by chemical industry aims at minimizing the risks for the aquaticenvironment in case of leakage of process substances. The concept links the level ofenvironmental impact of a process substance with the required cooling configuration andmonitoring requirements. With higher potential risks for the environment in case of leakage the

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Executive Summary

Industrial Cooling Systems xi

concept leads to improved anti-corrosiveness, indirect cooling design and an increasing level ofmonitoring of the cooling water.

• Reduction of emissions by optimized cooling water treatment

Optimization of the application of oxidizing biocides in once-through systems is based ontiming and frequency of biocide dosing. It is considered BAT to reduce the input of biocides bytargeted dosing in combination with monitoring of the behavior of macrofouling species (e.g.valve movement of mussels) and using the residence time of the cooling water in the system.For systems where different cooling streams are mixed in the outlet, pulse-alternatingchlorination is BAT and can reduce even further free oxidant concentrations in the discharge.In general, discontinuous treatment of once-through systems is sufficient to prevent fouling.Depending on species and water temperature (above 10-12°C) continuous treatment at lowlevels may be necessary.

For seawater, BAT-levels of free residual oxidant (FRO) in the discharge, associated with thesepractices, vary with applied dosage regime (continuous and discontinuous) and dosageconcentration level and with the cooling system configuration. They range from ≤ 0.1 [mg/l] to0.5 [mg/l], with a value of 0.2 [mg/l] as 24h-average.

An important element in introducing a BAT-based approach to water treatment, in particular forrecirculating systems using non-oxidizing biocides, is the making of informed decisions aboutwhat water treatment regime is applied, and how it should be controlled and monitored.Selection of an appropriate treatment regime is a complex exercise, which must take intoaccount a number of local and site-specific factors, and relate these to the characteristics of thetreatment additives themselves, and the quantities and combinations in which they are used.

In order to assist the process of BAT decision making on cooling water additives at a locallevel, the BREF seeks to provide the local authorities responsible for issuing an IPPC permitwith an outline for an assessment.

The Biocidal Products Directive 98/8/EC regulates the placing of biocidal products on theEuropean market and considers as a specific category the biocides used in cooling systems. Theinformation exchange shows that in some Member States specific assessment regimes are inplace for the application of cooling water additives.The discussion as part of the information exchange on industrial cooling systems resulted in twoproposed concepts for cooling water additives, which can be used as a complementary tool bythe permitting authorities:1. A screening assessment tool based on the existing concepts, which allows a simple relative

comparison of cooling water additives in terms of their potential aquatic impact (theBenchmarking Assessment, Annex VIII.1).

2. A site specific assessment of the expected impact of biocides discharged in the receivingwater, following the outcome of the Biocidal Products Directive and using the methodologyto establish Environmental Quality Standards (EQSs) of the future Water FrameworkDirective as key elements (the Local Assessment for Biocides, Annex VIII.2).

The Benchmarking Assessment can be seen as a method to compare the environmental impactof several alternative cooling water additives while the Local Assessment for Biocides providesa yard stick for the determination of a BAT compatible approach for biocides in particular(PEC/PNEC <1). The use of local assessment methodologies as a tool in controlling industrialemissions is already common practice.

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Executive Summary

xii Industrial Cooling Systems

• Reduction of emissions to air

The reduction of the impact of emissions to air from cooling tower operation is linked to theoptimization of cooling water conditioning to reduce concentrations in the droplets. Where driftis the main transporting mechanism, the application of drift eliminators, resulting in less than0.01% of the recirculating flow being lost as drift, is considered BAT.

• Reduction of noise

Primary measures are applications of low noise equipment. The associated reduction levels areup to 5 [dB(A)].Secondary measures at inlet and outlet of mechanical cooling towers have associated reductionlevels of a minimum of 15 [dB(A)] or more. It must be noted that noise reduction, in particularby secondary measures, can lead to pressure drop, which needs extra energy input tocompensate.

• Reduction of leakage and microbiological risk

BAT are: preventing leakage by design; by operating within the design limits and by regularinspection of the cooling system.For the chemical industry in particular, it is considered BAT to apply the safety concept of VCIas has been mentioned before for reduction of emissions to water.

The occurrence in a cooling system of Legionella pneumophila cannot be fully prevented. It isconsidered BAT to apply the following measures:- avoid stagnant zones and keep sufficient water velocity,- optimize cooling water treatment to reduce fouling, algae and amoeba growth and

proliferation,- apply periodic cleaning of the cooling tower basin and- reduce respiratory vulnerability of operators by supplying noise and mouth protection when

entering an operating unit or when high-pressure cleaning the tower.

5. Distinction between new and existing systems

All key BAT conclusions can be applied to new systems. Where it involves technologicalchanges, the application may be limited for existing cooling systems. For small cooling towersproduced in series, a change in technology is considered to be technically and economicallyfeasible. Technological changes for large systems are generally cost intensive requiring acomplex technical and economic assessment involving a large number of factors. Relativelysmall adaptations to these large systems, changing part of the equipment, may be feasible insome cases. For more extensive changes of technology a detailed consideration and assessmentof the environmental effect and the costs may be necessary.

In general, BAT for new and existing systems are similar, where the focus is on reducingenvironmental impact by improvement of the systems’ operation. This refers to:- optimization of cooling water treatment by controlled dosage and selection of cooling water

additives aiming at reduction of the impact on the environment,- regular maintenance of the equipment, and- monitoring of operating parameters, such as the corrosion rate of the heat exchanger

surface, chemistry of the cooling water and degree of fouling and leakage.

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Executive Summary

Industrial Cooling Systems xiii

Examples of techniques considered BAT for existing cooling systems are:- application of suitable fill to counteract fouling,- replacement of rotating equipment by low noise devices,- prevention of leakage by monitoring heat exchanger tubes,- side stream biofiltration,- improvement of the quality of the make up water, and- targeted dosage in once-through systems.

6. Conclusions and recommendations for future work

This BREF has met a high level of support from the Technical Working Group (TWG). Toassess and identify BAT for the process of industrial cooling is generally considered as complexand very site- and process-specific, involving many technical and cost aspects. Still, there isclear support for the concept of general BAT for cooling systems based on the general BREF-Preface and the introduction on BAT in Chapter 4.

The process of information exchange revealed a number of issues where further work is neededwhen this BREF is reviewed. The local assessment of cooling water treatment will requirefurther investigation on how to take into account all relevant factors and chemicalcharacteristics related to the site, but at the same time clear guidance and a workable procedureare necessary. Other fields of interest where additional efforts would be needed concernalternative cooling water treatment techniques, the minimization of microbiological risk and therelevance of emissions to air.

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Industrial Cooling Systems i

Draft Reference Document on the application of Best Available Techniques toIndustrial Cooling Systems

Executive summary .................................................................................................................................... iPreface .........................................................................................................................................................1Scope ............................................................................................................................................................5Glossary.......................................................................................................................................................7

Thermodynamic definitions......................................................................................................................7Other definitions .......................................................................................................................................8Abbreviations and acronyms ..................................................................................................................13

1 General BAT concept for industrial cooling systems ....................................................................151.1 Sources of heat, heat levels and application ranges ...................................................................191.2 Level of cooling system and influence on process efficiency....................................................20

1.2.1 Temperature sensitive applications ......................................................................................201.2.2 Non-sensitive applications ...................................................................................................22

1.3 Optimising the primary process and reuse of heat .....................................................................221.3.1 Optimising the primary process ...........................................................................................221.3.2 Use of waste heat off-site .....................................................................................................23

1.4 Selecting of a cooling system in order to meet the process requirements and site conditions ...231.4.1 Process requirements............................................................................................................231.4.2 Site selection ........................................................................................................................251.4.3 Climatic conditions ..............................................................................................................281.4.4 Mathematical modelling, simulations on models and tests on pilot loops ...........................30

1.5 Selecting a cooling technique in order to meet environmental requirements ............................301.5.1 General comparison between air and water cooled systems ................................................301.5.2 Design factors and choice of materials.................................................................................311.5.3 Options for a technological change of existing systems.......................................................32 Retrofit – reasons and considerations .............................................................................331.5.3.2 Change of heat transfer technology ................................................................................341.5.3.3 Replacement of outdated heat transfer technology by modern one ................................351.5.3.4 Upgrading existing heat transfer technology..................................................................36

1.6 Economic considerations ...........................................................................................................372 Technological aspects of applied cooling systems..........................................................................39

2.1 Introduction ...............................................................................................................................392.2 Heat exchangers.........................................................................................................................41

2.2.1 Shell and tube heat exchangers ............................................................................................412.2.2 Plate and frame heat exchangers ..........................................................................................412.2.3 Environmental issues of heat exchangers.............................................................................42

2.3 Once-through cooling systems...................................................................................................422.3.1 Direct once-through cooling systems...................................................................................422.3.2 Once-through cooling systems with cooling tower ..............................................................432.3.3 Indirect once-through cooling systems.................................................................................44

2.4 Open recirculating cooling systems...........................................................................................452.4.1 Natural draught wet cooling towers .....................................................................................462.4.2 Mechanical draught wet cooling towers...............................................................................48 Forced draught wet cooling towers ................................................................................492.4.2.2 Induced draught wet cooling towers...............................................................................50

2.5 Closed circuit cooling systems ..................................................................................................512.5.1 Air-cooled cooling systems..................................................................................................51 Natural draught dry cooling tower..................................................................................522.5.1.2 Air-cooled liquid cooling systems..................................................................................542.5.1.3 Air-cooled steam condensers..........................................................................................55

2.5.2 Closed circuit wet cooling systems ......................................................................................562.5.2.1 Mechanical draught wet closed circuit cooling systems.................................................572.5.2.2 Evaporative steam condensers........................................................................................57

2.6 Combined wet/dry cooling systems...........................................................................................582.6.1 Open wet/dry (hybrid) cooling towers .................................................................................582.6.2 Closed circuit hybrid cooling systems..................................................................................59 Sprayed (finned) coils.....................................................................................................602.6.2.2 Adiabatic coolers, wetting and pre-cooling the air that cools the coils ..........................602.6.2.3 Combined technology.....................................................................................................61

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ii Industrial Cooling Systems Costs of hybrid systems ................................................................................................. 612.7 Recirculating cooling systems................................................................................................... 62

2.7.1 Direct recirculating cooling systems.................................................................................... 622.7.2 Indirect recirculating cooling systems ................................................................................. 62

2.8 Costs of cooling systems ........................................................................................................... 623 Environmental aspects of industrial cooling systems and applied prevention and reduction

techniques......................................................................................................................................... 653.1 Introduction............................................................................................................................... 653.2 Consumption of energy ............................................................................................................. 67

3.2.1 Direct consumption of energy.............................................................................................. 673.2.2 Indirect consumption of energy ........................................................................................... 673.2.3 Reduction of required energy for cooling............................................................................ 70

3.3 Consumption and emission of cooling water ............................................................................ 713.3.1 Consumption of water ......................................................................................................... 71 Intake of water and water requirements ......................................................................... 713.3.1.2 Applied techniques to reduce water consumption.......................................................... 73

3.3.2 Fish entrainment .................................................................................................................. 743.3.2.1 Level of entrainment ...................................................................................................... 743.3.2.2 Applied reduction techniques......................................................................................... 753.3.2.3 Costs of sound devices and light systems ...................................................................... 77

3.3.3 Heat emission to surface water ............................................................................................ 773.3.3.1 Levels of heat emission.................................................................................................. 773.3.3.2 Legislative requirements of heat emissions ................................................................... 783.3.3.3 Applied reduction techniques......................................................................................... 79

3.4 Emissions from cooling water treatment................................................................................... 803.4.1 Application of cooling water treatment ............................................................................... 803.4.2 Emissions of chemicals into the surface water .................................................................... 83 Oxidising biocides ......................................................................................................... 833.4.2.2 Non-oxidising biocides .................................................................................................. 843.4.2.3 Factors influencing emissions of biocides ..................................................................... 843.4.2.4 Emission levels .............................................................................................................. 853.4.2.5 Legislation ..................................................................................................................... 85

3.4.3 Reduction of emissions to the surface water........................................................................ 863.4.3.1 General approach ........................................................................................................... 863.4.3.2 Reduction by selection of material and systems design ................................................. 91

3.4.4 Reduction by application of additional and alternative cooling water treatment................. 913.4.5 Reduction of emissions by assessment and selection of cooling water additives ................ 923.4.6 Optimising the use of cooling water additives..................................................................... 95 Dosage of cooling water additives ................................................................................. 963. Dosage regimes ........................................................................................................ 963. Dosage systems ........................................................................................................ 97 Monitoring of cooling water .......................................................................................... 983. Monitoring of scale inhibitors, corrosion inhibitors and dispersants........................ 983. Monitoring of biofouling.......................................................................................... 99

3.5 Cooling air use and air emissions............................................................................................ 1013.5.1 Air requirements ................................................................................................................ 1013.5.2 Direct and indirect emissions............................................................................................. 1013.5.3 Cooling tower plumes........................................................................................................ 103 Plume formation........................................................................................................... 1033.5.3.2 Plume abatement.......................................................................................................... 103

3.6 Noise emissions....................................................................................................................... 1043.6.1 Sources of noise and noise levels ...................................................................................... 1043.6.2 Noise abatement ................................................................................................................ 107 Noise control of cascading water (wet cooling towers) ............................................... 1073. Primary measures ................................................................................................... 1073. Secondary measures ............................................................................................... 1073. Dry-cooling towers................................................................................................. 108 Noise control of mechanical equipment (mechanical draught cooling towers) ........... 1083. Primary measures ................................................................................................... 1083. Secondary measures ............................................................................................... 109 Costs of noise reduction............................................................................................... 109

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Industrial Cooling Systems iii

3.7 Risk aspects associated with industrial cooling systems..........................................................1103.7.1 Risk of leakage...................................................................................................................110 Occurrence and consequences ......................................................................................1103.7.1.2 Reduction of leakage ....................................................................................................1113.7.1.3 Reduction by preventive maintenance..........................................................................112

3.7.2 Storage and handling of chemicals.....................................................................................1133.7.3 Microbiological risk ...........................................................................................................113 Occurrence of microbes................................................................................................1133.7.3.2 Measuring of bacteriae .................................................................................................1143.7.3.3 Techniques to reduce microbiological risks .................................................................114

3.8 Waste from cooling system operation......................................................................................1173.8.1 Formation of sludges..........................................................................................................1173.8.2 Residues from cooling water treatment and cleaning operations .......................................1173.8.3 Residues as a result of retrofitting, replacing and decommissioning of the installation.....117 Use of plastics ..............................................................................................................1183.8.3.2 Treatment of timber used for wet cooling tower construction......................................1183.8.3.3 Wet cooling tower fill...................................................................................................118

4 Best available techniques for industrial cooling systems ............................................................1194.1 Introduction .............................................................................................................................1194.2 A horizontal approach to defining BAT for cooling systems ..................................................120

4.2.1 Integrated heat management...............................................................................................1214.2.1.1 Industrial cooling = Heat management.........................................................................1214.2.1.2 Reduction of the level of heat discharge by optimization of internal/external heat reuse

......................................................................................................................................1214.2.1.3 Cooling system and process requirements....................................................................1214.2.1.4 Cooling system and site requirements ..........................................................................123

4.2.2 Application of BAT in industrial cooling systems .............................................................1244.3 Reduction of energy consumption ...........................................................................................125

4.3.1 General ...............................................................................................................................1254.3.2 Identified reduction techniques within the BAT-approach ................................................126

4.4 Reduction of water requirements.............................................................................................1274.4.1 General ...............................................................................................................................1274.4.2 Identified reduction techniques within the BAT-approach ................................................127

4.5 Reduction of entrainment of organisms...................................................................................1284.5.1 General ...............................................................................................................................1284.5.2 Identified reduction techniques within the BAT-approach ................................................128

4.6 Reduction of emissions to water ..............................................................................................1284.6.1 General BAT approach to reduce heat emissions...............................................................1284.6.2 General BAT approach to reduce chemical emissions to water .........................................1294.6.3 Identified reduction techniques within the BAT-approach ................................................131 Prevention by design and maintenance.........................................................................1314.6.3.2 Control by optimised cooling water treatment .............................................................133

4.7 Reduction of emissions to air...................................................................................................1344.7.1 General approach ...............................................................................................................1344.7.2 Identified reduction techniques within the BAT-approach ................................................135

4.8 Reduction of noise emissions ..................................................................................................1354.8.1 General ...............................................................................................................................1354.8.2 Identified reduction techniques within the BAT-approach ................................................136

4.9 Reduction of risk of leakage ....................................................................................................1364.9.1 General approach ...............................................................................................................1364.9.2 Identified reduction techniques within the BAT-approach ................................................137

4.10 Reduction of biological risk.....................................................................................................1374.10.1 General approach ...............................................................................................................1374.10.2 Identified reduction techniques within the BAT-approach ................................................138

5 Concluding remarks.......................................................................................................................1395.1 Timing of the work ..................................................................................................................1395.2 Sources of information ............................................................................................................1395.3 Recommendations for future work ..........................................................................................139

References ...............................................................................................................................................141Annexes....................................................................................................................................................149

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iv Industrial Cooling Systems

List of tables

Table 1.1: Heat temperature levels and application range.......................................................................... 20Table 1.2: Emissions of an average Western European power plant due to an efficiency loss of 3% ....... 21Table 1.3: Relative effect on the delivery of electrical power due to the application of wet, wet/dry or dry

cooling towers to units of 1300 MWe..................................................................................... 21Table 1.4: Relative effect on the delivery of electrical power due to the application of wet, wet/dry or dry

cooling towers to a 290 MWth combined cycle unit ............................................................... 22Table 1.5: Large cooling demand-related criteria for site selection ........................................................... 27Table 1.6: Climatic conditions in Europe................................................................................................... 29Table 1.7: Comparison of different cooling systems with a required maximum sound power level ......... 32Table 1.8: Technological upgrading options for existing systems ............................................................. 34Table 1.9: Example for conversion of a once-through system into a recirculating system ........................ 35Table 1.10: Example for conversion of an outdated mechanical draught wet cooling tower into modern

design ..................................................................................................................................... 36Table 1.11: Example for replacement of outdated fill of a mechanical draught wet cooling tower with

modern high efficiency fill ..................................................................................................... 36Table 1.12: Example for the improvement of acoustic performance by addition of sound attenuation ..... 37Table 2.1: Example of technical and thermodynamic characteristics of the different cooling systems for

industrial (non-power plant) applications............................................................................... 40Table 2.2: Examples of capacity and thermodynamic characteristics of different cooling systems for

applications in power industry................................................................................................ 41Table 2.3: Cost elements for water and air cooling systems ...................................................................... 63Table 3.1: Environmental issues of the different industrial cooling systems ............................................. 66Table 3.2: Example of a comparison of yearly specific direct and indirect energy demand of different

cooling systems and the consequences for CO2-emissions per MWth .................................... 69Table 3.3: Water requirement of the different cooling systems ................................................................. 72Table 3.4: Fish impingement rates (FIR) at power stations. Annual catches normalised to the cooling

water flow............................................................................................................................... 75Table 3.5: Available fish protection technologies for cooling water intake devices .................................. 76Table 3.6: Thermal requirements of water temperatures for two ecological systems (European Directive

78/659/EEC)........................................................................................................................... 78Table 3.7: Chemical components of cooling water treatments used in open and recirculating wet cooling

systems ................................................................................................................................... 82Table 3.8: Consumption of hypochlorite in wet cooling systems in The Netherlands ............................... 83Table 3.9: Average required airflow for the different cooling systems.................................................... 101Table 3.10: Examples of capacity and associated unattenuated sound power levels of cooling systems

equipment of a large refinery................................................................................................ 106Table 3.11: Comparison of unattenuated sound power levels at air inlet and air outlet measured at various

types of wet cooling towers of conventional construction ................................................... 106Table 3.12: Noise emissions of different cooling systems without noise attenuation .............................. 106Table 3.13: Example of cost increase with different fan design for reduced sound power level ............. 109Table 3.14: Effects of temperature and biocide treatment on CFU-levels in cooling towers................... 116Table 4.1: Examples of process requirements and BAT .......................................................................... 122Table 4.2: Examples of site characteristics and BAT............................................................................... 123Table 4.3: BAT for increasing overall energy efficiency......................................................................... 126Table 4.4: BAT for reduction of water requirements ............................................................................... 127Table 4.5: BAT for reduction of entrainment........................................................................................... 128Table 4.6: BAT for reduction of emissions to water by design and maintenance techniques .................. 131Table 4.7: BAT for reduction of emissions to water by optimised cooling water treatment.................... 133Table 4.8: BAT for reduction of emissions to air..................................................................................... 135Table 4.9: BAT for the reduction of noise emissions............................................................................... 136Table 4.10: BAT to reduce the risk of leakage......................................................................................... 137Table 4.11: BAT to reduce biological growth.......................................................................................... 138

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Industrial Cooling Systems v

List of figures

Figure 1.1: Breakdown structure showing the factors involved in the determination of BAT for waste heatdischarge systems ...................................................................................................................17

Figure 1.2: Tower plan area as a function of the percentage of time the design wet bulb temperature isexceeded .................................................................................................................................24

Figure 2.1: Schematic representation of a direct once-through cooling system .........................................42Figure 2.2: Schematic representation of a direct once-through cooling system with a cooling tower

applied in power industry........................................................................................................43Figure 2.3: Schematic representation of an indirect once-through cooling system ....................................44Figure 2.4: Schematic representation of an open recirculating system.......................................................45Figure 2.5: Natural draught wet cooling tower counter flow......................................................................47Figure 2.6: Natural draught wet cooling tower cross flow..........................................................................48Figure 2.7: Fan assisted natural draught cooling tower ..............................................................................49Figure 2.8: Schematic representation of a forced draught tower with counter flow design........................50Figure 2.9: Schematic presentation of a cell type induced draught cooling tower, cross flow design........51Figure 2.10: Schematic presentation of principle of a dry natural draught cooling tower..........................53Figure 2.11: Example of natural draught dry cooling tower for a power plant application ........................53Figure 2.12: Schematic presentation of the principle of a dry air-cooled cooling system ..........................54Figure 2.13: Example of a dry air-cooled liquid cooler in a chemical process...........................................54Figure 2.14: Schematic presentation of the principle of a direct air-cooled condenser ..............................55Figure 2.15: Example of an air-cooled condenser for condensation of turbine exhaust steam...................56Figure 2.16: Schematic presentation of the principle of a closed recirculating wet cooling tower with

induced draught.......................................................................................................................57Figure 2.17: Schematic representation of hybrid cooling tower principle (example applied in power

industry) ..................................................................................................................................58Figure 2.18: Schematic presentation of the principle of a closed circuit hybrid cooling tower..................60Figure 2.19: Combined dry/wet operation of a hybrid cooling system.......................................................61Figure 3.1: Graphic representation of interrelation between the different water quality problems ............81Figure 3.2: Design scheme for cooling water systems aiming at reduction of biocide application ............87Figure 3.3: “approach” for reduction of biocide use in industrial cooling water systems ..........................88Figure 3.4: Additive concentration pattern resulting of improperly designed monitoring and dosage

regime .....................................................................................................................................95Figure 3.5: Additive concentration pattern resulting of properly designed monitoring and dosage regime


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Industrial Cooling Systems 1


1. Status of this document

Unless otherwise stated, references to “the Directive” in this document means the CouncilDirective 96/61/EC on integrated pollution prevention and control. This document forms part ofa series presenting the results of an exchange of information between EU Member States andindustries concerned on best available techniques (BAT), associated monitoring, anddevelopment in them. It is published by the European Commission pursuant to Article 16(2) ofthe Directive, and must therefore be taken into account in accordance with Annex IV of theDirective when determining “best available techniques”.

2. Relevant legal obligations of the IPPC Directive and the definition of BAT

In order to help the reader understand the legal context in which this document has been drafted,some of the most relevant provisions of the IPPC Directive, including the definition of the term“best available techniques”, are described in this preface. This description is inevitablyincomplete and is given for information only. It has no legal value and does not in any way alteror prejudice the actual provisions of the Directive.

The purpose of the Directive is to achieve integrated prevention and control of pollution arisingfrom the activities listed in its Annex I, leading to a high level of protection of the environmentas a whole. The legal basis of the Directive relates to environmental protection. Itsimplementation should also take account of other Community objectives such as thecompetitiveness of the Community’s industry thereby contributing to sustainable development.

More specifically, it provides for a permitting system for certain categories of industrialinstallations requiring both operators and regulators to take an integrated, overall look at thepolluting and consuming potential of the installation. The overall aim of such an integratedapproach must be to improve the management and control of industrial processes so as to ensurea high level of protection for the environment as a whole. Central to this approach is the generalprinciple given in Article 3 that operators should take all appropriate preventative measuresagainst pollution, in particular through the application of best available techniques enablingthem to improve their environmental performance.

The term “best available techniques” is defined in Article 2(11) of the Directive as “the mosteffective and advanced stage in the development of activities and their methods of operationwhich indicate the practical suitability of particular techniques for providing in principle thebasis for emission limit values designed to prevent and, where that is not practicable, generallyto reduce emissions and the impact on the environment as a whole.” Article 2(11) goes on toclarify further this definition as follows:

“techniques” includes both the technology used and the way in which the installation isdesigned, built, maintained, operated and decommissioned;

“available” techniques are those developed on a scale which allows implementation in therelevant industrial sector, under economically and technically viable conditions, taking intoconsideration the costs and advantages, whether or not the techniques are used or producedinside the Member State in question, as long as they are reasonably accessible to the operator;

“best” means most effective in achieving a high general level of protection of the environmentas a whole.

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2 Industrial Cooling Systems

Furthermore, Annex IV of the Directive contains a list of “considerations to be taken intoaccount generally or in specific cases when determining best available techniques ... bearing inmind the likely costs and benefits of a measure and the principles of precaution and prevention”.These considerations include the information published by the Commission pursuant toArticle 16(2).

Competent authorities responsible for issuing permits are required to take account of the generalprinciples set out in Article 3 when determining the conditions of the permit. These conditionsmust include emission limit values, supplemented or replaced where appropriate by equivalentparameters or technical measures. According to Article 9(4) of the Directive, these emissionlimit values, equivalent parameters and technical measures must, without prejudice tocompliance with environmental quality standards, be based on the best available techniques,without prescribing the use of any technique or specific technology, but taking into account thetechnical characteristics of the installation concerned, its geographical location and the localenvironmental conditions. In all circ*mstances, the conditions of the permit must includeprovisions on the minimisation of long-distance or transboundary pollution and must ensure ahigh level of protection for the environment as a whole.

Member States have the obligation, according to Article 11 of the Directive, to ensure thatcompetent authorities follow or are informed of developments in best available techniques.

3. Objective of this Document

Article 16(2) of the Directive requires the Commission to organise “an exchange of informationbetween Member States and the industries concerned on best available techniques, associatedmonitoring and developments in them”, and to publish the results of the exchange.

The purpose of the information exchange is given in recital 25 of the Directive, which states that“the development and exchange of information at Community level about best availabletechniques will help to redress the technological imbalances in the Community, will promote theworld-wide dissemination of limit values and techniques used in the Community and will helpthe Member States in the efficient implementation of this Directive.”

The Commission (Environment DG) established an information exchange forum (IEF) to assistthe work under Article 16(2) and a number of technical working groups have been establishedunder the umbrella of the IEF. Both IEF and the technical working groups includerepresentation from Member States and industry as required in Article 16(2).

The aim of this series of documents is to reflect accurately the exchange of information whichhas taken place as required by Article 16(2) and to provide reference information for thepermitting authority to take into account when determining permit conditions. By providingrelevant information concerning best available techniques, these documents should act asvaluable tools to drive environmental performance.

4. Information Sources

This document represents a summary of information collected from a number of sources,including in particular the expertise of the groups established to assist the Commission in itswork, and verified by the Commission services. All contributions are gratefully acknowledged.

5. How to understand and use this document

The information provided in this document is intended to be used as an input to thedetermination of BAT in specific cases. When determining BAT and setting BAT-based permitconditions, account should always be taken of the overall goal to achieve a high level ofprotection for the environment as a whole.

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Industrial Cooling Systems 3

The rest of this section describes the type of information that is provided in each section of thedocument.

Chapters 1 provides information on the issue of cooling industrial processes and on thehorizontal approach taken to present BAT applied to industrial cooling systems.

Chapter 2 describes the cooling systems and their configurations commonly used by industry. Inthis chapter some associated performance data are presented as well as an overview of therelevant environmental issues.

Chapter 3 describes more extensively the environmental issues with reference to the emissionreduction and other techniques that are considered to be most relevant for determining BATboth generally and as a basis for setting permit conditions. As far as applicable, this informationincludes the consumption and emission levels considered achievable that relate to the coolingsystems applied. Techniques that are generally seen as obsolete are not included.

Chapter 4 concludes on general BAT within the primary BAT-approach acknowledging thatBAT for cooling systems finally is a site-specific solution.

Chapter 5 gives a general conclusion on the result of the information exchange process withrespect to industrial cooling systems and describes elements for future work.

In twelve annexes additional information is given on thermodynamics, energy, operatingfactors, as well as information on techniques and practices to be considered in the application ofBAT when operating an industrial cooling system.

The purpose is thus to provide general indications regarding the emission and consumptionlevels that can be considered as an appropriate reference point to assist in the determination ofBAT-based permit conditions or for the establishment of general binding rules under Article9(8). It should be stressed, however, that this document does not propose emission limit values.The determination of appropriate permit conditions will involve taking account of local, site-specific factors such as the technical characteristics of the installation concerned, itsgeographical location and the local environmental conditions. In the case of existinginstallations, the economic and technical viability of upgrading them also needs to be taken intoaccount. Even the single objective of ensuring a high level of protection for the environment asa whole will often involve making trade-off judgements between different types ofenvironmental impact, and these judgements will often be influenced by local considerations.

Although an attempt is made to address some of these issues, it is not possible for them to beconsidered fully in this document. The techniques and levels presented in chapters 3 and 4 willtherefore not necessarily be appropriate for all installations. On the other hand, the obligation toensure a high level of environmental protection including the minimisation of long-distance ortransboundary pollution implies that permit-conditions cannot be set on the basis of purely localconsiderations. It is therefore of the utmost importance that the information contained in thisdocument is fully taken into account by permitting authorities.

Since the best available techniques change over time, this document will be reviewed andupdated as appropriate. All comments and suggestions should be made to the European IPPCBureau at the Institute for Prospective Technological Studies at the following address:

Edificio Expo-WTC; Inca Garcilaso s/n, E-41092 Seville – SpainTelephone: +34 95 4488 284 Fax: +34 95 4488 426e-mail [emailprotected]: http://eippcb.jrc.es

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Industrial Cooling Systems 5


This reference document on BAT for industrial cooling systems is a horizontal document thatfocuses on the cooling systems commonly used within the industrial activities of Annex 1 to theIPPC Directive. The industry sectors with high relevance are the chemicals, food, glass, iron andsteel, refineries, pulp and paper and the incinerators. In the power industry, an incomparableamount of information and experience has been gained with respect to cooling. Also, the powerindustry relatively has the largest direct and indirect impacts on the environment with sub-optimal cooling. In a separate annex, special attention is paid to this sector and any disparitiesbetween power stations and other industrial activities have been assessed. Although installationsfor the production of nuclear power are not part of the scope of Annex I of the IPPC Directive,the applied environmental techniques are considered in this document where they relate to thecooling systems of the conventional section of these installations. Cooling systems of smallcombustion plants and air conditioning systems for both industrial and domestic use areexcluded.

The scope of the term “cooling systems” in this reference document is confined to systems toremove waste heat from any medium, using heat exchange with water and/or air to bring downthe temperature of that medium towards ambient levels. This includes only part of refrigerationsystems, but excludes the issue of refrigerants such as ammonia and CFCs. Also, direct contactcooling and barometric condensers are not assessed as they are considered to be too process-specific. The following industrial cooling systems or configurations are covered in thisdocument:

• Once-through cooling systems (with or without cooling tower)• Open recirculating cooling systems (wet cooling towers)• Closed circuit cooling systems

- air-cooled cooling systems- closed circuit wet cooling systems

• Combined wet/dry (hybrid) cooling systems- open hybrid cooling towers- closed circuit hybrid tower

In this document, BAT is described for cooling systems that are considered to work as auxiliarysystems for the normal operation of an industrial process. It is acknowledged that reliableoperation of a cooling system will positively affect the reliability of the industrial process.However, the function of a cooling system in relation to process safety is not within the scope ofthis BREF.

Within the horizontal “approach”, integration means addressing all relevant environmentalaspects and the way in which they are interrelated, whilst acknowledging that balancing thevarious aspects requires expert judgement. Where appropriate, the relevance of theenvironmental performance of a cooling system within the performance of the entire industrialprocess is indicated.

The document addresses the following environmental aspects and the methods and techniquesfor reduction of emissions:• effects of process and equipment design, and of material and maintenance;• resource consumption (water, air, energy, chemical substances);• emissions of chemicals and heat both to water and air,• emissions of noise and plumes;• waste generation and emissions to soil and terrestrial habitats;• risk aspects;• pollution arising from specific events (starts/stops) or incidents and• decommissioning of installations.

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6 Industrial Cooling Systems

This document will give a review of available techniques for industrial cooling systems, but willnot give solutions on what the best cooling system is and does not intend to disqualify any of theexisting systems applied. Nor will it give guidelines on whether a process needs a coolingsystem at all. This means that the document will not go into the detail of the productionprocesses themselves that require cooling, where overall energy efficiency measures would beaddressed. A general “approach” is followed, which leads to a balanced choice of a new systemor of measures to optimise an existing cooling system aiming at prevention of environmentalemissions related to the operation of cooling systems.

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Industrial Cooling Systems 7


Terminology used for the different aspects of industrial cooling systems varies widely andvarious terms are often used for the same element. To avoid confusion and to avoid explanatoryrepetition in this document this section gives a number of definitions of terms and abbreviations.

Thermodynamic definitions

Approach (1) in a conduction heat exchanger device, thetemperature difference between the temperature of theprocess medium leaving the heat exchanger and thetemperature of the cooling medium entering the heatexchanger.

(2) in an evaporative system (e.g. wet cooling tower),the difference between the temperature of the processmedium leaving the cooling system and the wet bulbtemperature of the air entering the cooling tower or theevaporative cooling system.

(3) in a condenser see terminal difference.

Design Dry Bulb Temperature the temperature of the ambient air for which the heatexchanger is designed. Usually 95 % values are used –the design temperature will not be exceeded in 95 % oftime. Dry bulb temperature is the relevant temperaturefor sensible heat transfer.

Design Wet Bulb Temperature the lowest temperature, to which air can be cooleddown by adiabatic evaporation. It is the relevanttemperature for latent heat transfer. Design wet bulbtemperature is the temperature of saturated air, whichwill be used for the design of the evaporative wasteheat exchanger. Usually 95 % values are used – thedesign temperature will not be exceeded in 95 % oftime. Wet bulb temperature is always below dry bulbtemperature.

Heat Rejection Capacity the amount of heat, which can be rejected by a coolingsystem measured in kWth (or MWth).

Latent Heat Transfer Heat transfer through the evaporation of water into theair. The heat transfer capacity of evaporating water ismuch higher than the heat transfer capacity of air.

Level of Waste Heat the temperature level at which the heat has to betransferred. Depending on the process, the waste heat isgenerated at a specific temperature level.

LMTD Logarithmic mean temperature difference is a measureof the driving force of the heat exchange depending onthe temperature of the cold stream (coolant) and of theprocess stream to be cooled.

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8 Industrial Cooling Systems

Range Range is the difference between the inlet and the outlettemperature at a heat exchanger.

Sensible Heat Transfer Heat transfer through conduction and convection iscalled sensible heat transfer.

Terminal difference is the temperature difference in a condenser. Itcorresponds to the temperature difference between thetemperature of the steam entering the condenser (orsteam condensed leaving the condenser) and thetemperature of the cooling medium (water) leaving thecondenser. The values of “terminal difference” varybetween 3 and 5 K.

Waste Heat Waste heat is the inherent, yet unwanted, notrecuperative heat, that must be removed from industrialor manufacturing processes and has to be transferred tothe environment.

Other definitions

BAT approach methodology presented in this document to arrive at a adefinition of BAT for industrial cooling systems and toidentify techniques within this definition

Bioconcentration factor the capacity of a substance to bioaccumulate defined asthe ration between the concentration of a substance inan organism and its concentration in the water (in astate of equilibrium). The bioconcentration is alwaysdetermined by experiment.

Blow down (BD, kg/s) the intentional draining of a cooling system to balancethe increasing concentration of solids in the coolingsystem and in practice it is the water that has to bewithdrawn from an evaporative cooling system in orderto control the cycle of concentration. It is calculated asBD = E*1/(x-1), where E is the evaporation loss and xis the concentration factor. Calculating the blowdownusually includes the non-evaporative losses such aswindage, drift and leakage.

Biocide chemical that kills or slows down the growth ofundesirable organisms. In cooling water systems abiocide kills or slows down the growth of macro- andmicro-fouling organisms, thereby minimising organicpollution in the cooling system. The most importantbiocides are: chlorine, sodium hypochlorite, ozone,quaternary ammonium and organic bromide.

Biocide demand the quantity of biocide that is reduced or converted toinert or less active forms of the biocide by substancesin the water or the quantity of biocide that givecomplete reaction with all biocide-reactable materials.

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Industrial Cooling Systems 9

Biochemical oxygen demand (BOD) a measure of the oxygen required to break down(also named Biological oxygen demand) organic materials in water. Higher organic loads

require larger amounts of oxygen and may reduce theamount of oxygen available for fish and aquatic lifebelow acceptable levels. It can be assessed using astandard 5-day (BOD5) or 7-day (BOD7) test.

Bio-slime or bio-slime is defined as the bacterial film thatdevelops on any substrate immersed in water. Itconsists of algae and sessile microbial population,comprising slime producing bacteria and anaerobicsulphate reducing bacteria. Microfouling promotes thedeposition of macrofouling.

Breakpoint the demand of oxidyzing biocide by water impuritieswhich must be overcome before a viable biocide-concentration in the cooling water is available.

Chemical oxygen demand (COD) a measure of the oxygen-consuming capacity ofinorganic and organic matter present in water or waste(discharged cooling) water; the amount of oxygenconsumed from a chemical oxidant in a specific test.(normally referring to analysis with dichromateoxidation)

Coatings materials applied to surfaces to form either a lowfriction surface to reduce pump losses, or a protectivelayer to reduce erosion, corrosion and fouling.

Concentration factor (CR) concentration factor or cycles of concentration is theratio of concentration of any particular solute in therecirculating cooling water to that in the makeup water.Calculated as CR = MU/BD, where MU is the make upwater and BD the blow down.

Condenser cooler used for condensation of a gas flow (or steam).Condensation places extra demands on the heatexchanger: there must be space for the vapour volume.Condensers of power stations are therefore extremelylarge and specifically designed.

Coolant synonym for cooling medium. In many cases thecoolant is water or air, but can also be water mixedwith an antifreeze substance or a medium such as oil ora gas.

Corrosion can be defined as the destruction of a metal by(electro-) chemical reaction with its environment.

Corrosion inhibitors are chemical substances that are able to slow down thecorrosion process in water. They are de-aerationsubstances, passivating inhibitors (eg chromate, nitrite,molybdate, and orthophosphate), precipitatinginhibitors (zinc phosphate, calcium carbonate andcalcium orthophoshate), and adsorption inhibitors

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10 Industrial Cooling Systems

(glycine derivates, aliphatic sulfonates and sodiumsilicate).

Counter flow is the principle where the air flows in the oppositedirection within the heat exchanger. In counter flowtowers air moves upward opposed to the downwardflow of the cooling water. This design provides goodheat exchange because the coolest air contacts thecoolest water. Headers and spray nozzles are used todistribute the water.

Cross flow is the principle where air flows perpendicular to theprocess fluid within the heat exchanger. In cross flowtowers air flows horizontally across the downwardstream of the cooling water.

Cycles of concentration (or “cycles”) are a comparison of the dissolved solidslevel of the blowdown with that of the makeup water.Thus, it is defined as quotient of salt concentration inthe blow-down and the salt concentration in the make-up.

Dispersion substances or dispersants are chemicals that prevent the growthand deposit of particles present in water by increasingthe electric charge resulting from absorption. As aresult the particles repel each other and remainsuspended.

Drift eliminators devices that change the direction of airflow, impartingcentrifugal force to separate water droplets from theair.

Drift loss the loss of water due to small droplets, which areemitted into the draught air, leaving the top of acooling tower.

Evaporative loss (E, kg/s) the mass of cooling water, which is evaporated pertime unit during the operation of an evaporativecooling-system.

Free oxidant (FO)/ applied measure of free oxidants in the discharge ofTotal residual oxidants (TRO) cooling water systems. Also referred to as TRO or total

chlorine (TC) or free chlorine (FC).

Free available chlorine (FAC) free chlorine represents an equilibrium mixture ofor free residual chlorine hypochlorous acid and hypochlorite ion OCl− in the

cooling water system. Both are oxidants, but OCl− is farless effective than HOCl.

Hardness stabilisers are chemical substances, which, added to water, areable to prevent the deposit of hardness salts byhindering the crystallisation process through absorptionof the nucleation nuclei of the crystals. In this way thegrowth of amorphous crystals, which are relativelyeasy to keep in suspension and give less cause todeposits, is encouraged.

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Industrial Cooling Systems 11

Hazardous substances substances or groups of substances, that have one orseveral dangerous properties, such as toxic, persistent,bioaccumulative, or are classified as dangerous for thehuman or environment according to the Directive67/548 (Dangerous substances directive).

Macrofouling undesirable organisms in cooling water circuits, whichare visible with the naked eye. Macrofouling isrepresented mainly by mussels, barnacles, and serpulidpolychaetes that encrust the walls of the circuits withtheir calcareous walls, filamentous organisms such ashydroids, and other organisms such as sponges,bryozoans, and tunucates.

Make up (M, kg/s) is defined as all water mass per time unit, which isadded to the system to compensate the loss of waterdue to evaporation and blow down.

Maximum allowable risk-level the concentration of a substance in surface water where95% of the species are protected. The toxicity anddegradability are important aspects.

Mechanical draught tower cooling towers equipped with fans to push cooling airthrough the tower (forced draught) or to pull coolingair through the tower (induced draught).

Micro-fouling or bio-slime is defined as the bacterial film thatdevelops on any substrate immersed in water. Itconsists of algae and sessile microbial population,comprising slime producing bacteria and anaerobicsulphate reducing bacteria. Microfouling promotes thedeposition of macrofouling.

Natural draught tower large size cooling towers without fans, but designed totake advantage of the density difference between airentering the tower and the warmer air inside the towerto create a flow of cooling air.

Non-oxidising biocides mostly organic substances used for cooling watertreatment particularly in recirculating cooling systems.Their working is more specific than that of oxidisingbiocides oxidising some species more effectively thenothers. They exert their effects on micro-organisms byreaction with specific cell components or reactionpathways in the cell.

Oxidising biocides mostly inorganic substances particularly applied inopen once-through systems against fouling. Theyattack organisms via a non-specific mechanism. Thebiocide oxidises the cell wall or enters the cell andoxidises the cell components. These biocides are fastworking and because of their non-specificity have abroader spectrum than the non-oxidising biocides.

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12 Industrial Cooling Systems

Plume is the visible re-condensation of evaporated water inthe discharged air of a cooling tower.

Precipitation softening this process is used to reduce water-hardness,alkalinity, silica, and other constituents. The water istreated with lime or a combination of lime and soda ash(carbonate ion). Water with moderate to high hardness(150-500 ppm as CaCO3) is often treated in thisfashion.

Process medium the process medium will always refer to the medium tobe cooled.

Scaling process of precipitation in CWS that occurs when theconcentration of salts in the water film near the heatexchanger exceeds the solubility.

Sound Pressure Level (Lp) the measure for the immission of sound – the amountof sound at a defined direction and distance from thesound source. It is measured in dB per frequency bandor A weighted as dB(A). The measure is logarithmic,this means that doubling the sound pressure level isequal to an increase 6 dB(A).

Sound Power Level (Lw) the measure for the amount of sound-energy, which isradiated (emitted) from a sound source. It measured indB per frequency band or A weighted as dB(A). Themeasure is logarithmic, which means that doubling thesound power level is equal to an increase of 3 dB(A).

Hydraulic half time is defined as the time needed to reduce the initialconcentration of a non-degradable compound to 50%of its initial concentration.

Total available chlorine (TAC)/ the sum of free chlorine and combined chlorine,total residual chlorine (TRC) with combined chlorine as the available chlorine in

chloramines or other compounds having a N-C link, incooling water system.

Total residual oxidants (TRO) oxidant capacity measured in cooling water system viastoichiometric method (iodide.iodine). TRO isnumerical and operational equivalent to TRC and TAC.

Variable speed drive a way of controlling the speed of a motor, usuallyelectronically using an inverter. The speed can bevaried manually, but is more often controlled via asignal from the process, e.g. pressure, flow, level, etc.

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Industrial Cooling Systems 13

Abbreviations and acronyms

Abbrev./acronym Explanations Pagenumber

ACC Air-cooled condenser 304AOX Adsorbable organic halogens (X = Cl, Br) 98ATP Adenosine triphosphate 103BAT Best available technique 1BCDMH Bromo-chloro-dimethyl hydantoin 212BCF Bioconcentration factor 245BNPD Broomnitropropaandiol 130BNS ß-brom-ß-nitrostyrene 98BOD Biochemical oxygen demand (also named Biological oxygen demand) 23BPM Best practical means 108BREF BAT reference document 5BTM Best technical means 108CCA Copper sulphate, potassium dichromate, arsenic pentoxide 132CFU Colony forming units 154COD Chemical oxygen demand 23CWS Cooling water system 26DBNPA Dibromo-nitrilopropionamide 95DPD N-N-diethyl-p-phenylenediamine 103EDF Electricité de France 36EIPPCB European Integrated Pollution Prevention and Control Bureau 3EOX Extractable organic halogens (X= Cl, Br) 278EQS Environmental quality standard 10EUR or € Unit of european currency 48FAC Free available chlorine 24FO Free oxidant 11FRO Free residual oxidant 15IEF Information exchange forum 2€ or EUR European currency unit 10kWth or kWe 1000 Watt (thermal or electric) 9LD Legionnaire’s disease 128Lp Legionella pneumpophila 128mg/l Milligram per litre 15MBT Methylene(bis)thiocyanate 98MIC Microbiologically influenced corrosion 205Mt or Mt Metric tonne 188MWth or MWe 1000000 Watt (thermal or electric) 8mwg Metre water gorge 82Nf Naegleria fowleri 128NOEC No observed effect level 82PEC Predicted environmental concentration 15PHMB Polyhexamethylenebiguanidechloride (QAC) 130PNEC Predicted no effect concentration 15Pow Partition coefficient over the phases n-octanol and water 108ppm Parts per million 26RIZA Dutch water management institute for inland water management and

waste water treatment155

QAC Quarternary Ammonium Compounds 130QSARs Quantitative structure activity relationship 245TBTO Tributyltinoxide 105TDS Total dissolved solids 263TEMA Tubular Exchange Manufacturers Association 194THM Trihalomethanes 211TOC Total organic carbon 221

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14 Industrial Cooling Systems

TRO Total residual oxidant 24TWG Technical working group 17UV Ultra violet (light) 95VCI Association of chemical industry in Germany 14VDI Association of German Engineers (Verein Deutscher Ingenieure) 118VFD Variable frequency drive 290WFD Water Framework Directive (to be adopted) 144

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Chapter 1

Industrial Cooling Systems 15


In numerous industrial processes, heat has to be removed by what is called a waste heat removalsystem or cooling system. Operating these cooling systems has certain environmentalconsequences. The level and character of the environmental impact varies depending on thecooling principle and the way these systems are operated. To minimise this impact an“approach” can be followed which aims at prevention of emissions by proper design andselection of techniques.

Within the framework of IPPC, cooling should be considered as an integrated part of the overallenergy management of an industrial process. The intention should be to reuse superfluous heatof one process in other parts of the same process or in different processes on site in order tominimise the need for discharge of waste heat into the environment. This will affect the overallenergy efficiency of a process and reduce the demand for cooling, for the required capacity ofthe system and for its operational demands. The optimisation of energy efficiency, however, is acomplex exercise and regarded as highly process-specific and as such beyond the scope of thishorizontal document. If there are no options for reuse on-site, this does not have to leadautomatically to discharge of heat into the environment, but options for reuse off-site inindustrial or civil applications may be considered. In the end, if options for reuse of heat cannotbe exploited any further, discharge of superfluous heat into the environment is to be considered.

Once the level of heat to be removed has been assessed, a first selection of the appropriatesystem for cooling can be decided upon. Much of the environmental performance due to theoperation of a cooling system can be influenced by proper design and by selection of the rightmaterial taking into account the process requirements and local aspects. It is reported that 80%of cooling system performance has already been determined at the design table and 20% by theway the cooling system is operated (so-called 80/20 rule). Many different factors need balancingin assessing what is BAT (best available techniques) for the reduction of the environmentalimpact of cooling. Right from the start it is important to realise that a cooling system is anauxiliary, but generally crucial and integrated system for an industrial process and that everychange applied to the process of cooling may potentially affect the performance of the industrialor manufacturing process to be cooled.

Therefore, the integrated assessment of the consumption and emissions of cooling systems andthe decision on the application of a cooling technique both should be made in the light of thetotal environmental performance of the plant and within the requirements of the process to becooled, ultimately balanced with costs. The required level of cooling must be guaranteed, withminimal consequences for the environment. The required level of cooling is process-specific.Where some processes can tolerate a certain temporary rise in process temperature, other moretemperature sensitive processes might not, as this will have a large impact on the environmentalperformance of the whole plant.

According to IPPC, the environmental performance of the cooling systems discussed in thisBREF must be improved by applying BAT. The question is if and how BAT for coolingsystems can be determined in a general sense, where the final determination on what is best iscertainly a local matter answering the specific requirements of process, environment andeconomics. To structure and in some way simplify the complex process of determination ofBAT, this document follows the “approach” described above and presented in Figure 1.1. This“approach” should lead to a balanced decision on the application of a system for cooling and onits optimisation based on BAT for both new and existing situations.

The BAT concept consists of the following steps aiming at reduction of emissions andminimisation of the environmental impact:

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Chapter 1

16 Industrial Cooling Systems

• reduce the final level of waste heat produced, considering options for reuse;• define process requirements;• consider general site conditions;• assess environmental requirements:

- options for minimisation of resource consumption- options for reduction of emissions

• develop system operation (maintenance, monitoring and risk prevention)• apply economic requirements

In Figure 1.1, the BAT “approach” is presented in a schematic way showing the most relevantfactors involved in the determination of BAT for industrial cooling systems. For the sake ofclarity not all links that can possibly be made between different aspects of cooling have beenadded in this scheme. For example, there is a link between sound attenuation measures and thereduction of specific direct energy consumption; and the achievable minimum end temperatureof a cooling system is limited by the local climatic conditions.

In the following sections the BAT ”approach” will be further discussed in the light of commonprinciples of operating industrial cooling systems and, where possible, indicating what theapplication of BAT means in the spirit of the IPPC-Directive. By its nature, this optimisationcannot be an exact mathematical comparison of various solutions. The optimisation processincludes a similar challenge for all environmental balances, as it requires a comparison ofdifferent environmental impacts and a decision about which ones are the least severe or mostacceptable. Nevertheless, the suggested BAT “approach” aims at providing significantinformation on the implications of various solutions for the environment, on costs and risks aswell as the influencing factors. Based on this information, a decision can be made which ismuch more justified than just concentrating on optimising one single factor (e.g. water intake,energy consumption, plume or noise emission etc.).

Examples will be given to indicate the direction of the changes, rather than to specify particularemissions or reductions. Where appropriate, data are shown or reference is made to the annexes,but for most of the factors involved, data on resource use and on emissions of cooling systemsare either limited or they are too specific to be generally applicable.

Summarising, the assessment of a cooling system, balancing the different factors, is founded onthe following points:• the requirements of the process to be cooled take precedence over the measures for

reduction of the environmental impact of a cooling system;• applying the BAT “approach” is not aiming at a disqualification of any of the configurations

described in Chapter 2;• the BAT “approach” has more freedom for optimisation and prevention of emissions in the

design phase in case of new installations, but for existing installations design options shouldalso be considered;

• consequently, for existing plants it is expected that the BAT “approach” will start furtherdown in the consecutive assessment steps;

• a further distinction can be made between large custom-made cooling systems and smallersystems (series product) with respect to the level of environmental impact;

• optimisation should be seen as the application of design options, of reduction techniquesand of good operator practice;

• the level of reduction of emissions resulting from the BAT “approach” is not predictable,but depends on the demands placed on the cooling system;

• the BAT “approach” aims at cooling system operation balancing the requirements by theprocess to be cooled and by the local environmental objectives;

• selection schemes are useful in making a balanced choice and• finally each balanced result will have a certain environmental impact.

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Chapter 1

Industrial Cooling Systems 17

1. Reuse of heat (§1.3)

1b. Optimize the wasteheat generatingprocess with aview of minimizingthe generation ofwaste heat (§ 1.3)

2. Selection of all feasible cooling systems in order to meet the process requirements

2b. Optimize thewaste generatingprocess with a viewof minimizing energyconsumption, waterconsumption andemissions(Vertical BREF)



requiredcooling capacity

required endtemperature

cooling of (poten-tially) harmfulsubstances




temperaturesensitivity of the


level of waste heat (§1.2)

water-cooledsystems (Ch. 2)

air-cooled systems (Ch. 2)

all types of coolingsystems (Ch. 2)

environmental focuson cooling system

environmental focuson process

indirect circuitcooling systems (§ 3.7)

achievable minimumend temperature withthe cooling system

achievable capacitywith the cooling


2. ProcessRequirements (§1.3)

1. PreventiveApproach (§1.1)


Requirements Findingthe "BAT"

Order of Approach

decision crossing point without junction junction (one way)key to the symbols: junction

Selection ofTechnology

Operatingthe System

Selectionof the Design

Figure 1.1: Breakdown structure showing the factors involved in the determination of BAT for waste heat discharge systems[tm134, Eurovent, 1998]

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Chapter 1

18 Industrial Cooling Systems

"Best AvailableTechnique" for

Cooling Systems

4. Minimisationof environmentalimpact accordingto the BAT

3. Selection of acooling systemin order to meetthe siterequirements


Space restrictions/site location

Water availabilityand quality


cooling tower

Thermal orphysical


Hybrid systems

Minimization ofemissions of watertreatment additives (§ 3.4)

Design, materialand lay-out

Optimal dosageof additives

Minimization ofnoise emissions (§ 3.6)

Soundattenuation -active and


Minimization ofheat emissionsto water (§ 3.3)

Minimization ofplume generation (§ 3.5)

Closed circuit(re-circulation)




Cost for energy,water and water



e.g. once-throughsystems, opencooling towers

e.g. hybridcooling systems

e.g. durablematerials(Annex IV)

4. Optimizing wasteheat removaltechnology (designof the cooling system)with a view tominimizing energyconsumption, waterconsumption andemissions

5. Operating thecooling system witha view to optimalmaintenance andoptimal dosage ofadditives

Minimizationof resource



Achievableapproach with

the coolingsystem

3. SiteRequirements

3.2EnvironmentalRequirements (§ 1.5 + Ch. 3)

3.3EconomicRequirements (§ 2.7 + Annex VIII)

3.1General SiteConditions (§ 1.4)


3b. Selection of atype or design ofcooling system inorder to meet theenvironmentalrestrictions

3c.Selection ofthe coolingtechnology anddesign in order tomeet economicefficiency

Dry air-cooledsystems

Minimization ofenergy use (§ 3.2)

Biological risks(§ 3.7) Selection of less

hazardous additives

Mininization ofwaste (§ 3.8)

Figure 1.1: (continued): Breakdown structure showing the factors involved in the determination of BAT for waste heat discharge systems[tm134, Eurovent, 1998]

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Chapter 1

Industrial Cooling Systems 19

1.1 Sources of heat, heat levels and application ranges

All industrial and manufacturing processes which use energy transform different forms ofenergy (mechanical, chemical, electrical etc.) into heat and noise. Depending on the process,this heat cannot always be fully recovered and/or re-used, but has to be removed from theprocess by cooling. The amount of non-recoverable heat can be called waste heat, and it needsto be transferred to the environment, as this serves as a heat sink. A number of processes with aspecifically high production of waste heat and a high demand for cooling are mentioned below.In many processes different sources of waste heat exist and at different levels: high (above60 °C), medium (25-60°C), and low (10-25°C). Also, different processes with their specificdemand can be found within the same production site. Large cooling systems are used for largecombustion plants (power industry), in the chemical industry, refineries, the iron and steelindustry, the food industry, the pulp and integrated paper industry, incinerators and in the glassindustry.

Within a similar process cooling is applied for different purposes such as cooling of processsubstances in a heat exchanger, of pumps and compressors, of vacuum systems and of steamturbine condensers. The following major sources of waste heat can be distinguished with theirrelated levels of waste heat.

• Friction - by definition the transformation of mechanical energy into heat. Cooling systemsfor these processes are usually indirect systems with oil as a primary coolant. Because oil isused as a cooling medium, the cooling system is sensitive to high temperatures. Therefore,the average temperature of the waste heat is at medium level.

• Combustion - the transformation of chemical energy by oxidation into heat. The waste heatlevel of combustion processes is variable.

• Exothermic Processes (chemical) - Many chemical processes are exothermic: chemicalenergy is transformed into heat without any combustion. Exothermic processes are oftenvery sensitive to the efficiency of the removal of waste heat. The temperature level of thewaste heat is medium to high, depending on the process.

• Compression - compressing a gas leads to the generation of heat. This heat usually has to beremoved as waste heat at a medium to high temperature level.

• Condensation (thermodynamic cycles) - Many processes work on the principles ofthermodynamic cycles. A liquid medium is evaporated, taking up energy, and isconsequently condensed, transforming rejected energy as heat. Thermodynamic systems arevery sensitive to temperature and the temperature level is medium to low.

The waste heat level is an important factor to be taken into account when selecting an industrialcooling system. Table 1.1 shows the temperature ranges of the medium to be cooled and themost suitable cooling systems. The lower the waste heat level, the more difficult it is to coolwith dry air-cooled systems. In practice, air-cooling is often used for process temperaturesabove about 60ºC. Heat levels above 100ºC are generally pre-cooled with air-coolers if nooptions for reuse are available. Evaporative cooling is, in principle, often used to cool processflows with medium and low temperatures. For low temperatures also once-through systems areused, especially where large capacities are needed.

The ranges should not be taken as fixed when selecting a cooling system. For the hightemperature range 50ºC as well as the above-mentioned 60ºC is being used. Also, temperaturesdepend largely on the local situation (climate and temperature of the coolant) and the potentialapplication of a system will vary accordingly. So, once-through systems are also applied athigher temperature levels, provided that admissible discharge temperatures at the outlet into thereceiving water will not be exceeded. For processes to be operated throughout the year undervarying climatic conditions it can also be necessary to use a combination of different coolingsystems.

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Chapter 1

20 Industrial Cooling Systems

Table 1.1: Heat temperature levels and application range[tm139, Eurovent, 1998]

Temperature range Suitable Cooling System Typical Applications

Low temperature(10 – 25 °C)

• once-through systems(direct/indirect)• wet cooling towers(mechanical/natural draught)• hybrid cooling towers• combined cooling systems

• power generation• (petro-) chemical processes

Medium temperature(25 – 60 °C)

• once-through systems(direct/indirect)• wet cooling towers(mechanical/natural draught)• closed circuit cooling towers• evaporative condensers• air-cooled fluid coolers• air-cooled condensers• hybrid cooling towers/ condensers• hybrid closed circuit cooling tower

• refrigeration cycles• compressor• cooling of machines• autoclave cooling• cooling of rotary kilns• steel plants• cement plants• power generation in warmer regions


High Temperature(above 60 °C)

• once-through systems(direct/indirect) in special cases• wet cooling towers(mechanical/natural draught)• air-cooled fluid cooler/ condensers

• waste incineration plants• engine cooling• cooling of exhaust fumes• chemical processes

1.2 Level of cooling system and influence on processefficiency

1.2.1 Temperature sensitive applications

Many chemical and industrial processes are temperature critical applications. The efficiency ofthe process is sensitive to temperature and/or pressure and therefore correlated with theefficiency of the removal of waste heat. For these processes, the horizontal “approach” of bestavailable cooling technology is connected with the vertical “approach” of best available processtechnology. Examples for temperature critical applications are:• power generation,• thermodynamic cycles,• exothermic processes.

Integrated pollution prevention means that selection of best available cooling technology andapplication of techniques, of treatments or ways of operating should consider not only the directenvironmental impacts of the different cooling systems, but also the indirect environmentalimpacts due to varying efficiencies of the different processes. It has to be decided at local levelwhether should be pursued by focussing on the cooling system rather than on the productionprocess. The increase of the indirect impacts can be considerably higher than the decrease ofdirect impacts of the selected cooling system.

Power plants (see Annex XII) are the most important source of waste heat. The transformationof fossil energy into electrical energy is connected with many of the waste heat generatingprocesses mentioned in Section 1.1. Waste heat is generated during combustion, friction of theturbine, condensation of the steam and transformation of the electricity. A separate coolingwater system, for the auxiliary systems using oil or gas for smooth operation of equipment, alsogenerates a small amount of waste heat. If the cooling requirement of the power generatingsystem cannot be met, it immediately shows in a decrease of the overall efficiency and in anincrease of air emissions.

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Chapter 1

Industrial Cooling Systems 21

This correlation is illustrated by the following example for a power plant, in which analternative, presumably less effective, cooling system leads to a loss in efficiency of the powerplant of about 3% (Table 1.2). As a result the resource input of the power plant and its emissionsto air will also increase with about 3%. As the emissions also depend on the fuel used, theycould easily be different in another situation, but no data were available to evaluate this pointfurther.

Table 1.2: Emissions of an average Western European power plant due to an efficiency loss of 3%[tm139, Eurovent, 1998]

Emissions to air Emissions / energyinput in [g/kWh]

Additional emission due to a lossof 3% efficiency [g/kWh]

CO2 485 14.6SO2 2.4 0.072NOx 1.0 0.031Dust 0.2 0.006

Primary energy input: 2.65 kW and additional energy input 0.08 kW

How the selection of a cooling system can affect the performance is well illustrated by thefollowing examples taken from Caudron [tm056, Caudron, 1991]. These figures highlight theeffects of the selection of a cooling system under the given climate conditions. So care must betaken, as the loss of efficiency that can occur depends on the choice of the cooling system, theclimatic conditions and the design of the turbine. Condenser vacuums (condenser pressures) willvary accordingly as illustrated in the following tables. In areas where higher ambienttemperatures occur, the vacuum levels are higher with dry systems and can reach up to 425mbar. But many other factors, such as fouling, scaling, corrosion and sub-optimal design, maylead to similar losses of efficiency.

Table 1.3: Relative effect on the delivery of electrical power due to the application of wet, wet/dryor dry cooling towers to units of 1300 MWe.[tm056, Caudron, 1991]

Wet cooling towerWet/drycoolingtower

Dry cooling towerType ofrefrigeration

system Once-through







Approach K (dry air11[°C] / wet air9[°C])

- 12 12.5 12.5 13.5 16 17

Nominalcondensationpressure (mbar)

44 68 63 63 66 82 80

Thermal power(MWth)

1810 1823 2458 - - - -

Electrical powerDelivered (MWe) 955 937 1285 1275 1275 1260 1240

Difference ofelectrical powerdelivered (%)

+ 1.9 0 0 - 0.8 - 0.8 - 2 - 3.5

In the table the once-through system is taken as starting point to benchmark the other systems.The approaches of the recirculating cooling systems are additional to the approach of the heatexchanger (condenser) which is assumed to be equal for all systems.

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Chapter 1

22 Industrial Cooling Systems

From this table it is clear that the choice of cooling system, such as for a dry instead of a wetsystem, needs careful consideration. The table also shows why many power plants are locatedpreferably on the coast or on large rivers. From the production point of view, once-throughsystems are more efficient than the reference system (wet natural draught).

For combined cycles, the condenser pressure and electrical power delivered vary similarly withthe type of the cooling system and the relative loss of power becomes even more clear.

Table 1.4: Relative effect on the delivery of electrical power due to the application of wet, wet/dryor dry cooling towers to a 290 MWth combined cycle unit[EDF, pers. comm., 1999]

Wet cooling towerType of cooling system

Once-through Naturaldraught



Approach K (dry air11[°C]/wet air 9[°C]) / ≈8 ≈8 ≈29

Nominal condensationpressure (mbar) 34 44 44 74

Thermal power (MWth) 290 290 290 290Difference of electricalpower delivered(MWe)

+ 0.65 0 -1.05 -5.65

1.2.2 Non-sensitive applications

Other applications are less sensitive to temperature. The efficiency of these processes is lesscorrelated with temperature or pressure. For these processes the focus should be on theeconomically and ecologically most efficient cooling system to dissipate waste heat that remainsafter all the possible options for reuse have been exploited.

1.3 Optimising the primary process and reuse of heat

Optimisation of the overall energy efficiency of the primary process will not be dealt with indepth in this reference document. However, in the preventive “approach” of IPPC thisoptimisation should be done first before removal of waste heat is contemplated. In other words,the need for heat discharge has to be minimised, which will simultaneously affect theconfiguration and size of the required cooling system. Furthermore, the cooling system does notnecessary mean discharge into the environment, as successful attempts have been made to usethis energy as well.

1.3.1 Optimising the primary process

The optimisation of the primary process can significantly reduce the overall environmentaleffects. In many Member States the majority of the non-recoverable heat to be disposed of bycooling systems is due to power generation. Depending on the overall efficiency, up to 60 % ofthe fuel energy is transferred into waste heat. If the efficiency of the power generating process isincreased, environmental effects can be reduced and the cooling system plays a crucial rolehere. For other industrial sectors this principle can be applied as well, at the same time loweringthe energy costs, the amount of heat discharged to the environment, as well as the emissions toair (CO2). Generally, the higher the heat level the more easily it can be recovered.

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Chapter 1

Industrial Cooling Systems 23

A few examples of currently applied techniques are:

• preheating fuel or raw materials (metals);• pinch-technology;• external applications (e.g. heating greenhouses/ residential areas);• co-generation in power industry.

Instead of using cooling water or air only, it is customary at refineries to preheat fuels by usinga cold incoming hydrocarbon stream to cool down a hot refined stream leaving the unit.Consequently, there is a reduced need to preheat the (cold) crude fuel and a lower demand forcooling water. Depending on the process the number of cold streams can be limited and acertain need for cooling water or air will remain.Co-generation, or combined heat and power generation, is used in the power industry and inother industrial sectors (e.g. paper industry, (petro-) chemical industry). Where both forms ofenergy are needed, their generation can be combined. This saves energy, reduces CO2 and SO2emissions and requires hardly any cooling, thereby avoiding the need for (large) coolingsystems.

1.3.2 Use of waste heat off-site

If optimising the waste heat generating process does not lead to any further waste heatreduction, the BAT “approach” would be to assess, whether any option of reuse of waste heatcan be found. This issue is beyond the scope of IPPC as it also relates to generic goodenvironmental energy management. It can be done on an existing site as well as an integral partof site selection (see next chapter). Finding adequate consumers is, however, not a trivial task.Often requirements of consumers are not reconcilable with the cooling demands. In some cases,heat consumers require a higher temperature level than planned. If it is technically possible tooperate the primary process on a higher temperature level, the overall energy balance has to becarefully observed. Often the loss of energy efficiency in the primary process outweighs thesavings through the “waste“ energy consumption. Also, care should be taken in creating asituation, in which there develops a dependency on the availability of “waste” heat.

A number of examples can be found of the external application of “waste” heat of powerstations for district heating of homes and offices during winter periods or heating ofgreenhouses by applying co-generation or operating a combined cycle. The applications canraise fuel utilisation efficiency from around 40% up to more than 70% and thus decrease thecooling demand of the installation. In the examples reported, a hybrid cooling tower withvariable fan speed is used to be able to adapt to the varying need for district heating. In anothercase the tower only needed to be operated in dry mode at about 10% of its total capacity as soonas outdoor air temperature had dropped to 5ºC, simply because maximum external use of heatwas reached at that point. This raises the question of the extent to which the potential options forreuse can influence the choice of a cooling system where flexibility of operation is required.Currently no examples are known that show how the options for reuse are reflected in theselection of a cooling system.

1.4 Selecting of a cooling system in order to meet the processrequirements and site conditions

1.4.1 Process requirements

Once the level of heat (high, medium, and low) has been assessed, a first rough selection couldbe done by applying Table 1.1. In addition to the heat level, many more factors are also

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Chapter 1

24 Industrial Cooling Systems

involved in the selection of a cooling system in order to meet the process requirements andgeneral site conditions, such as:

• the required minimum end temperature of the substance to be cooled,;• the required cooling capacity;• the requirement for an indirect circuit, which increases the approach;• climatic conditions, water availability and space requirements.

In view of the indirect effects of sub-optimal process cooling, the required minimum endtemperature of the process to be cooled is crucial. This means that the cooling system(s) used orto be chosen will have to achieve this end temperature and at the same time meet other (process-related) requirements. Cooling system performance should preferably be optimised, taking intoaccount the annual temperature range of the coolant. For wet cooling, the wet bulb temperatureis important and there is some flexibility to select a design temperature, which in its turn willaffect the size of the cooling system and its power requirements. Reduction of the size ofcooling systems has to be carefully evaluated and accepted only case by case. Some plants haveto be operated the whole year round with acceptable efficiencies and maximum rated output.For example, when mechanical draught towers or dry air coolers are used, it is possible tooperate the system in the most economical way if coolers have several cells. Some of them canbe taken out of operation in order to save water and electric energy without an appreciable lossof efficiency.

Figure 1.2: Tower plan area as a function of the percentage of time the design wet bulbtemperature is exceeded(design temperatures 40/24/18ºC), [tm083, Adams and Stevens]

With respect to the power industry, Figure 1.2 is not applicable as optimisation of the cold endis done using validated temperatures:• for wet or dry cooling towers the wet (or dry) air temperature is taken for all year around,

using one value for every 3 hours;• for once-through the water temperature is measured and one value per month is


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Chapter 1

Industrial Cooling Systems 25

Then, optimisation is done taking into account the valorisation of energy for the whole year.This method, called global actualised balance, is explained in Annex XII.

Generally, in most industries a safety margin is applied to ensure that the cooling system willmeet the cooling demand at any time and especially in the summer months. In circ*mstanceswhere the wet bulb temperature at all times remains well below the design wet bulb temperatureor where the heat load appears to be lower, the heat exchanger may has overcapacity. If this isexpected, consideration could be given to operational measures, such as variable fan operation,that allow the system to run below capacity and thereby reduce the direct energy demand.

In many industries, it is practice to oversize the cooling system at the installation stage to leaveroom for capacity growth: the spare capacity is then gradually used up until a new tower needsto be added. When a licence application for expanding production and cooling capacity is beingconsidered, an assessment must always be made of the extent to which there is spare capacity inthe existing cooling system, whether inefficiently used (because it is underused) or not wellmaintained.

This strategy makes it possible to determine the required cooling capacity (kWth or MWth), thesize of the cooling system (heat exchanger) and perhaps even the choice of coolant (water orair). In Europe the industries that require large cooling capacities for low process temperatures(power stations and (petro-) chemical industry) have a preference for sites, where large andreliable source of water is available and where the use of once-through systems is possible.Where the water supply is limited large capacity open wet or wet/dry cooling towers are used.

The need to cool (potentially) harmful substances can also affect the size of the cooling systemas well as the possible end temperature (See e.g. VCI-safety concept in Chapter 3 and AnnexVI). In this situation the BAT ”approach” can lead to the conclusion that the effects of leakagecan only be adequately prevented if a secondary (indirect) system is applied. This means that asecond circulation has to be designed and the design temperature will increase, following anincrease of the approach. This will lead to higher end temperatures of the substance to be cooledand further reduction in the overall efficiency.

1.4.2 Site selection

It is obvious that there is a limit to the extent in which site-specific characteristics can beoptimised by choosing the optimal site. For existing systems the site simply is a given value andenvironmental optimisation will have to be considered within the restrictions of the site. Forinstance, restricting water use by changing to dry air-cooling might seem to be an obviouschoice. However, climate conditions may not allow this where dry bulb temperature is expectedto exceed the required design temperature for a large part of the year unless a reduced output ofthe production process is accepted as well as a simultaneous reduction in the overall efficiencyof the plant.

If site selection is an option, the requirements of the cooling process can be influencedsignificantly. Therefore it is important that during the design phase all the following aspects areconsidered in the site selection process:

• quantity, quality and costs of cooling medium available (water as well as air),• available size (area, height, weight of cooling installations),• effect on the quality of water and on aquatic organisms,• effect on the quality of air,• meteorological effects,• discharges of chemical substances into water,• noise emissions,• aesthetic aspects of the building,

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Chapter 1

26 Industrial Cooling Systems

• capital expenditure for cooling systems, pumps, piping and water treatment,• operating costs for pumps, fans and water treatment,• annual costs for maintenance and repair,• operating parameters such as minimum service life, annual operating time, average load in

thermal output and water flow rate,• operating requirements such as required approach and systems availability,• environmental legislative requirements regarding heat emissions, plume emissions, acoustic

emissions, overall height etc.• for power plants: plant efficiency losses, capital expenditure to compensate power output

losses, plant lifetime and energy revenue losses due to lower plant efficiency.

SpaceDifferent cooling systems need different amounts of space for the same cooling performanceand vary in area requirements, height and weight. It depends on the heat transfer principle theyfollow (See Annex I).

For large systems, space restrictions can be an issue and will be part of the site assessment. Theapplies to processes to be cooled entirely by air where large multi-cell constructions are neededto ensure the required cooling capacity. For smaller capacities, space restrictions should not be alimiting factor as roof constructions are on the market that are specifically designed for thesesituations.

Restrictions on space at existing sites, for instance in densely built urban areas or densely builtindustrial sites, are an important factor in the selection of cooling systems. For example, acooling tower on top of a building needs no additional ground space, but the roof location mayimpose restrictions on its weight.

Space and height requirements are important criteria for air-cooled and hybrid systems. Theventilation of air can be achieved by natural draught or by ventilation with fans (mechanicaldraught). For the same cooling capacity natural draught cooling systems have to be far biggerand higher than mechanical draught systems.

Site assessmentRegarding site selection in a number of Member States, it is common practice that for a largesite an environmental impact assessment will be required as part of the permitting procedure.Also, due to the potential high impact of site selection on the cooling performance, there havebeen initiatives to pre-select optimum cooling sites in regional planning programmes.

An example of the assessment of a site for cooling systems with a large water requirement suchas those used by power plants, is given in Table 1.5 [tm012, UBA, 1982]. A combination oflocal criteria leads towards the classification of a site with its suitability being most,intermediate or least favourable. It should be remarked that using such an assessment is againonly part of the total assessment and that a grade 3 site (doubtful suitability) could well befavourable on the overall balance of factors.

An example of the consequences of site selection can be seen when the BAT “approach” is usedfor a site qualified as grade 3.

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Chapter 1

Industrial Cooling Systems 27

Table 1.5: Large cooling demand-related criteria for site selection(Derived from [tm012, UBA, 1982])

Criteria Grade 1(good suitability)

Grade 2(satisfactory suitability)

Grade 3(doubtful suitability) Explanations

Sufficient cooling watersupply

WNNQ > ----------------- ζ c ∆T

Plentiful cooling water supply

WNNQ ≈ ----------------- ζ c ∆T

Sufficient cooling water supply

WNNQ < ----------------- ζ c ∆T

Insufficient cooling water supplywithout technical measures

NNQ: lowest known volume flow ofsurface water

W: heat stream to be transferred intowater

ζ: density of the waterc: specific heat capacity of water∆T: permitted temperature increase of surface water

Suitable water quality Water quality classII moderately pollutedII/III critically polluted

Water quality classIII severely contaminated

Irrespective of quality class (German water quality classification)I non-pollutedII moderately pollutedII/III critically pollutedIII-IV very severely contaminatedIV excessively contaminated

Complying with permittedevaporation losses

V < A aMinor evaporation losses

V ≈ A aBearable evaporation losses

V > A aEvaporation losses not acceptablewithout technical measures

V: evaporation losses at selected site(volume flow)

A: permitted evaporation for the sitea: fraction of A which may be used

limited by other waste heat sources ofthe site

Impact on drinking watersupply

Cooling water discharge has noimpact on drinking water supply

Cooling water discharge mayunder certain circ*mstancesimpact drinking water supply,negative effects can be avoided

Cooling water discharge impactsdrinking water supply, negativeeffects cannot be ruled out withoutadditional technical measures

This criterion has to be considered if,downstream of the site, drinking water isobtained from the surface water (currentlyor planned in future)

Frequency of long plumeswith low altitude and wasteheat transfer in direct sitevicinity (radius 2 km)

Very low frequency (<2% p.a. onaverage) long (<100 m) plumes withlow altitude (≤300m) and waste heattransfer < 10 000 MW

Long plumes with low altitudemore frequent and waste heattransfer< 10 000 MW

Waste heat transfer > 10 000 MW

Topographic situation in thevicinity of the site

No or only few elevations with analtitude higher than the coolingtower within about 20 km radius ofthe site

Several elevations higher thanabove the cooling tower withinabout 2 -20 km radius of the site

Several elevations higher than thecooling tower within less than 2 kmradius of the site

Possibility of economic useof waste heat

Great potential for economicallyfeasible usage of district heating

Little potential for economicallyfeasible usage of district heating

No possibility of economic wasteheat usage or doubtfull because notthoroughly investigated

The possibility for economic usage ofwaste heat increases attractiveness of asite and may overcome otherdisadvantages and lower the heatdischarge

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Chapter 1

28 Industrial Cooling Systems

The assessment should start with a selection of options for reuse of heat, as this could have an effect on thecooling water demand. This criterion cannot be met as no external heat use is possible and all non-recoverable heat will have to be discharged. Water supply and permitted evaporation are limited and inrespect of plumes there may be disturbance in the vicinity of the site. If for process reasons a water-cooledsystem is necessary, water saving methods will have to be applied and, for example, a recirculating system(e.g. open wet cooling tower) instead of a once-through system would be recommended. This will imply theapplication of some kind of water treatment, depending on water quality and cycles of concentration. Theadditional requirement would be plume suppression, which prompts consideration of a hybrid configuration.If enough space is available and climatic conditions favourable, the use of air-cooling may equally beconsidered. The integrated “approach” would follow with a comparison of energy use and costs.The site selection process requires that for the “final candidate” site, detailed considerations about theselection of the possible cooling systems be conducted in order to find the overall optimum solution.

1.4.3 Climatic conditions

The climate expressed in terms of wet and dry bulb temperatures is an extremely important site-specificcondition. It influences both the choices of the type of cooling and the possible end temperature of theprocess to be cooled. The contradiction of cooling with air and/or water is that when the cooling demand ishigh it becomes more difficult to achieve the requirements. Particularly in areas where high air temperaturesand high water temperatures coincide with lower water availability during part of the year a certainoperational flexibility of the cooling system can be very important and may be achieved by combining waterand air cooling. Sometimes, however, a certain loss of efficiency may have to be accepted.

To reach the required process temperature it is an obvious requirement of all cooling systems that the coolingmedium must have a lower temperature than the medium to be cooled, but this depends on the dry and wetbulb temperatures. For both water and air-cooled systems, seasonal variations in the temperature of thecooling medium can be limit the choice of cooling system and can demand a certain way of operation.

Wet bulb temperature is always lower than dry bulb temperature (Table 1.6). The wet bulb temperaturedepends on the measured temperature of the atmosphere, the humidity and the air pressure. For latent(evaporative) heat transfer the wet bulb temperature is the relevant temperature. It is theoretically the lowesttemperature to which water can be cooled by evaporation. For sensible heat transfer the dry bulb (dry air)temperature is relevant, where air is the coolant.

For the selection of the type and design of cooling system, the design temperature is important and usuallyrelates to the summer levels of the wet bulb and dry bulb temperatures. The bigger the difference betweenthese temperatures and the higher the dry bulb temperatures, the more difficult it will be to reach low endtemperatures with dry air-cooled systems. As mentioned earlier, this can lead to efficiency losses. Measurescan be taken to overcome the loss, but they require a certain investment. For economic reasons it is useful todetermine the variation of these temperatures throughout the year and what percentage of the year themaximum temperatures are actually reached.

As an example, Table 1.6 shows how for different climate conditions in Europe the choice for a dry or a wetcooling system can affect process efficiency losses due to the Carnot cycle. In the example, the approach forwet cooling is considered to be 4 K and this has to be added to the wet bulb temperature to get the minimumend temperature of the coolant. The approach for dry cooling is set at 12 K to be added to the dry bulbtemperature. The larger the difference between the wet and the dry end temperatures, the higher the loss ofefficiency (in this example), where losses of 0.35% per K on average occur. At the same time, with forexample 5% efficiency loss, the efficiency of a conventional power plant would be 38.6% instead of 40%(See Annex XII.6).

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Chapter 1

Industrial Cooling Systems 29

Table 1.6: Climatic conditions in Europe(derived from [tm139, Eurovent, 1998]

Country and station Dry-bulbtemp. (1%)2


Wet-bulb temp(1%)2

(°C)Difference K

End temp.Dry system3


End temp.Wet system4


∆T wet-dry (K)

Efficiencyloss5 (%)

Greece Athens 36 22 14 48 26 22 7.7Spain Madrid 34 22 12 46 26 20 7.0France Paris 32 21 11 44 25 19 6.7Italy Rome 34 23 11 46 27 19 6.7Austria Vienna 31 22 9 43 26 17 6.0Germany Berlin 29 20 9 41 24 17 6.0Netherlands Amsterdam 26 18 8 38 22 16 5.6France Nice 31 23 8 43 27 16 5.6UK London 28 20 8 40 24 16 5.6Germany Hamburg 27 20 7 39 24 15 5.3Norway Oslo 26 19 7 38 23 15 5.3Belgium Brussels 28 21 7 40 25 15 5.3Spain Barcelona 31 24 7 43 28 15 5.3Finland Helsinki 25 19 6 37 23 14 4.9Denmark Copenhagen 26 20 6 38 24 14 4.9Portugal Lisbon 32 27 5 44 31 13 4.6UK Glasgow 23 18 5 35 22 13 4.6Ireland Dublin 23 18 5 35 22 13 4.6Notes:1) the given data in Table 1.4 are illustrative of the variation of the climate in Europe. Other references may provide slightly different data. The exact data or

a site can be analysed by a meteorological institute.2) statistically only 1% of the maximum temperatures are above this data3) approach 12 K4) approach for wet system: 4 K5) loss of efficiency 0.35% per ∆T K on average

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Chapter 1

30 Industrial Cooling Systems

1.4.4 Mathematical modelling, simulations on models and tests on pilotloops

For the assessment of the impact of new and existing large cooling systems and for optimisingtheir performance numerical models can be applied, particularly in case of sensitive ecosystems.Simulations and tests on pilot loops can be carried out, forecasting thermal changes of thesurface water in the near and far field caused by heat emissions as well as by optimising anti-fouling treatment.

The purpose of modelling is to study any physical-chemical impacts and adapt the results of thismodelling to the facilities in order to reduce these impacts to the greatest possible extent. It isparticularly important to study:

• water withdrawals and discharges,• the visual aspects of the site,• the development of plumes,• the thermal and chemical impacts on the receiving environment.

The objective of the pilot loop tests is to define the optimum treatment of cooling water bothwith regard to scaling and to any biological developments. To do so, pilot facilities representingreal commercial operating conditions are installed on the site for about one year. This makes itpossible to take account of variations in the quality of the waterway in the course of the seasonsand to try out some options on a representative scale (e.g. choice of cooling tower fills, choiceof alloy).

1.5 Selecting a cooling technique in order to meetenvironmental requirements

The environmental requirements can affect cooling systems application and are an additionalstep in the balanced selection of a new cooling system or in the optimisation of an existingcooling system. Generally, five major aspects with consequences for cooling systems selectioncan be distinguished:

• minimisation of energy use• minimisation of heat emissions• minimisation of large plume emissions• minimisation of emissions to water• minimisation of noise emissions• minimisation of immissions to soil and terrestrial habitats

The aspects are cross-linked and each choice potentially has its consequences for one of theother aspects. The aim is to prevent emissions to the environment from routine operations. Inthis assessment step the differences between water-, air- and air/water-cooling should becomeclear as well as the operational consequences of the choice of a particular design or a particularmaterial.

1.5.1 General comparison between air and water cooled systems

Minimisation of the environmental aspects is often translated into a comparison between water-and air-cooling systems. It has been advocated earlier in the document that a judgement of waterversus air cooling should not be made in a general sense as this leaves out the local constraintsthat might limit the use of either system. However, it could be opportune to consider orreconsider water requirements of a cooling system in view of programmes on water

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Industrial Cooling Systems 31

conservation and of the increasing demand on water with good quality for other purposes (civiland industrial) than cooling.

The economical turning point in the choice between dry air cooling and water cooling systemsis not fixed and according to literature will be somewhere between 50°C and 65°C (as endtemperature) depending on the local climatic conditions.

Some general remarks have been made in a comparison of the features of dry air cooling andwet cooling systems with the same required cooling capacity: [tm001, Bloemkolk, 1997]

On space requirements:• Air-cooling demands space because of the low specific heat capacity of air. The space can

be kept to a minimum by installing air-coolers above other process equipment or a pipebridge;

• Air-cooling systems have limits to their location as they cannot be placed too close tobuildings because of the resulting air-circulation, blockage of air-supply and the danger ofrecirculation;

Maintenance costs• Generally maintenance costs for air cooling are considered to be lower as they do not

require anti-scaling and mechanical cleaning of the water-contact surface area and do notrequire additional surface area to compensate for surface loss caused by pollution on thewater side;

Process control• Control of the temperature of the process is easier with air-cooling or with a recirculating

flow than with once-through cooling, where the balance of water inlet and outlet restrictsthe controllability of the water flow and the temperature increase. With mechanical draughtcooling or evaporative systems there is no limit to the available amount of air, and theairflow can be adjusted according to the process demand using fan cycling, a multi-faninstallation or modulating capacity control;

• Control of leakage in cooling-water is easier to detect, although detection of leakage incondensers is reported to be more difficult. Usually this affects the efficiency of the process.

1.5.2 Design factors and choice of materials

Following the BAT “approach”, the design of the cooling system and the choice of materials tobe used are an important preventive step. Both can affect the operation as the required amountof direct energy consumption, the occurrence of controlled (water treatment) and uncontrolled(leakage) emissions to the environment, noise emissions, and the direction of heat emissions(water or air). Also, the selected design and materials will require a certain level of investment.Again, the balance is sought between the level of prevention of emissions by design and usedmaterials and the investment costs involved. This again is a site-specific and complex matter inwhich the following factors are taken into account:• type of operation (e.g. once-through or recirculating)• design of cooler and layout of cooling system (direct/indirect)• pressure level (condenser)• composition and corrosiveness of the cooling water• composition and corrosiveness of the medium to be cooled• required longevity and costs

A range of materials is available and, in order of increasing resistance, most commonly used arecarbon steel, coated (galvanised) steel, aluminium/brass, copper/nickel, adequate types ofstainless steel and titanium. Within these groups a further sub-classification on the quality is

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Chapter 1

32 Industrial Cooling Systems

used. Especially resistance to corrosion, mechanical erosion and biological pollution is greatlydetermined by the quality of the water combined with possible conditioning agents.

In Annex IV some considerations on the selection of material are given for once-through andopen recirculating systems. For each industrial cooling system a similar assessment can bedone. In case of water and water/air systems the material that can be selected depends on boththe coolant and the process medium, whereas with primary closed circuit dry cooling, theprocess medium is more important.

It is obvious that for different parts of the installation different materials can be used. Thequality of material least sensitive to the corrosiveness of the water or to the conditions of theprocess is preferred. If more sensitive materials (alloys) are chosen, the consequence can be thata complex cooling water treatment and control program is needed, which will lead to emissionsand costs.

Table 1.7 shows an example on the effect caused by differences in design. Three towers aredesigned for the same cooling performance and the same required environmental performance.The choice for a cooling system means different sizes, but in particular a difference in energycosts as about 7 kW more is needed for the closed circuit cooling tower to be able to give thesame performance with the same sound power level. In this case costs of operation may lead tochoose one of the other options. For other design factors similar comparisons can be made,which may lead to different effects favouring another option.

Table 1.7: Comparison of different cooling systems with a required maximum sound power level[tm139, Eurovent, 1998]

Mechanical draughtwet cooling tower

Closed circuit coolingtower

Hybrid closed circuitcooling tower

Climate:dry bulb temperature 26 °Cwet bulb temperature 18 °CGiven Duties:Capacity 1200 kWinlet temperature 38 °Coutlet temperature 32 °CFlow 47.8 l/ssound power level 90 dB(A) 90 dB(A) 90 dB(A)Specific Data:Length 3.7 m 3.7 m 5.2 mWidth 2.8 m 2.4 m 2.0 mHeight 3.2 m 4.2 m 3.0 mFan power 5 kW 11 kW 5.0 kWSpray pump power 1 kW 2.2 kW 1.0 kW

1.5.3 Options for a technological change of existing systems

For a new cooling system, there will be more flexibility to select between complete systems andto assess the alternative options, whereas for an existing installation a change of technologyoften is a drastic solution. Sometimes in specific cases, it is possible to change the technology,but the number of options to reduce emissions via technological solutions is limited for existinginstallations. As the BAT “approach” considers that prevention of emissions prevails, takinginto account also the economical aspects, change of technology is an option that should beconsidered before the optimisation of operating a cooling system is to be further assessed. In the

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Industrial Cooling Systems 33

following paragraphs observations and experiences by suppliers are presented to give examplesof possible optimisation steps in the BAT “approach” (See also Annex XI). Retrofit – reasons and considerations

Retrofitting existing installations can be considered for the following reasons:1. replace existing technology by a different technology with lower operating demands,2. replace outdated technology equipment by modern equipment with higher efficiency, and3. modify existing equipment to improve performance or to meet additional demands.

Different from the selection of a new installation, where the site parameters can be more or lessdefined, in retrofit scenarios usually the following number of parameters is fixed:• space - the retrofit installation must fit into the existing space,• the availability of operating resources – the new installation should not exceed the operating

resources, which were needed for the old one, new infrastructure would result in an increasein costs, and

• legislative restrictions – environmental impacts, like sound criteria, usually have to be at thesame level or below the ones of the old installation.

Space is often an important reason for retrofitting itself. If a plant or building will be built newon an existing space-restricted site, it could be a solution to select a new type of cooling system,which can be placed on the roof of a building or which needs less space than the old one.

The preferred solution would be a new installation with lower operation needs, so that theretrofit is also associated with lower operating costs. Lower operating cost will be one of themain reasons for retrofitting. It is preferred, however, to consider a retrofit scenario, whichreduces the emissions as well as the consumption of operating resources. In general this willrequire higher investment cost. Considering the operating cost savings and any potentialreduction in emissions, larger investment costs can pay off in short periods of time.

All retrofit scenarios have to consider both the cooling technology and the process to be cooled.Both have to be seen as one system. Changes in the cooling system may have effects on theprocess and vice versa. The first aim of any retrofit must be to maintain, or if possible improve,the efficiency of the process to be cooled. On the other hand, changes in the process to becooled will also result in different demands on the cooling system. This could be anotherimportant reason for retrofitting.

Changes in the process to be cooled can result in a change of demands on the cooling system.• Due to new technology less waste heat is generated by the process, less cooling capacity is

needed (example: computer terminals, processes with friction).• The temperature level of the waste heat has changed, both to higher or lower temperatures

(example: incineration processes).• Larger parts of the generated heat of the process are recuperated, so less waste heat has to

be removed to the environment.• The temperature sensitivity of the process is increased, a more efficient cooling system is


Table 1.8 summarises the options for technological upgrading that, according to suppliersinformation, can be considered to be technically easy (E), possible (P), difficult (D), notpossible (NP), or does not apply (NA). Generally, each system has a varying number of optionsfor retrofit. NP-E is an indication that the application of an option is largely dependent on thespecific situation, in which the cooling system operates. (See also Chapter 3 and Annexes).

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Chapter 1

34 Industrial Cooling Systems

Table 1.8: Technological upgrading options for existing systems(pers. comm.)

Industrial cooling systems1


General E E E E E EImprove capacity E E D D D DReduce kWe D E D E D DReduce water-use NA NP-E D NP-E NA DReduce plume NA NP-E NA E NA NAReduce noise NA E D E D EReduce drift NA E E E NA ENotes:1System code (see also Chapter 2):

OTCS – once-through cooling systemOWCT – open wet cooling towerOWDCT – open wet/dry cooling towerCCWCT – closed circuit wet cooling towerCCDCT – closed circuit dry cooling towerCCWDCT – closed circuit wet dry cooling tower

There are many possible ways to retrofit a cooling process and some typical scenarios alongwith their relevant considerations are listed in the following paragraphs. Change of heat transfer technology

Usually, lower operational costs associated with a new technology or legislative restrictions aremajor reasons for the replacement of one heat transfer technology by another technology.

A typical example is the replacement of a once-through system by a recirculating system,saving on operating costs (water and sewage) and following restrictions on heat emissions to asurface water. The economic performance of the recirculating system depends on the specificcosts for water, sewage and electrical energy. Assuming average water and sewage costs of 1[€/m³] and electrical energy costs of 0.1 [€/kWh], the operating costs in this example are38800 € for the once-through system and 48000 € (2100 € for water and 27000 € for energy) forthe recirculating system. The annual saving is 34000 €, which is higher than the investmentcosts of 21000 €. If the balance favours the environment in the first place and investment costswill be much larger than annual costs, the investment recovery period will become an importantfactor.

In this example both the environment with respect to water requirements and the companybenefit from a change in technology at the same time. The environmental costs however are dueto additional energy requirements for extra fan and pump energy. Water use in this example isby large affected by the evaporation loss which has been calculated by assuming that theyamount to 1.8% of the circulation per 10K of cooling (see Annex V.3).

This example merely shows how to approach changes in technology. With different price levelsthe outcome will be quite different and may favour the once-through system. For example, inItaly, where electricity cost is about 0.05 [€/kWh] and water cost for an open circuit 0.01 [€/m3]against 0.1-0.2 [€/m3] for a closed circuit, the once-through systems would be more favourablefrom an economic point of view.

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Table 1.9: Example for conversion of a once-through system into a recirculating system[tm139, Eurovent, 1998]

Example:air compressor 500 kW Once-through system Recirculating system

inlet temperature 15 °C 27 °Coutlet temperature 35 °C 35 °Cflow rate 6 l/s 15 l/sannual operating hours 1800 h 1800 hevaporation loss - 1400 m³/ablow down - 700 m³/aannual water use 38800 m³/a 2100 m³/aextra fan and pump energy - 15kWinvestment cost - € 21000

If a change of the cooling configuration is considered, the effects on the overall efficiency mustbe taken into account. If possible, the efficiency should be increased. For temperature sensitiveprocesses, it needs checking whether a cooling technology can provide lower end temperaturesat the same level of safety.

The example of replacing a water-cooled condenser with an open cooling tower by anevaporative condenser shows an effect on end temperature and system efficiency. Such atechnological replacement can potentially reduce the condensing temperature by 4 – 6 Kdepending on actual conditions. The efficiency gain of such retrofit can be estimated in order ofmagnitude of 12 – 15 % of the power requirement of the refrigerant compressor [tm139,Eurovent, 1998]

For temperature sensitive applications in the medium temperature range, the introduction ofhybrid systems could be favourable, where water use and/or water and sewage costs have to bereduced. Such a change, generally, does not increase electrical demand, but can reduce theannual water consumption considerably. Depending on actual conditions and required size,hybrid concepts may require additional space. Replacement of outdated heat transfer technology by modern one

Often a change of cooling technology for different reasons is not suitable. However, also amodification of the existing technology could lead to better efficiency, better performance, lessemissions and lower operating costs. Development of air moving systems and heat transfersurfaces, as well as the application of more durable construction materials, are main reasons forreplacement scenarios.

As there is usually no change in process temperatures (same technology) the main focus in thisscenario is to reduce operating resources and environmental impacts as well as to achieve anextension of equipment’s life. Equipment’s life extension of more than 10 years can be realisedby the use of new durable materials. It is very likely that any equipment installed 15 or 20 yearsago, can now be replaced by modern equipment with higher operating efficiency and betterenvironmental and economic performance.

A typical example for improvement of once-through cooling systems is the application of themore efficient plate and frame heat exchangers. For evaporative cooling systems for example,major developments have taken place to improve the performance of fill packs and of airmoving systems, resulting in a more compact design with higher energy efficiencies. For air-cooled systems, new technology to shape fins in various ways has achieved similar results. Anexample of what could be the effect on energy use if applying better efficiency is illustrated in

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Chapter 1

36 Industrial Cooling Systems

Table 1.10. In this case the investment costs need to be balanced with the yearly operation costsfor energy use and maintenance of fill.

Table 1.10: Example for conversion of an outdated mechanical draught wet cooling tower intomodern design[tm139, Eurovent, 1998]

Example:Mechanical draught wet

cooling tower

Outdated design:induced draught concept

with low-efficiency fill andfan system

Modern design:induced draught concept

with high-efficiency fill andfan system

Capacity 1200 kWInlet temperature 38 °COutlet temperature 28 °CWet bulb temperature 21 °CWater flow 28.7 l/sFan power requirement 7.5 kW 4 kWEnergy consumption for fans 9 MWh/yr 4.8 MWh/yrInvestment cost - € 14000 Upgrading existing heat transfer technology

Often it is not necessary to replace the whole cooling system. The performance of existingcooling systems can also be improved by upgrading. Major components or accessories of thesystem are replaced or repaired, while the existing installation remains in situ. Upgrading canincrease system efficiency and reduce the environmental impact. Examples of upgrading arenew and more efficient fill packs of cooling towers and the application of sound-attenuation.

The cases in Table 1.11 and Table 1.12 should be considered as simplified illustrations. For anintegrated assessment of the environmental gain other factors should be considered as well. Forexample, with the replacement of cooling tower fill, the environmental costs for the old fill thathas to be disposed of must be included also.

Table 1.11: Example for replacement of outdated fill of a mechanical draught wet cooling towerwith modern high efficiency fill[tm139, Eurovent, 1998]

Example: mechanical draught wetcooling tower Outdated fill High efficient fill

Capacity 3600 kWInlet temperature 38 °COutlet temperature 28 °CWet bulb temperature 21 °CWater flow 86.1 l/sExisting cell floor space 26 m²Fan power requirement 22.5 kW 13.5 kWEnergy consumption for fans 81 MWh/yr 48.6 MWh/yrInvestment cost - € 29000

That not all changes have only positive effects can be observed from Table 1.12 where aconsiderable reduction of the noise level has been achieved. However, noise abatement usuallyleads to fall of pressure, which must be compensated by a higher performance of the fans. Thisin its turn raises the direct energy use of the cooling system. It will be a matter of local

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preference whether a lower energy use or a lower noise level prevails. Investment andmaintenance costs should be compared with reduced costs for energy consumption.

Upgrading the operational strategy is another example of efficiency improvement. The on andof cycling of fans can be changed into modulating control with frequency converters. This canresult in significant savings of electrical energy, which, depending on conditions, can be 70%and more.

Investment costs for upgrading can differ greatly and depend on the type of upgrading and theage of the existing installation. The investment is accompanied by lower operating costs as aresult of a higher efficiency. Investment costs for upgrading will generally be lower than thosefor technology changes or replacements of equipment.

Table 1.12: Example for the improvement of acoustic performance by addition of soundattenuation[tm139, Eurovent, 1998]

Example: mechanical draught wetcooling tower Existing wet cooling tower Upgrading with sound

attenuationCapacity 1200 kWInlet temperature 38 °COutlet temperature 28 °CWet bulb temperature 21 °CWater flow 28.7 l/sFan power requirement 15 kW 18kWSound power level 90 dB(A) 81 dB(A)Investment cost - € 12000

1.6 Economic considerations

Costs are always among the most important factors for the selection of a cooling system and canonly be assessed on an individual project level. Three important types of costs can bedistinguished:• investment costs,• maintenance costs,• operating costs related to energy (and water) requirements,• environmental costs, such as taxes and costs for waste disposal.

The absolute costs and the relation between the different costs vary and depending on thecooling system. The cooling system with lowest investment costs is not necessarily also thesystem that requires minimal operating resources. Technical solutions to minimise resourceconsumption often lead to higher investment cost.

Therefore, it is important that economic considerations not only focus on simple investment costcomparisons, but also on operating costs of a cooling system. For power plants, operating costsare linked to the overall energy efficiency. The financial effect of a variation in efficiencycaused by the choice of a different cooling system must be assessed. Generally for power plants,the comparison of different solutions is done using the earlier mentioned techno-economicmethod using an ‘actualised’ or ‘valoridated’ ratio that varies between countries. [tm056,Caudron, 1991].

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Chapter 2

Industrial Cooling Systems 39


2.1 Introduction

This chapter gives brief description of the principles of some of the cooling systemsconfigurations used in European industry. Within these configurations a variety of applicationscan be found all aimed at meeting process, site, environmental and economic requirements. Thesize and type of heat exchanger, type of fans and operational practice also vary. The differenttypes of cooling systems can be classified by different criteria. The standard literature uses thefollowing criteria:

• dry air-cooled and evaporative wet cooled - according to the dominatingthermodynamic principle – respectively sensible heat transfer and a combination oflatent and sensible heat transfer. In evaporative cooling the two principles are coupled,but the main part of heat is transferred latent, at dry cooling only sensible heat transfertakes place.

• open or closed systems – in an open system the process medium or the coolant is incontact with the environment; in a closed system the process medium or the coolantcirculates inside the tubes, coils or conduits and does not have contact with theenvironment.

• direct or indirect systems – in a direct system there is one heat exchanger where coolantand medium to be cooled exchange heat; in an indirect system there are at least two heatexchangers and a closed secondary cooling circle, between the process or product to becooled and the primary coolant. Due to the additional heat exchanger, indirect systemshave a higher approach (about 5 K). Direct and indirect systems are also known asprimary and secondary systems. In principle every direct cooling system can betransformed into an indirect system and this option is considered in situations whereleakage of the process medium would endanger the environment.

Direct contact cooling systems (not to be confused with direct/indirect) are not described in thisBREF, because their characteristics depend strongly on the industrial process they are applied to(e.g. hot steel). Another type of cooling is a once-through system with barometric condensers, inwhich a gas flow is cooled directly by dosage water over it. They can be found in the foodindustry. These systems are not covered in this document, either are systems that use vacuumtechniques or specific refrigerants, such as HCFC.

In practice a variety of names used for both cooling equipment and cooling configurations foundinside and outside of Europe. Nomenclature is often linked to the purpose of the application andin power generation plant typology refers to the condensing process (see Annex XII). In general,the following list of systems commonly applied by European industry can be derived from theabove-given principles.

• once-through cooling systems (with or without cooling tower)• open recirculating cooling systems (wet cooling towers)• closed circuit cooling systems

- air-cooled cooling systems- closed circuit wet cooling systems

• combined wet/dry (hybrid) cooling systems- open hybrid cooling towers- closed circuit hybrid towers

For closed recirculating cooling systems, further distinction can be made between small off-the-peg applications and large, tailor-made ones that are constructed or assembled on site.

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Chapter 2

40 Industrial Cooling Systems

Generally, once-through systems and open recirculating systems are applied to larger plants inthe power and the (petro-) chemical industries.

The term tower is applied to both shell type constructions (e.g. large natural draught) and celltype constructions, which can be small and can be found in roof type applications.

For comparison, some technical and thermodynamic characteristics of the most commonindustrial cooling systems are summarised in Table 2.1. These data are an example derived froma given number of assumptions (see legend to the table). It is important to realise thatapproaches can vary and depend largely on the design of the heat exchanger and the temperatureof the ambient air. The minimum end temperatures of the process medium will varyaccordingly. For power stations, the approach is calculated in a different way (see Annex I).

Table 2.1: Example of technical and thermodynamic characteristics of the different cooling systemsfor industrial (non-power plant) applications[tm139, Eurovent, 1998]

Cooling systemCooling


Main coolingprinciple



Minimum achievableend temperature of

the process medium5)


Capacity ofindustrial process


Open once-throughsystem - direct Water Conduction/

Convection 3 – 5 18 – 20 <0.01 - > 2000

Open once-throughsystem - indirect

Water Conduction/Convection 6 – 10 21 – 25 <0.01 - > 1000

Open recirculatingcooling system -direct


Air2) Evaporation3) 6 – 10 27 – 31 < 0.1 – >2000

Open recirculatingcooling system -indirect


Air2) Evaporation3) 9 – 15 30 – 36 < 0.1 - > 200

Closed circuit wetcooling system


Air2)Evaporation+ convection 7 – 147) 28 – 35 0.2 – 10

Closed circuit dry aircooling system Air Convection 10 – 15 40 – 45 < 0.1 – 100

Open hybrid cooling Water1)

Air2)Evaporation+ convection 7 – 14 28 – 35 0.15 - 2.5 6)

Closed hybridcooling


Air2)Evaporation+ convection 7 – 14 28 – 35 0.15 - 2.5 6)

Notes:1) Water is the secondary cooling medium and is mostly recirculated. Evaporating water transfers the heat to the air2) Air is the cooling medium in which the heat is transferred to the environment.3) Evaporation is the main cooling principle. Heat is also transferred by conduction/convection but in a smaller ratio.4) Approaches of heat exchanger and cooling tower must be added5) End temperatures depend on the site’s climate (data are valid for average middle European climate conditions

30°/21°C dry / wet bulb temperature and 15°C max. water temperature6) Capacity of small units – with a combination of several units or specially built cooling, systems higher capacities

can be achieved.7) Where an indirect system applies or convection is also involved the approach in this example increases with 3-5K leading to

an increased process temperature

The example of Table 2.1 shows that configurations have different temperature ranges and thatthe desired temperature range for a process might need a certain configuration. For reasons ofspace and costs, dry air-cooling systems are generally not used for very large capacities,whereas water cooling can be applied for the discharge of heat up to 2000 MWth or more.

For condensers the approaches are higher. The approach for once through systems correspondsto the sum of the “terminal difference” and the temperature rise of the cooling water. The term“terminal difference” to the temperature difference between the temperature of the steam

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Chapter 2

Industrial Cooling Systems 41

entering the condenser (or the condensed steam leaving the condenser) and the temperature ofthe cooling medium (water) leaving the condenser. The values differ between 3 and 5 K. Theapplicable data are presented in Table 2.2.

Table 2.2: Examples of capacity and thermodynamic characteristics of different cooling systems forapplications in power industry[Comment EDF/[tm056, Caudron, 1991][tm056, Caudron, 1991][tm056, Caudron, 1991]]

Cooling system Applied approaches (K) Capacity of power generatingprocess (MWth)

Open once-through systems 13-20 (terminal difference 3-5) < 2700Open wet cooling tower 7-15 < 2700Open hybrid cooling tower 15-20 < 2500Dry air cooled condenser 15-25 < 900

This chapter gives an overview of the most common industrial cooling systems and anindication of their associated environmental aspects. More detailed information on heatexchangers and material can be found in Annexes III and V, as well as in the documents in thereference list. In the following paragraphs the technical terms will be used that have been mostcommonly encountered in the literature. As an aid to consulting references, an indication will begiven where other terms are also used.

2.2 Heat exchangers

Heat exchangers are the crucial heat transferring elements, being part of both the process to becooled and the cooling system. After the heat exchanger, different systems are used to dischargethe heat into the environment. Two types of heat exchangers are commonly in use: the shell andtube type (the most common) and the plate and frame type.

2.2.1 Shell and tube heat exchangers

There is a lot of experience with this kind of heat exchanger in the process industry and it hasproven reasonably reliable. There is a range of different designs, where tubes run straight or in aU-form or where the heat exchanger is particularly designed for high-pressure conditions, hightemperatures, operating with steam or thermal fluids. Usually the tubes contain the coolingwater and the process medium moves around the tubes within the shell. For a more extensivediscussion on shell and tube heat exchangers see Annex II.

2.2.2 Plate and frame heat exchangers

Plate and frame heat exchangers are increasingly used for a range of applications in sugarrefineries, (petro-) chemical industry and power plants. They are particularly suitable for use ata lower approach as well as in cold applications (< 0ºC). However, these exchangers are lesssuitable for cooling of steam and high gas volumes, and in situations where there is danger ofsedimentation and/or fouling and for high pressure differences between the process fluid and thecoolant. Some designs have a double construction to guarantee leakage-free operation, but thisis reported to be very difficult to maintain. Plate and frame heat exchangers are economic asthey can be much more compact (e.g. circular) than shell and tubes with the equivalentexchange surface area.

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42 Industrial Cooling Systems

2.2.3 Environmental issues of heat exchangers

From an environmental point of view the following issues are important for both types of heatexchangers:- adequate design for efficient heat exchange;- proper construction to prevent leakage of the process fluid into the cooling medium;- choice of material for the efficiency of heat transfer, for resistance to corrosion in water and

to corrosion due to the process medium;- possibility of using mechanical cleaning devices.

2.3 Once-through cooling systems

2.3.1 Direct once-through cooling systems

Technical descriptionIn direct once-through systems, water is pumped from a source (e.g. a river, lake, sea or estuary)via large water inlet channels directly to the process. After passing heat exchangers orcondensers the heated water is discharged directly back into the surface water. The heat istransferred from the process to the coolant through the partition wall in the form of tubes in ashell & tube or in a plate & frame heat exchanger. Once-through systems are identified byvarious names. For example, in the paper industry, many mills refer to their once-throughcooling water as "mill supply". [tm010, Betz, 1991]

Figure 2.1: Schematic representation of a direct once-through cooling system[tm001, Bloemkolk, 1997]

Cooling capacityOnce-through systems are designed mostly for large cooling capacities (>1000 MWth), but mayalso be designed for small systems (< 10 kWth). Typical water flows for large power plants tocool 1 MWth are in the range 0.02 m3/s (∆T = 12K) to 0.034 m3/s (∆T = 7K). With once-throughcooling, low end temperatures can be reached with a corresponding approach of 3-5K.

Environmental aspectsFor once-through systems the major environmental aspects mentioned are:• the use of large amounts of water• heat emission,• the risk of fish intake,• sensitivity to bio-fouling, scaling or corrosion• the use of additives and the resulting emissions to water,• energy consumption, mainly for pumps,• the risk of leakage from the process stream, and• the silting-up of sieves at water intake.

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Industrial Cooling Systems 43

ApplicationOnce-through systems are used by large industrial processes such as the power generatingindustry, chemical industry and refineries. The water used for once-through cooling is mostlysurface water. For smaller scale uses, such as pump cooling, tap water or groundwater is alsoused. A reliable source of water near the site and at a suitably low temperature is an essentialcondition for once-through systems. The quality of the surface water and the discharge limitscan also affect the applicability, but generally water quality and water chemistry are lessrestrictive than in the case of recirculating systems. [tm005, Van Donk and Jenner, 1996]

2.3.2 Once-through cooling systems with cooling tower

Because of the power generating process operates under vacuum conditions, leakage in thecondenser of a power plant generally means pollution of the process-water by the cooling water.On a number of sites, once-through systems can be found combined with a cooling tower toprecool the discharge before it is emitted into the receiving surface water. This configuration isapplied in situations where cooling water may recirculate and raise the temperature of thecooling water intake of the same plant or other industries. River capacity, tidal movement,plant-size and temperature of the surface water are also factors. This kind of precooling can befound at coastal power stations (estuaries) and inland at riverbanks.

Environmental aspects of open wet cooling towers will apply to these cooling systems.Biological growth and deposits have to be considered when choosing cooling tower fill. Ingeneral, cooling towers with wide spread fill or splash fills are applied.

Figure 2.2: Schematic representation of a direct once-through cooling system with a cooling towerapplied in power industry[tm132, Eurelectric, 1998]

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44 Industrial Cooling Systems

2.3.3 Indirect once-through cooling systems

Figure 2.3: Schematic representation of an indirect once-through cooling system[tm001, Bloemkolk, 1997]

Technical descriptionThis cooling configuration is similar to the direct once-through system, but is indirect becausethere is no direct transfer from the process fluid/vapor to the coolant that is discharged. Here,the term secondary cooling system is also used. Heat is transferred from the process medium orproduct to a coolant that circulates in a closed circuit (t3 and t4). The coolant in this secondarycooling circuit transfers its heat via heat exchangers to the coolant (e.g. surface water) that flowsthrough the heat exchangers only once, the so-called primary cooling water (t1 and t2). Thiswater is directly discharged into the surface water, whereas the secondary coolant remains in theclosed circuit.

Cooling capacityWith indirect once-through cooling, the same low end temperatures can be reached, but due tothe extra heat exchanger the approach can increase by another 3-5K, depending on theefficiency of the heat exchanger.

Environmental aspectsSee also direct OTS. The design means that the risk of discharge of leaked process fluids to thesurface water is of minimal or zero.

ApplicationThe indirect once-through cooling water system is used where there is a high environmental riskif process fluids leak into the cooling water. Availability and quality of the surface water arealso important for this cooling system. This system also creates a thermal load in the receivingsurface water. A variant of the indirect once-through system is to recycle a part of the water ofthe primary cycle. This part is cooled by air before it is mixed with new incoming coolingwater. This extra cooling capacity can be used in periods of the year when insufficient coolingwater is available.Generally, as a result of the extra heat exchanger (i.e. higher approach) the process endtemperatures that can be reached are not as low as with direct once-through cooling.

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Industrial Cooling Systems 45

2.4 Open recirculating cooling systems

Figure 2.4: Schematic representation of an open recirculating system[tm001, Bloemkolk, 1997]

Technical descriptionOpen recirculating cooling systems are also referred to as open evaporative cooling systems. Inthese systems, cooling water that is led through the heat exchanger(s) systems is cooled down ina cooling tower where the majority of the heat is discharged to the environment. In the coolingtower the heated water is distributed over the cooling tower fill and is cooled by contact with airand collected in a reservoir, after which it is pumped back to the heat to be reused as a coolant.The air movement is created naturally or by means of fans that push or pull the air through thetower. Cooling of the water is a result of evaporation of a small part of the cooling water and ofsensible heat loss by the direct cooling of water by air, also called convection. The wet and drybulb temperatures largely influence the level at which these systems can operate.

Most, but not all of the water that is cooled in the tower is recirculated and can be used ascooling water again. The main causes of water loss are evaporation, blowdown (windage, drift,purge (intentional blowdown) and leaks. Intentional blowdown is the draining of water from thecircuit necessary to avoid thickening of the cooling water (Annex VI). To compensate for theblowdown and evaporation, water is added and this is the so-called make-up. Generally, themake-up water flow used by an open recirculating system is about 1-3% of the flow of a once-through system with the same cooling capacity. For the power industry this can be 1-5%. This isequal to a requirement of approximately “0.25% x cooling range”, which is the make-up waterquantity as a percentage of the circulating water flow. Blowdown generally ranges from 0.15-0.80 m3/s per 1000 MWth cooled. (Water-half time varies between one hour and four days.)This system requires sufficient quantities of water available all year around and generallycooling water treatment is necessary.

Cooling capacityOpen recirculating systems are mainly used for industrial applications with a heat capacityranging from 1-100 MWth, but also for power stations with much larger capacities. Thesesystems are mostly applied inland where insufficient water is available, or where no further riseof the water temperature of the receiving water is acceptable, a situation found alongside riverswith low flows in warm summer months [tm005, Van Donk and Jenner, 1996]. Wet coolingtowers transfer to the atmosphere about 80% of the residual heat in the form of latent heat(water vapour) and about 20% by sensible heat [tm132, Eurelectric, 1998]. Approaches of 4Kare technically and economically achievable between 15 and 30ºC. Approaches and minimumend temperatures depend on the climatic conditions on site.

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46 Industrial Cooling Systems

Environmental aspectsThe environmental aspects of recirculating systems depend particularly on the type of coolingtower and the way it is operated. They are:• cooling water additives and their emission through the blowdown to surface water,• use of energy for pumps and fans,• emissions into air,• plume formation, condensation and ice-formation,• noise,• waste due to replacement of cooling tower fill, and• human health aspects.

ApplicationRecirculating systems are applied in a wide range of processes. One feature is the reduction ofheat load to a receiving waterway by changing the direction of the discharged waste heat fromthe surface water to the air. Another feature is the reduction of the amount of water used forcooling. A common practice therefore is the modification of once-through cooling systems intoopen evaporative cooling systems by applying one or more cooling towers.

Open recirculating configurations are:- open wet cooling towers- open hybrid or wet/dry cooling towers

2.4.1 Natural draught wet cooling towers

ConstructionLarge towers nowadays are shell type and made of reinforced concrete. The constructions aremostly hyperbolic-rotational shells having advantages in thermodynamic/statical aspects.Investment costs are high, whereas operational costs are comparatively low. Natural draught wetcooling towers are commonly used for large power stations and large industrial plants.

Water distribution systemThe water returning from the heat exchanger is brought into the tower using a water distributionsystem. This system creates fine droplets or a water film. Uniform distribution enhances the heatexchange. Options are offered for partial operation of the water distribution system to lower thecooling capacity if needed. Also, winter operating modes are offered based on preheating of thecooling air.

Cooling tower fillThe fill section is the important part of each open wet tower, creating the contact surface for theexchange of heat from water to air. There can be film fill or splash type fill. Film fill usuallyconsists of closely packed, corrugated, vertical sheets or sheets of organic materials, whichcause the water to flow down through the tower in a very thin film. This fill is very efficient andcan be used for most applications. Some types may require a certain water quality, because theyare susceptible to fouling.

Splash type fill can be found in different configurations and can be made of a variety ofmaterials (e.g. wood). Splash fill has a much lower efficiency than film fill, but is usedparticularly situations where the water is heavily contaminated or of poor quality, where film fillwould have problems due to a contaminated surface. Where the suspended matter content ishigh, fibre cement sheets are also used.

Drift eliminatorsTo save water, drift eliminators are installed above the water distributors to prevent the waterdroplets from being entrained by the airflow. Nowadays, drift eliminators are made of a number

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Industrial Cooling Systems 47

of materials, such as plastic or fibre cement, and designed in such a way that they cause minimalpressure drop.

Characteristics of natural draught wet cooling towers:- airflow is a result of air density differences and of shape of tower as in a chimney

construction;- height is considerable (80-200 m.); [construction height as obstacle for people, aviation,

electronic transmissions and plumes];- there is no energy requirement for fans, unless fan assisted, which enables lower heights;- it is designed with counter flow and internal fill, or cross flow and external fill (see Figure

2.5 and Figure 2.6);- it requires a base load operation, i.e. tower being in operation for more than 60 % of the

year in operation- it is generally applied for a rejected heat capacity of more than 200 MWth, i.e. large plants

such as power stations or large chemical plants;- it offers an option for desulphurized flue gas discharge, using the cooling tower as stack

avoiding reheating of the flue gas required for environmental reasons;

Figure 2.5: Natural draught wet cooling tower counter flow[tm103, BDAG, 1996]

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48 Industrial Cooling Systems

Figure 2.6: Natural draught wet cooling tower cross flow[tm010, Betz, 1991]

2.4.2 Mechanical draught wet cooling towers

ConstructionMechanical draught cooling towers are applied in different types of constructions. A widevariety of materials is used for construction of these cooling towers, depending on size and typeand the requirements with respect to the location, service life and capital expenditure. Largerones can be built of reinforced concrete, smaller ones can vary considerably, but mostly consistof synthetic material, steel plate, clad steel constructions and in-situ or pre-cast concrete. Forrelatively smaller towers (5 MWth) timber is still in use; it is cheaper, can be built at any time ofthe year and can be quicker to build than concrete towers.

It is also possible to use a modular system, i.e. several towers in parallel, in the same concretestructure. In this way the system can be operated in the most economical way, choosing thenumber of elements in operation, depending on ambient conditions and on the amount of heat.

Materials and type of construction and design affect the environmental performance of thecooling tower. Referring to shape and size or brand, a variety of names is used in the literaturedescribing the use and application of these towers. Examples are the circular cooling tower andcell type cooling towers both in forced and induced draught designs.

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Design of equipment for water distribution, fill and drift elimination can be different to thatof the natural draught wet cooling tower, but the working principles are the same.

Figure 2.7: Fan assisted natural draught cooling tower[tm103, BDAG, 1996]

FansMechanical cooling towers use fans to create the airflow and consequently can be much smallerthan the large natural draught type. A large number of different fan types is applied inmechanical cooling towers (dry, wet or hybrid). Depending on the requirements, fans vary infan diameter, blade size and position (radial or axial). Additionally, one-speed or multi-speeddrives enable flexible operation. The choice of the fan type and the drives will affect the energydemand and the sound emission level of the cooling tower. Depending on the way the airflow iscreated distinction is made between forced and induced towers.

The fan-assisted tower is a special design used in a number of cases where the local situationrequires a lower tower. Forced draught wet cooling towers

Characteristics of the forced draught cooling tower:- fans at the base of the cooling tower push air through the tower;- thermal performance is adjustable in steps or modulating;- single-and multi-fan designs are applied;- the cooling tower size is limited, requiring less space than a natural draught tower;- tower can be adapted to surrounding terrain (rooftop installation);- direct energy consumption is assumed to be low;- it is usually designed with counter flow design;- it can be designed for a wide variety of applications: for peak load and high heat rejection

and from base load to medium load operating standard;- it is applied for a rejected heat capacity from less than 100 kWth to a heat capacity of more

than approximately 100 MWth;- capital investment is low compared to natural draught towers;- when using mechanical draught cooling towers, regulations with regard to emission of

noise, moisture (plume) and bacteria are to be observed.

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50 Industrial Cooling Systems

Figure 2.8: Schematic representation of a forced draught tower with counter flow design[tm010, Betz, 1991] Induced draught wet cooling towers

Characteristics of the induced draught cooling tower:- fans at the top of the cooling tower construction pull air through the tower;- thermal performance is controllable within limits,- a relatively simple construction is preferred (prefabricated elements, off-the-peg product),- the cooling tower size is limited, requiring less space than a natural draught tower;- cooling capacity can be enlarged by working with several sections- tower can be adapted to surrounding terrain (rooftop construction);- cost of direct energy consumption is assumed to be low,- designed with counter flow or cross flow,- it is used for a wide variety of applications: for peak load and high heat rejection and from

base load to medium load operating standard; it is applied for a rejected heat capacity fromapproximately 100 MWth,

- capital investment is low compared to natural draught towers,- when using mechanical draught cooling towers regulations with regard to emission of noise,

moisture (plume) and bacteria are to be observed.

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Industrial Cooling Systems 51

Figure 2.9: Schematic presentation of a cell type induced draught cooling tower, cross flow design[tm010, Betz, 1991]

2.5 Closed circuit cooling systems

2.5.1 Air-cooled cooling systems

In air-cooled cooling systems (or dry cooling systems) the substance (fluid, vapour) is circulatedthrough coils, tubes or conduits, which are cooled by a passing air stream. Generally dry aircooling has the following applications:- cooling of medium of nearly any chemical composition can be applied, requiring

appropriate heat exchanger material only;- in situations where cooling tower make-up water is not available or for a short period of

time only and- where formation of plume is not admissible.

Technical descriptionDepending on the application, closed circuit dry air-cooled systems consist of (finned) tubeelements, coils or conduits of a condenser, fans with drives and a carrying steel construction or atower. The process medium itself or a coolant (indirect system) is circulated through the tubes.An air stream is created, naturally or by fans, that flows past the tubes thus cooling the mediumby conduction and convection. In almost all cases the air flows crosswise through the heatexchanger. The process medium passes the heat exchanger in a 'one-pass' or a 'multi-pass'configuration.The process medium is a fluid, the cooling system is called an air-cooled fluid cooler. If avapour (gas or refrigerant) is directly cooled down to condense to liquid, the cooling system iscalled an air-cooled condenser. Application can be in a mechanical or natural draught design.

A wide variety of corrosion-resistant materials is used for construction. The options forconstruction are numerous. Air cooling systems can be found as large independent units as wellas smaller rooftop units. They can be horizontal, roof type rectangular, vertical or as a V-construction to suit the plant layout requirements.

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52 Industrial Cooling Systems

Cooling capacityIn practice, air-cooling is often used to cool process flows at a high temperature level (>80ºC)down to a level at which water-cooling becomes more appropriate. The driving force of the heatexchange is the temperature difference between the cooling air and the process flow. Themaximum design temperature of the cooling air may in practice only be exceeded a few hoursper year. The design temperature depends on dry-bulb temperature and climatic conditions arevery important.

Because the heat capacity of air is low (1.0 kJ/kg.K) and the coefficient of conduction andconvection is low, a lot of air is needed and a larger heat exchanging surface is required thanwith water cooling. For this reason, fins are often placed on the pipe surface to increase theeffective heat exchange surface. Based on economic considerations a minimum approach of 10-15ºC is used in the design of air coolers. This generally results in higher end temperatures(minimum 40-45ºC), although in areas where higher ambient air temperatures occur, theapproaches and the end temperatures exceed the average values mentioned in Table 2.1 andTable 2.2. For indirect configurations the approach (13-20ºC) and the achievable endtemperatures (50-60ºC) will increase accordingly.

Environmental aspectsThe major environmental aspects are noise and energy use for driving the fans. No water isbeing used, unless it is used as secondary coolant in an indirect design. However, being closed,this water requires little or no maintenance.Cleaning of the outside of the (finned) tubes is necessary and sometimes problems can arise dueto the accumulation of airborne debris and small insects.

ApplicationDry air-cooled heat exchangers are applied in a wide variety of industries in small and largesizes. They are applied for product cooling in the chemical and petrochemical industries, forvacuum condensation in power stations and for exhaust cooling.

For the same capacity, dry air-cooling needs a larger surface than a wet cooling system and drysystems are generally considered to be more expensive. In the power industry, dry air-cooling istherefore considered in specific situations where power generation is planned at locations withinsufficient water supply for wet cooling. Natural draught dry cooling tower

Characteristics of a natural draught dry cooling tower are:- base load operation, i.e. more than 60% of the year in operation,- heat rejection more than 200 MWth, i.e. large plants such as power stations, large chemical

plants, etc.,- application in situations where absolutely noiseless operation is required,- application in situations where cooling tower make-up water is not available or available for

a short period of time only.

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Industrial Cooling Systems 53

Figure 2.10: Schematic presentation of principle of a dry natural draught cooling tower[Eurovent, 2000]

Figure 2.11: Example of natural draught dry cooling tower for a power plant application[VGB, 2000]

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Chapter 2

54 Industrial Cooling Systems Air-cooled liquid cooling systems

Characteristics of an air-cooled liquid cooler tower are:- thermal performance adjustable by fan control;- closed circuit necessary;- forced and induced draught both applied;- cost of internal power consumption assumed to be higher than for wet cooling towers;- low heat rejection, i.e. less than 100 MWth;- change in cooling medium temperature nearly linearly to the (dry bulb) air temperature must

be acceptable for the process to be cooled;- operating costs nearly entirely consisting of energy costs;- environmental aspects in particular are noise and energy.

Figure 2.12: Schematic presentation of the principle of a dry air-cooled cooling system[Courtesy of Eurovent, 2000]

Figure 2.13: Example of a dry air-cooled liquid cooler in a chemical process[Pers. archive]

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Chapter 2

Industrial Cooling Systems 55 Air-cooled steam condensers

Air-cooled condensers (see Annex XII) are widely applied in the power industry and chemicalplants for condensation of steam. The air is drawn in by fans under the condenser elements andpushed through. The passing air cools down the steam entering the condenser tube bundles (seeFigure 2.14). In an indirect system the condenser is cooled by a cooling water stream which inturn is cooled in a natural draught cooling tower.

Characteristics of air-cooled steam condensers are:- heat rejection for small to large installations,- no cooling water needed,- cost of direct energy consumption is assumed to be higher then for wet condensers or wet

cooling towers,- requires relatively low overall height,- short exhaust steam pipes possible,- considerable space requirement in the immediate vicinity of the steam generator,- adaptation to load and temperature variations necessary over large ranges, which requires

variable fan speed operation,- environmental aspects in particular are noise and energy.

Figure 2.14: Schematic presentation of the principle of a direct air-cooled condenser[Balcke Dürr, 2000]

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56 Industrial Cooling Systems

Figure 2.15: Example of an air-cooled condenser for condensation of turbine exhaust steam[tm111, BDAG, 1996]

2.5.2 Closed circuit wet cooling systems

In closed circuit cooling systems, the medium to be cooled is circulated in a closed circuitwithout contact with the environment. The medium is led through a coil (primary circuit). Thecoils are wetted from the outside (secondary or spray circuit). The heat is conducted from themedium to the spray water (sensible heat transfer). The evaporation of a small part of the waterleads to evaporative cooling and the heat is transferred from the water to the air. There is anadditional sensible heat transfer from the coil to the air. In practice at evaporative coolingsensible and latent heat transfer are always coupled. The wetting water is treated to avoiddamage to the equipment. Evaporative losses, drift and windage cause concentration, so somede-sludging (blowdown) is needed and some make-up water has to be added.

Cooling capacityThe heat transfer capability is lower than for open systems due to the lower heat transfercapacity of the coil. By combinations of units, larger capacities of 150-400 kWth to 2.5 MWthcan be achieved. Approaches of 4 K are typically achievable. The advantage is a contaminant-free closed primary cooling loop (true for all closed cooling), which in some cases eliminatesthe need for internal heat exchangers. In terms of resources, the energy requirements for thespray water loop have to be considered. With closed circuit cooling, end temperatures between25-30°C are achievable, depending on the climatic conditions of the site [tm139, Eurovent,1998]Temperatures in the water film at heat exchanger surfaces are up to 5°C higher than thetemperatures of the bulk water, which typically range from 40 to 50°C, although temperaturesup to 70-80 °C can also be encountered in practice.

Environmental aspectsIf closed circuit cooling systems use water as a secondary cooling medium, this is generallyalkalised demineralised water or potable water. Residence times in these systems can be up to 6months. Make-up water is needed only when leakage and evaporation have occurred at pumppackings or when water has been drained to allow system repairs. Because only little make-upwater is needed, this can usually be of high quality, and as a result, scale deposits are not aproblem. Scaling can be caused by the water used on the outside of the tubes or coils andtreatment (cleaning) may be needed. [tm010, Betz, 1991]. Depending on the technical concept,the mode of operation and the climatic conditions, plume formation may occur. Water can be

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Industrial Cooling Systems 57

saved, as the tower can be operated as a dry tower when the ambient temperatures are low. Fannoise may be an issue.

ApplicationClosed circuit cooling systems are used in many applications. They are well suited to thecooling of gas engines and compressors and can provide a reliable method of industrial processtemperature control [tm010, Betz, 1991]. They can be applied for both large and smallapplications. Applications can be found as liquid coolers (e.g. lubricating oils, cooling water forcompressors), as gas coolers (e.g. diesel engines, process gas) and as air-cooled condensers(combined cycle plants, steam turbines).If the process medium in the coil or tubes is a vapour (gas or refrigerant) to be cooled down tocondense into liquid, this cooling system is also called an evaporative condenser. Mechanical draught wet closed circuit cooling systems

Characteristics of the mechanical draught wet closed circuit cooling systems:- heat rejection for small to large installations,- low cooling temperatures can be achieved,- compact design compared to air-cooled equipment,- low energy requirements,- need for water supply and spray water circuit,- plume suppression achievable by air discharge plume abatement coils and/or dry

operation in winter,- environmental aspects, in particular water treatment and effluent disposal.

Figure 2.16: Schematic presentation of the principle of a closed recirculating wet cooling tower withinduced draught[Eurovent, 2000] Evaporative steam condensers

Characteristics of evaporative steam condensers:- heat rejection for medium to large installations,- lower condensing temperatures than with air-cooled steam condensers,- low energy requirements,- generally higher than air-cooled steam condensers but with a smaller footprint,- environmental aspects in particular are water treatment and effluent disposal.

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58 Industrial Cooling Systems

2.6 Combined wet/dry cooling systems

2.6.1 Open wet/dry (hybrid) cooling towers

Technical descriptionThe open wet/dry cooling tower or hybrid cooling tower is a special design that has beendeveloped as an important solution to the problem of cooling water use and of plume formation.It is a combination of a 'wet' and 'dry' cooling tower or, in other words, of an evaporative and anon-evaporative process. The hybrid cooling tower can be operated either as a pure wet coolingtower or as a combined wet/dry cooling tower, depending on the ambient temperature. Theheated cooling water first passes through a dry section of the cooling tower, where part of theheat load is removed by an air current, which is often induced by a fan. After passing the drysection, water is further cooled in the wet section of the tower, which functions similarly to anopen recirculating tower. The heated air from the dry section is mixed with the vapour from thewet section in the upper part of the tower, thus lowering the relative humidity before the aircurrent leaves the cooling tower, which (almost) completely reduces plume formation above thetower.

Optimising the effect of a hybrid cooling tower means optimising the amount of dry heattransfer to meet the plume control requirements. At the same time the wet section is being usedfor the major part of the cooling.

Figure 2.17: Schematic representation of hybrid cooling tower principle (example applied in powerindustry)[Eurelectric, 1999]

Characteristics of open hybrid cooling towers are:- base load and partial load operation for all capacities- cooling medium being water only- cooling tower make-up water required for most of the operating time- thermal performance being the same as in the case of wet cooling towers- reduction in make-up water quantity- regulations for environmental protection, e.g. reduction in overall height (due to fan

assistance) and plume abatement- sound attenuation equipment required due to noise regulations.

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To operate a hybrid cooling tower efficiently a number of devices are used:- variable speed fans- closing devices for air inlet openings (such as louvres or sliding gates)- valves for water flows to the wet and dry sections- bypass systems- booster pumps (for special constructions)- system for mixing of the wet plume with dry plume.

Hybrid tower constructionCurrently only mechanical draught type hybrid cooling towers are available. The hybrid coolingtower is different from the characteristic open wet tower design in that it has a dry and a wetsection, each with its own air inlet and corresponding fans. Hybrid cooling towers can be foundas package cooling towers, large round cooling towers with forced draught fans or as cell-typecooling towers with induced draught fans. Fill, water distribution system, drift elimination, andsound attenuation are features common to both tower designs.Wet/dry cooling towers of the mechanical draught type are fitted with internal mixing systemsto mix the wet and dry airflows. They can be automatically controlled according to the heatload, water flow, ambient air and plume conditions.

Cooling capacityThey can be built as package cooling towers, induced draught or forced draught cooling towersand – on a larger scale - as cooling towers of the cellular type or circular type with the heatrejection ranging from < 1 MWth up to 2500 MWth.

Environmental aspectsThe major difference between a hybrid cooling tower and a conventional cooling tower is itscomparatively lower water use (which is make-up water) amounting to 20% less than that of awet cooling tower [tm132, Eurelectric, 1998].

The resulting annual energy consumption of a mechanical draught hybrid cooling tower can bereduced to a level of 1.1 to 1.5 times that of a comparable mechanical draught wet cooling towersince in nominal conditions, airflow is almost double (wet and dry sections). Natural draughtcooling towers of the wet/dry design are under consideration.

ApplicationA decision to install a hybrid cooling tower is made in the light of site-specific requirements(limitation of height and plume reduction) and several can be found in the power industry,especially in Germany and in United Kingdom (in cogeneration systems). Its use is restricted totemperature ranges of 25-55ºC, because above 55ºC precipitation of calcium carbonate isobserved to occur more easily on the tubes. This does not mean that no precipitation occursbelow 55ºC and some care must be taken in using this as a rule of thumb.

2.6.2 Closed circuit hybrid cooling systems

Technical descriptionFor closed circuit cooling hybrid systems, characteristics can be described in a similar way asfor closed recirculating wet cooling systems concerning fans (axial and radial), airflow direction(cross or counterflow) and noise abatement systems (see § 2.4). Generally, these units have asmall space requirement. Three technical modes can be applied to closed circuit hybrid coolingtowers: sprayed finned coils, adiabatic cooling or combined systems.

Environmental aspectsClosed circuit hybrid cooling towers combine the advantages of closed loop cooling withsignificant savings of water when compared to conventional closed circuit wet cooling towers.

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Compared to closed circuit dry cooling towers they offer the advantage of lower coolingtemperatures. In terms of size, energy consumption and noise emission they compare withconventional closed circuit wet cooling towers. Depending on their design (sprayed finnedcoils) special attention may need to be paid to the quality of the water treatment. Additionalcosts can be more than offset by the significant saving of water, as such products require the useof water only during a very short period of the year. Closed circuit hybrid coolers alsosignificantly suppress and, in some designs, even eliminate plume formation. Sprayed (finned) coils

Figure 2.18: Schematic presentation of the principle of a closed circuit hybrid cooling tower

In a closed circuit cooling tower the process medium runs through cooling elements (atube/plate bank or the finned coil) in a closed loop, the primary cooling circuit. These coolingelements are wetted via a secondary water circuit and air is simultaneously moved over theelements to create evaporative heat. The cooling water that runs off the elements is collected ina basin and can be recirculated a number of times, sometimes using another cooling tower orafter blowdown (see Figure 2.19). In an indirect configuration, the medium that runs through theprimary cooling circuit is not the process medium but another coolant which in turn cools theprocess medium in a second heat exchanger. Adiabatic coolers, wetting and pre-cooling the air that cools the coils

In the adiabatic mode the fluid to be cooled bypasses the prime surface coil. The cooling watertrickles down the wet deck and the air passing the deck is wetted with as much moisture as itcan take up. The wetted air passes the finned coils and will take up more heat than dry air woulddo. Compared to conventional evaporative cooling equipment the water consumption is muchreduced. (See Figure 2.19)

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Figure 2.19: Combined dry/wet operation of a hybrid cooling system[tm151, BAC, 1999] Combined technology

In combined technology the finned coils, the sprayed prime surface coil and the wet deck are allused. In the dry mode it is then possible to close all water sprays and lead the medium to becooled through both the finned coils and the prime surface coils, both cooled by dry air only. Inthe wet/dry mode the medium after passing the dry coils passes the sprayed prime surface coilsbefore returning to the process as cooled medium. The warmed water trickling down from theprime coils will fall over the wet deck surface. Air is drawn in and passes both the prime surfacecoil and wet deck surface, where it is saturated and picks up heat. As it passes the finned coilmore heat can be picked up (see also Figure 2.19). Costs of hybrid systems

In the application of hybrid systems reference is always made to the investment and operatingcosts involved. In general hybrid systems require higher investment costs. Costs of plumesuppression vary depending on the cooling system. Compared to a cooling tower with the samecooling performance, Fluor [1995] calculated that for an open wet cooling tower installation of300 MW the cooling installation costs are about 2.5 times as high as for cooling towers withoutplume suppression. For closed circuit wet cooling towers, costs for plume suppression arereported to be 1.5 to 2 times as high as for towers without plume suppression (Eurovent). Thecosts have to be adjusted for cost savings on water intake and operational flexibility. The annualcosts for water, including water treatment and electricity can represent in some cases just about10 % of the annual costs of a cooling tower. These economic considerations depend of courseon the individual application and the prices of water and energy [tm139, Eurovent, 1998]Cost indications by the power industry show levels of EUR 40000 to 70000 per MWth formechanical draught type hybrid cooling towers. In this sector this means an installation costlevel of 1.3-1.6 times that of towers of similar capacity without plume suppression.

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2.7 Recirculating cooling systems

The descriptions given above of major cooling configurations explain the cooling principles andthe different associated technical designs that are applied in industry, depending onrequirements of process, site and environment. Some key definitions have been explained in theintroduction as well as the difference between dry and evaporative cooling, and between openand closed systems is used in the systems’ descriptions. The application of the criteria direct andindirect, however, can lead to much confusion if they are not defined in the context ofrecirculating cooling systems.

2.7.1 Direct recirculating cooling systems

As stated earlier, in direct cooling systems there is only one heat exchanger level where coolantand process medium exchange heat and where the coolant (water or air) is in contact with theenvironment. Leakage through the wall between process medium and coolant (air or water)would therefore mean that process medium is discharged into the environment or that, invacuum conditions (condensers), the process is affected. Thus, although the cooling of thecoolant as it is done in a cooling tower is also a process of heat exchange, it is still considered adirect system.

The example of the open cooling tower cooling the water circuit of a water-cooled condenser istherefore a direct system (although, as mentioned, leakage will affect the process rather than thecoolant).

2.7.2 Indirect recirculating cooling systems

The key element to define an indirect system would be that leakage of the process would notcontaminate the coolant that is in open connection with the environment. This means two levelsof cooling.

In the case of an open recirculating cooling tower, the water leaving the tower would exchangeheat in a heat exchanger with water that is in a closed loop. The water in the closed loop willleave this heat exchanger to enter another heat exchanger, where it exchanges heat with theprocess medium.

In closed recirculating cooling towers the same principle is followed and the coils or tubes arefilled with water, which is cooled by water and /or air. The cooled water enters a heat exchangeror a condenser within process to exchange heat with the process medium.Where closed recirculating cooling systems operate in winter and need protection againstfreezing, the closed circle usually contains not just water, but also a refrigerant or water mixedwith anti-freeze. In fact, those systems can again be classified as direct systems as therefrigerant could pollute the cooling medium, which is in open contact with the environment.

2.8 Costs of cooling systems

For each configuration a cost indication has been given, but calculations made of the costs ofcooling systems show a wide variation and it can be concluded that the differences in costsbetween the different systems do not necessarily indicate the least expensive variant. Of thedifferent factors that in the end influence the costs, the users’ requirements and the legalrequirements are very important. For this reason an estimate of the feasibility of a system or theapplication of a technique should be made for each individual case. Energy prices always haveto be taken into account. They will be important, for instance, in those cases where heatrecovery is being considered.

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An important aspect in calculating the costs of a cooling system and of the possibleimprovements is the comparison between the initial investment costs of a system or an appliedmeasure and the resulting annual costs. In practice, high investment costs can lead to lowermaintenance costs, but also to higher annual fixed costs, which can be an obstacle to investmentit*elf. For the sake of comparison, costs also have to be expressed in terms of the heat capacitythe system is designed for (kWth or MWth).

For industrial (non-power plant) applications [tm001, Bloemkolk, 1997] listed a number of cost-determining elements for both water-cooled and air-cooled systems, calculated total costs andcompared the different systems. The elements and the approach followed are explained belowand the results have been summarised in Annex X. For power plants a different model applies,which is explained in Annex XII.

ElementsGenerally the following cost-determining elements have to be taken into account:

Table 2.3: Cost elements for water and air cooling systems[tm001, Bloemkolk, 1997]

Cost type Cost elements Water coolingsystems Air cooling systems

Fixed Heat exchanger(s) (type, size andmodel) x x

Heat exchanger (material) x xPipelines in process, tube-bridges x xPumps/reserve pumps x xInlet facilities xTube intake/drainage xOutflow facilities xCooling tower(s) (possible) x xFans x xSound attenuation x xIndirect system (extra heat exchanger,pipes, pumps) x x

Variable Water (groundwater, tap water) xWater discharge fee xLeakage monitoring x xWater conditioning xEnergy consumption (pumps and fans) x xMaintenance x x

MethodologyDifferent methodologies have been developed for cost comparisons between different coolingsystems. The method used is described briefly in Annex X.

ComparisonsComparisons should always be made based on the same operational conditions and for the samecapacity and expressed per MWth dissipated.Calculations have shown that cost sensitivity is to a large extent determined by the investmentlevel and the consumption of energy. The variation in the costs of heat exchangers (shell &tube) due to the chosen configuration and to the choice of material is very important. Cheapmaterials and models determine the calculated lower limits. Special materials determine theupper limit. It should not be forgotten here that good materials could considerably decrease thecosts of maintenance and operating and of the use of chemicals.

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Calculated as annual costs, investments and operational costs differ significantly. Factors suchas (make-up) water requirement and price, and energy consumption are influential. The choiceof material also has consequences for the annual costs. Where dry air-cooling is applied, theachievable end temperature is important and the lower the required end temperature, the moreexpensive air-cooling will become. With water cooling, the low endtemperature is lessimportant for cost estimations, unless small approaches are used in the calculation.

Table X.2 in Annex X shows the ranges of costs of various large industrial cooling systems.From the data used in this method the operational costs of an open wet cooling tower wereshown to be higher than for dry air-cooling. The investment costs for air cooling, on the otherhand, were generally higher than for the other systems. It further suggests that, particularly withcooling water systems, higher investment can mean lower operational costs (maintenance,conditioning).

On the basis of the above data, it can be concluded that the cost differences between differentsystems do not necessarily indicate the least expensive variant. This clearly depends on theusers' requirements and the requirements on emission levels set by the authorities. For thisreason an estimate of what is feasible should be made for each individual case. The above datacan be used as initial (general) indications and are illustrated in Annex X.

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3.1 Introduction

The environmental aspects of industrial cooling systems are different for each of theconfigurations described in Chapter 2. Direct and indirect energy consumption, emissions ofheat and cooling water additives to the surface water, noise and plume formation areenvironmental aspects of cooling systems. In every case, the environmental importance of theseissues (such as noise) should always be considered in the light of the total environmentalperformance including that of the industrial process to be cooled. Not all issues are equallyimportant for every system, such as water requirements or plume formation, which play no rolein dry cooling systems. The issues that potentially are relevant and should be taken into accountby the permit writer in considering the industrial cooling system are qualitatively characterizedand summarized in Table 3.1. Obviously, where appropriate measures are taken, the issue willbecome less relevant, but this has not been taken into account in this table as it will be part ofthe discussion in the following chapters. The character and level of emissions to theenvironment are not only a result of the applied configuration, but to a large extent depend onthe way the system is operated and the way in which the resources that are needed to operate acooling system are being managed.

This chapter discusses the environmental aspects and microbiological risks (or health risks) thatmay have to be taken into account when an application for an environmental permit has to beconsidered. At the same time, the principles of the techniques are described that can beconsidered in the determination of BAT. In many cases the cooling system will be an existinginstallation and it is obvious that the options for improvements are limited compared togreenfield situations. Generally, the design of the process and the selection of the appropriatecooling technology and design can reduce consumption and prevent much of the emissions tothe environment. In individual cases it will be a matter of setting the priorities for what shouldbe done or can be done, where site-specificity plays a major role.

To determine BAT, the BAT-”approach” is described separately for each environmental issueand each technique, taking into account potential cross-media effects. The evaluation followsthe general “approach” outlined in Chapter 1. It starts with reducing the demand for cooling andthe discharge of heat to the environment. It is followed by the assessment of options for theminimisation of the resources dedicated to the prevention or reduction of emissions, bearing inmind that this will also lead to easier cooling process operation:1. prevention by technological options:

- integrated technical measures- change of configuration

2. prevention by optimisation of systems operation3. application of end-of-pipe technology or additional techniques.

The environmental implications of each option are discussed and each technique is evaluated forits effect on total energy consumption. At first, it is illustrated how changes in coolingoperations can affect energy consumption. Information on particular techniques and theirperformances is then given in the annexes.

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66 Industrial Cooling Systems

Table 3.1: Environmental issues of the different industrial cooling systems[tm001, Bloemkolk, 1997]





entrainmentEmissions to surface



Plumeformation Noise Risk Residues

Cooling system

(§ 3.2) (§ 3.3)(1) (§ 3.3)


(§ 3.3)


(§ 3.4) (§ 3.5) (§ 3.5) (§ 3.6)


(§ 3.7)

Microbiol. risk(health)(§ 3.7) (§ 3.8)

Once-through cooling(direct circuit) Low ++ + ++ +

(biocides) -- -- -- ++ --/low +(6)

Once-through cooling(indirect circuit) Low ++ + ++ +

(biocides) -- -- -- Low --/low +(6)

Open wet coolingtower (direct circuit) + + -- Low +(3) Low

(in plume) + + + + --/low

Open wet coolingtower (indirect circuit) + + -- Low +(3) Low

(in plume) + + Low + +

Open wet/dry coolingtower + Low -- Low Low(3) -- --(5) + Low ? +

Closed circuit wetcooling tower + + -- -- Low Low(4)

(in plume) -- + Low Low --/low

Closed circuit drycooling ++ -- -- -- -- --/Low -- ++ Low -- --

Closed circuit wet/dry cooling + Low -- -- Low(3) Low -- Low Low Low --/low

Notes:-- none/not relevantLow relevance below average+ relevant++ highly relevant

1: paragraph in text2: other species can also be entrained3: biocides, antiscaling, anticorrosion4: potentially in case of leakage5: if properly operated no issue6: waste refers to sludge from water intake and from decarbonization

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Industrial Cooling Systems 67

3.2 Consumption of energy

The energy requirement of industrial cooling systems can be considered as a direct or anindirect consumption. Direct consumption is the use of energy to operate the cooling system.The major energy users are pumps and fans. The higher the resistance that has to becompensated to maintain the required air or water flow, the more energy a cooling systemrequires.If not properly operated, a cooling system may be indirectly responsible for an increased inputof energy or raw material into the production process. To evaluate any change to a coolingsystem, the total energy balance of both the cooling system and production processes has to betaken into account.

3.2.1 Direct consumption of energy

Energy in cooling systems is required to pump the cooling water and/or to create airflow. It isexpressed in specific energy consumption as kWe per MWth dissipated heat. The specific energyconsumption can vary widely and depends on the configuration of the cooling system applied(design (approach temperatures), pumping pressure) and pattern of operation (year round, onlysummer or winter). Local circ*mstances will cause variation as well, where the same coolingsystem in warmer climates typically requires a higher energy input than in cooler climaticregions. In some cases, energy is required for the on-site preparation of additives. The majorenergy users in a cooling system are:• pumps (used in all systems with cooling water) for water intake as well as for circulating the

cooling water:- their energy use is determined by the flow rate, the amount of water that has to be

pumped, fall of pressure in the process (number of heat exchangers, design), placewhere cooling water is supplied and drained off and the medium to be pumped (gas,fluid, solid).

- indirect systems have two circuits and will therefore need more pumps.- in the case of a cooling tower, the lift is higher, which requires more energy in

comparison with a once-through system.• fans for ventilation are used in all mechanical cooling towers and mechanically cooled

condensers:- their energy use is determined by the number, size and type of fans, the amount and the

lift of the air,- dry systems in general need more air for the same cooling capacity than evaporative

(wet) systems, although this does not necessarily lead to a higher energy consumption.

Energy use of associated activitiesFor an overall assessment of energy requirements of cooling systems auxiliary equipmentessential to operate a cooling system should be included. Not many data have been reported.On-site production of cooling water chemicals such as ozone is reported as a typical example,where the production of 1 kg ozone, used for antifouling purposes, varies between 7 and 20kWh depending on the generator. Given a minimum concentration required at the injection pointbetween 0.5 and 1 g O3/m3 and the cooling water volume, it is possible to estimate the energyrequirement.

3.2.2 Indirect consumption of energy

The energy consumption of the production process is referred to as the indirect energyconsumption caused by the cooling process. With inefficient cooling the consumption willincrease. A lower heat transfer (e.g. due to fouling) will raise the temperature on the process

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side, requiring more energy, which will have to be generated on or off site. Cooling inefficiencyleads to loss of product and will reduce the efficiency of the process.

In 1.2.1 and 1.4.3 the effects on temperature sensitive applications are discussed. Due toreduced cooling of the condenser, total energy conversion can be reduced by 0.25%, which isequal to a reduction of efficiency of about 0.4% per degree Celsius. If an open wet coolingtower is applied, rather than a once-through system, resulting in for instance a 5°C higher endtemperature, at maximum 2% less power will be produced. If the difference in pumping energyrequired for the cooling tower were taken into account (which is 6-8 kWe per MWth cooled), itwould cause an additional one-percent of efficiency loss. For a conventional coal fired powerplant a 1% decrease means that efficiency would drop from 40% to 39.6%.

The evaluation of the environmental impact of cooling should include the evaluation of theindirect energy consumption. The consequences of a change in indirect energy consumption forthe total energy consumption can be expressed as the effect of a temperature rise on the processside due to suboptimal cooling. This has been calculated and compared between the majorcooling configurations [tm059, Paping, 1995]. The data in Table 3.2 represent direct andindirect energy use and CO2-emissions of each cooling configuration. The three variables areconsidered to be a linear function of the following design parameters:- cooling water flow- pumping pressure- pumping efficiency (inversely proportional)

In this example the data are calculated with a once-through system as the reference system foreach of the cooling principles. The once-through system has a capacity of 100 m3/hour perMWth (or 8.6ºC per MWth) and needs a pressure of 3 bar to pump the water to the requiredheight. This requires about 10 kWe/MWth/year with a pumping efficiency of 75%. For theindirect once-through system, a pressure drop occurs and 4.5 bar extra has to be generated,requiring 15 kWe/MWth. A cooling tower system needs extra energy to lift the water over e.g. 8m and in addition to this about 7 mwg over the nozzles. Compared to a once-through coolingsystem, this requires an extra 4.5 bar and 15 kWe/MWth.Fans are assumed to need 15 kWe/MWth. If they are only operated in summer (4 months) theaverage energy required equals 5 kWe/MWth.

In the same table the indirect energy is expressed as a function of an increased cooling waterinlet temperature. This will lead to an increased temperature on the process side. The factorrepresenting this increase is calculated as 1.4 kWe/MWthºC (see Annex II). It means that perdegree of increase of the temperature on the process side the required energy increases by afactor 1.4.

Knowing the total energy consumption for each cooling configuration, it is possible to expressthis consumption in levels of emitted CO2 per discharged MWth. The energy required in powergeneration to produce the energy consumed by a cooling system can be calculated. With anassumed efficiency of 40% to generate power, each kWe input to operate the cooling systemmust be multiplied by 2.5, expressing the energy required to discharge energy (=cooling), orkWe per kWe (in ‰). For each ‰ an amount of CO2 is being emitted. It is assumed that anaverage of 2000 (1500-2500) tonnes CO2 per year per MWe (continuous operation) is emitted or2 tonnes CO2/‰. (This figure is derived from Dutch emission data and depends on the fuelmix).

The data in Table 3.2 are within the ranges of relative energy uses generally found whencomparing different cooling systems with similar cooling capacities. The data are not exact andshould not be used as such. Nor do they imply that one system is less preferred than the other.What the table clearly shows is that the effect due to loss of efficiency of cooling can beconsiderable and that the consequences for the total energy balance can be made comparable.This table shows the importance of considering both the direct and indirect energy consumptionwhen operating a cooling system.

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Table 3.2: Example of a comparison of yearly specific direct and indirect energy demand of different cooling systems and the consequences for CO2-emissions per MWth

[tm059, Paping, 1995]

Specific direct energy consumption(kWe/MWth)

Increased Tpump (ºC)

Specific indirectenergy consumption


Total energyconsumption(kWe/MWth)

Einput perEdischarged(in ‰)


Cooling system

Pumps Fans TotalApplied corr. factor1)

=1.4 kWe/MWthºC


Once-through -direct 10 (9-12) - 10 0 0 10 25 50

-indirect 15 (12-18) - 15 5 7 22 55 110

Open wet cooling tower 15 (13-17) 5 20 5 7 27 68 136

Hybrid cooling 15 (13-17) 8 23 5 7 30 75 150

Closed circuit cooling tower >15 (13-17) 8 >23 8 11 >34 >85 >170

Dry air cooling - 20 20 20 28 48 120 2401) for calculation of correction factor see Annex II

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70 Industrial Cooling Systems

3.2.3 Reduction of required energy for cooling

Reduction of required energy use of cooling systems is a matter of environmental balance.Again, integrated measures within the industrial process to reuse heat will decrease the need fordischarge of excess heat into the environment. If a smaller cooling capacity is required,generally and in absolute terms less energy is needed to operate the cooling system. Moreefficient equipment and proper operation of the cooling system avoiding temperature increaseon the process side can achieve any further reductions.

The right choice of material and design will reduce the required power consumption of coolingsystems. This is a very complex matter including many factors, where general advice is difficultto give. The following practices are applied and can be mentioned, as options one should beaware of:1. proper lay-out of the cooling system, such as smooth surfaces and as few changes of flow

direction as possible, will avoid turbulence and reduce resistance to the flow of the coolant;2. in mechanical cooling towers, choice of type and position of fans and possibility of airflow

adjustment are options for reduced energy use;3. choice of the right fill or packing (in light of the operating conditions) to secure maximum

heat exchange at all times;4. choice of drift eliminators with minimum resistance to airflow.

Changes in material and design do not seem to be cost-effective options to reduce energyrequirements for existing systems, particularly for large systems. Replacing cooling towerinternals (fans, fill and drift eliminators) are an option in some cases. For smaller systems, suchas the open and closed recirculating wet cooling systems that are on the market as an off-the-pegproduct, a change of the cooling system is technically much easier.

A good example of design effect is the application of smooth (finned) supporting pillars at theinlet of a large (178 m.) natural draught cooling tower for a nuclear power station. The designenhanced the airflow and reduced the pressure drop enabling 0.3ºC colder cooling, where 1ºCcooler for this installation is approximately equal to a saving of EUR 250000/year.

Very little has been reported on the options for reducing the required amount of energy of acooling tower through more energy efficient fans or by flexibility of operation system. Insupplier’s information, data can be found on the available fan types and the power needs. Fansare available that can be operated at variable speeds [tm97, Immell, 1996] or users are advisedto apply a multifan system to have more flexibility in adjusting the required airflow.

With respect to the effect of drift eliminators on the performance of fans due to induced pressuredrop, [tm092, Becker and Burdick, 1994]. Concluded that there will be differences betweendifferent eliminator designs and that the difference in effect on fan performance needs carefulconsideration, taking the full systems context into account. This means that a complexevaluation must be carried out involving tower configuration and flow distribution across thefan and across the drift eliminator. From this a useful comparison between different fan designswill be possible.

Examples of changing cooling tower fill reported considerable increases in efficiency of theheat exchange, lowering the temperature of the cooling water leaving the tower and achieving abetter cooling ([tm034, Hobson et al., 1995], [tm041, Burger, 1994], [tm117, Remberg andFehndrich, 1993].

Improving the heat exchange capacity of the fill will improve the cooling of the process in theheat exchanger. Consequently, fan operation may be reduced whilst achieving the same level ofcooling as before. With an unchanged level of operation, cooling capacity will be larger.Applying the wrong fill configuration can create unnecessary resistance to the air flowing pastor through, but the tower geometry is also important. Dense film fill packs create larger air

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Industrial Cooling Systems 71

pressure drops and usually require more fan energy. Splash fills have lower air side pressuredrop, but due to its lower efficiency this fill requires larger towers or more cells, andcompensation cannot be made with a higher energy input for fan operation.

Practical experiences report a clear effect of maintenance in reducing the required amount ofenergy to operate cooling systems. Generally, for water cooled systems this means propersystems treatment to reduce the resistance in the system due to scaling, corrosion, fouling etc.Systems treatment will keep the surface of the exchangers, conduits and packs in cooling towerssmooth. It will prevent resistance to the water flow, reduce required pumping capacity andenhance the exchange of heat. Appropriate cooling water treatment (see Section 3.4), balancingthe application of cooling water additive against a rise in process temperature, will reduce directenergy use as well as indirect energy use. No quantification of the reduction of kWe per MWthdischarged due to improved maintenance has been reported.

3.3 Consumption and emission of cooling water

3.3.1 Consumption of water Intake of water and water requirements

Water is an important medium for cooling systems and especially for large once-throughsystems, whereas for dry air-cooled systems it is of no importance. Surface water, groundwaterand potable water are used. In principle salt water, brackish water and fresh water can be usedfor cooling purposes. Salt water is abundantly available at coastal locations, but thedisadvantage of salt water is its corrosiveness. The use of groundwater for cooling purposes isexpected to reduce in the coming years, because groundwater for low-grade use (such ascooling) will be increasingly less permitted, unless it is combined with indispensablegroundwater extraction associated with other needs. Examples are the lowering of groundwaterlevel for unhindered mine exploitation or water from pumping measures for hydropower. Lessgroundwater availability could result in an increase in the consumption of surface water forcooling.

Water use and water consumption are terms both used for the requirements of cooling watersystems. Water use means that the same volume of heated cooling water is directed back to thesource from which it has been taken (once-through). Water consumption mean that only part ofthe water used for cooling (blowdown of recirculating systems) is directed back into receivingwater, the remainder having disappeared by evaporation and drift during the process of cooling.Consumption is particularly important where groundwater is used for cooling purposes indrought sensitive areas.

The volume of water used is largely connected with the type of industry. Different sources showthat the use of cooling water in Europe is considerable [Correia, 1995]. Generally, the largestshare of (surface) water is required by power stations. The remainder in accounted for by asmall number of larger industries, of which the chemical industry is the largest user.

The volume of water required varies between the various cooling water systems (Table 3.3). Foronce-through systems (direct and indirect) the use of water depends on:• requirement of the process (condenser)• the temperature of intake water• the maximum allowed temperature increase of the receiving water• maximum allowed temperature of cooling water when it is discharged.

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72 Industrial Cooling Systems

Table 3.3: Water requirement of the different cooling systems[tm001, Bloemkolk, 1997]

Cooling system Average water use[m³/h/MWth]

Relative water use[%]1

Once-through system –direct 86 100Once-through system –indirect 86 100Open wet cooling tower –direct 2 2.3Open wet cooling tower –indirect 2 2.3Open wet/dry (hybrid) cooling tower 0.5 0.6Closed circuit wet cooling tower variable VariableClosed circuit dry air cooling tower 0 0Closed circuit wet/dry cooling tower 1.5 1.71) assumption: cooling capacity ∆T 10 K

open wet cooling tower: cycles of concentration between 2 and 4open wet/dry cooling: 75% dry operationclosed circuit wet/dry tower dry operation ranging from 0 to 25 %

In open recirculating systems, closed circuit wet and closed circuit wet/dry cooling towers, mostof the water is recycled and the heat is dispersed to the atmosphere mainly by evaporation. Inthese systems water use varies considerably and no specific data are available as performancedepends on the concentration factor applied (regulated by the intentional blowdown),evaporation and to a lesser extent to the ambient temperature.

Indirect closed circuit dry cooling towers can use water as secondary coolant but the use is verylow compared to that of water cooling systems. Normally, replenishment or make-up water isonly needed when leakage has occurred, e.g. at pump packages, flanges and valves, or whenwater has been drained to allow systems repair. In those circ*mstances amounts are small andpotable water or even demineralised water can be economically used.

LegislationIn Member States different authorities deal with water as a resource or as a receivingenvironment. In any case water use should be part of an integrated environmental permit,especially where supplies are limited. It is expected that throughout Europe the pressure onresources of good quality water will increase the pressure on water conservation measures incooling systems, limiting volumes allowed to be extracted from a source. With respect to wateruse the major legislation on European level is the Water Framework Directive. It focuses onboth the water quality and on the quantitative groundwater status defined in terms of the effectof the ground water level on associated surface ecosystems and in terms of sustainability of thewater supply. On a national level some Member States have separate legislation for aspectsconcerning the intake and use of surface water.

Cross-media issuesThe issue of restricting the use of water relates to the following environmental aspects:- heat emission to the surface water,- application of cooling water additives,- energy consumption of both cooling system and production process,- indirect emissions.

Each of these factors needs to be assessed to evaluate whether reduced water intake for coolingis the best solution. In the following paragraphs an attempt is made to describe applied reductiontechniques options and their cross-media effects.

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Industrial Cooling Systems 73 Applied techniques to reduce water consumption

Reduction of water consumption for cooling is of particular interest where water availability islow for natural or ecological reasons. This can be drought-stricken areas or areas with seasonallow rainfall. The danger of depletion of groundwater sources and situations with relatively largecooling water requirements, where demands approach or could exceed the river flow or whereheat emissions into the surface water are restricted, are other typical examples.

1. Cooling technologyIn reducing the amount of water required for cooling, systems choice is important. In agreenfield situation it is suggested that air cooling be considered e.g. by applying open coolingtowers. For large systems the required cooling capacity could limit the options for dry aircooling, as it requires a large heat exchange surface. If it is feasible, attention should be paid tothe change in overall efficiency, increased operation costs for fan operation and costs of noiseabatement. Applications of dry cooling systems generally lead to a decrease of the processefficiency. Consequently, wet systems are to be preferred. Only in the case that no supply withwater (resp. make-up water) is possible dry cooling is unavoidable.For existing once-through systems the application of recirculating systems (open wet coolingtowers) is an applied option to reduce water requirements. Towers are equipped with drifteliminators as a standard technique to further reduce water loss through evaporation. Generally,recirculation means that measures need to be taken to protect the heat-exchanging surfaceagainst scaling or corrosion. On the other hand, application of recirculation of cooling water atthe same time means a reduction of heat emission to the surface water.

2. Systems operationIn recirculating wet cooling systems a commonly applied operation is the increase of theconcentration factor by reducing the frequency of the blowdown. The cleaner the water theeasier this is and proper maintenance of an open wet cooling tower will reduce thecontamination of the cooling water and may enhance a higher number of cycles andconsequently a less frequent blowdown.Increasing the cycles of concentration generally leads to an increased demand for anti-foulingchemicals to allow for higher salt concentrations without the risk of deposition. A number ofreports can be found that present water treatment programs designed in particular for operationwith higher cycles of concentration to reduce water requirements and to reduce the volume ofthe blowdown [tm094, Alfano and Sherren, 1995]. Under permit conditions, attention should begiven to the potential increase in concentrations of elements in the blowdown.A critical review of the results of maximising cooling tower cycles and the problemsencountered can be found in [tm095, Cunningham, 1995]. The conclusion is that the ability toincrease the number of cycles depends on many chemical and physical factors (e.g. watertemperature, pH, water velocity) and requires a high level of expertise. Given the variety ofoperating conditions and water chemistry, it may not be easy to predict the maximum cycles ofconcentration and care must be taken to consider the costs involved before the cooling systemcan be operated economically.

3. Additional techniquesFor recirculating systems, using relatively limited amounts of water, a number of additionaltechniques have been applied. These techniques aim at improving cooling water quality.Pre-treatment of cooling water (such as flocculation, precipitation, filtration or membranetechnology) can reduce the water requirements, where less blowdown is required to maintain thesame concentration factor. Water treatments however will lead to sludge that will have to bedisposed of (see Annex IV on blowdown).

The evaporative pond is a technique still applied on some older sites and is undergoing furtherdevelopment. It can be applied to prevent heat emissions to the surface water precooling thecooling water before discharge, but could serve in a similar way as a cooling tower being part ofthe total circulation. In the evaporative pond water is cooled down by spraying it over a large

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74 Industrial Cooling Systems

catchment area, creating large cooling surface, after which it can be reused (Annex XI).Attention should be paid to the microbiological risks due to the formation of aerosols (see3.7.3).

Reducing the demand on water resources is also attempted by linking the water flows ofdifferent industrial units on one or more sites. This water conservation method can be quitesuccessful but needs careful consideration. In an evaluation of alternatives for waterconservation for industrial sites, a number of important considerations are listed [tm065, Meierand Fulks, 1990] that should be taken into account:

1. survey of available water resources and their chemistry;2. assessment of quantities of these sources and their fluctuation;3. assessment of the contaminants and treatments in water sources;4. the effect of current water resource treatment programmes on the existing cooling water

conditioning methods;5. effect of potential conductivity increases of recycled water on the process where the water is

used;6. chemical treatment programme options for the cooling systems;7. economics of alternative reuse methods.

The factors listed above affect the selection of water sources and the amount of water that canbe reused. Water resources on site are typically blowdowns from cooling towers andboilers.Tertiary treated municipal waste plant effluent is also used. It is important in all cases toavoid an increased need for an even more complex water treatment programme to enable waterreuse (Annex XI). Reuse of the blowdown of evaporative ponds is also possible in applicationsthat are not sensitive to the increased salt content of the water.

The zero discharge system based technology can be applied by treating and reusing theblowdown. Disposal costs of the resulting sludge need to be assessed against the environmentalcosts of conditioning and discharging of blowdown (Annex XI).

3.3.2 Fish entrainment Level of entrainment

Whit a large water intake, such as for once-through cooling water systems, the impingement andentrainment of fish is an issue. Entrained fish - mainly fish larvae passing through the sieves atthe cooling water intake, the pumps and the condensers - are not generally sampled.Entrainment is a local matter and the quantity of entrained fish is based on a complex oftechnical and hydrobiological factors that lead to a site-specific solution. Water is drawn intoinlet channels in large quantities and at considerable speed. The inlet channels are generallyequipped with debris filters to protect the heat exchangers against clogging and mechanicaldamage. Impingement occurs when fish are pressed against the sieves placed the condensers orheat exchangers. A lot of smaller creatures is taken in with the cooling water and is killed bymechanical damage, which is called entrainment.

Data on the amounts of fish taken in with the cooling water or caught at the entrance of acooling system have not been widely reported. Results of 24-hour-samples have been analysedon the number of fish impinged by the cooling water of a 600 MWe Netherlands power plant[KEMA, 1992] on the river Rhine, with a cooling waterflow of 22 – 25 m3/s. The results showthat the numbers of fish drawn in between years as well as between seasons of the same yearvary widely. Most fish were found in summer.

Studies at a 2000 MW inland power plant on the River Trent in England showed that by far themajority of entrainment occurred at or soon after dusk, and in the summer. The power plant

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Industrial Cooling Systems 75

does not have a once-through cooling system, and no evidence was found of significantimpingement. This was also the case at another similar sized power plant on the River Thames[Carter and Reader, in press]. The screens at both plants have approximately 9 mm mesh width.Research on entrained and impinged fish at nine Dutch power plants shows that more than 95%of the impinged fish were 0+-fish, born in the spring of the same year and with a length of lessthan 10 cm. This is confirmed by results in the above-mentioned power plant on the River Trent,although mortality was 100% while there was negligible fish mortality compared with observednatural death [Carter and Reader, in press].

There is also variation in the number of entrained fish and in entrained fish species betweendifferent power plants. The results of a sampling programme at six Dutch power plants on theriver Rhine, the river Meuse and branches of these rivers show a variation in entrained speciesbetween 12 and 25 species and a variation in impinged fish on the cooling water sieves between0.02 and 2.45 fish per 1000 m3 cooling water averaged over the year [Hadderingh et al., 1983].At power plants on lakes, on estuaries and on the sea coast the observed number of impingedfish can be much higher than at power plants on rivers, up to 25 fish per 1000 m3 [KEMA,1982].

Table 3.4: Fish impingement rates (FIR) at power stations. Annual catches normalised to thecooling water flow[tm164, Travade, 1987] and [tm165, Turnpenny et al, 1985]

Water Power Station Power (MWe)FIR

(kg/106 m3)Sizewell A 480 73Kingsnorth 2000 4.4Dunkerque 600 19

North Sea

Gravelines 5400 48Dungeness A 410 190Dungeness B 1200 40Paluel 5200 43

English Channel

Fawley 2000 19Bristol Channel Hinkley B 1300 24Estuaries Le blayais 3600 79Rivers Loire (St Laurent A) 1000 1.8 Applied reduction techniques

With varying results a number of techniques has been developed and applied in industry toprevent the intake of fish due to large cooling water intake. The optimum solutions and resultsand the ability to meet BAT requirements are influenced by a wide variety of biological,environmental and engineering factors that must be evaluated on a site-specific basis. Acomparison of the different techniques is therefore impossible.

1. Cooling technologyTechnology changes made to avoid fish entrainment have not been reported. It is obvious thatfish entrainment will not be an issue when changing to open or closed recirculating coolingsystems, which is a costly operation. It may be considered in a greenfield situation. Devices toprevent intake of fish can be found in e.g. power industry and refineries. Solutions forprevention are:- sound devices, positive to divert (a shoal of) scale fish but not for eel;- light systems with underwater lamps, positive to divert eel;- position, depth and design of the inlet;

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76 Industrial Cooling Systems

- limits to speed of the water inflow (although the data from studies carried out in Englandindicate that the entrained fish allow themselves to be carried by the flow (i.e. deliberatelydrifting or dispersing) even when they are physically capable of escaping the flow byswimming);

- mesh size of the cooling water sieves (against damage to the cooling system). Observationshave shown that, in the same power plant, a mesh size of 5 x 5 mm on average doubles thenumber of surviving entrained fish at the cooling water outlet compared with a mesh size of2 x 2 mm, because impingement mortality of fish larvea is higher than entrainmentmortality [KEMA, 1972] and [Hadderigh, 1978].

Mortality of impinged fish can be decreased by a good system to wash the fish from the coolingwater sieves and to sluice them back to the surface water.

2. Operating practice and end-of-pipe techniquesLowering the inflow velocity to below 0.1-0.3 m/s clearly showed a positive effect and reducedthe amount of fish drawn in. However, lowering the velocity may mean that larger inletchannels are required, which may have technical and financial consequences. In general,changes in operating practice or the application end-of-pipe techniques do not apply to fishentrainment, but there is also a view –not shared by all- that entrainment could be reduced bytaking account of the diurnal and seasonal patterns of entrainment.

Table 3.5: Available fish protection technologies for cooling water intake devicesDerived from [tm152, Taft, 1999]

Category Protection technique Effects Remarks

Optimizing (increasing) themesh-size of the travellingwater screens

Improve survival ofentrained fish larvae andvery young fish stadia

Entrainment mortality ofthese fish stadia is lowerthan the impingementmortality of these stadia.

Low pressure water jets towash off the fish from thetravelling screens and toreturn them to the surfacewater

Transport of fish back tothe surface water

Requires a second highpressure jet system to cleanthe travelling screens

Fish buckets on the screens Improve survival ofimpinged fish

The fish remain in waterpermanently duringtransport back to thesurface water

Continuous rotation of thetravelling screens

Improve survival ofimpinged fish

Reduction of impingementtime

Fish collectionsystems

Fish pumps Transport of fish back tothe surface water

Complicated to keep rightconditions in pipes

Fish diversionsystems

Angled screens or louvreswith a fish by-pass

- Survival harderspecies (50-100%) >fragile species

- Not for fish eggs,larvae and smallinvertebrates

- Requires uniform,constant low-velocityflow

- Debris must beremoved

Lights- strobe lights- continuous lights

- mercury lights- other lights

Effects of different lightsystems depend on localsituation, fish species anddevelopmental stadia of thefish.

In many situations a by-pass for diverted fish isnecessary


Sound Effects depend on localsituation, fish species anddevelopmental stadia of thefish.

In many situations a by-pass for diverted fish isnecessary

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Chapter 3

Industrial Cooling Systems 77 Costs of sound devices and light systems

It is obvious that any change made to an existing system will be costly. The power industryreported additional costs for fish protection technology applied to existing installations ofbetween EUR 40000 and 200000, including downtime costs. In greenfield situations theadditional investment of alternative intake devices would probably be less substantial.For a good efficacy the water current through sound devices and light systems must not behigher than 0.3 – 0.5 m/s. This determines the length of the systems.The material and construction costs of a light system are EUR 90000 – 140000 for a length of100 m and of a sound system (BAFF) about EUR 180000 per 100 m.

3.3.3 Heat emission to surface water Levels of heat emission

All heat that is discharged will finally end up in the air. If water is used as the intermediatecooling medium, all heat will be transferred to the air, either from the water droplets in acooling tower or from the surface of the receiving water. Before the heat has left the surfacewater it may affect the aquatic ecosystem and this should be avoided.

Heat emission is also an issue closely related to the amount of cooling water used anddischarged. Once-through systems, both direct and indirect, by definition form the largestsource of heat discharged to the surface water, as the heat is entirely discharged via the coolingwater. The cooling water in recirculating systems releases the majority of its heat via a coolingtower into the air. The amount of heat discharged with the drainage from a cooling toweramounts to approximately 1.5% of the heat to be discharged, whereas around 98.5% is releasedinto the air. There is little information on the effects on the aquatic ecosystem of heat emissions,but there are experiences with high summer temperatures and small receiving waterways.Temperature rise may lead to increased rates of respiration and of biological production(eutrophication). The discharge of cooling water into the surface water influences the totalaquatic environment, especially fish. The temperature has a direct effect on all life forms andtheir physiology and an indirect effect by affecting the oxygen balance.Warming reduces the saturation value of oxygen; with high oxygen concentration, that leads toa reduced oxygen level. Warming also accelerates the microbial degradation of organicsubstances, causing increased oxygen consumption. Also, where circulation of the cooling wateroccurs or where a number of industries use the same limited source of surface water, heatemissions need careful consideration to prevent interference with the operation of industrialprocesses downstream.

From the specific heat of water amounting to approximately 4.2 kJ/kg/K the temperature rise ofwater can be calculated. For example, when cooling water is warmed up by an average of 10K,1 MWth of heat requires a cooling water flow of about 86 m³/hour. Broadly speaking each kWthneeds 0.1 m³/hour of cooling water. With recirculating cooling water, heat is transferred to theair through evaporation via cooling water in a cooling tower with the evaporation heat of waterbeing 2500 kJ/kg (at 20ºC).In the power industry in particular, the factors playing a role in the discharge of large quantitiesof heat into the surface water have been researched. A number of physical phenomena have tobe taken into account when heat emissions are being assessed, such as:

• seasonal variation in the temperature of the receiving water;• seasonal variation in the water level of rivers and the variation in the velocity of the stream;• the extent of mixing of the discharged cooling water with the receiving water (near field and

far field);• at coastal sites, tidal movements or strong currents and• convection in the water and to the air.

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78 Industrial Cooling Systems

The behaviour of the hot water plume in the surface water will not only be valuable inprotecting the receiving environment, but also for choosing the right place for the inlet andoutlet. It will always be important to prevent circulation of the plume affecting the temperatureof the water taken in and consequently the efficiency of the cooling system. As an example, theextent of a thermal plume, defined as the area within the 1K heating isotherm, without mixingwith strong currents (e.g in a lake), is about 1 ha per MWe for a conventional power plant, orabout 45 km2 for a 5000 MWe power plant. For a more extensive description on heat plumebehaviour see Annex XII. Legislative requirements of heat emissions

Requirements for specific fresh water bodiesEuropean Directive 78/659/EEC (18 July 1978) sets environmental quality standards for certainsubstances and for heat discharges in designated freshwater fisheries. The directiveacknowledges local conditions in a provision in Article 11 regarding derogation for MemberStates.Where thermal requirements depend on the fish species, two types of water bodies aredistinguished, according to their fish population:- salmonid waters- cyprinid waters.

For each ecological system, three thermal parameters are applied:- maximum water temperature at the boundary of the mixing zone- maximum temperature during the breeding period of “cold water species”- maximum temperature rise.

Table 3.6: Thermal requirements of water temperatures for two ecological systems (EuropeanDirective 78/659/EEC)

Parameter Salmonid waters Cyprinid waters

Tmax at boundary of mixing zone (ºC) 21.5 28.0

Tmax during breeding period cold waterspecies (ºC) 10.0 10.0

∆Tmax (ºC) at boundary of mixing zone 1.5 3.0

Note: temperature limits may be exceeded for 2% of the time at maximum.

Other receiving water bodiesIn the Member States, heat emission to the surface water is regulated in various ways,depending on the ecological conditions and other factors such as: the sensitivity of the receivingsurface water; the local climatic conditions; the capacity of the receiver to accommodatethermal loads and the prevailing currents and waves (water hydrodynamics). Regulations oftenconsider heat emissions in relation to the receiving surface water. Examples are:• standardisation of the maximum discharge temperature (e.g 30ºC in summer in temperate

climates and 35ºC in hot countries),• limiting maximum heating in relation to the water received and to seasonal temperature

differences (e.g. ∆Tmax of 7-10K measured over the entire cooling water distance in theproduction process)

• setting maximum acceptable temperature profile of the surface water and the total availablecooling capacity of the surface water.

These requirements are formulated in permits.

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Industrial Cooling Systems 79

Other regulations do not prescribe a generally fixed discharge temperature. Initially the limitdischarge temperature corresponds with the type of cooling system. Additionally, seasonalvariation of the temperature of the surface water plays an important role in setting the dischargetemperature to be permitted. Some regional authorities also further classify the receiving watersusing characteristics of their fauna. Applied reduction techniques

1. Cooling technologyThe best way to minimise heat emissions is to reduce the need for discharge by optimising theprimary process or to find consumers for the excess heat. In the case of emission of heat into theenvironment, focus is on the problem of heat emissions into surface waters. In considering thereduction techniques it is important to realise that in the end all heat will disappear to the air andthat the surface water is an intermediate medium. By choosing between different coolingsystems, it can be decided which is preferable. Thus, the environmental impact of heat dischargecan be minimised by discharging more heat into the atmosphere and less heat into surfacewaters at the expense of water loss due to evaporation. Minimisation of heat discharges to thesurface water is linked to the minimisation of water use and to the overall energy efficiency.The more heat is discharged by convection and evaporation, the more E per discharged MWth isrequired due to use of fans, unless natural draught is applied. This generally needs largeinvestments and a lot of space.

In the case of large capacities, a widely practised solution to reduce the heat load to the surfacewater of (mainly) rivers and lakes is to choose a suitable heat transfer technology, e.g. instead ofa once-through system a recirculating system with an open wet or wet/dry cooling tower.

2. Operating practiceNo particular operational options have been reported to prevent or reduce the discharge of heatto the surface water.

3. Additional techniquesAn old practice still in use in Europe, but on a very small scale and recently attracting freshattention, is the use of evaporative (spray) ponds. To enhance cooling of the water, the angle ofthe nozzle and the time allowed for the water to remain in the pond before it re-enters thecooling circuit are important, as is sufficient surface area. To assess this technique it should becompared with a cooling tower of similar capacity. Attention should be paid to:• surface area needed,• loss of water due to evaporation• energy use• the need for water treatment, as well as• to microbiological risks due to formation of aerosols (see also 3.7.3).

Another kind of end-of-pipe technique is the precooling of the discharge of large power plantsby means of a cooling tower. It is a costly technique used where circulation of the discharge inthe surface water can influence the cooling water temperature at the point of inlet. Theadditional costs of the extra cooling tower plus the loss of water due to evaporation will have tobe compared with the costs related to a reduced efficiency with a higher temperature of theintake water.

A measure also suggested to reduce the effect of heat discharge is designing the water outlet ofthe cooling system in such a way that by turbulence the water will lose some heat duringdischarge. A side effect of this measure is an increase of the oxygen content of the cooling watercompensating for the loss of oxygen due to the higher cooling water temperatures. No data areavailable and the extent of the effect is also questioned.

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80 Industrial Cooling Systems

3.4 Emissions from cooling water treatment

Emissions from cooling water treatment into the surface water are regarded as one of the mostimportant cooling systems issues. Four sources of emissions to the surface water resulting fromwet cooling systems can be distinguished:• process chemicals (product) and their reactants, due to leakage;• corrosion products due to corrosion of the cooling system equipment;• applied cooling water additives and their reactants;• airborne substances.

To control these emissions different techniques are applied. The risk of leakage can be reducedas well as the possibility of uncontrolled emissions after leakage and the most adequate materialfor the equipment can be selected to reduce corrosion. This section will focus on measures toreduce the amount and the impact of emissions due to the application of cooling water additives:• by reducing the need for water treatment;• by selecting chemical treatments which have lower impact on the environment;• by applying the chemicals in the most effective way (systems operation).

3.4.1 Application of cooling water treatment

Cooling water is treated to promote an efficient transfer of heat and to protect the coolingsystem so as to overcome a number of adverse effects on the performance of the coolingequipment. In other words, cooling water treatment aims to reduce total energy consumption.

The adverse effects are strongly related to the chemistry of the water taken in for cooling andthe way the cooling system is operated (e.g. cycles of concentration). Salt water will havedifferent demands from fresh water and industrial emissions of polluted substances upstreammay be a challenge. Also, cooling water can become contaminated by leakage of process fluidsfrom heat exchangers or, in the case of wet open cooling towers, by the air passing through thetower introducing dust, micro-organisms and exchange of vapour.

Cooling water additives are used for once-through systems, open wet cooling systems, closedcircuit wet cooling and wet/dry systems. Where water is used as an intermediate coolant in thecoil of dry systems, very low amounts of additives may be used to condition the water in theclosed loop.

Environmentally, additives are important: they leave the cooling system at some stage, beingdischarged to surface water or, to a much lesser extent, into air. Generally, the chemistry and theapplication of the chemicals applied are known, but the choice of non-oxidizing biocides ismainly based on “trial and error”. The environmental effects of the chemicals used can beassessed by means of modelling (risk/hazard) or by measurement. As they are used to improvean efficient heat exchange, their application is also related to the adverse effects that arise froma lower exchange efficiency. The industrial process to be cooled can be affected when heattransfer is inefficient, causing an increase in the use of energy (i.e. similar to an increase in airemissions) or a higher demand on raw materials to compensate for the loss of production.Energy consumption of the cooling system can increase due to a higher demand on pumps andfans to compensate for loss of heat exchange efficiency.

Problems arising from water quality that are commonly encountered are:

• Corrosion of cooling water equipment, which may lead to leakage of heat exchangers andspills of process fluids into the environment or loss of vacuum in condensers;

• Scaling, predominantly by precipitation of calcium carbonates, sulphates and phosphates,Zn and Mg;

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• (Bio-)Fouling of conduits and heat exchangers (also fill of wet cooling towers) by micro-,macro-organisms and suspended solids which can lead to blockage of the heat exchangertubes by large particulate (shells) or to emissions to air from cooling towers.

C orrosion

D ep o sition(F o u lin g) B io -film

S cale

Figure 3.1: Graphic representation of interrelation between the different water quality problems

Cooling water problems are often interrelated. Scaling can lead to both corrosion andbiofouling. Spots of corrosion lead to changed waterflow patterns and create turbulence areas,where biofouling is enhanced. Biofouling may enhance further corrosion of the underlyingsurface (Figure 3.1).

The following groups of chemicals are used to condition the water (see also Annex V):• Corrosion inhibitors:

formerly metals were mainly used, but there is a trend towards azoles, phosphonates,polyphosphates and polymers. This means that toxicity decreases while the persistencyincreases. Recently some better biodegradable polymers have been developed.

• hardness stabilisers or scale inhibitors:formulas exist mainly of polyphosphates, phosphonates and certain polymers. Recentdevelopments in this application are also towards better biodegradable compounds

• Dispersion chemicals:mostly copolymers, often in combination with surfactants. The main environmental effect ispoor biodegradability.

• Oxidising biocides:chlorine (or a combination of chlorine and bromine) and monochloramine are mainly used.Chlorine (bromine) is a strong oxidiser (acutely toxic), which means that the half-life isshort, but the side effects of chlorinating are the forming of halogenated by-products. Otheroxidising biocides are ozone, UV, hydrogen peroxide or peracetic acid. The use of ozoneand UV needs pre-treatment of the make-up water and needs special materials. Theenvironmental effects are expected to be less harmful then halogenated biocides, but theapplication needs special care, is expensive and not applicable in all situations.

• Non-oxidising biocides:isothiazolones, DBNPA, glutaraldehyde and quaternary ammonium compounds etc. Thesecompounds are in general acutely toxic and often not readily biodegradable, although thereare some which hydrolyse or are degraded by other mechanisms. The environmental effectsare significant.

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82 Industrial Cooling Systems

Table 3.7: Chemical components of cooling water treatments used in open and recirculating wetcooling systemsDerived from [tm135, Nalco, 1988]

Water quality problemsCorrosion Scaling (Bio-)foulingExamples of

chemical treatment* Once-throughsystems








systemsZinc XMolybdates XSilicates XPhosphonates X XPolyphosphates X XPolyol esters XNatural organics XPolymers X X X X X XNon-oxidizingbiocides


Oxidyzing biocides X XNotes:chromate is not widely used any more due its high environmental effect

The need for cooling water treatment and type and amount of chemicals applied are moreextensively described in Annex V. The application of cooling water conditioning is a highlycomplex and local issue, where selection is based on a combination of the following elements:- design and material of heat exchanger equipment;- temperature and chemistry of the cooling water;- organisms in the surface water that can be entrained;- sensitivity of the receiving aquatic ecosystem to emitted additive and its associated by-


For proper performance of any of the treatments, control of the cooling water pH and alkalinitywithin a specified range is usually required. Good pH and alkalinity control has become moreimportant where more pH-sensitive treatment programmes are used or where higher cycles ofconcentration are applied in open recirculating cooling towers to minimise blowdown andreduce the water requirement. It is increasingly common practice in industry to havemaintenance programmes developed and carried out by the additive supplier, but theresponsibility for systems operation remains with the owner of the cooling system.

Considering the site and system specificity, it will be difficult to find typical levels of amountsof additives applied to the different systems. If levels are reported they are expressed in kg ortonnes per m3 of cooling water or in kg or tonnes per MWth dissipated. Table 3.8 reports theresult of a recent inventory in The Netherlands of chlorine, which is widely used in Dutchindustry. Data show there is variation between systems as well as between different types ofwater. Other sources of water used by recirculating systems are for instance potable water,groundwater and condensate.

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Industrial Cooling Systems 83

Table 3.8: Consumption of hypochlorite in wet cooling systems in The Netherlands[tm160, Bijstra, 1999]

Consumption of active chlorine kg/MWth/yrCooling water source Once-through systems Recirculating systemsFresh water 85 (10-155)Salt or brackish water 400 (25-2500)

200 (20-850)

Other water sources 400 (20-1825)

3.4.2 Emissions of chemicals into the surface water

In Europe and U.S. a large amount of work has been carried out on optimisation of coolingwater conditioning, on the application of alternative treatments and on other techniques toprevent any harmful effects on the aquatic environment due to cooling water additives. By large,this work focuses on the application of biocides.

Specific emissions resulting from cooling water treatment can be difficult to assess in situationswhere analysis methods for the chemicals used for treatment are not available. Besides thespecific chemicals used for treatment of cooling water, by-products originating from thechemicals used can also contribute significantly to the environmental impact on the surfacewater. When chlorine or bromine is used as an additive, 3-5% of the product reacts to haloformcompounds (chloroform or bromoform) [tm072, Berbee, 1997].

Quantification of short-term effects can be achieved by carrying out (acute) toxicity tests oncooling water streams discharged. These results can be seen as a minimum estimate of theenvironmental effects in the surface water, [because long term (chronic) effects,biodegradability, bioaccumulation (Pow) and carcinogenic effects are not included in these tests].Recently several studies concerning the use of oxidising biocides (mainly hypochlorite)([tm001, Bloemkolk, 1997],[tm072, Berbee, 1997] and [tm160, Bijstra, 1999]) and non-oxidizing biocides ([tm001, Bloemkolk, 1997] and [tm149, Baltus et al., 1999]) have beencarried out in the Netherlands. Oxidising biocides

In several countries programmes have been set up to achieve optimum use of hypochlorite incooling water. Free oxidant [mg FO/l] is often used as a control parameter in cooling water. InThe Netherlands a concentration of 0.1 – 0.2 [mg FO/l] in the discharge is used as a targetconcentration for continuous dosed (once-through) cooling systems. For intermittent or shockchlorination regimes the FO or FRO concentration is always below 0.2 mg/l as a daily (24h)average value. But during shock injection the FO or FRO concentrations can be close or equalto 0.5 mg/l (hourly avarage).

Optimisation by implementation of monitoring and controlled (automatic) dosage of biocidescan significantly reduce the annual consumption of chemicals used in cooling water. This canresult in a reduction of the load of biocides and of their by-products, such as organohalogenatedcompounds with bromoform as the main product [tm157, Jenner et al, 1998].Several companies in the chemical industry and energy production sector have achievedreductions of the use of hypochlorite in cooling water up to 50 % by introducing the above-mentioned optimisation measures [tm160, Bijstra, 1999].

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Chapter 3

84 Industrial Cooling Systems Non-oxidising biocides

In 1999 a study was carried out of the environmental effects of the use of oxidising and non-oxidising chemicals in recirculating cooling systems. For the chemicals for which analysismethods were available, concentrations of the chemicals in cooling water were measured. Forall chemicals applied, toxicity tests were used to evaluate the environmental impact in thesurface water. When cooling water is discharged directly into the surface water the use of nonoxidising chemicals in recirculating cooling systems in many cases resulted in strongenvironmental effects in the surface water. For oxidising chemicals (hypochlorite), PEC/PNECratios based on toxicity tests were found in the range of 3 (continuous dosage) and 33 (shockdosage) and for non-oxidising chemicals, PEC/PNEC ratios of 20 (isothiazolines), 2500 (BNS),660-13000 (BNS/MBT) and 3700(DBNPA) were found ([tm149, Baltus et al., 1999] see pagsummary pag. 9-10, table 16 p. 64 and chapter 9 p. 75-82)).Another study carried out indicated that potential risks for the receiving surface water cannot beexcluded when isothiazolines (1,2-benzisothiazolin-3-on, 2-methyl-4-isothiazolin-3-on) are usedin cooling water as additives (see[tm149, Baltus et al., 1999] pag. 13 en 14).

The treatment programmes vary considerably and depend on the factors mentioned earlier andas such are site-specific. Emissions of additives vary in volume and chemistry (toxicity,reactivity). Decomposition, interaction and possible purification measures can influence theactual amount that is finally discharged and, consequently, the resulting impact on the aquaticenvironment. Optimisation and controlled conditioning of cooling water by the use of(automatic) dosage and monitoring can reduce the use of chemicals in cooling water andconsequently the environmental impact in the receiving water significantly.

In the Netherlands the application of hypochlorite and bromine in cooling water is one of themost important sources of organohalogenated compounds, measured as AOX, in surface water[tm001, Bloemkolk, 1997] and [tm072, Berbee, 1997].

Sometimes cooling water is treated in a wastewater treatment installation before discharge. Anexample is the treatment of the blowdown with other wastewater streams in refineries. Thistreatment could possibly reduce the effect of biocides in the surface water. Biological treatmentmay be sensitive to low levels of non-oxidising biocides, which could disturb the working of thetreatment plant. Inhibition of active sludge of 60% and more (100%) has been reported.Physical/chemical treatment for biocides is still on an experimental level. The polarity of non-oxidative biocides will be an obstacle for physical treatment, as they will remain in the waterphase.

The blowdown of open recirculating systems is the more controlled pathway in which biocidesenter the external environment. For closed systems blowdown is not practised. Purges are made,but they are small and usually discharged into a sewer system. It is obvious that theconcentration of biocides in the cooling water immediately after dosage will be highest andconsequently the concentration in the discharge or purge. By chemical reactions in the systems’cooling water, such as hydrolysis, the biocide concentration will gradually diminish and thisknowledge can be used to estimate the expected concentration in the discharge. Thisinformation is also used when closing the purge after treatment to prevent discharge of biocideswith a high level of chemical activity. To achieve further optimisation several factors areimportant. Besides the concentration in the outlet, process control is also essential here. Factors influencing emissions of biocides

Factors influencing discharge and persistence in the receiving aquatic environment have beenextensively described [tm004, Baltus and Berbee, 1996] for a number of commonly appliedoxidising and non-oxidising biocides. The following factors, in combination with the coolingprocess conditions play a role in the selection of a cooling water treatment program:

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Industrial Cooling Systems 85

• Hydraulic half-time (also used is system half-life);• Hydrolysis;• Biodegradation;• Photolyses;• Volatility.

The volume of the purge determines the hydraulic half time. The larger the purge the smaller thehydraulic half time and the shorter the retention time of the biocide. The hydraulic half timedoes not influence the working of oxidising biocides, because of their fast dissociation andworking, but for non-oxidising biocides it will limit their functioning.Hydrolysis of a non-oxidising biocide occurs at a certain pH and water-temperature. Generally,with increasing pH and/or increasing temperature, hydrolysis increases and the biocidal effectwill decrease. Consequently, the lower temperature of the receiving water will further slowdown the hydrolysis and will increase the persistence of non-oxidising biocides in the aquaticenvironment.Biodegradation, photolysis and volatility do not play an important role in degradation of non-oxidising biocides. Photolysis can take place if the aquatic environment is exposed to sunlight.Evaporation may play a role in the case of oxidising biocides (hypochlorite). Research can bequoted in which a so called stripping effect of cooling towers has been found to account for aloss of 10-15% of hypochlorite with each passage of the cooling tower. For hypochlorite the pHlevel affects its evaporation.

Biodegradation of biocides depends on the amount of organic and inorganic matter and on thebiodegradability of the biocide itself. A large microbial population, increase of temperature andhigher oxygen content of the cooling water or the receiving water, increases biodegradation.Surface water contains a lot of suspended organic matter to which biocides can absorb, resultingin accumulation in the sediment. Also, biocides can be reduced by organic material. Emission levels

It is difficult to report representative levels of concentrations in cooling water emissions to thesurface water. Quantification of emissions of substances in the discharge of cooling water hasbeen attempted and models have been developed. However, because of site specificity, nogenerally applicable model can be reported taking account all aspects. Many assumptions haveto be made and although they give an indication, discharges could easily be overestimated orunderestimated. An example of a model for biocides in an open wet cooling tower is explained[tm004, Baltus and Berbee, 1996] in Annex IX. Legislation

In many Member States emissions of cooling water chemicals are covered by legislation on thepollution of surface waters. The laws usually focus on discharge flows with a minimum volumedischarged (in m3/day). In some legislation (e.g. Italy) receiving waters are classified and eachwater has a different level for the relevant emission parameters of the discharged water.

The quality of the discharged water required sets limits on the presence of certain chemicals(e.g. chromium, zinc or mercury compounds), thereby reducing the use of particular coolingwater additives.

For large and small discharge volumes, requirements are set for temperature and pH-values. Thetemperature is generally not allowed to exceed a maximum temperature for most of the year.Some flexibility is given by varying the discharge temperature limits under unfavourableseasonal conditions, such as wet bulb temperatures reaching up to 40°C in Mediterraneanclimate.

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86 Industrial Cooling Systems

More specific requirements on the chemical composition vary between the Member States, butgenerally cover requirements on the concentration of adsorbable organic halogens (AOX),dissolved oxygen, biological chemical demand (BOD), chemical oxygen demand (COD),chlorine substances and phosphorus compounds and the residual effect on luminescent bacteria.Some acts distinguish between different types of cooling systems (once-through orrecirculating) or consider specific operations, such as shock treatment with microbiocidalsubstances.

In the Netherlands the abatement efforts are based on the intrinsic properties of substances andrisk assessments. To enable a company and the water authorities to unambiguously identify thewater pollution effect of substances and preparations, a general evaluation methodology hasbeen developed. This evaluation methodology is based on the European legislation onclassification, packaging and labelling.Depending on the properties of a substance BTM or BPM must be applied. After applyingBTM/BPM the residual discharge is evaluated against the applicable water quality objectives. Ifthese objectives are not reached, further measures may be indicated.

European chemical legislation affecting the application of cooling water additives in particularcan be found in:• the Council Directive on Pollution Caused by Certain Dangerous Substances Discharged

into the Aquatic Environment of the Community (76/464/EEC),• the Water Framework Directive,• the Preparations Directive and• the Biocidal Products Directive 98/8.

3.4.3 Reduction of emissions to the surface water General approach

Techniques for the reduction of emissions to surface water due to the application of coolingwater are:1. reduction of corrosion of cooling equipment2. reduction of leakage of process substances into the cooling circuit3. application of alternative cooling water treatment4. selection of less hazardous cooling water additives5. optimised application of cooling water additives

Following IPPC, reduction of emissions due to cooling water treatment should aim at reducingthe need for treatment (prevention) and at selection and optimal application of additives(pollution control) within the requirement of maximum heat exchange. To reduce the emissionof chemicals in the discharge of cooling water, many options are available. In addition to theassessment of the appropriate cooling configuration explained in Chapter 1 and in accordancewith the preventive “approach” of applying BAT to industrial cooling systems, the reductionoptions can be considered in a certain order. For new large capacity cooling systems, an“approach” has been developed to reduce emissions to the surface water [tm001, Bloemkolk,1997].

An “approach” has been developed for the selection of biocides in both new and existingsystems. [tm005, Van Donk and Jenner, 1996] . Both “approaches” involve more or less thesame steps and following these steps will ensure that all important factors involved in thereduction of additive use are taken into account. The “approaches” are shown in Figure 3.2 andFigure 3.3.

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Industrial Cooling Systems 87

For the optimisation of biocide use a wide range of possibilities exist, which are ofteninterrelated. For setting up an optimisation scheme, a structured “approach” offers advantagesRecommendations are now presented by means of two flow charts, one for cooling watersystems in the design phase and another for existing CWS. These charts offer a step-by-step“approach” for biocide optimisation.

Figure 3.2 is explained as follows [tm005, Van Donk and Jenner, 1996] . In the design phase ofa cooling water system, a decision should be made on the type of cooling that is to be used. Ifwater-cooling is used, engineering solutions that control the expected biofouling population inthe CWS should be considered. Important issues to consider in the design phase are:maintenance of sufficiently high flow velocities in all parts of the cooling water system and asmooth design of conduits and heat exchangers. This will reduce settlement of biofoulingorganisms. The application of non-toxic foul-release coatings will help to further reduce thesettlement of organisms. The intake structure should be designed such that entrainment of debrisand organisms is minimised. Filtering devices and trash racks can further reduce the amount ofentrained gross matter. The application of high integrity materials needs to be considered. Forheat exchangers this can be titanium (corrosion resistant, smooth surface). Hydrodynamicallydesigned inlet and outlet boxes of heat exchangers can be made out of glass reinforced plastics.This material can also be applied for tubing and joints in the system. Also, relatively simpleprovisions can be made in the design phase, such as connections for chemical and biologicalmonitoring devices, or for dosing (e.g. special dosing racks and points) or more complex onesfor mechanical cleaning, such as mussel sieves or a sponge rubber ball system. In some casesheat treatment can be used to control macrofouling, and then no biocide is needed at all. For theapplication of heat treatment a special loop in the CWS needs to be designed. Furtherpossibilities for optimisation are similar to those in existing systems.

Figure 3.2: Design scheme for cooling water systems aiming at reduction of biocide application[tm005, Van Donk and Jenner, 1996]

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88 Industrial Cooling Systems

Figure 3.3: “approach” for reduction of biocide use in industrial cooling water systems[tm005, Van Donk and Jenner, 1996]

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Industrial Cooling Systems 89

Figure 3.3 shows all the steps to be consider in the selection of biocides [tm005, Van Donk andJenner, 1996] . In an existing CWS it is important to characterise the biofouling population andthe size of the biofouling risk. Adequate biological monitoring is a prerequisite for this.

The cause of the biofouling problem should be analysed and addressed. The quality of thecooling water can be improved by pre-treatment of the water (e.g. micro- and macro-filtration).This can remove a part of the biofouling risk by reducing the amount of incoming organismsand nutrients. If process leakages are the main cause of increased biological growth, they shouldbe eliminated, for instance by application of corrosion resistant materials or by installation ofspare heat exchangers, which allows more frequent mechanical cleaning. In order to improvesystem conditions, all options mentioned in scheme 1 should be considered.

In once-through systems, macrofouling is sometimes controlled by the application of heattreatment, without any biocide use. Sodium hypochlorite is the most important biocide that isapplied. Dosing is shock-wise or continuous. The dosing strategy on macrofouling controlshould be preventive, since curative dosing, when a lot of macrofouling has abundantlydeveloped, requires very high doses over extended periods. It is recommended thatconsideration be given to the option of targeted dosage at locations with a high fouling risk,such as heat exchanger inlet and outlet boxes. Chemical monitoring is essential to establish theminimum required biocide dose. Since the applied oxidising biocide concentration will decreasein the CWS, chemical monitors are needed to register the effective residual level of biocide atthe critical points in the CWS. On-line meters should be hand-calibrated with the colorimetricDPD test on a regular basis. Toxicity-based measurement of biocide concentrations in thecooling water is also useful for optimisation schemes. Macrofouling monitoring devices giveinformation on the settlement and growth of macrofouling organisms and on the performance ofthe biofouling control program. This information is essential for biocide optimisation programsin once-through systems that have macrofouling problems.

In open recirculating systems, microfouling is much more important than macrofouling.Monitors of microfouling, such as the ATP method and the “plate count technique" giveimportant information on the development and the state of the microfouling population in theCWS. To prevent entrainment of organisms and nutrients with the cooling water, the intakewater can be pre-treated (e. g. microfiltration, precipitation). Side-stream filtration, thecontinuous filtration of a part of the recirculating water volume, further helps to reduce theamount of organic material in the cooling water. The amount of biocide required for successfultreatment can thus be reduced. Side-stream filters should preferably be closed temporarilyduring shock dosing of biocide, which will avoid unnecessary biocide demand by the filter andavoid killing the microbial population on the filter.

In recirculating cooling water systems, oxidising and non-oxidizing biocides are used. In theNetherlands approximately 90% of recirculating systems are treated with sodium hypochlorite.Non-oxidising biocides are only used when oxidising biocides cannot provide sufficientprotection. For oxidising and non-oxidising biocides discontinuous or shot dosing isrecommended to minimise their use, although in some cases continuous halogenation at lowlevels may consume less chemcial than shot dosing. This will also reduce the risk ofdevelopment of a tolerance of the biology. Accurate chemical analytical field methods for non-oxidising biocides are needed to optimise their use. The possibilities for hypochloritemeasurement have been mentioned before. Biological methods for measurement of biocideconcentrations in the cooling water may also be useful in recirculating systems.

If possible, it is recommended to close or reduce the purge during shock dosing of bothoxidising and non-oxidising biocides, in order to reduce emissions of active biocide. This isespecially effective for fast reacting or disintegrating biocides. It is further recommended tooperate a recirculating CWS treated with hypochlorite at a pH value of 8-9, in order to minimiseevaporation losses of HOCL over the cooling tower. Experience has shown that this does not

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90 Industrial Cooling Systems

necessarily lead to reduced effectiveness of the biocide. It is important though to manage therisk of scaling.

The combined use of hypochlorite and bromide may be an attractive option in freshwater CWS,and also in once-through CWS, since some by-products - the brominated amines - have astronger biocidal effect than their chlorinated hom*ologues and they degrade more quickly.

In recirculating systems with a high water quality, ozone may be an option. It is important hereto pay attention to the risk of corrosion. A few experiences in Europe have been successful withthe application of ozone. Finally, UV-light may also offer possibilities in recirculating systemsas a supplementary technique. UV-light alone however, cannot attack the biofouling that hassettled on the surfaces of the CWS. In order to be effective, relatively clear cooling water isneeded, since the light must be able to penetrate into the water column.

The “approach” can be summarised as follows:1. The availability of water, amongst other factors, will decide on the selected cooling

configuration (once-through, open or closed wet cooling tower or hybrid cooling tower).The configuration chosen may in turn affect the kind of water treatment. These generallydiffer between once-through and open wet cooling towers, such as the application ofoxidising or non-oxidising biocides.

2. Once a system choice has been made (see also Chapter 1), a complex assessment schemewill have to be applied to match the numerous combinations between the following optionswhich further affect the need for cooling water treatment:• choice of material and surface treatment of heat exchangers and conduits:• lay-out of the cooling system to avoid turbulence, sediments or mussel growth, or to

enhance the required water velocity;• improve the cooling water chemistry by pre-treatment;• mechanical cleaning of the cooling system;• alternative treatments, such as thermal, UV and side stream filtration.

Depending on the result of this assessment a wet cooling system might still need a certainprotection against scaling, corrosion or fouling. This depends on the chemistry of the coolingwater, on the way the system is operated, such as the number of cycles of concentration, and thecooling configuration chosen.It is clear that for closed circuit dry air-cooling or dry air-cooled condensers no such treatment isnecessary. Chemicals might be used to clean the outside (finned) tubes, but usually not foroperating the system.

Once the need for a cooling water treatment has been established, an accurate selection of thecooling water treatment program linked to legislative requirements is appropriate. Theserequirements can be:• prohibition of the use of certain substances for cooling water treatment, e.g. chromium,

mercury compounds, organometallic compounds, nitrites, mercaptobenzothiazoles;• limitation of certain substances or groups of substances (e.g. zinc, phosphorus, chlorine,

AOX) in the cooling water effluent by defining emission limit values;• requirement of a minimum level of biodegradability for complexing agents;• limitation of ecotoxicological effects of the cooling water effluent.

The selection of additives for cooling water treatment for both new and existing systems withthe following “approach” will lead to a reduction in emissions of cooling water chemicals:1. establish the need for cooling water treatment after other physical cleaning methods have

been applied;2. select the type of additives required;3. assess the environmental risk of the substances to be applied;4. apply substances which have lower potential for impact on the environment; where possible.

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Chapter 3

Industrial Cooling Systems 91 Reduction by selection of material and systems design

For new system’s material and design options can be applied to reduce additive use. Manydifferent materials are used for cooling systems equipment. Equipment suppliers usually offertheir equipment in a wide range of different metals and alloys so as to enable the operator toselect the material fit for the chemistry of the cooling water and process conditions it is intendedfor. Annex IV discusses materials for once-through and open recirculating systems usingbrackish or salt water. It is important to realize that some features of a material can haveopposite characters, which may complicate material selection and will affect the cooling watertreatment programme. For example, reduced corrosiveness may go together with a highersensitivity to biofouling.

Proper layout and construction of a cooling system can influence the need for cooling wateradditives. During assemble, unnecessary ridges should be avoided as well as abrupt changes inthe direction of the water flow. Both lead to turbulence and where possible this should beavoided as it enhances corrosion or settling of e.g. mussels.Operating the system with the appropriate minimum water velocity not only maintains therequired cooling capacity, but also reduces settlement of macrofouling and corrosion ofmaterial.

Coatings and paints are applied to reduce the fixation of the organisms, reinforce the velocityeffect and facilitate cleaning. These antifouling paints can contain toxic substances andtherefore non-toxic coatings and paints have been developed. Applicability underwater andprice vary and depend on the size of the cooling system and conditions. E.g. organic coatingsare applied to relatively smaller cooling units by means of thermal curing of the surface. Theseare powder coatings, which can be used in wet environments and do not contain toxicsubstances, do not use solvents and are corrosion resistant resulting in significant extension ofequipment life.

In larger wet cooling systems coatings are applied as well and experience in the power industryshows that they have to be renewed every 4 to 5 years. An example is given in Annex XI.Antifouling paints have been applied that contain toxic substances, such as copper andtributyltinoxide (TBTO), that are slowly released from the paint. No paints containing TBTOare still in use in large installations such as power plants. Copper-containing paints may still beused on a limited scale.

3.4.4 Reduction by application of additional and alternative cooling watertreatment

A number of techniques has been applied to reduce cooling water treatment. The followingtechniques have been reported for the reduction of biocide use [tm005, Van Donk and Jenner,1996] :- Filtration and pre-treatment techniques- On-line cleaning- Off-line cleaning- Heat treatment- Coatings and paints- Ultraviolet (UV)-light- Sonic technology- Osmotic shock.

The principle behind these techniques is to improve the biological quality of the cooling waterand to keep surfaces of the cooling systems elements (conduits and heat exchanger) as clean aspossible, creating an environment in the system in which development of fouling will bereduced. The application of these techniques is summarised in Annex XI and it is obvious that

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92 Industrial Cooling Systems

some may not have general application or are still under investigation. Environmental benefitsshould be balanced against the reduced application of chemicals.

For example, UV-light needs relatively clear water, whereas ozone and sonic technology willneed extra energy input. Electric water treatment applied to a very small size cooling system(< 1 m3/min) operating at temperatures of 30 – 40 °C gave promising results as a non-chemicalmicrobial control method, but needs further research.

Financial costs may vary with the size of the system and the extent to which the techniques mustbe integrated in the cooling system.

Pre-treatment of water for recirculating wet cooling systems to reduce cooling water additiveuse can be considered in the same light as pre-treatment of water to reduce water requirements(see Section Pre-treatment will affect the chemistry of the cooling water, such aslowering the salt content, which will affect the required level of scale and corrosion inhibition,and will affect the way the cooling system is operated.

However, little has been reported on the effect of pre-treatment of cooling water on thereduction of cooling water additive use, but inverted osmosis for closed cooling circuits andsidestream filtration for open cooling systems with larger capacities have reportedly given goodresults (Annex XI). Lower costs for water intake, for treatment of the blowdown and for dosageof corrosion inhibitors, scale inhibitors and dispersants were reported. No redesign of thecooling system was necessary.

3.4.5 Reduction of emissions by assessment and selection of coolingwater additives

After all technological and operational measures have been evaluated, assessment and selectionof additives for cooling water conditioning is the next step to be taken towards the application ofsubstances having lower potential for causing environmental impact if properly used. In Section3.4.1 and more extensively in Annex V, the theory behind the treatment of cooling water hasbeen described and the selection of the right treatment program clearly is a site-specific andvery complex exercise. It takes into account many factors such as the applied material of theinstallation, the water quality and the operating practice. As a result of this a large number ofcompounds and their combinations have been developed and are currently applied in coolingwater treatment compounds.

Their performance in the cooling circuit is evaluated and balanced with the residual reactivity inthe aquatic environment after discharge. The challenge here is to select an additive effective inthe cooling system, but harmless as soon as it leaves the cooling system and enters the receivingaquatic system.

The application of different kinds of cooling water chemicals in different kinds of coolingsystems has been reported in the literature. It appears that their environmental impact iscomplex and depends on many different factors. Examples show clearly that optimisedoperation reduces the required amount of additives and that it can also lead to the application ofdifferent types of additives. (See 3.4.6).

Generally, in the EU, the assessment of chemicals is regarded as necessary and attempts havebeen made to develop an integrated methodology to reduce the environmental effects of theiruse, but the difficulties encountered on both a national and a European scale are that:• there is a variety of evaluation methods used for various applications;• the availability of data on substances and components of preparations is (still) a problem;• a variety of parties are responsible for the evaluation of substances;• risk-based assessment in many countries still has to be developed.

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To control the application and enhance the use of alternatives, knowledge of characteristics oftreatment chemicals in some member States has been translated into legislative requirements forcooling water treatment chemicals. German legislation is quoted below as example.

The Annex 31 of the German Federal Water Act on cooling water emissions is an example oflegislation aiming at optimisation of the use of cooling water additives and on the conservationof the quality of surface waters. It has resulted in restrictions on the input of certain substances,such as biocides and other substances, and covers all wet-cooling systems (See Annex VI).

This regulations is based on four steps:1. a list of prohibited substances, which contains:- chromium compounds- mercury compounds- organometallic compounds (e.g. organotin compounds)- mercaptobenzothiazole- organic complexing agents which are not readily biodegradable- no shock treatment with biocidal substances other than chlorine, bromine, ozone and H2O2

2. limitation of certain substances and groups of substances in the effluent concerning:- chlorine dioxide, chlorine and bromine- AOX- COD- Phosphorous compounds (inorganic and total/ phosphonates)- Zn

3. requirement of ready biodegradability of all organic substances used, where the applicablerequirement “ready biodegradability” is in accordance with the Chemical Act and Part C4 ofthe Annex to Directive 92/69 EC (31 July 1992)

4. limitation of the ecotoxic effects of the total cooling water effluent of biocidal substancesused does not prohibit their use as it would make the application of microbiocidalsubstances impossible. However, they can be essential for the operation and properfunctioning of open and semi-open cooling water systems. The regulations requireinformation on the level and character of toxicity and call for this to be expressed in areproducible manner. Use is made of biotests such as dilution factor (TL) to express theresidual toxicity in the discharge compared to the toxicity in the cooling system.

Despite legislative limits on the use of a number of cooling water chemicals, a large number ofadditives is available and assessment and selection of alternatives is required taking into accountsite-specific factors such as the cooling systems operation and the sensitivity of the receivingenvironment. Also, a translation of specific national regulation would fall short of the generalapplicability within the framework of a horizontal “approach”.

Thus, substitution of substances by others, which have lower potential for impact on theenvironment, is one of the options to reduce the environmental impact of cooling waterdischarges. Permitting authorities in the Netherlands have been using the instrument ofsubstitution for more than 20 years in permitting procedures. The basis of this instrument is aprocedure of approval in permits. By means of a more or less administrative procedure permitholders have to submit a request for the use and change of cooling water additives. Permittingauthorities use a widely approved procedure for this assessment. It is expected that in the nearfuture chemical suppliers and industry will move to a system of self-regulation. The revision ofthe system is part of the adoption of a general evaluation methodology to identify the waterpollution effects of substances and preparations. This evaluation methodology is based on theEuropean legislation on classification, packaging and labelling (67/548/EEC, 99/45/EC).

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In general terms the assessment of cooling water additives takes place in three steps [Benschop(1998)]. The first step is an assessment of the intrinsic properties of substances. Substances areevaluated on the basis of their ecotoxicological characteristics (carcinogenicity, acute aquatictoxicity, biodegradation, Log Pow and bioconcentration factor). In order to be able to evaluatethe substances and preparations, it is necessary to know the substance or the precisecomposition of a preparation. International industrial programmes (Responsible care, ICCA),European legislation (Biocidal Products Directive) and the development of chemicalsmanagement on the EU-level contribute to those data on properties of substances becomingmore and more available.

The first step results in an indication of the hazard potential of the additive. The evaluation andselection through the assessment of the hazardousness applies a hazard identification test tosubstances and to their preparations. It is a test which has been developed in the Netherlands([tm070, Benschop, 1997] and [tm071, Niebeek, 1997]) and is particularly based on theDangerous Substance Directive (67/548/EEC) and the Directive Hazardous Preparations(88/379/EEC). The test focuses on the ecotoxicological characteristics of a substance. Thisinvolves mutagenicity, carcinogenicity, acute toxicity and biodegradibility, log Pow and thebioconcentration factor. However, this needs data that are not always readily available, partlyfor reasons of confidentiality and partly because data have not been collected yet.

To evaluate or benchmark additives with alternatives, which have lower impact on the receivingenvironment, can assist in the assessment and selection. In Annex VIII.1 an example is given ofhow at site level a benchmark method could be applied to get a first indication of the potentialfor impact of the proposed alternative additives. This benchmark is designed for an open wetrecirculating cooling system (open cooling tower). It aims to calculate a “standard” PEC for apreliminary evaluation of PEC in the river. It is a simplified model assuming that there is nodilution of the additive in the river, thus overestimating the concentration of the substance in thereceiving waterway. Also, PEC is assumed to be independent of the size of the plant and theoperating conditions as the model takes into account the feed rate of the chemical(s). Theavailability of environmental quality standards (EQS) of the chemicals as provided by the WaterFramework Directive is important.

The second step involves optimisation steps to reduce the use of the selected additives by allsorts of operational steps (see next Section 3.4.6). In the third step the residual discharge is thenevaluated in comparison with the applicable water quality objectives or environmental qualitystandards (EQS). If these objectives are not reached, further measures may be indicated. Whenalternative additives are available the need to take measures can be avoided by substitution ofhazardous additives by less hazardous alternatives.

The added value of this procedure of assessment of additives related to the regulation onchemicals based on the above-mentioned EU directives is:1. the ability to identify additives with the lowest environmental impact and2. the ability to determine whether local water quality objectives are met.

If this assessment method (which is generally applicable for substances and compounds) isapplied to biocides, the first step automatically results in the need to take further measures. Inpractice, this means conducting a study for an optimisation programme for the use and dosageof the biocide. The second step, which more or less runs parallel with the study for optimisation,involves the evaluation of predicted effects on the local aquatic ecosystem.

With this evaluation three criteria are being checked and, if all three criteria are met, furtherreduction measures including effluent treatment and/or substitution of the additive should beapplied. In the Netherlands the predicted concentration of a biocide is checked against theMaximum Admissible Risk Level (MARL).

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Further measures should then be applied if:1. the concentration of biocide in the effluent is higher than the MARL, and if;2. the added concentration of biocide in surface water on a certain distance from the discharges

exceeds more than X % of the MARL, and if;3. the total concentration of biocide in surface water at a certain distance from the discharge

exceeds the MARL.The assessment procedure described is illustrated in more detail in Appendix VIII.2.

3.4.6 Optimising the use of cooling water additives

Optimising the use of cooling water additives also means selecting the appropriate dosageregime and monitoring the effects of the water treatment programme both on the emissions tothe surface water and on the performance of the cooling system in terms of heat transfer andsafety. It is obvious that both techniques are linked and that monitoring is a prerequisite for theappropriate dosage regime.

The selection of a dosage regime should aim to achieve the required concentration at the righttime, without a reduction of the performance of the cooling system. Underdosage can causecorrosion or scaling and a reduced performance of the cooling system which also leads toindirect environmental effects, and an overdose of chemicals can result in fouling of heatexchange surfaces, higher emission levels and higher treatment costs. Graphically this can berepresented as in Figure 3.4. In the improperly designed system no account is taken of therequired minimum concentration of a biocide to keep the system protected against fouling, sosome fouling may occur. At the same time overdosing leads up to such concentration levels thatmore than the maximum required concentration is available. At that moment excess additivewill be discharged into the environment.





n upper spec limit

lower spec limit


Figure 3.4: Additive concentration pattern resulting of improperly designed monitoring and dosageregime

Targeted dosage (Figure 3.5) based on analysis of the cooling water quality aims at maintainingthe minimum required concentration level to give constant protection. Excessive concentrationlevels are avoided and thus discharge into the environment is reduced, which will also reducecosts to purchase the treatment. For this, properly designed dosage regimes will reduce theamount of additive needed and can be considered as a cost-effective measure.

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n upper spec limit

lower spec limit


Figure 3.5: Additive concentration pattern resulting of properly designed monitoring and dosageregime Dosage of cooling water additives Dosage regimes([tm010, Betz, 1991], [tm005, Van Donk and Jenner, 1996] , [tm157, Jenner et al, 1998])

Dosage of cooling water chemicals is done in the following ways (see also Annexes V and XI):• continuous

� end of season� periodic during settlement� low level during settlement

• intermittent (also called shot, batch)• semi-continuous or pulse-alternating• massive or shock dosage, where a large amount of chemical is added to the cooling water at


Continuous dosage is practised in cooling systems where a certain level of additive has to bemaintained constantly. The better systems feed according to the volume being treated and thechemical demand requirements. It is still applied in once-through systems predominantly againstmacrofouling and corrosion. However, experiences show that reduced use through changeddosage practice can be just as effective.

With intermittent dosage the chemical is fed by an on/off control on a chemical feed pump or bydischarge from a calibrated vessel or measuring chamber. Batch dosage is applied in coolingsystems, bio-oxidation basins, and other places where the system volume to blowdown ratio islarge. In these systems the amount of chemical replenishes lost or consumed material. It is alsoused in applications that only require periodic dosage. For instance, antimicrobials for coolingwater systems are usually fed in a discontinuous way. Batch dosage can both be applied inrecirculating systems and once-through systems. It cannot be used in single once-throughsystems where a uniform concentration of chemical is needed.

Dosage can also be targeted on specific areas in the cooling system such as at the entrance toheat exchangers. An important practice is time-targeted dosage matched with seasonalcharacteristics of macrobiological growth. Dosage will also depend on the type of coolingsystem. In recirculating systems the way the system is operated will affect the timing andamount of dosage. In once-through system, the point and time of dosage is important to obtainthe highest effect, as contact time between chemical and cooling water is short.

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In small systems dosage is done manually, but in larger systems there is usually an automaticdevice linked to a monitoring system. As mentioned before, there is a tendency towardsoutsourcing the cooling water treatment to specialist companies. For large and complexinstallations with several cooling systems, specialised staff from suppliers are permanently on-site to operate these systems. With smaller systems, daily control is often done by site staff andsupported by regular control by the supplier.

With optimisation of dosage reduction of biocide use can be achieved. The way in whichbiocides are being dosed depends on the working and persistence of the biocide, the type andseasonal pattern of fouling (macro/micro), the state of fouling of the cooling system, the systemwater temperature and the nutrient status of the cooling water. Biocides are dosed in gaseous,liquid or solid forms.

Dosage can be continuous or shock. In some of the literature it is advocated that continuousdosage should take place in once-through systems to extend the contact time of antimicrobialswhen dosage low levels. For recirculating systems continuous dosage is also possible, butintermittent dosage is more common. The purpose of intermittent treatment in these systems isto generate a high concentration of antimicrobial, which will penetrate and disrupt the biofilmand eventually dissipate. Compared to continuous treatment intermittent treatment can lead tolower average annual concentrations in the effluent and can also be more cost effective, wherelower total amounts are needed. However, this has also been argued as observations were madethat continuous dosage could give a reduction of 40% of FO compared to shock dosage. Moreresearch on this will be needed as in general from an operators’ point of view continuous dosageis easier to operate than shock or intermittent dosage. This will need a monitoring system todecide on the appropriate moment to apply the treatment. The optimisation of the dosing regimemust take place with achieving a low incidence of failure at the same time.

In recirculating systems use of products composed of synergistic active blends can result inreduced treatment concentrations in the blowdown water, as well as cost savings. Biocides withdifferent spectrums can be dosed in combination as to broaden the spectrum of control. With noincrease in the amount of antimicrobial used, the power of a blend can exceed the effectexpected from a single additive effect. This greatly enhanced performance or synergism isobtained from only certain combinations of additives. The feeding does not necessarily be donesimultaneously, but can be done alternating with similar results. Another effect is that resistanceis less likely to occur in the case of more than one microbial being applied against which it isunlikely that the microbes will have developed resistance to both (or all) at the same time.Interactions between different substances will have to be considered to avoid reduction of theworking of any of the biocides dosed and to avoid hazardous reaction products develop in thecooling water discharge.

The objective of biocidal treatment can be different. Depending on the target organisms and theextent to which biofouling has progressed, treatments are either preventive or curative. Abiocide that has been researched intensively is sodium hypochlorite. Dosage of hypochloriteinto a once-through system shows that the cooling system will function as a tube reactor, withmany complex reactions taking place between hypochlorite and organic matter. As a result ofsuch reactions, and for a typical location, using estuarine or coastal cooling water, ahypochlorite dose at the intake, ranging from 1.5 - 3 mg Cl2/l, will result in a dose of 0.25 – 0.35mg/1 of TRO at the outlet of the heat exchanger. This refers to approximately 4 - 8 minutes ofreaction time. To reduce the dosage of hypochlorite considerably, pulse-chlorination has beenapplied (Annex XI. and X. Dosage systems([tm010, Betz, 1991])

There are several dosage systems on the market. For the choice of dosage system one shoulddistinguish between liquid and dry chemicals. For liquid chemicals, pumps are used such as

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metering pumps, packed plunger pumps (high pressure) and diaphragm pumps. For drychemicals dosage systems are applied such as volumetric feeders (to dispense powderedmaterial), gravimetric feeders (proportioning chemicals by weight) and dissolving feeders(dosage into mixing tank). Whether and how the different dosage systems applied actuallyreduce the consumption of additives has not been reported. It is beyond doubt that propermaintenance of the system and calibration will improve the dosage accuracy. The quantity,location and timing of dosage can only be controlled in an accurate way by properly monitoringthe water cooling system. Monitoring of cooling water

Monitoring of the need for chemicals for treatment of cooling water is essential to reduceadditive use and emissions into the environment, generally the surface water. It can be seen as acost-effective method, where treatment of discharge water, if possible at all, is generally moreexpensive.

Distinction can be made between the monitoring of the application of biocides and monitoringof other water treatment chemicals (scale inhibitors, corrosion inhibitors and dispersants),because in the case of macrofouling an important additional factor is the monitoring of thebehaviour of the biology appearing in the cooling system. Monitoring of scale inhibitors, corrosion inhibitors and dispersants([tm067, Hoots et al, 1993])

The application of inhibitor chemicals and the optimisation of their use is a very complex matterand specific for each situation. In every case it will be a balance between a number of factors:• the quality of the cooling water and the options for pre-treatment (softening, filtration),

which in its turn depend on the required flow;• the need for reducing water requirements by increasing the number of cycles against the

increase of scaling problems due to the increased concentration;• the cooling water temperature against the solubility of salts;• the interaction between additives.

Several methods are applied for controlling the dosage of cooling water inhibitor products inrecirculating cooling systems. In an overview [tm067, Hoots et al, 1993]. The following generaltechniques were distinguished as being applied in cooling systems:• manual testing and adjusting• bleed and feed (blowdown-activated feed)• water meter controlled cycles• sidestream chemical analyser (microprocessor based)• fluorescence.

Each method obviously has its advantages and disadvantages. The principle of the optimisedpattern shown in Figure 3.5 may not be reached. The various monitoring techniques differ intheir potential to dose the proper amount. A variation in the dosage which is not linked tofluctuations in the cooling system demand should however be avoided as much as possible. Itmay lead to an under dose or overdose of chemicals.

Variation in dosage can occur for a number of reasons:• operator may be insufficiently involved• equipment has low reliability• indirect measurement of chemical level• measurement of wrong variable• time lag between the analysis and the adjustment is too large

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• repeatability of the method of analysis may be low• variations in cooling load and makeup water quality are not followed accurately.

From experience it is obvious that the most accurate monitoring and dosage systems directlymeasure the concentrations of chemicals in the cooling water and have a reduced time betweenanalysis and the adjustment of the dosage. Monitoring systems should be able to follow thechanges in cooling load and the variation in makeup water quality (Annex XI). Monitoring of biofouling([tm005, Van Donk and Jenner, 1996] and ([tm087, Engstrom and Tully, 1994])

The monitoring of biofouling is based on the monitoring of microbiological activity in thecooling system as well as the actual microbiocide treatment levels. The key to measuring theeffectiveness of any biocide program is the ability to measure quickly and accurately themicrobiological activity in the cooling system.

To obtain a good dosage regime the following strategy for once-through systems has beensuggested:• make a problem analysis on the organism(s) to target• characterise seasonal differences in occurrence (e.g. breeding period of mussels)• take into account water temperature and water quality (fresh/salt)• select a dosage programme (e.g. locally per section: continuously or intermittently)• decide on the dosage units that will reduce consumption especially if linked to a monitoring

system• decide on the monitoring programme (mussel detection tank (breeding period

determination) or mussel/oyster monitor (concentration detection)

A similar strategy could apply to open recirculating wet systems. However, the dosageprogramme for additives used in cooling towers also covers inhibitor chemicals, which furtherincreases the complexity of a treatment. An additional factor is the effect of operation with anincreaded number of cycles of concentration, which saves water on the one hand, but increasesthe possibility of scaling and corrosion and the need for specific additives on the other hand. Inthis situation less corrosion-sensitive materials may be the obvious choice in the design phase ofnew installations. They could reduce the need for inhibitors (see, enabling operationwithout adding complex agents, which at the same time saves on costs.

For both new and existing cooling systems it is important to establish the cause of biofouling(e.g. leakage) and to characterise the organisms first before deciding any further on the requiredbiocide.

For once-through systems, macrofouling is of major importance. A prerequisite for biocidetreatment is monitoring of macrofouling. This is essential to establish the minimum requiredbiocide dose and for biocide optimisation, as it will give information on the settlement andgrowth of macrofouling organisms and on the performance of the biofouling control program.

An even more targeted dosage regime is the pulse alternating chlorination which takes accountof the variation in residence times in different parts of the process. At different times and atdifferent points the required levels of chlorine are dosed following the flow patters of thecooling water stream in the different process stages. At the end of the process and beforedischarge of the cooling water, stream dilution occurs by the mixing of the different processstreams. Where only one of the streams is chlorinated and the other is not, the TRO can befurther reduced and emission levels of < 0.1 mg/l are achievable (see Annex XI).

For open recirculating systems microfouling is much more important than macrofouling. As theamount of water used for makeup generally is much smaller, both pre-treatment of the water and

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side-stream filtration of part of the circulating water can prevent the entrainment of micro-organisms. In the case of shock dosage of biocides, recirculating systems have the advantagethat the system can be closed temporarily, enabling the biocide to perform and thus lowering theconcentration before blowdown. Also, for recirculating systems, monitoring of the biofoulingcontrol program is a prerequisite for optimizing the use of biocides.

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3.5 Cooling air use and air emissions

3.5.1 Air requirements

The use of air as a resource has no direct environmental implications and is not regarded as areal consumption. Air is used in all but the once-through cooling systems. In mechanical coolingtowers the air requirement is related to the energy required for fan operation.

Table 3.9: Average required airflow for the different cooling systems[tm134, Eurovent, 1998]

Cooling system Airflow (%)

once-through flow 0open wet cooling tower 25open wet/dry (hybrid) cooling 38closed circuit cooling tower 38closed circuit wet/dry cooling 60closed circuit dry air cooling 100

The higher the required amount of air the higher the fan capacity and consequently the level ofenergy consumption and noise emission. In Table 3.9 the airflow requirements are compared forthe various cooling systems. The airflow is strongly correlated with the ratio between sensibleand latent heat transfer (Annex I). Dry cooling needs more air than wet cooling.In some specific areas (e.g. densely industrialised sites) the air quality could be an issue and byits composition could lead to corrosion of the (finned) tubes or coils or to fouling of the surface,in both ways adversely affecting efficient heat exchange. Precleaning of cooling air seemsunrealistic and no information on this has been reported. Consequently, cleaning of the surfaceof the heat exchanger and/or treatment of cooling water might be necessary depending on thechemistry of the air.On the other hand, open wet cooling towers sometimes act as air cleaners, washing severalpollutants out of the air. This can affect the cooling water treatment and potentially theoperation of the cooling system, but no data have been reported.

3.5.2 Direct and indirect emissions

Emissions into air due to the operation of industrial cooling systems can be direct or indirect.Indirect emissions occur on the level of the production process due to inefficient cooling. Theyare due to the fact that inefficient cooling requires a higher input of resources (such as energy)to compensate for product or performance losses.

The importance of direct air emissions from wet cooling towers is particularly relevant in thedirect vicinity of urban settlements. In comparison with the air emissions of the industrialprocess to be cooled, they are considered to be relatively small. Problems that may occur duringoperation are:1. droplets may contain some water treatment chemicals;2. bacteriae (Legionnaire´s disease) may develop in case of improper biocide treatment and

cooling tower maintenance (3.7.3).

Open and closed recirculating wet and wet/dry cooling towers may show some emissions due todrift and volatilisation, which account for some loss of water treatment chemicals and in

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particular of biocides. It is known that volatilisation, also called flash-off, of chemicals increaseswith temperature, but the mechanism that leads to emissions is complex, with many factorsinvolved. Therefore, quantification is difficult and no emission data have been reported.

Drift eliminators are considered to be an important reduction measure. All wet cooling towersnowadays are equipped with drift eliminators, but still a small percentage of the circulated waterstream may be exhausted as water droplets. These droplets containing dissolved particulate andchemical additives fall out of the exhaust airstream downwind of the cooling tower and cancause staining or scale deposits on building surfaces [tm046, Vanderheyden and Schuyler,1994]. Some specific cases are known in which chromium emissions are reported, but mostMember States have prohibited chromium use for environment and health reasons; it is alsoreported to give technical problems.

The quality and quantity of direct air emissions from cooling towers will be specific in eachsituation depending on the additives used for cooling water treatment, their concentration in thecirculating water and the effectiveness of the drift eliminators. The standard droplet separatorscurrently used in wet cooling towers make it possible to limit the loss of water by drift to 0.01%or even less of the total flow rate. An attempt was made to assess cooling tower emissions usinga simplified model [tm046, Vanderheyden and Schuyler, 1994]. From the data obtained it wasconcluded that emission concentrations are low (µg/m3), but not to be neglected, and that designand positioning of the cooling tower outlet are important to avoid inlets of air conditioningsystems or other cooling installations.

Currently no standardised method exists to calculate drift losses (and environmentalcontamination) for given cooling tower configurations. Two test methods exist to verify driftlosses of given configurations (not published):- the isokinetic method (IK-method)- sensitised surface drift measurement (SS-method)

Both methods have their advantages and disadvantages. Advantages of the IK-method are:1. High collection efficiency on all droplet sizes,2. Analysis of specific elements possible,3. Provides integrated sample over exit area,

The disadvantages of the IK-method are:1. Airborne elements may bias results2. Long sample times required for high efficiency drift eliminators or low mineral

concentrations.A test code exists describing how to conduct the IK-test (CTI-140).

The SS-method has the following advantages:1. Provides droplet size characteristics above 30 µm,2. Not affected by airborne elements,3. Provides relative indication of drift eliminators effectiveness,

Disadvantages of the SS method are:1. Poor collection efficiency on small droplets less than 30 µm,2. Cannot distinguish between condensation and drift,3. No droplet analysis for specific constituents.

Incidental emissions of asbestos particles have been reported during decommissioning of oldcooling towers in which asbestos-cement has been used, requiring specialised measures tocontain them. A report on the reduction of the emission of asbestos particles duringdecommissioning focused on protecting against direct inhalation [tm082, Mittendorf, 1990]. Asthe use of asbestos and similar materials has been banned in the EU no asbestos is used in new

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or recently built cooling towers. Asbestos can still occur in cooling towers of about 20 years andolder.

Air emission abatement on cooling towers has not been reported and does not seem applicable.In the light of the origin of the potential contamination and the way it is transported, thefollowing conclusions have been drawn:- Reduction of air emissions from cooling towers is positively correlated with the integrated

measures for reducing water intake, in particular application of drift eliminators,- Reduction of air emissions is positively correlated with the reduction of the need for cooling

water treatment, and- Reduction of air emissions from cooling towers is positively correlated with the

optimisation of cooling water treatment (optimisation of system operation).

3.5.3 Cooling tower plumes Plume formation

Plume formation can be important in open and closed wet cooling towers when air with a highmoisture content leaves the cooling tower, mixes with the atmosphere and begins to cool down.During this process some of the excess water vapour that has been absorbed is condensed outagain. Although this is almost 100% water vapour, the horizon marring effect can beconsiderable in case of large towers (power industry, chemical industry). The shape and theextent of the visible plume are influenced by the temperature and the relative humidity of theatmosphere, and also by the wind. The colder and the more humid the atmosphere, the morestable and the more persistent the plume will be. It can therefore be considered to be a potentialproblem of the more temperate or colder regions in Europe and mainly in wintertime. Extremeplume formation from large installations (power plants) can also result in fog at ground level inthe case of lower towers (40-50 mtr.). It is also reported that, during extreme weatherconditions, can be formed on roads ice as a result of large plume formation followed byprecipitation. Plume abatement[tm101, BDAG, 1996], [tm123, Alt and Mäule, 1987]

Plume abatement is a technological integrated measure changing the configuration of thecooling system. Plume formation can be prevented, drying the wet exhaust air before it isdischarged, by mixing it with some warm dry air. Open hybrid (or wet/dry) cooling towers andclosed wet/dry cooling towers (or recoolers) are designed in particular to prevent plumeformation. (See Section 2.6)

Depending on the climatic conditions and the requirements of the process, the tower can beoperated dry. For northern European climatic conditions it is maintained that it only needs 20%of the total heat load to be transferred in the dry section for the cooling tower to operate withouta visible plume, under virtually all weather conditions. In certain conditions, such as at very lowambient temperature and a low thermal load, the tower can also be operated in entirely drymode. Regulations sometimes distinguish between day and night operation and allow wetcooling (with a plume) during the night, whereas in daytime the tower must be operated inhybrid mode, preventing plume formation. (See also Chapter 2).

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3.6 Noise emissions

3.6.1 Sources of noise and noise levels

Noise emissions are important at a local level. Noise emissions from an industrial complexresult from a range of noise-producing sources and in the practice of permit writing coolingsystem noise is considered as an integral part of the whole site. Consequently, noise fromcooling systems and the investment on potential attenuation measures should be evaluatedwithin the total noise emissions of a site. Noise emissions are generally an issue of bothmechanical draught cooling towers and large natural draught wet cooling towers. Forinformation on characteristics and calculations of noise emissions of sound sources in coolingtowers, reference can be made to the VDI-Directive 3734 and to standards developed in theGerman VGB-guidelines for cooling systems of power plants [tm158, VGB, 1998].

Three main sources of noise caused by these cooling systems can be identified:• fan assemblies (fan, gears, drive) - all mechanical cooling towers;• pumps - all systems with cooling water• droplets falling on the cooling water basin/ cascading watermasses - only wet cooling


Radiation can be directly or indirectly. The sound is directly radiated through:• points of air intake• points of air dischargeThe sound is indirectly radiated through:• fan motors• fan discharge cowls and cooling tower cladding (with concrete constructions there is no

significant contribution)

Noise from dry air-cooled towers is predominantly influenced by the mechanical equipmentapplied and the way it is operated. In cases where attenuation has resulted in a very low soundpower level of the equipment, noise from heat exchangers or condenser pipes and conduits maybecome predominant.

In wet cooling towers, noise is a result of the falling water droplets only (natural draught) or ofboth the falling droplets and the mechanical equipment. Generally the unattenuated noise of fansis dominant compared to the noise of water droplets. This is reported to be irrespective of thesize of the wet cooling tower. When air-related noise is reduced by attenuation measures, water-related noise may become dominant and water noise attenuation may be considered.

For medium to large cooling towers operated in power stations and large industrial plants thefollowing was reported. For natural draught cooling towers, water flow and tower height are themost important factors affecting unattenuated noise emission levels. Falling height of thedroplets is important up to 5 m., but with larger falling heights no further influence on the totalnoise was reported. The sound power level at the inlet can be calculated according to theequation:

Lw (dB(A)) = 68 + 10 * (log M/M0) ±2 M0 = 1 tonne/hr

The sound power level at the air outlet of natural draft cooling towers can be approximatelycalculated with the following equation:

Lw (dB(A)) = 71 + 10 * (log M/M0) - 0.15 * (H/H0) ±5M0 = 1 tonne/hr (M = weight rate of water flow)H0 = 1 m (H = height of the cooling tower)

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For fan operated wet cooling towers the spectrum of water noise at the inlet is not muchdifferent. For cooling towers with induced draught (fan in top of tower) the contribution of thewater noise in the air outlet (diffuser) to the total sound power level can be calculatedapproximately using the following equation:

Lw (dB(A)) = 72 + 10 * (log M/M0) ±3 M0 = 1 tonne/hr

The most relevant factor in mechanical cooling towers is the mechanical equipment used (fans,gears, etc). Fan tip speed (25-60 m/s) is a major influence on the total noise level. The type offans used (centrifugal or axial) as well as the number and type of blades are also of importance.It was reported that use of gearboxes can have negative influence on the sound level (at thesame water flow and fan tip speed), if the fan speed is reduced (e.g. nighttime operation), whenthey become more dominant.

The sound power level of a fan can be calculated approximately using the equation:

Lw (dB(A)) = 16 + 10 * (log V/V0) + 20 * (∆p/∆p0) ±5(V0 = 1 m3 of air/h; ∆p0 = 1 hPa)

This general equation can be used for both forced and induced draught fans. In forced draughttowers the contribution of the fans to the sound power level at the air outlet of medium to largecooling towers will generally be less than the contribution of a fan of an induced draught towerwith the fans at the top. This difference can be up to 5 dB(A).

The following equation was used showing how the sound power level of axial fans is related tothe tip speed of the fan:

Lw (dB(A)) = C + 30 log Utip + 10 log (Q*P) – 5 log Dfan(C = fan characteristic shape value, Utip = fan tip speed, Q = fan flow, P = fan pressuredrop, Dfan = fan diameter)

Noise emissions also depend on the construction of the cooling tower. Noise from concretetowers is entirely emitted through the air inlet and air outlet. For cooling towers made ofdifferent lighter material, emission from the shell will have to be taken into account.Furthermore, counter-flow or cross-flow design also affects the sound emission of wet coolingtowers, where counter-flow is reported to have more splash noise than cross-flow designs.

Noise emissions can be characterised by the different frequencies they consist of and distinctioncan be made between natural wet draught cooling towers and mechanical cooling towers.Falling water in natural draught towers shows a broad frequency band, whereas the noise of fansof mechanical cooling towers predominantly consists of low frequencies. This, amongst otherfactors, can explain why water noise typically prevails in near-field conditions around theinstallation, while the noise of the fans will become progressively predominant with increasingdistance from a fan operated cooling tower.

The sound power levels of different cooling towers show a large variation and each singlesource will contribute to the total emission. This is illustrated by examples in Table 3.11 forpower stations [tm158, VGB, 1998] and in Table 3.10 showing values for the different coolingsystems used in a refinery [tm001, Bloemkolk, 1997].

Noise levels of the falling water in wet cooling towers depend on the drop height of the water.Lower drop height in induced draught wet cooling towers results in about 1 dB(A) lower soundpower level at the air inlet and of a so called cell type cooling tower with induced draught,3 dB(A) lower.

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Table 3.10: Examples of capacity and associated unattenuated sound power levels of coolingsystems equipment of a large refinery[tm001, Bloemkolk, 1997]

Equipment Capacity1 Lw in dB(A)Compressors 490/ 2000 kW 108/ 119Pumps 25/ 100/ 1300 kW 94/ 98/ 108Steam turbines 1000/ 2000 kW 106/ 108Air-coolers 7 /20 / 60 kW 89/ 93/ 98Air-cooler/condenser 170 kW 102Air-cooler/condenser 2.7 MWth 97Air-cooler 14.7 MWth/ 18.8 kWe 105Air-cooler 1.5 MWth/ 7.5 kWe 90Cooling towers 300 MWth 106Cooling tower 2000 m3/hour 105Notes:1. reference to the capacity of the rotating part, motor, etc., i.e. not cooling capacity.

Table 3.11: Comparison of unattenuated sound power levels at air inlet and air outlet measured atvarious types of wet cooling towers of conventional construction[tm158, VGB, 1998]

Wet cooling towerconstruction At air inlet in dB(A) At air outlet (diffusor opening)

in dB(A)

Natural draught 84 ± 3 69 ± 3

Open wet cooling tower 86 ± 3 80 ± 3

Open wet cooling tower(cell type, forced draught) 88 ± 3 85 ± 3

Open wet cooling tower(cell type, induced draught) 85 ± 3 88 ± 3

For comparison of total sound power levels of various types of cooling systems Table 3.12documents total noise levels for different types of cooling systems without noise attenuation.From the above given variation in levels it can be understood that the ranges are wide dependingon the applied design and equipment.

Table 3.12: Noise emissions of different cooling systems without noise attenuation[tm134, Eurovent, 1998]

Cooling system Noise emissiondB(A)

once-through flowcooling tower-natural draught 90-100cooling tower-mechanical draught 80-120closed circuit cooling tower 80-120hybrid cooling 80-120dry air cooling 90-130

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3.6.2 Noise abatement

([tm158, VGB, 1998], [tm061, Eurovent/Cecomaf, 1997], [tm086, Van der Spek, 1993],[tm093, Mirsky, 1995])

Noise abatement should primarily be focused on so called primary measures or “internal”measures before considering any secondary or “external” measure such as baffles or bigbarriers. Different guidelines on noise abatement of cooling towers distinguish between noisegenerated by cascading water and noise of mechanical equipment. In general, natural draughtcooling towers are less noisy (unattenuated), but for mechanical draught cooling towers soundattenuation is more efficient. Obviously, proper maintenance of the noise generating equipmentover time can keep the emission down as well. In most cases only mechanical draught coolingtowers can meet the noise requirements because only the mechanical draught can economicallyovercome the additional airside pressure drop. The selection of less noisy radial fans oftenimplies higher energy consumption and results in higher operating costs than axial fans.

The general “approach” is to apply the primary measures first to optimise noise emission. Iffurther noise reduction is needed additional attenuation can be considered. Noise attenuationshould be done bearing in mind the effects of abatement measures, such as pressure drop (moreenergy required) and other sources becoming more dominant. The contribution of individualequipment to the sound emission level must be seen as part of the whole noise pattern. Thismeans that nearby buildings, dispersal and reverberation, amongst many other factors, must betaken into account as well. To lower the emissions from the different potential noise sources incooling systems the above given equations clearly show on what issue the reduction measuresshould focus, such as drop height and fan tip speed. Noise control of cascading water (wet cooling towers)

In natural draught cooling towers the sound attenuation focuses on the air inlet, because the airoutlet contributes insignificantly to the total noise level, at least being 5 dB lower. Soundgenerated in the basin by falling water is already reduced to some extent by radiation in thetower, the tower fill and the plume (10-15 dB). Further attenuation can reduce the emissionfrom the air inlet by a further 5-8 dB. The following measures are suggested and could beapplied to medium to large mechanical cooling towers as well. Primary measures

The following techniques have been identified as primary measures:• Lowering the water surface by faster draining of the basin would use the basin walls as

sound barriers.• Reducing the drop height of the water is possible by minimising the sectional area of the air

inlet, which is limited.• Avoiding the impact of droplets in the basin is possible by devices catching the drops and

draining them into the basin (impact deflectors) Effect: 7 dB maximum.• Water collection troughs underneath the fill also have a deflecting effect: 10 dB maximum.

Disadvantage of the deflection methods is the susceptibility to fouling of the surfaces of thecatching devices, which can potentially contaminate the water. Secondary measures

Secondary measures that have been applied are:• Sound attenuators with baffles at the air intake: 20 dB maximum reduction. Disadvantage

could be the air pressure drop, which can be about up to 10 Pa. Pressure loss can require20% of the installed fan capacity.

• Earth barriers around the tower base: an attenuation effect of 10 dB.

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• Sound walls (or screens) with sound absorbing layers yield a sound attenuation of 20 dB.With these constructions effectiveness depends on construction and distance to the towerbase. Dry-cooling towers

Noise from dry cooling towers is predominantly caused by fans, but for medium to large dry-cooling towers, the noise of water can become dominating when it flows through the heatexchangers at higher velocities. In the case of condensers, the sound may become distinct whenlow noise equipment is being used, and the flow noise of condenser tubes may reach the samemagnitude as the fan noise. In those cases further sound attenuation may become important andisolation of connecting pipelines must be considered. Noise control of mechanical equipment (mechanical draught coolingtowers)

For the noise control of cascading water in medium to large mechanical draught cooling towersthe same primary measures as were mentioned for natural draught towers can be referred to.Additionally applied are:• grids or woven structures of fine meshes, drifting on the water surface to reduce the splash

noise of falling droplets. No quantification of the reducing effect has been reported.

Noise attenuation of mechanical equipment refers mainly to reduction of fan-related noise inboth wet and dry cooling towers. Applied measures are primary (equipment) or secondary(absorption). The various sound attenuation measures achieve noise abatement levels of about20 dB(A) and up to 30 dB(A). For these high noise abatement levels it is necessary to combinemore quiet equipment with additional sound attenuation, such as acoustic baffles or noiseattenuators. Such equipment for passive sound attenuation will increase the investment costs,but operating costs remain reasonable. Primary measures

The following primary measures have been reported:• Fan measures:

- low power fans (couple of dB(A) reduction);- larger air cooler fan can make a difference of 2-6 dB (A); number of blades, 6-8 instead

of 4, makes a difference as well (also lowering the energy requirement);- use of low noise fans with wider blades and lower tip speeds (< 40 m/s) for the same

airflow and air pressure;• Low noise gear drives (small transmission ratios or multi-pole drive motors), helicoidal

gears instead of right angle gears, belt drives and, if possible, direct drives.• Belt drive by V belt, flat belt or low noise moulded notch belts. If possible, belts should

encapsulated;• Low noise fan motors;• Centrifugal instead of axial fans;• Largest possible distance between fan blades and support construction;• Use of flexible support of gears and fan motors;• Aerodynamic design of the air passages.

Further reduction can be achieved by the way the equipment is operated. The number ofrevolutions per minute can achieve further reduction of fan noise. In a period of lower demand(nighttime) fans could be operated at a lower rotation speed and a 50% reduction of speed canresult in a noise reduction of about 6-10 dB(A).

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Industrial Cooling Systems 109 Secondary measures

Secondary measures for mechanical draught cooling towers at air intake and discharge arebeneficial. Compared to the advantage of a sound reduction with 10 to 25 dB(A) a higherpressure drop of 20 to 70 Pa must be accepted, which must be overcome by extra energy inputor larger (noisier) fans.

Examples are:• The muffling of airflow and housing can contribute with a reduction of 5 dB(A).• Sound absorbent construction crosses, which are built in the air outlet (diffuser) of smaller

fan cooling towers, reduce the sound emission and also give a better flow line pattern andby this a better draft.

• Droplet separators in wet cooling towers can be covered• In addition mounds or walls (buildings or sound barriers) around the air intake opening have

proven to be successful. The sound reduction by shielding can be up to 20 dB(A) in thevicinity of the cooling tower. Costs of noise reduction

Costs of noise attenuation measures will vary considerably depending on the type of measureand whether it is part of the design of a new cooling installation or of a measure taken duringretrofitting an installation. For a new installation of a hybrid tower, total costs of the noiseattenuation measures (fan, baffles) accounted for about 20% of the total investment.

An example was reported with respect to costs showing how costs can increase with increasingreduction of noise. For an axial fan different designs (value C and tip speed) could be appliedwithout reducing pressure drop and flow/fan efficiency. In case of very low and super low noisefans, additional measures to the drive are required at extra cost.

Table 3.13: Example of cost increase with different fan design for reduced sound power levelDerived from [tm086, Van der Spek, 1993]

Fan design Sound power level(dB(A)) Price-index

Classic 100 1Low noise 95 1.5Very low noise 90 3Super low noise 85 4

The data in Table 3.13 just show cost differences for different fan designs, but costs for drivetransmissions, sound attenuation and cooling tower construction should also be taken intoaccount. The cost of primary measures such as super low noise fans may deliver at the sametime distinctly lower operating costs due to lower power requirements. It can therefore not beunambiguously concluded that the sound reduction level would not be cost-effective.

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3.7 Risk aspects associated with industrial cooling systems

3.7.1 Risk of leakage[tm001, Bloemkolk, 1997] Occurrence and consequences

Leakage can occur both in water and air cooling systems, but generally leakage is a concern ofwater cooled systems. In particular in once-through systems contamination will enter the aquaticenvironment immediately via the cooling water. In open and closed circuit wet and wet/drysystems this will not happen immediately, but leakage will contaminate the coolant and thechemistry of the coolant will be disturbed with consequences for the heat exchanging process.This effect of leakage on the working of oxidising and non-oxidising biocides has been clearlyillustrated [tm090, Grab et al, 1994]. Finally, leaked process substances will be discharged withthe blowdown.In direct air cooling systems leakage may lead to contamination of the cooling air, but generallyleakage is not considered to be an environmental problem of dry air-cooling. This leaves theresponsibility of the operator unchanged to try and prevent leakage from dry cooling systems.Cooling systems using refrigerants are not within the scope of this document.

Heat exchangers are subject to corrosion, erosion and other forms of wear. Factors such aschoice of material, fluid speeds, wall temperature and pressure levels influence this. As a resultof this, leakage of process fluids and contamination of the coolant or contamination/disturbanceof the process can occur. The type of cooler can also be a potential influence on the risk ofleakage. In practice, an operation that is different from the one intended by design causesvibrations, and ultimately, leakage. Leakage becomes a relevant problem when the flow to becooled contains components that are harmful to the environment. Leakage from condensers atpower stations or condensers of evaporating plants are not considered to be a problem from awater quality viewpoint, but rather from a process-technical point of view. At power stations,leakage means a loss of vacuum in the condenser, which will lead to a loss of efficiency of thepower generating process. With cooling in furnaces (steam generation) leakage of water canlead to explosions.

Product loss by leaching of heat exchangers can be important when, in a corrosive environment,(such as saltwater) relatively easily corroded material is used (for instance, copper condensers).Copper is often applied it reduces the chance of fouling, but in practice fouling is also found incopper condensers. Copper emissions are undesirable and can be prevented with better materialssuch as titanium and stainless steel or by adding anti corrosion compounds.

Leakage is also sometimes attributed to the 'sweating' of coolers. This concerns the presence ofsmall hairline cracks or leaking of packing materials. The most common defects in heatexchangers, which are reported from actual practice, are caused by:• corrosion/erosion as a result of chemical pollution (pit corrosion),• corrosion resulting from biological foulings, chemicals, bacteria,• mechanical erosion (due to cracks or vibrating mussels),• vibrations (caused by flow or the resonance of external pumps, etc.),• leaking, defective packing materials,• sweating of 'rolled' tube-plate connections,• dislodged tube-plate attachments,• stress in materials as a result of incorrect operating pressure and/or temperature and• temperature gradient of cooler too high; over 50º C can cause problems.

In once-through systems using large volumes, small leaks are hard to detect. In the case ofcooling systems that contain several heat exchangers, there might always be a number of

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defective heat exchangers, creating a more or less constant level of pollution in the coolingwater, which is low and barely detectable in the large water flow. Larger levels of leakage canbe detected, but generally this also means a considerable and significant emission. Inrecirculating systems with cooling towers, possible volatile compounds are stripped out andleakage is discharged in the blow down. In this case, because of the small volume of thedischarge flow, detection is easier and the blowdown can be treated if necessary.

The magnitude of leakage usually becomes known as a result of incidents and to a limitedextent by measurement in once-through systems. Larger leaks are detected and are usuallyimmediately fairly significant. Data from actual cases have shown that levels of 100 to3000 kg/24 hours with exit flows in mg/l are easily possible with large effluents (10000 m3/hourand more). The frequency of failures for different types of heat exchangers shows widevariation. Reduction of leakage

Heat exchangers should be designed to prevent leakage. Different organisations have givenrecommendations regarding the nature of maintenance. This consists of a combination ofpreventive and corrective maintenance, because with prevention alone it has been shown thatproblems cannot be fully controlled. Preventive maintenance is often part of a production stop,once every two years. With corrective maintenance, a cooler is turned off and leaks are repaired,for instance by plugging a leaking tube or replacing a tube bank. For heat exchangers thatcannot be turned off for production-technical reasons it is important that a second reserve cooleris available. It is becoming increasingly clear that "failure" and leaks are primarily caused by afault in design. In the process industry, any extra costs of more expensive construction or bettermaterials are usually easily outweighed by the costs of failure. Investment costs are lowcompared to those entailed by a loss of production. The design of heat exchangers shouldtherefore take place on a basis of "forecast availability".

The following general measures to reduce the occurrence of leakage can be applied:• select material for equipment of wet cooling systems according to the applied water quality;• operate the system according to its design;• if cooling water treatment is needed, select the right cooling water treatment program;• monitor leakage in cooling water discharge in recirculating wet cooling systems


If problems arise in practice, there are a number of options, partially dependent on the cause:

At component level (the heat exchanger):• check causes of erosion, corrosion• check operating conditions vs. design conditions• replace cooler by improved type, checking the construction and material• drainage of flow polluted by leakage to purification (purification of sub-flow concerned)• recirculation of cooling the water flow of the cooler concerned over either an air cooler,

and/or indirect water cooling (this option naturally does not remedy production failureresulting from failure of the cooler).

At a system level (the complete cooling water system or parts thereof):• maintain as small a pressure difference as possible between the cooling water and the

process water, or create or maintain overpressure in the cooling water• convert to an indirect system or if technically possible convert to a recirculating system with

cooling tower (taking into account potential volatilisation of components).

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The VCI safety concept, applied by the chemical industry, refers to leakage as the temporarydischarge of substances causing long-term detrimental changes to water bodies. To prevent andcontrol this the chemical process substances are rated (using the R-phrases) and the final ratingis linked to requirements concerning selection of the (indirect) cooling configuration system andthe way leakage is monitored (see Annex VII).

It is obvious that the application of an indirect completely system or a recirculating system witha cooling tower can control leakage almost 100%. Only if system pressure drops can fouledwater be released, but this flow is small and controllable. Application of both options however,needs awareness of the requirements of the process to be cooled. An indirect design orapplication of a cooling tower will increase the approach and raise the minimum endtemperature of the process substance. If the process to be cooled can tolerate this, thecharacteristics of the process substance(s) may justify an indirect design to protect the receivingsurface water against any unwanted emission due to leakage.

Some companies consciously use a cooling system in which parts that are subject to leakage areprovided with indirect cooling, and those that are not subject to leakage are not. As the controlof leakage appears to be difficult, in cooling priority substances or other environmentallyhazardous products, once-through systems should preferably not be used, especially in view ofthe alternatives available.

For an existing cooling system an indirect design generally is neither technically noreconomically the most applicable solution. Practical experience with the application of a solidmaintenance and control programme to a large once-through cooling system using seawater hasgiven good results. Some cooler replacements were necessary, but 90% of the failure of thedifferent heat exchangers could be reduced by proper antifouling treatment and operating care(vibration monitoring, pump handling and care with flow pinching). Leakage detection isapplied and, by detecting at the right places, the time between heat exchanger leakage anddetection can be shortened.

Detection of leakages in once-through systems is difficult, but a recommended starting point isthe identification of the heat exchangers that are prone to leakage and that cool harmfulsubstances. More selective and accurate measurement of leakage will then be possible.Preventive and corrective maintenance are both important to overcome leakage problems, butproper design generally tends be most cost-effective. Reduction by preventive maintenance

Visual inspection, hydrostatic testing and additional investigation on pulled tubes are examplesof former inspection methods. The limitations of these methods were that the inspection wasconcentrated on the directly visible parts of the tubes. Dirt often masks the early stages ofdefects and uniform corrosion is hard to see with the naked eye. Hydrotesting only detectsleaking tubes. The question is how to select a representative tube for further investigation. As aconsequence the former inspection methods described above could not prevent environmentalpollution due to unexpected leakage, breakdown, reduction in capacity and/or occurrence of off-spec product. On the other hand a great number of spare tubes had to be in stock for unexpectedretubing.

Experiences with a new kind of investigation of heat exchanger tubes (by means of eddy currentinvestigation) have shown that the reliability of heat exchanger tubes can be increasedsignificantly and that emissions due to leakage can be reduced. Because this method is capableof testing a single tube and giving a prediction of failure of a single tube, the inspectionfrequency will be based on facts. As a consequence, inspection methods capable of predictingthe risk of failure of individual tubes of a heat exchanger can lead to a reduction of tubeconsumption, better stock management and knowledge about corrosion behaviour in early

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stages. This will lead to a reduction of unexpected breakdowns due to leaking tubes with theenvironmental benefit of a reduction of emissions via the cooling water.

Application of this method at the site of a chemical plant has resulted in a reduction of morethan 90 % of the percentage of retubing since introducing this method in 1990 [Paping, DowChemical Benelux Terneuzen, 1999]. This has also resulted in a reduction in annual costs. Theaverage annual savings due to the reduction of number of pipes to be retubed are about 5 timesas high as the inspection costs. The number of unexpected process breakdowns due to leakingtubes has been reduced by 90 % over the last 10 years.”

3.7.2 Storage and handling of chemicals

The storage and handling of chemicals is potentially an environmental issue of wet coolingsystems. Dosage of cooling systems additives can be continuous or intermittent and thechemicals can be fed diluted or neat. The amounts of chemical and its characteristics varygreatly and depend on a range of factors (e.g. water chemistry and heat exchanger material): therisk due to storage and handling will vary accordingly.

For example, for pH control, concentrated sulphuric acid is used and this is usually stored inmild steel tanks. Proper ventilation is required to prevent the build-up of explosive hydrogen gasin the storage tank. Strainers upstream of acid pumps are advisable to remove any residualcorrosion products or other solids that may be present in the storage tank.

Sometimes additives are produced on-site. For example, hypochlorite can be produced onmarine sites by electrolysis of seawater. This process called electrochlorination can bedangerous for the potential of chlorinegas formation. Also, the installation needs frequentcleaning using acids. Alternative treatments are applied, where possible to avoid these risks (e.g.Annex XI.3.4.7).

Cooling additives can be fed by the operator manually or by means of sophisticated computercontrolled systems or can be outsourced to specialised firms, usually the actual supplier of theadditives. Feeding manually has a higher risk of spilling, and for environmental and humanhealth reasons safe handling procedures should be applied. Automated systems run a risk ofbeing neglected, but require regular inspection.

In the EU specific regulations on transport, storage or handling of chemicals have to beobserved and environmental permits require site-specific measures. Generally, the aim is toreduce the risk of spilling and leakage to prevent soil and/or ground water contamination and toreduce the risk of explosions by defining a restricted area where storage and handling ofchemicals is allowed. Such areas are equipped with impermeable floors or grid floors with abund, with segregation to keep reactive chemicals separate and with a minimum requiredventilation rate.

BAT measures for the storage of dangerous substances are described in the BREF concerningemissions from storage.

3.7.3 Microbiological risk Occurrence of microbes

Microbiological risks from cooling systems relate to the occurrence of different species ofpathogens in cooling water or in parts of the system that are in contact with the cooling water,such as biofilms in heat exchangers and fill in cooling towers. These risks are not an issue in drycooling systems.

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114 Industrial Cooling Systems

The major thermophilic pathogens that are found in wet cooling systems using river waters arethe bacteria Legionella pneumophila (Lp) and the amoeba Naegleria fowleri (Nf). In marinewaters some halophilic vibrios species, pathogenic for fish or man, can develop in once-throughcooling systems. The species mentioned occur in the natural environment in generally low andharmless concentrations. Due to the raised temperature a favourable climate can occur incooling systems enhancing the development of those bacteria, which can create a potential riskfor human health. Development of Legionella is enhanced by fouling, presence of amoeba,ciliates and algae. It is spread through aerosols. Following some large outbreaks the occurrenceand characteristics of Legionnaire’s disease (LD) and the development of Lp has been widelyresearched from a medical/biological point of view. But many points relating to the chemicaland process technology remain unclear.

In the plume of a natural draught wet cooling tower with a considerable height and with a goodfunctioning drift eliminator, the emission of bacteria is of less importance, but not impossible. Ahigh concentration of Lp in the plume of a natural draught wet cooling tower has been reporteddue to fouling on the inside of the concrete cooling tower wall. The layer had been releasedfrom the wall and fallen onto the drift eliminator [tm145, Werner and Pietsch, 1991].The appearance of Lp in the plume of industrial mechanical draught cooling towers, which havea much lower height than natural draught towers, has been reported on a number of occasions[tm040, Schulze-Robbecke and Richter, 1994], but a clear cause and effect relation betweencooling towers and an LD outbreak could not be established. Where a relation between coolingsystems and an outbreak of LD could be made it always concerned badly maintained systems[Morton et al., 1986].

Typical conditions in wet cooling towers that enhance the development of Legionella are:

• the water temperature in the cooling tower is between 25 and 50 degrees centigrade;• the pH between 6 and 8;• the presence of fouling.

Less information was submitted on the occurrence and treatment of other pathogens such as Nf.It has been observed that development of Nf is inhibited by brass and enhanced by stainlesssteel. The amoebae are also more abundant in open recirculating cooling systems than in once-through cooling systems. Research was carried out on the treatment of Nf after increased levelsin plant cooling water (3000 1-1) followed replacement of condensers in a French power station.Continuous chlorination with a maximum free residual chlorine level in the range of 0.3-0.5mg/l decreased concentrations of Nf immediately and the levels remained under 4 pathogens/l.[tm 144, Cabanes et al, 1997]. Measuring of bacteriae

Lp-bacteria are measured in colony forming units or CFU per litre and are reported to vary inconcentration in cooling tower water from very low (down to 10 CFU/l) to very high (105-106

CFU/l). In biofilms Lp has been found in concentrations of up to 106 CFU/cm2.For air conditioning systems, values of 100-1000 CFU are applied in the UK, but it is not clearif this can be compared to the levels in well-maintained wet cooling towers and the associatedrisk in those situations. A recommendation was made to keep the concentration of Lp below 104

CFU/l. Quantification of representative concentrations of Lp in industrial wet cooling systemsand the level of CFU in wet cooling towers that is still acceptable with respect to human healthmay require further research. Techniques to reduce microbiological risks([038, Millar et al., 1997] and [tm040, Schulze-Robbecke and Richter, 1994], [tm166, Morton et al,1986] [tm167, Fliermans, 1996], )

The chain of events to create an outbreak of Legionella involves:

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Industrial Cooling Systems 115

- the development of a virulent strain of bacteria in the cooling system- conditions that enhance the multiplication of bacteria- contaminated water discharged to the atmosphere as aerosol- sufficient droplets deeply inhaled by susceptible persons

Prevention of Legionella should therefore be based on prevention of development andmultiplication of bacteria in the cooling system. Particularly in the USA and UKrecommendations have been developed for prevention of LD. Regular analysis of the potentialreservoir (e.g. cooling tower), and additional routine maintenance, proper pH and temperaturelevels, adequate levels of residual biocides, and control on quality of the makeup water canprevent the occurrence of environments that encourage Legionella.

On the prevention of formation of Lp-bacteria (and others) in cooling towers, the followingmeasures should be applied:• use clean water and pretreat the cooling water if possible;• avoid process leakage into the cooling system;• avoid stagnant zones;• prevent formation by reduction of light energy within the cooling tower avoiding algae

formation; open water basins are to be avoided;• easy access for regular cleaning should be provided;• use of drift eliminators that can be easily cleaned or replaced;• design cold water temperature as low as possible (small approaches);• avoid scale and corrosion;• optimisation of construction to enhance the right water velocity and air speed;• a minimum distance of the CT from populated areas is impossible to give, but consideration

should be given to avoiding the plume reaching ground level or reaching populated areas, ifspace allows;

• minimisation of plume formation could restrict the spread.

With respect to the location of a cooling tower a rating has been suggested of themicrobiological risk associated with a cooling tower based on the host population and thepotential susceptibility of the host. The rating categories are:

- Category 1: highest risk – cooling tower serving or in the vicinity (<200 m) of a hospital,nursing home or other health care facility caring for persons who may be immunologicallycompromised;

- Category 2: cooling tower serving or in the vicinity (>200 m) of a retirement community,hotel or other buildings accommodating a large number of people are localised;

- Category 3: cooling tower in a residential or industrial neighbourhood;- Category 4: lowest risk – cooling tower isolated from residential neighbourhood (>600 m

from residential area).

Based on this rating, inspection for the presence of Legionella ranges from monthly (highestrisk), monthly to quarterly (Cat. 2), quarterly to yearly (Cat. 3) to once a year after summer(Cat. 4).

The following measures are recommended to operators of cooling towers:• care must be taken in case of process stops and start-ups, especially if the cooling

circulation system is down for more than 4 days;• operators entering cooling towers should avoid inhaling the air by using mouth and nose

protection (P3-mask has been proven);• If cleaning a cooling system after Lp has been detected, a combination of mechanical

cleaning and a shock-dosage of a biocide.

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116 Industrial Cooling Systems

Some additional remarks on these recommendations can be made. After a prolonged shutdownit is imperative to treat cooling systems with a biocide (chlorine). If there is evidence of a dirtyor contaminated system, including accessories such as sound attenuation, it must be cleaned andreceive biocide shock treatment prior to start-up. A competent water treatment company shouldconduct such treatment. Disinfection of the system may be needed if the system is heavilycontaminated.

From experience it is clear that chemical treatment mainly treats the bacteria in the water. Tocontrol and clean the cooling system more thoroughly attention must be paid to sediments andfouling on the cooling system surface, hence the importance of mechanical cleaning.

The level of free chlorine of 50 mg/l mentioned in the literature is clearly a shock dosage levelthat has been applied after an outbreak of LD. Because of the large amount of hypochloriteinvolved, it is clear that this treatment is not appropriate as maintenance level in a coolingtower. In any case, after shock dosing, detoxification of the treated cooling water would benecessary before discharge and treatment with bisulphite has been commonly applied.

A high maintenance level to prevent Lp-development as much as possible is to be favoured. Ingeneral, oxidising biocides are favoured for killing the Legionella in the water. Slower actingagents are needed to attack bacteria in the biofilms. This would then require treatment with non-oxidising biocides. Of these the QACs have shown better results than the isothiozolines.

In a recent Dutch report [tm155, Berbee, 1999] some results on reducing the CFU-level incooling towers were reported which confirmed that a clear minimum concentration level ofbiocides has not yet determined. It was concluded that high levels of biocide were needed toreduce-concentrations, but only showed a temporary effect. The side effect of elevated levels oftoxic by-products must be realised. Lower water temperature appeared to be more effective thanapplication of biocides (Table 3.14), but this may not be applicable in every case. Investigationsinto the effect of treatment of the protozoa revealed that very high concentrations are needed tokill the protozoa and that cysts are hardly susceptible to the applied non-oxidising biocides.

Table 3.14: Effects of temperature and biocide treatment on CFU-levels in cooling towersQuoted from Kusnetsov by [tm155, Berbee, 1999]

Cooling tower Effect of lowerTemp

Biocide conc.(mg/l) Effect of biocide Remarks

AT 25ºC~105 CFU

toT 15ºC~103 CFU

PHMB, 3, shock Temporarily underdetection limit

BT 25ºC~104 CFU

ToT 15ºC~103 CFU

BNPD, 5, shock Temporarily underdetection limit

C n.r. PHMB, 2-250,Shock Not clear Change to tapwater

D n.r. PHMB, 4-11,Shock

Temporarily,104 CFU/l to103 CFU/l

E n.r. BNPD, 65-190,shock

Temporarily,105 CFU/l to103 CFU/l

Notes:PHMB: polyhexamethylenebiguanidechloride (QAC)BNPD: bromonitropropaandiol

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Industrial Cooling Systems 117

3.8 Waste from cooling system operation

Little has been reported on the wastes or residues from cooling systems operation. For allcooling systems, decommissioning of part or all of system can be an issue at some stage.Retrofitting and replacement of equipment as well as the operating methods result in thefollowing wastes to be disposed of:• sludge from pre-treatment of intake water (e.g. decarbonisation), treatment of cooling water

or blowdown from the operation of recirculating wet cooling towers (see Annex XI 3.4);• hazardous waste (e.g. small containers, spillage) associated with the chemical treatment of

cooling water in wet cooling systems;• waste water of cleaning operations;• wastes as a result of retrofitting, replacing or decommissioning of the installation.

3.8.1 Formation of sludges

Sludge formation can occur in the collecting basins of wet cooling systems. In quantitive terms,more sludge results from the decarbonisation process, if this is practised on site. No particularmeasures have been reported on reducing the formation of sludge. Appropriate cooling waterconditioning is likely to reduce settlement of sludge. Currently, chemical composition of thesludge and the local (or national) legislation will determine the disposal method for sludges. Insome Member States sludges can be returned to the surface water of origin, but in others theyhave to be treated in more strictly defined ways.

Sludges and mud deposited on the bottom of water basins of cooling towers can contain cysts orresistance forms of pathogenic bacteria and protozoa (3.7.3). Pathogenic amoebae andLegionella pneumophila are found at very high concentrations in sludge collected fromcondenser tubes during downtime or in clarifying iron chloride sludge [tm145, Werner andPietsch, 1991]. Cysts of Lp are also found in the scale on the fill. As a consequence it isrecommended that the microbiological quality of this type of residue be surveyed prior to thedisposal or the reprocessing of PVC fills. A special treatment may be required if the handlingand reprocessing of these wastes cause a significant health risk.

3.8.2 Residues from cooling water treatment and cleaning operations

Treatment of cooling water (especially for larger systems) nowadays is automatic and in manycases the substances are kept in containers and tanks and are applied stored, transported andhandled by the supplier.The same applies to waste water resulting from cleaning operations. Here too, more and morespecialised companies are contracted to do this work.The generation and disposal of this type of waste however is not typical for industrial coolingsystems. The extent to which it represents an environmental problem is closely related to theway in which the cooling system is operated, to pre-treatment of the intake water and to theefficiency of the cooling water treatment. No information has been submitted on thisenvironmental issue.

3.8.3 Residues as a result of retrofitting, replacing and decommissioningof the installation

Generally, cooling systems are designed and built for a long service life (up to 20 years andmore). Obviously, the better the way they are operated and maintained the longer theiroperational life, but they should also be designed and built for the particular circ*mstances inwhich they are to be used. Particular materials should also be considered for their environmental

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118 Industrial Cooling Systems

impact when applying, decommissioning or replacing parts of a cooling system. The followingexamples were reported. Use of plastics

Increasingly, different kind of plastics are applied for cooling tower construction, such aspolyvinylchloride, polypropylene, polyethylene and glass reinforced plastics. Theircharacteristics make them highly suitable for application in the often corrosive, highlydemanding environment of a cooling tower. Current experiences have been described in atechnical paper of the German Organisation of Power Plant Operators [tm.., VGB, 2000]. Theuse of plastics may be an opportunity for waste reduction, if there is a possibility of recyclingafter replacement of plastic elements. No experiences have yet been reported that couldillustrate this. Treatment of timber used for wet cooling tower construction

Timber has been and is used for cooling towers, but has to be treated to ensure its longevity.Timber used in cooling towers for both packing and support structures can be chemicallytreated. Treatment has been and still can be based on CCA (copper sulphate, potassiumdichromate and arsenic pentoxide), because of its ability to remain bound to the timber. It isclaimed that over its operating life only 10% by weight is lost.

Quantification of the extent to which emissions from CCA-treated timber occur into the aquaticenvironment cannot be quoted. It has been reported that treated timber, although it has time todrain, still has considerable amounts of chemicals on the wood surface. They may be washed offin the initial flush of water in the cooling tower and will be sooner or later be discharged intothe receiving water.

Because CCA contains Cr and As, it seems unlikely that will continue to be used for muchlonger. CCA treatment of timber is not a best available technique and is expected to be banned.Alternative treatments for protection of timber have already been developed and applied. It istherefore expected that emissions into the surface water resulting from CCA will graduallyreduce.

If CCA-treated wood has to be disposed of - some countries allow controlled disposal in anappropriate landfill site - as low leaching is expected. In other Member States incineration in anappropriate installation is preferred, where most of the elements will be retained in the dustfilter.Determining the most favourable technique for dispose of the CCA-treated timber is beyond thescope of this BREF-document, but also here the final environmental impact of the differentoptions needs to be evaluated here. Wet cooling tower fill

As soon as cooling tower fill needs to be replaced it will have to be disposed of. Fills are madeof different materials and this will determine the way in which they will have to be treated. Nodata on polluting levels of fill have been reported.A special case is the use of asbestos paper fill. It has not been possible to assess whether this hasbeen practised in Europe, but asbestos may have been used in many applications in the past,including cooling tower construction or cooling tower fill. As the hazards of the use of asbestosare no longer in doubt, it is no longer used in cooling towers. In old cooling towers someasbestos may still be found and special measures are required to remove it.

One reference reported an example in which crumbling of asbestos fill occurred over a period of10-17 years of operation, causing reduced heat exchange. Removal and replacement of the fillwere necessary under severe safety conditions [tm082, Mittendorf, 1990].

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4.1 Introduction

In understanding this chapter and its contents, the attention of the reader is drawn back to thepreface of this document and in particular the fifth section of the preface: “How to understandand use this document”. The techniques and methods and associated emission and/orconsumption levels, or ranges of levels, presented in this chapter have been assessed through aniterative process involving the following steps:

• identification of the key environmental issues for the process; emphasis in the process ofcooling is clearly on energy efficiency increase (increase of the overall energy efficiency ofthe process), on the reduction of emissions to surface water by optimization of coolingwater conditioning;

• examination of the techniques most relevant to address those key issues;• identification of the best environmental performance levels, on the basis of the available

data in the European Union and world-wide; in most cases performance levels areconsidered as installation specific.

• examination of the conditions under which these performance levels were achieved; such ascosts, cross-media effects, main driving forces involved in implementation of thistechniques; generally, price indications of techniques in cooling systems have been reportedto a very limited extent;

• selection of the best available techniques (BAT) and the associated emission and/orconsumption levels for this sector in a general sense all according to Article 2(11) andAnnex IV of the Directive.

Expert judgement by the European IPPC Bureau and the relevant Technical Working Group(TWG) has played a key role in each of these steps and in the way in which the information ispresented here.

On the basis of this assessment, techniques, and as far as possible emission and consumptionlevels associated with the use of BAT, are presented in this chapter that are considered to beappropriate to the relevant cooling systems and in many cases reflect current performance ofsome installations applied. Where emission or consumption levels “associated with bestavailable techniques” are presented, this is to be understood as meaning that those levelsrepresent the environmental performance that could be anticipated as a result of the application,under the process and site-specific conditions, of the techniques described, bearing in mind thebalance of costs and advantages inherent within the definition of BAT. However, they areneither emission nor consumption limit values nor minimum required performance levels andshould not be understood as such. In some cases it may be technically possible to achieve betteremission or consumption levels, but due to the costs involved or cross-media considerationsthey are not considered to be appropriate as a BAT for the relevant cooling configuration.However, such levels or applications may be considered to be justified in more specific caseswhere there are special driving forces.

The emission and consumption levels associated with the application of BAT have to be seentogether with any specified reference condition (e.g. climate, site limitations).

The concept of “levels associated with BAT” described above is to be distinguished from theterm “achievable level” used elsewhere in this document. Where a level is described as“achievable” using a particular technique or combination of techniques, this should beunderstood to mean that the level may be expected to be achieved over a substantial period oftime in a well maintained and operated installation or process using those techniques.

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Where available, data concerning costs have been given together with the description of thetechniques presented in the previous chapter or the Annexes. These give a rough indicationabout the magnitude of costs involved. However, the actual cost of applying a technique willdepend strongly on the specific situation regarding, for example, taxes, fees, and the technicalcharacteristics of the installation concerned. It is not possible to evaluate such site-specificfactors fully in this document. In the absence of data concerning costs, conclusions on economicviability of techniques are drawn from observations on existing installations.

It is intended that the general BAT in this chapter are a reference point against which to judgethe current performance of an existing installation or to judge a proposal for a new installation.In this way they will assist in the determination of appropriate "BAT-based" conditions for theinstallation or in the establishment of general binding rules under Article 9(8). It is foreseen thatnew installations can be designed to perform at or even better than the general BAT levelspresented here. It is also considered that existing installations could move towards the generalBAT levels or do better, subject to the technical and economic applicability of the techniques ineach case.

While the BREFs do not set legally binding standards, they are meant to give information forthe guidance of industry, Member States and the public on achievable emission andconsumption levels when using specified techniques. The appropriate limit values for anyspecific case will need to be determined taking into account the objectives of the IPPC Directiveand the local considerations.

4.2 A horizontal approach to defining BAT for cooling systems

Before summarising the BAT conclusions in this chapter, a short explanation is given on howthe horizontal character of this BREF should be interpreted.

In a horizontal approach it is assumed that the environmental aspects of the applied techniquesand the associated reduction measures can be assessed and that generic BAT can be identifiedthat are independent of the industrial processes in which techniques are applied.

Industrial cooling systems are an integrated part of the industrial process to be cooled. Thecooling systems within the scope of this document are used in many of the industrial sectorsunder the scope of IPPC. Consequently, the variety of applications, techniques and operationalpractices is enormous. Additionally, the thermodynamic character of the process leads to furthervariations in performance and consequently in the environmental effects.

Due to this large variation, comparisons between techniques leading to general conclusions onBAT are difficult. The identification of a general preventive approach is considered to bepossible, based on practical experience with reduction of emissions from cooling systems.

In this preventive approach or, primary BAT-approach, attention is firstly given to the processto be cooled. The design and the construction of the cooling system are an essential second step,in particular for new installations. Finally, changes of equipment and the way in which thecooling system should be operated will address new installations, but are particularly importantin existing systems, where technological options are considerably limited and cost-intensive.Careful evaluations must be performed case by case.

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4.2.1 Integrated heat management Industrial cooling = Heat management

Cooling of industrial processes can be considered as heat management and is part of the totalenergy management within a plant. The amount and level of heat to be dissipated requires acertain level of cooling systems performance. This performance level will in turn affect thesystem configuration, design and operation and consequently the cooling systems’environmental performance (direct impact). Reversibly, the cooling performance will also affectthe overall efficiency of the industrial process (indirect impact). Both impacts, direct andindirect, need to be balanced, taking into account all variables. Every change in the coolingsystem has to be considered against the consequences it may have for this balance.

This concept can be used as a starting point to formulate the first principle of BAT for coolingsystems. BAT for all installations is an integrated approach to reduce the environmental impactof industrial cooling systems maintaining the balance between both the direct and indirectimpacts. In other words, the effect of an emission reduction has to be balanced against thepotential change in the overall energy efficiency. There is currently no minimum ratio in termsof the environmental benefits and the possible loss in overall energy efficiency that can be usedas a benchmark to arrive at techniques that can be considered BAT. Nevertheless, this conceptcan be used to compare alternatives (Chapter 3.2 and Annex II). Reduction of the level of heat discharge by optimization ofinternal/external heat reuse

A preventive approach should start with the industrial process requiring heat dissipation and aimto reduce the need for heat discharge in the first place. In fact, discharge of heat is wastingenergy and as such not BAT. Reuse of heat within the process should always be a first step inthe evaluation of cooling needs. Process-integrated energy measures are outside the scope ofthis document, but reference is made to other BAT Reference Documents drafted in theframework of IPPC describing options for energy measures.

In a greenfield situation, assessment of the required heat capacity can only be BAT if it is theoutcome of maximum use of the internal and external available and applicable options forreuse of excess heat.In an existing installation, optimizing internal and external reuse and reducing the amountand level of heat to be discharged must also precede any change to the potential capacity of theapplied cooling system. Increasing the efficiency of an existing cooling system by improvingsystems operation must be evaluated against an increase of efficiency by technologicalmeasures through retrofit or technological change. In general and for large existing coolingsystems, the improvement of the systems operation is considered to be more cost effective thanthe application of new or improved technology and can therefore be regarded as BAT. Cooling system and process requirements

Once the level and amount of waste heat generated by the process is established and no furtherreduction of waste heat can be achieved, an initial selection of a cooling system can be made inthe light of the process requirements discussed in Chapter 1. Every process has its uniquecombination of requirements, where the level of control of the process, process reliability andsafety play an important role. This makes it almost impossible at this stage to make a firstcharacterisation of BAT, but the following conclusions can be drawn with respect to a numberof process characteristics.

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The application of the ambient temperature levels is based on the experiences in Europe inapplying cooling systems under different climatic conditions. Generally, dry bulb temperaturesdo not justify cooling away low level waste, heat and water-cooling is preferred. But in areaswith low average dry bulb temperatures dry air-cooling is applied to cool down to lower processtemperatures (after options for reuse have been explored). Water-cooling, if sufficient water isavailable, can then dissipate the residual amount of waste heat.Hazardous process substances, which involve a high environmental risk to the aquaticenvironment in case of leakage, should be cooled by means of indirect cooling systems toprevent an uncontrollable situation.

The selection of a cooling configuration should be based on a comparison between the differentfeasible alternatives within all requirements of the process. Process requirements are forexample control of chemical reactions, reliability of process performance and maintenance ofrequired safety levels. The aim is to minimise the indirect impact of the selected alternative. Foreach alternative the environmental performances can be best compared if expressed in directand indirect use of energy (kWe) per unit of energy discharged (kWth). Another way to compareconfigurations is to express the change in direct energy use (kWe) of the cooling system and thechange in production level of the process in tonnes, both per unit of energy discharged (kWth).

A change in cooling technology to reduce the environmental impact can only be consideredBAT if the efficiency of cooling is maintained at the same level or, even better, at an increasedlevel.

Table 4.1: Examples of process requirements and BAT

Processcharacteristics Criteria Primary BAT

approach Remark Reference

Level of dissipated heathigh (> 60ºC)

Reduce use of waterand chemicals andimprove overallenergy efficiency

(Pre-) coolingwith dry air

Energy efficiencyand size of coolingsystem are limitingfactors


Level of dissipated heatmedium (25-60ºC)

Improve overallenergy efficiency Not evident Site-specific Section


Level of dissipated heatlow (<25ºC)

Improve overallenergy efficiency Water cooling Site selection Section


Low and medium heatlevel and capacity

Optimum overallenergy efficiencywith water savingand visible plumereduction

Wet and hybridcooling system

Dry cooling lesssuitable due torequired space andloss of overallenergy efficiency

Section 1.4

Hazardous substancesto be cooled involvinghigh environmental risk

Reduction of risk ofleakage

Indirect coolingsystem

Accept an increasein approach

Section 1.4andAnnex VI

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Chapter 4

Industrial Cooling Systems 123 Cooling system and site requirements

The site-imposed limits apply particularly to new installations, where a cooling system must stillbe selected. If the required heat discharge capacity is known it may influence the selection of anappropriate site. For temperature-sensitive processes it is BAT to select the site with therequired availability of cooling water.

For many reasons new installations are not always erected on a site that is preferred from acooling technology point of view, whereas for both new and existing installations the sitecharacteristics are clear once the site is known. The most important thermodynamiccharacteristic of a site is its annual climatic pattern described by the dry and wet bulbtemperatures.

Table 4.2: Examples of site characteristics and BAT

Characteristicsof site Criteria Primary BAT

approach Remarks Reference

Climate Required designtemperature

Assess variation in wetand dry bulb T

With high dry bulbT dry air coolinggenerally has lowerEnergy efficiency


Space Restrictedsurface on-site

(Pre-assembled) Rooftype constructions

Limits to size andweight of thecooling system


Surface wateravailability

Restrictedavailability Recirculating systems Wet, dry or hybrid

feasibleSection 2.3and 3.3

Sensitivity ofreceiving waterbody for thermalloads

Meet capacity toaccommodatethermal load

- Optimise level ofheat reuse

- Use recirculatingsystems

- Site selection (newcooling system)

Section 1.1

Restrictedavailability ofgroundwater

Minimisation ofgroundwater use

Air cooling if noadequate alternativewater source is available

Accept energypenalty Section 3.3

Coastal area Large capacity> 10 MWth

Once-through systems

Avoid mixing oflocal thermalplume near intakepoint, e.g. by deepwater extractionbelow mixing zoneusing temperaturestratification

Section1.2.1 /Section 3.2/Annex XI.3

Specific siterequirements

In case ofobligationforplumereduction andreduced towerheight

Apply hybrid coolingsystem

Accept energypenalty Ch.2

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Other characteristics identified are space, water availability to cool and to discharge and thesurrounding sensitive areas (urban and industrial). With respect to groundwater, it can be BATto apply a dry cooling system following the principle to minimise the use of groundwater,particularly in those areas where depletion of aquifers cannot be ruled out.

In Table 4.2 BAT examples are shown that have been identified for a few site characteristics.

4.2.2 Application of BAT in industrial cooling systems

In Chapter 1 the outline of a preventive approach is presented showing how a step-by-stepevaluation of all constraints can lead to what may be called “Best available cooling technique”.Within the framework of this approach, Chapter 1 and Chapter 3 and the associated Annexesdiscuss the factors and offer techniques involved in the identification of potential BAT for themajor cooling configurations using water and/or air. The optimization of a cooling system toreduce its environmental impact is a complex exercise and not an exact mathematicalcomparison. In other words, combining techniques selected from the BAT-tables does not leadto a BAT cooling system. The final BAT solution will be a site-specific solution. However, itis believed that, based on experience in industry, conclusions can be drawn on BAT, inquantified terms where possible.

In Chapter 3 options for reducing emissions into the environment have been presented based onthe information submitted by the TWG. For each environmental issue and for each relevantcooling configuration an attempt has been made to identify a general approach and arrive atBAT. Some techniques are described in more detail in the Annexes. Emphasis is clearly on thewater-related problems with a focus on reduction of the application of biocides and blacklistedsubstances.

The proposed techniques are applied techniques. They have proven to be effective, althoughquantification is difficult and they may create unrealistic expectations. It can be assumed that allmeasures proposed as BAT, and which are not entirely dependant on the local situation, can beconsidered for new systems. With respect to existing installations, care must be taken as theassessment is more difficult where options are limited and depend on a multitude of (process)factors. There do not seem to be many obstacles to implementation of operational measures inexisting cooling systems, unless the technological design limits the number of options formodification.

In Tables 4.3 to 4.12 techniques are presented that are considered BAT, following on from theprimary BAT-approach for:

• increasing the overall energy efficiency,• reduction of use of water and of cooling water additives,• reduction of emissions to air and water,• reduction of noise,• reduction of entrainment of aquatic organisms and• reduction of biological risks.

No clear BAT has been identified on the reduction of waste or techniques to handle wasteavoiding environmental problems, such as contamination of soil and water, or air in the case ofincineration.

For each environmental issue the consequences for other media of the application of a reductiontechnique have been identified. Generally speaking every change made to a cooling system mustbe carefully balanced against the associated effects and in this sense the optimisation ofindustrial cooling is a cross-media issue.

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For some measures BAT-values have been identified. However, addressing the application ofdifferent cooling techniques in a multitude of varying process conditions does not allow forclear associated levels. In those cases a qualitative description is given.

For new cooling installations it is BAT to start identifying reduction measures in the designphase, applying equipment with low energy requiring requirement and by choosing theappropriate material for equipment in contact with the process substance and/or the coolingwater. In this sense the following quotation is exemplary: “in practice… attention to design,layout and maintenance of the cooling water system has a relatively low priority compared tothe environmental consequences of a poorly designed and/or operated cooling water system.Since little attention is paid to design factors, treatments often have to make up for bad design,and therefore need to be chosen in such a way that they minimize risks of fouling. Few changesof this attitude are to be expected as long as there is a low level of awareness of the long-termcosts of operating and maintaining poorly designed CWS” [tm005, Van Donk and Jenner,1996].

If dry air cooling systems are the preferred option, measures are primarily related to reduction ofdirect energy consumption and noise emissions and the optimization of size with respect to therequired cooling surface.

For existing installations, technological measures can be BAT under certain circ*mstances.Generally, a change in technology is cost-intensive where overall efficiency must bemaintained. Cost evaluation should then compare investment costs of the change versus thechange in operational costs and validate the reduction effect versus other environmentalconsequences. For example, it would need a comparison between the environmental effect ofrecirculating the cooling water - requiring the application of biocidal water treatment - against aonce-through system without biocides, but a large heat emission to the aquatic environment.

In the case of pre-assembled off-the-peg cooling towers, a change in technology seems feasibleboth technically and economically. No comparable data have been submitted that can supportthis, but supplier experience is that it is relatively easy to change small size cooling towers, forexample, from a closed recirculating wet to a closed recirculating hybrid or wet/dryconfiguration. This would not need major process modifications or constructionwork.For large custom-designed towers that are erected on-site, technological changes are not easy tomake. A different technology generally means a completely new cooling tower.

For existing wet cooling systems, where the focus is largely on environmental measures toreduce water use and to emissions of chemicals to the surface water, BAT has not so muchtechnological but rather an operational character. Monitoring, operation and maintenance are thekey issues here.

4.3 Reduction of energy consumption

4.3.1 General

It is BAT in the design phase of a cooling system:• To reduce resistance to water and airflow• To apply high efficiency/low energy equipment• To reduce the amount of energy demanding equipment (Annex XI.8.1)• To apply optimised cooling water treatment in once-through systems and wet cooling

towers to keep surfaces clean and avoid scaling, fouling and corrosion.

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126 Industrial Cooling Systems

For each individual case a combination of the above-mentioned factors should lead to the lowestattainable energy consumption to operate a cooling system. Concerning BAT a number oftechniques/approaches have been identified.

4.3.2 Identified reduction techniques within the BAT-approach

In an integrated approach to cooling an industrial process, both the direct and indirect use ofenergy are taken into account. In terms of the overall energy efficiency of an installation, the useof a once-through systems is BAT, in particular for processes requiring large cooling capacities(e.g. > 10 MWth). In the case of rivers and/or estuaries once-through can be acceptable if also:

• extension of heat plume in the surface water leaves passage for fish migration;• cooling water intake is designed aiming at reduced fish entrainment;• heat load does not interfere with other users of receiving surface water.

For power stations, if once-through is not possible, natural draught wet cooling towers are mostenergy-efficient than other cooling configurations, but application can be restricted because ofthe visual impact of their overall height.

Table 4.3: BAT for increasing overall energy efficiency

Relevance Criterion Primary BAT approach Remarks Reference

Large coolingcapacity

Overall energyefficiency

Select site for once-throughoption

See text abovetable


All systems Overall energyefficiency

Apply option for variableoperation

Identify requiredcooling range


All systems Variableoperation

Modulation of air/ waterflow

Avoid instabilitycavitation insystem (corrosionand erosion)

All wet systemsClean circuit/exchangersurfaces

Optimised water treatmentand pipe surface treatment

Requires adequatemonitoring




Avoid recirculation of warmwater plume in rivers andminimise it in estuaries andon marine sites

Annex XII

All coolingtowers

Reduce specificenergyconsumption

Apply pumping heads andfans with reduced energyconsumption

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4.4 Reduction of water requirements

4.4.1 General

For new systems the following statements can be made:• In the light of the overall energy balance, cooling with water is most efficient;• For new installations a site should be selected for the availability of sufficient quantities of

(surface) water in the case of large cooling water demand;• The cooling demand should be reduced by optimising heat reuse;• For new installations a site should be selected for the availability of an adequate receiving

water, particularly in case of large cooling water discharges;• Where water availability is limited, a technology should be chosen that enables different

modes of operation requiring less water for achieving the required cooling capacity at alltimes;

• In all cases recirculating cooling is an option, but this needs careful balancing with otherfactors, such as the required water conditioning and a lower overall Energy efficiency.

For existing water cooling systems, increasing heat reuse and improving operation of the systemcan reduce the required amount of cooling water. In the case of rivers with limited availabilityof surface water, a change from a once-through system to a recirculating cooling systems is atechnological option and may be considered BAT.For power stations with large cooling capacities, this is generally considered as a cost-intensiveexercise requiring a new construction. Space requirements must be taken into account.

4.4.2 Identified reduction techniques within the BAT-approach

Table 4.4: BAT for reduction of water requirements

Relevance Criterion Primary BATapproach Remarks Ref.

Reduction of need forcooling

Optimisation of heatreuse Ch.1

Reduction of use of limitedsources

Use of groundwater isnot BAT

Site-specific inparticular forexisting systems


Reduction of water use Apply recirculatingsystems

Different demand onwater conditioning Ch.2/3.3

Reduction of water use,where obligation for plumereduction and reducedtower height

Apply hybrid coolingsystem

Accept energypenalty


All wet coolingsystems

Where water (make-upwater) is not availableduring (part of) processperiod or very limited(drought-stricken areas)

Apply dry cooling Accept energypenalty

Section 3.2and 3.3AnnexXII.6

Allrecirculatingwet and wet/drycooling systems

Reduction of water use Optimization of cyclesof concentration

Increased demandon conditioning ofwater, such as use ofsoftened make-upwater

Section 3.2and sectionXI

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Application of dry air-cooling has been suggested on a number of occasions. If the overallEnergy efficiency is taken into account, dry air-cooling is less attractive than wet cooling. Withthis the dry technology is not disqualified. For shorter lifetime periods it was calculated that thedifferences in costs between dry and wet become less than for longer lifetime periods. Whencosts for water and water treatment are taken into account, differences also become smaller. Drycooling can be recommended in certain circ*mstances and for precooling at higher temperaturelevels, where excessive water would be needed.

4.5 Reduction of entrainment of organisms

4.5.1 General

The adaptation of water intake devices to lower the entrainment of fish and other organisms ishighly complex and site-specific. Changes to an existing water intake are possible but costly.From the applied or tested fish protection or repulsive technologies, no particular techniques canyet be identified as BAT. The local situation will determine which fish protection or repulsivetechnique will be BAT. Some general applied strategies in design and position of the intake canbe considered as BAT, but these are particularly valid for new systems.On the application of sieves it should be noted that costs of disposal of the resulting organicwaste collected from the sieves can be considerable.

4.5.2 Identified reduction techniques within the BAT-approach

Table 4.5: BAT for reduction of entrainment

Relevance Criterion Primary BAT approach Remarks Ref.

Appropriate positionand design of intakeand selection ofprotection technique

Analysis of the biotope insurface water source

Also critical areas,such as spawninggrounds, migrationareas and fishnurseries

Section3.3.3 andAnnexXII.3.3

All once-throughsystems or coolingsystems withintakes of surfacewater Construction of

intake channels

Optimise water velocitiesin intake channels to limitsedimentation; watch forseasonal occurrence ofmacrofouling


4.6 Reduction of emissions to water

4.6.1 General BAT approach to reduce heat emissions

Whether heat emissions into the surface water will have an environmental impact stronglydepends on the local conditions. Such site conditions have been described, but do not lead to aconclusion on BAT in general terms.

Where, in practice, limits to heat discharge were applicable, the solution was to change fromonce-through technology to open recirculating cooling (open wet cooling tower). From the

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Industrial Cooling Systems 129

available information, and considering all possible aspects, care must be taken in concludingthat this can be qualified as BAT. It would need to balance the penalty increase in overallenergy efficiency of applying a wet cooling tower (Chapter 3.2) against the effect of reducedenvironmental impact of reduced heat discharge. In a fully integrated assessment at the level ofa river catchment, this could for example include the raised overall efficiency levels of otherprocesses using the same, but now colder, water source, which becomes available because thereis no longer a large warm water discharge into it.

Where the measures generally aim at reducing the ∆T of the discharged cooling water, a fewconclusions on BAT can be drawn. Pre-cooling (Annex XII) has been applied for large powerplants where the specific situation requires this, e.g. to avoid raised temperature of the intakewater.

Discharges will have to be limited with reference to the constraints of the requirements ofDirective 78/659/EEC for fresh water sources. The criteria are summarised in Table 3.6.Reference is made to a provision in Article 11 of this directive regarding derogation of therequirements in certain circ*mstances.

4.6.2 General BAT approach to reduce chemical emissions to water

Prevention and control of chemical emissions resulting from cooling systems have received themost attention in Member States’ policies and industry. Next to heat discharge they are stillconsidered to be the most important issue in cooling.

Referring to the statement that 80% of the environmental impact is decided on the design table,measures should be taken in the design phase of wet cooling system using the following order ofapproach:• identify process conditions (pressure, T, corrosiveness of substance),• identify chemical characteristics of cooling water source,• select the appropriate material for heat exchanger combining both process conditions and

cooling water characteristics,• select the appropriate material for other parts of the cooling system,• identify operational requirements of the cooling system,• select feasible cooling water treatment (chemical composition) using less hazardous

chemicals or chemicals that have lower potential for impact on the environment (Section3.4.5, Annex VI and VIII)

• apply the biocide selection scheme (Chapter 3, Figure 3.2) and• optimise dosage regime by monitoring of cooling water and systems conditions.

This approach intends to reduce the need for cooling water treatment in the first place. Forexisting systems technological changes or changes to the equipment are difficult and generallycost-intensive. Focus should be on the operation of the systems using monitoring linked tooptimized dosage. A few examples of techniques with good performances have been identified.They are generally applicable for certain categories of systems, they are considered costeffective and do not need large changes to the cooling installation.

After reducing the sensitivity of the cooling system to fouling and corrosion, treatment may stillbe needed to maintain an efficient heat exchange. Selecting cooling water additives less harmfulto the aquatic environment and to applying them in the most efficient way is then the next step.

With respect to the selection of chemicals, it has been concluded that a ranking of treatmentsand the chemicals of which they are composed is difficult if not impossible to carry out in ageneral way and would be unlikely to lead to BAT conclusions. Due to the large variation inconditions and treatments only a site-by-site assessment will lead to the appropriate solution.

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Such an assessment and its constituent parts could represent an approach that can be consideredBAT.

This approach is offered in this BREF and consists of a tool that can assist in a first ranking ofselected chemicals and of an approach to assess biocides, linking the requirements of thecooling system to requirements of the receiving aquatic ecosystem (Annex VIII). The approachaims at minimising the impact of cooling water additives and, in particular, biocides. TheBiocidal Products Directive 98/8/EC (BPD) and the Water Framework Directive (WFD) formthe key building blocks for this approach. It is essential to use PEC and PNEC values for thedifferent substances, where the PEC/PNEC ratio could function as a yardstick for BATdetermination.

On the application of specific substances, much experience has been obtained in once-throughsystems with chlorine-derived components (in particular hypochlorite, chloramine) andchlorine/bromine combinations, as well as with the application of reduced concentration levels.

The same applies to the use of biocides for conditioning of recirculating systems. Treatments forthese systems are often multisubstances. It is clear that some components or substances can beidentified as not BAT or should not be applied at all. A general approach to select theappropriate biocide will include local aspects, such as the water quality objectives of thereceiving surface water.

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4.6.3 Identified reduction techniques within the BAT-approach Prevention by design and maintenance

Table 4.6: BAT for reduction of emissions to water by design and maintenance techniques

Relevance Criterion Primary BAT approach Remarks Reference

Apply lesscorrosion-sensitivematerial

Analysis of corrosivenessof process substance aswell as of cooling water toselect the right material


All wet coolingsystems

Reduction of foulingand corrosion

Design cooling system toavoid stagnant zones


Shell&tube heatexchanger

Design to facilitatecleaning

Cooling water flow insidetube and heavy foulingmedium on tube side

Depending ondesign, process Tand pressure

Annex III.1

Reduce corrosion-sensitiveness

Application of Ti incondensers using seawateror brackish water

Annex XII

Reduce corrosion-sensitiveness

Application of lowcorrosion alloys (StainlessSteel with high pittingindex or Copper Nickel)

Change to lowcorrosion alloys canaffect formation ofpathogens


Condensers ofpower plants

Mechanical cleaningUse of automated cleaningsystems with foam balls orbrushes

In additionmechanical cleaningand high waterpressure may benecessary


Reduce deposition(fouling) incondensers

Water velocity > 1.8 m/sfor new equipment and 1.5m/s in case of tube bundleretrofit

Depending oncorrosion sensitivityof material, waterquality and surfacetreatment


Reduce deposition(fouling) in heatexchangers

Water velocity > 0.8 m/s

Depending oncorrosion sensitivityof material, waterquality and surfacetreatment


Condensers andheat exchangers

Avoid clogging

Use debris filters toprotect the heatexchangers whereclogging is a risk

Annex XII

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132 Industrial Cooling Systems

Table 4.6 (continued): BAT for reduction of emissions to water by design and maintenancetechniques

Relevance Criterion Primary BAT approach Remarks Reference

Reduce corrosion-sensitiveness

Apply carbon steel incooling water systems ifcorrosion allowance canbe met

Not for brackishwater


Reduce corrosion-sensitiveness

Apply reinforced glassfibre plastics, coatedreinforced concrete orcoated carbon steel in caseof underground conduits


Once-throughcooling system

Reduce corrosion-sensitiveness

Apply Ti for tubes ofshell&tube heat exchangerin highly corrosiveenvironment orhighquality stainless steel withsimilar performance

Ti not in reducingenvironment,optimised biofoulingcontrol may benecessary


Reduce fouling insalt water condition

Apply fill that is open lowfouling with high loadsupport

Annex IV.4

Open wetcooling towers

Avoid hazardoussubstances due toanti-foulingtreatment

CCA treatment of woodenparts or TBTO containingpaints is not BAT

Section 3.4Annex IV.4

Natural draughtwet coolingtowers

Reduce anti-foulingtreatment

Apply fill underconsideration of localwater quality (e.g. highsolid content, scale)


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Chapter 4

Industrial Cooling Systems 133 Control by optimised cooling water treatment

Table 4.7: BAT for reduction of emissions to water by optimised cooling water treatment

Relevance Criterion Primary BAT approach Remarks Reference

Reduce additiveapplication

Monitoring and control ofcooling water chemistry

Section3.4 andAnnexXI.7.3

All wet systemsUse of lesshazardouschemicals

It is not BAT to use• chromium compounds• mercury compounds• organometallic

compounds (e.g.organotin compounds)

• mercaptobenzothiazole• shock treatment with

biocidal substancesother than chlorine,bromine, ozone andH2O2

Section3.4/Annex VI

Once-throughcooling system andopen wet coolingtowers

Target biocidedosage

To monitor macrofoulingfor optimising biocidedosage


Limit applicationof biocides

With sea water temperaturebelow 10-12ºC no use ofbiocides

In some areaswinter treatmentmay be needed(harbours)

Annex V

Reduction of FOemission

Use of variation ofresidence times and watervelocities with an associatedFO or FRO-level of 0.1 mg/lat the outlet

Not applicablefor condensers


Emissions of free(residual) oxidant

FO or FRO ≤ 0.2 mg/l at theoutlet for continuouschlorination of sea water

Daily (24h)average value


Emissions of free(residual) oxidant

FO or FRO ≤ 0.2 mg/l at theoutlet for intermittent andshock chlorination of seawater

Daily (24h)average value


Emissions of free(residual) oxidant

FO or FRO ≤ 0.5 mg/l at theoutlet for intermittent andshock chlorination of seawater

Hourly averagevalue within oneday used forprocess controlrequirements


Once-throughcooling system

Reduce amount ofOX-formingcompounds in freshwater

Continuous chlorinating infresh water is not BAT

Ch.3.4Annex XII

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134 Industrial Cooling Systems

Table 4.7 continued: BAT for reduction of emissions to water by optimised cooling water treatment

Relevance Criterion Primary BAT approach Remarks Reference

Reduce amount ofhypochlorite

Operate at 7 ≤ pH ≤ 9 ofthe cooling water Annex XI

Reduce amount ofbiocide and reduceblowdown

Application of side-stream biofiltration isBAT


Reduce emission offast hydrolyzingbiocides

Close blowdowntemporarily after dosage


Open wetcooling towers

Application ofozone

Treatment levels of ≤ 0.1mg O3/l

Assessment of totalcost against theapplication of otherbiocides


4.7 Reduction of emissions to air

4.7.1 General approach

Comparatively, air emissions from cooling towers have not been given much attention, exceptfor the effects of plume formation. From some reported data it is concluded that levels aregenerally low but that these emissions should not be neglected.

Lowering concentration levels in the circulating cooling water will obviously affect the potentialemission of substances in the plume. Some general recommendations can be made which have aBAT-character.

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Avoid4.7.2 Identified reduction techniques within the BAT-approach

Table 4.8: BAT for reduction of emissions to air

Relevance Criterion Primary BAT approach Remarks Reference

Avoid plumereaching groundlevel

Plume emission atsufficient height and with aminimum discharge airvelocity at the tower outlet


All wet coolingtowers

Avoid plumeformation

Application of hybridtechnique or other plumesuppressing techniquessuch as reheating of air

Need localassessment(urban areas,traffic)


Use of lesshazardous material

Use of asbestos, or woodpreserved with CCA (orsimilar) or TBTO is notBAT


All wet coolingtowers

Avoid affectingindoor air quality

Design and positioning oftower outlet to avoid riskof air intake by airconditioning systems

Is expected to beless importantfor large naturaldraught CT withconsiderableheight

Section 3.5

All wet coolingtowers

Reduction of driftloss

Apply drift eliminatorswith a loss <0.01% of totalrecirculating flow

Low resistanceto airflow to bemaintained

Section 3.5and XI.5.1

4.8 Reduction of noise emissions

4.8.1 General

Noise emissions have local impact. Noise emissions of cooling installations are part of the totalnoise emissions from the site. A number of primary and secondary measures have beenidentified that can be applied to reduce noise emissions where necessary. The primary measureschange the sound power level of the source, where the secondary measures reduce the emittednoise level. The secondary measures in particular will lead to pressure loss, which has to becompensated by extra energy input, which reduces overall energy efficiency of the coolingsystem. The ultimate choice for a noise abatement technique will be an individual matter, as willthe resulting associated performance level. The following measures and minimum reductionlevels are considered as BAT.

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136 Industrial Cooling Systems

4.8.2 Identified reduction techniques within the BAT-approach

Table 4.9: BAT for the reduction of noise emissions

Cooling system Criterion Primary BAT approachAssociatedreduction


Reduce noise ofcascading water atair inlet

Different techniquesavailable ≥ 5 dB(A) Section 3.6

Natural draughtcooling towers Reduce noise

emission aroundtower base

E.g application of earthbarrier or noiseattenuating wall

< 10 dB(A) Section 3.6

Section 3.6Reduction of fannoise

Apply low noise fan withcharacteristics, e.g.:- larger diameter fans;- Reduced tip speed

(≤ 40 m/s)

< 5 dB(A)Section 3.6

Optimised diffuserdesign

Sufficient height orinstallation of soundattenuators

Variable Section 3.6Mechanical draughtcooling towers

Noise reductionApply attenuationmeasures to inlet andoutlet

≥ 15 dB(A) Section 3.6

4.9 Reduction of risk of leakage

4.9.1 General approach

To reduce the risk of leakage, attention must be paid to the design of the heat exchanger, thehazardousness of the process substances and the cooling configuration. The following generalmeasures to reduce the occurrence of leakages can be applied:• select material for equipment of wet cooling systems according to the applied water quality;• operate the system according to its design,• if cooling water treatment is needed, select the right cooling water treatment programme,• monitor leakage in cooling water discharge in recirculating wet cooling systems by

analysing the blowdown.

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4.9.2 Identified reduction techniques within the BAT-approach

Table 4.10: BAT to reduce the risk of leakage

Relevance1) Criterion Primary BAT approach Remarks Reference

All heatexchangers Avoid small cracks ∆T over heat exchanger

of ≤ 50ºC

Technicalsolution forhigher ∆T oncase-by-casebasis

Annex III

Operate withindesign limits Monitor process operation Annex

III.1Shell&tube heatexchanger Strength of tube/tube

plate constructionApply weldingtechnology

Welding notalwaysapplicable


Equipment Reduce corrosion T of metal on coolingwater side < 60ºC

Temp. affectsinhibition ofcorrosion


VCI score of 5-8 Direct system Pcooling water >Pprocess and monitoring

Immediatemeasures incase of leakage

Annex VII

VCI score of 5-8Direct system Pcooling water= Pprocess and automaticanalytical monitoring

Immediatemeasures incase of leakage

Annex VII

VCI score of ≥ 9Direct system Pcooling water >Pprocess and automaticanalytical monitoring

Immediatemeasures incase of leakage

Annex VII

VCI score of ≥ 9

Direct system with heatexchanger of highlyanticorrosive material/automatic analyticalmonitoring

Automaticmeasures incase of leakage

Annex VII

VCI score of ≥ 9

Change technology- indirect cooling- recirculating cooling- air cooling

Annex VII

Cooling of dangeroussubstances

Always monitoring ofcooling water Annex VII

Once-throughcooling systems

Apply preventivemaintenance

Inspection by means ofeddy current

Other non-destructiveinspectiontechniques areavailable

Recirculatingcooling systems

Cooling of dangeroussubstances

Constant monitoring ofblowdown

1) Table not applicable for condensers

4.10 Reduction of biological risk

4.10.1 General approach

To reduce the biological risk due to cooling systems operation, it is important to controltemperature, maintain the system on a regular basis and avoid scale and corrosion. All measuresare more or less within the good maintenance practice that would apply to a recirculating wetcooling system in general. The more critical moments are start-up periods, where systems’operation is not optimal, and standstill for repair or maintenance. For new towers consideration

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138 Industrial Cooling Systems

must be given to design and position with respect to surrounding sensitive objects, such ashospitals, schools and accommodation for elderly people.

4.10.2 Identified reduction techniques within the BAT-approach

Table 4.11: BAT to reduce biological growth

Cooling system Criterion Primary BAT approach Remarks Reference

Reduce algaeformation

Reduce light energyreaching the coolingwater


Reduce biologicalgrowth

Avoid stagnant zones(design) and applyoptimized chemicaltreatment

Cleaning afteroutbreak

A combination ofmechanical and chemicalcleaning


All wetrecirculatingcooling systems

Control of pathogensPeriodic monitoring ofpathogens in the coolingsystems


Open wet coolingtowers

Reduce risk ofinfection

Operators should wearnose and mouthprotection (P3-mask)when entering a wetcooling tower

If sprayingequipment ison or whenhigh-pressurecleaning


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5.1 Timing of the work

The work on this BAT Reference document started in June 1997 with the kick-off meeting on19-20 June 1997 describing the scope and the key environmental issues. Originally the scopeincluded vacuum systems as well, but due to their highly process-related characteristics it wasconsidered to be too complex to cover in a general way and was left out of the work.

Two drafts were issued to the Technical Working group (TWG) for consultation. The first draftwas issued in June 1999 and the second in March 2000. In both consultation periods commentsand new information were submitted.

The final TWG meeting was held on the 29-31 May 2000 and a high level of consensus wasobtained on content as well as on the BAT conclusions was obtained. There was general supportfor BAT conclusions on the horizontal subject of industrial cooling systems. The reference tolocal aspects and its consequences for the BAT conclusion were strongly debated. Theoptimisation of cooling water conditioning as a major aspect of cooling systems operation wasalso heavily discussed. Comments and new information submitted during and after the meetinghave been incorporated in the final report.

In the main part of the document, the general approach to arrive at BAT for industrial coolingsystems is explained. The main conclusions on BAT are presented in Chapter 4. A large numberof annexes illustrates the general concepts with practical examples.

5.2 Sources of information

As sources of information a large number of documents, reports and information from coolingsystem operators and authorities as well as from suppliers of equipment and cooling waterchemicals has been used to draft the document.

Of these the documents tm001 (NL), tm056 and tm132 (Power Industry) and tm139 (Equipmentsuppliers) can be considered as general building blocks. Other information submitted was morefocused on a particular environmental issue, where the emphasis was largely on cooling waterconditioning.

Information was further obtained during site visits and by personal communication on selectionof technology and on experiences with the application of reduction techniques.

5.3 Recommendations for future work

Cooling is an essential element in many industrial processes. The assessment of best availabletechniques for cooling systems has revealed that internal heat management, selection andoperation of the cooling system and the resulting emissions to the environment are directlyrelated. However, the BREF-process has not been able to identify examples that give aquantified illustration of this principle and a future BREF would benefit from furtherinvestigation.

Within the Technical Working Group there clearly is agreement that BAT for cooling systems isan approach within which a number of specific techniques can be identified. It is a complexissue involving thermodynamic principles and interaction with the characteristics of the process.It is clear that BAT for cooling systems is a balance of the demands of the industrial process tobe cooled, the design and operation of the cooling system and the costs. For this purpose a

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Chapter 5

140 Industrial Cooling Systems

BAT-approach is developed with the emphasis on prevention by technological changes andimproving operating practice. This approach makes a distinction between new and existingcooling systems, but in this document it is emphasised that reduction measures in existingcooling systems have the same objective. In other words, the same approach applies, but it isclear that options for reduction are limited in existing cooling systems.

The process of exchange of information has made it possible to identify a number of techniquesthat can be considered BAT on a general level, as presented in Chapter 4.To determine techniques under the primary BAT approach for cooling systems, however, hasbeen difficult. There seems to be reluctance to identify specific reduction techniques in theframework of a horizontal issue, where general application may not be so obvious.

On the change in technology with an associated reduction in emissions no detailed informationon a practical example has been made available to illustrate the potential for improvements,acknowledging that identical changes in similar cooling configurations could still have differentassociated reduction levels. Comparisons of the performance of systems would need comparableunits and it is suggested that performance data be expressed per unit of heat dissipated (MWth).Examples can be found in the document, where this was feasible.

Concerning the environmental issues associated with the operation of the industrial coolingsystems in the scope of this document, emphasis is largely on reduction of emissions to theaquatic environment. Few data were reported that are considered as representative and aninventory is recommended to be able to get a better picture, which could serve as a benchmarkfor results of (future) reduction techniques.

The TWG considers the selection of cooling water additives to be an important pathway toreduce potentially harmful emissions to the aquatic environment. A general assessmentprocedure which includes local characteristics is necessary to make a selection at a local level.Two concepts are presented in this BREF to aid the local assessment of cooling water additives.The TWG considers both concepts as valuable tools, but the benchmark concept (Annex VIII.1)is still a theoretical model and will need further examination.

Emissions to air from wet cooling towers may contain chemicals or bacteria, but it was acommon view in the TWG that very few data exist. To identify their importance would needaccurate measurement to quantify emissions, given certain water conditioning regimes andefficiency of the drift eliminators. Further investigation on available data will be needed.

In some Member States a lot of attention is currently paid to the development of Legionella inwet cooling towers as a result of some recent outbreaks of Legionnaires disease. Hence therelatively large section paying attention to this aspect. From the information submitted it is clearthat further work is needed to establish representative concentration levels of Legionella and toimprove treatments for systems cleaning after outbreaks as well as for daily maintenance.A maximum level of acceptable colony forming units (CFU) in a cooling system with anassociated low risk has not been determined. At present it is not clear if such a level can beidentified and future work may identify progress in this field of work.

A number of techniques were identified and considered BAT, but some are still in a stage ofdevelopment and may be considered as emerging. Their application and environmentalconsequences still have to be assessed. Examples of these techniques are the spray (orevaporative) ponds and cold and heat storage.

It is recommended that this document be revised in 3 years’ time to assess the above-mentionedpoints.

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Industrial Cooling Systems 141


[Comment-1, ..]Information submitted as comment on the first draft of the BREF-document by TWG-member(Member State or institute)

[Correia, 1995]Correia F.N. et al, Water availability, uses and institutions in Europe, Summary report andvertical issues, Congres Center Instituto Superior Técnico (Lissabon (P), 1995).

[Hadderigh, 1978]Hadderigh, R.H., 1978. Mortality of young fish in the cooling water system of Bergum powerstation. Verh. Internat. Verein. Limnol., vol. 20, pp. 1827-1832.

[Hadderingh, 1983]Hadderingh, R.H. et al., 1983. Fish impingement at power stations situated along the riversRhine and Meuse in the Netherlands. Hydrobiological Bulletin 17 (2), pp. 129-141.

[KEMA, 1972]KEMA, 1972. Invloed van maaswijdte van de draaizeven op passage en overleving van met hetkoelwater ingezogen jonge vis bij de Flevo-centrale. KEMA-memorandum VII 78-87, MO-biol.

[KEMA, 1982]KEMA, 1982. Visproblemen bij de inlaat van centrales; samenvatting van een voordracht op de22e vergadering van de Kring van Chemici van Centrales. KEMA-memorandum 82-12 MO-biol.

[KEMA, 1992]KEMA, 1992. Bemonstering van ingezogen vis bij eenheid 13 van centrale Gelderland in maart,juli en november van 1990 en 1991. KEMA-rapport 71176-MOB 92-3652.

[Carter and Reader, in press]Carter, K.L. and J.P. Reader, (in press), Patterns of drift and power station entrainment of 0+ fishin the River Trent, England.

[tm001, Bloemkolk, 1997]Bloemkolk, J.W. Industrial cooling water discharge. Cooling systems and emissions.Ministry of Transport, Public Works and Water Management, Directorate-General of WaterManagement, RIZA. Report number: 95.050 (Lelystad (NL), 1995, English translation 1997).ISBN 9036945445

[tm003, Van der Schaaf, 1995]Schaaf R.J van der., Eindrapport alternatieve koelsystemen industrie. Final report by FluorDaniel in order of Ministry of Transport, Public Works and Water Management, Directorate-General of Water Management, RIZA (Lelystad (NL), 1995).

[tm004, Baltus and Berbee, 1996]Baltus C.A.M., Berbee R.P.M., Het gebruik van biociden in recirculatiekoelsystemen.Ministry of Transport, Public Works and Water Management, Directorate-General of WaterManagement, RIZA. Report number: 95.036 (Lelystad (NL), 1996). ISBN 903694550X.

[tm005, Van Donk and Jenner, 1996]Donk M van., Jenner H.A., Optimization of biofouling control in industrial cooling watersystems with respect to the environment. Edit. KEMA, by order of RIZA (Arnhem (NL), 1996).

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142 Industrial Cooling Systems

[tm010, Betz, 1991]Betz handbook of industrial water conditioning, 9th edition, Trevose, U.S.A (1991).

[tm012, UBA, 1982]Umweltbundesamt, Abwärmekommission (edit.) Abwärme - Auswirkungen, Verminderung,Nutzung, Bericht 82-3, Berlin (D) 1982.

[tm014, KEMI, 1991]Kemikalieinspektionen 6/91 (Solna, (S), 1991). Miljöfarligheten hos mikrobiocider I kylvatten.(ISSN: 0284-1185).

[tm032, Zimmerman and Hamers, 1996]Zimmerman, P. and J.P. Hamers, Planung und Bau eines Schwadenfreien geräuscharmenHybridkühltürmes mit einer umweltschonenden Wasserbehandlung dusrch Ozon für ein GuD-Kraftwerk in den Niederlanden, VGB Kraftswerkstechnik 76, 1996, Heft 6 (p.502-505).

[tm034, Hobson et al., 1995]Hobson, E., P. Lindahl and T. Massey, Leistungssteigerung mit Kühlturmeinbauten aus NPF(National Power Fill), VGB Kraftswerkstechnik 75, Heft 9 (p. 829-833)

[tm036, Wilsey, 1997]Wilsey, C.A., Alternative water treatment for cooling towers. ASHRAE Journal April, 1997(p.43-46).

[038, Millar et al., 1997]Millar, J.D., G.K. Morris and B.G. Shelton, Legionnaires’ disease: seeking effective prevention,ASHRAE Journal, 1997 (p.22-29)

[tm039, Strittmatter et.al., 1996]Strittmatter, R.J., Yang B., Johnson D.A., Ozone application for cooling tower water. ASHRAEJournal, 1996.

[tm040, Schulze-Robbecke and Richter, 1994]Schulze-Röbbecke, R. and Richter, M., Entstehung und Vermeidung vonLegionelleninfektionendurch Kühltürme und Rückkühlwerke, GI Gesundheits –Ingenieur Haustechnik-Bauphysik-Umwelttechnik 115, 1994 (p.71-77).

[tm041, Burger, 1994]Burger, R., Select the right cooling tower fill, Hydrocarbon Processing, August 1994 (p. 141-143).

[tm042, Veil and Moses, 1995]Veil, J.A., Moses, D.O., Consequences of proposed changes to clean water act thermaldischarge requirements. Paper presented to EPRI, international Clean Water Conference, (Jolla,CA (USA), 1995).

[tm044, Carhart and Policastro, 1991]Carhart, R.A. and Policastro, A.J., A second-genration model for cooling tower plume rise anddispersion – I. Single sources. Atmospheric Environment Vol.25A, no. 8, 1991 (pp. 1559-1576).

[tm046, Vanderheyden and Schuyler, 1994]Vanderheyden, M.D., Schuyler, G.D., Evaluation and quantification of the impact of coolingtower emissions on indoor air quality, ASHRAE Transactions of Annual Meeting, Vol. 100,part 2 (p. 612-620)

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[tm056, Caudron, 1991]Caudron, L., Les réfrigérants atmosphériques industriels, éditions Eyrolles, Paris (1991).

[tm059, Mortier, 1995]Mortier, R., Pretreatment and desalting of contaminated and brackish surface water with reverseosmosis, Proceedings of Watersymposion 1995 (p.144-158), Breda (NL).

[tm059, Paping, 1995]Paping, L.L.M.J., Energiebesparing door schone koelers, Proceedings of Watersymposion 1995(p.23-47), Breda (NL).

[tm061, Eurovent/Cecomaf, 1997]Eurovent/ (WG 9, Cooling towers), Mechanical draught cooling tower acoustics, practicalguide, Paris, Draft December1997.

[tm062, Dallmier, 1997]Dallier, A.W., J.D. Martens and W.F. McCoy, performance of stabilized halogen biocides incooling water, report 398, naperville, Illinois (USA, 1997).

[tm064, Meier, 1990]Meier, D.A., Zero blowdown - A solution for water conservation, International WaterConference, October 1990, Reprint nr. 529.

[tm065, Meier and Fulks, 1990]Meier, D.A., and K.E. Fulks, Water treatment options and considerations for water reuse,National Association of Corrosion Engineers Corrosion ’90 meeting, Las Vegas (USA), Reprintnr. 520.

[tm066, Phillips and Strittmatter, 1994]Phillips, E.C., and R.J. Strittmatter, Reuse of industrial waste stream as cooling tower makeup,1994 Coolin Tower Institute Annual Meeting, Houston Texas (USA, 1994).

[tm067, Hoots et al, 1993]Hoots, J.E., B.V. Jenkins and E.C. Ray, Choosing chemical dosage control for cooling waterinhibitors and dispersants, Paper presented at Meeting of International District Heating andCooling Association October 27-29, 1993, Tulsa (USA), Reprint 622, Nalco.

[tm068, Ambrogi, 1997]Ambrogi, R., Environmental impact of biocidal antifouling alternative treatments of sea wateronce-through cooling systems (1997). Proceedings of symposium on chlorine dioxide anddisinfection, Rome (I), 1996.

[tm070, Benschop, 1997]Benschop, P., The evaluation of substances and preparations in the context of the pollution ofsurface waters act. Ministry of Transport, Public Works and Water Management, Directorate-General of Water Management, RIZA. Report number: 98.005 (Lelystad (NL), 1997). ISBN9036951569.

[tm071, Niebeek, 1997]Niebeek, G. Procedure for the evaluation of substances and preparations in the context of thepollution of surface waters act. Ministry of Transport, Public Works and Water Management,Directorate-General of Water Management, RIZA. Report number: 98.006 (Lelystad (NL),1997). ISBN 9036951577.

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144 Industrial Cooling Systems

[tm072, Berbee, 1997]Berbee R.P.M., Hoe omgaan met actief chloor in koelwater? (How to use active chlorine incooling water?), Ministry of Transport, Public Works and Water Management, Directorate-General of Water Management, RIZA. Report number: 97.077 (Lelystad (NL), 1997). ISBN9036951240.

[tm079, CES, 1994]Consultants in Environmental Sciences Ltd. Biocides in cooling water systems(Beckenham(UK), 1994) by order of the U.K Department of the Environment.

[tm082, Mittendorf, 1990]Mittendorf, E.D., Removal of asbestos paper fill from large industrial cooling towers, Paperpresented at 1990 Cooling Tower Institute Annual Meeting, (Houston, Texas (USA), 1990).

[tm083, Adams and Stevens]Adams, S. and Stevens, J., Strategies for improved cooling tower economy. Paper presented at1991 Cooling Tower Institute Annual Meeting, (New Orleans, Louisiana (USA), 1991).

[tm084, Rice and Wilkes, 1992]Rice R.G. and Wilkes J.F.. Biocidal aspects of ozone for cooling water treatment-probableimpacts of bromide ion. Paper presented at 1992 Cooling Tower Institute Annual Meeting,(Houston, Texas (USA), 1992).

[tm086, Van der Spek, 1993]Spek, H. van der, Reduction of noise generation by cooling fans, Paper presented at 1993Cooling Tower Institute Annual Meeting, (New Orleans, Louisiana (USA), 1993).

[tm087, Engstrom and Tully, 1994]Engstrom, G.G. and J.C. Tully, Monitoring biological control in cooling systems, paperpresented at the 1994 Cooling Tower Institute Annual Meeting, (Houston, Texas (USA), 1994).

[tm090, Grab et al, 1994]Grab, L.A., J.A. Diemer, M.G. Freid, The effect of process leak contaminants on biocidalefficacy, Paper presented at 1994 Cooling Tower Institute Annual Meeting, (Houston, Texas(USA), 1994)

[tm091, Little et.al, 1994]Little D. A., Mitchell WA., E.S. Lawson, The control of ferous metal corrosion in cooling waterby a novel phophonate corrosion inhibitor. Paper presented at 1994 Cooling Tower InstituteAnnual Meeting, (Houston, Texas (USA), 1994).

[tm092, Becker and Burdick, 1994]Becker, B.R. and L.F. Burdick, Drift eliminators and fan system performance, Paper presentedat 1994 Cooling Tower Institute Annual Meeting, (Houston, Texas (USA), 1994).

[tm093, Mirsky, 1995]Mirsky, G.R., Cooling tower noise, Paper presented at the 1995 Cooling Tower Institute AnnualMeeting, Fort Worth (Texas (USA), 1995).

[tm094, Alfano and Sherren, 1995]Alfano, N.J. and D.J. Sherren, Water conservation via new cooling water technology, Paperpresented at the 1995 Cooling Tower Institute Annual Meeting, Fort Worth (Texas (USA),1995).

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[tm095, Cunningham, 1995]Cunningham, R.J., Maximizing cooling tower cycles of concentration, Paper presented at theCooling Tower Institute Annual Meeting, Fort Worth (Texas (USA), 1995).

[tm096, McCoy et al, 1995]McCoy, W.F., S.A. Borchardt, and M.R. Hermiller, Traced biocides: a new technology forindustrial water treatment, Paper presented at the 1995 Cooling Tower Institute AnnualMeeting, Fort Worth (Texas (USA), 1995).

[tm97, Immell, 1996]Immell, W.F., Variable speed fan drives for cooling towers, Paper presented at 1996 CoolingTower Institute Annual Meeting, (Houston, Texas (USA), 1996).

[tm101, BDAG, 1996]Balcke Dürr AG, Hybrid cooling towers, Ratingen (D), 1996.

[tm102, BDAG, 1996]Balcke Dürr AG, Natural draught wet cooling towers-nature’s good deed, Ratingen (D), 1996.

[tm103, BDAG, 1996]Balcke Dürr AG, Mechanical draught wet cooling towers-cooling air supplied by fan power,Ratingen (D), 1996.

[tm104, Tesche, 1997]Tesche, W., Selection criteria for different types of cooling towers, Balcke-Dürr Ratingen (D),1997.

[tm109, BDAG, 1996]Balcke Dürr AG, Air-cooled heat exchangers for the hydrocarbon process industry, Ratingen(D), 1996.

[tm110, BDAG, 1995]Balcke Dürr AG, Technical information on cooling towers for salt water applications (pers.comm.)

[tm111, BDAG, 1996]Balcke Dürr AG, Air-cooled heat exchangers, Ratingen (D), 1996.

[tm113, Streng, 1996]Streng, A., Combined wet/dry cooling towers of a cell-type construction, American PowerConference 58th Annual Meeting, (Chicago (USA), 1996).

[tm117, Remberg and Fehndrich, 1993]Remberg, H.-W. and B. Fehndrich, Wirkubgsgradverbesserung bei naturzug-Nasskühltürmendurch Austausch von Asbestzement-Kühleinbauten gegen Kunststoff-Kühleinbauten, Kraftwerkund Umwelt, 1993 (p. 112-117).

[tm123, Alt and Mäule, 1987]Alt, W. and R. Mäule, Hybridkühltürme im wirtschaftlichen Vergleich zu Nass- undTrockenkühltürmen, VGB Kraftwerkstechnik 8, (page 763-768), 1987.

[tm131, Dziobek, 1998]Dziobek, Th., Ozon stopft Loch in der Kasse (Ozone fills financial gap in the pocket),Umwelttechnik (Sonderteil Wasser), April 1998.

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146 Industrial Cooling Systems

[tm132, Eurelectric, 1998]BAT for Cooling Systems. Eurelectric, The European Grouping of the Electricity SupplyIndustry, (Brussels (B), 1997, updated 1998).

[tm135, Nalco, 1988]The Nalco Water Handbook, 2nd edition, USA (1988).

[tm136, Jäggi/Günthner, 1997]Jäggi/Günthner, Industrial recoolers, Technical information, edit. 9.97, Bern (1997).

[tm139, Eurovent, 1998]Proposal for a BREF-document for cooling systems. Drafted by Coopers & Lybrand Umwelt(1998) by order of Eurovent, the European Committee of Air handling and RefrigerationEquipment manufacturers. Report number: 61350027.

[tm 144, Cabanes et al, 1997]Cabanes, P.A., E. Pringuez, F. Siclet, M. Khalanski, and P. Pernin, Continuous chlorination tocontrol pathogenic free living amoebae in a closed loop power plant, The EnvironmentalProfessional, Volume 19, 1997 (p.192-200)

[tm145, Werner and Pietsch, 1991]Werner, H.-P. von, M. Pietsch, Bewertung des Infektionsrisikos durch Legionellen inKühlkreisläufen von Kraftwerken, VGB Kraftwerkstechnik 71, Heft 8, p. 785-787 (1991)

[tm146, Daamen and Savelkoul, 1999]Daamen E.J., and J.T.G. Savelkoul, Zijstroom-biofiltratie in open recirculerendekoelwatersystemen, In: proceedings Watersymposium ’99, Breda, NL (1999).

[tm147, Bloemkolk and Van der Schaaf, 1996]Bloemkolk J.W., R.J. van der Schaaf, Design alternatives for the use of cooling water in theprocess industry: minimization of the environmental impact from cooling systems, J. CleanerProduction Vol.4, No. 1, pp. 21-27, 1996.

[tm148, RIZA, 1996]RIZA, Visintrek door grootschalige koelwaterinname, Problematiek en aanbevelingen, FWVO-nota 96.01 (January, 1996).

[tm149, Baltus et al., 1999]Baltus, C.A.M., L.C.M., Kerkum and P.G.M. Kienhuis, Acute toxiciteit van koelwaterlozingenuit recirculatiekoelsystemen, Ministry of Transport, Public Works and Water Management,Directorate-General of Water Management, RIZA. Report number: 99.025 (Lelystad (NL),1997). ISBN 9036952492.

[tm150, Paping, 1999]Paping, L.L., Feasibility study on application of spray ponds, Pers. comm. on study, DowEurope (Terneuzen (NL), 1999).

[tm151, BAC, 1999]Baltimore Aircoil, H2O conserving HXI hybrid fluid cooler, Information Leaflet, Heist-op-den-Berg (B), 1999.

[tm152, Taft, 1999]Taft, E.P., Fish protection technologies: a status report. Alden Research Laboratory Inc., Holden(USA), 1999.

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[tm153, Paping et al, 1999]Paping, L.L.M.J., H.A. Jenner, H.J.G. Polman, B.H. te Winkel and M.R. de Potter, Ecologicalconditioning and optimisation of a once-through cooling water system, Proceedings ofWatersymposium 1999, p.327 – 355 (Breda (NL), 1999).

[tm154, Besselink et al, 1999]Besselink, V.V., M.A.M. Beerlage, W. de Jongh and G. Koopmans, Haalbaarheidstudie naaralternatieve koeling door middel van sproeivijvers, KEMA-report nr 99532763.EP.163 99P01,Arnhem (NL) 1999.

[tm155, Berbee, 1999]Berbee, R.P.M., Legionella in oppervlaktewater, in koelwater, in RWZI’s, in…..; waar eigenlijkniet?, Ministry of Transport, Public Works and Water Management, Directorate-General ofWater Management, RIZA. Report number: 99.057 (Lelystad (NL), 1999), ISBN 9036952867.

[tm156, Schmittecker et al, 1999]Schmittecker, B.M., K.-P. Henke, and W. Bergmann, Kühlwasserbehandlung mit Ozon.(Cooling water treatment with ozone), VGB KraftwerksTechniek 4/99.

[tm157, Jenner et al, 1998]Jenner, H.A., J.W. Whitehouse, C.J.L. Taylor and M. Khalansky, Cooling water managament incooling power stations-Biology and control of fouling, Hydroecologie Appliquee, Tome 10,Volume 1-2, 1998, ISSN: 1147-9213.

[tm158, VGB, 1998]VGB, VGB-Richtlinie, Lärmminderung in Wärmekraftanlagen, VGB-R 304, April 1998.

[tm159, KEMA/EPON, 1993]KEMA by order of N.V. EPON, Milieu-effect rapport WKC-Nijmegen (Environmental effectreport Heat and Power Unit Nijmegen), Arnhem (NL), 1993, Ref.nr. KEMA 21446-KEC 92-363.

[tm160, Bijstra, 1999]Bijstra, D., Verantwoord omgaan met biociden in koelwater. FWVO-rapport 99.02. (NL, 1999)

[tm161, Borgerding, 1998]Borgerding, P.H., Koelsystemen. “Koeling is meer dan warmte alleen”. (Cooling systems.“Cooling is more than just heat”). Ministry of Transport, Public Works and Water Management,Directorate-General of Water Management, RIZA. Report number: 98.056 (Lelystad (NL),1998), ISBN 9036952107.

[tm164, Travade, 1987]Travade F., Aspiration dórganismes aux prises déau des centrales (RGN, 1, pp 59-62, 1987).

[tm165, Turnpenny et al, 1985]Turnpenny, A.H.W., T.E. Langford and R.J.Aston, Power Stations and Fish. (ECB Research, pp27-39, 1985).

[tm166, Morton et al, 1986]Morton, S.J., C.L.R. Bartlett, L.F. Bibby, D.N. Hutchinson, J.V. Dyer, P.J. Dennis, Outbreak oflegionnaires’disease from a cooling water system in a power station. British Journal ofIndustrial Medicine 1986; 43: 630-635.

[tm167, Fliermans, 1996]Fliermans, C.B., Ecology of Legionella: From data to knowledge with a little wisdom.Microbial Ecology 1996; 32: 203 – 228.

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148 Industrial Cooling Systems

[tm168, De Potter et al, 1996]De Potter, M.R., H.J.G. Polman and B.H. te Winkel, Effectiveness and environmental impact ofelevated hypochlorite dosing at Dow Benelux 1995, KEMA-report 64683-KES/WBR 96-3114

[tm169, De Potter et al, 1997]De Potter, M.R., H.J.G. Polman and B.H. te Winkel, Effectiveness and environmental impact ofelevated hypochlorite dosing at Dow Benelux 1996, KEMA-report 64683-KES/WBR 97-3128

[tm170, De Potter and Polman, 1999]De Potter, M.R. and H.J.G. Polman, Effectiveness and environmental impact of elevatedhypochlorite dosing at Dow Benelux 1997, KEMA-report 9756058-KPG/CET 99-4403

[tm171, Polman, 2000]Polman H.J.G., Antifouling optimisation by pulse-alternating chlorination at Dow Benelux1999, KEMA-report 99550566-KPS/MEC.

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150 Industrial Cooling Systems

Table of contents

ANNEX I THERMODYNAMIC PRINCIPLES...........................................................155I.1 Heat transfer in a shell and tube heat exchanger ..................................................................... 155I.2 Approach................................................................................................................................. 156I.3 Capacity of a heat exchanger................................................................................................... 157I.4 Wet and dry bulb temperatures ............................................................................................... 158I.5 Relation between heat transfer and heat exchanging surface .................................................. 158

ANNEX II PRINCIPLE OF ENERGY SAVING THROUGH OPTIMISEDCOOLING ......................................................................................................161

II.1 Subject..................................................................................................................................... 161II.2 Summary of conclusions ......................................................................................................... 161II.3 Introduction............................................................................................................................. 162II.4 Calculations............................................................................................................................. 164

II.4.1 Principles ..................................................................................................................... 164II.4.2 Quantity of cooling water ↑ ......................................................................................... 166II.4.3 Quantity of cooling air ↑ .............................................................................................. 167II.4.4 Product temperature ↑ ; gas volume ↑ .......................................................................... 168II.4.5 Product pressure ↑ ; cooling compressor ↑ ................................................................... 169

II.5 Total potential energy conservation per °C colder cooling-water boundary layer .................. 170II.5.1 Efficiency of power generation ↑ ................................................................................ 170II.5.2 Total water used for cooling in the Dutch industry (excl. power plants) ..................... 171II.5.3 Total potential energy conservation per °C colder cooling-water boundary layer ....... 172

II.6 Examples of calculations for the relative conservation of energy and reduction of theenvironmental impact achieved by the use of inhibitors ......................................................... 173II.6.1 The contribution made by oxidation ............................................................................ 173

II.6.1.1 Once-through cooling system ........................................................................... 173II.6.1.2 Open recirculating system ................................................................................ 174

II.7 Examples of calculations of the relative savings in energy with colder cooling water ........... 176II.7.1 Coastal water versus cooling towers ............................................................................ 176II.7.2 River water versus cooling towers ............................................................................... 176II.7.3 Groundwater versus cooling tower .............................................................................. 177

II.8 Appendix environmental impacts............................................................................................ 177

ANNEX III SHELL AND TUBE HEAT EXCHANGERS FOR INDUSTRIAL ONCE-THROUGH COOLING SYSTEMS AND THE OCCURRENCE OFLEAKAGE......................................................................................................179

III.1 Design of the shell & tube heat exchanger for one through systems....................................... 180III.2 Leakage in shell & tube heat exchangers ................................................................................ 182III.3 Alternatives ............................................................................................................................. 183

ANNEX IV EXAMPLE OF SELECTION OF MATERIAL FOR COOLING WATERSYSTEMS IN INDUSTRIAL (NON-POWER PLANT) APPLICATIONS..........................................................................................................................185

IV.1 Introduction............................................................................................................................. 185IV.2 Direct once-through systems (with brackish water) ................................................................ 186IV.3 Indirect once-through system (brackish water/demin-water) .................................................. 188IV.4 Open recirculating cooling systems ........................................................................................ 189

IV.4.1 Fresh water application in open wet cooling tower...................................................... 189IV.4.2 Salt water application in open wet cooling towers....................................................... 189

ANNEX V OVERVIEW OF CHEMICALS FOR THE CONDITIONING OFCOOLING WATER SYSTEMS...................................................................191

V.1 Corrosion inhibitors ................................................................................................................ 191V.1.1 Corrosion ..................................................................................................................... 191V.1.2 Applied corrosion inhibitors ........................................................................................ 191

V.2 Scale inhibitors........................................................................................................................ 192V.2.1 Scaling ......................................................................................................................... 192V.2.2 Applied scale inhibition ............................................................................................... 192

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Industrial Cooling Systems 151

V.3 Fouling inhibitors (dispersants) ...............................................................................................193V.3.1 Fouling .........................................................................................................................193V.3.2 Applied fouling inhibitors ............................................................................................194

V.4 Biocides ...................................................................................................................................194V.4.1 Biofouling.....................................................................................................................194V.4.2 Applied biocidal treatment ...........................................................................................197V.4.3 Oxidising biocides........................................................................................................197V.4.4 Non-oxidising biocides.................................................................................................199V.4.5 Factors determining the use of biocides. ......................................................................200V.4.6 Interactions with other water treatment chemicals .......................................................202

V.5 Cycles of concentration and water balance..............................................................................202


ANNEX VII EXAMPLE OF A SAFETY CONCEPT FOR OPEN WET COOLINGSYSTEMS (VCI-CONCEPT)....................................................................... 209

VII.1 Introduction to the concept ......................................................................................................209VII.2 Requirements of the concept....................................................................................................211VII.3 Appendix 1 - Automatic analytical monitoring of once-through cooling systems ..................213VII.4 Appendix 2 – R-phrases used to calculate VCI-score..............................................................214

ANNEX VIII EXAMPLES FOR THE ASSESSMENT OF COOLING WATERCHEMICALS ................................................................................................ 217

VIII.1 Benchmark assessment concept for cooling water chemicals..................................................217VIII.1.1 Introduction ...............................................................................................................217

VIII.1.1.1 Background ................................................................................................217VIII.1.1.2 Relevant legislative background ................................................................218VIII.1.1.3 The water framework directive (WFD)......................................................218

VIII.1.2 Benchmarking : introduction of the concept..............................................................219VIII.1.2.1 The PNEC ..................................................................................................220VIII.1.2.2 The PEC.....................................................................................................221

VIII.1.3 Basic cooling towers material balances .....................................................................222VIII.1.3.1 Cooling towers basic equations..................................................................222VIII.1.3.2 Water balance.............................................................................................222VIII.1.3.3 Material balance .........................................................................................222VIII.1.3.4 Concentration .............................................................................................223VIII.1.3.5 Discussion ..................................................................................................223

VIII.1.4 Calculation of PEC and benchmarking......................................................................224VIII.1.5 Computation methods................................................................................................226

VIII.1.5.1 Single Substances.......................................................................................226VIII.1.5.2 Complex multi-substances treatments........................................................226

VIII.1.6 Appendix I: extract from technical guidance document ............................................228VIII.2 Concept of a local assessment method for cooling water treatment chemicals, with a particular

emphasis on biocides ...............................................................................................................231VIII.2.1 Introduction ...............................................................................................................231VIII.2.2 Key elements .............................................................................................................232VIII.2.3 Example of proposed local assessment method.........................................................235

ANNEX IX EXAMPLE OF A MODEL FOR ESTIMATING EMISSIONS OFBIOCIDES IN THE BLOWDOWN ............................................................ 239

ANNEX X INVESTMENT COSTS AND OPERATIONAL COSTS OF EQUIPMENTAND ELEMENTS OF COOLING SYSTEMS FOR NON-POWER PLANTAPPLICATIONS........................................................................................... 241

ANNEX XI EXAMPLES OF TECHNIQUES TO BE CONSIDERED WITHIN THEPRIMARY BAT APPROACH FOR INDUSTRIAL COOLING SYSTEMS......................................................................................................................... 247

XI.1 Introduction .............................................................................................................................247XI.2 Cooling water savings through water reuse .............................................................................247

XI.2.1 Reuse of (waste) water for cooling tower make-up......................................................248

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152 Industrial Cooling Systems

XI.2.2 Zero discharge system.................................................................................................. 249XI.2.3 Spray ponds.................................................................................................................. 250XI.2.4 Cold storage ................................................................................................................. 251

XI.3 Reduction of emissions through optimized cooling water treatment ...................................... 253XI.3.1 Side-stream-biofiltration in an open recirculating cooling water system..................... 253XI.3.2 Physical methods ......................................................................................................... 256XI.3.3 Optimization of biocide use ......................................................................................... 258

XI.3.3.1 Monitoring ........................................................................................................ 258XI. Monitoring of macrofouling..................................................................... 258XI. Traced biocides for biocide and microbiological activity ........................ 258

XI.3.3.2 Biocide dosage.................................................................................................. 259XI. Different conditioning regimes to obtain optimum annual total oxidant usein once-through systems against macro- and microfouling....................................... 259XI. Pulse alternating chlorination in once-through systems ........................... 261

XI.3.4 Alternative cooling water treatments ........................................................................... 264XI.3.4.1 Ozone................................................................................................................ 264XI.3.4.2 UV treatment .................................................................................................... 266XI.3.4.3 Catalytic hydrogen peroxide treatment ............................................................. 266XI.3.4.4 Chlorine dioxide ............................................................................................... 267XI.3.4.5 Ionic water purification to treat cooling tower water........................................ 270XI.3.4.6 Stabilizing halogenated biocides in cooling tower water.................................. 270XI.3.4.7 Filming agent against fouling, corrosion and scaling ....................................... 271XI.3.4.8 Stable organic corrosion inhibitors in open wet cooling towers ....................... 274

XI.3.5 Treatment of discharged cooling water........................................................................ 275XI.4 Variable frequency drives for reduction of energy use ........................................................... 276

ANNEX XII SPECIAL APPLICATION: POWER INDUSTRY ....................................277Synthesis............................................................................................................................................. 277XII.1 Introduction............................................................................................................................. 277XII.2 Power plant cooling systems - principles and reminders......................................................... 278XII.3 Possible environmental impacts of cooling systems ............................................................... 279

XII.3.1 Heat discharges to the atmosphere ............................................................................ 279XII.3.2 Heating of receiving aquatic-environments............................................................... 281XII.3.3 Suction of organisms into water intakes.................................................................... 282XII.3.4 Alteration of the receiving environment by chemical discharges ............................. 283XII.3.5 Other possible harmful effects resulting from the choice of some cooling systems . 286

XII.4 Prior study of the sites: indispensable tool for the evaluation of their receiving capacity, impactcontrol and prevention of harmful effects ............................................................................... 287XII.4.1 Analysis of the situation............................................................................................ 287XII.4.2 Mathematical modellings, simulations on models and tests on pilot loops, first

indispensable tools ....................................................................................................... 287XII.5 Design of components and choice of materials ....................................................................... 288

XII.5.1 Wet cooling ............................................................................................................... 288XII.5.2 Hybrid cooling .......................................................................................................... 289XII.5.3 Dry cooling ............................................................................................................... 290

XII.5.3.1 Forced draught air-cooled condenser......................................................... 290XII.5.3.2 Natural draught air-cooled condenser........................................................ 290XII.5.3.3 Closed recirculating dry cooling towers .................................................... 291

XII.5.4 Cooling towers with discharge of cleaned flue gas ................................................... 291XII.6 Cost comparison between the various types of cooling towers ............................................... 292XII.7 Choice of the treatment of circulating water alternative methods - monitoring ...................... 295

XII.7.1 Anti-scale treatment .................................................................................................. 295XII.7.2 Anti-fouling treatments (biocides) ............................................................................ 296XII.7.3 Monitoring ................................................................................................................ 296

XII.8 Design of the cooling system .................................................................................................. 297XII.8.1 Design and energy recovery...................................................................................... 297XII.8.2 Design and noise reduction measures ....................................................................... 297XII.8.3 Implementation of physical methods ........................................................................ 297XII.8.4 Modelling and pilot tests ........................................................................................... 298XII.8.5 Choice of the cooling system .................................................................................... 298

XII.9 Conclusions ............................................................................................................................. 298XII.10 Literature................................................................................................................................. 300XII.11 Illustrations.............................................................................................................................. 306

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Industrial Cooling Systems 153

List of tables

Table I.1: Fouling factors for shell and tube heat exchangers, indicative values [Van der Schaaf, 1995]155Table I.2: Specific heat capacities of air and water ..................................................................................157Table I.3: Heat transfer coefficients and estimated surface areas A (m2) per MW and at 20K mean

temperature difference for different industrial applications..................................................158Table I.4: Effects of the cooling principle on the capacity, approach and cooling surface of a cooling

system ...................................................................................................................................159Table II.1: Energy consumption in kWe, electricity consumption / MWth, cooling with clean heat exchangers.........163Table II.2: Mean attainable lowest cooling water inlet temperatures for the various cooling systems during

the months of July and August in the Netherlands................................................................163Table II.3: Conservation ratios for once-through and recirculating cooling system.................................177Table II.4: Energy conservation with potential colder cooling water source............................................177Table IV.1: Cooling water velocity and type of material .........................................................................185Table IV.2: Materials used for pumps in brackish water ..........................................................................186Table IV.3: Materials used for shell&tube heat exchangers in brackish water.........................................187Table V.1: Survey of fouling and clogging organisms, and degree of fouling in marine, brackish and fresh

water. In the last column mitigation is presented..................................................................195Table V.2: Estimated consumption levels of some commonly used oxidising biocides in a few European

Member States ......................................................................................................................198Table V.3: Estimated consumption levels in some of European Member States of some commonly used

non-oxidising biocides in kg/yr.............................................................................................200Table VII.1: Score for a number of R-phrases to calculate the total score for process substances...........210Table VII.2: Requirements of VCI safety concept for cooling technology ..............................................211Table VII.3: Description of R-phrases used to calculate VCI-score for cooling systems selection..........214Table VIII.1: Calculation of PEC and Benchmarking ..............................................................................225Table VIII.2: Assessment factors to derive a PNEC.................................................................................229Table VIII.3: Predicted concentrations of DBNPA in different surface waters for this example.............237Table VIII.4: Ecological data of DBNPA.................................................................................................237Table VIII.5: Consequences of closing the discharge...............................................................................238Table X.1: Cost elements for water and air cooling systems....................................................................243Table X.2: Cost indications for water and air cooling systems for industrial applications with the

exception of power plants (1993-1995) ................................................................................244Table XI.1: Investment and energy costs per MWth for spray pond and cooling tower ...........................251Table XI.2: Physical techniques to minimize biocide use ........................................................................257Table XI.3: Effect of applying an optimized dosage regime on the number of leakage caused by mussels

..............................................................................................................................................262Table XI.4: Typical dosage of chlorine dioxide for once-through and recirculating systems in Europe..268Table XI.5: Effect of chlorine dioxide applied in once-through system on larvae settlement..................269Table XII.1: Example of simplified balance of a thermal cycle for conventional new design .................278Table XII.2: Relationship between the installed capacity and cooling parameters...................................278Table XII.3: Comparison of different types of recirculating cooling systems with a lifetime of 25 years

and an actualisation ratio of 8% (study on EDF units of 1300 MWe) ..................................293Table XII.4: Comparison of wet cooling towers and aircooled condenser with a life-time of 20 years and

an actualisation ratio of 8% for a combined cycle unit 290 MWth.......................................293Table XII.5: Relationship between the concentration factor, the withdrawn water flowrate and the energy

discharged into the receiving waterway (individual example)..............................................295

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154 Industrial Cooling Systems

List of figures

Figure II.1: Illustration of areas of potential energy saving by reduction of the temperature gradientthrough a fouling layer as well as by using colder cooling water influent ........................... 162

Figure II.2: Graphic representation of pollution factors responsible for extra temperature gradient over thepipe wall ............................................................................................................................... 164

Figure II.3: Schematic representation of driving force over the length of a heat exchanger.................... 166Figure II.4: Number of cooling water pumps and change of cooling water low due to fouling............... 167Figure II.5: Change of temperature gradient of product gas (moles) in a counter flow heat exchanger due

to fouling .............................................................................................................................. 168Figure II.6: Representation of increase of process pressure to compensate temperature increase due to

fouling .................................................................................................................................. 169Figure II.7: Efficiency power generation for pumps, fans and compressors............................................ 170Figure III.1: Major components of shell & tube heat exchanger.............................................................. 179Figure III.2: Heat exchanger nomenclature (Standards of the tubular Exchanger Manufacturers

Association).......................................................................................................................... 181Figure V.1: Tower and solids balances for an evaporative cooling system using a cooling tower .......... 203Figure V.2: Reduction of the make-up flow by concentration in an evaporative cooling system............ 203Figure VIII.1: Cooling tower material balance ........................................................................................ 222Figure VIII.2: Combined approach for the assessment of cooling water biocides for existing installations

.............................................................................................................................................. 234Figure VIII.3: Schematic representation of a recirculating cooling system with the data for the example of

a local selection method of cooling systems chemicals........................................................ 236Figure XI.1: Optimised hypochlorite dosage (pulse-alternating chlorination) taking account of fouling and

cooling system characteristics .............................................................................................. 263Figure XII.1: Once-through system.......................................................................................................... 306Figure XII.2: Wet cooling tower .............................................................................................................. 306Figure XII.3: Once - through cooling with cooling tower........................................................................ 307Figure XII.4: Recirculating cooling ......................................................................................................... 307Figure XII.5: Mechanical draught cooling tower (pressure fans)............................................................. 308Figure XII.6: Mechanical draught cooling tower (suction fans, cell construction) .................................. 308Figure XII.7: Mechanical draught cooling tower (pressure fans, cell construction) ................................ 309Figure XII.8: Hybrid cooling tower ......................................................................................................... 309Figure XII.9: Forced draught air-cooled condenser ................................................................................. 310Figure XII.10: Natural draught air-cooled condenser .............................................................................. 310Figure XII.11: Closed recirculating indirect dry cooling tower ............................................................... 311Figure XII.12: Cooling tower with discharge of cleaned flue gas............................................................ 311Figure XII.13: Cooling system with fixed concentration factor............................................................... 312Figure XII.14: Cooling system with sliding concentration factor ............................................................ 312Figure XII.15: Decision-making logic diagram for the choice of the cooling system ............................. 313

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Annex I

Industrial Cooling Systems 155


Potentially every change in an industrial cooling system can affect the process of heat exchange.When applying BAT to industrial cooling systems the consequences for the cooling processhave to be assessed also using the thermodynamic principles.

I.1 Heat transfer in a shell and tube heat exchanger

In a counter flow design heat exchanger heat is transferred from a warm source to a cold sourceand the heat exchange can be described as follows:

( ) AUTQ m **ln∆=

Q heat transferred per unit of time (W)∆Tm(ln) logarithmic mean temperature difference LMTD (K)U overall heat transfer coefficient (W/m²K)A heat exchanging surface (m²)

The LMTD for a tube heat exchanger for counter current flow can be determined with thefollowing equation:

( ) ( )( ) ( ){ }1221


ln tTtTtTtTTm −−


T1 temperature inlet warm process side (K)T2 temperature outlet warm process side (K)t1 temperature inlet cold side (K)t2 temperature outlet cold side (K)

Heat transfer is promoted by a large surface area (A). For practical reasons there is a limit to thesize of the surface area and in that case finned tubes are applied. Different sources of resistance(R) form another limitation to heat transfer. Generally, resistance R is expressed as its reciprocalvalue of the heat transfer coefficient 1/U and largely consists of the thickness of the wallbetween the two media and its conductivity and the state of fouling of the exchanging surface.,but also the conductivity of the liquids is important accounting for the effect of differentvelocities on heat transfer.

Depending on the nature of the medium that flows through the heat exchanger, the heat-exchanging surface gets fouled. During use of the exchanger the resistance to the transfer ofheat increases. For design purposes use is made of a pollution coefficient or fouling factor, thatequals the maximum fouling depending on the nature of the medium or the coolant. In Table I.1a few examples are given, where a lower fouling factor means a lower state of fouling of theheat-exchanging surface.

Table I.1: Fouling factors for shell and tube heat exchangers, indicative values [Van der Schaaf,1995]

Medium Fouling factors (W/m2/K)River water 3000-12000Sea water 1000- 3000Cooling water (cooling tower) 3000- 6000Light hydrocarbons 5000Heavy hydrocarbons 2000

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Annex I

156 Industrial Cooling Systems

Two thermodynamic principles are responsible for heat transfer:transfer through conduction (and convection),transfer through evaporation of a medium.

Heat transfer in a dry cooling system through conduction and convection is called sensible heattransfer. In a wet cooling system water is cooled down by direct contact with air. Sensible heattransfer to air in a dry cooling system can be described as follows:

TmCQ a ∆= **ρ

Q heat transferred

ρC specific heat capacity of airT∆ temperature rangeam mass of air

In a wet cooling system there is additionally heat transfer through evaporation, latent heattransfer and can be described with the following formula:

HmQ a ∆= *'

Q heat transferred'am mass of air

H∆ enthalpy range

With these equations the mass of air necessary for dry (ma) and for wet (ma’) cooling can becompared:








The ratio depends on the temperature range ∆T and for example with an increase in airtemperature of 10 to 20°C this ratio is about 1:4. In this example it means that dry cooling needsfour times more air than wet cooling. In other words, a larger heat exchange surface is requiredfor dry cooling.

I.2 Approach

It is always important for a cooling system to provide sufficient driving force in order to achievethe transfer of heat. A minimal temperature difference is necessary between the incoming andthe outgoing flow, i.e. the difference between the temperature of the process medium leavingthe heat exchanger and the temperature of the coolant (water or air) that enters the heatexchanger, based on a counter flow design. This difference in temperature is called theapproach. For wet cooling towers the approach is defined as the difference between the wetbulb temperature of the air and the temperature of the coolant leaving the tower. For dry coolingtowers the approach is defined as the difference between the dry bulb temperature of the air andthe temperature of the coolant leaving the tower.

A cooling system is designed to meet specifications throughout the year. Of course, when waterand air temperatures are low, requirements are easily met. But higher temperatures can causeproblems both in operations and for the environment. Through sustained lowering of processflow or sustained raising of the amount of cooling medium, the temperature specifications caneventually be met. There are, however, design limits to this approach. Systems are often

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Annex I

Industrial Cooling Systems 157

designed in such a way that specifications may be exceeded to a maximum of 5% or lower on anannual basis.

For water-cooling, a minimal approach over the heat exchanger of 3-5K is used. Lower valuescan be reached, but this requires a larger and therefore more expensive heat-exchanging surface.With more heat exchangers in a cooling system the different individual approaches have to beadded up and the more exchangers the higher the approach. For a cooling tower an approachtemperature of 7K to 15K is often used.

For condensers of power stations the term “thermal difference”, instead of approach, is usedindicating the difference between the temperature of the condensate (steam) and the temperatureat which the cooling water leaves the condenser. To calculate the temperature at whichcondensation can take place the terminal difference and the temperature increase of the coolingwater have to be added. In case a cooling tower is used the approach of this tower will have tobe added as well. For condensers practical experience shows minimal terminal differences in therange of 3-8K, also depending on the fouling factor [tm056, Caudron, 1991].

The minimum end temperature that can be achieved by a cooling system is determined by theapproach of a cooling system and the design temperature, which depends on the climaticconditions of the site.

I.3 Capacity of a heat exchanger

The capacity or duty of a heat exchanger is the amount of heat that can be removed. Therequired heat transfer area of a cooling system is influenced by the different heat transfercapacities of the cooling media water and air, by sensible and latent heat transfer and by thedriving force. The design has to consider material requirements, pollution, drop of pressure,flow speed, spatial restrictions and the volume to be cooled (fluid or vapour).

The total capacity of a cooling system is determined by adding up the duties (or capacities) ofall heat exchangers:

[ ]orWsJQQ itot Σ=. with =iQ duty of user i

Due to its physical properties, water is an ideal heat carrier because of its high thermal capacity.It therefore only requires small heat exchange surfaces. The most effective transfer of heat is byevaporation of water. The latent heat (evaporation of water) compared with the specific heatcapacity per ∆K at 30ºC is about 630 times higher (Hv/C). The specific heat capacities of air,water, and evaporating water are shown in Table I.2.

Table I.2: Specific heat capacities of air and water

Air:(sensible heat transfer)

Cp = 1005.6 + (16.03*10-3*t) J/kg/K

Water:(sensible heat transfer)

C = 4192 J/kg at 10ºCC = 4182 J/kg at 50ºC

Evaporation of water:(latent heat transfer)

Hv = 2502 kJ/kg at 0ºCHv = 2431 kJ/kg at 30ºC

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Annex I

158 Industrial Cooling Systems

I.4 Wet and dry bulb temperatures

The wet bulb temperature is the lowest temperature, to which air can be cooled down byadiabatic evaporation. The wet bulb temperature always lies below dry bulb temperature anddepends on the measured temperature of the atmosphere, the humidity and the air pressure. Thedry bulb temperature is the temperature of dry air and a very important factor in the design ofair-coolers where sensible heat transfer is the underlying mechanism. Wet and dry bulbtemperatures can be the same when ambient air is fully saturated.

For latent heat transfer the wet bulb temperature is the relevant temperature and it istheoretically the lowest temperature to which water can be cooled down. In case of wet coolingtowers where the heat is transferred from the cooling water to the air mainly by evaporation, thewet-bulb temperature (i.e. the degree of saturation) is therefore an important design factor.

I.5 Relation between heat transfer and heat exchangingsurface

A high heat transfer and driving force (approach) will require a relatively small surface,resulting in a compact and cost effective heat transfer concept. Because of the lower heattransfer capacity of air, dry cooling systems require much larger heat exchanger surfaces anddriving force for the same cooling capacity. This larger heat exchange surface results in a higherdemand on space and potentially higher investment costs against the absence of costs for waterand cooling water treatment and the associated environmental effects.

The required heat exchanging area also depends on the medium that is to be cooled. As anexample of this Table I.3 shows examples of heat transfer coefficients and the associatedsurface areas of various combinations of cooling water and process fluids.

Table I.3: Heat transfer coefficients and estimated surface areas A (m2) per MW and at 20K meantemperature difference for different industrial applications[Bloemkolk, 1997].

Hot process side Heat transfer coefficient U(W/m2 K)

Estimated surface area(2) A(m2 per MW)

Fluids-organic solvent-light oil-heavy oil-gases

Condensing vapours(l)

-water vapour-organic vapour-vacuum condensers (water)-organics (partly condensing)


1000-1500700- 1000500-700200-500





Notes:1. Starting point is ∆T(ln)=20°C. Cooling with water. Calculation is based on overall heat exchange

coefficient U and is meant as a comparison2. It should be taken into account that condensing vapours per kg drain off much more heat than cooling

fluids; per MW heat discharged, relatively little vapour is therefore condensed.3. Q=U.A.∆T(ln)

As an example of what the above could mean two cases of installed cooling systems, one for drycooling and one for evaporative cooling, are compared and the results are shown in Table I.4.

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Annex I

Industrial Cooling Systems 159

The dry cooling tower with a cooling surface diameter of 20% more, has only 47% of thecapacity of the evaporative cooling system with an approach of 20 K compared to 12.6 K.

Table I.4: Effects of the cooling principle on the capacity, approach and cooling surface of a coolingsystem[132, Eurovent, 1998]

Characteristics Dry natural draught coolingtower

Wet natural draught coolingtower

Capacity 895 MWth 1900 MWth

Cooling surface diameter 145 m 120 mApproach 20 K 12.6 KTemperature (dry bulb / wet bulb) 14/ 10 °C 11/ 9 °CMinimum end temperatures 34 °C 21.6°C

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Annex II

Industrial Cooling Systems 161


[tm059, Paping, 1995]

II.1 Subject

This Annex reviews a method of calculation of the potential energy conservation in the eventthat cooling is carried out at lower temperatures. The conservation is expressed in terms ofprimary energy, with a dimensionless unit of kWth/MWth per K temperature difference in thecooling process itself. The reduction in energy consumption is achieved by the use of inhibitorsthat have been subjected to a standard test method. These inhibitors ensure that the watercoolers remain cleaner during the summer months. The direct and indirect energy use becauseof the choice of any of the six main cooling systems in a specific area can also be calculatedwith this dimensionless number.

II.2 Summary of conclusions

• In practice the variable temperature gradients across fouling are of the order of magnitudeof 1 to 4K.

• Colder cooling water in the immediate vicinity of the pipe wall results in energyconservation of 3½ kWth/MWth/K. This is equivalent with EUR 300 per MWth cooling perannum per K temperature difference.1

• The use of an efficient manner to combat the decrease in the heat transfer coefficient acrossfouling of heat exchangers results in a potential energy conservation for the Europeanindustrial sector pro ratio of this energy conservation factor. For every 100 GWth cooling inEurope the energy conservation potential is 11 PJth per annum2 per K. This is equivalentto a reduction of the emissions of carbon dioxide of 700 thousand tons per annum per K forevery 100 GWth cooling in Europe.

• The involved energy consequences of the choice for each of the six main cooling systemsare even more significantly. The difference in minimum attainable cooling watertemperature for each of the six main cooling water systems can also be expressed innecessary energy expenditure to cool. The same “dimensionless” factor of 3½ kWth/MWth/Kcan be applied for comparison of the design alternatives.

• The use of certain inhibitors in cooling water results in significant energy savings. Thesesavings can exceed the primary energy content of the additives by several factors of ten.The environmental impact decreases in proportion to these savings.

• The energy conservation achieved by the use of inhibitors exceeds the costs of the relevantadditives by a very wide margin.

An illustration of both effects, as discussed in this Annex, is presented in Figure II.1. A lowertemperature of the coolant as well as the use of antifouling treatment will effect the heat transferthrough the exchanger wall and the waterfilm.

1 Based on $14.7 /barrel; with an energy value of 41.87 GJth/ metric tonne oil equivalent and 7.45 barrels/ metric tonne oil

equivalent, representing 5.51 barrels per kWth year or 81 EUR /kWth year (Ministry of Economic Affairs, Netherlands, oil/gasconversion table NOVEM).

2 PJth = Petajoule thermal = 1015 Joule.

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Annex II

162 Industrial Cooling Systems




Every 0.12 mm = 1 K

Potential energy saving

Extra temperature gradient = Energy loss


} Potential energy saving

∆θdifference cooling system choice

Tproduct,minimum energy

through BAT Tcooling water

Figure II.1: Illustration of areas of potential energy saving by reduction of the temperaturegradient through a fouling layer as well as by using colder cooling water influent

II.3 Introduction

Following many informal contacts a number of multinationals with branches in the Europefounded the industrial cooling-water group in 1991. They took the initiative to develop astandard test method for cooling-water inhibitors. The basis of this method was formed by theresearch carried out in the nineteen-eighties by DSM and Shell. The “Industrial Cooling-WaterProject” was set up in the form of a joint project in which both the customers for and suppliersof these inhibitors participated.

The potential conservation in energy - in combination with the reduction in malfunctions of theproduction process achieved by the use of cleaner heat exchangers - was the most importantmotive for all partners to decide to invest in the project. This Annex discusses the issue in moredetail.

The generation of shaft-power and/or electricity is always accompanied by cooling; this isnecessary since only a maximum amount of useful energy can be extracted from a medium atany given ambient temperature. A proportion of this energy will pass through a number ofprocess steps, and will ultimately reach the factory’s cooling-water system. The yearlyaverages3 for the standard direct energy consumption expended in cooling, expressed in terms ofthe ratio KWe / MWth, cooling and assuming clean coolers in the summer months, is shown in thefollowing table.

3 ASHREA Handbook, 1983 Equipment volume; American Society of Heating, Refrigeration and Air-conditioning Engineers

Inc., Atlanta, USA, 1983.

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Annex II

Industrial Cooling Systems 163

Table II.1: Energy consumption in kWe, electricity consumption / MWth, cooling with clean heat exchangers

Cooling water-system Energy consumption in kWe, electricity consumption / MWth, coolingwith clean heat exchangers.

ΣΣΣΣ Cooling-waterpump Fan

Once-through cooling water ≈ 10; range 5 to 25 5 to 25 n/a

Circulation-cooling water with openwet cooling tower ≈ 15; range 10 to 25 5 to 20 5 to 10

Closed recirculating system ≈ 30; range 20 to 60 5 to 15 10 to 50

With an efficiency of the generation of electricity of 40%4 the above figures will need to bemultiplied by 2.5 to express the energy consumption in terms of the primary energy carrier. Therelative energy consumption required to cool by means of a water system then becomesdimensionless.

Moreover this energy consumption will increase in direct proportion to the (higher)temperatures of the cooling water and/or (increased) fouling of the coolers during the summermonths. To calculate the indirect energy consumption in a more reliable way the previous tablesin this document have to be linked. (The climatic conditions of the European countriesmentioned in Table 1.6, and the technical and thermodynamic characteristics of the differentcooling systems for industrial applications for a specific general site’s climate mentioned inTable 2.1). The following table shows the lowest attainable water temperatures at inlet for thevarious cooling systems during the months of July and August in the Netherlands.

In practice virtually no tap water or groundwater is used for cooling. Moreover it is lessdesirable to make use of these kinds of water for this purpose, and the practice is graduallybeing discontinued. Consequently it is possible to state that once-through cooling-water systemslocated on the coast consume the least amount of primary energy.

Table II.2: Mean attainable lowest cooling water inlet temperatures for the various cooling systemsduring the months of July and August in the Netherlands.

Cooling system Mean attainable min.temp.[°°°°C]

Remarks; Netherlands asexample

Once-through cooling: river 23Local limitations of heat

discharge by thermal limitvalues

Seawater along the coast 19 North sea 12 °C belowmixing zone

tap-water 15 Cost price

groundwater 12 Limited stock

Open wet cooling tower 24 Wet bulb 19°C

Air cooling; (for comparison) 40 (product temp.) Dry bulb 28°C

4 Central Bureau for Statistics, CBS, The Hague.

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Annex II

164 Industrial Cooling Systems

Moreover the energy consumption will increase when the heat exchangers are fouled. Thissediment can be classified into microfouling and macrofouling. Blockages caused by shellfishand other solid sediment preventing the flow of water through the pipes may be regarded asmacrofouling5. Microbial slime, scaling, deposits, that each in turn result in the formation ofcorrosion products on or in the warm cooling pipe, are all classified as microfouling6. Acharacteristic common to all the various forms of fouling mechanisms is the concomitantincrease in the internal energy consumption.This annex discusses the additional energy consumption per K extra temperature gradient inmore detail as well as it presents the calculation basics for the direct and indirect energyconsequences of .the choice of each of the six cooling systems.

II.4 Calculations

II.4.1 Principles

Industrial cooling installation ∆ θ log = 10 K (= driving force)Φ t = 5 kWth m-2 (= heat flux)

consequently a U total = 0.5 kWth m-2 K-1 (= overall heattransfer coefficient)

Assume a deposit δ fouling = 0.12 mm (= variable resistance)with a λ fouling = 0.6 W m-1 K-1(= thermal


Heat transfer is conceived to be analogous to a series of resistances between the product to becooled, the pipe wall, the laminar layer of water, and the variable degree of fouling:

αααααααααααααααα foulinglayerwaterwallpipeproducttotal



T pro duc t

∆θpo llutio n∆θwate rfi lm

Tc oo ling w ate r


Every 0 .1 2 m m = 1 K

P o ten tial en ergy sav in g

P ollu tion = E x tra tem p era ture g rad ient


Figure II.2: Graphic representation of pollution factors responsible for extra temperature gradientover the pipe wall

5 Dutch experience with condenser maintenance, E.J. Sneek, H.A. Jenner, KEMA, Arnhem.6 Practische waterbehandeling (Practical water treatment), Prof. J. Defrancq, de Sikkel Malle.7 VDI-Wärmeatlas. Berechungsblätter für den Warmeübergang, sechste erweitete Auflage, VDI-Verlag, Düsseldorf.

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Annex II

Industrial Cooling Systems 165









mm 120Km W 60Km kW 50=*U=*U=





= 1

:gradientsetemperatur Relative

U + U + U + U = 1



































Consequently a

∆ θ fouling = 1 K

It is assumed that fouled water coolers in industrial installations have virtually no influence onenergy consumption during the eight colder months of the year. This is based on the necessity ofpreventing certain process flows from being cooled to too low a temperature. Factories shallalways keep at least one cooling-water pump in operation; a fan that has been stopped isincapable of a further reduction in its capacity. Savings can be achieved during a longer periodof time in power stations. However, industrial cooling installations are usually deployed to coola variety of products, and consequently exhibit a great variety in types of heat-exchangematerial. As a result of this diversity, industrial cooling installations have a need for anappropriate design of the use of inhibitors to accommodate their complex systems, in turnresulting in the utilization of the maximum benefits of the calculated energy conservation duringonly four months in a year. Consequently the calculations in this annex are restricted to thisshort period, and are applicable only to the cooling capacity of water systems used in industrialinstallations. The reason for these restrictions is that the interpretation of cooling-wateradditives would have been undermined if power stations had also been included in thesecalculations of the energy conservation.

In practice one or more “solutions” are used to remedy situations in which the design of thecooling system in combination with the inhibitor is incapable of supplying the required coolingcapacity during the summer months. (These solutions are comprised of increasing the amount ofcooling water and/or cooling air and/or the product temperature and/or the process pressure). Allsuch solutions share the common characteristic of a concomitant increase in the internal energyconsumption.

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Annex II

166 Industrial Cooling Systems



Tout, product

tin, cooling water

Length heat exchanger

Pollution compensation through:* more cooling water* more cooling air* higher product temperature* higher process pressure

Driving force

Figure II.3: Schematic representation of driving force over the length of a heat exchanger

In the following calculations the additional energy consumption resulting from microfouling isexpressed in terms of a 1°C extra temperature gradient across the fouling. The formulae shownon the previous page indicate that an extra 1 °C temperature gradient already becomes apparentonce a microbial slime layer has attained a thickness of no more than an order of magnitude of0.12mm. This is also applicable to a layer of boiler-scale with a thickness of the same order ofmagnitude. The calculations assume that the heat transfer decreases linearly with the thicknessof the fouling. The reduction in heat-exchanger capacity caused by the first 20% of blockedcooling pipes due to macrofouling can be compensated by increasing the required temperaturegradient by 1°C. However every additional blocked cooling pipe will result in an exponentialincrease in the additional temperature gradient required.

Cooling tower discharging 10 MWth Φ = 1000 m3 h-1 circulation flow rate∆ θ = 8.6 K cooling water

inlet/outlet∆ θ log = 5.0 K cooling tower cooling


II.4.2 Quantity of cooling water ↑↑↑↑

The following is an example of a calculation in which a 1K extra temperature gradient acrossmicrofouling is, in practice, compensated by an increase in the number of cooling-water pumps.The temperature and flow-rate of the product and the quantity of heat removed from the productremain constant. The average pressure drop is adjusted to 3.7 bar.

The capacity will be doubled by the parallel operation of two identical centrifugal pumps onlyin the event of a purely static pressure. However every successive cooling-water pump broughtinto operation in a cooling-water system will result in a change of the dynamic headcharacteristics. As a consequence of these changes the nominal capacities of the pumps may notbe totaled. The resultant reduction in the capacity requires increased power consumption8.The removal of an equal quantity of heat requires the circulation of an extra 10% of coolingwater (= 20% extra pump energy) to compensate for the extra 1 K temperature gradient:

8 Pompen (Pumps), L.W.P. Bianchi, Stam, Culemborg.

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Annex II

Industrial Cooling Systems 167

More cooling water >> increased pumping power

1 kWe / MWth per K

Q1 pump



Q 2 pumps< 2 * Q 1 pump

Q2 pumps

Figure II.4: Number of cooling water pumps and change of cooling water low due to fouling

cooling. MW 10 per kW 30 = s

Nm 10* 30 =


sm . kg

7010* 20 =


gauge waterm37* sm 89*

mkg1000 *


36001000* 20%



] ∆H* g* ρ [* Φ* 20% = η

P* ∆φ is W
















Corrected for 4 summer months per year:

on an annual basis 1 kWe / MWth per K

II.4.3 Quantity of cooling air ↑↑↑↑

The same cooling tower of 10 MWth is used, but the removal of the same quantity of heat is nowachieved by compensating for the 1 K extra temperature gradient across the microfouling byincreasing the quantity of cooling air the fans pass through the cooler. The power consumptionof the fan increases from 54 kWe to 83 kWe per 10 MWth 9:

9 Calculation from POLACEL, Doetinchem (NL), and practical experience with variable pitch in combination with start/stop of

one or more fans.

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Annex II

168 Industrial Cooling Systems

Corrected for 4 summer months per year:

on an annual basis 1 kWe / MWth per K

Conclusion: an increase of either the amount of cooling air or the cooling-water flowrate requires the same annual amount of extra energy.

II.4.4 Product temperature ↑↑↑↑ ; gas volume ↑↑↑↑

0 °K

1 °K

2 °K

1 °K

Length heat

M ove more gas volume; PV =polluted heat exchanger >> warmer




2 kWe / MWth per K

Figure II.5: Change of temperature gradient of product gas (moles) in a counter flow heatexchanger due to fouling

The inlet temperature of the product is assumed to be constant. This means that the decrease inthe outlet temperature of the product discharged from a fouled heat exchanger will be less thanthat from a clean heat exchanger. The temperature gradient across the fouling will be virtuallyuniformly distributed along the entire length of the heat exchanger. As a result of these twoeffects the reduced temperature drop of the product at the outlet of the fouled heat exchangerwill be twice the magnitude of the temperature gradient across microfouling on the waterside ofthe heat exchanger. A pure countercurrent heat exchanger in which the energy content per Ktemperature change of the cooling-water flow rate (= in fact the specific heat of a quantity) isgreater than that of the product to be cooled will exhibit convergent temperature profiles at theoutlet side of the heat exchanger. The reduced temperature decrease on the product-outlet sidecaused by microfouling on the waterside will consequently be less than 2 °C per K temperaturegradient across the fouling. Conversely, energy content per K temperature change of thecooling-water flow rate smaller than that of the product to be cooled will result in divergenttemperature profiles at the outlet side of the heat exchanger. The reduced temperature decreaseon the product-outlet side caused by the same microfouling on the waterside will then be inexcess of 2 °C per K temperature gradient across the fouling on the water-side.

Under conditions of adiabatic compression, at a constant product mass and compression ratio,the removal of the same quantity of heat is now achieved by compensating for the extra 1Ktemperature gradient across the microfouling by increasing the final temperature of the productto be cooled by 2 °C.The formula for the same cooling tower of 10 MWth will than be:

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Annex II

Industrial Cooling Systems 169

Cper workssorore compre percent m = - + + =

consumtionpowerpressor extra comT

T increase etemperaturC product per

- PP *

κ-κ * T * R * φV * dP = W =


Cin +


in η * κ κ -





















.turegastemperainlet- theoffunction linear aisworkcompressor




Corrected for 4 summer months per year:

on an annual basis 2 kWe / MWth per K

Conclusion: the displacement of volume is more expensive than mass transport.

II.4.5 Product pressure ↑↑↑↑ ; cooling compressor ↑↑↑↑

For the same cooling tower of 10 MWth, where, for the same mass flow rate, the removal of thesame quantity of heat is now achieved by means of product condensation (for example, for thebenefit of a refrigerating machine based on adiabatic compression and expansion). This willraise the process-pressure of the product to be cooled so as to compensate for the 1K extratemperature gradient across the microfouling:


Molier diagram



H [J/kg]

P2 kWe / MWth per K


Increased dewpoint = increased process

Figure II.6: Representation of increase of process pressure to compensate temperature increase dueto fouling

Assumptions: propene-refrigerating machineinlet and outlet pressures 1.9 and 13 bar respectivelyboiling points - 33.6 and 28.5 °C respectivelypressure-temperature gradient 0.33 bar K-1

compressor and turbine efficiency 0.66

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Annex II

170 Industrial Cooling Systems

K per percent 594 = 660* 8523

01511 - 1 = conspowercompressor Extra

01511 =14621463=

64)33 (- - 50296433 - 1527364)33 (- - 50286433 - 15273





8523 = 64)33 (- - 50286433 - 15273 =

θ-θθlus = Carnot Cyc factorCooling

C 529 at

C 528 at



C +in




C 528 at outin































Corrected for 4 summer months per year:

On an annual basis 2 kWe / MWth per K

Conclusion: “Frigories” are twice as expensive as calories.

II.5 Total potential energy conservation per °C coldercooling-water boundary layer

II.5.1 Efficiency of power generation ↑↑↑↑

The efficiency of the generation of electricity in the Netherlands is 40% 10.

S [J/kg]



Reuse steam 40 % eff .Blow off steam 20 % eff .


Latent heat

H [J/kg]


Figure II.7: Efficiency power generation for pumps, fans and compressors

The generation and consumption of steam in a petrochemical complex are usually in balanceduring the autumn and the spring. In the winter high-pressure and medium-pressure steam willbe diverted to the low-pressure steam network. Conversely, in the summer some of the low-pressure steam will be disposed of by blowing it off to the atmosphere and/or condensing it in

10 Central Bureau for Statistics, CBS, The Hague.

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Annex II

Industrial Cooling Systems 171

coolers. Moreover a number of steam pumps will be shut down, and some electric motors willbe started up, so as to compensate for the shift in the energy balance.

Steam turbines are also used as auxiliary turbines to power refrigerating machines. In suchsituations the extra low-pressure steam produced and exhausted during the summer (theadditional amount generated as a result of fouled product condensers) will be disposed of. Theextra energy consumed by the refrigerating machine will then be accompanied by extra energylosses, which will be a magnitude of 5 larger. The enthalpy of superheated high, medium andlow-pressure steam is only one-fifth higher than the latent heat of water.

The Dutch Industry uses 20% of the total cooling capacity for compressor gas and refrigeratedcooling 11. Half of this refrigerated cooling is carried out by means of (auxiliary) steam turbines.“Frigories” (or “negative” calories) are more expensive than calories, and volume displacementsare more expensive than mass transport. In practice this means that during the summer monthspreference will be given to starting up cooling-water pumps and fans earlier, and shutting themdown later, rather than increasing the process pressures. Furthermore, in the first instance 80%of the capacity lost by inefficient cooling due to fouling will be compensated by means ofstart/stop commands to motors.

Consequently the average increase in primary energy per K temperature gradient is:

Kper MW / kW ... thth3.5 = 20

2* % 10 + 40

2* % 10 + 40

1* % 80��






Note: The above expressed energy factor can be calculated for other European countries as well, ifthe relative cooling capacity for compressor gas and refrigerated cooling is known. It isexpected that the outcome will range between 3 and 4 kWth / MWth per K, since the powergeneration efficiency in Europe is also around 40%.

II.5.2 Total water used for cooling in the Dutch industry (excl. powerplants)

Numbers regarding cooling water consumption, have to be available to calculate the absolutedirect and indirect energy usage as well as the absolute environmental impact of each of the sixmain cooling systems on a European scale. In the Netherlands, these statistical data wereavailable with a spread over the last decades. The majority of the water consumed by thenational industry (= 3.1 * 109 m3 per annum) is destined for use in cooling. The total amount ofwater used for cooling purposes amounts to 2.7 * 109 m3 per annum (for power plants 8.3*109

m3 p.a.). Of this water the majority is fresh, salt or brackish surface water. The originalstatistical sources differentiate between water used for general purposes and for cooling.However this data makes no differentiation between the proportions of water used to feedrecirculating and once-through cooling-water systems. Calculations indicate that the amount ofheat removed by water systems in the Dutch industrial sector is of the order of magnitude of 180PJth per annum 12 (= 5.7 GWth 13) and equally partitioned between cooling towers and oncethrough systems. 11 EST Consult B.V., Woubrugge, December ’90, NESR003. Marktonderzoek naar het electriciteitsverbruik en de mogelijkheden

van electriciteitsbesparing in de Nederlandse industrie (Market research into the electricity consumption of the Netherlandsindustry, and opportunities for electricity conservation).

12 CBS, Heerlen: key figure K-261/1991; water provisions for companies 1991, and every five years previously from 1957. CBS,Voorburg; key figure K-117/1992-1 & -2; Dutch energy consumption, annual figures 1992 and the prior decades from 1972.

13 Also verified with data from:

- Emissie Registratie warmte via water E 260 tot en met de 6e ronde (registration of heat emissions via E260 water up to andincluding the 6th round (for the most important companies from an environmental perspective) in the 1990’s); RIVM,Bilthoven.

- Author’s survey of the top ten companies in the Netherlands; data RIZA; Lelystad, Netherlands.

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Annex II

172 Industrial Cooling Systems

II.5.3 Total potential energy conservation per °C colder cooling-waterboundary layer

The figure of 180 PJth per annum, removed by cooling-water systems, in combination with anaverage extra annual energy consumption of the order of magnitude of 3½ KWth / MWth per °Ccolder cooling-water boundary layer, would result in a potential energy conservation for theDutch industrial sector amounting to:

0.63 PJth per annum per °C

Or in financial terms:

EUR 1.6 million per annum per °C

Assuming that the Dutch situation represents only 5% of the European industrial productioncapacity where cooling is involved, it can be estimated that the cooling capacity in Europeapplied by industry is in the magnitude of 120 GWth, where power plants cool 200 GWth. Forthe whole cooling sector in Europe the potential energy conservation would then amount to:

35 PJth per annum per °C

Or in financial terms:

EUR 100 million per annum per °C

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Annex II

Industrial Cooling Systems 173

II.6 Examples of calculations for the relative conservation ofenergy and reduction of the environmental impactachieved by the use of inhibitors

II.6.1 The contribution made by oxidation

The following is an example of the use of inhibitors based on oxidants such as sodiumhypochlorite (because this is a relatively well-known degradable additive):

Assumptions:Basis:electrolyte (or bulk purchase) 2.2 KWhe / kg chlorine equivalent

- production efficiency 0.7 We / We- thermal efficiency 0.4 We / Wth- concentration 15 %

cooling installation- thickness of slime layer 0.5 mm (no inhibitor in

summer)- boundary-layer temperature gradient 4 K- average “conservation ratio” 3.5 kWth / MWth/K

use of inhibitor- influent ≈ 1.0 mg l-1, stoichiometric oxidation,- effluent ≤ 0.1 mg l-1, active chlorine- intermittent chlorination, such as 4 hours in use/out of use- 1% conversion of dosed chlorine equivalent to halogenated by-products alsoexpressed as chlorine equivalent which amounts to approximately to 3% ofbrominated hydrocarbons [tm160, Bijstra, 1999].

II.6.1.1 Once-through cooling system

usage of hypochlorite 300 kg Cl/MWth [tm160, Bijstra, 1999]14

costs of hypochlorite 114 EUR / metric tonne in tank truck

Consequently both the energy conservation ratio15 and the performance-price ratio of the inhibitorare of overriding importance. The use of this oxidant achieves environmental energy conservationseveral factors of tens in excess of the primary energy content of the inhibitor.The environmental energy yield of this inhibitor is more than a factor 10 higher than the financialconservation 16.The use of hydrogen peroxide or ozone will result in a decrease of the above-mentioned ratios.

14 Based on chlorine demand in the north-west European delta.15 The energy conservation ratio is a dimensionless number that compares the energy conservation achieved by the use of the

inhibitor with the primary energy content of the relevant additive.16 The financial conservation ratio is a dimensionless number that compares the financial conservation achieved by the use of the

inhibitor with the cost of the relevant additive.

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Annex II

174 Industrial Cooling Systems


mt / EUROyear per kW / 1 EURO*

cooling MW per year/tehypochlori mt2MW/kW 14

= ratio onconservati Financial

JJ =

W/W 0,4* W/W 70chlorine kg/kWh 22

4K* .KMW/kW 53* MW/ annum per chlorine" as" kg 300


= ratioonconservatiEnergy


























Note: mt = metric tonne(s)

The dimensionless environmental energy ratio can be supplemented by the calculation of anadditional relative environmental load mass ratio. This also indicates the energy conservationachieved by the use of inhibitors, but now expressed in terms of the ratio of the reduction in theemissions of carbon dioxide to the production of unwanted precursors as a result of oxidativeside reactions.


W/W 40* W/W 70kWh/MJ63* chlorine /kgkWh22

onesdhalogenate to conversion %

gasnaturalNm/MJ631gasnaturalNm/co*kg 941

* JJ 52








output 3000










However the quantity obtained from this formula is not entirely dimensionless. The environmentalmass ratio can be introduced for the estimation of the total environmental effect ratio, for instance,by introducing the effect ratio of specific chlorinated by-products in seawater, such as bromoform(84%), dibromo-acetonitril (10%) and trihalomethanes, such as dibromochloromethanes andbromodichloromethanes (5%) [tm157, Jenner et al, 1998].Their unwanted formation, which is lineair with the amount of chlorination of the system, can thenbe compared with the resulting reduction in the amount of energy used, when both are expressed inunits of CO2 and its corresponding ozone depleting effect.

II.6.1.2 Open recirculating system

water volume; basin + pipes 50 m3 / MWthmetering (for 3 mg/m3) 1.0 l h-1

metering time, discontinuous 1.0 h / daycosts of hypochlorite 160 EUR / metric ton in 1 m3 multi box containers

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Industrial Cooling Systems 175

For continuous dosage regimes and/or less adequate process controlled dosages approximately 3-times more chlorine-equivalents per MWth are required.


tonne metric / EUROyear per kW / EURO*

cooling MW per year/tehypochlori l365MW/kW 14

= ratioonconservatiFinancial

JJ =

W/W 40* W/W 70

chlorine /kgkWh 22* % 15

4K* .KMW/kW 53* te/dayhypochlori l 1

hours/day 24* hMW 1

= ratioonconservatiEnergy

























The energy conservation ratio and the performance-price ratio of the same oxidant used in acirculation system are higher than those for a once-through cooling system. Conversely theconsumption of primary energy required to cool by means of a recirculating system is higherthan that of a once-through cooling system. Consequently most of the largest power stations arelocated in the vicinity of the coast.

The relative environmental load mass ratio can also be calculated for this system.


W/W40* W/W70kWh/MJ63 * chlorine/kgkWh22



* JJ 285

= ratiomass talEnvironmen







output 16000










Once again, the mass ratio between the required reduction of emissions of carbon dioxide and theunrequired emission of halogenated hydrocarbons of the same oxidants – but now applicable to arecirculating cooling system – is higher than that of a once-through cooling system. Conversely, theconsumption of primary energy by a cooling-tower system is higher than that of a once-throughcooling system.

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Annex II

176 Industrial Cooling Systems

II.7 Examples of calculations of the relative savings inenergy with colder cooling water

II.7.1 Coastal water versus cooling towers

Assumptions 17: -influent temperature coastal water 19 °Ccooling tower 24 °C

effluent pressure once-through cooling system 1 mwgcooling tower system 14 mwg(height of tower + nozzle)

Raising the cooling water to an additional height and then spraying it through the nozzle resultsin an additional power consumption of the pump per MWth heat removed by means of a coolingtower system:

[ ]

cooling MW per kW = s

Nm 10* 5 = s

m . kg* sm*

7010* 63 =


mwg 13* s m 89*

mkg 1000 *

h / sh /m



ηH ρ * g * ∆ φ * =

η∆φ * PW =















The power consumption of the pump expressed in terms ofprimary energy throughout the entire year is 12.5 kWth per MWth coolingThe cooling water is on average 5 °C warmer, so 17.5 kWth per MWth cooling

Together, a difference in the energy consumption of 30.0 kWth per MWth cooling

Consequently in the light of the benefits to energy conservation large cooling systems are, inpractice, preferably built in the form of once-through cooling systems on the coast.

II.7.2 River water versus cooling towers

The temperature difference of a once-through cooling system, supplied with river water, incomparison with a cooling tower is in the order of magnitude of about 1 K. Together with themaintenance of the necessary pressure difference across the cooling water the total difference inenergy consumption amounts to 16 kWth per MWth cooling.

17 Onderzoek industrieel waterverbruik (Survey of industrial water consumption), final report, F.C.A. Carner, Krachtwerktuigen

Amersfoort, 1992.

Samenwerkende Rijn- en Maas waterleidingbedrijven 1980 – 1992, RIWA, Amsterdam.

Jaarboeken monitoring Rijkswateren (State Water Monitoring Annuals) from 1980.

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Annex II

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II.7.3 Groundwater versus cooling tower

The temperature difference of a once-through cooling system supplied with groundwater incomparison with a cooling tower is the largest, i.e. 12 K. The total difference in energyconsumption required for cooling is then 42 kWth per MWth cooling. It was assumed that thepower consumed by a pump that pumps up groundwater is of the same order of magnitude asthe power required to maintain a cooling-tower effluent pressure difference. However, thelinited availability of groundwater restricts the use of this way of energy conservation.

II.8 Appendix environmental impacts

Table II.3: Conservation ratios for once-through and recirculating cooling system

Type of cooling system

Energy-Conservation ratio

J output / J input

Financial-Conservation ratio

EUR output / EUR input

Mass-Ratio environment

CO2 / C-X

Once-through cooling system 52 5 3000

Open recirculating coolingsystem

285 20 16000

Table II.4: Energy conservation with potential colder cooling water source

System comparison kW th per MW th Remarks

Coastal waters versus cooling towers 30 geographically specified

Riverwater versus cooling towers 16 local thermal burden

Groundwater versus cooling towers 42 limited stock

The above-presented numbers can be used to show the outcome for specific areas in Europe,like for instance a high-industrialised area like the Netherlands. The replacement of all industrialcooling towers by once-through cooling systems supplied with river water would result in anational energy conservation of 91 PJth 18 * 16 kWth/MWth = 15 PJth per annum (equivalent to areduction of the emission of carbon dioxide of 93000 metric tonnes per annum). This wouldrequire the availability of 85 m3/sec river water throughout the entire year. Conversely, onlythose cooling systems located at a relatively small distance from a river would come intoconsideration for such a replacement; the distances otherwise involved would negate the energyadvantages offered by the use of this source of water. So it isn’t surprising that most industriesand power stations are located nearby rivers and coastal areas, emphasising the importance of aproper cooling design and location choice.

18 Water symposium 1995; syllabus 43, Nederlands Corrosie Centrum Bilthoven.

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Annex III

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The design of the heat exchanger is extremely important, as it is the key element of a coolingsystem, where the exchange of heat takes place. From an environmental point of view it is there,where leakage from process substances to the coolant can occur. In once-through coolingsystems the relevance of a well designed, operated and maintained heat exchanger is obvious.From a preventive approach attention should be paid to the issues presented in this Annexbefore considering a move towards an indirect (secondary) system. This Annex gives asummary of a number of important issues to take into account in the design of the commonlyused shell and tube heat exchanger to avoid environmental problems [tm001, Bloemkolk, 1997]

The shell and tube heat exchanger consists of a shell, a great number of parallel tubes, tubeplates (tube sheets) baffles and one or two heads. Heat exchange between the media takes placeby pumping the one medium through the tubes and the other medium around the tubes. As thishappens the heat is transported through the tube wall. Diagonally on the tubes are baffles. Thebaffles ensure a better transfer of heat (through increased turbulence of the flow around thetubes) and support the tubes. The shell & tube heat exchanger is reproduced in a picture below.

Figure III.1: Major components of shell & tube heat exchanger[tm001, Bloemkolk, 1997]

There are a great many different types of shell & tube heat exchangers. By making the rightchoice from the design parameters below, the design can be adapted to the specific process andmaintenance requirements:• the type of shell and head• the type of tube (straight or U-shaped, with or without fin)• the size of the tube (diameter and length)• the distance between the tubes (pitch) the configuration (lay-out)• the number of baffles the type of baffle• the distance of the baffle (baffle pitch)• the number of passes through the tubes (tube passes)• the flow pattern (counter flow, concurrent flow)• either mechanical or not, cleaning either with (high pressure) water or not

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Annex III

180 Industrial Cooling Systems

The Tubular Exchanger Manufacturers Association (TEMA) has drafted a nomenclature for thevarious types of shell & tube heat exchangers. TEMA has also drafted mechanical designguidelines.

The advantages and disadvantages of the shell & tube heat exchanger are listed below.

Advantages:• available for all applications• available in almost all materials• wide range of flows and capacities (duties)• sturdy, safe construction• good thermal and mechanical design methods available

Disadvantages• relatively expensive per m2 heat exchanging surface area• not optimal for heat transfer• cleaning (drawing the tube bank) of the shell side is laborious

Because of the sturdy and safe construction of the shell & tube heat exchanger, refineries preferthis type of heat exchanger. The choice of this type of shell & tube heat exchanger for once-through systems is explained further below.

III.1 Design of the shell & tube heat exchanger for onethrough systems

As a rule, the shell & tubes of the TEMA-type AES are used for once-through systems. Thecooling water flows through the tubes and the process medium through the shell. AES refers tothe codes used to describe the different options for shell and tube heat exchangers (Figure III.2)

Allocation mediaBecause the tube side of the shell & tube heat exchanger can be cleaned easier and better thanthe shell side, heavy fouling media are allocated to the tube side. Because of the use ofcorrosion-resistant materials for corrosive cooling water, it is also more economic to have thecooling water flow on the tube side.

A-Type of front end headOpening the shell & tube heat exchanger for inspection and maintenance is easiest with an A-type 'front end head', because the connecting tubes do not need to be dislodged when openingthis type of head. For this reason, this type of head is almost always used for heat exchangerswith a "polluting" medium on the tube side.

E-Type of shellThe choice for the type of shell depends on the process requirements for the medium on theshell side. Usually, the E-type is chosen ("one-pass-shell").

S-Type of rear end headThe choice of the type "rear end head" is determined by factors relating to:• the need to clean (mechanically or with water) the shell side• the need to clean (mechanically or with water) the tube side• quality of the cooling water (corrosive, scaling, etc.)• occurrence of thermal expansion between shell and tube material• need for counterflow

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Annex III

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Figure III.2: Heat exchanger nomenclature (Standards of the tubular Exchanger ManufacturersAssociation)[tm003, Van der Schaaf, 1995]

Usually the S-type ('floating head' type) is chosen because this type can be cleanedmechanically (or with water) on both the shell and the tube side. There are also no problemswith this type in the event of thermal expansion differences between the shell and tube material.However, the S-type is the most expensive type of 'rear end head'.

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Annex III

182 Industrial Cooling Systems

III.2 Leakage in shell & tube heat exchangers

Leakage, and with it contamination of cooling water by the process medium, occurs in shell &tube heat exchangers in most cases as a result of flaws in the tube-tube plate connection, flawsin the tube itself and flaws in the flanged connection that separates both flows ('floating head').Leakage can occur primarily as a result of:1. poor design (about 30% of the cases)2. poor manufacturing3. operation that is not within the limits of the design (50-60%)4. poor inspection and maintenance

1. Poor designBecause a wrong or poor design irrevocably leads to leakage, during the design phase carefulthought must be given to the design parameters below:• choice of material• choice of tube-tube plate connection (rolled or welded)• choice of packing type• type of detail on packing faces• design of the flanges (thickness, no rotation)• design of the tube plate (thickness, no bending)• design of tube support

In this consideration, attention should be given to the 'operating' conditions. They are:• occurrence of vibration• thermal expansion differences• flow division• flow speeds

Poor design also includes wrong design of flow speeds and design based on incorrect data.

2. Poor manufacturingA good design, however, is not sufficient to prevent leakage. Poor manufacturing can also leadto leakage during operation of the heat exchangers. During manufacturing, the following aspectsplay a role when it comes to prevention of leakage:• tightening procedure of the flange bolts• smoothness of the treatment of the packing surfaces• tube hole diameter and tolerance in tube plates and baffles• rolling or welding procedure for tube-tube plate connection

3. Operation that is not in keeping with the designOperations that differ from the operating conditions for which the heat exchanger has beendesigned can lead to damage and ultimately to leakage in the heat exchanger.

Different operation could be:• thermal shocks• 'upset' condition such as over-pressure and/or too high temperature• increased or reduced through-flow of flows• vibrations• mussels in tubes (which have become detached from the cooling water tube) combined with


In addition, incorrect treatment can occur during maintenance, for instance during cleaning ofthe tubes with steam or warm water (damage as a result of thermal expansion).

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Annex III

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4. Poor inspection and maintenanceDuring periodic maintenance, the heat exchanger is opened up and the tube bank is pulled,cleaned and inspected. Inspection aimed at detecting and/or preventing leaks includes controlof:• corrosion and/or erosion on the inside and outside of tubes and tube-tube plate connection• corrosion of packing faces of the flanges• size of tube holes in baffles (has the diameter of the openings increased in size?)• reduced wall thickness of the tubes (special attention must be given to tube ends, tubes

located at baffles and tube corners)• bent, twisted or torn off tubes• tubes pressing against each other, loose tubes• bent tube plates• small cracks (or perforations) in tubes and welded tube-tube plate connection• smoothness and condition of packing faces

Periodic maintenance always ends with a water pressure test, whereby parts of the heatexchanger are pressurised to verify that the heat exchanger is still suitable to operate under thedesired pressure levels. In this way, too, the tubes, tube-tube plate connections and flangeconnections are tested for leaks. To detect leaks, more accurate testing methods are alsoavailable. Air ('air and soapy water' test) or helium is used. If flaws or suspicious areas arefound, their cause will need to be investigated. Once the cause has been found, correctivemeasures will need to be taken. If this is not done, and this applies to dealing with the cause aswell as the repair of the parts, there is a large probability of (new) leaks in the future.

Corrective measures include the plugging of tubes and replacing gaskets. If a company has itsown workshop, the repair work on a shell & tube heat exchanger will take one to two days. Byemphasising preventive rather than corrective maintenance, leaks can be prevented. Forinstance, tube banks can be replaced sooner. Proper logging of maintenance works done and ofthe occurrence of problems enables better planning of maintenance work. It is recommendedthat the closing of the heat exchanger and tightening of the bolts is done under supervision toprevent future leaks. For this, a tool with a regulated momentum can be used.

III.3 Alternatives

The probability of leakage can be reduced by alternative choices of material, TEMA-type, tubeplate connection, type of packing and the level of the process pressure of the cooling system.

Choice of materialInstead of carbon steel, more high-grade materials such as aluminium-brass copper nickel andtitanium can be used for the water side of the heat exchanger. This will make the heat exchangerconsiderably more expensive than a heat exchanger whose tubes and tube plates are made ofcarbon steel (See also Annex IV).

Different heat exchangerBy choosing another type of heat exchanger, the probability of leakage can be reduced by aconsiderable margin.

Alternatives are:• a U-tube heat exchanger• a heat exchanger with a double tube plate construction• both U-tube and double tube plate construction

There is no floating head on the U-tube type heat exchanger and therefore no flange seal on therear end head. The U-tube type is 10 to 15% cheaper than the floating head type. If leakageoccurs at the tube-tube plate connection in heat exchangers with a double tube plate

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Annex III

184 Industrial Cooling Systems

construction, there will be emission into the atmosphere instead of to the other medium. Thedouble tube plate connection is fairly expensive.

Tube-tube plate connectionWith a welded tube-tube plate connection there is a much smaller chance of leakage than with arolled construction. Making a rolled connection into a welded connection can make existingheat exchangers better leak-proof. In this, there are two welds: a sealing weld (one layer ofweld) or strength weld (usually two layers of weld). A cost indication shows that the price for awelded construction is about 9 to 11 Euro per tube higher than for a rolled construction.

Type of packingWith the flange seal of a floating head, the packing type can be changed. The usual types ofpacking, for instance an 'asbestos-free metal-wound' packing or a cam-profile packing, can bereplaced by a seal with a weld ('Schweissdichtung').

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Annex IV

Industrial Cooling Systems 185


[tm001, Bloemkolk, 1997]

IV.1 IntroductionThe selection of construction materials in cooling systems, and especially the selection ofmaterials for the coolers (heat exchangers), in many cases is a complex matter. It is the resultbeing a balance between the requirements due to the chemistry of the water and the operationalrequirements (restricted additive use, number of cycles of concentration). To meet theserequirements a large range of materials is offered. This Annex shows a few options for materialsto be used in case of brackish water for open once-through systems.. It gives a qualitativeselection of applications. In the individual case, the final selection will need to involve costvalues to make a fair comparison taking into account also the consequences of a selection forthe operational costs.

Choice of materials for heat exchangersThere are many factors that come together to determine the ultimate choice of materials for heatexchangers, such as:• Composition and corrosiveness of the cooling water• Manner of operation, e.g. through-flow or re-circulating cooling• Corrosiveness and nature of the medium to be cooled• Type of cooler• Life-span• Costs

These are some of the most important criteria that are taken into consideration in the design of anew cooler, on the basis of which ultimately a certain choice of materials is made. In manycases, this ultimate choice is the best possible compromise adhering to the principle that thecooler must have an economically acceptable 'life-span'. Within this life-span, however, manycoolers will start leaking. An important cause of this is that, in practice, the cooler is not used inaccordance with its design principles, whereas a change of process conditions for a variety ofdifferent reasons is quite common.Important causes that can lead to leakage are:• too high or too low speeds in the tube bank and poor circulation in the shell (Table IV.1);• poor water treatment, i.e. applied method and control;• too high metal temperatures on the cooling water side.

With regard to temperatures a metal temperature of 60ºC is taken as an upper borderline asabove this temperature the majority of corrosion inhibitors is less or not effective. Also in once-through systems formation of calcium salts occur.

Table IV.1: Cooling water velocity and type of material

Material Velocity (m/s)Aluminium brass 1.0 - 2.1Copper nickel (90-10) 1.0 - 2.5Copper nickel (70-30) 1.0 - 3.0Carbon steel 1.0 - 1.8Austenitic stainless steel (316) 2.0 - 4.5Titanium 2.0 – 5.0

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Annex IV

186 Industrial Cooling Systems

Choice of material for pumpsThe choice of material for a pump is less critical because in many cases this equipment isdoubled (has a back up). This means that if a pump breaks clown, the process is often notdisturbed. Another factor is that the available walls are often much thicker than is strictlynecessary (corrosion allowance).

Choice of materials for cooling water tubesIn most cases carbon steel with a sufficiently high corrosion allowance is chosen for the coolingwater tubes. If a corrosion allowance of more than 3 mm is insufficient for an acceptable lifespan, alternative materials are chosen, such as plastics, carbon steel with an organiccoating/concrete or, in exceptional cases, alloys of higher quality, such as stainless steel, moneland other nickel alloys, etc. Tubes have an advantage over machines in that they are much easierand cheaper to replace, which is why in the choice of materials is less critical.

IV.2 Direct once-through systems (with brackish water)

The composition and corrosiveness of "brackish water" is not fixed and can vary between"fresh" surface water and seawater. Brackish water is usually found in the transition areabetween rivers and/or other "freshwater" outflows and the sea (deltas). The composition andcharacteristics can vary widely by location and by season. Local water depth, the level of flowthrough (replacement) and the tides can play a role in the corrosiveness of this type of water.Some kinds of brackish water have a higher level of corrosiveness than seawater. For instance,in shallow water with an abundance of plant growth sulphur compounds can occur as a result ofdecomposition, which can cause serious pit corrosion in copper alloys. In a lot of cases theamount of suspended silt is considerable, which can heavily pollute the heat exchangers in theinstallation. In these cases, the use of stainless steel is dubious because the formation of pits(pitting) will almost certainly occur quickly. Because all of these factors are not well known inmost cases, it is recommended that the corrosiveness of brackish water be considered equal tothat of seawater with a relatively high level of suspended silt. Another advantage is that there isconsiderable knowledge and experience regarding the occurrence of corrosion by seawater.

PumpsDepending on the situation, the materials in the table below are often used for pumps inbrackish water (other materials are possible, but are usually much more expensive):

Table IV.2: Materials used for pumps in brackish water

Housing Impeller Drive-shaft Comments

Nodular cast iron)*

Aluminium bronzeAluminium bronze

Tin bronze

Tin bronze

Tin bronze

Stainless steel 316)*Aluminium bronze

Aluminium bronze

Stainless steel 316





)* Grey cast iron is also possible.Chance of gratification issignificantly greater. Cast steel isalso sometimes used.

)* Austenitic stainless steel(Cr-Ni-Mo 18-8-2)

The tendency is to choose a combination for the housing and the fan, whereby the housing is, inprinciple, the anodic part of the construction.

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Annex IV

Industrial Cooling Systems 187

TubesIn most cases, carbon steel with a corrosion allowance is used. Another possibility is to providethe carbon steel with an organic coating, or to concrete it. In both cases the welds are the weakpoint of the construction.

Nowadays, glass-reinforced epoxy tubes are used increasingly, especially in undergroundsystems. The great advantage of this material is that it is almost completely resistant togroundwater. The installation costs are about the same as those for a carbon steel tubing systemthat is coated, internally or externally, with an organic coating. Over time, this solution is oftenthe cheaper of the two.

Heat exchangers/coolersAs earlier mentioned, the choice of material in a heat exchanger is somewhat more complexbecause, where the tube bank is concerned, the corrosiveness of the medium to be cooled mustbe taken into account. Assuming that the process medium is not corrosive for the material of thetube bank and that possible contamination (for instance, by copper ions) of the process is notsignificant, the choice of material is mainly determined by the quality of the water.

The possible choice of materials for 'shell & tube' heat exchangers in brackish water is given inthe table below (water through the tubes).

Table IV.3: Materials used for shell&tube heat exchangers in brackish water

Shell/body Water casing Tubes Tube-plate

Carbon steel Carbon steel Carbon steel)*1 Carbon steelCarbon steel Carbon steel)*2 Aluminium brass Carbon steelCarbon steel Carbon steel)*2 Aluminium brass Aluminium bronze

Carbon steel Carbon steel)*2 Aluminium brass or andCupro-nickel)*4

Carbon steel with a liningof aluminium brass

Carbon steel Tin bronze stainless steel 316)*3 Carbon steel

Carbon steel Carbon steel)*2 Titanium)*5 Carbon steel

Comments Table IV.3:There are various possibilities in the list above. The ultimate choice is largely determined by thelevel of corrosiveness of the brackish water and by the process conditions.

)*1 Tubes of carbon steel are only possible when one is certain that the water is notcorrosive (e.g. through practical experience). This is almost never an option.

)*2 The water casings are usually given an organic coating plus a few sacrificial anodes. Ifthe tube plate is made of a more precious metal, an organic coating must be applied to this metalto prevent galvanic effects in the water casing.

)*3 The use of austenitic material such as 316 is not without risks. In the event of pollutionthere is a good probability of pitting. This process can be extremely fast. Another risk is thepossible occurrence of stress corrosion in this type of material. However, practical experienceshows that this does not happen often, which is possibly due to the relatively low temperaturesin this type of system. This risk can be significantly reduced or even prevented if one uses ahigher version of alloy, such as 904L, 254SMO or Incoloy 825. These types of material are alsoused when the process side requires this.

)*4 Cupro-nickel alloys and others are chosen if the design metal temperature is too high foraluminium brass.

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Annex IV

188 Industrial Cooling Systems

)*5 In many cases, titanium is the best choice. It is often assumed that a heat exchanger oftitanium is too expensive. The price of this material has fallen dramatically in recent decadesand it has been economically applied. Expectations are that decreasing cost differences andincreasing problems with water treatment will lead to an increased use of Ti compared to that ofCu-Ni alloys now still applied.In addition to its high resistance to corrosion, even in extremely polluted water, this material hasvarious advantages:• Extremely thin walled tubes can be used, so less material per m2 heating surface area.• The conductivity of heat is very good.• The scrap value is high and the material well suited for reuse.• It has a long life expectancy.

A disadvantage is that biological growth is stronger than is the case, for instance, with copper-containing alloys. It therefore requires extra use of biocides. Another thing is that titaniumcannot be used in a reducing environment, because no protective oxide layer is formed.

IV.3 Indirect once-through system (brackish water/demin-water)

In the indirect (secondary) once-through system, the heat is absorbed in a closed secondarycooling circuit, after which the absorbed heat is transferred to an open once-through system viaa heat exchanger. Characteristically, in these systems the water quality/corrosiveness is differentfor each cooling circuit. The primary part is usually of poorer quality than the secondary part. Inthis case, the primary part once again contains brackish water and the secondary part demin-water.

Material selection for primary circulation cooling systemThe materials for the primary system, filled with brackish water, are described in Section IV.2.The heat exchanger between the primary and secondary system is extremely important foroperation. Failure of this heat exchanger has serious consequences, so this should be taken intoaccount when selecting the materials for it. If the primary cooling agent is brackish water, thenthe best choice for the tubes or plates (plate exchanger) is titanium. Other high-quality alloyssuch as 254 SMO or better can be considered in certain cases, but in most cases titanium is thebest choice.

Selection of material for secondary circulation systemEssential for a closed secondary system is that making the water oxygen free prevents corrosion.In this case, demin water has been chosen as the cooling medium. However, in an aerated state,this demin water is extremely corrosive for carbon steel. This can be suppressed by alkalisingthe water (pH=9). Clean tap water with a relatively high chlorine content is, in principle, just asgood as demin water.

If these provisions are present, then the water is 'dead', which means its corrosiveness isminimal. In principle, all materials, including the tubes in heat exchangers, pumps and tubesfines, can be made from carbon steel. The conditions in the process must naturally be taken intoaccount.

It is important that the concentration of oxygen in these systems is checked regularly. In somecases, nitrates are used as an inhibitor in these systems. By keeping the water alkaline and/ortreating it with nitrates, leaking in of oxygen is less critical.

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Annex IV

Industrial Cooling Systems 189

IV.4 Open recirculating cooling systems

IV.4.1 Fresh water application in open wet cooling tower

With respect to the application of material, one of the objectives in the design of an openrecirculating cooling system (open wet cooling tower) is to condition the water in the system insuch a way (inhibitors, pH control, etc.), that use of carbon steel for most parts of the system iseconomically acceptable.

This case is based on tap water. Depending on the composition and the cycles of concentration,the concentration of components in this water will increase (sometimes called 'thickening'),whereby the number of dissolved salts rises proportionally, which increases corrosiveness. Withinhibitors and the right pH levels, this effect is suppressed. The design of such a system isusually based on the fact that the water is not corrosive for carbon steel.Most parts, such as tubes and pumps, are therefore made of carbon steel. The tubes in a heatexchanger are also often made of carbon steel. In critical systems or to provide more security,the tubes are also often made of aluminium brass. Problems usually arise when the medium tobe cooled is corrosive. In very many cases, austenitic steel or a better alloy must then be used,with the same risks as indicated above, for instance pitting or stress corrosion.

It is extremely important that pollution is kept to a minimum. This applies, in principle, to allcooling water systems. In an open circulation cooling system, 'side-stream' filtration is oftenused, or in critical coolers (condensers) a self-cleaning system (for instance with rubber balls) isinstalled.

IV.4.2 Salt water application in open wet cooling towers[tm110, BDAG, 1995]

The use of salt or brackish water in cooling towers requires applications that particularly payattention to corrosion of metal materials. A number of observations can be summarised. For saltwater resistant structures good experience has been gained with hardwood species and pressuretreated wood. However, the latter are done with CCA and cannot be regarded as anenvironmentally sound method. Sulphate resisting cement for concrete constructions andreinforcements for external and interior elements are well proven. Silicon, Aluminium Bronzeand/or Stainless Steel can be applied, but coated galvanised only above water distribution level.Plastic coatings are recommended on Aluminium/Silicon bronze items.Fill materials should be open low fouling with a high load capacity, where combinations of film(upper parts) and non-film (lower parts) have shown to be effective. Water velocity should below enough to prevent corrosion, but sufficiently high to prevent settlement of heavy solids.These particular measures amongst others can reduce water treatment requirements in salt-waterapplications.

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Annex V

Industrial Cooling Systems 191


In all water-cooled systems additives are applied to treat the cooling water with the aim toprotect the cooling system and to avoid a reduction of heat exchange due to scaling, fouling andcorrosion. A wide range of additives is applied against these cooling water problems. TheAnnex gives an overview of the different types of additives that are applied in the different wetcooling systems. In the final section, treatment of cooling water in a wet open cooling tower isexplained to illustrate the complexity of cooling water conditioning and the elements that are inplay.

V.1 Corrosion inhibitors

V.1.1 Corrosion

Corrosion can be defined as the destruction of a metal by chemical or electrochemical reactionwith its environment. The result is a metal oxide or other salt having little structural ability,which causes damage to the material. In cooling systems, corrosion causes two basic problems.The first and most obvious is the failure of equipment with the resultant cost of replacement andplant downtime. The second is decreased plant efficiency due to loss of heat transfer, which isthe result of heat exchanger fouling caused by the accumulation of corrosion products.

Corrosion is caused or favoured by the presence of oxygen, the salt content, formation ofdeposits, or an excessive low pH level.

Corrosion can also result from fouling by the growth of organism, so called micobiologically-influenced corrosion (MIC): acid producing bacteria cause corrosion and vibrating musselscause erosion.

V.1.2 Applied corrosion inhibitors

Corrosion inhibitors can be identified by their function. They remove corrosive material,passivate, precipitate or adsorb it. Passivating (anodic) inhibitors form a protective oxide filmon the metal surface. Precipitating (cathodic) inhibitors are simply chemicals, which forminsoluble precipitates that can coat and protect the surface. Adsorption inhibitors have polarproperties, which cause them to be adsorbed on the surface of the metal.

The use of corrosion inhibitors varies from system to system. In once-through systemspolyphosphates and zinc are applied and there is limited use of silicates and molybdates. Insome countries hardly any corrosion inhibitors are dosed in once-through systems except foryellow metal inhibitors (e.g. ferrosulphate) dosed in copper alloy heat exchangers orcondensers.

In open recirculating systems normally a more comprehensive corrosion control programme isrequired. For many years chromate based programmes were used, but due to its toxicity the usehas been reduced significantly and should not be used anymore as there are good alternatives..Most current used corrosion programmes are based on phosphates, and zinc is added if waterconditions require this. Often is chosen to operate the system under alkaline conditions (pH of8-9), but biocide and dispersant treatments might have to be adjusted accordingly under thesecirc*mstances. Water is then inherently less corrosive. Disadvantage of alkaline operation is theincreased potential to scaling. Alkaline conditions in combination with organic phosphonatesare effective against corrosion and scaling.

Theoretically, closed water systems should not require corrosion inhibitors. Any oxygenintroduced with the initial make-up water should soon be depleted by oxidation of system

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metals, after which corrosion should no longer occur. However, closed systems usually loseenough water and leak enough air to require corrosion protection. Another theory is that thehigh residence time of the water, up to several months, is responsible for the heavy treatmentwith corrosion inhibitors. For closed systems the three most reliable corrosion inhibitors arechromate, molybdate, and nitrite materials. Generally, the chromate or molybdate have provento be superior treatments. The toxicity of chromate restricts the use, particularly when a systemmust be drained. In many cases a non-chromate alternative is available, but in some memberstates their use is still permitted. Molybdate treatments provide effective corrosion protectionand are seen as more environmental acceptable as chromate treatments.

Finally, it depends on the systems conditions (materials used and pH) what kind of corrosioninhibitors is best applicable. For instance the most effective corrosion inhibitors for copper arethe aromatic azoles. Concentrations in evaporative recirculating cooling systems typically rangefrom 2 to 20 mg/l as active compound. For some anodic inhibitors (such as chromates,molybdates and nitrites) concentrations used in the past are reported to be 500 to 1000 mg/l. inclosed systems.

V.2 Scale inhibitors

V.2.1 Scaling

If concentration of salt in the water film within the heat exchanger exceeds its solubility,precipitation occurs, which is referred to as scaling. The main forms of scale are calciumcarbonate and calcium phosphate, but also calcium sulphate, silicates, Zn and Mg deposition canoccur depending on the minerals contained in the water. Scaling reduces the performance of theheat exchanger, since the thermal conductivity of calcium carbonate is about 25 times lowerthan that of steel. Scaling depends on three major factors: mineralisation (alkalinity), highertemperature and pH of the circulating water and of secondary factors: presence of complexingorganic matters and chemical composition of the heat exchanger surfaces. Also, certain shape ofthe heat exchanger body favour scaling. Corrugations, oblique channels and an insufficient ratioof water flow per film surface area favour scaling. In recirculating systems high cycles ofconcentration can lead to scaling as well.

Scaling may cause problems in cooling towers, as the film fill can be very susceptible to varioustypes of deposition. Because of evaporation (1.8% of the circulation per 10K of cooling) in thetower, minerals and organic substances in the recirculating water may concentrate to such alevel that scaling can occur.

For power stations in particular, it was reported that scaling occurs due to:• heating of the water up to 30ºC in direct cooling and 45ºC in tower assisted circuits,• evaporation of water to affect cooling in passage through the cooling towers, which gives

rise to concentration of the dissolved salt up to a factor of 1.6 or as high as the concentrationfactor determines, and

• the losses of free carbon dioxide during passage of water through the towers causing a risein the pH which varies with the flow rate and the type of packing. With older timber stattedpacks the pH was 7.5-7.8, but with plastic film flow pack, this increases to 8.2-8.4 in smalltowers (250 MWe) as well as in large towers (900 MWe or larger).

V.2.2 Applied scale inhibition

Scale formation can play a role in once-through and open recirculating cooling systems. Inclosed recirculating systems it should not be a major issue. It can occur if spills require frequentadditions of make-up water and depending on the factors mentioned above.

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The increase of concentration of salts in cooling water in open recirculating cooling systemsand distribution systems is caused by evaporation in the cooling tower and to be controlled bythe blowndown. The ratio of particulate solute in the recirculating water to that in the make-upwater is called concentration factor. The concentration factor ranges from as low as 2-3 forlarge power plants until 8-9 for some recirculating industrial cooling water systems. Typicalconcentration factors in industry (not power plants) range between 3 and 5.

In practice, scaling is controlled by adjustment of the pH value by dosing of acid and by theapplication of scale inhibitors. Experiences in large systems of power stations equipped withcooling towers show that treatment with acid (sulfuric acid or hydrochloric acid) does not leadto a change in pH, which remains alkaline. The acids rather neutralize the alkalinity to avoid theprecipitation of CaCO3.

However, in decarbonated waters pH control can be done by addition of acids. Decarbonationby precipitation of calcium carbonates depends on three major factors, which are mineralisation(alkalinity), temperature, and pH of the circulating water. Secondary factors are presence ofcomplexing organic matters in water and the chemical composition of the heat exchangersurfaces.

Three alternatives were reported for the chemical treatment of cooling water to avoid scaling inheat exchangers and wet cooling towers in large wet cooling systems :• decarbonation of make-up water (resulting in a sludge to be disposed of)• addition of acid• addition of organic scale inhibitors

The most important scale control agents are polyphosphates, phosphonates, polyacrylates, co-polymers and ter-polymers. Typical concentrations of scale control agents range from 2 to 20mg/l, as active compound. Hardness stabilisers prevent the formation of crystals and are used inrecirculating systems, but rarely or never in once-through systems.

Closed recirculating systems are not subject to scale formation in the primary system exceptwhen hard make-up water must be used. Many closed systems use zeolite-softened water orcondensates as make-up water to prevent scale problems. Generally, some corrosion occurs dueto loss of water or leakage of air. In the secondary cooling circuit water circulates in an openevaporative system. Here corrosion can occur on the outside of the coils where wet heat transfertakes place.

V.3 Fouling inhibitors (dispersants)

V.3.1 Fouling

Fouling occurs when insoluble organic particulates suspended in water of both once-throughand open recirculating cooling systems form deposits on the systems’ surface. Particulatematter, particle sizes and low water velocities are factors that enhance fouling. Foulants can besand, silt, iron oxides and other corrosion products and they can react with some water treatmentchemicals as well. They can either be airborne, can enter the cooling system with the water (silt,clay) or are introduced by process leaks and can be very finely dispersed with sizes as small as1-100 nm.

Dispersants are polymers used to prevent fouling by removing particulate (organic) matter (e.g.microfouling and slime layer) from the heat exchanger surface by increasing the electric chargeresulting from absorption The particles repel each other and as a result remain suspended. Tofacilitate penetration of biocides into microfouling and slime layers surfactants often referred toas biodispersants can be used. Dispersants help to keep the surface of heat exchangers clean,thereby reducing the risk of corrosion. It is common practice to dose biocides in combinationwith dispersants at levels of 1-10 mg/l as active ingredient.

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V.3.2 Applied fouling inhibitors

The most effective and widely used dispersants are low molecular weight anionic polymers. Themost important dispersants are: organic and metal sulphonates, metal phenolate, metal dialkyldithiophosphanates, sodium dialkyl sulphosuccinates, polyethylene alkyl and alicyclic amines,and monoethanolamine phosphate salts, polyacrylates, polymetacrylates and acrylate basedpolymers.

V.4 Biocides

V.4.1 Biofouling

Entrainment of organisms through water or air may lead to biofouling. Biofouling is generallyof two main types: macrofouling (e.g. mussels) and microfouling (e.g. bacteria, funghi, algae).

Macrofouling is generally confined to once-through systems and is more severe in marine andbrackish water than in fresh water. Macrofouling may cause gross blockage of pipework andculverts, and may cause so-called erosion corrosion. Macrofouling is very much location andwater quality specific, both in terms of quantity and species variety.

Microfouling related problems occur both in once-through and open recirculating coolingsystems. Microbial growth on wetted surfaces leads to the formation of biofilms. The result ofuncontrolled microbial growth on surfaces is slime formation. The biological component orbiofilm is produced by the living cells and their metabolic by-products. Microfouling is alwaysthe primary coloniser of surfaces in the development of biofouling.

The predominant effect of biofouling is reduction of heat transfer capacity of the heatexchangers and energy losses due to increased frictional resistance. Furthermore, where anexposed metal becomes fouled microbial induced corrosion can occur. In addition microbialspecies may threaten human health by spreading via cooling towers.

A number of antifouling techniques and treatments are available. These applications, the type ofcooling water and the associated water problems are summarised in Table V.1.

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Table V.1: Survey of fouling and clogging organisms, and degree of fouling in marine, brackish andfresh water. In the last column mitigation is presented(The degree of fouling is indicated as: + some; ++ fair; +++ heavy)(From: Applied Hydroecology 10, 1-2, 1998)

Type of cooling water, associatedfouling, clogging and scalingCountry

Marine Brackish Freshwater

Main antifouling mitigationtechniques

Belgium Hydrozoa +Slime ++

Slime ++Zebra mussels +Asiatic clam +Bryozoans ++Gastropods ++In cooling towers:scaling ++

Freschwater:Water filtration, debris filters.On-line condenser cleaning bysponge balls.Discontinuous Chlorinationwith hypochlorite

Denmark Mussels +Slime +

See marine Not used Marine water:Water filtration, debris filters.On-line condenser cleaning bysponge balls.Non-toxic antifouling paints.

France Mussels +++Barnacles ++Clogging by:Seagooseberries(jellyfish) +++seaweeds +++

Fouling: nospecialproblems due towide variationsin salinity inlarge estuaries.Clogging bydriftingsmacrophytes +

Zebra mussels ++Bryozoans ++Algae ++Gastropods ++Asiatic clam +In cooling towers:scaling ++

Marine water:Water filtration, debris filters.On-line condenser cleaning byabrasive sponge balls (someunits).Continuous chlorination at lowdosage (0.5-1.0 mg/L), withelectrochlorinationFreshwater:Water filtration, debris filters.On-line condenser cleaning bysponge balls.Shock chlorination once ortwice a year

Germany Zebra mussels +Slime ++In cooling towers:scaling ++

Freshwater:Water filtration, debris filters.On-line condenser cleaning bysponge balls.Discontinuous Chlorinationwith hypochlorite.H2O2, ozone

Ireland Mussels +Slime +Clogging by:Fish +++

See marine Zebra mussels Marine water:Water filtration, debris filters.On-line condenser cleaning byballs.Continuous chlorination withhypochlorite

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Table V.1 (cont.): Survey of fouling and clogging organisms, and degree of fouling in marine,brackish and fresh water. In the last column mitigation is presented(The degree of fouling is indicated as: + some; ++ fair; +++ heavy)(From: Applied Hydroecology 10, 1-2, 1998)

Type of cooling water, associatedfouling, clogging and scalingCountry

Marine Brackish Freshwater

Main antifouling mitigationtechniques

Italy Mussels +++Hydroids ++Tubeworms ++Barnacles ++Slime ++Clogging by:seaweeds +Posidonia +

(only onestation)Clogging by:seaweeds +debris +

Zebra musselsSlime ++Clogging by:drifting plants,leaves +

Marine water:Water filtration, debris filtrs.On-line condenser cleaning byabrasive sponge balls.Continuous or intermittentchlorination by hypochlorite orelectrochlorination.Freshwater:Water filtration, debris filters.On-line condenser cleaning bysponge balls. Intermittentchlorination (very few cases)

The Netherlands Mussels +++Slime ++Clogging by:jellyfish +++fish ++

Mussels ++Slime +Clogging by:fish +

ZebraMussels +Slime ++Clogging by fish++

Marine & Freshwater:Water filtration, debris filters.On-line condenser cleaning bysponge balls.Heat treatment.Chlorination continuous ordiscontinous, with hypochlorite

Norway Hydro-power:only problemswith migratingfish.

Portugal Mussels ++Slime +

Asiatic clam + Marine water:Water filtration, debris filters.On-line condenser cleaning byabrasive sponge balls (someunits).Continuous chlorination at lowdosage (0.5-1.0 mg/L), withelectrochlorinationFreshwater:Water filtration, debris sfilters.On-line condenser cleaning bysponge balls.

Spain Slime +Tubeworms +Mussels ++Oysters +

Slime ++In cooling towers:scaling ++

Marine & Freshwater:Water filtration, debris filters.On-line condenser cleaning bysponge balls.Discontinuous chlorination, lowand shock dosage, withhypochlorite andelectrochlorination.


Barnacles +Mussels ++Slime ++Clogging by:fish +++Seaweeds ++Jellyfish +

See marine Slime ++In cooling towers:scaling ++

Marine & Freshwater:Water filtration, debris filters.On-line condenser cleaning bysponge balls.Continuous chlorination(intermittent in winter) withhypochlorite andelectrochlorination

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V.4.2 Applied biocidal treatment

To combat biofouling in industrial open wet cooling systems, biocides are added to the coolingwater. On biocides, their use and their effects, a lot of research has been done and a largenumber of publications can be found.Biocides are substances that slow down the microbiological growth in the cooling water, reducethe total number of cells in the feedwater and weaken stability of the biofilm matrix, andthereby minimising organic pollution in the cooling system. Microbiological growth includesthe development of micro-organisms, bacteria, algae and fungi, and also the developments ofmacro-organisms, such as oysters, barnacles and mussels.

Generally, biocides are defined as either oxidising biocides or non-oxidising biocides.Oxidising biocides have a non-specific broad-spectrum biocidal mode of action, which limitsthe degree to which fouling organisms can develop resistance to these biocides. Non-oxidisingbiocides are more selective and more complex in their working and therefore need a longerreaction time than oxidising biocides.

The environmental problem of biocides, however, is their inherent toxicity. Some antimicrobialsused in cooling systems are compounds that rapidly break down in water, thereby alleviatingsome potential environmental hazards. This chemical breakdown is often accompanied by areduction in the toxicity of the compound. The compound can be added to the cooling watersystem, accomplish its task of killing the microbes in the system and then break down into lesstoxic chemicals.

The consumption of biocides is determined by the type of cooling system, the water resource(fresh or salt), the season and leakage of organic materials from the process and the systemshalf-time. In once-through systems almost solely biocides are used. Usually, these areoxidative biocides such as hypochlorite or derivatives as hypobromite.

In open recirculating cooling systems use of biocides is made on the basis of an oxidativebiocide alone or in combination with a non-oxidative biocide. The consumption of non-oxidative biocides and other conditioning agents is almost completely determined byrecirculating cooling water systems. Furthermore, it has been observed that in some closedrecirculating systems no biocides are being added at all.

Table V.2 gives an indication of the amounts of biocides used in some European MemberStates.

V.4.3 Oxidising biocides

The oxidising biocides commonly used in industrial cooling systems are the halogens, chlorineand bromine, in liquid and gaseous form, organic halogen donors, chlorine dioxide and ozone,monochloramine and peroxides. In case of seawater conditions there is a growing interest in theapplication of chlorine dioxide, because of its effectiveness and the reduced formation ofbromated hydrocarbons (in particular bromoforme, chlorodibromomethane,bromodichloromethane and dibromoacetonitrile) and trihalomethanes (THM) compared tohypochlorite, but on the other hand it produces ClO3

- ions.Chlorine gas (Cl2) is also used in some places being compact and cheap, but has a safety riskwhen stored in bulk and gives some difficulties in handling.

Sodium hypochlorite is the most commonly oxidising biocide used in large once-throughsystems. It can be produced on marine sites by electrolysis of seawater. This process, calledelectrochlorination, avoids the transport and storage of dangerous chlorine gas or solution.The consumption of sodium hypochlorite as active chlorine demand is generally lower in andaround saltwater systems than on freshwater systems, because of a higher level of dissolved andparticulate organic matter in fresh water. Due to its higher bromide content, the formation of

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halogenated organics in seawater is reported to be lower than in freshwater (rivers), but nopublications could confirm this.

Table V.2: Estimated consumption levels of some commonly used oxidising biocides in a fewEuropean Member States(kg/yr) (KEMA, 1996)

Group Oxidising biocides United Kingdom(1993)2



Chlorinebased Sodium hypochlorite 7310001,5 18000004 8170006

Sodiumdichloroisocyanurate 19300

Chlorine dioxide 13000Brominebased Sodium bromide 356000 22500


286000 1000

Other Hydrogen peroxide 910

Peracetic acid 975Notes:1 estimated use as active ingredient, (as formulated product the amounts are much higher)2 in all cooling water systems3 only in recirculating systems4 measured as Cl25 this figure is an underestimation as in the U.K much electrochlorination is employed in most coastal power stations6 in Cl2 produced by electrochlorination at fossil fuel power stations

This will also hold for cooling systems using water from heavily polluted harbours. Continuous‘low” chlorination is often preferred, although discontinuous or semi-continuous chlorination ismore and more practised. However, this requires more intensive monitoring of the coolingsystem and the cooling water.From both the chlorine gas and the sodium hypochlorite solution, the most active chemicalspecies is the non-dissociated hypochlorous acid. This is a very reactive oxidising agent andreacts with most organics in the water to form the trihalomethane (THM) chloroform (3-5%)and other chlorinated organics. Free chlorine can also react with ammonia to producechloramines or with diverse dissolved organic compounds forming different types oforganohalogenated compounds (such as THM, chlorophenols). This occurs in the coolingsystem itself also and not before this first chlorine demand has been met, the residual chlorinewill be able to do its biocidal work.

The use of the oxidising biocide hypobromous acid (HOBr) could be an alternative tohypochlorite. The hypobromous acid remains undissociated at higher pH values than is valid forhypochlorous acid. This implies that at pH 8 and above the free oxidant HOBr is a moreefficient biocide than the dissociated hypochlorous ion OCl- . As a consequence, in alkalinefreshwater, the effective dosage of hypobromite can be much lower than the equivalenthypochlorite. Although, brominated organics are 2-3 times more toxic than the chlorinatedequivalents, they decompose more rapid and given the lower demand could provide a distinctenvironmental advantage. However, in marine water, the oxidation of bromide ions byhypochlorite leads to a rapid formation of hypobromite and the chlorination of sea water isalmost equivalent to the bromination and there may be little environmental benefit in thehypobromous option compared with the hypochlorous option.

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Bromide and sodium hypochlorite, chloramine and peroxyde are used in combination inrecirculating systems, which is also expected to give less environmentally hazardous substances.A disadvantage of this treatment could be that at high concentrations of free oxidant (FO)solutions the formation of carcinogenous bromate could occur. Another possible source can bethe ozonation of natural waters by the oxidation of bromide ions.

The bromate content depends on the bromide concentration in the brine water used to producesodium hypochlorite. The theoretical maximum bromate concentration (BrO3

-) in sodiumhypochlorite solutions produced by electrolysis of seawater is around 100 mg/l or 3 mg per g ofchlorine. A wide range of bromate concentration is found in commercial hypochlorite solutions.If concentrated brines are used for chlorine production it varies from 0.15 to 4.0 mg BrO3

- per gof chlorine.

V.4.4 Non-oxidising biocides

Non-oxidising biocides are comparatively slow reacting substances that react with specific cellcomponents or reaction pathways in the cell. The following non-oxidising biocides are reportedto be commonly used: 2,2-dibromo-3-nitrilopropionamide (DBNPA), glutaric aldehyde,quaternary ammonium compounds (QAC), isothiazolones, halogenated bisphenols andthiocarbamates, but many others are in the market and within Europe the amount and thefrequency of use of the individual biocide varies considerably. Table V.3 gives an indication ofthe consumption of some non-oxidizing biocides.

The application of non-oxidising biocides instead of oxidising biocides is recommended only incases where oxidising biocides are not able to give sufficient protection, such as in systems withhigh organic loads, or in recirculating wet cooling systems where daily control is not a practice.In large recirculating wet cooling systems, where mostly sodium hypochlorite is used,sometimes constant monitoring is applied to ensure that the correct level of free oxidants isavailable in the circuit. For many smaller recirculating wet cooling systems however, and forthose operated by water service companies who do not have personnel permanently on-site,application of non-oxidising biocides that are less influenced by the water quality are preferredover the oxidising biocides [tm005, Van Donk and Jenner, 1996].Non-oxidising biocides are mainly applied in open evaporative recirculating cooling systems.Generally, they are applied to cooling water systems to give water active ingredientconcentrations from about 0.5 ppm up to 50 ppm (exceptionally 100 ppm).

Non-oxidising biocides exert their effects on micro-organisms by reaction with specific cellcomponents or reaction pathways in the cell. The first reaction involves damage to the cellmembrane and in the other reaction damage is being done to the biochemical machinery in theenergy production or energy utilisation of the cell.Quaternary ammonium compounds are cationic surface-active molecules. They damage the cellmembranes of bacteria, fungi and algae, thus increasing the permeability of the cell wallresulting in denaturation of proteines and finally death of the cell. Isothiazolones are non-specific and they interfere with ATP-syntheses in the cell. Of the others methylene(bis)thio-cyanate (MBT) is widely used against bacteria and fungi and this biocide is believed to bindirreversibly to biomolecules preventing necessary reduction and oxidation reactions.Glutaraldehyde is used against both aerobic and anaerobic bacteria and its biocidal activity isbased on protein cross-linking.

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Table V.3: Estimated consumption levels in some of European Member States of some commonlyused non-oxidising biocides in kg/yr(KEMA, 1996)

Group Non-oxidising biocides United Kingdom(1993)2



QAC Dimethyl cocobenzylAmmonium chloride


Bezyl-alkonium ammoniumcompounds


Total QAC estimate 71152Isothia-zolines



Total isothiazolines 18000 1500Halogenated bisphenols(dichlorophen+fentichlor)


Thiocarbamates 56800Others Glutaraldehyde 56400 750

Tetraalkyl phosphoniumchloride



17200 800


2270 1450


231 1950

Fatty amines 200004

Others 4412Estimated total 234963 6450

Notes:1 estimated use as active ingredient (as formulated product the amounts are much higher)2 in all cooling water systems3 only in recirculating systems4 active product used at a marine fossil fuel power station

V.4.5 Factors determining the use of biocides.[tm005, Van Donk and Jenner, 1996]

The following factors focus on the use of biocides, but could be applied to the use of otheradditives as well.

• Effectiveness

Obvious as this may sound, a biocide has to be effective in the specific situation it is used in.However, it is important to realise that a biocide - or a cooling water treatment program - that iseffective in one system, may not be so in another system, even if these systems are apparentlyidentical. One of the reasons for this can be the development of a resistant or tolerant populationof micro-organisms. For oxidising biocides this is less of a risk than for non-oxidising biocides.

• System type

The system type determines the hydraulic half-time of the cooling water in the wet coolingsystems, and thus the contact time between the biocide and the cooling water. In once-throughwet cooling systems, where residence times are short, fast reacting - oxidising - biocides aregenerally used. At present if biocides are being used in once-through systems in the Netherlandssodium hypochlorite is applied. Slower reacting non-oxidising biocides are at present only used

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in recirculating wet cooling systems. The majority (> 90%) of the recirculating cooling watersystems is being treated with NaOCl, Cl2, ClO2 or NaOCl./NaBr.

The type of process is an important factor in the choice of a biocide, especially whenconsidering the reactivity of some biocides with process fluids spilled into the cooling water.Some processes, like the direct cooling of metal in the metal industry create special conditionsin the cooling water. Process fluids leaking into the cooling water may function as a nutrient forbiological growth.

• Water quality

Chemical and biological water quality affects the choice of a cooling water treatmentprogramme, and thus the choice of a biocide. Occurrence of macrofouling organisms is verymuch water quality related. Generally speaking, an increased quality of the surface water inbiological terms may result in an increased occurrence of macrofouling in wet cooling systems.

For micro-organisms, water type does not play a major role in defining the types of organismsencountered. In theory a pH value of approximately 7 is optimal for microbial growth. Acidconditions will favour growth of fungi and pH values higher than 8 will reduce algae growth.However, in practice micro-organisms prove to be highly adaptable and can colonise a varietyof systems. An illustration of this is the commonly held belief that fungi prefer acidic to neutralmedia for growth, and will be supplanted by bacteria in an alkaline system. This isfundamentally correct, but if such a system is treated with a bactericide with no antifungalactivity, often contamination with fungal spores allows colonisation of the system, even at a pHvalue of 9.In once-through systems, the pH value inside the cooling system is equal to that of the entrainedwater, although dosing of sodium hypochlorite may slightly increase the pH value but this isusually impossible to measure. In open evaporative recirculating systems the pH value is oftencontrolled, ranging generally from 7 to 9, by addition of acids (often sulphuric acid) or a base(often sodium hydroxide) or cycling natural alkalinity.

For the application of sodium hypochlorite and sodium hypobromite as a biocide, it is wellknown that the pH value strongly influences the equilibrium between hypohalous acid and thehypohalite ion. Hypohalous acids are approximately hundred times more toxic than their anionicform. Therefore, in theory, the pH value will affect the toxicity of for example hypochloritedose.

In practice, the pH value cannot be influenced in once-through systems. Freshwater once-through systems typically use cooling water at pH 7 - 8; seawater cooled systems operate at apH value of approximately pH 8. The above-mentioned equilibrium is therefore most relevantfor the effectiveness of the treatment in once-through systems, since residence time of thecooling water - and thus contact time of the biocide with the organisms - in the cooling systemis relatively short.

Wet recirculating systems generally are operated at a pH value ranging from 7 - 9. Experiencein the chemical industry has shown that a recirculating system operating at pH value of 9 usesless hypochlorite than a system operating at a lower pH value, without loss of effectiveness ofthe treatment. The fate of hypochlorite in recirculating systems has been extensively studied.The main conclusion from this is that 5-10% of the hypochlorite dosed is lost in the tower whenoperating at pH value of 8.5, while at a pH value of lower than 7 this is 30 - 40%.

The explanation for this is that the hypochlorite anion cannot be stripped out of the coolingtower. This is in contrast with hypohalous acid. It is concluded that hypochlorite dosage at a pHvalue of 9 is equally effective, in spite of the fact that only (1 - 5%) is present in the acid form,because the hypohalous acid consumed will be instantly replenished from the surplus present inthe anionic form. The overall conclusion therefore is that operating recirculating systems at ahigh pH value will reduce the amount of hypochlorite needed for effective microfouling control.

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202 Industrial Cooling Systems

The temperature of the surface influences the growth of the marine biology and can therefore beused as a factor for the choice of a treatment programme in once-through cooling systems.Macrofouling in once-through systems in the Netherlands will not grow rapidly during wintermonths. Therefore it is not necessary to dose biocides when water temperatures are lower than12°C. Industries with once-through systems on the Mediterranean coast, where severemacrofouling growth and spat fall take place all year round, dose oxidising biocides all yearround. In general, water temperature will greatly affect species variability, growth rate andbiocide demand. In once-through systems the water temperature added to the bulk water (∆T) is8 - 12 °C, restricted by a maximum discharge temperature. Recirculating systems face the samerestriction at the point of discharge, although sometimes higher discharge temperatures areallowed. Temperatures in the recirculating bulk water can be 20 - 30 °C and higher. Mostmacrofouling species in the Netherlands do not tolerate long-term exposure to temperatures of30 °C, but some species, such as the brackish water mussel, grow very rapidly at thesetemperatures.

For recirculating systems with high concentration factors, the hardness of the intake water andthe amount of organic materials are of extreme importance, since this will affect the amount ofscaling and corrosion inhibitors needed. Both for once-through and recirculating systems theamounts of organic material (dissolved solids, suspended solids) in the cooling water areimportant, since they influence biocide demand. The extent into which this influences biocidesvaries (e.g. hypochlorite will react with ammonia, chlorine dioxide will not). In general it isadvisable to reduce to a minimum all substances that lead to increased biocide demand.

V.4.6 Interactions with other water treatment chemicals

Other additives such as corrosion and scale inhibitors can also affect the choice of a suitablebiocide. Some biocides limit each other’s effectiveness, but can also be of reciprocal benefit.For example:- QACs are known to be partially neutralised by oxidative biocides and anionic

dispersing agents;- Isothiazolones on the other hand are stabilised by sodium hypochlorite;- Ozone is such a strong oxidant that it will oxidise almost any other cooling water

additive, which is specifically a problem for corrosion inhibitors that often have to beapplied to some extent adjacent to the ozone application to protect the equipment.

V.5 Cycles of concentration and water balance

The application of additives in open evaporative cooling towers is complex and largely relatedto the water balance and the cycles of concentration with which the system is operated. Theblowdown is an important measure to correct the solids balance and plays a role in theoptimisation of cooling systems performance and cooling water treatment. A short explanationof the principle of blowdown is given below Figure V.1.

A quantity of cooling water (Qc) is circulating through the system in m3 per minute. Passing theheat exchanger the cooling water is cooled down in the cooling tower by evaporation andconvection. Evaporation (E), drift, windage and some leakage reduce the amount of coolingwater and consequently the concentration of salts in the water increases which could lead toscaling and corrosion.

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Annex V

Industrial Cooling Systems 203

Figure V.1: Tower and solids balances for an evaporative cooling system using a cooling tower[tm135, Anonymous, 1988]

This is balanced by bleeding the system, which process is called blowdown (B withconcentration Cb) and compensated by adding water called make-up (M with concentration Cm).As the system has to be balanced use is made of the concentration ratio (CR): CR = M/B =Cb/Cm (because M x Cm = B x Cb).

Figure V.2: Reduction of the make-up flow by concentration in an evaporative cooling system[tm135, Nalco, 1988]

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Annex V

204 Industrial Cooling Systems

M = E+B, thus CR = (E+B)/B= E/B+1 and from this equation follows that

This is a very useful equation in cooling water treatment. After the cycles of concentration havebeen determined based upon the make-up and blowdown concentrations, the actual blowdownbeing lost from the system, or the blowdown required to maintain the system at the desirednumber of cycles, can be calculated.

B = E/(CR-1)

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Annex VI

Industrial Cooling Systems 205


The following text has been integrally included to give an example of legislation that has beensuccessfully applied in Europe to reduce the emissions of cooling systems.

General Administrative Regulation of 31 January 1994On the Amendment to the

General Administrative Framework Regulation on

Minimum Requirements for the Discharge of Waste Water into Waters(currently,august 2000,being revised)

Excerpt of

Appendix 31: Water Treatment, Cooling Systems, Steam Generation

1 Scope

1.1 Waste water in which the contaminant load originates primarily from the treatment ofwater from cooling systems of industrial processes.

2 Requirements

The following requirements for the discharge of waste water must be complied with.The requirements for chemical oxygen demand, for nitrogen as the sum of ammonium,nitrite and nitrate nitrogen, for inorganic phosphorus compounds and for filterablesubstances are based on generally recognised technical rules, the remaining require-ments on best available technology.

These requirements shall not apply to waste water discharges of less than 0.5 m3 perday.

2.1 General requirements

The waste water must not contain - with the exception of phosphonates and poly-carboxylates - any organic complexing agents which are not readily biodegradable inaccordance with the basic level requirements of the Chemicals Act for determiningready biodegradability by means of the OECD Guidelines 301 A - 301 E of May 1981.

The waste water must not contain chromium compounds or mercury compounds,nitrite, organometallic compounds (metal-carbon bonds) or mercaptobenzothiazoleoriginating from the use of operating and ancillary resources.

The requirements in the first and second paragraphs shall be deemed to be compliedwith if the substances specified are not used, all operating and ancillary resources usedare listed in an operating journal and manufacturers' information is available showingthat such substances are neither present in the operating and ancillary resources usednor capable of forming under operating conditions.

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Annex VI

206 Industrial Cooling Systems

2.3 Requirements for waste water from cooling systems

2.3.1 Water from single-pass or open-ended fresh water cooling systems

The requirements after shock treatment with microbicidal substances shall be as fol-lows:

Qualified random sample or2-hour composite sample (mg/l)

Chlorine dioxide, chlorine and bromine(expressed as chlorine)


Adsorbable organic halogens (AOX) 0.15

Microbicidal substances other than hydrogen peroxide and ozone must not be presentin the waste water. These requirements shall be deemed to be complied with if suchsubstances are not used, all operating and ancillary resources used are listed in an op-erating journal and manufacturers' information is available showing that such sub-stances are not present in the operating and ancillary resources used.

2.3.2 Water from flushing of primary cooling circuits in power stations (flushing water fromrecirculation cooling systems)

Random sample (mg/l)Chemical oxygen demand (COD) 30Phosphorus compounds as phosphorus,total2)


If only inorganic phosphorus compoundsare used, the value for the parameterphosphorus is increased to 3 mg/l.

The requirements after shock treatment with microbicidal substances shall be as fol-lows:

Random sample (mg/l)Adsorbable organic halogens (AOX) 0.15Chlorine dioxide, chlorine and bromine(expressed as chlorine)


Toxicity to luminescent bacteria TB 12

The luminescent bacteria toxicity requirement shall also be deemed to be compliedwith if the flushing circuit is kept closed until a TB value of 12 or less is reached in ac-cordance with manufacturers' information about input concentrations and biodegrada-tion behavour and this is substantiated by an operating journal.

Zinc compounds from cooling water conditioning agents must not be present in thewaste water. This requirement shall be deemed to be met if all operating and ancillaryresources are listed in an operating journal and manufacturers' information is availableshowing that the cooling water conditioning agents used do not contained any zinccompounds.

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2.3.3 Waste water from flushing of other cooling circuits

Random sample (mg/l)Chemical oxygen demand (COD) 40The value for the parameter COD is in-creased to 80 mg/l after cleaning withdispersants.Phosphorus compounds as phosphorus,total2)


The value for the parameter phosphorus isincreased to 4 mg/l if only zinc-free coolingwater conditioning agents are used. It is in-creased to 5 mg/l if the zinc-free condition-ing agents used contain only inorganicphosphorus compounds.Zinc 4Adsorbable organic halogens (AOX) 0.15

The requirements after shock treatment with microbicidal substances shall be as fol-lows:

Random sample (g/l)Chlorine dioxide, chlorine and bromine(expressed as chlorine)


Adsorbable organic halogens (AOX) 0.5Toxicity to luminescent bacteria TB 12

The luminescent bacteria toxicity requirement shall also be deemed to be compliedwith if the flushing circuit is kept closed until a TB value of 12 or less is reached in ac-cordance with manufacturers' information about input concentrations and biodegrada-tion behaviour and this is substantiated by an operating journal.

2.5 In the case of holding ponds, all values shall be for the random sample. Here the val-ues relate to the quality of the water before emptying.

2.6 Compliance with the requirements in item 2.3 for the parameter COD may also bechecked by determining total organic carbon (TOC). In this case, the COD value is tobe replaced by three times the TOC value as determined in milligrams per litre.


2) Determination in the original sample in accordance with DIN 38406 - E22 (March 1988 edition) or anequivalent measurement and analysis procedure.

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Annex VII

Industrial Cooling Systems 209


VII.1 Introduction to the concept

This safety concept has been elaborated in order to provide assistance with regard to theprotection of waters from the temporary discharge, via cooling water, of (process) substancescausing long-term detrimental changes to water bodies. The concept specifies measures ofmonitoring and changeover in connection with once-through cooling systems and alternatives toonce-through cooling systems as a function of the persistence of water pollution by substances,which can be discharged into the cooling water.

The capacity of a substance to cause long-term detrimental changes or to pose a hazard to awater body can be determined on the basis of the R - phrases established under Europeanlegislation on hazardous substances. A certain score is allocated, as shown in the table below, toeach of the R - phrases relating to the protected assets aquatic-environment as well as humanhealth and soil. The scores of all R - phrases assigned to the substance concerned are added upto obtain the total score. This total score is then linked with the required safety measureconcerning the contaminated cooling water. Decisions relating to the implementation of suchmeasures and the technology applied can, of course, only be taken within the individualcompanies concerned and with knowledge of the particular circ*mstances.

It will be recommended to apply this concept immediately to new plants and to refit existingcooling-systems if they do not meet these requirements within:

- 5 years for substances with total score > 9

- 8 years for substances with total score from 0 - 8

For substances with total score > 5 measures with regard to the monitoring of once-throughcooling systems should be tackled immediately taking into account the requirements ofindividual cases.

The requirements of this safety concept refer to all cooling water streams, which are notconnected to industrial purification plants or to an appropriate water-associated purificationplant. The requirements concerning substances with total score < 4 do not refer to indirectdischarges which are fed to a sewage treatment plant.

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Annex VII

210 Industrial Cooling Systems

Table VII.1: Score for a number of R-phrases to calculate the total score for process substances

Score 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9EcotoxicityandDegradation/bio-accumulation

52/53 51/53 50/53


* 3) * 2) * 1)

Ecotoxicity 52 50Ecotoxicityn.y.d.




Degradationand/or bio-accumulationn.y.d.


Acutemammaliatoxicity(acute oraletoxicitypreferred)







40 45and/or46











Dangerousreaction withwater


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Annex VII

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Legend to the table on the previous page:

n. y.d. = attributes not yet determined (tested or known)* = score, if one ore more of the attributes, “ecotoxicity”, “degradation/bioaccumulation" and

“acute toxicity" were not tested or not known

Footnote 1) - Ecotoxicity and degradation and/or bioaccumulation n.y.d. or ecotoxicity n.y.d. and easydegradation not proved or

- ecotoxicity n.y.d. and potential of bioaccumulation available or classified into R 50 and degradationand/or bioaccumulation n.y.d.

Footnote 2) - Ecotoxicity > 1 and < 10 mg/l and degradation and /or bioaccumulation n.y.d.Footnote 3) - Ecotoxicity > 10 and < 100 mg/l and degradation n.y.d.Footnote 4) - See Appendix 2 for description of R-phrases

VII.2 Requirements of the concept

The requirements put on the cooling technology is determined by the respectively highest totalof points of those process substances that can enter the cooling water. These requirements aresummarized in the following table.

Table VII.2: Requirements of VCI safety concept for cooling technology

score: 0 points score: 1 - 4 points score: 5 - 8 points score: ≥≥≥≥ 9 points(D1 + Al) (D1 + Al + U1) (D1 + A2 +U1)

(D2 + A1 +U1)(D3 + A2 + U1) /(D2 + A2 + U2) /

(Z) (E) / (K) /(L) / (S)

../.. alternative options

D1, A1 and U1 are always replaceable by the higher measures D2 (or D3), A2 and U2.

The codes in the table are described as follows:

DI Once-through cooling system;

D2 once-through cooling system with a cooling water pressure which is kept clearly and ina controlled way above the process pressure (cooling water pressure should not fallbelow process pressure at any point in the cooling system, also not by hydraulicprocesses);

D3 Once-through cooling system with cooler made of high-quality anticorrosive materialand regular maintenance;

Z Intermediate storage with analytical control prior to discharge;

E Cooling via primary/secondary circuits (decoupling);

K Circulation cooling via recooling systems;

L Air cooling system;

S Special cooling system (e.g. heat pumps, absorption cold plants, vapour compressionsystems, heat transformers);

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212 Industrial Cooling Systems

Al Analytical or other adequate monitoring of cooling water;A2 Automatic analytical monitoring of cooling water (according to the appendix);

U1 Immediate changeover of the cooling water discharge to holding facilities or apurification plant provided that such a plant is appropriate for the disposal of thereleased substance or immediate changeover to reserve cooling system or switch-off ofthe part of the production plant concerned;

U2 Automatic changeover of the cooling water discharge to holding facilities or apurification plant provided that such a plant is appropriate for the disposal of thereleased substance or automatic changeover to reserve cooling system or switch-off ofthe part of the production plant concerned.

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Annex VII

Industrial Cooling Systems 213

VII.3 Appendix 1 - Automatic analytical monitoring of once-through cooling systems

Automatic analytical systems are appropriate for the monitoring of once-through coolingsystems if leakage can be determined with sufficient safety and sufficiently rapid. In thisconnection it is sufficient that the analytical system provides trend data. The measurement ofabsolute concentrations is not necessary for such systems, but merely the detection of deviationsfrom normal states.

Measurement can either occur directly by sensors in the cooling water stream or via automaticsampling semi-continuously outside the cooling water stream.

For the following parameters and analytical methods, equipment is on the market which isappropriate for automatic monitoring of once-through cooling systems in the above sense. Withregard to the selection of equipment for this function, the reliability of the system is generallymore important than increased demands on its accuracy.

The selection of the appropriate system is determined by the substance(s) released in connectionwith a leakage and it is, moreover, strongly dependent on the special circ*mstances ofindividual cases. In this connection it should first be checked whether the automatic analyticalmonitoring can be carried out by means of a parameter or of an analytical method of thefollowing List 1. If this proves not to be possible, the use of systems in accordance with List 2should be checked.

List 1: - ph-value - photometry- conductivity - oil warning equipment- redox potential - foam warning equipment- turbidity - mercury monitors- refractometry.

List 2: - TC (total carbon),- TOC (total organic carbon),- DOC (dissolved organic carbon),- purgable substances by means of FID (flame ionization detector),- TOC/FID combination,- purgable chloro-organic compounds,- bacterial toximeters.

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Annex VII

214 Industrial Cooling Systems

VII.4 Appendix 2 – R-phrases used to calculate VCI-score

Table VII.3: Description of R-phrases used to calculate VCI-score for cooling systems selection

R 20/21 Harmful by inhalation and in contact with skin.R 20/21/22 Harmful by inhalation, in contact with skin and if swallowed.R 20/22 Harmful by inhalation and if swallowed.R 21 Harmful in contact with skin.R 21/22 Harmful in contact with skin and if swallowed.R 22 Harmful if swallowed.

R 23/24 Toxic by inhalation and in contact with skin.R 23/24/25 Toxic by inhalation, in contact with skin and if swallowed.R 23/25 Toxic by inhalation and if swallowed.R 24 Toxic in contact with skin.R 24/25 Toxic in contact with skin and if swallowed.R 25 Toxic if swallowed.

R 26/27 Very toxic by inhalation and in contact with skin.R 26/27/28 Very toxic by inhalation, in contact with skin and if swallowed.R 26/28 Very toxic by inhalation and if swallowed.R 27 Very toxic in contact with skin.R 27/28 Very toxic in contact with skin and if swallowed.R 28 Very toxic if swallowed.

R 29 Contact with water liberates toxic gas.

R 33 Danger of cumulative effects.

R 39 Danger of very serious irreversible effects.R 39/24 Danger of very serious irreversible effects in contact with skinR 39/25 Danger of very serious irreversible effects if swallowedR 39/23/25 Danger of very serious irreversible effects through inhalation and if swallowed

R 39/24/25 Danger of very serious irreversible effects in contact with skin and ifswallowed.

R 39/23/24/25 Danger of very serious irreversible effects through inhalation, in contact withskin and if swallowed

R 39/27 Danger of very serious irreversible effects in contact with skinR 39/28 Danger of very serious irreversible effects if swallowedR 39/26/28 Danger of very serious irreversible effects through inhalation and if swallowed

R 39/27/28 Danger of very serious irreversible effects in contact with skin and ifswallowed

R 39/26/27/28 Danger of very serious irreversible effects through inhalation, in contact withskin and if swallowed

R 40 Possible risks of irreversible effects.R 40/21 Harmful: possible risk of irreversible effects in contact with skin.R 40/22 Harmful: possible risk of irreversible effects if swallowed.R 40/20/22 Harmful: possible risk of irreversible effects through inhalation and if


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Table VII.3 continued

R 40/21/22 Harmful possible risk of irreversible effects in contact with skin and ifswallowed.

R 40/20/21/22 Harmful possible risk of irreversible effects through inhalation, in contact withskin and if swallowed.

R 44 Risk of explosion if heated under confinement.R 45 May cause cancer.

R 48 Danger of serious damage to health by prolonged exposure.

R 48/21 Harmful: danger of serious damage to health by prolonged exposure in contactwith skin.

R 48/22 Harmful: danger of serious damage to health by prolonged exposure ifswallowed.

R 48/20/22 Harmful: danger of serious damage to health by prolonged exposure throughinhalation and if swallowed

R 48/21/22 Harmful: danger of serious damage to health by prolonged exposure in contactwith skin and if swallowed.

R 48/20/21/22 Harmful: danger of serious damage to health by prolonged exposure throughinhalation, in contact with skin and if swallowed.

R 48/24 Toxic: danger of serious damage to health by prolonged exposure in contactwith skin.

R 48/25 Toxic: danger of serious damage to health by prolonged exposure if swallowed.

R 48/23/25 Toxic: danger of serious damage to health by prolonged exposure throughinhalation and if swallowed.

R 48/24/25 Toxic: danger of serious damage to health by prolonged exposure in contactwith skin and if swallowed.

R 48/23/24/25 Toxic: danger of serious damage to health by prolonged exposure throughinhalation, in contact with skin and if swallowed.

R 50 Very toxic to aquatic organisms.R 51 Toxic to aquatic organisms.R 52 Harmful to aquatic organisms.R 53 May cause long-term adverse effects in the aquatic-environment.

R 60 May impair fertility.R 61 May cause harm to the unborn child.R 62 Possible risk of impaired fertility.R 63 Possible risk of harm to the unborn child.R 65 Harmful: may cause lung damage if swallowed.

R 15/29 Contact with water liberates toxic, highly flammable gas.

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Annex VIII

Industrial Cooling Systems 217


VIII.1 Benchmark assessment concept for cooling waterchemicals

VIII.1.1 Introduction


It is well established that the cooling BREF is “horizontal” in nature, and that it is not possibleto identify a “BAT cooling system” as such because so much is dependent on the specificprocess being cooled, and its location (especially climate, water supply etc.).

Therefore, the approach to be taken in the BREF must be one of providing “tools” to help theMember State authorities rationalise what options are available, and select an optimal coolingsolution (both in terms of equipment, and “operating conditions”) which will represent BAT forIPPC permitting purposes.

Firstly, in terms of “plant equipment”, such selections will mainly be made when new systemsare built, but also in the context of upgrades or retrofitting of existing systems.

Secondly, the “operating conditions” which are applied in both existing and new systems havebeen singled out for attention in discussions. A key element of these “conditions” relates to theoptimisation of the cooling system in terms of efficiency and plant longevity through the use ofchemicals. BAT-based optimisation decisions will need to be made in terms of what chemicalsare used, and in what quantities, for permitting purposes.

An approach has been developed within the TWG for a simple so-called “benchmarking”method to help the Member States compare different chemicals one with another on the basis ofpotential environmental impact. Without such a tool, the complexity of making such decisionscould be a serious obstacle in determining what is BAT for cooling systems in a rational way atthe local level.

As is described below, most of the main elements for establishing such a risk-basedbenchmarking tool can already be found in Community legislation and its official supportingdocumentation. The present approach seeks to draw together elements from: the IPPC Directive,the Water Framework Directive, and Risk Assessment legislation and the supporting “TechnicalGuidance Document” in a coherent manner, to provide a tool to help evaluate coolingchemicals.

VIII.1.1.1 Background

From its earliest meetings, the TWG agreed by consensus that any assessment of cooling waterchemicals should involve both intrinsic properties and local situation characteristics (risk basedapproach).

The ensuing Benchmarking Assessment Concept arises as a result of consideration of existingassessment schemes and methodologies, and seeks to provide a starting point for properconsideration of both intrinsic properties and the local level situation in the assessment ofdifferent possible treatment regimes.

The assessment concept does not enter into a discussion of the Intrinsic Hazard Approach, butconcentrates on the task of explaining and clarifying the Benchmarking (relative ranking)Procedure.

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Annex VIII

218 Industrial Cooling Systems

It essentially focuses on individual substances, giving brief indications of how the method couldbe extended to multi-substance complete chemical treatments.

Also, only the most complex case (and most frequent) of open recirculating systems (coolingsystems with an evaporative cooling tower) is dealt with, with the possibility of later extensionto once-through, closed systems, etc.

VIII.1.1.2 Relevant legislative background

There is no need, here, to evoke in any detail the legislative requirements which have led to thedevelopment of BAT reference documents. It is enough to mention Article 16.2 of the IPPCDirective on exchange of information, and the initiative of the Commission to develop, throughthe institution of the Information Exchange Forum, a tool which should assist and guideMember States Authorities to set Emission Limit Values (ELV) for IPPC Listed Plants.

It is of importance, though, to underline one of the key aspects of the Directive: the control ofemissions and their impact on the environment through a “combined” method of BAT setemission limit values to be checked against environmental quality standards.

Also very relevant in this context is the shortly to be adopted Water Framework Directive(WFD).

Although it might be the case that a correct evaluation of the effects of chemical treatments usedin cooling systems should be subject to a multimedia assessment, it is also correct to state thatthe major concerns associated to the use of these chemicals regard the main potential receiver ofpolluting substances: the aquatic-environment.

A few words are therefore necessary to briefly review the relevant parts of the WFD.

VIII.1.1.3 The water framework directive (WFD)

While the WFD goes much further than providing elements to prevent and control emissionsfrom Industrial IPPC Plants, it does in fact supply one key link with the IPPC Directive. It fixesmethods and procedures for the Commission to prioritize dangerous substances and to propose,for these, emission controls and EQSs (Environmental Quality Standards; or “QualityStandards”), to be adopted by the Council and the European Parliament.

Furthermore it gives to the Member States the right and the duty to fix Quality Standards forany other substances that are relevant, in any River Basin, to the achievement of the objectivesset by the Directive itself.

More important than this, it introduces in an annex (Annex V Section 1.2.6) a simple procedureto be used by the Member States Authorities to calculate Environmental Quality Standards(EQSs) for chemical substances in water.

In other words, it provides one of the conditions required by the IPPC Directive to implement acombined approach: methods and procedures to calculate Quality Standards.

According to the Water Framework Directive (WFD) text (Annex V Section 1.2.6), MemberStates are to determine EQSs in the following way:

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Annex VIII

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Test Method Safety Factor

At least one acute L(E)C50 from each of three trophic levels ofthe base-set 1000

One chronic NOEC (either fish or daphnia or a representativeorganism from saline waters) 100

Two chronic NOECs from species representing two trophiclevels (fish and/or daphnia or a representative organism fromsaline waters and/or algae)


Chronic NOECs from at least three species (normally fish,daphnia or a representative organism for saline waters & algae)representing three trophic levels


Other cases, including field data or model ecosystems, whichallow more precise safety factors to be calculated and applied. Case by case assessment

While a more detailed analysis of the significance and implications of this table will be madelater, there are a few notes that need to be made at this point:

a) The Quality Standards set on this basis only take into account the protection of theaquatic system, without considering the indirect-human effects

b) The numbers resulting from the above table are Predicted No Effect Concentrations(PNEC) (See Technical Guidance Document for Regulation 793/93/EEC)

c) The Commission has developed a Prioritization Procedure, which is based on a systemin which an aquatic effect score is combined with a bio-accumulation score and ahuman effect score. The procedure has been used to provide the basis for theCommission’s proposed “priority list” of substances to be controlled at EU level bymeans of emissions controls and EQSs to be adopted under the Water FrameworkDirective.

The following benchmarking assessment concept is also based on the above method ofCalculating Quality Standards. This is for the following reasons:

- in the context of the BREF, the method must be clear, simple straight forward,transparent and easy to use

- it is most probable, even if a lot of work is needed to prove this, that the aquatic-environment is the weakest link of the chain

- the benchmarking methods will be used in combination with EU chemicals legislation(Intrinsic Hazards), which, implicitly includes evaluation of potential indirect adverseeffects (both on the aquatic-environment and on humans) through the inclusion of bio-accumulation, the CMT properties (carcinogenic, mutagenic, teratogenic) as well aschronic effects in the classification of hazardous chemicals.The WFD also requires that Member States set EQS for waters intended for DrinkingWater Abstraction: this will be another check point to take into account human health inone of the most important exposure routes.

VIII.1.2 Benchmarking : introduction of the concept

The Benchmarking Assessment Concept is founded on carrying out substance by substancecomparisons using a standardised theoretical measure of the Predicted EnvironmentalConcentration (here in referred to as PECstandardised). This PECstandardised is compared with thecorresponding Predicted No Effect Concentration (PNEC) or EQS of the substance, determinedin accordance with the method contained in Annex V of the Water Framework Directive. In this

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Annex VIII

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way a ration can be calculated for each substance which permits a preliminary ranking ofsubstances based on potential impact.

While the terms PNEC and PEC have now entered in the legislative language in the context ofemissions law, and their significance will become common knowledge, it is worth at this pointclarifying the concepts as they apply to the Benchmarking Procedure.

VIII.1.2.1 The PNEC

The Benchmarking Procedure does not attempt to rank the chemicals mentioned in the BREFitself.

The real-life situation is complicated by the fact that only rarely do chemical treatments forcooling systems consist of a single substance. The attempt to rank treatments in a BREF wouldimply the application of an “additive” procedure of some sort to an enormous list of possiblesubstances combinations in the treatments. Assuming these combinations can be madeavailable, this would require a large quantity of work and time, and would almost certainly failto be either exhaustive or up to date.

Therefore, this Assessment Concept aims to offer a standard methodology, rather than anumerical assessment of substances or treatments.

The Member State (MS) Authorities may then use this methodology as they see fit, at MS level,or better still at local level.

At any rate, aquatic toxicity data must be available and be made available by chemical suppliersto permit evaluations of PNECs. This is a fundamental aspect of any ranking procedure.

It is worth noting, also, that the Annex V procedure, and the related table, have not beeninvented recently by the Commission in the context of the WFD. In fact the approach and thetable have been strictly derived from the Technical Guidance Document on the assessment ofRisk for Existing and New Chemicals.(An extract of this pertinent portion is attached in VII.1.6 Appendix I).

Only a few words of clarification seem appropriate here.The fewer data there are available the higher the assessment factor to be applied to converttoxicity data to PNECs.The availability of chronic data reduces the factor. Progressing through a set of intermediatesituations, having chronic data on three trophic levels allows the use of a factor of 10, comparedto a factor of a 1000 when only acute toxicity data are available. The costs associated withperforming chronic tests are much higher than the costs for acute testing. Thus it is likely thatmore acute than chronic toxicity data will be available.

When the Benchmarking Procedure is applied locally, the available data will have to be usedtogether with the corresponding assessment factor.

It will be left, in this case, to the supplier of chemicals to decide whether or not to investadditional resources in obtaining chronic data, as and when this might prove necessary. Forexample, for a given plant it could be the case that using only acute data (which impliesobtaining an EQS by dividing the LC50 by a “safety factor” of 1000 to take account ofuncertainty) there may be difficulty in complying with the stringent resultant EQS. In this casethe supplier might opt to obtain the more “certain”, but equally more time-consuming and morecostly, chronic data. Chronic data implies dividing test result concentrations by a safety factor ofonly 10, which will lead to a more “certain” EQS, which may also be more achievable.

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VIII.1.2.2 The PEC

The “real” PEC, in the context of chemicals used in a cooling system, must be seen and definedas the final concentration of the chemical in the river water, after discharge and after dilutionwith the river water at appropriate distance from the discharge.

When a chemical is used in a cooling system it is subject to a set of physico-chemical conditionswhich will determine its fate. As examples can be mentioned:breakdown in the cooling system due to hydrolysis or photolysis,adsorption by the system,partitioning between water and air,ending up in the sludge,biodegradation in the cooling system itself, in the waste treatment plants (chemical/biological),and in the river.

The portion that is not “lost” will end up in the river and will be diluted by the river flow. Aprecise appraisal of the final River PEC, is only possible at local level.Models and algorithms to achieve this task are available, but they must take into account thevery specific conditions of each site. Obviously, also, the final PEC will depend on the amountof chemical that is fed, and this in turn depends on the size of the system and on the operatingconditions (Number of cycles of concentration, size of the plant and amount of heat to beremoved).

Most of the following analysis will center on describing a simple method to calculate a“standard” PEC (PEC standardised) which, while not bearing any resemblance with real PEC values,permits a rapid, preliminary evaluation of chemicals relative to one another. It is stressed thatPEC standardised has only a very restricted, limited value, and can only be used as a general startingpoint for the evaluation of the potential effects of chemicals relative to one another.

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VIII.1.3 Basic cooling towers material balances

A very simple sketch of a Cooling Tower System is reported in Figure VIII.1 below.









Figure VIII.1: Cooling tower material balance

VIII.1.3.1 Cooling towers basic equations

MU : Make-Up Rate mc/hrBD : Blow-Down Rate mc/hrW : “Windage” (includes drift losses – “D”) mc/hrE : Evaporation Rate mc/hrCM : Concentration of Substance in MU mg/l - gr/mcCB : Concentration of Substance in BD mg/l - gr/mcNC : Cycles of Concentration = CB/CM

VIII.1.3.2 Water balance

MU = BD + E + W

VIII.1.3.3 Material balance

MU x CM = (BD + W) x CB

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VIII.1.3.4 Concentration

Nc = CB/CM = MU/BD+ W

VIII.1.3.5 Discussion

Water enters the cooling system through the make-up line. Water must be “made-up” tocompensate for the losses due to evaporation, “windage” and through the blow-down. The“windage” represents the quantity of water, which in the form of droplets escapes the coolingtower. It is assumed that the droplets carry with them the entrained chemicals at the sameconcentration as in the blow-down.As water recirculates through the plant’s equipment, it takes heat with it, which in turn is takenout in the cooling tower through evaporation. No chemicals are carried-over with the watervapour (evaporated water).

The Evaporation Rate “ E”, results from design requirements. To compensate for theevaporation, windage (and blow-down losses - see below) it is necessary to continue to feed anequivalent amount of make-up water.

Make-up water, be it well water, or surface water, carries with it dissolved and suspendedsolids, and the concentration and type of which will vary from case to case. A portion of therecirculating water must, hence, be “blown-down” (discharged) to avoid the concentration ofinput substances to increase above tolerable values due to evaporation.

The value of the blow-down rate must be fixed in order to maintain an optimum concentrationof substances in the recirculating water, which will avoid, together with the appropriatechemical treatment, fouling (through precipitation and deposition of solids) and corrosion.

The blow-down rate is fixed when designing the chemical treatment and operating conditions.Frequently in practice, and in older systems, the blow-down cannot be controlled. It results, atleast partially, from unplanned water losses from various parts of the equipment being cooled.

The Number of Cycles of Concentration is the ratio between the concentration of substances inthe blow-down and that in the make up water. For instance if the concentration of the Calciumion in the make up is 200 ppm, with a Number of Cycles of 2, the concentration of Calcium inthe recirculating water will be equal to 400 ppm.

The material balance above, shows that the Number of Cycles of Concentration is equal to theratio MU/(BD +W), and when ignoring the windage, to the ratio MU/BD.

Chemicals are fed to the cooling system either (rarely) in the make-up line, or into the coolingtower basin. A certain concentration of chemicals must be “maintained” in the recirculatingwater, which is equivalent to saying, maintained in the blow-down water. The higher theNumber of Cycles the lower the blow-down, the more severe the conditions of the system, butthe lower the quantity of chemicals continually lost.This latest statement is true with the exception that when make-up substances are allowed toconcentrate more and more in the tower, more and different chemicals may be necessary tomaintain appropriate deposition-corrosion balance in the system.

In principle, though, in order to save water and chemicals (consumption, costs, and impact onthe environment) a fine balance must be sought at the highest possible Number of Cycles ofConcentration.

A certain concentration of treatment chemicals must be “maintained” in the recirculating water,and, hence, in the blow-down in order for the chemicals to perform their function.

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Normally, in complex multi-substance treatments, it is prescribed that the level of one easilymeasurable substance, is controlled and maintained at the values advised by the chemicalssuppliers. This corresponds to the implicit assumption that the ratio among the differentchemicals stays the same, regardless of different rates of “losses” of the individual chemicals inthe system.

It also corresponds to the important assumption that, if the concentration of chemicals ismeasured (one chemical measured, the others calculated) in the blow-down, this valuecorresponds to what is available in the cooling system, and that any other losses in the latterhave already been taken into account.

In other words, to evaluate the impact of the chemical(s) on the aquatic-environment, only thefate, or the variations in the concentration of the chemical downstream of the blow-down linepoint, needs to be predicted (i.e. previously mentioned as “system” losses and the reductions inconcentration, due to processes such as hydrolysis, adsorption etc -are already taken intoaccount).

This assumption will be used in the Benchmarking Assessment Concept.

VIII.1.4 Calculation of PEC and benchmarking

Table VIII.1 below summarises the simple approach suggested for Benchmarking of singlesubstances.

The suggested approach starts with the concept of calculating the “real” PECriver, and to divide itby the correspondent EQS, as derived from the WFD.

Table VIII.1 below, shows how the “real” PEC can be calculated, and how, through successiveapproximations, it is possible to normalise/standardise the PEC estimation, and so render thecalculation applicable for “benchmarking” purposes. If the BD rate, the River flow, and thelosses of chemicals are known, the Concentration of the substance in the river results from thevery simple equation (1) reported in the table.

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Table VIII.1: Calculation of PEC and Benchmarking

PECriver/EQS (EQS from Water Framework)

CB = Concentration in Blow-Down gr/mcCR = Concentration in River gr/mc = PECriverBD = Blow-Down Rate in mc/hrWR = River Flow in mc/hrt = (1 - % losses in Tower)w = (1 - % losses in Waste Water Treatment Plant - WTP)R = (1 - % losses in River)

(1) CR = BD x CB x (t) x (w) x ( r) Local Assessment/Predict WR

t = 1 w = 1 r=1 BD = 1

If also WR = 1 we have CB = CR = proportional to PEC river

Equation (1), with all its elements known or calculated, can be used as such only for local levelassessments.

To evaluate the losses in the cooling system, in the waste treatment plant, and in the river itself,a lot of specific data needs to be available regarding chemical and physicochemical data of eachsubstance. This ranges from volatility, to biodegradability and deposition rate and concerns thespecific conditions of the system, such as residence time of chemicals in the tower (proportionalto the ratio Volume of System/Blow-Down rate), type and performance of waste treatmentplants (chemical and biological), residence time in the river after initial mixing, and others.In a “ desk- top “ benchmarking approach these data are not available. Hence the need forsimplification and approximation.

- First of all it is assumed (see Table VIII.1) that the losses in the cooling system aretaken already into account by referring to the concentration of the chemical in the blowdown.Secondly it is assumed that no losses take place in the waste treatment plant.

- This second assumption is clearly not correct in the “real world” - it puts all chemicalson the same level, whether or not they may be lost through precipitation in a chemicaltreatment plant, or through partial or complete bio-degradation in a biological treatmentplant. Consideration may be given to introducing a correction factor for chemicals withdifferent degrees of biodegradability; but it would also introduce a differentiationbetween different treatment situations, which will vary from case to case and site to site.

- Thirdly, it is assumed that no losses occur in the river, and this is normally done in riskassessment evaluations.

The key to the proposed Benchmarking approach lies in the next assumptions, that is that theBlow-Down Rate is equal to 1, and so is the river flow.This means the PEC value has been normalised (i.e. PECstandardised), to allow the comparisonamong chemicals, independent of Blow-Down rate (size of plant and operating conditions), andof River Flow.

It is obvious that for the same chemical the PEC will be higher in a larger plant with a higherblow-down rate, and when the plant discharges into a small river.But this in unimportant when a set of chemicals needs to be compared (i.e. “benchmarked”).What will count for Benchmarking purposes is the feed rate of the chemical, or in other words,

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the concentration which is recommended to be “maintained” in the recirculating system, andhence in the blow down. Normally chemical suppliers recommend a range of concentrations,varying from case to case: the average recommended feed rate should be used.

VIII.1.5 Computation methods

VIII.1.5.1 Single Substances

One-substance chemical treatments very rarely apply. In most cases various combinations ofchemicals, inorganic and organic are used in cooling systems.Examples of single substances are mostly related to the use of single biocides in the system, orsingle polymers in Waste Treatment Plants. Still, there is quite likely to remain a desire,possibly at Member State level rather than at local level, to Benchmark the most typicalindividual substances that are on the Market.

At local level it is easier to imagine that the necessity will arise to compare complete treatments,one against the other, rather than individual substances. A balanced vision of the overall impactof the various substances on the aquatic-environment can only be acquired at local level, whendifferent proposed treatments have to be compared.

At any rate, the Benchmarking Procedure proposed here, does imply very simple computationsfor individual substances. The average prescribed concentration of the substance in the blowdown is one of the terms that need to be known. It is generally expressed in parts per million(ppm) or milligrams per litre (mg/l) in the blow-down, and above we refer to this number asPECstandardised.

The other element of the Equation is the PNEC or EQS. This may either have been already fixedby the Member State, or it will have to be “agreed” at local level using the WFD Annex Vprocedure, based on data furnished by the supplier of chemicals. EQSs are also normallyexpressed in ppm, and sometimes in ppb or micrograms per liter.

The PEC/PNEC ratio can hence be easily calculated for all the substances, which need to beassessed. The resulting value is a purely numerical ratio (if both PNEC and EQS are expressedin the same units, ppm, or ppb). The lower the ratio, the less the potential impact of thesubstance.

It is stressed once more that this Benchmarking Assessment Concept represents a standardisedmethodology for assessing potential impacts of cooling water chemicals, which strips out alllocal-specific characteristics, and all physico-chemical characteristics of substances except fortoxicity. As such, it can perform a useful function in helping identify areas that requireadditional investigation, and in designing chemical treatments into the overall operating-designprocedures of the plant. However, it is not suitable nor intended for use as a decision tool forlocal level assessments: the fact that one substance may have a lower PECstandardised : EQS ratiodoes not imply that this is necessarily the best choice for a particular situation once other local,plant and substance-specific factors are taken into account.

VIII.1.5.2 Complex multi-substances treatments

This will in practice most often be the case faced by local authorities and plant operators inpermit applications.

Before carrying out, with the assistance of the supplier, a complete substance by substance reallife PEC evaluation, which may be necessary in certain cases, the simplified benchmarkingapproach may be used to help design chemical treatments into the overall operating-designprocedures of the plant.

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Consideration may be given to using an additive procedure whereby the PEC/PNEC ratios foreach individual substance is calculated with the method explained above, and they are thenadded together to yield a relative “index” number. This approach is similar to that used for theclassification of chemical preparations based on the classification of the individual substances ofwhich they are composed. The lower the value of the resulting sum the less is the foreseeableenvironmental impact of the complex treatment.

Needless to say, a sum of all the values of individual ratios, leading to a figure of less than 1would be preferable to a result above 1.This would have meaning only when the real localdilution factor is known and inserted in the evaluation.

However, when values above 1 are found, and it is felt that, from a technical stand point thespecific treatment presents other environmental/economic advantages (less water, less energy) itwill be necessary to go into a more sophisticated risk assessment procedure. This may implyboth a precise calculation of all the losses of the chemical in the system (fate) and a refinementof the evaluation of the PNEC (Chronic Data instead of Acute).

It would not seem that actually carrying out centrally in the BREF, or even at Member Statelevel, a general benchmarking exercise including all possible treatments and combinations is arealistic idea. Multi-substance Benchmarking (i.e. of treatments) is more appropriately to beconsidered a local affair and reference is made to Section VII.2 of this Annex.

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VIII.1.6 Appendix I: extract from technical guidance document

Chapter 3 (Environmental Risk Assessment), section 3.3.1 of Part II of “Technicalguidance document in support of Commission Directive 93/67/EEC on risk assessment fornew notified substances and Commission Regulation (EC) no 1488/94 on risk assessmentfor existing substances”.

3.3 Effects assessment for the aquatic compartment

3.3.1 Calculation of PNEC

The function of risk assessment is the overall protection of the environment. Certainassumptions are made concerning the aquatic-environment, which allow, however uncertain, anextrapolation to be made from single-species short-term toxicity data to ecosystem effects. It isassumed that:

• ecosystem sensitivity depends on the most sensitive species; and• protecting of ecosystem structure protects community function.

These two assumptions have important consequences. By establishing which species is the mostsensitive to the toxic effects of a chemical in the laboratory, extrapolation can subsequently bebased on the data from that species. Furthermore, the functioning of any ecosystem in whichthat species exists is protected provided the structure is not sufficiently distorted as to cause animbalance. It is generally accepted that protection of the most sensitive species should protectstructure, and hence function.

For all new substances the pool of data from which to predict ecosystem effects is very limited:only short-term data are available at the base-set. For most existing substances the situation isthe same: in many cases, only short-term toxicity data are available. In these circ*mstances, it isrecognised that, while not having a strong scientific validity, empirically derived assessmentfactors must be used. Assessment factors have also been proposed by the EPA and OECD(OECD, 1992d). In applying such factors, the intention is to predict a concentration belowwhich an unacceptable effect will most likely not occur. It is not intended to be a level belowwhich the chemical is considered to be safe. However, again, it is likely that an unacceptableeffect will occur.

In establishing the size of these assessment factors, a number of uncertainties must be addressedto be able to extrapolate from single-species laboratory data to a multi-species ecosystem. Theseareas have been adequately discussed in other papers, and may best be summarised under thefollowing headings:

• Intra- and inter-laboratory variation of toxicity data• Intra- and inter-species variations (biological variance)• Short-term to long-term toxicity extrapolation• Laboratory data to field impact extrapolation (Extrapolation is required from mono-species tests to ecosystem. Additive, synergistic and antagonistic effects arising from the presence of other substances may also play a role).

The size of the assessment factor depends on the confidence with which a PNECwater can bederived from the available data. This confidence increases, if data are available on the toxicityto organisms at a number of trophic levels, taxonomic groups and with lifestyles representingvarious feeding strategies. Thus, lower assessment factors can be used with larger and morerelevant data sets than the base-set data. The proposed assessment factors are presented in TableVII.1.

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For new substances and assessment factor of 1000 will be applied on the lowest L(E)C50 of thebase-set. Also for existing substances the assessment factor is generally applied to the lowest ofthe relevant available toxicity data, irrespective of whether the species tested is a standardorganism (see notes to Table 14). For short-term tests, the L(E)C50 is used, while the NOEC isused with long-term tests. For some compounds, a large number of validated short-term L(E)C50values may be available. Therefore, it is proposed to calculate the arithmetic mean if more thanone L(E)C50 value is available for the same species. Prior to calculating the arithmetic mean ananalysis of test conditions has to be done in order to find out why differences in response werefound.

The algal growth inhibition test of the base-set is, in principle, a multi-generation test. However,for the purposes of applying the appropriate assessment factors, the EC50 is treated as a short-term toxicity value. The NOEC from this test may be used as an additional NOEC when otherlong-term data are available. In general, an algal NOEC should not be used unsupported bylong-term NOECs of species of other trophic levels. However, if a chemical shows a specifictoxicity to algae, the algal NOEC determined from the base-set test should be supported by asecond algae species test.

Microorganisms representing a further trophic level may only be used if non-adapted purecultures were tested. The investigations with bacteria (e.g., growth tests) are regarded as short-term tests. Additionally, blue-green algae should be counted among the primary producers totheir autotrophic nutrition.

Table VIII.2: Assessment factors to derive a PNEC

Description Assessment factorAt least one short-term L(E)C50 from each of three trophic levels ofthe base-set (fish, Daphnia and algae) 1000 (a)

One long-term NOEC (either fish or Daphnia) 100 (b)

Two long-term NOECs from species representing two trophic levels(fish and/or Daphnia and/or algae) 50 (c)

Long-term NOECs from at least three species (normally fish,Daphnia and algae) representing three trophic levels 10 (d)

Field data or model ecosystems Reviewed on a case by casebasis (e)


(a) The use of a factor of 1000 on short-term toxicity data is a conservative and protectivefactor and is designed to ensure that substances with the potential to cause adverseeffects are identified in the effects assessment. It assumes that each of the above-identified uncertainties makes a significant contribution to the overall uncertainty.For any given substance there may be evidence that this is not so, or that one particularcomponent of the uncertainty is more important than any other. In these circ*mstancesit may be necessary to vary this factor. This variation may lead to a raised or loweredassessment factor depending on the evidence available. Except for substances withintermittent release (see Section 3.3.2) under no circ*mstances should a factor lowerthan 100 be used in deriving a PNECwater from short-term toxicity data. Evidence forvarying the assessment factor could include one or more of the following aspects:

• evidence from structurally similar compounds (Evidence from a closely relatedcompound may demonstrate that a higher or lower factor may be appropriate).

• knowledge of the mode of action. (Some substances, by virtue of their structure,may be known to act in a non-specific manner. A lower factor may therefore beconsidered. Equally a known specific mode of action may lead to a raisedfactor).

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• the availability of data from a wide selection of species covering additionaltaxonomic groups other than those represented by the base-set species.

• the availability of data from a variety of species covering the taxonomic groupsof base-set species across at least three trophic levels.In such a case the assessment factors may only be lowered if these multiple datapoints are available for the most sensitive taxonomic group.

There are cases where the base-set is not complete: e.g., for substances, which areproduced at < 1 t/a (notifications according to Annex VII B of Directive 92/32/EEC). Atthe most the acute toxicity for Daphnia is determined. In these exceptional cases, thePNEC should be calculated with a factor of 1000. Variation from a factor of 1000should not be regarded as normal and should be fully supported by accompanyingevidence.

(b) An assessment factor of 100 applies to a single long-term NOEC (fish or Daphnia) ifthis NOEC was generated for the trophic level showing the lowest L(E)C50 in the short-term tests. If the only available long-term NOEC is from a species (standard or non-standard organism) which does not have the lowest L(E)C50 from the short-term tests, itcannot be regarded as protective of other more sensitive species using the assessmentfactors available. Thus, the effects assessment is based on the short-term data with anassessment factor of 1000. However, the resulting PNEC based on short-term data maynot be higher than the PNEC based on the long-term NOEC available.

An assessment factor of 100 applies also to the lowest of two long-term NOECscovering two trophic levels when such NOECs have not been generated from thatshowing the lowest L(E)C50 of the short-term tests.

(c) An assessment factor of 50 applies to the lowest of two NOECs covering two trophiclevels when such NOECs have been generated covering that level showing the lowestL(E)C50 in the short-term tests. It also applies to the lowest of three NOECs coveringthree trophic levels when such NOECs have not been generated from that level showingthe lowest L(E)C50 in the short-term tests.

(d) An assessment factor of 10 will normally only be applied when long-term toxicityNOECs are available from at least three species across three trophic levels (e.g., fish,Daphnia, and algae or a non-standard organism instead of a standard organism).

When examining the results of long-term toxicity studies, the PNECwater should becalculated from the lowest available no observed effect concentration (NOEC).Extrapolation to the ecosystem effects can be made with much greater confidence, andthus a reduction of the assessment factor to 10 is possible. This is only sufficient,however, if the species tested can be considered to represent one of the more sensitivegroups. This would normally only be possible to determine if data were available on atleast three species across three trophic levels. It may sometimes be possible todetermine with high probability that the most sensitive species has been examined, i.e.,that a further long-term NOEC from a different taxonomic group would not be lowerthan the data already available. In those circ*mstances a factor of 10 applied to thelowest NOEC from only two species would also be appropriate. This is particularlyimportant if the substance does not have a potential to bioaccumulate. If it is notpossible to make this judgment, then an assessment factor of 50 should be applied totake into account any interspecies variation in sensitivity. A factor of 10 cannot bedecreased on the basis of laboratory studies.

(e) The assessment factor to be used on mesocosm studies or (semi-)field data will need tobe reviewed on a case by case basis.

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For compounds with a high log Kow no short-term toxicity may be found. Also, even inlong-term tests this may be the case or steady state may still not have been reached. Fortests with fish for non-polar narcotics the latter can be substantiated by the use of long-term QSARs (see Section and Chapter 4 on the Use of QSARs). It can beconsidered to use a higher assessment factor in such cases where steady state seems notto have been reached.

For substances for which no toxicity is observed in short-term tests a long-term test hasto be carried out if the log Kow > 3 (or BCF > 100) and if the PEClocal/regional is > 1/100thof the water solubility (see Section 4.5). The long-term toxicity test should normally bea Daphnia test to avoid unnecessary vertebrate testing. The NOEC from this test canthen be used with an assessment factor of 100. If in addition to the required long-termtest a NOEC is determined from an algae test of the base-set an assessment factor of 50is applied.

The effects assessment performed with assessment factors can be supported by astatistical extrapolation method if the data basis is sufficient for its application (seeAppendix V).

VIII.2 Concept of a local assessment method for cooling watertreatment chemicals, with a particular emphasis onbiocides

VIII.2.1 Introduction

One of the major environmental issues identified in the industrial cooling systems BREFconcerning wet cooling systems is the chemical treatment of cooling water (anti-corrosion; anti-scaling, anti-fouling, biofouling control), and the resulting emissions to surface water.Particular emphasis is placed on biocides, due to their inherent high toxicity, which is necessaryas a result of the particular function they must perform.

The cooling BREF identifies three levels at which techniques may be employed to reduce theimpact of cooling water additives/ biocides on receiving water bodies:1. Preventive measures (Table 4.7)2. Optimisation of operation, including monitoring (Table 4.8)3. Selection & application of additives (Table 4.8)

The three levels of control interact with each other, and discussions in the TWG haveestablished that the selection of appropriate additives is a complex exercise, which must takeinto account a number of local and site-specific factors.

The need to provide an outline of the concepts underlying assessment of cooling wateradditives/biocides has been identified as an important BAT measure to help reduce theenvironmental impact of additives, and biocides in particular. In this connection, the BREFcontains an Annex which establishes a screening assessment tool based on existingmethodologies and data (“Benchmarking Assessment”); and Chapter 3 also provides somebackground information on the assessment regimes used in the Netherlands and Germany.

In a horizontal BREF it is only possible and appropriate to conclude in general terms on theconcepts which will facilitate the application of BAT principles regarding selection of biocidesand other additives. Specific installation characteristics, climatic conditions and the localenvironment are key elements in the determination of a BAT compatible approach at the locallevel for individual installations.

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Annex VIII

232 Industrial Cooling Systems

The justification for the emphasis on biocides in any assessment regime is that their intrinsicproperties result in them being considered to be of higher potential concern in terms of impactson receiving water bodies. At the point of exit, discharges from cooling systems using biocidesmay exhibit acute toxicity. Local circ*mstances, the characteristics of the substances employed,and in particular the actual dilution in the receiving water, determine whether EnvironmentalQuality Standards (EQSs) can be met. Proper selection and reduction of potential impactsresulting from biocide use can only be adequately addressed when potential impacts can beassessed. The yardstick by which a BAT-compatible approach to the application of additives/biocides can be judged is the environmental status of the receiving water body.

For the above reasons, the horizontal cooling BREF should provide guidance on how to addresssite-specific issues in the local level assessment of biocides used in cooling systems. Such alocal assessment can be seen as a subsequent, and more detailed step following an (optional)preliminary screening exercise such as the Benchmark Method presented in the Annex VI.1.

Therefore, the BREF aims to provide guidance on the concepts relevant to assessment of localcirc*mstances, without prescribing the methodology itself. Numerous and constantly evolvingmethodologies and models are available for assessing local level emissions scenarios (rangingfrom simple to highly sophisticated). It should be up to permit applicants and Member Stateauthorities to select and use methodologies, which are appropriate to the local conditions andthe level of concern about potential environmental effects.

VIII.2.2 Key elements

In the context of how to address minimisation of the impact specifically of biocide use incooling systems according to the principles of BAT, there are two key building blocks that it isimportant to be aware of:

• The Biocidal Products Directive 98/8/EC (BPD), which since 14/5/2000 has regulated theplacing on the European market of biocidal products. In this context, the EU will examineexposure scenarios in order to evaluate the risks associated with all the 23 product-categories which are covered. One of the product-types considered for authorisation coversbiocides used in cooling systems (product-type 11). New biocides are to be assessed andapproved immediately according to the Directive. An extension has been made for existingsubstances, which will be reviewed in due course.

• The future Water Framework Directive (WFD), which provides a whole host of qualityrelated objectives. These specifically include a methodology to be used to establishEnvironmental Quality Standards (EQSs) for chemical substances, which is laid down inAnnex V of the WFD text. The methodology for setting EQSs is identical to that used todetermine conservative Predicted No Effect Concentrations (PNECs) according to thetesting methods laid down in EU chemicals legislation. The method incorporates a “safetyfactor” of up to 1000 in order to take account of the uncertainties involved in extrapolatingfrom toxicity testing on selected organisms to the protection of the aquatic ecosystem.

Toxicity data for biocides used in cooling systems is either already generally available, or willbe made available together with data on other relevant intrinsic properties (e.g. biodegradability,bioaccumulation) according to the registration procedures laid down under the BPD. Based onthis data the methodology laid down in Annex V of the WFD can be used to determine the EQS(i.e. the PNEC value) for a substance in water.

The EQS can then be compared to the Predicted Environmental Concentration (PEC) to helpdetermine what potential there may be for impact to occur. Since the EQS corresponds to thePNEC, this is frequently referred to as a “PEC : PNEC comparison”. As noted above, numerousmethods are available to calculate the concentration of substances expected to be found inreceiving waters as a result of a discharge (i.e. PEC).

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Annex VIII

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The PEC/PNEC value can be used as a yardstick for the BAT determination for a BATcompatible approach for biocides used in cooling systems. It should however be recognised thata certain distinction in this approach has to be made between new and existing installations. APEC : PNEC value of <1 in the receiving water after realistic mixing & dilution could providethe yardstick (as a limit value) for biocide use in new cooling systems. For existing coolingsystems where many design parameters & other installation characteristics are alreadyestablished it will not always be possible to achieve PEC : PNEC <1 at a cost which iseconomically viable as described in the definition of BAT. In these cases the PEC : PNEC <1should remain the target (as a benchmark), but may have to be considered a longer term goalwhich fits with equipment replacement cycles etc.

Figure VIII.2 shows a graphical presentation giving an example of how a BAT-compatibleapproach might be determined for the use of biocides in existing cooling systems. Properlyoptimised operation in a well designed cooling system can be considered BAT when a PEC :PNEC value <1 is achieved. For installations that cannot achieve PEC : PNEC <1 due to sub-optimal design or other local/ site-specific factors, it will be necessary to optimise the operationof the system as far as is feasible.

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Annex VIII

234 Industrial Cooling Systems


- biocides directive 1); - technical characteristics of Installation;- environmental impact

Advanced measures : Pilot research for the application (new)alternatives in the specific situation


Good operating practice 2)(fig. 3.3 of BREF document)) Advanced measures 3) 4)


Are local EQS met ?




BAT 5)

yes no


Local specific



Aim :


Information concerning toxicity, persistency (biodegradability) and treatability of the selected biocide

Figure VIII.2: Combined approach for the assessment of cooling water biocides for existinginstallations

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Annex VIII

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Legend to Figure VIII.2:

1) implementation of this directive is under preparation;

2) optimisation of the use biocide due to monitoring of parameters relevant for the controlof the cooling system and optimisation of dosage (prefer automatic dosage);

2) measures such as pretreatment, side-stream filtration can be considered. Also end-of-pipe measures can be taken into account. A choice for a measure is often situationrelated. A wide variety of end-of-pipe measures can be considered such as biologicaltreatment, sand filtration, adsorption techniques, oxidation by ozone etc. etc.

4) in this case (normal) BAT criteria towards measures have to be applied; this means anevaluation of different aspects such as: availability of measures, economic impact of thenecessary measures related to environmental impact of a measure;

5) in this case if we are dealing with an optimised situation in terms of implementation ofmeasures (process control, optimisation of the use of biocides and implementation ofend-of-pipe measures) all within the normal criteria of BAT for abatement measures(see 4). The result of the above evaluation represents the solution which comes closestto the aim PEC/PNEC = 1. Other appropriate additives (with less environmental impact)are not available. For this reason this can be considered as BAT for existinginstallations.

VIII.2.3 Example of proposed local assessment method[tm004, Baltus and Berbee, 1996] and [tm149, Baltus et al, 1999]

In the following an example has been worked out according to the method which has beendiscussed at 29-31st May TWG Meeting in Seville and elaborated since that time into theproposal for the assessment of biocides in Annex VII of this BREF.

According to the scheme of the proposal three major steps can be distinguished:

1) The SELECTION OF BIOCIDES:The selection of biocides is a tailor made choice for each and every cooling system, andnormally is the result of expert discussions between plant operators and chemical suppliers. Thebenchmark methodology described in appendix VII of this BREF document can be a very usefull support tool in the considerations for the selection of biocides. It should be noted that theresult of this step is only a first prioritisation of possible biocides. The further elaboration in step2 and 3 might result in a different order of preference of possible biocides.

2) The OPTIMISATION STEP :The optimisation step includes all kinds of process-, dosage- and monitoring techniques as wellas purification of make up water, side-stream filtration and process control measures such atemporally closure of the bleed of a recirculation system.

3) The LOCAL ASSESSMENT :The local assessment is the final step in the assessment of biocides and provides plant operators,chemical suppliers and regulators a yard stick which enables them to determine to what extentoperations, control techniques and measures have to be applied in order to meet local EQSs.

As example the following situation has been elaborated: a recirculating cooling system has to betreated with chemicals to prevent microbiological fouling of the cooling system. Thedimensions of the cooling system are presented in Figure VIII.3.

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Annex VIII

236 Industrial Cooling Systems


V-cooling system = 4500 [m3]Concentration factor (n) = 3

discharge = 203 [m3/hr]

Intake = 609 [m3/hr]

Surface water

flow [m3/sec]

Optimisation measures(monitoring and dosage)

Pretreatment measures

Recirculating flow = 18000 [m3/hr]

End of pipe measures


PEC :Predicted concentration of biocide insurface water

Figure VIII.3: Schematic representation of a recirculating cooling system with the data for theexample of a local selection method of cooling systems chemicals

For this example the assumption is made, that the result of step 1 (Benchmark method) resultedin the selection of the biocides hypochlorite in combination with dibromonitrilopropionamide(DBNPA).

The optimisation in terms adequate monitoring and dosage of the hypochlorite shows that theaverage concentration in the effluent should not exceed a concentration of 0.2 [mg FO/l].For the non-oxidising biocide DBPNA the optimisation results in a shock dosage at aconcentration of 4 [mg/l] (frequency: once a day).

DPBNA is an additive which readily hydrolyses in water (τ1/2 = 2 hr). This property of theadditive can be a benefit in reducing the emissions from the cooling system and the realisationof a more effective use of the biocide. By closing the discharge during and after dosage for acertain period the concentration of the biocide will be reduced in the system. In this particularcase, where DPBNA is been considered, the temporally closure of the bleed provides anadditional (optimisation) option to reduce the amount of biocides discharged into theenvironment. From the operators point of view the question is: to what extent will it be possibleto close the bleed of the recirculating system, in order to reduce the concentration of DBPNAthrough hydrolysis to a sufficient level, without hampering a good operational performance ofthe cooling system? This sufficient level is a concentration of DPBNA in the effluent leading toa concentration in the recipient (PEC: predicted environmental concentration) which will notexceed the EQS.

In the next table the predicted concentration of DBNPA in several types of surface water iscalculated and in the last column the reduction percentage required to meet the EQS for thesesurface waters has been determined.

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Annex VIII

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Table VIII.3: Predicted concentrations of DBNPA in different surface waters for this example

Situation:Recirculating cooling system ; discharge volume (bleed) : 203 [m3/hr]; biocide used : DBPNA ;Dosage : shock (daily) : concentration : 4 [mg/l] ; EQS : 7 [µg/l].


Receiving water Flow[m3/sec]







Necessaryreduction [%]to meet EQS

Average river 25 50 2,6 0,192 110 36,4 80,5Large river 262 125 3,8 0,552 770 5,2 0Small river/brook 1 10 1,5 0,067 10 400 98,5Large canal 40 200 6 0,033 92 43,5 83,9Small canal 2 25 2 0,04 14 286 97,6Ditch 0,15 5 1 0,03 3 1333 99,5Lake - - 1,5 0,01 3 1333 99,5

The Table VIII.3 shows that a direct discharge leads to an exceeding of the EQS for most of theselected surface waters. Only a discharge of the effluent in a large river leads to an acceptableconcentration of DBPNA in surface water.

For this example the PEC is calculated using a model which is generally excepted in theNetherlands and is used by permitting authorities for a local impact assessment after BAT in amore general sense has been determined (combined approach). The Dutch model is based on theFisher equations. The PEC is calculated at a distance of 10 times the width of the receivingwater system with a maximum of 1000 m (for lakes at a distance of ¼ of the diameter).It is expected that most member states will have their own methodologies or will use dilutionfactors for different type of recipients to determine the PEC.

The Environmental Quality Standard for DBPNA is calculated according the methodology thathas been laid down in Annex V of the Water Framework Directive. The data listed in the tablebelow result in a n EQS for DBNPA of 7 [ug/l]. (one NOEC and 3 acute data result in a safetyfactor of 100; lowest concentration /100 � 7 [ug/l] [1]).

Table VIII.4: Ecological data of DBNPA

Parameter Concentration

LC-50 (fish) 96-hr 2 [mg/l]

MIC (algea) 2 [mg/l]

LC-50 (crustacean) 0.7 [mg/l]

NOEC (fish) 4 [mg/l]

Temporarily closure of the bleed of the system is a good option to optimise the use of biocidesand to decrease the load of biocides discharged when readily degradable additives are used.In the following table the necessary time needed to reduce the emission of biocides to such alevel that EQS after discharge can be met in the surface water is presented. In the last columnof this table the consequences of this closure in terms of the increase of the salt concentration inthe recirculating water has been calculated.

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Annex VIII

238 Industrial Cooling Systems

Table VIII.5: Consequences of closing the discharge

Situation:biocide DBPNA : k = 0,3 [sec-1] ; τ1/2 = 2 hr ; C0= 4 [mg/l] ; C = C0 * exp -(Qv/V+k)*t [1];V = volume of the system [m3] ; Qv = discharge [m3/hr] ; t = time [hr].

Receiving waterNecessaryreduction


Necessary time thedischarge is closed


Average river 80.5 3.7 increasing concentration of salts : factor 1.2Large river 0 0Small river/brook 98.5 10.7 increasing concentration of salts : factor 1,8Large canal 83.9 4.3 increasing concentration of salts : factor 1,2small canal 97.6 9.7 increasing concentration of salts : factor 1,7Ditch 99.5 14.2 increasing concentration of salts : factor 2,5Lake 99.5 14.2 increasing concentration of salts : factor 2,5

Depending on the specific situation it has to be evaluated whether or not the above-mentionedconsequences in terms of concentration of the inert fraction (salts) are acceptable. On the otherhand it is always possible to anticipate on these consequences by means of extra dischargebefore dosage and closing, which will create lower concentrations of inert fraction in thecooling system.

Further Measures:

If EQS cannot be met it has to be evaluated whether alternative biocides should be consideredand/or other measures can be taken.

Examples of measures are:

• pre-treatment of the cooling water used (side-stream filtration);• optimisation by improvement of dosage and monitoring;• end-of-pipe treatment, e.g. treatment of blow down in biological treatment.

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Annex IX

Industrial Cooling Systems 239


RIZA developed a simplified model to estimate the discharge of biocides of an openrecirculating cooling tower [tm004, Baltus en Berbee, 1996]. This model assumes:• that the major way by which biocides are lost is via the blowdown and via volatilisation,

adsorption etc.• that this blowdown is very small compared to the circulating amount of water;• that pH and temperature are constant;• that with shock dosage, the initial concentration is the same in the entire cooling system

immediately after dosage;• that hydrolysis is a first order chemical reaction and that the resulting dissociation rate is

known;• the volume of the purge is much smaller than the volume of the recirculating water flow.

Resulting from these assumptions, which slightly simplify reality, the following equation couldbe derived to calculate the fraction of a biocide that will finally be released into the receivingenvironment:

Fraction (%) = Φv x 100 %/ (Φv + kV)

Φv = purge (m3/hr)k = dissociation factor (hr -1) (k=0 if substances do not dissociate)V = volume of the system (m3)

The difference between 100% of the substance and the actual fraction released is assumed to behydrolysed. With no other chemical reactions assumed to take place, this model could be seenas describing the worst case. It is realistic to expect the percentage of biocide emitted in realityto be lower than the result of this model. It is important to acknowledge that this is just a modelto roughly estimate the discharge and that it does not give any information on the toxicity of thepurge. Especially, in the case of largely hydrolysed biocides the resulting substances can beeven more harmful than the original treatment.

The dissociation factor (k) is an important factor as it is a measure of the speed with which abiocide disappears from the system by dissociation. If this happens in a very short period oftime, it could be worthwhile to close the blowdown and to wait for the moment that theconcentration of the biocide reaches its lowest level. To prevent the system from salting up thewater in the system should be refreshed just before dosage. The blowdown has to be openedafter a few hours to prevent salt concentrations to raise. It is obvious that this is more successfulwith fast hydrolysing than with slow hydrolysing biocides. Fast hydrolysing biocides are e.g. ß-broom-ß-nitrostyreen or DBNPA. A slow hydrolysing biocides is e.g. isothiazolines.

Some results from the use of this model were that with a pH of 8 and temperatures between 25-40°C biocides can still be quite persistent and can be emitted in the blowdown for more than80%. The percentage of fast hydrolysing biocides in the blowdown appeared to be much lower(25%). It shall not be concluded that they are more favourable as their toxicity or that of theirdissociation products can be very high and thus create an even less favourable situation in thereceiving water.

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Annex X

Industrial Cooling Systems 241


[tm001, Bloemkolk, 1997]

In this annex some data are presented on cost data for large industrial cooling systems. Prices inpractice will vary widely as indicated by the ranges given. For smaller systems (series) costs oninvestment and operation will be different again, but will also show a wide variation.The general picture shows that higher investment costs go together with lower operational costs.It is suggested that this simultaneously could indicate a lower environmental impact.

For each configuration a cost indication has been given, however calculations made on the costsof cooling systems show a wide variety and it can be concluded that the differences in costsbetween the different systems do not necessarily indicate the least expensive variant. Of thedifferent factors that in the end influence overall costs the users’ requirements and the legalrequirements to be met are very important. For this reason an estimate of the feasibility of asystem or the application of a technique should be made for each individual case. Also, theenergy price has to be taken into account and especially in those cases where heat recovery isbeing considered it plays an important role. Costs are based on the year 1995.

An important aspect in calculating the costs of a cooling system and of possible improvementsis the comparison between the initial investment costs of a system (or an applied measure) andthe resulting annual costs. In practice high investment costs can lead to lower maintenancecosts, but also to higher annual fixed costs, which can be an obstacle to investment itself. Forthe sake of comparison cost should be expressed in the heat capacity the system is designed for(kWth or MWth).

Elements and costsFor industrial (non-power plant) applications a number of cost-determining elements Table X.1were listed for both water-cooled and air-cooled systems to calculate total costs and to comparethe different systems. The costs are beased on the cost levels of the separate parts of a coolingsystem. In the same reference costs and cost variations of separate elements of cooling systemswere described.

Fixed costsCosts of heat exchangers depend on type, material and size.. Plate heat exchangers are cheaperthan shell & tube even in more expensive material such as titanium, but are limited in allowedpressure level. Condensers are approximately 25% more expensive than shell and tubeexchangers. Materials such as stainless steel or special CuNi are more expensive than steel (upto 2-5 times). Special tubes may be 10-15% more expensive.Costs for air-coolers primarily depend on the heat exchanging surface area and the type of fan.The required end temperature is also reported as a deciding factor. The material of the air-cooled heat exchanger generally is less important than in water cooled systems, but this alsodepends on the corrosiveness of the substance to be cooled.

Costs for conduits and distribution vary strongly with diameter, material and length.

Inlet and outlet provisions are an an extremely location-dependent issue. Especially the length,diameter and construction of the supply and drainage pipes can determine the level of the costs.A cost level of about Euro 13000 per MW was indicated for a 300 MW installation. These costswill remain relatively high for smaller installations.

Cooling-water systems are fitted with pumps to pump the water around. Indirect systems havetwo cooling-water circuits and therefore need extra pumps. Pump investments vary according to

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Annex X

242 Industrial Cooling Systems

lift, capacity and material. The cleaner the cooling water the less critical is the choice ofrequired materials.

Cooling tower prices strongly depend on model and size. Plume suppression may be required inwhich case the investments for the cooling tower will be about 1.5-2 times higher. Collectionwater trays are also part of the cooling tower installation.

The cooling tower price is partially dependent on the design space desired. A smaller approachover the cooling tower leads to a larger and more expensive cooling tower, both as regards theinvestment for the cooling tower itself, and as a result of energy consumption. The table belowshows this with an example:

Variable costsThe variable costs of cooling systems are highly system-dependent. The most striking costfactors are (1995):• energy (0.05-0.06 euro per kWh)• groundwater including levy, tax and pumping (0.09-22 euro per m3)• groundwater excluding pumping (0.09-0.11 euro per m3)• including levy and tax drinking water (0.4-1.4 euro per m3)• in some cases, semi-manufactured products are also used, for instance flocculated river

water or raised condensation. The costs of these are lower than those of purchased water.

The determining operational aspects of cooling-water systems are the pump energy and, in thecase of a cooling tower, the extra ventilator and supplement water. Furthermore cooling watertreatment will add to the cost, but this varies on the applied treatment which is associated withthe cooling system. Once-through generally only need biofouling control, whereas recirculatingsystems need additonal dispersing and anticorrosion agents.

The operational costs of dry air-cooled systems consist primarily of energy costs. The energycosts of air coolers result from the use of fans. The maintenance costs of air-coolers are one-third to half of those of systems with shell & tubes.

MethodologyDifferent methodologies have been developed for cost comparisons between different coolingsystems. The following approach is used as an example, but other costs methods are based onthe same principle. The method is not accurate in absolute terms and, in other words, is notmeant to be used for accurate investment estimates. It is however suitable for comparinginvestment costs of different cooling systems.

For the various systems universal cost factors have to be included and can be expressed as afixed percentage of the equipment installation costs (Direct Field Costs, or DFC). These costfactors and the associated percentages in this example are:-indirect costs (5% of investment costs)-engineering (8% of investment costs)-unforeseen (15% of equipment installation costs)The investment costs and the cost factors make up the total investment costs (TIC).

Annual costs are the total of fixed costs (interest + depreciation) and variable (operational)costs. It should be kept in mind that a higher investment not only leads to higher annual fixedcosts, but can also be an obstacle to investment itself. Also included in the annual costs are themaintenance costs.

ComparisonsBased on the elements above, the investment for the various cooling systems was calculated andcompared. A calculation was also made of the accompanying operational costs. The total issummarised in Table X.2. In calculating annual costs the period of depreciation at a certain

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Annex X

Industrial Cooling Systems 243

interest has to be applied. The operational costs are also calculated. Annual maintenance costsare based on the total investment costs (TIC).

Table X.1: Cost elements for water and air cooling systems[tm001, Bloemkolk, 1997]

Cost type Cost elements Water coolingsystems Air cooling systems

Fixed Heat exchanger(s) (type, size andmodel) X x

Heat exchanger (material) X xPipelines in process, tube-bridges X xPumps/reserve pumps X xInlet facilities XTube intake/drainage XOutflow facilities XCooling tower(s) (possible) X xFans X xSound attenuation X xIndirect system (extra heat exchanger,pipes, pumps) X x

Variable Water (groundwater, tap water) XWater discharge fee XLeakage monitoring X xWater conditioning XEnergy consumption (pumps and fans) X xMaintenance X x

Calculations have shown that the investment level and the consumption of energy determinecost sensitivity to a large extent. The variation in the costs of heat exchangers (shell & tube) dueto the chosen configuration and to the choice of material is very important. Cheap materials andmodels determine the calculated lower limits and special materials determine the upper limit. Atthe same time it should not be forgotten that good materials could considerably decrease thecosts of maintenance and operating, and of the use of chemicals.

Calculated as annual costs, investments and operational costs differ significantly. Factors suchas (make-up) water requirement and price, and energy consumption are influential. The choiceof material also has consequences for the annual operating costs. In the case dry air-cooling isapplied, the achievable end temperature is important and the lower the required endtemperature, the more expensive air-cooling will become. With water-cooling, low end-temperature have less affect for cost estimations, unless small approaches are used in thecalculation.

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Annex X

244 Industrial Cooling Systems

Table X.2: Cost indications for water and air cooling systems for industrial applications with the exception of power plants (1993-1995)[tm001, Bloemkolk, 1997]

System Installation x 1000(EUR/MWth)

Total investment(TIC) x 1000(EUR/MWth)

Investment determinedby

Operational costs x 1000(EUR/MWth)

Interest anddepreciation6 x 1000

(EUR/MWth) peryear

General totalannual costs(EUR/MWth)

Once-through(range 0.2- 10 MWth)(range > 10 MWth)to elements-heat exchangers2

–tubes etc.-pumps-supply/drainage


Indirect once-through


Recirculating with openwet cooling tower(range 0.2-1 MWth)(range>1MWth)to elements-cool tower-heat exchangers-tubes/pumps


Indirect recirculatingwith open wet coolingtower


68 – 182 34 - 91

68 (36 - 136) 9.1 - 14 4.5 - 9.1( 9.1 - 14)'

59 - 173

18 - 502,3 (extra)

59 - 136 45 - 68

18 - 454

36 – 136 14 - 23

68 - 203

18- 452,3 (extra)


77 - 227

100 - 269

89 - 266

112 - 331

- material, model- length, material- capacity, DP- location(supply/drainage)

extra heat exchangers

extra heat exchangers

- model- material, model- material heatexchangers

extra heat exchangersextra pumps

- energy 4.5 - 6.8- conditioning 0.5 - 1.8- maintenance5 2.7 – 7.7

7.7 -16

10 - 19

- supplement 6.3 - 22- energy 6.5 - 13- maintenance 2.3 - 9.1- conditioning 1.8 - 4.5


- energy 9.3 - 16- maintenance 2.7 – 11- conditioning 1.8 – 4.5- supplement 6.3 – 22

20 - 43

10 - 30

13 - 37



18 - 46

23 - 56



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Annex X

Industrial Cooling Systems 245

Table X.2 continued

System Installation x 1000(EUR/MWth)

Total investment(TIC) x 1000(EUR/MWth)

Investment determinedby

Operational costs x 1000(EUR/MWth)

Interest anddepreciation6 x 1000

(EUR/MWth) peryear

General totalannuall costs(EUR/MWth)

Dry air coolingDirect





extra 14-452,3




end temperature8

end temperature8

- energy 1.4 - 5.4- maintenance 1.4 - 3.45

2.8 - 8.8

- energy 3.6 - 8.9- maintenance 1.8 - 5.4

5.4- 14.3



17- 47


1. see text2. costs for extra heat exchanger depending on type

General costs factors materials:• steel 1 special (bv Cu/Ni alloy) 1.5-5.0• coated steel 1.3-1.7 copper 1.5-2• rvs 304/316 1.5-3 titanium 1.7-2.5

3. cost depend on heat exchanger plus extra pumps and distribution; often plate heat exchangers.4. system is factor 2-2.5 times more expensive with steam plume suppression5. maintenance costs 3.5%; for air-cooling 1-1.5%6. assumes depreciation at 5% interest, where the annual fixed costs come to approx. 13% of the investments (annuities).7. number of operating hours per year 80008. upper price limit for deep cooling functions up to 30º C; lower price limit for 60º C9. no cost data known

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Annex XI

Industrial Cooling Systems 247


XI.1 Introduction

Many options are available for reduction of the environmental effects of industrial coolingsystems. The general approach aims at prevention by proper design and construction, which incase of new industrial cooling systems is generally easier to achieve than for existing systems.The application of reduction measures depends on the cooling configuration as well as on-siterelated limits, such as space. Other factors such as energy consumption, operationalrequirements and economics will play an important role as well. Based on the general approachpresented in chapter 1 and applied to reduce environmental impact as described in chapter 3 thisAnnex describes techniques and alternatives in more detail. The techniques can be considered inthe optimisation of cooling systems in line with the BAT-approach.

The list is an overview of the more detailed information on a number of reduction techniquesbrought forward by the TWG in the exchange of information on BAT for industrial coolingsystems. For each technique that has been reported by the TWG a short description is givenfollowed by the reducing effect (quantitatively/qualitatively), cross-media effects, plant sizelimits, costs, and example plants. Similar to the assessment of the appropriate cooling techniquethe application of any of the techniques presented hereafter will have to be assessed in the lightof the cooling configuration used or planned. As far as selecting between techniques with asimilar environmental objective is possible, their environmental performance and their technicalapplicability should be the initial selecting criteria followed by investment and maintenancecosts and the crossover effects on other environmental compartments. Generally, for many ofthe techniques described neither cost data, nor cross-media effects were as yet available andneed further research.

With respect to the application and feasibility of the techniques care must be taken. Theenvironmental results obtained are achieved under certain process conditions and give noguarantee for similar quantitative results in a different process environment. The results areuseful to illustrate the direction of the improvement. Particularly in the case of industrial coolingsystems, process requirements and cooling system’s size and operation vary widely and willaffect the results of any abatement measure applied.

XI.2 Cooling water savings through water reuse

The use of water for cooling is or might become restricted either in general or, temporarily, byseasonal changes in availability thus creating periodic shortage. In several European MemberStates an increasing pressure is put on industry to limit and optimise their water use. Thus,emphasis has been placed on industry to change the technology and change once-throughsystems into recirculating cooling systems if possible or to operate their recirculating coolingtowers at higher cycles of concentration. Other options in cooling towers that are commonlyapplied are drift eliminators.Also, a number of water treatment options can be to regain the water used and prepare it for re-use in the cooling cycle. Also, some policies aim at increasing the share of dry air cooling,where this does not require water and thus none of the associated problems,whereas otherconsiderations might be a limit for this option (climate, investment costs, space).

An overview of treatment methods revealed the following options [tm065, Meier and Fulks,1990]:

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248 Industrial Cooling Systems

• Cold lime-softening• Hot process softening• Brine concentrators• Biological treatment• Reverse osmosis• Electro-dialysis reversal• Evaporation ponds

Of these options reverse osmosis and electro-dialysis reversal are very energy demandingprocesses and thus turn out to be relatively expensive. Hot process softening is very efficient,but has the disadvantage that additional cooling or heat recovery is necessary. Biologicaltreatment is used to remove organic matter from water and is especially interesting as part of atreatment programme for wastewater treatment effluent to be used as make-up water.Evaporation ponds are an easy method of plant effluent reduction. Their size requirements andlimits to the disposal of the remaining sludge may prohibit their use.

XI.2.1 Reuse of (waste) water for cooling tower make-up[tm066, Phillips and Strittmatter, 1994] and [tm064, Meier, 1990]

DescriptionWater from within or outside the plant can be used as make-up water for cooling towers. Bothprocess effluents from within the same plant as well as effluents of municipal wastewatertreatment plants can be applied. The chemistry of the water is important. A water audit canprovide a complete water balance for each portion of the plant. This audit should giveinformation including the tower water chemistry, on cycles of concentration, holding timeindex, velocity, system metallurgy, temperatures and the current treatment chemistry andoperating performance. Some times the water needs to be filtered first and an wide range offiltration methods can be applied, but in the scope of this paper are not addressed.The chemistry of the water decides upon the chemical treatment required in the cooling tower tomaintain the number of cycles. Especially, an increasing corrosivity level has been reported tooccur. In some cases the limiting concentration factor can be extended by using scale inhibitorsto increase the cycles of concentration or by using techniques as reverse osmosis to removedissolved solids.

Reduction:The percentage of reduction is largely depending on the demand of the recirculating coolingsystem and the availability of reusable water at the required moment. Percentages of up to 15%are being reported.

Cross-media effects:Waste as filter-residue due to filtering the water before use might have to be disposed. Thesaving of fresh water use will have to be assessed against the environmental and financial costsof the extra use of additives to condition the waste-water. The chemical treatment of the streamto be reused can be very complex and may require extra manpower to operate the system.

Application limits:Water reuse is an option for both new and existing plants and irrespective of plant size, althoughfor larger demands the supply of alternative water resources might not be sufficient. Organiccontent (BOD) can be a limiting factor that must be checked.

Costs:Cost indications vary widely and are quite specific for the plant. No indicative data are known.

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Annex XI

Industrial Cooling Systems 249

Example plants:For refineries it has been demonstrated that municipal waste water can be used as make-upwater [066, Phillips and Strittmatter, 1994]. An example of applying zero blowdown wasdescribed in [tm064, Meier, 1990].

Considerations:Typical problems to be encountered using waste streams are:• the higher microbiological activity due to dissolved nutrients;• increased risk of scaling due to increased level of dissolved salts• fouling problems as a result of high levels of iron and/or suspended solids;• corrosion problems due to high levels of total dissolved solids (TDS).

Possibilities to encounter the aforementioned problems successfully depend on the compositionof the waste stream. Municipal waste waters will differ greatly in water quality (it containstypically relatively high levels of ammonia and phosphate, in addition to significant levels ofdissolved organic matter. Furthermore, municipal wastewater typically contains relatively highconcentration hardness, which may cause scaling. High levels of iron and/or suspended solidscan lead to fouling problems. Total effluent of a refinery may contain high oil and grease andsuspended solids levels, which may increase the demand for oxidising biocides.

XI.2.2 Zero discharge system[comment, D]

Description:A staged cooling system is used to eliminate any liquid discharge from the cooling towerblowdown.Blowdown from the primary tower is performed to maintain the balance of salts within thelimits of good operating practice. Water which has a high level of highly insoluble salts(calcium salts) is converted to water which has a high level of highly soluble salts (Sodiumsalts). This process occurs in a softener reactor/clarifier.After this the blowdown flows to a direct osmosis (DO) membrane concentrator which pullswater from the blow down through membranes into a sodium chloride brine. The brine isreconcentrated in a secondary cooling tower, the so called brine cooling tower, using waste heatfrom the main condenser as an energy source. The brine cooling tower will have a much lowerwaterflow than the primary tower. A typical ratio of the brine flow to the primary flow is 1 to750.The concentrate from the DO membrane system is further concentrated in a small crystallizer,with the solids being removed and disposed of off-site. The liquid discharge of the crystallizer isrecycled to the brine tower.

Reduction:The reuse of primary blowdown water is reported to be about 75%, where the remaining partevaporates in the secondary cooling tower (about 16%) or is contained as residual humidity inthe solid disposal.Using waste heat in the brine-cooling tower reduces the cooling load on the primary tower withabout 3.5 MW at a blowdown of 45m3/h.

Cross-media effects:Lower cooling load on the primary tower. Some energy is required to operate the staged coolingsystem. Emissions in the blowdown are not discharged in a receiving surface water buttransformed into waste. Waste will need a way for disposal.

Application limits:The system will be efficient where strict environmental limits exist with regard to waste waterdischarge. The system is an option for new power and chemical plants, but can be a retrofitoption for existing installations.

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Annex XI

250 Industrial Cooling Systems

Costs:The capital investment for this system is higher than for stand-alone wet cooling towers. It isclaimed that the capital investment costs of a wet cooling tower with this system aresignificantly lower than for an air-cooled system of the same capacity. Operating costs withrespect to power requirements can be lower due to the use of waste heat of the main condenser.The operating costs of the staged cooling system and the costs of the disposal of solids are to beassessed against the environmental costs for conditioning and discharging the wastewater.

Example plant:Within the European Community no installation is reported to exist. Several applications can befound in the USA.

Considerations:In conventional technologies for water reuse (for instance brine concentrators) the hightemperature brines that are generated are extremely corrosive, leading to exotic materials andcontinuing maintenance issues. In the system described, the low pressure (ca. 1.5 bar) and lowtemperatures (less than 32°C) operation of the DO allows the use of HDPE PVC and other non-corrosive materials in areas where corrosion may be of concern. Further experiences are that thecrystallizer is smaller than in conventional systems. Both lead to lower maintenance.Operation is simple and does not require specialised training. No additional biological treatmentis required.It needs local consideration if the environmental costs of no discharge to the surface wateroutweigh the environmental costs of waste disposal.

XI.2.3 Spray ponds[tm154, Besselink et al, 1999]

Description:In the past spray ponds have been used to cool down the cooling water and some may still beoperated in Europe. Currently research is carried out on the applicability of spray ponds forindustrial use to reduce the thermal discharge and to save water. A feasibility study looks intothe use of a spray pond and into the energy saving compared to a cooling tower with a capacityof 18-21 MWth. A model has been developed that calculates the cooling efficiency of a spraypond depending on weather conditions, on the dimensions of the spray nozzles and on thecharacteristics of the spray pond (surface area, water quality). With the model it should then bepossible for any specific local conditions to design the required spray pond.

All or part of the cooling water flow is led to a pond through spraying nozzles. The sprayingenhances the cooling and theoretically the cooling efficiency of a spray pond is about 36 timeshigher than that of cooling pond. Spray ponds cool by evaporation, conduction and convection.Evaporation is most important at high air temperatures, but conduction and convection are moreimportant under cold weather conditions. The capacity depends on surface, weather conditions(wind speed), spray nozzles and spraying characteristics. The heat dissipation of an effectivespray pond can amount to 722 J/m2K.

Reduction:Results for the studied cooling system show a potential energy saving compared to the energyuse of a cooling tower that can amount to approximately 6.5 kWe per MWth of cooling. This isequivalent with a decrease of CO2-emissions of about 38 tons per MWth per year.

Cross-media effect:By spraying the water aerosols occur. They play an important role in the spreading of biologicalcontamination. Therefore, and particularly in summer, operating a spray pond needs an adequatewater treatment programme.

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Annex XI

Industrial Cooling Systems 251

Application:Lack of sufficient space on-site will limit the options for a spray pond depending on the requiredcapacity of the cooling system. For large systems it may not be an option for the entire but forpart of the cooling water need and can reduce the water intake. In the US several conventionalpower plants (up to 500 MWe) use spray ponds, nuclear power stations use them for emergencycooling.

Costs:Spray pond investments are slightly advantageous to cooling tower investments if it includes thecosts for power supply and also considering the costs for purchase of land. The difference islarger in case purchase of land is not taken into consideration, but this of course is dependent onthe price of land.

Table XI.1: Investment and energy costs per MWth for spray pond and cooling tower[tm154, Besselink et al, 1999]

Costs Spray pond Cooling towerInvestment (‘000 EUR/MWth) 39 (25) 48Spraying and fan energy(kWe/MWth)

4 11

Designability reliable ReliableNotes:

Capacity 18-21 MWthCooling from 32°C to 24°C

Reference plant:Dow Europe, Terneuzen (NL).

Considerations:Although based on an existing technique the current modifications are still in a stage ofresearch. Application could be particularly interesting in those circ*mstances where restrictionsof heat discharge may lead to restrictions in production capacity, which occurs during summermonths with power plants. Also, a spray pond may be considered with the expected increase inrestrictions on the use of groundwater.

XI.2.4 Cold storage[Comment-1, Belgium]

Description:A special application for smaller industrial use is the underground storage of water to cool itdown. Here groundwater, warmed up after use, is stored at an adjacent location underground foran extensive period of time, where it cools off. It is also possible to cool the water aboveground, using air coolers in winter, for instance, after which the water is stored underground andused (in summer). This application is mainly used when there is need for cooling at a level ofabout 6 - 9º C.

Reduction:Reduction of energy and operating costs reported to be 40- to 80% less compared to using smallcooling towers.

Cross-media effect:unknown

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252 Industrial Cooling Systems

Application limits:Application becomes interesting above a minimum of 150 kW and as addition to cooling withcooling towers in case of industrial application. Cooling of several MW has already beenrealised. As yet, use is limited. Examples are utility construction and greenhouse horticulture.

Costs:Not indicated

Reference plant:Not available

Considerations:Technique is still in stage of development. Full industrial application was not mentioned.

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Annex XI

Industrial Cooling Systems 253

XI.3 Reduction of emissions through optimized cooling watertreatment

In the introduction to the paragraph on cooling water savings a number of treatments were listedthat can be applied to prepare effluent to be re-used as make-up for recirculating coolingsystems. The same techniques could be applied to water from a natural source to optimise thechemistry of the water at the same time minimising the need for an extensive water treatmentprogramme. As presented before the application is strongly related to the chemistry of the waterand the demand of the cooling system.

XI.3.1 Side-stream-biofiltration in an open recirculating cooling watersystem

[tm 146,Savelkoul, 1999]

Description:For many reasons it is economically interesting to operate an open recirculating cooling systemon a minimum blowdown level. This however results in increased biological activity in thecooling water, which often is treated by applying biocides.Amongst other factors, biological activity and growth is primarily dependent on the availabilityof nutrients. Irrespective of the cooling system, water circulation or climate, biological activitywill not survive under conditions of nutrient shortage. Every treatment therefore should aim at areduction of the biological growth by removal of dissolved nutrients from the cooling watercircuit. For an effective treatment the so-called dead volume (or the circuit volume) of thecooling water system is important. It is in fact, this dead volume that is treated in a filter andsubsequently chlorinated at low levels and frequency.

This can be done by applying a continuous sand filter on a side-stream breaking down thedissolved nutrients and at the same time filtering suspended micro-organisms and otherdissolved solids. Consequently less chlorine is needed and higher cycles of concentration arepossible.This technique can be improved by creating an active biology in the sandfilter with a highconcentration of micro-organisms, which is called side-stream biofiltration. To maintain anactive biology the sand filters are by-passed during periods of high concentration levels ofbiocide (chlorine) in the cooling water circuit, because this high level would break down thebiology in the sand filter as well as their effect in the cooling water. As soon as the chlorine-level is reduced the cooling water is led through the sandfilter again. In effect it means that thecooling water only needs to pass the filter a limited number of times down to once or twice aday only.

The application has been applied to an open recirculating system with a capacity of 152 MWth, awater circulation of 11000 m3/h and a circuit volume of 3500 m3. The case system applied twofilters of 5 m2 of filtersurface and about 10 kg VSS/m3 of filter, 4 m filterbed height, filteringsand (of 1.4-2.0 mm and 0.8 – 1.25 mm). The design model was based on the first order reactionmechanism of nutrients removal with a reaction rate constant of 6.0 /houre (= sand 0.8 – 1.25mm, so 3.800 m2/m3) and 4.5 /houre (= for sand of 1.4 – 2.0 mm, so 2.250 m2/m3) in the sandfilter. This significantly decreased the growth rate of organisms at the filter effluent sidecompared with the circulating water.

Reduction:The resulting reductions depended on the optimized combination of blowdown, biocide use andapplication of side-stream biofiltration. For example, the functioning of the sandfilter dependson the side-streamflow, washwaterflow, sandcirculation, filter resistance and water temperature.The efficiency of the filter is reduced by higher through flow (higher hydraulic pressure), whichis similar to a lower contact period, and by using larger sandparticles, which means a lowerspecific surface.

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Annex XI

254 Industrial Cooling Systems

Results show an increased concentration factor (5.0 to 5.5) with a simultaneous reduction of Cl-dosage frequency of less than once every two days (0.42/day). This means a reduced blowdownof 12 %, reduced water intake of 2.4% and reduced additive use of 12% or seven times lesschlorine for the same effect.Due to the lower dosage of chlorine, the level of corrosive elements (expressed as thesummation chlorine and sulphate) remain within the required range for that system (max. 86ppm Cl- and 77 ppm HSO4

- respectively). This explains the achieved 12 % reduced blowdowndue to the biofilter, which is based on the same corrosiveness of the water.

Cross-media effect:If the starting point for application of side-stream biofiltration is to reduce the amount ofchlorination, all other results mentioned are regarded as positive cross-media effects. Data onextra energy requirements for pumps were not mentioned.Separate pumping equipment is avoided and the performance of the biofilter is maximised bysending the hot effluent cooling water directly to the side-stream filter and this filter effluent issend directly to the cooling tower basin. A slip stream of hot filter effluent is then de factobypassing the cooling tower fill and will warm up the cooling tower basin with average 0.15 K,which is equivalent with an increased indirect energy usage of 0.5 kWth/MWth cooling. A separatepump to transport the biofilter effluent back to the cooling tower header where the staticpressure is 14 mwg, can avoid this drawback. On average, 1½ m3/hr per MWth cooling have tobe pumped, which is equivalent with a direct energy consumption of 0.1 kWe/MWth cooling or 0.25kWth/MWth cooling (with 40% efficiency of power plant). This is also quite limited in comparisonwith the standard (in) direct energy use for cooling tower processes.

The saved energy based on the decreased sodium hypochlorite consumption is also very limited(a 1 litre 15 % solution per day per MWth cooling is equivalent with the oxidant “production” of 1kWth for one hour per day per MWth cooling or 0.04 kWth/MWth cooling). The saved energy, based onthe reduced make-up due to the 12 % reduced blowdown of 0.04 m3/hr per MWth, is alsonegligible even if the transportation energy of the reduced make-up is included.

In general, the net energy balance of all these energy differences due to the biofilter arenegligible and in the magnitude of 1% of the standard direct energy consumption for coolingtower processes of 20 kWth/MWth cooling (See Table 3.2). These small numbers are expected sinceonly 1 to 2 % of the cooling water circulation flow is in general necessary for the biofilter toavoid microfouling in the heat exchangers.

Application limits:With a corresponding upgrading of the filter capacity there does not seem to be an applicationlimit. It can be applied to existing cooling systems.

Costs:Costs depend on the scale of application and the results obtained as expressed in reducedoperating costs. The operational costs of chlorination were reduced with 85 %. For the givenexample the expected investment return period was estimated to be three to four years.

Reference plant:DSM, Geleen (Netherlands) and Dow Benelux, Terneuzen (Netherlands)

Considerations:The side-stream filter was designed on a purposely chosen low efficiency removal of nutrients,by choosing a high linear velocity of 25 m/hour, instead of the standard of 10 - 14 m/hour,which is normally applied for suspended matter removal only. High removal rates of nutrientswill be achieved with a counter-current sand bed filter, if the influent is at least above 200 RLUas ATP (= colony counts units expressed as decrease of adenosine tri phosphate) and preferably600 RLU as a criteria to start the shock dosage of sodium hypochlorite. This occurs togetherwith the high linear velocities to prevent anaerobic conditions.

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Annex XI

Industrial Cooling Systems 255

The chlorination criteria of the cooling tower system, without a side-stream biofilter, was onhalving the micro organisms expressed as 500 to 250 RLU as ATP by means of a first orderreaction (= 0.5 [1/hour]), which was achieved with 1 litre sodiumhypochlorite solution of 15%per MWth for every shockdosage.

The organic load on the filterbed becomes 10 kg organics per m3 filter bed, and together with adesired contact time of 10 minutes it becomes necessary to design a sand height of 4 m, whichinfluences the capital cost lesser than enlarging the filter diameter. The filter surface was forevery 15 MWth 1 m2, which results in 1.7 m3/houre filtration flow per MWth, and this is almostequal to the evaporation rate of 1.3 m3/houre per MWth together with a slightly decreasedblowdown of 0.3 m3/hour due to the installed filter. In fact every drop of circulating coolingwater passes the side-stream filter 1.7 times a day. By doing so, the hydraulic half time of thewhole cooling system decreases from 40 to 7 hours. At the same time the blowdownratedecreased with 12% as well as the conditioning chemicals and the frequency of chlorinationdecreased drastically from 3 times a day to only once every 2.4 days. The corrosiveness of thecirculating cooling water, expressed as the summation of chlorine and sulphate, remains thesame.

Based on this model, the outcome for most existing cooling towers systems in Europe will be inthe magnitude of 1 - 2 times per day that the known dead water volume as warm water will passover the filter. This will occur together with a limited one hourly shock dosage of an oxidativebiocide only twice a week. Expressed in units: 1 m2 filter surface only per 15 MWth is expectedto be sufficient in most cases together with a filter height of 4 m to create a residence time ofseveral minutes. For a common situation, the reduction in water and chemical usage delivers apay back time of 3 - 4 years for the capital cost of the side-stream filter. It is expected that otherfiltermedia then sand like basalt can result in even smaller filters per MWth.

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Annex XI

256 Industrial Cooling Systems

XI.3.2 Physical methods

Cleaning devices for water cooled systems can be on-line (or continuous) cleaning such as theuse of sponge rubber balls or brushes, or off-line cleaning by using for instance high-pressurewater jets and shooting of so-called 'pigs' through the condenser tubes. The better the cleaningthe less need there is for application of cooling water chemicals, not only because fouling of thetube surface is removed mechanically, but also because the applied additives will be moreeffective as they can reach the surface more easily. It has been stated that mechanical cleaningcould be considered as a prerequisite for the use of a macrofouling control programme.

Cleaning of dry air cooling systems is restricted to the fin side of the heat transfer surface. Formaintenance of the heat transfer (also avoiding indirect emissions) and longevity of the coilscleaning should be implemented.

A number of physical methods to combat macrofouling and the experiences in industry arelisted Table XI.2. [005, Van Donk and Jenner, 1996]

• Reducing entrainment of (bio)fouling in the system. Intake structures should be designed insuch a way that entrainment of fish, debris, organic and inorganic material, includingsuspended matter is kept to a minimum. Additionally, side-stream filtration can be an optionin open recirculating systems.

• Maintaining velocities at a level high enough to avoid fixation of organic organisms(velocity higher than 2 m/s). Too high velocities, however, may introduce a risk ofcorrosion. Critical water velocities depend very much on the type of material used.

• Sudden temperature increase by raising the temperature of the cooling water beyond 40 °Cfor some dozens of minutes; this techniques eliminates the fixed organisms (mussels), butnevertheless requires an appropriate design of the cooling system (recirculation of thecooling water). Also it limits the cooling capacity of the system and can only be done duringan interruption in the process in case this cannot withstand a rise in temperature.

• Non-toxic coating and paints, which reduce the fixation of the organism, reinforce thevelocity effect and facilitate cleaning.

• The use of sonic technology. The principle underlying the application of sound is that thevibration created by the energy associated with the transmission of sound will removedeposits on surfaces, by 'shaking' the deposit free.

• Osmotic shock. This physical-chemical based method applies osmotic shock by either fresh-or seawater systems, by subjecting them to seawater and freshwater, respectively. As aresult, cells of organism may come under the effects of internal pressure, which may resultin death.

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257 Industrial Cooling Systems

Table XI.2: Physical techniques to minimize biocide use(derived from [tm005,Van Donk and Jenner, 1996])

Technique Equipment Field experience Possibities/Restrictions

Macrofouling: drumscreens, band sieves, trashracks,mussel sieves

Yes, power station Both for once-through and recirculating cooling watersystems

Microfouling: rotating drum and sand filters Yes, chemical industry Not for large once-through systems


Microfouling: continuous backwashed microfilters(50-100µm)

Yes, desalination plant For water flows up to 4 m3/s

Side-stream filtration Rapid sand filtersContinuous backwashed filters

Yes, chemical industryYes, glass industry

Only recirculating systemsAll biocidesFilter can become added source of bacteria

Sponge rubber balls Yes, power stations Large once-throughNot for open recirculating

On-line cleaning

Brush and cage system Limited, chemical industryand power plant

Once-through and recirculating cooling systems

Off-line cleaning Yes, power stations andindustry

Needs double lay-out or regular operation stops

Macrofouling: 38-40ºC Yes, seawater and freshwater systems

Heat treatment

Microfouling: 70-80ºC ?

Option restricted to new systems, needs specialdesign;Replacement for biocides

Toxic coatings Varying Based on zinc and copper, use might berestricted.against micro-and macrofouling

Coatings and paints

Non-toxic coating Power stations in U.S. For new systems; fouling releasing;Silicone based and susceptible

U.V. light Small scale tests Preventative additional technique to chemicalbiofouling control in recirculating cooling watersystems

Sonic technology No, only test results High energy costsElectric water treatment High frequency transformer No, only test results Test results in small industrial systemOsmotic shock Yes, once-through system

using sea-waterMaterials need to be corrosion-resistantFresh water system might corrode if treated with sea-water

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258 Industrial Cooling Systems

XI.3.3 Optimization of biocide use

XI.3.3.1 Monitoring[tm005, Van Donk and Jenner, 1996]

For monitoring of microfouling the plate count technique and the ATP measurement are used.For monitoring of macrofouling use is made of exposure panels or glass windows. Scaling andcorrosion indirectly influence biocide use and therefore monitoring of the occurrence of theseeffects can also be important to measure the occurrence of biofouling. Examples of monitoringtechniques given in the reference are the KEMA Biofouling Monitor� and underwater videoequipped robotic devices are used to detect macrofouling, and effects of biocide treatment. Formore accurate measurements particularly for microfouling and biocide treatment techniques areapplied using features as valve movement and as light emission of microorganisms as a result oftheir metabolic process. Of both techniques an example is given to illustrate the principle, butmany more are on the market.

XI. Monitoring of macrofouling[tm157, Jenner e.a., 1998]

To be able to target the dosing of biocides to combat macrofouling in once-through systems aso-called biofouling monitoring system has been developed. The KEMA Biofouling� Monitorconsists of a closed cylindrical container, made of PVC, with a vertical water flow from top tobottom. It can be used to monitor all macrofouling organisms in freshwater, brackish water andseawater systems. It allows direct observation, weekly and monthly counts of bivalve spatsettlement. Spat are the metamorphosed larvae of the last larval stages of bivalves (so called"pediveligers"). In order to obtain adequate information on macrofouling development in thecooling system it is recommended to place a biofouling monitor at the intake, before the dosingpoint, and another one at a critical spot in the cooling system, after the dosing point.

When installed parallel to a cooling water conduit as a bypass, the monitor is an effective tool todetect all possible macrofouling in the cooling system. The water velocity in the monitor ismuch lower than in the cooling system. This provides an optimal environment for settlement ofbivalve-spat, and allows easy inspection of the point of time of settlement, growth, andeffectiveness of control measures. Based on the information from the monitor biocideapplication can be limited to the periods where it is really necessary. Further research on thebehaviour of the organisms can further target the dosage concentration of the biocide.

Other techniques are applied, such as those using immersed plates near the inlet channels. Theygive the operator of the plant an indication of the periods when to avoid chlorination.

XI. Traced biocides for biocide and microbiological activity[tm096, McCoy e.a, 1995]

The tracer diagnostic system consists of an analyser, a data collection system, analyticalsoftware and a luminescent reagent. The analyser measures the light output of the micro-organisms. Within minutes, the test can determine biocide concentration and biological activityin the cooling water. The method is based on a bioluminescence bioassay of biocide activeingredient. It is aimed at optimising the use of non-oxidising biocides in recirculating coolingsystems by measuring systems’ consumption.

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XI.3.3.2 Biocide dosage

XI. Different conditioning regimes to obtain optimum annual total oxidant usein once-through systems against macro- and microfouling

To avoid macro- as well as microfouling different conditioning regimes can be applied in once-through cooling water systems. This can be low-level chlorination executed as continuous,semi-continuous as well as discontinuous, also called shock chlorination, of twice an half hour aday, targeted chlorination in only a part of the heat exchanger or a part of the cooling systemitself,pulse-chlorination and alternating pulse-chlorination. The different regimes objectives are toachieve and remain a high energy efficiency by operating with clean heat exchangers throughthe year and at the same time minimise adverse environmental effects.The environmental assessment of chlorination can be split into two main categories: oxidantsand non-oxidants. They differ in their ecotoxicological risk expressed as component life time,bioaccumulation and toxicity towards aquatic organisms. The non-oxidants like chlorinatedhydrocarbons are persistent and some components will accumulate in the fats of aquaticorganisms as well as show a chronicle mutagenic and carcinogenic toxicity. The oxidants reactquite rapidly with reductants and will only be available for antifouling after overstoichiometricdosage. Only under those circ*mstances the result of the dosage is acute toxic at even lowconcentrations, but without bioaccumulation of the free oxidants.

Acute toxicity is what is needed in the cooling system including the heat exchangers to preventsettlement and to keep the heat exchangers clean, but this toxicity is unwanted in the coolingwater discharge.Since even a continuous low-level chlorination regime has a significant low PEC/PNEC ratio,the main environmental issue is to reduce the formation of halogenated hydrocarbons, alsocalled chlorinated by-products, which are due to the inefficiently used oxidant mass. However,these components are not measured easily on a regular or even continuous basis and also don’thave any potential acute toxicity. Therefore, performance of a conditioning regime is monitoredin terms of free oxidants, which is also more applicable on a continuous control basis. Alloxidative conditioning regimes have in common that continuous measurement of free oxidantsis favoured regarding the necessary process control. At the same time natural waters have aminimum detection limit and threshold around 0.1 mg/l (± 0,05 mg/l) depending on the appliedanalytical technique and in relation to components present in the natural cooling water that haveno direct contribution to the effect of the conditioning regime itself. Since chlorine just likeother oxidants is non-selective and non-specific and reacts practically with all reduciblecomponents present in (natural) waters and together with the analytical threshold, this can be anexplanation why reported successful conditioning regimes use at least 0.2 mg/l free oxidantsbefore the condensers.

Production of the halogenated hydrocarbons is an almost linear function of the dosed oxidantmass irrespective of the conditioning regime.Comparing discontinuous and continuous low level conditioning regimes it may look as if adiscontinuous conditioning regime (with higher oxidant mass) results in a higher measurableconcentration of halogenated by-products. If the mass balance is corrected for those periods thatthe dosage was stopped, then the yearly-emitted mass of a discontinuous regime can be evenlower than that of a continuous low-level regime. In fact, not the applied conditioning regime,but the water quality does affect the minimum amount of oxidant needed. The higher initial freeoxidant concentration, needed in the case of discontinuous chlorination, is necessary tocompensate for the lower contact time to achieve the same treatment results. This does not meanthat the yearly needed oxidant amount is higher with a higher associated quantity of halogenatedby-products in the outlet. Due to mixing in the receiving water rapid decay occurs of anyoxidant conditioning regime, of acute toxicity as well as of formation of halogenated by-products.

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The effectiveness of a conditioning regime is a combination of the level of temporary acutetoxicity and the availability and quantity of nutrients in the water and the deprivation of thefilter rate of the filter feeding organisms, such as oysters and mussels (or bivalvia).It is necessary that the region from the pumppit until the exchangers as well as the stagnantzones becomes temporarily acute toxic to prevent settlement in the water distribution piping andthe conducts and to keep the heat exchangers clean. The shorter the periods chosen the higherthe temporary acute toxicity must be for the same effect. Or the longer the contact time is, thelower the acute toxicity needed to achieve the same result.

All oxidative conditioning regimes have in common that they take advantage of the reducedfood intake of filter feeding organisms like mussels and oysters under stress. All oxidativeconditioning regimes have also in common that spat settlement and growth is mitigated byprevention of opening their shells for prolonged periods of time. If they are forced to close theirshells – which is the natural fugitive capacity – the organisms switch to anaerobic metabolismand live on their food reserves. Depending on their condition and local water temperature theycan survive such stress periods for many months. Spat as well as youngster however avoidsthese circ*mstances through a second fugitive behaviour by non-settling or detaches its byssuswires, which explains the potential failures of intermittent regimes in specific areas.

Favourable conditions for spat settlements and growth are present in eutrophicated waters foundat specific coastal areas and some harbours and it is further accelerated by increased watertemperatures within limits. For that reason all conditioning regimes have in common thatchlorination is not necessary when the nutrients are scarce at low water temperatures (12 °C).However in specific areas its threshold is 10 °C due to the rich nutrient availability even atrelative low temperatures.

All these circ*mstances determine the necessary free oxidant concentration measured before ordirect behind the heat exchangers with the related chosen time intervals between the intermittentdosages.

Continuous and discontinuous conditioning regimes show different levels of chlorination. Inmost waters, if the prevention of settlement is done with a continuous low-level chlorinationnearby the pumppit, a FO-level before the heat exchangers of 0.3 mg/l has to be maintained. Itresults in a level of 0.2 mg/l at the outlet, which can generally be expected in cooling watercircuits with a time span of 15 minutes. However, in nutrient rich waters the biofouling is sosevere that higher inlet and thus higher outlet concentrations become necessary and sporadicallycan reach levels of 0.7 mg/l FO at the outlet to preserve its efficacy.

Discontinuous low-level chlorination in case of an ideal plug flow cooling water system willneed higher FO-levels up to 0.5 mg/l before the exchangers to reach the same result and willautomatically result in higher temporary outlet FO-concentrations. Indissoluble, the productionof halogenated hydrocarbons will be higher also during these temporarily elevated oxidantdosages. Low frequency shock dosages are rarely done, which is based on their lowconditioning efficiency towards bivalvia. These organisms will fully use the offered longrespiration periods to recover. In general, intermittent regimes applied in nutrient rich waters areonly effective if applied as frequently repeated chlorine dosages to minimise the recuperationability of bivalvia. If these non-dosage periods are reduced to a quarter of an hour it is calledpulse-chlorination. The organisms will interpret this as a continuous chlorination regime, sincethe frequency gives period too short for mussels and oysters to recover after being exposed toshort successive periods of oxidation. Time intervals between the oxidant dosing periods have amuch larger influence on the behaviour of these organisms than the free oxidant concentration,as long as this concentration is high enough to produce an initial stress effect on bivalvia.

If the whole cooling system is not an ideal plug flow system, than even higher frequency dosageregimes called alternating pulse chlorination (XI. can be successfully applied. It willmake full advantage of the present reductants availability in a part of the cooling water that willmix just before the outlet system with previously chlorinated cooling water. Essential is that a

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part of the oxidised cooling water will have a different residence time in the system and willreach at different times either as previously or future non-chlorinated cooling water, which stillcontains reductants. By shortening the dosage periods to an extend of three quarter of theresidence time of the mechanical water system, an understoichiometric oxidant/reductantmixture is then created in the outlet zone. At the same time an overstoichiometricoxidant/reductant condition is created between the dosage point and the area where the differentcooling water streams meet.In summary, the (alternating) pulse conditioning regime reduces the annual use of additives andis particularly effective against macro-fouling. However, it may produce peak free oxidantconcentrations at the outlet of the cooling system, which do not meet permissible release levels.

XI. Pulse alternating chlorination in once-through systems[tm153, Paping et al, 1999], [tm168, De Potter et al, 1996], [tm169, De Potter et al, 1997], [tm170, DePotter and Polman, 1999], [tm171, Polman, 2000]

Description:For an existing once-through system using seawater with flows up to 11 m3/s, a number ofmeasures was developed and applied as part of an integrated system (“total care system”). Thesystem comprises of 200 heat exchangers (mostly copper/nickel 90/10 and coated carbon steel)connected by 4 km of main conduits. Failure of the system as a result of damaged tubes waspredominantly due to erosion corrosion failure (65%). The measures reduced the number ofleakage incidents and at the same time the amount of biocide applied could be reduced. In theunderlying situation hypochlorite had been dosed as antifouling treatment. As a result of longterm experience it was considered to be the most adequate biocide for this system and for theavailable cooling water quality. Thus, no alternative biocide was being considered as a solution.

Optimisation was achieved by applying different levels of biocide treatment. The environmentalimpact of different regimes was evaluated by measuring and comparing the amount ofchlorination by-products (predominantly bromoform) and the potential toxicity formed. Theeffectiveness was evaluated by looking at:

• the incidence of leakage of heat exchanger tubes caused by mussels,• the amount of biological growth (macrofouling attachment)• the behaviour of the valve movement of oysters.

Accordingly, the conditioning regimes were improved. It is important to realize that in this caseuse is made of knowledge about the local biotope. This is essential to reach the requiredaccuracy of the treatment and the associated results.

Reduction:The results of the optimisation show that an initial increase of hypochlorite (dosage A) did notreduce the leakage incidents in the first place, but was able to remove almost completely themacrofouling from the system as was observed from the mussel monitors. Once the coolingsystem was clean, reduced levels of hypochlorite (dosage B and C) were applied in thefollowing years removing the macrofouling completely as well as reducing the number ofleakages down to zero. The methodology applied is able to maintain the required level of FO atthe right place. It is based on knowledge of the life cycle of macrofouling species, ofmicrofouling areas in the system and of varying residence times and water velocities in differentparts of the cooling system.

By maintaining low oxidant concentrations during longer periods the settlement and growth ofbivalves in the distribution conduits can be prevented. Short term alternating dosage near theheat exchangers leads to temporarily high concentrations and is able to control microfouling.Over-stoichiometric dosage is applied in the influent at areas where water velocity rapidlydecreases forming stagnant zones. The results are summarised in the following table.

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Table XI.3: Effect of applying an optimized dosage regime on the number of leakage caused bymussels[tm153, Paping et al, 1999]

Number of leakages caused bymusselsPeriod Regime

Unit 1 Unit 2



Year 1 A 28 4 1222Year 2 A 28 12 2095Year 3 A+B 32 10 2817Year 4 B 16 1 2480Year 5 C 0 2 1994Year 6 C 0 0 2013Year 7 C + freq. 1 0 1805Year 8 C + freq. 0 0 1330C + freq. = regime C with higher frequency (i.e. 5 minutes dsoage per 20 minutes interval)

An even more targeted dosage regime is the pulse alternating chlorination that takes account ofthe variation in residence times in different parts of the process (Figure X.1.). At different timesand at different points the required levels of chlorine are dosed following the flow patterns ofthe cooling water stream in the different process parts. At the end of the process and beforedischarge of the cooling water stream, dilution occurs by the mixing of the different processstream. Where only one of the stream is chlorinated and the other is not, the FO is furtherreduced and emission levels of < 0.1 mg/l are achievable.

Cross-media effect:Considerable lower frequency of heat exchanger failure reduced necessary maintenance andconsequently non-production periods. Cleaner heat exchanger increased cooling and reducedemissions from production process.

Application limits:The conditioning regime cannot be applied to once-through systems without varying coolingwater residence times.The optimisation of dosage intervals the system needs careful monitoring of the free oxidantlevels in the cooling system and of required stress periods of the bivalves.

Costs:Research costs amounted to EUR 1 million during first 5 years. The first dosage installation wasEUR 0.2 million, and further modifications again EUR were 0.2 million. The pay back period ofthe dosage installation was in the order of one year and based on the following costs:- reduced cost level for yearly maintenance and use of sodiumhypochlorite,- increased costs for yearly preventive and predictive maintenance, and- costs for analyses.Costs did not include research cost since these costs were spend to obtain the fundamentalknowledge of pulse alternating chlorination in once-through systems.

Reference plant:Dow Europe, Terneuzen (NL)

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Plant 2

Plant 1

main distribut. piping; FO “stable”piping

0 minutes 6 to 8 minutes 13 to 17 minutes



2 mg/l FO

3 mg/l FO

0.1 mg/l FO regime A

0.2 mg/l FO regime B

0.1 mg/l FO regime C

X: chlorinationpumppit

Y: chlorination in plant

= analysers

O.3 or 1 mg/l FO1



Pulse alternating chlorination; X, or Y1, or Y2 or nothing


Mixing of flows; FO degradation

Figure XI.1: Optimised hypochlorite dosage (pulse-alternating chlorination) taking account of fouling and cooling system characteristicsDerived from [153, Paping et al, 1999]

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XI.3.4 Alternative cooling water treatments

In this document the alternative cooling water treatment techniques consist of non-chemicalmethods as well as alternative chemicals or combinations of chemicals. It has already beenillustrated how proper monitoring can lead to a more effective dosage regime reducing theamount of additive required and simultaneously maintaining a low incidence of system’s failure.

XI.3.4.1 Ozone[tm032, Zimmermann and Hamers, 1996], [039, Strittmatter et.al., 1996], [tm084Rice and Wilkes,1992], [tm096, Mc Coy et al. 1990], [131, Dziobek, 1998] and [tm156, Schmittecker, 1999]

Description:Extensive experience has been obtained with ozone treatment of drinking water. In Germanyand the United States varying experiences have been obtained with ozone applied torecirculating cooling system. Ozone is a strong oxidant, more so than chlorine dioxide, which inturn is a stronger oxidant than sodium hypochlorite. Being very reactive ozone reacts withpractically all organic material present in the cooling water and the residual effect is low if notabsent. Also, ozone has considerable potential to destroy other cooling water additives, e.g.some corrosion inhibitors.The reactivity of ozone depends on the pH of the water. When ozone is added to cooling waterwith a pH value higher than 8 - which can be often encountered in recirculating cooling system -it decomposes to form free hydroxyl radicals, which are stronger oxidising agents thanmolecular chlorine, but of microsecond half-life. In case that bromide ions are present in naturalsurface waters they will react with ozone to produce hypobromous acid, which is what isactually measured as residual ozone rather than ozone itself. Another important factor is thehardness of the water and it has been recommended to keep this between 100 and 400 ppmCaCO3 and the chlorides below 200 ppm Cl-.

Reduction:The reduction of microfouling, measured in microbiological activity, is variable and can becompared with a chlorine/bromine treatment. Reduction of up to 90% of the initial activity wasmeasured resulting in concentrations of 20-50 colonies per ml. [tm156, Schmittecker, 1999].Not only the amount, but also the character of the microbiology showed a change as a result ofozone treatment. A reduced number of colonies forming species could be detected incomparison with no treatment.The concentration of ozone present in a system showed no direct influence on corrosion orscaling rate, although it was also concluded that mild steel and yellow metals corrode easilywhen ozone concentrations are too high (1.0 ppm). With the appropriate ozone-concentrationthose materials will initially corrode and form a corrosion layer. This layer will protect againstincreased corrosion, particularly pit corrosion. In the example, steel (C 1010) corrosion wasreduced with 50% to 0.05 mm/year and brass (CuZn28Sn1) corrosion was reduced to less than0.004 mm/yr.Reduction of about 50% of AOX- and COD-levels in the effluent has been reported on differentoccasions due to ozone treatment. The resulting levels were less than 0.01 mg/l (AOX) and10 mg/l (COD) respectively. The COD level was reached in the presence of a dosed hardnessstabilizer.

Cross-media effect:Although the formation energy of ozone is high, the application of ozone is often referred to asmore environmentally acceptable than hypochlorite, since it leads to less formation oftrihalomethanes (THMs) and extractable organic halogens (EOX). Ozonation may lead to theformation of by-products e.g. bromate and bromohydrins, but compared to chlorination by-product formation, relatively little attention has been paid to by-product formation resultingfrom ozonation.

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As far as was reported, ozone emission into the air has not been observed from any part of thecooling systems.

Applicability:Ozone is predominantly applied in the chemical and petrochemical industry and in refineriesand to a limited extent in power industry, but from recent experiences wider application can beexpected for smaller industries. The advantages are:• Efficiency,• low concentration of by-products,• low stability of ozone with low or no ozone in the discharge as a result,• reduction of COD and AOX.

In the U.S, it was concluded that ozone is not a “total” package for cooling water treatmentcovering all purposes, but does represent an alternative for a limited number of users.Furthermore, it is only useful as a stand-alone treatment in cooling water systems, which requireno supplemental corrosion or scale control. Its reactivity limits the application of other biocidesthat would be destroyed immediately and if any biofouling occurrs beyond the radius of ozoneactivity, it may not be dealt with.

Ozone is preferably to be used in very clean recirculating cooling system, and it is commentedthat its high reactivity makes ozone unsuitable for application in once-through system or longline systems. The speed with which ozone can disappear from a system is illustrated by theexample, in which after the first application of ozone in a contaminated system the ozoneconcentration was reported to decrease below the detection limit within 50 meters from thepoint of dosage. For conditioning of a cooling tower of power plants a minimum concentrationof 50 µg/l in the cooling basin is currently suggested, but positive results have been reportedalso with lower levels. It is considered best practice to apply ozone continuously at low level.

Costs:Ozone production requires a considerable amount of energy and is relatively expensive due tothe fact that the efficiency of the ozone generators is very low (100 g to 150 g O3/1000 g O2,10 kWh/ kg O3). Observations on costs may however differ as they depend on the alternativetreatments available. For instance, observations were made that the ozone treatment can becompared to that of treatment with chlorine gas and that other chlorine or bromine basedtreatments could contain additional costs. Care must be taken when interpreting costs, whereinvestment costs of equipment may or may not have been included and reference is made onlyto operating cost.

Reference plants:Hoechst (Germany), power station Seraing (Belgium), power station EZH-Rotterdam Capelle(Holland) [see references]

Considerations:A minimum concentration in the aquatic-environment of the cooling system is required toobtain the required biocidal effect of ozone. Recent work shows that to overcome thecontamination already present, the initial dose may have to be between 0.1 and 0.3 mg/l anddepending on the systems’ environment it may take months before any residual ozone can bemeasured in the residual effluent [tm131, Dziobek, 1998]. It is claimed that in 60% of theapplications ozone treatment can be reduced to 50% within 9 to 12 months with the surfacesbeing clean. This type of treatment resulted in a residual ozone concentration in the coolingtower basin of 0.05 mg/l. It was further reported that cleaner cooling tower fill led to anincreased number of cycles and to a corresponding 70% decrease in water losses.

The point of dosage is very important in order to maintain the required ozone concentration inthe right area of the cooling system. To avoid the breakdown of ozone, sensitive inhibitors andother cooling water treatment chemicals, side-stream treatment of the make-up was suggested.Ozone could also be applied in the cooling tower itself [tm131, Dziobek, 1998].

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Ozone can be generated on-site by subjecting dry air or oxygen to an electric discharge. Afterthis the product needs to be absorbed in the cooling water. According to the American Congressof Industrial Hygienists, 0.1 mg/l is the recommended maximum concentration for continuousexposure [tm059, Swinnen, 1995]. Ozone is very volatile compared with other oxidisingbiocides. [tm096, Mc Coy et al. 1990] investigated the volatility of various biocides in coolingtowers. From this study the following order of volatility appeared: ozone> chlorine dioxide >chloramine > hypochlorous acid > hypobromous acid, with ozone being about 167000 timesmore volatile than hypobromous acid at 20°C.

XI.3.4.2 UV treatment

Description:UV treatment of water to be used in recirculating cooling systems needs clear water for a start togive good transmission of UV irradiation and prefiltering of water might be necessary.

Reduction:Particularly in summertime the treatment effected in reducing amoebe formation in theblowdown before discharge in the river.

Cross-media effect:Energy costs were not reported.

Application limits:It is mentioned that in sunny locations algae growth has been observed if no anti-algae wasapplied due to lack of residual effectiveness. To overcome this an anti algae will have to beadded or the tower basin will have to be kept clean and free from sludge to prevent micro-organisms to grow in the sludge. UV-lamps also need frequent cleaning.

Costs:Not reported in full scale application.

Reference plant:Hydro Power Station, Ontario, Canada, EDF Nuclear power Station, Poitiers, France (bothexperimental, 1999)

Considerations:With the tendency to increase the re-use of water it is uncertain whether the required clearnessof the water can still be reached in the future without considerable and expensive treatment..

XI.3.4.3 Catalytic hydrogen peroxide treatment[comment, D]

Description:The catalytic hydrogen peroxide treatment is a technique for decontaminating cooling waterfrom the presence of microorganisms. The technology aims at meeting low limit values forlevels of bacteria in the water. The system acts to prevent the formation of biofilms and algaeand this in turn prevents the spread of bacteria, including legionellae colonies, through thesystems. Hydrogen peroxide is used as an oxidizing agent, which in the instance of the metalcatalyst generates a significant amount of •OH-radicals. These radicals have a very strongoxydizing effect, which is reported to be larger than that of e.g. ozone or chlorine.

The technology is reported to have a broad spectrum, which means that the radicals are effectiveagainst a large range of microorganisms including legionellae. Genetic resistance has not beenreported and therefore shock dosing is not required. A relatively small concentration of H2O2 inthe water is maintained and keeps the water practically bacteria free.

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Reduction:Catalytic hydrogen peroxide treatment will reduce the levels of AOX and COD. It is reportedthat it does not produce any residual hazardous chemicals in the discharge flow. It extends theoperating period as it reduces the frequency of maintenance where the whole installationremains free from biofilms, algae and bacteriae.

Cross-media effect:The catalyst treatment does not need any additional energy applied. The typical concentration ofhydrogen peroxide (0.5 to 2 ppm) has shown no influence on the corrosion or scaling rate.Hydrogen peroxide acts as a corrosion inhibitor as well.

Application limits:For each application the best option for installing the catalyst (in the form of light knitted wiremesh, normally on a stainless steel or PE mount) has to be selected individually. The catalystmay be placed on the bottom of the water basin or in the water distribution if an open system isused. A concentration of 30% of hydrogen peroxide solution was determined as very effectivewith respect to storage and application. It has been applied in cell type cooling towers. Limitswith respect to the size of the cooling tower have not been reported. The data point atapplications in small to medium capacity towers, but application for large capacity installationsis under development.

Costs:This treatment requires the investment for a metal catalyst. It is reported that with usualdepreciation time for the catalyst of 4 to 5 years, the operation costs, including depreciation forthe catalyst and the dosing system, are substantially lower than for either the application of abiocide (including hypochlorite) or the ozone treatment, when applied to the same cooling towercapacity.

Reference plant:Ausimont Deutschland GmbH, Bitterfeld (D).

Considerations:From experience two alternatives can be chosen as dosage point for the hydrogen peroxide:H2O2 can be applied in the common pump intake chamber of the cooling tower or direct into therising pipes of each cell.

XI.3.4.4 Chlorine dioxide

Description:Chlorine dioxide (ClO2) has been considered as an alternative to hypochlorite (HOCl) forseawater conditions and as a freshwater biocide due to its effectiveness as a disinfectant and toits strong reduction in the formation of organohalogenated by-products in the effluent. It hasbeen reported as an effective and economical application in cooling water systems for control ofmicro-organisms at relatively low dosages. It may be used over a broad pH range and iseffective over the entire spectrum of micro-organisms. It has been reported to be effectiveparticularly in systems with the following contaminants: ammonia and ammonia salts, alkanes,alkenes and alkynes, alcohols, primary amines, glycols, ethers, unsaturated aromatics, mostinorganic acids, organic acids, diols, saturated aliphatics.

The conditions under which the application of chlorine dioxide is considered attractive are:1. process contamination2. alkaline pH systems3. effluent chlorine discharge limitations4. elimination of gaseous chlorine from the site.The last advantage may be at question, where chlorine dioxide has been reported as difficult totransport and must be therefore produced on-site [tm059, Swinnen, 1995]

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Chlorine dioxide does not react with water and is highly soluble in water. It has been found thatblowing air through aqueous solutions of chlorine dioxide can cause chlorine dioxide to beexpelled from the solution. Therefore solutions treated with chlorine dioxide should not be fedinto areas of strong aeration such as splash tanks prior to going over a cooling tower. Aqueoussolutions of chlorine dioxide are subject to photodecomposition upon long exposure toultraviolet light. As with chlorination, treatment with chlorine dioxide could be scheduledduring the hours of darkness to achieve greatest effectiveness.

On the treatment it was further observed that after initial high feeds of ClO2, shortly after thestart-up, total plate count should normally decrease. After this initial period, ClO2 begins toclean up the biomass accumulations of slime and entrapped debris. As the slime masses areattacked, micro-organisms break loose into the recirculating water. Consequently, the total platecounts, calcium and turbidity readings will increase for a period of time and then subside tonormal levels. Moreover, foaming may also occur during this period.

Reduction:Experiments in Italy were confirmed by observations in Spain for a large coastal power stationwith a once-through system [068, Ambrogi, 1997]. It appeared to be possible to lower thedosage of ClO2 after an initial concentration of 0.22 mg/l. (8 kg/hour) during the growth seasonto about 0.18 mg/l. (6.5 kg/hour) and to reduce this even further in wintertime. These levelscorrespond well with other reported dosage levels. Dosage was continuous and effective inrestricting mussel growth. The resulting concentrations of trihalomethane formations (THM)were considerably lower than in case HOCl was being used irrespective of reaction temperatureor reaction time. They ranged from 0.31 µg/l with a dose of 0.50 mg/l ClO2 at 10 minutes and15ºC to 460.48 µg/l with a dose of 0.40 mg/l at 60 min. and 60ºC.Considering the maximum initial dosage at 0.22 mg/l, needed to get an effective treatment, theexpected concentration in the seawater at the end of the channel would be considerably lowerthan the LC50 (96 h.) of 54.7 µg/l. It has been proven that efficient antifouling of ClO2 occurs atconcentrations in the range 0.05 – 0.25 mg/l.

In open recirculating cooling water systems the typical dosage is 1-5 ppm chlorine based on theestimated volume plus make-up during feed to the entire system. Typically at start-up, chlorinedioxide is fed to a clean system at about 1 ppm for one hour, three times per day. Contaminatedor dirty systems may require increased doses (3-5 ppm) and feed times. Mechanical cleanup ofsystems may be required to further optimise the programme.It was recommended for systems where process contamination is suspected , to run a chlorinedioxide demand on the system. From the determined demand value the initial dosage can bederived, which from experience shows to be 30-50% of the demand value may be used for theinitial dosage.

Table XI.4: Typical dosage of chlorine dioxide for once-through and recirculating systems inEurope[CEFIC Sodium hypochlorite group, comment]

Cooling system Mode of application Time of application Typical dose(mg/l)

Once-through system continuous 8 hours a day/during 8 months a year 0.4

discontinuous 6 times for 1 hour/day 0.3Recirculating system

continuous all year round 0.2 in winter0.5 in summer

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Table XI.5: Effect of chlorine dioxide applied in once-through system on larvae settlement[U.S. data, Van Hoorn, comment]

Dose Frequency Settlement-reduction0.25 mg/l 4 x 15 min/d 95%0.25 mg/l 2 x 30 min/d 35%

Cross-media effect:Although it does not form any THM or chlorophenols it is expected to find reaction productslike aldehydes, ketones and quinones or even epoxydes under certain circ*mstances. The latterare known to be carcinogous or mutagenous.

Application:Treatment with chlorine dioxide requires an installation for in situ production. Due to itssensitivity for pressure and temperature the gas cannot be compressed and transported incylinders. Three ways of in situ generation are mentioned by [tm059, Swinnen, 1995]:1. from sodiumchlorite/chlorous gas2. from sodiumchlorite/sodiumhypochlorite/(chlorine acid)3. from acid activation or sodiumchlorite by means of chlorine acid

Feeding pointTo obtain the best results, chlorine dioxide should be fed directly into the recirculating water ofa cooling tower, at a point of good mixing, such as below the water line in the cold well or justahead of the equipment that is most critical. A side-stream of chlorine dioxide can be fed to thebasin at the far end (opposite cold well) to create a "sweep" effect across the basin or into thereturn riser for additional control within the tower.

MonitoringWhen chlorine dioxide is used as a microbiocide in cooling water it is important to monitor theamount used and its effectiveness. Close control of chlorine dioxide residuals with attention toplate counts provides the best results at the most economical cost.

At times a free chlorine dioxide residual can be found in the return water of a recirculating loopor the effluent of a once-through system. The free residual is less than 0.5 ppm in most cases astested by the Chlorophenol Red method. In systems where no free chlorine dioxide residual isfound, visual observation of the biomass, through biological organism counts or differentialpressure measurement can judge results.

In the U.S., Redox control is most often used as on-line monitoring technique. Typical ORPvalues for good control are reported to be 350 – 500mV.

Costs:Costs have not reported, but it was concluded that further research was needed on applicationstrategy to reduce the amount needed in once-through cooling systems and thus lower theprice. At the moment of investigation it was considered too high for full scale operation (1996).

Reference plant:Brindisi Nord power station, Italy (experiment).

Considerations:With respect to the application in once-through systems, a comparison with chlorination wouldneed to normalize dosage regimes to be able to consider the features of both chlorine dioxideand chlorination as a biocide and in the discharge. Further research seems necessary based onthe above-mentioned promising results.

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XI.3.4.5 Ionic water purification to treat cooling tower water[tm036, Wilsey, 1997]

Description:Based on an already existing concept of supplemental ionic water purification is an alternativemethod to treat cooling tower water with copper ions. It is claimed that a chemical-only watertreatment system can be replaced by this technique leading to less harmful substances beingmore economical to the environment.

Reduction:Microbiologists are quoted that have determined that small amounts of copper acting assupplement to chlorine at 0.4 ppm have the same efficiency as 2.0 ppm free chlorine.

Cross-media effect:Costs have not been reported, but could be energy input for copper ion generator.

Application limits:To apply this treatment a copper ion generator is needed together with a device to control totaldissolved solids, a magnetic water conditioning system and a system to analyse the watercomposition. With these systems the treatment can be optimised.

A number of factors have to be taken into account. The composition of the make-up water has tobe such that the tower sump contains an alkalinity level between 40 ppm and 130 ppm and thepH between 7 and 8. The effects of copper are that it functions as a coagulant to reduce scale,forming larger complexes to be separated and filtered more easily. It also acts as a bacterialdisinfectant forming copper compounds that are lethal to bacteria and algae. Finally it has afunction as algaecide to blue-green algae in particular.

Attention should be given however to the amount of cycled copper that will also dictate theconcentration in the purge or blowdown. Also the residual concentration of the lethal coppercompounds need further examination as the discharge to the receiving water could causeharmful effects.

Costs:Not reported

Reference plant:Not reported.

Considerations:Results will have to be proven yet in full scale application.

XI.3.4.6 Stabilizing halogenated biocides in cooling tower water[tm62, Dallmier et.al, 1997]

Description:Particularly chlorine and bromine based products are often applied. As the biocidal effect of ahalogenated biocide depends on the total halogen residual and it is important to prevent anyreactions that can decrease the amount of residual in the cooling water. Reactions with othercorrosion and scale inhibitors can occur (e.g Br with tolyltriazole). Halogens can be stabilised toreduce halogen volatility and to increase compatability with inhibitors and to maintain sufficienteffective halogen. Stabilising of bromine was achieved with the application of hydantoines. Onthe stabilising process no further information is reported.

Reduction:Application of stabilised bromine in cooling towers revealed the following effects:

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1. the loss of Br due to volatization is less when Br is stabilised thus leaving more free Brpresent in the cooling water;

2. stabilised Br appeared to be one third faster in killing slime-forming bacteria thanunstabilised Br;

3. stabilised Br appeared to be very effective in removing mixed culture biofilm, theremoval of 45% of the biofilm was measured to create a 47% reduction of the pressureacross the tube;

4. application in an office chiller system showed effective against Legionellapneumophila;

5. more than 95% of the yellow metal corrosion inhibitor totyltriazole was maintained inthe cooling water when stabilised Br was added.

Cross-media effect:No information was available on the effects of the application of an additional chemical tostabilise the halogen.

Application limits:It has been applied in recirculating systems (wet cooling towers). Comments on the applicabilityof this technique concerned the application of hydantoines. It was reported that handling ofhydantoines (in pellet form) is difficult requiring dissolving devices. This limited the applicationto small size cooling systems. Currently a liquid stabilised bromine product is on the market,which can be applied in large size systems as well.

Costs:Costs of the stabilizing have not been reported.

Reference plant:On the stabilized liquid product 2 refineries (in Germany and Austria) and 1 chemical plant inGermany were reported.

Considerations:Above-mentioned effects were confirmed by the results of field experiments. Two remarks haveto be made. On the addition of stabiliser and its behaviour in the cooling system or the purge noobservations were reported. The hazardousness or environmental acceptability could not beestablished.Its working on Legionella was tested in a chiller system, but a translation to conditions incooling tower systems has not been made.

XI.3.4.7 Filming agent against fouling, corrosion and scaling

Description:Filming agents are applied that cover the surface of conduits on the waterside to prevent orreduce fouling and corrosion or scaling and do not treat the cooling water flow. A commerciallyavailable compound, called Mexel®432/0, is applied primarily constituting of long chainaliphatic amines. In aqueous emulsions, this product forms a film on the cell membranescausing destruction of tissues in a varying proportion depending on the dosage. The efficiencyof this technological alternative is not linked to the modification of the water chemistryproperties nor the water biology of the cooling circuit, but rather to the adsorption or integrationof Mexel® onto all the surfaces present in the circuit. The anti-fouling effect can be explained bythe integration of the Mexel constituents into the biological membranes, and into the biofilm.This integration disturbs the cohesion of the biological structure and at high concentrationsresults in the destruction of the membranes. At sublethal concentrations, the constituents of theMexel insert themselves into the membranes and disrupt the ionic or gaseous transfer of themembranes. In this case, the treatment produces a state of stress for the animal (mussels, etc)sufficient to avoid their definitive installation in the circuit treated.

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It has a broad spectrum of action on microfouling and macrofouling in both seawater andfreshwater. The product has also anti corrosion and anti-scaling properties and the treatmentprocedure is generally intermittent, intended to renew the film on the surfaces to be protected.Suggestions were made that periodic treatments can be more effective on macrofouling. Thefilm lasts for 10-20 days.

Dosage is done automatically and starts with an initial dosage to establish the film.Concentration in the discharge is measured and dosage levels are reduced as soon as Mexel 432can be detected in the discharge. The initial period for a large seawater once-through system isabout 10 days.

In once-through systems, the analysis of the product is performed either by a spectrophotometriclaboratory method or by a colourimetric field analysis method. This second analysis methodallows a rapid control of product concentration at various points in the circuit.

Results:The treatment conditions, defined by the concentration to be injected as well as the duration ofthe injections, are dependant upon the results researched (bio-fouling, corrosion, fouling orscale), the physico-chemical properties of the water medium and the circuit characteristics (type,temperatures, surface condition, materials, flow rates, etc).It can be effective against bivalves on a periodic treatment basis and at a residual concentrationof 3.5 mg/l. The efficacy of long-term intermittent treatments on zebra mussels has also beenshown in experiments: a dosage of 3 hours per day at 6 mg/l kills 100% of zebra mussels.

At the example plant, for corrosion protection of aluminium brass a dosage of 5 ppm for 30 min.per day was sufficient. For macrofouling a dose was applied of 0.5 ppm at 5 hrs/day. By way ofbio-monitoring reactions of mussels on the dosage were researched to identify an optimisedtreatment regime.

Cross-media effect:On the visited site there was clearly an advantage as no electrolysis of seawater was anymoreneeded. This also ended the maintenance of the elctrolyser, which is costly, both in terms ofenvironment (human health) and finance.

Three processes are involved in the disappearance of Mexel in solution: immediate demand,turbulence of the water, and bacterial degradation in aerobic conditions. Bacteria showeddegradation of up to 98% of the product in 10 days.Regarding the toxic effects of the product on freshwater organisms, it showed rapiddisappearance in natural waters of the product in its toxic form, and absence of detectabletoxicity during its degradation.

Application limits:Application is independent of the metal tested, (bronze, copper nickel alloys, iron and stainlesssteel 304L & 316L) or the water medium (fresh or seawater), Mexel can be an effectivechemical or biological corrosion inhibitor.It allows the treatment of open or semi-closed recirculating hydraulic systems which have flowrates ranging from a few cubic meters per hour (air conditioning systems) to 100.000 m3hr-1 infresh water, brackish or sea water. On a world-wide basis, the product is used to treat thehydraulic systems (cooling, fire fighting, etc) of electrical power plants, geothermalinstallations, shipping, the chemical industry, steel mills, refineries, off-shore platforms, and airconditioning units using water as the thermal fluid.

Costs:Cost data have only been given in comparison with the application of chlorination andparticularly in comparison with electrolysis. Confirmation could not be obtained on the costbalance of Mexel compared to chlorination. Costs depend on the surface to be treated and not onthe cooling water volume.

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Reference plant:EDF Power Station, Le Havre (F).

Considerations:Environmentally its low toxicity and the absence of any detectable toxic degradation productsmake it acceptable as an alternative to cooling water treatment.As the product is easily biodegradable, this advantage may be a disadvantage when it comes tothe amount needed for initial treatment of the surface. Its reactiveness may raise the amountneeded and the costs involved. Where fresh water generally has higher dissolved solid contentsthan seawater this could indicate a preferred application in seawater conditions.

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XI.3.4.8 Stable organic corrosion inhibitors in open wet cooling towers[tm091, CTI, Little et. al]

Description:Organically based treatment used in an open wet cooling tower can be counteracted because oftheir susceptibility to strong oxidising agents, their sensitivity to high heat flux conditions, theirtendency to precipitate as calcium salts at high hardness levels, and the need for constant waterflows. To overcome these problems Ethanolamine Bisphosphono-methyl, N-oxide (EBO) wasdeveloped EBO is an organic phosphonate that can be used in cooling water treatment as ananodic corrosion inhibitor. EBO is reported to exhibit good stability against halogens. Itsstability at calcium levels of 500 mg/l calcium as CaCO3, buffered at a pH of 8.3 and atemperature of 60ºC, was compared with HEDP.

Reduction:It was found that over 100 mg/l of EBO could be added without precipitation, whereas this wasonly 7 mg/l of HEDP under the same conditions. No adverse effects on yellow metal corrosioncould be indicated. Corrosion was considerably reduced compared with an organic treatmentwithout EBO.

Cross-media effect:Lower water requirements occur due to potential option for higher cycles of concentration, asEBO is less sensitive to high calcium hardness levels.

Application limits:Only applied in open recirculating system.

Costs:Not reported.

Reference plant:Pilot cooling tower, no full-scale application reported.

Considerations:Application of EBO and similar cooling water treatment chemicals with improved working needfurther research of the levels of toxicity in the discharge respectively blowdown of the systemsthey have been applied to.

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XI.3.5 Treatment of discharged cooling water

Minimisation of emissions from an integrated approach starts with minimisation of resourcesused. As such Chapter 1 presents the initial approach that should be taken. Within thelimitations of cooling system and site-specifications a certain amount of chemicals might stillhave to be applied with a certain discharge as a consequence. Monitoring and optimisedtreatment are able to reduce the discharge further.In some cases before discharging cooling water streams are treated in wastewater treatmentfacilities. For information on wastewater treatment reference is made to the concerning BREF.Particular examples of cooling water treatment have not been reported. With respect totreatment a few remarks can be made:

• blowdown treatment containing peak concentrations after dosage can be collected in abuffer basin to prevent the aquatic-environment or the water treatment facilities to beaffected. In the basin further hydrolysis of the biocides can take place down to less toxicsubstances before the water is discharged or reused.

• Because of concentration of process substances, the blowdown of closed recirculatingsystems of refineries may have to be treated before it is sent to a wastewater treatment plantto avoid affecting the equilibrium of the treatment plant. It is maintained that the oil level ofthis blowdown generally is much lower than the residual oil level in pre-treated processwater of other installations and therefore can be led to the waste water treatment plantwithout pretreatment.

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XI.4 Variable frequency drives for reduction of energy use[tm097, Immell, 1996]

In operating a cooling system the required direct energy input can be reduced by reducing theneed for pumping capacity and by optimising the use of fans. In a greenfield situation many canbe done on the design (e.g. cooling tower construction, type of fill, pump configuration), but inan existing installation options are more limited and comprise of changes of equipment.

Description:The application of variable fan speed drives is an option to adapt the fan speeds specifically tothe required cooling duty. One technique is the use of variable frequency drives (VFD). A VFDis a combination of a converter of the voltage and an inverter of the current (DC to AC).Cooling towers are typically designed to provide a specified cold water leaving the tower for aspecified heat load at a certain wet bulb temperature, that is only exceeded at minimumpercentage of the year (1-2.5%). Most of the time they will perform at a lower wet bulbtemperature than the design, but on a variable level based on seasonal variation of wet bulbtemperatures.With the VFD system this variation is translated into different fan speeds to obtain the requiredwater temperature. VFD are commercially available from different suppliers.

Reduction:Reduction in energy use as well as in reduced noise levels and reduced vibration due to sloweroperating speeds is achieved. Also, higher longevity of rotating equipment due to smootherspeed change of the motor (so called soft start) was observed.

Cross-media effect:See section on reduction.

Application limits:To apply a VFD a number of specifiable features to be checked were mentioned, such as: anautomatic temperature control, the proper layout of the VFD to the demands of cooling towerfan motor, and an analysis of resonance of the equipment.

Costs:A cost indication was not given

Example plant:Not mentioned with respect to experiences with application.

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In order to synthesise the specific knowledge and enable other industries to benefit from it, thisAnnex has been drawn up within EURELECTRIC. It is the outcome of collaboration mainlybetween ELECTRICITÉ DE FRANCE, ELECTRABEL, LABORELEC and VDEW resp. VGBrepresenting German Power Plant Operators. The results of the permanent various workinggroups of UNIPEDE19 and CORECH20 have also been included.

The Annex is meant to give some background information for a better understanding of theinformation presented in the main document. It explains in a simplified way the operation ofthermal power plants. It sets out the main functions of the cooling systems of the condenser andauxiliaries. The possible environmental impacts of cooling systems are then examined in moredetail. This part of the Annex particularly concerns heat discharges, the suction of livingorganisms into water intakes, any discharges of treatment reagents and other potentialdetrimental effects, such as noise.

Also, an analysis of the various cooling techniques conceivable is made. It is referred mainly tothe design of a new system and to be used as additional information for the determination ofBAT. It deals with not only the technical and economic aspects, but also and especially with theecological and energy impact of the various solutions. Its conclusions, although specificallyaimed at the power industry, fall within the general BAT conclusions of Chapter 4 of the maindocument.

The main conclusions that have emerged from the analysis are:

• The impact of a cooling system on the receiving environment must be studied before thepower plant is designed; to do so, numerical modelling and on-site tests in pilot loops arerecommended;

• The design of the cooling systems must be studied while taking into account the ecologicaland energy impact to a maximum;

• The implementation of physical processes intended to limit fouling must be soughtsystematically (continuous mechanical cleaning, temperature increase, filtration, etc.);

• Chemical solutions must be studied on a case-by-case basis so as to limit their utilisation tothe utmost;

• One best solution cannot be selected as too many local factors influence the choice of thecooling system of a power plant. They include not only the flow-rates available, but alsovisual aspects.

XII.1 Introduction

The thermodynamic cycle of conventional thermal power plants obeys CARNOT's principle.Efficiency levels reach about 40% for conventional new design but can achieve 47% inadvanced design and under very favourable climatic conditions in particular when cooling waterconditions are suitable (once-through cooling system), even with hard coal firing. The result isthat nearly 45% of the amount of energy provided by combustion must be dissipated at thecondenser level.

The condenser is the key point of the facility. Regardless of the mode of cooling adopted, it is infact one of the main interfaces between the power plant and the surrounding environment. The 19 The International Union of Producers and Distributors of Electrical Energy.20 Committee on Research.

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efficiency and availability of a power plant depend to a great extent on the integrity andcleanness of the condenser. These are reasons why specific solutions have been adopted for along time now: continuous mechanical cleaning by foam balls, corrosion-resistant alloys, suchas titanium and stainless steel, etc. Also cooling water treatment systems have been developedand are in operation, in particular for circulating cooling systems.

Likewise, as cooling flowrates may reach several dozen m3/s, the modes of treatment adoptedand solutions selected may be difficult to extrapolate to other industries.

XII.2 Power plant cooling systems - principles and reminders

The operation of power plants is governed by CARNOT's principle. The heat source, the boiler,provides the energy required for water vaporisation. The cold source, the condenser, condensesthe steam coming out of the low-pressure turbine.

One of the main characteristics of a power plant, from the technical and economic standpoints,is its specific consumption, in other words, the amount of heat needed to produce one kWh ofelectrical energy. This specific consumption results from the thermal cycle balance (table 1).

Table XII.1: Example of simplified balance of a thermal cycle for conventional new design

Energy transformation Energy(kJ) (%)


Energy from combustion 9000 100 100Steam generator loss 1050 - 11.7 88.3Condenser “loss” 4200 - 46.5 41.8Feedwater heating (2000) (22.2) (Looping)Turbogenerator losses 65 - 0.75 41.05Power supply of auxiliaries 65 - 0.75 40.3Loss in main transformer 25 - 0.2 40.1Overall efficiency of the facility 40.1

The presence of the cold source is the main consideration. Not always can cooling systems usewater drawn directly from a river, sea or lake. It may be necessary to use a recirculating systemwith a cooling tower. A look at the thermal cycle balance shows that 4200 kJ must be yieldedfor each kWh generated. In addition, this energy cannot be recovered because its exergy is low.

New generation systems, especially combined cycles (or gas-steam turbines), make it possibleto obtain higher efficiencies of even more than 55%.

The cooling system, which serves to evacuate this energy, is generally called the circulatingsystem. The condenser tube bundle contains cold water drawn from a river, the sea or a lake.The heating and flowrate of this water depend on the installed capacity (table 2).

Table XII.2: Relationship between the installed capacity and cooling parameters(Values as an example, depending on type of the circulating system, the ambient air temperature,cooling water resource temperature)

Rated capacity of the unit(MW)

Circulating water flowrate(m3/s)

Heating of water in thecondenser (K)

125 3 – 5 7 – 12250 6 – 10 7 – 12600 14 – 24 7 – 12

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Each unit also has an auxiliary cooling water system:• generator seal oil coolers,• compressor coolers;• etc.

Closed-loop cooling systems, supplied with demineralised water, are systems for:• generator stator cooling water coolers;• generator hydrogen coolers;• etc.

Depending on the units, the cooling water flowrate of this cooling system of the auxiliariesrepresents normally about 4 to 8% of the circulating water flowrate. Heating is limited andamounts up to 10 K, according to the auxiliaries in operation. However, even with a low thermalload, it can remain in service several days after the shut down of the unit to evacuate theresidual heat.

XII.3 Possible environmental impacts of cooling systems

The heat releases at the cold source mainly concern two receiving environments: air and water.But, in fact, even if the discharge occurs into an aquatic-environment, the ultimate heat sinkremains the atmosphere. Indeed, the water gradually transfers the heat received by variousnatural processes: evaporation, conduction, radiation. For economic reasons, water is the firstarea where one looks.

Before wondering what techniques may be acknowledged as BAT for cooling systems, it seemsdesirable to make an analysis of any detrimental effects on the natural environment, estimatetheir nature and amplitude and judge them, in other words decide whether they remain tolerableor not.

XII.3.1 Heat discharges to the atmosphere

Regardless of the type of cooling system, all of the heat conveyed to the cold source istransferred to the atmosphere. This is carried out on a specific basis in the case of coolingtowers, air-cooled condensers and dry cooling towers. In the case of once-through coolingsystems on a river, lake or the sea, the heat is transferred via the surface of the receiving waterbody, over a large area and with a certain time lag, depending on the local situation.

In power plants cooled by a once-through system (Figure XII.1, Section XII.11), pumpedwater is generally heated from 7 to 12 K when the units operate at their rated capacity. Thedischarged cooling water is progressively cooled by mixing with the receiving water. The heatis then transferred to the atmosphere by three conventional processes: evaporation (35 to 45% ofthe energy released), by radiation of the water surface (25 to 35%) and by conduction with air(20 to 30%). Depending on the local situation the outlet temperature could be limited by thelocal authority.

Energy transfer by evaporation represents a vapour flowrate of 20 kg/s per 100 MWth..Considering the rapid decrease of water heating process downstream of the discharge, the onlyatmospheric phenomena likely to be modified are occurrence frequencies and the persistence ofevaporation fog in the area close to the release, where temperature differences are stillconsiderable, but the extent of which is limited.

It is worthwhile noting that, all things considered equal, the temperature of the formation ordisappearance of evaporation fog is higher above salt water than above soft water. Thiscirc*mstance is therefore favourable to power plants sited in estuaries or along seacoasts.

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For power plants equipped with wet cooling towers (Figure XII.2, Section XII.11), everythingoccurs as if the heat was released directly to the atmosphere. Two kinds of operation methodsare in practice:• once-through cooling with cooling tower (Figure XII.3, Sector XII.11) and• recirculating cooling (Figure XII.4, Sector XII.11).

The discharge takes place in a concentrated way over a small area. Wet cooling towers transferto the atmosphere about 70% of residual heat in the form of latent heat (wet vapour) and about30% by sensitive heat. Thus, the vapour flowrate released to the atmosphere is roughly twicethat resulting from once-through cooling without cooling tower. Air saturated with humidity isreleased to the atmosphere at a temperature of about 10-20 K above ambient temperature and ata velocity up to 3-5 m/s in the case of natural draught cooling towers. This velocity is doubledin the case of mechanical draught cooling towers. This air saturated with humidity, by coolingthrough turbulent mixing with ambient air, may give rise to the formation of artificial clouds orplumes.

The risks of fog formation on the ground resulting from the lowering of the condensation plumemay be relatively frequent especially with mechanical draught cooling towers (Figure XII.5XII.6 and XII.7, Section XII.11) due to their low height and in conditions of cold humid weatherwithout wind. The relevant area is about 500 m from the emission source.The frequency is considerably reduced, when the cooling towers get higher. In plains, one mayestimate that the lowering of plumes reaching the ground is exceptional as of a height of 50 to75 m depending on the local situation.

The formation of frost may result from the contact with the ground frozen either by the fog dueto the lowering of the plume, or by precipitation linked to priming, or by sprays from the base ofthe cooling towers. However, the impact of such sprays remains confined to an area near thecooling tower and concerns at the very most the several dozen metres close to the base of thecooling tower.

The main climatic modification due to the operation of wet cooling towers concerns a localincrease of nebulosity by the development of the condensation plume which results in thereduction of sunshine and light in the vicinity of the power plant.

For power plants equipped with dry cooling towers (Figure XII.11, Section XII.11) or air-cooled condensers (Figure XII.9 and 10, Section XII.11), the absolute humidity of the air is notchanged, but its temperature is higher by about 15 to 20 K above the ambient temperature. Allof the heat is released in sensitive form and the non-saturated hot air, which rises in theatmosphere, seldom leads to cloud formation.

Hybrid cooling towers (wet/dry) (Figure XII.8, Section XII.11) make it possible most of thetime to avoid the formation of plumes. Water consumption (i.e. make up water) is 20% less thanthat of a wet cooling tower. However, at the present time, the only hybrid cooling towersavailable are of the mechanical draught type. The annual balance of a power plant withmechanical draught type hybrid cooling tower can be in the same range to that with acomparable mechanical draught wet cooling tower. This takes into account the operation mode.

Since a few years at fossil fired power stations the discharge of desulphurised flue gases viacooling tower is state of the art at least in Germany. It is an alternative to traditional dischargeby stack and has ecological and economical advantages.

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XII.3.2 Heating of receiving aquatic-environments

Although the final heat sink is the atmosphere, in most cases, a fairly large part of the dischargeof a thermal power plant takes place in the aquatic-environment. Various physical phenomenacome into play here:• turbulent diffusion,• convection in water,• flow of fluids of variable density,• evaporation, radiation, convection in the air.Depending on the extent of the discharge and according to the receiving environment, such aphenomenon is preponderant and affects the way the heat is distributed in the receivingenvironment.

The near field of the cooling water discharge should be distinguished from the far field.

The near field is defined in a river as the area in which the mixing of the warm water plumewith river water is incomplete.

The water temperature in the near field depends upon the mixing of water released by the powerplant with the water of the receiving environment. Heating can be reduced in this area byrapidly mixing the effluent with the water of the receiving environment by means of specificdevices.

The far field is the warm water geometry that is fully mixed with depth within the watercolumn and is thus a background heat field. The excess temperature in the far field is graduallyreduced due to the dilution with ambient waters and heat exchange with the atmosphere.

As concerns discharges in a tidal sea or sea with strong currents, the warm water plumeformed by the discharge of the power plant is mainly governed by the existence of majorvelocities in the receiving environment. They bring about a rapid mixture of the waterpreventing any stratification caused by the difference in density between the warm water andcold water. The temperature drop in the warm water plume principally comes from the mixingand not from heat losses at the surface of the water area. The extent of the warm water plume ina tidal sea, defined as the area within the 1 K heating isotherm, covers an area from 2 to 10 km


for a discharge corresponding to that of a 5 000 MWe nuclear power plant.

The behaviour of the warm water plume in a tideless sea is first of all that of a stratified flow.The temperature drops very quickly through dilution due to friction and turbulence. In a tidelesssea (or lake) the spreading or transport of cooling waters is strongly influenced by wind-inducedcurrents and thermocline conditions and is estimated as roughly 1 ha/MWe.

Normally for coastal power plants the cooling water is discharged to the sea surface through anopen discharge channel.

The behaviour of the warm water plume in an estuary is similar to that in a tidal sea with strongcurrents. The alternative movement of water plays an essential role. The river flow will tend totransport the heat towards the sea. The incoming tide will slow down or change the direction offlow, and will thus affect the spreading of the warm water plume in the estuary.

The assessment of the heating of a river subsequent to a warm water discharge is relativelycomplex. Indeed, the cooling mechanism of the river downstream mainly results from theexchange of energy between the river and the atmosphere. The energy flow between the stretchof water and the atmosphere fluctuates considerably depending on the meteorological conditionsand the time of day.

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In a river, diffusers distributed all along the width of a waterway serve to carry out the mixtureover a distance of several dozen to several hundred metres. If the discharge is performed alongthe bank, complete mixing by natural flow is carried out over a few kilometres instead.

In all cases, recirculation in the river must be avoided or the recirculation rates for dischargesinto the sea and especially in the estuary reduced to a minimum to ensure efficiency and safeoperation of power plants. The position and design of water intake and outlet structures aredetermined to eliminate the risk of recirculation.

Preliminary studies make it possible to design water intake and outlet structures and devicesbest adapted to avoid recirculation and favour the initial mixing of heated water discharges.They rely on physical models (hydraulic models) and numerical models. Where possible thenumerical modelling etc. should be based on site-specific hydrographic survey data.

The use of these tools as part of the impact study of projected facilities serves to give assurancethat regulatory thermal limitations will be respected, whether they concern maximum heating inthe mixing area or the temperature level after the mixing.

XII.3.3 Suction of organisms into water intakes

When pumping the water needed for cooling, thermal power plants draw in microscopicorganisms (algae and plankton), as well as organisms which swim in the open water (somecrustacea and fish). The plankton passes through the rotating filters the mesh of which isgenerally between 1 mm and 5 mm. This does not hold true for crustacea and fish, which areflattened against the filtering panels, drawn up and discharged with the washing water of thefilters.

Some studies have shown that most of the organisms drawn into the water intakes are small insize: Shrimps, larvae and alevin in the sea and estuary or alevin in rivers. The case of youngsalmon migrating downstream, which are particularly drawn into the water intakes, is specificfor the behaviour.

To limit the entrainment of these species, three types of measures may be taken:1. Place the intakes outside critical areas, such as spawning grounds and "fish nurseries" on the

seaside, or migration routes for eel larvae in estuaries;2. Design intake structures which minimise the drawing in of organisms;3. Equip intakes with repulsive devices or equipment, which restore organisms to the

environment without damage.

A lot of deterrent systems (repulsive devices) have been developed and installed at water intakesof hydropower and thermal power stations over the last decades:• In freshwater bodies, electric fish screens can frighten away fish of specific stages, but do

not affect fingerlings or even attract them into the intakes;• Air bubble curtains generally had very bad results;• Light is partly efficient on certain species, but fish can be acclimated and the deterrent

effect is not constant;• Some results with sound deterrent systems are promising, but there are contradictory results.

The investment costs depends on the size of the intake and the flowrate and can be roughlyestimated to be in the range of Euro 40000 to 200000.

4. Equip intakes with recovery systems, which restore organisms to the aquatic-environmentwithout damage.

In large water intakes with travelling screens, the organisms can be removed with a fish pumpor washed out of the screen by low-pressure water jets (1 bar). At a power station on the

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Gironde Estuary (France), such systems showed relatively good efficiencies with survivalresults of 80% to 100% for shrimps, plaices and eels. Other attempts have been less effective orvery costly.

The first two actions, of a preventive nature, are preferable to curative actions the efficiency ofwhich presently remains problematical. A universal, widely applicable, solution is not available.

XII.3.4 Alteration of the receiving environment by chemical discharges

The water withdrawn for cooling purposes may sometimes be the cause of chemical releasesinto the receiving environment. The following may be concerned in particular:• reagents used to avoid the scaling of cooling systems equipped with cooling towers;• reagents used to fight against biological developments, reaction products of some of them;• iron sulphate anti-corrosion treatments to protect, in some cases, copper alloy condensers;• corrosion products of heat exchangers and piping.

As concerns the marine environment, the purpose of the biocide treatment is to maintain thesystems sufficiently clean so as to ensure their proper operation. For the sea intakes, the mainproblem is to avoid the development of molluscs (mussels, oysters, etc.) inside the coolingsystem. The current practice is the injection of chlorine. It is generally produced on-site by seawater electrolyses. This process avoids the risk involving the transport of NaOCl by truck. Thechlorination can be made on continuous or discontinuous (seasonal) basis depending on manyfactors such as meteoclimatic characteristics of the site, water quality, cooling circuit design andbiofouling typology (settlement periods and growth rates).

Mainly the injection takes place in low doses so that the concentration in free chlorine in thedischarge is generally between 0.1 and 0.5 mg/l normally (sporadically 0.7 mg/l). The value ofthis limit concentration is set by local regulations.However, when it reacts with some organic matter, chlorine may lead to the formation of organohalogenated substances (mainly bromoform in seawater). Some studies nevertheless show thatbromoform concentrations in the plumes of warm water discharges from coastal-sited powerplants remain extremely low (about 15 µg/l).

It would be advisable here to compare this figure with the natural production oforganohalogenated substances in the oceans. According to Grimvall and deLeer (1995), theannual production of a number of organohalogens is:• chloromethane : 5.000.000 t;• bromomethane : 300.000 t;• iodomethane : 300.000 t to 1.200.000 t;• chloroform : 90.000 t to 360.000 t;• bromoform : 500.000 t to 1.000.000 t;• iodoform : not detectable in sea water.

The natural concentrations in AOX ranging from 6 to 17 µg Cl/g of sediment in the Gulf ofBothnia and from 50 to 180 µg Cl/g of sediment in the Gulf of Finland were measured. Thepresence of these organohalogenated molecules has been attributed to biohalogenationreactions.

Chlorination is the anti-fouling chemical treatment method that is the most commonly used toprotect the systems of coastal-sited power plants. Another oxidant, chlorine dioxide, hasnevertheless been tried with success on thermal power plants.

For a great many years, the choice of the alloy for the tubes of heat exchangers in coastal-sitedpower plants has gone towards titanium. Under these conditions, the contribution of corrosionproducts is insignificant, or even inexistent. However, there are still condensers in copper alloy

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which are protected by a film of ferric hydroxide produced by adding ferrous sulphate to thecooling water.

For river-sited power plants the contribution of chemical reagents will depend to a great extenton the type of cooling system and any biological problems.

Generally, operation with recirculation increases the risks of scaling. This often requires settingup a specific treatment of make up water or cooling water. The modes of treatment that may beused are as follows:• no treatment when the water is not very mineralised,• lime softening of make up water,• acid vaccination of circulating water,• treatment with precipitation retarder,• combined treatments of the type: acid vaccination and scale inhibitors or lime softening and

acid vaccination.

The choice of the mode of treatment depends on many criteria the following of which arementioned for example:• concentration factor,• chemical composition of the river water,• design of the cooling system.

The treatment depends on the concentration factor of the cooling system:• with a low concentration factor (1.05 to 1.2), it is not generally necessary to treat the water

of the system,• with an average concentration factor (1.2 to 2), an acid vaccination of the circulating water

is necessary when the hardness of the water is high,• with a high concentration factor (3 to 7); the lime softening of make up water often becomes

the only choice possible, and may be supplemented by a light acid vaccination.

The acid vaccination of circulating water can be carried out in three different ways:either by maintaining the pH within a range generally included between 7.5 and 8.5, or bylimiting the total alkalinity to 100 mg CaCO3/l (for make up water with low sulfate-content), orby respecting regulation instructions which take into account the alkalinity, calcic hardness andtemperature. Sulphuric acid is used in most cases.

The purpose of the lime softening of make up water is to raise the pH of the water up to 10 soas to precipitate the calcium and part of the magnesium in the form of carbonate and hydroxide.At the outlet of the decarbonator, the concentration of residual calcium varies between 0.5 and 1mequivalent. However, it is combined with carbonate, which makes the treated water extremelyscaling. To restore the balance of decarbonated water, a post vaccination with sulphuric acid isoften carried out. The lime softening results in the production of a large amount of sludge. Inaddition, by increasing the pH, lime softening may result in the precipitation of some heavymetals present in the withdrawn water.

The sludge produced by precipitation in the softening process is collected in the bottom of aclarifier. It is normally pumped to a sludge thickener, where the solids concentration increasesby further sedimentation usually assisted by injection of polyelectrolyte. The clear water returnsto the clarifier while the concentrated sludge is further dehydrated in vacuum drum filters or beltfilters.

The cake produced by dehydration with remaining water content of approximately 50% isremoved for disposal in landfills. No environmental effects have been reported from softeningsludge landfilling sites.

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The continuous chlorination of the circulating systems so as to eliminate the formation ofbiofilm on the condenser tubes was given up a long time ago since mechanical methods havebeen applied (Taprogge, Technos systems, etc.). But chlorination as such is still an effectivetreatment. In practice, five chlorination treatments can be applied:

• end-of-season; for example continuous chlorination at low level (0.5 mg/l) for 2 to 4 weeksat the end of the settlement period of the freshwater Zebra mussel Dreissena plymorpha;

• periodic treatment: several periods of continuous addition of biocide during the settlementseason;

• intermittent treatment: frequent dosing (every day or three days for example) for shortperiods of time (some minutes to hours);

• continuous treatment at low level during the settlement period; for example in the North Seaand the English Channel, chlorination at 0.5 to 1.0 mg/l., 7 months a year, to eliminatemarine mussels. Residual oxydant at the outlet 0.1-0.2 mg/l;

• semi-continuous treatment consisting of short term periods of treatment (15-60 minutes)then stopped for equally brief periods. A semi-continuous chlorination or pulse-chlorinationat low level is used in Canada against the Zebra mussel and in France and the Netherlandsto control the marine mussels in power stations.

The massive chlorination or shock dosing is a specific procedure that has been developed toeliminate filamentous algae which develop in the basins and the fills of cooling towers. Theconcentrations at the injection point vary between 5 and 25 mg Cl2/l. In order to avoid therelease of chlorine into the receiving environment, the blowdowns are closed for a few hours.They are open when the concentration of free chlorine in the circulating water is lower than thedischarge limit. Depending on the authorisations, this limit varies between 0.1 and 0.5 mgTRO/l. Some discharge authorisations are expressed in flows. These treatments are not carriedout on all the sites.

The frequency of massive treatments depends to a great extent on the quality of the water, theconcentration factor and the general state of cleanness of the circulating system. It may beweekly, monthly or quarterly.

The reaction of chlorine with humic and fulvic matter leads to the formation oforganochlorinated compounds. In fact, bromide ion concentrations in river water are generallyinsignificant. Under these conditions, only organochlorinated compounds can be formed.Volatile compounds such as chloroform, dichloromethane, (POX) and adsorbable compounds(AOX) can be distinguished.

However, as is the case for sea water, the presence of organohalogenated compounds in inlandsurface waters is not solely due to the chlorination of the cooling systems. Among the otherpossible sources, particular mention should be made of agriculture and natural production. Inunpolluted lakes - for example in Sweden - AOX concentrations ranging from 10 to 190 µg Cl/l.The highest concentrations have been measured in highly eutrophicated lakes.

Among the parameters which affect the reactions resulting in the formation oforganochlorinated compounds during the disinfection of cooling water, the following should bementioned:

• humic or fulvic concentration,• free chlorine concentration,• reaction time,• pH of the environment,• reaction temperature,• presence of ammonium ions.

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These complex reactions can be modelled and validated by measurements carried out on thesites.

The chlorination of the once-through systems does not result in significant increases oforganochlorinated compounds. Indeed, the contact times are short, about 10 minutes at most,and the concentrations of free chlorine are low. According to the chlorination procedures used,the POX and AOX concentrations measured at the peak vary between 0 and 10 µg Cl/l andbetween 20 and 150 µg Cl/l, respectively. These values correspond to free chlorineconcentrations at the injection included between 0.5 and 10 mg/l.

The chlorination in a closed loop of circulating systems may lead to higher concentrations oforganochlorinated compounds. The following factors play an infavourable role here:• the contact time is longer,• the recirculation increases the concentration of precursors.

It should nevertheless be mentioned that the increase of pH linked to the degassing of CO2 isfavourable to the formation of POX. The latter are easily transferred to the atmosphere via thecooling tower.

Under these conditions, the concentrations of POX are included between 0 and 10 µg Cl/l andthe concentrations of AOX between 200 and 2 500 µg Cl/l. For concentrations of free chlorineat the injection included between 5 and 25 mg/l and stay times varying between 2 and 70 hours.

One should note, however, that the presence of low concentrations of ammonium ion in naturalwater may considerably reduce POX and AOX concentrations. Actually, the kinetics of thechlorine-NH4

+ reaction is more rapid than those of the reactions taking place between thechlorine and aromatic compounds.

XII.3.5 Other possible harmful effects resulting from the choice of somecooling systems

The use of natural draught, forced draught and hybrid cooling towers, or also of dry condensersand cooling towers, makes it possible to considerably reduce the water flow requirements of apower plant and, consequently, to limit the possible impact on the aquatic-environment.However, the presence of cooling systems on a site may pose other problems. They concern inparticular problems of aesthetics and noise of wet cooling towers. For dry cooling towers andcondensers, in addition to the two previously mentioned aspects, there is also the possibledissemination into the air of corrosion products from the heat exchange surface area, inparticular, when the heat exchangers consist of finned tubes made of galvanised steel.

Natural draught wet cooling towers, the sober form of which is generally not unpleasant, arenevertheless structures that can be seen from afar and that cannot be concealed in a fairly flatlandscape.

On the other hand, mechanical draught wet cooling towers or hybrid cooling towers, theaesthetics of which is itself much more debatable, present the advantage of generally beinglower than the main part of the power plant.

Nevertheless beyond that it is required to quote comparative factors between differenttechnologies since a lot may depend on the assumptions made by manufacturers in giving costdata.

Similar remarks may be made for dry cooling towers and air-cooled condensers. The sizeeffect is nevertheless much more considerable. This is because the low exchange properties ofair require much larger structures. In addition, in the case of mechanical draught systems, thepower necessary for air supply is about 2% of the unit's net electrical output. For the same

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thermal power to be dissipated, the size effect is therefore three times higher than that requiredfor wet cooling towers and combined systems.

A certain detrimental effect that can be caused by a cooling system resides in the emission ofnoise at the air inlet and outlet. Even for a natural draught wet cooling tower, the sound levelmay reach 60 dBA at 100 m. For a mechanical draught wet cooling tower and hybridcooling tower, the noise level comes to about 70 dBA under the same conditions. It is close to80 dBA for air-cooled condensers.

XII.4 Prior study of the sites: indispensable tool for theevaluation of their receiving capacity, impact control andprevention of harmful effects

XII.4.1 Analysis of the situation

The cold source is one of the determining elements in the choice of a site. That's why great careis taken at a very early stage with regard to the environmental problems posed by the cooling ofa power plant. As mentioned earlier on, these problems may be of several kinds:• water heating by once-through systems,• effect on the quality of water and on aquatic organisms, in the case of wet cooling towers,• effect on the quality of air, in the case of dry cooling towers,• meteorological effects, discharges of chemical substances and problems of noise regardless

of the mode of cooling adopted.The designer is not powerless in the face of the problems posed. The knowledge acquiredthrough great many observations made in the vicinity of existing power plants constitutes a solidexperimental basis serving to effectively orient the studies to be undertaken prior to theinstallation of a new power plant.

XII.4.2 Mathematical modellings, simulations on models and tests on pilotloops, first indispensable tools

The interest of numerical models has been mentioned for forecasting thermal changes in thenear field as in the far field.

In the near field, fairly sophisticated tools serve to describe the dilution conditions of thermaldischarges. They are used at the local discharge level. These models serve to dimension theoutfall structures to the best possible extent so as to ensure the optimum dispersion of the warmwater plume in the receiving environment as quickly as possible and thus limit its impact to aminimum (meteorological and hydrobiological data).

In the far field, the parameters that have to be taken into account are much more complex. Theyconcern not only the characteristics specific to the receiving environment, but also dischargesoriginating from other companies. Much more complex models have been developed to thiseffect. They take into account biological parameters of water quality and take into account thepresence of chemical pollutants. They integrate various pollution sources and provide anassessment of response of waterways or lakes to thermal and chemical disturbances or theexcessive contribution of nutriments (eutrophication phenomenon).

There are also other models used to simulate the accumulative impact of several wet coolingtowers installed on the same site.

The forecast making use of numerical models must rely on field data and experimentalknowledge. These in situ and laboratory studies are required to define and optimise the anti-fouling treatment or systems cleaning periods. Biological studies make it possible to know the

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periods of reproduction and fixation of larvae, as well as the rate of growth of the mainbiological species. These field and laboratory studies are long. Indeed, in the ecological field,forecast analytical tools have not yet been wholly validated.

To determine the mode of treatment of the recirculating systems, systematic tests on pilot loopsare carried out. The purpose of these tests is to grasp the scaling risks on the one hand and onthe other hand to define the optimum mode of treatment, as well as the operating instructions.Among the laboratory studies are to be found model simulations, such as for the visualisation ofwater vapour and warm water plumes phenomena.

XII.5 Design of components and choice of materials

XII.5.1 Wet cooling

As mentioned previously the problems encountered in wet cooling systems may be of threetypes:• corrosion,• scaling,• biological developments.

For many years now, and almost naturally, the choice of materials used in the cooling systemsof power plants has been oriented towards corrosion-resistant materials. It must be mentionedthat the pressure within the condenser of a power plant is about 35 mbar but can be lower inunits optimised to achieve higher efficiency - in particular when climatic conditions are suitableor may be even higher when climatic conditions are unfavourable. Under these conditions, theslightest leak in the tubes leads to the ingress of impurities into the water-steam cycle. Thedamage incurred by these intrusions may be substantial and reduce the efficiency of the unit, oreven lead to its shutdown.

In order to avoid the ingress of raw water into the water-steam cycle, the choice of materialswent to highly resistant alloys. Titanium is thus almost always used in seawater and brackishwater. For river water, condensers are equipped with 316L (or even higher Mo-content ifconcentration of chloride ions is higher than 100 mg/l)) stainless steel tubes most often or brassor sometimes made of titanium. In order to limit the formation of deposits (sediments andbiological developments) in the tubes, the minimum average velocity is fixed at 1.8 m/s forbrass. For other material as stainless steel or titanium, the maximum average velocity is muchhigher. The choice of the average velocity is in fact the result of the optimisation of the cold endtaking into account the power required for the pumping that is the function of the velocity in thetubes. Generally, the optimisation for stainless steel or titanium leads to a velocity in the rangeof 1.8 - 2.5 m/s.

The tube plates are often made of carbon steel or titanium cladding. Appropriate painting(epoxy or ebonite coating) protects the side in contact with the recirculating water. In someparticular cases, cathodic protection devices have been installed to solve galvanic corrosionproblems among others.

Even if rich, alloys such as stainless steels may be the subject of particular corrosion, likecorrosion beneath deposits. To avoid these phenomena, the tubes must remain clean under allcirc*mstances. This objective may be met in two ways:• either by a continuous injection of rapid-action biocides, generally an oxidising biocide,

such as chlorine;• or by a continuous mechanical cleaning process. There are various processes in existence.

They consist in the injection of brushes or foam balls, which are recovered and reused on acontinuous basis.

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The desire to reduce the use of chemical reagents imposed the second solution.

To avoid corrosion of stainless steel, a particular procedure is recommended for theconservation of the tubes that is carried out during long shut down of the installation. Thisconservation consists of draining, washing and drying the inside of the tube.

The main heat exchangers of auxiliary cooling systems generally consist of coolers made ofsteel or stainless steel. The distance between the plates is relatively short, which sometimesleads to silting up. However, these systems operate according to the one of two or two of threeprinciple. In other words, the operation of one or two systems is sufficient to carry out thecooling of the auxiliaries, with the additional train playing the security role. This design choiceserves to schedule periodic cleaning operations. These operations consist in dismounting theunused heat exchanger and in cleaning the plates with pressurised water.

The make up and outfall structures, main circulating water conduits and cooling towers aremade of reinforced concrete. The choice of cement used depends on the mode of treatment to beadopted for the circulating water. Thus, in the case of sulphuric acid vaccination, it is sometimesindispensable to use special cements. The addition of fly ash is recommended. In the case ofhigher sulfur acid concentration the use of special coatings is required.

The fill of cooling towers is usually made of thermoplastic materials. Specific loads are oftenadded during fabrication so as to make them fire resistant. The risk of fire in the fills isparticularly high during the maintenance operations. This choice avoids the problems ofasbestos encountered with the packings of the previous generations. In addition, recentdevelopments have made it possible to substantially increase the thermodynamic properties ofthe fill. The choice of lighter synthetic materials and enhanced performances has served, for anidentical thermal load, to appreciably reduce the size of cooling towers. However, some presentprofiles show a larger sensitivity to (bio)fouling and scaling.

As can be seen, the choice of a fill depends on several factors. More than the performancessought, it is rather the quality of water (presence of suspended matter, scaling tendency) whichimposes the choice of the profile. The manufacturers still have a great deal of progress to makewith regard to this particular point. The ideal profile is, of course, the one which guarantees highperformances while being not very sensitive to (bio)fouling and scaling.

The standard drift eliminatorscurrently used make it possible to limit the amount of waterdrawn in by priming to 0.01% or even less of the total flowrate. For facilities built near majortrunk roads, these values can be further reduced. A compensation of loss of capacity isnecessary in this case. Separators are also made of plastics.

Part of the pumping energy can be recovered by installing cooling towers equipped withrecuperators located under the fill. However, these cooling towers are extremely sensitive tofrost. Before opting for this solution, a study of local climatic conditions is absolutely necessary.

XII.5.2 Hybrid cooling

Hybrid cooling towers are recommended for special site conditions. The essential characteristicof hybrid cooling towers is to combine an evaporative process with a non-evaporative process.This results in a decrease of relative humidity and therefore the almost complete disappearanceof the plume at the outlet of the cooling tower. In connection with mechanical draught it ispossible to reduce the tower height considerably. The investment costs are higher than for a wetcooling tower.

In general the energy consumption related to the operation of fans and the higher temperature ofthe cold source, result in lower cycle efficiencies and higher fuel consumption.

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XII.5.3 Dry cooling

Dry cooling is mainly used in regions with insufficient water supply.

XII.5.3.1 Forced draught air-cooled condenser(Figure XII.9, Section XII.11)

In an air-cooled condenser arrangement the exhaust steam from the steam turbine is ducted tothe air-cooled condenser (ACC) where the steam is distributed through a large number of finnedtubes. Cooling air is forced over these tube bundles by fans. The steam rejects heat directly tothe atmosphere via the finned tubes, condenses and flows by gravity into a condensate tank.From the condensate tank it is returned to the boiler. A typical design for the heat exchanger isthe “A“ frame condenser (other framework designs are also possible to accommodate the tubeelements, fans, and steel structure).

Large dry condensers tend to have long and complex steam tube systems, which may causesiting, and pressure drop problems. To minimise pressure losses in the steam ductwork thecooling bundles are generally located immediately adjacent to the turbine hall. Depending on-site conditions, the ACC concept is technically feasible to cover a wide range of power plantunit sizes.

Compared to wet cooling systems, the ACC´s efficiency of heat transfer to the atmosphere isrelatively low with the recooled water temperature being determined by the dry bulb airtemperature. The system needs to be designed to exclude formation of dead zones by non-condensable gases and thus eliminate the danger of undercooled condensate or freezing. Thedesign of tube bundles also needs to be robust to allow for periodic high-pressure water cleaningof the external surfaces to maintain efficiency and plant output. However, this method of drycooling with an ACC avoids the need for large cooling towers, eliminates the vapour plume andgreatly reduces the consumption of cooling water. In particular using low noise fans and drivescan meet stringent noise restrictions.

In comparison to indirect dry cooling systems, then the ACC provides a greater temperaturedifference between the condensing steam and the cooling air, and consequently the ACC systemwill have a relatively smaller heat transfer surface. The indirect dry cooling system, which hastwo heat transfer processes (i.e. steam condenser and Air-cooled heat exchanger) would need tocompensate by either adopting a larger cooling surface and/or by increasing its cooling airflow.The investment costs for an ACC will be smaller than an indirect dry cooling system as thelatter will have to include the costs of the cooling water recirculation pumps and surfacecondenser. On the other hand, the auxiliary power consumption and maintenance requirementsfor the mechanically forced draught ACC will be significantly greater than the natural draughtdry tower.

XII.5.3.2 Natural draught air-cooled condenser(Figure XII.10, Section XII.11)

Although the characteristics of placing a direct air-cooled condenser inside a natural draughttower make it as feasible as a forced draught air-cooled condenser, the disadvantages are thatthe height of the natural draught tower structure will be larger and so will its investment costs.For example, the cost of the tower itself, the routing of the large steam exhaust ducts to thecooling tower, and the larger heat transfer surface required as the natural air draught may beonly half that of a forced air draught tower.

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The advantages of this natural draught ACC system would include:

• reduced/no sound emissions• reduced/no air recirculation due to high tower structure• no maintenance for fans, drives or circulation water pumps• no auxiliary power consumption for steam condensation.

XII.5.3.3 Closed recirculating dry cooling towers(Figure XII.11, Section XII.11)

In dry cooling towers water flows through the cooling elements in a closed system. Waste heatis exclusively transmitted by convection. The lack of heat dissipation throough evaporation lossleads to a significant increase of the temperature of the cooling water and thus a low efficiencycompared to wet-cooling.

In case of dry cooling two flow arrangements are possible:• closed circuit cooling with dry-type cooling towers as direct cooling in connection with a

surface condenser and• closed circuit cooling with dry-type cooling tower as direct cooling in connection with

injection condenser.

Advantages of dry cooling are as follows:• no visible plume formation,• simple set-in and examination of chemical parameters of the circulating cooling water,• no need to make up water during operation, only replacement of possible leakage losses.

Compared to wet cooling, dry cooling has the following disadvantages:• considerably higher investment and operation costs,• larger dimensions of the building,• stronger influence of the ambient air temperatures (summer/winter) on cooling performance,• operation in winter requires special ice prevention measures during standstills,• the tendancy to fouling of the cooling elements requires an efficient stationary cleaning


XII.5.4 Cooling towers with discharge of cleaned flue gas(Figure XII.12, Section XII.11)

During the last years the emission of desulphurised flue gas via cooling towers (as an alternativeto the emission via chimneys) in fossil-fired plants has proved to be favourable regardingenvironmental and economical aspects. The effect of the transport of flue gas to higheratmosphere areas is achieved in this case by differences in density between the flue gas/coolingtower plume mixture inside the cooling tower and the relatively cold ambient air, and not by thehigh temperature of the flue gas itself. Using this method an increase of the efficiency of thepower plant is obtained.

Flue gas desulphurisation plants of coal-fired power plants often work according to the principleof wet desulphurisation. Wet cleaning cools down warm flue gases to between 50 ºC and 70 ºC.For environmentally-compatible and troublefree emission of these cleaned flue gases via achimney a heating under additional utilisation of energy is necessary. An alternative forreheating is the clean gas emission via a natural draught cooling tower: up to now this principlehas been exclusively used for wet cooling. The clean gases are led into the cooling tower abovethe packing and thus emitted into the atmosphere together with the cooling tower plumes.

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The inner side of the cooling tower shell including the upper ring beam must be completelycoated against corrosion. During the inlet of clean flue gases into the cooling tower,condensate can flow down the cooling tower shell, which is, compared to concrete, heavilyaggressive due to its low pH value.

Concrete parts of the internal structure, e.g. the top framing of the fill supporting structure ofchannel segments and riser heads respectively, must also be coated similar to the inner side ofthe shell.Steel parts, e.g. slides or handrails that might get into contact with acid condensate from theplumes must be made out of special stainless steel.

The clean gas channel conducts the clean gases from the FGD21 building to the middle of thecooling tower. It can be inserted into the cooling tower at the height of the FGD outlet (highelevation) or right above the internal tower fill (low elevation). The maximum channel diameteris about 8 m.

The clean gas channel should be made out of glass fibre reinforced vinylester or equivalent. Tothis end, especially chemical-resistant moulding materials on the basis of penacryl resins and, astextile processing, especially acid-resistant fibres out of ECR glass are to be used.

Due to the condensate formation inside the channel, it should have a slight inclination againstthe cooling tower. For the outlet of the condensate, an outlet facility at the clean gas channelinside the cooling tower is to be provided, leading into the cooling tower basin.

XII.6 Cost comparison between the various types of coolingtowers

The cost elements of cooling systems are mainly of three kinds:• investment costs,• costs related to energy consumption (i.e. efficiency),• and maintenance costs.

For power plants, operating costs related to energy have to take into account the financial gainthat is linked to the difference in efficiency between different options. Generally for powerplants, the comparison of different options is executed through a socio-economic method basedon an ‘actualised’ balance with an ‘actualisation’ ratio that varies from country to country (e.g.8% for France, 5% for Germany and Italy, 10% for Portugal). This method is described inreference L. Caudron, "Les réfrigérants atmosphériques industriels", Collection de la Directiondes Études et Rechèrches d´Électricité de France, 1991.

The ‘actualised’ balance is composed of:• investment added with indirect charges to technical solutions considered I;• algebraic ‘actualised’ expenses (maintenance of equipment) and receipts in operation

(production during the estimated life « tf »);• « Pi » is the balance of expenses and receipts of the year « i », supposed in the middle of the


The balance is represented by the following enumeration with « α »as the actualisation ratio:

I + Σi =1i= tf Pi /((1 + α)I-½)

With the expenses counted positively, the criterion of choice between different solutions is thelowest actualised balance.

21 Flue gas desulphurisation.

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In the case of mechanical draught cooling towers, one may suppose that the maintenance costsare very similar because they are mainly linked to the maintenance of the fans. By taking intoaccount the first two criteria and by selecting the least expensive solution as the reference, TableXII.3 shows that the wet system is much more economical than the dry system, natural draughtmore than mechanical draught. From an economic point of view dry systems would be lessrecommendable as they are more expensive and have a higher influence on the cost of kWh. Sodry systems may be recommended only in the case of lack of water.Table XII.3: Comparison of different types of recirculating cooling systems with a lifetime of 25years and an actualisation ratio of 8% (study on EDF units of 1300 MWe)[L. Caudron, "Les réfrigérants atmosphériques industriels", editions Eyrolles]

Wet cooling towerWet/drycoolingtower

Dry cooling towerType of refrigerationsystem Natural





Approach K (dry air11°C/wet air9°C)

12.5 12.5 13.5 16 17

Nominal condensationpressure (mbar) 63 63 66 82 80

Thermal power (MWth) 2458Electrical powerDelivered (MWe) 1285 1275 1275 1260 1240

Fan power MW 0 10 12 0 26Pump power MW 13 13 8 14 13Cost of refrigerant 1 1.25 2.3 5.7 4.8Cost of cold end 1 1.1 1.6 3.6 3.1Difference of cost ofkWh/cost of kWh (%) 0 1.0 2.4 8.4 8.9

Table XII.4: Comparison of wet cooling towers and aircooled condenser with a life-time of 20 yearsand an actualisation ratio of 8% for a combined cycle unit 290 MWth

Wet cooling towerType of refrigerationsystem Once-through Natural



Approach K (dry air11°C/wet air 9°C) / ≈8 ≈8 ≈29

Nominal condensationpressure (mbar) 34 44 44 74

Thermal power (MWth) 290 290 290 290Difference of electricalpower delivered (MWe)

+ 0.6 0 0 - 1.8

Fan and pump power(MW) 1.9 1.95 3 5.8

Global difference onelectrical power in(MEuro)

-4.7 -2.9 0 12.6

Difference in cost onwater consumption(MEuro)

-8.9 -8.9 0 0

Difference in cost ofcooling system in(MEuro)

-3.0 1.9 0 8.9

Cost of cooling system 0.82 1.11 1 1.54Global balance of costs(MEuro) -16.5 -1.0 0 12.6

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The same comparison can be done for combined cycle plants. Table XII.4 shows that drysystems are more expensive again than wet systems, but the difference is smaller than in case ofconventional power plants. The difference between mechanical and natural draught is small andis more or less comparable. Wet systems are preferred to dry systems. Maintenance costs,eventual taxes for make-up or blowdown flows of water and costs of chemical productsnecessary to the treatment of water are not taken into account in this table, which mayunderestimate the cost of wet systems or overestimate the cost for dry cooling. Thus, drysystems may be recommended depending on the price of water and water treatment for wetsystems or taking into account the lifetime of the plant, where a shorter lifetime reduces thedifferences between dry and wet systems.

An important factor in cost comparisons is the efficiency or rather the loss of efficiency due tocooling with less efficient cooling systems. This loss is measured in the dimensionless energy-temperature factor kWth/MWth per degree temperature difference of the cooling water (in K). Inthe following theoretical example this factor is derived [Paping, pers. comm.].

From the definition that 100 bar steam of 530 °C is equal to 3451 kJ/kg it follows (using Mollierdiagram) that:

50 [mbar] 32.7 [°C] 2110 [kJ/kg]60 [mbar] 35.6 [°C] 2130 [kJ/kg]70 [mbar] 38.8 [°C] 2150 [kJ/kg]

Above mentioned vacuum pressures and their related condensation temperatures are also relatedto an average cooling water temperature in Europe of 15 °C together with a increase of 10 °C ofthe cooling water in the condenser itself.Including the heat transfer coefficient of the condenser, the condensate will leave it with a totaltemperature of 30 °C and an inseparable vacuum pressure of about 43 mbar (see Table XII.3and Table XII.4). Thus, to calculate the energy-temperature factor for increasing coolinginfluent temperatures the calculation for is started with 50 mbar.

The efficiency is calculated following the Carnot cycle resulting in an efficiency, which is inline with the commonly used 40% for conventional power plants:

at 50 mbar = (3451 - 2110) / (3451 - 4.18 * 32.7) x 100= 40.4609%at 60 mbar = (3451 - 2130) / (3451 - 4.18 * 35.6) x 100= 40.0037%at 70 mbar = (3451 - 2150) / (3451 - 4.18 * 38.8) x 100= 39.5583%

The minimum efficiency loss expressed per degree temperature difference under ideal(thermodynamic) circ*mstances:

efficiency difference between 50 mbar and 60 mbar = 4.572%o per 2.9 K differenceefficiency difference between 60 mbar and 70 mbar = 4.454%o per 3.2 K differenceefficiency difference between 50 mbar and 70 mbar = 9.026%o per 6.1 K difference

This efficiency loss can be further expressed with respect to the total efficiency and per K:

4.572%o / (2.9 K * 0.4) = 3.9 kWth/MWth per K difference4.45%o / (3.2 K * 0.4) = 3.5 kWth/MWth per K difference

9.026 %o / (6.1 K * 0.4) = 3.7 kWth/MWth per K difference

From this simplified calculation it appears that for an efficiency of about 40% the loss or gainper degree of temperature difference of the cooling water can be estimated using the factor of3.5 kWth/MWth per K.

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XII.7 Choice of the treatment of circulating water alternativemethods - monitoring

As mentioned previously, problems of corrosion seldom arise in the cooling systems of powerplants. The use of corrosion inhibitor products is therefore unnecessary for cooling systemscooled by raw water.

XII.7.1 Anti-scale treatment

With a wet cooling system, the only way of reducing heat discharges into the aquatic-environment consists in the recirculation of the cooling water. This practice results in increasingthe concentration factor (Table XII.5). It is often applied for power plants located on inlandwaterways and in estuaries.

This concentration tends to result in the precipitation of calcium salts that are not very soluble:carbonate, sulphate, phosphate. The scale most commonly encountered is calcium carbonate. Itsettles on the tubes of condensers and in the fill of cooling towers, which leads to a reduction inefficiency. Two prevention techniques are generally used to avoid the precipitation of calciumcarbonate in the cooling systems of power plants. One is the lime softening of make up waterand the other is the vaccination of circulating water with sulphuric or hydrochloric acid.

Table XII.5: Relationship between the concentration factor, the withdrawn water flowrate and theenergy discharged into the receiving waterway (individual example)

Concentration factorWithdrawn water flowrates

(m3/h)Energy discharged into the receiving

waterway (%)1 36000 100

1.2 3600 8.31.3 2600 5.51.4 2100 4.21.5 1800 3.32.0 1200 1.73.0 900 0.84.0 800 0.55.0 750 0.46.0 720 0.3

Only organic scale inhibitors for which there are ecotoxicological data are used within the limitslaid down by regulations. Their use is extremely limited. Indeed, current ecotoxicological dataare often insufficient. Furthermore, these substances released into the receiving waterway maydisturb the water treatment operations of industries situated downstream of the discharge point.

Coastal-sited power plants are generally cooled by a once-through system. Cooling towersoperating on an after cooling basis can be installed in order to reduce the thermal load. Thischoice will mainly depend on local conditions (tides, mixture, etc.).

On the other hand, operation with sea water recirculation is exceptional. Indeed, highconcentration factors may cause the precipitation of a great many salts (calcium carbonate,calcium sulphate, barium sulphate, etc.). Although the formation of calcium carbonate may beavoided by adding acid, the same does not hold true for the other salts which can only bestabilised by organic inhibitors (phosphonates, polyacrylates, copolymers, etc.).

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XII.7.2 Anti-fouling treatments (biocides)

A recent review of the experience acquired in EUROPE in methods to reduce biological foulingenables to draw the following conclusions:

Mechanical cleaning of the systems and water filtration are the most commonly usedprocesses. They involve the continuous cleaning of the tubes of condensers by foam balls orbrushes, manual cleaning, use of trash rakes, filters with meshes of different widths.

Three other physical methods are also regularly used for the anti-fouling treatment ofindustrial systems. They concern the following:• maintaining of velocities high enough to avoid the fixation of organic organisms (v > 2

m/s), this recommendation is applied to a large extent today;• temperature increase which consists in raising the temperature of the cooling water beyond

40 ºC for some dozens of minutes; this technique eliminates the fixed organisms (mussels),but nevertheless requires an appropriate design of the cooling systems;

• non-toxic coatings and paints, which reduce the fixation of the organisms, reinforce thevelocity effect and facilitate cleaning; these coatings are nevertheless expensive and must berenewed every 4 to 5 years.

Other techniques are sometimes used, the following in particular:• dryout;• installation of specific filters (mussel filters).

The physical methods can be applied both in sea water and soft water.

A non-chemical treatment applied in a few cases is UV.

Chemical treatment can be applied in cases where physical methods are not appropriate orshow insufficient results. There are oxidising products, chlorine, monochloramine, ClO2 andozone, which can be used as antifouling treatments. Some degradable organic compoundsapplicable intermittently and non toxic in the receiving environment, might be an alternative tochlorination. Among these, some amine filminducing polymers appear to be promising as anti-corrosion chemicals, but sofar intermittent treatment of ferro-sulphate is more efficient.

XII.7.3 Monitoring

Given the flowrates of power plant cooling systems, one cannot conceivably operate themwithout an advanced monitoring and control system. This reasoning is applicable both forproblems concerning scale and biological development.

To avoid scaling, the regulation of acid injection into the circulating water is generally subjectto the continuous monitoring of physico-chemical parameters such as: alkalinity, calcichardness, conductivity, temperature at the condenser outlet. A computer uses these variousparameters as a basis to calculate a specific scaling index and compares it with the operating in-structions. If necessary, the regulator adapts the injection pump flowrate. Finer control methodsare also implemented in high-risk sites. They concern in particular the measurement of thecritical pH 4 and other scale monitors.

As concerns the follow-up of biological developments, many types of sensors exist and areimplemented. Among these should be mentioned biomonitors, and electrochemical sensors.

A control of the quality of drainage water is desirable in order to monitor parameters liketemperature, oxygen concentration, pH, conductivity etc.

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XII.8 Design of the cooling system

As a non-neglecting requirement it should be recognised that the adoption of cooling watersystems at a particular site can be the collaboration of many different factors. The most obviousone is the site-specific characteristics.

XII.8.1 Design and energy recovery

In conventional thermal power plants, the thermodynamic cycle imposes the overall efficiencyof the facility. The economiser, superheater and reheater optimise the operation of the boiler.The low and high-pressure superheaters raise the temperature of feedwater by recovering part ofthe energy withdrawn by means of steam extractions. In order to reduce the electricalconsumption of the auxiliaries, turbine-driven feedwater pumps are also used, these being alsosupplied by steam extractions. Combustion air is also heated by air heaters prior to entering theboiler. All of these devices have one objective: reduce the energy losses of the cycle.

Thermodynamic laws govern the energy loss in the condenser.

If energy gains can be obtained in the cooling systems, it is mainly at the level of design and theresulting choices that it is possible to do so. Some golden rules may be applied:• limit the number of pumps,• avoid mechanical draught cooling towers,• if cooling tower is needed, prefer wet cooling tower to recovery systems (recuperators),• if deconcentration flowrates are sufficient, install a hydraulic recovery turbine on the

deconcentration blowdown;• where flowrates must not be constant, use frequency variators on the pumps or fans.

The following conclusions therefore emerge from these observations:• two sets of pumps are sufficient, one for the supply of the auxiliary cooling system, the

other for the main cooling system;• if once-through cooling is not possible, natural draught wet cooling towers should be

preferred to other cooling systems;• two schemes are therefore conceivable (Figure XII.13 and Figure XII.14 in Section XII.11)

and make it possible to eliminate the heat from the auxiliary system via the cooling tower.

XII.8.2 Design and noise reduction measures

The reduction of noise of the cooling systems can be carried out in different ways:• installation of anti-noise walls around cooling towers,• modification of the relief of the site (wooded slopes),• choice of "low noise" fans,• utilisation of anti-noise panels.

These various solutions generally make it possible to meet stringent noise restrictions.

XII.8.3 Implementation of physical methods

Right from the design stage, it is absolutely necessary to reflect on the possibilities ofimplementing physical methods, particularly so as to avoid biological developments. It concernsthe following in particular:• guarantee an adequate velocity in all the portions of the system;• install continuous cleaning systems on all heat exchangers whenever this is technically

possible;• provide for mussel filters on sites at risk;

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• design the systems so as to be able to carry out manual cleaning operations under normaloperating conditions (alternate heat exchanger operation);

• design the systems so that temperature increase is possible (recirculation with cooling towerin by-pass);

• in natural draught wet cooling towers prefer fill with a suitable surface and/or structure toreduce fouling; periodic cleaning should be optional, e.g. in case of high contents of solidsin the used cooling water.

XII.8.4 Modelling and pilot tests

The purpose of modelling is to study any physico-chemical impacts and adapt to the facilitiesso as to reduce these impacts to the greatest extent possible. It is particularly important to study:

• water withdrawals and discharges,• the visual aspect of the site,• the evolution of plumes,• the thermal and chemical impacts on the receiving environment.

The objective of the pilot loop tests is to define the optimum treatment of cooling water bothwith regard to scaling and to any biological developments. To do so, pilot facilitiesrepresentative of real commercial operating conditions are installed on the site for up to oneyear. In general those pilot test should last for a period with a minimum length which makes itpossible to integrate the variations of the quality of the cooling water due to seasonaldifferences. This also serves to assess the opportunity of some choices on a representative scale(examples: choice of cooling tower fill, choice of alloys, etc.).

XII.8.5 Choice of the cooling system

As can be seen in the examination of the previous analysis, the choice of the type of coolingsystem essentially depends on local site-specific conditions. It is therefore extremely difficultand may not be appropriate to offer a unique recommendation. The decision-making logicdiagram shown in (Figure XII.15, Section XII.11) gives an idea of all the conceivable casesinvolved.

From the energy standpoint, wet cooling (once-through cooling if necessary with wet coolingtower) is by far the most economical solution combined with the ecological advantage of savingenergy and avoiding flue gas emissions. Whether it is carried out using the once-throughtechnique or via a circulating system with wet cooling tower, the energy balances are favourableto this solution.

Of course, such wet cooling can only be envisaged if the receiving waterway is able toaccomodate it. Within the scope of the sustainable management of water resources, it isabsolutely essential that this point has to be examined carefully, particularly by taking intoaccount future developments. A long-term modelling, integrating statistical data, is a necessarytool for estimation and assessment of the environmental impacts. It is in the basis of thisessential approach that the choice of the cooling mode, concentration factor and any treatmentsmust be made.

XII.9 Conclusions

A BAT approach for the cooling systems of new thermal power plants requires a series ofreflection points:

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1. the need to carry out prior studies concerning site-conditions;2. the choice of corrosion-resistant materials for the heat exchange surface of condensers and

cooling towers;3. the implementation of local protection (paints, cathodic protection, etc.):4. the reduction of energy consumers (fans, pumps);5. the installation of anti-noise systems (walls, panels, modification of the site-relief, etc.) or

the choice of solutions resulting in lower emissions (low noise fans);6. the optimisation of the use of treatment reagents and the setting up of (bio)monitors and

chemical monitoring and control devices;7. the study of systems so as to be able to carry out temperature increase operations;8. the design of water intakes to limit the drawing in of living organisms;9. a control of the quality of water discharges by the drain (temperature, oxygen, etc.).

Points 3, 4, 5, 6 and 9 are also relevant for existing power stations as they concern the way aplant is operated and maintained. The other issues relate to the site assessment, which in for anexisting installation is a given fact. With respect to those points, the result of an evaluation foran existing installation may lead to a considerable change in the design of an existing coolingsystem, which generally is expensive and likely to be not cost effective. In those situations thedepreciation time of the installation (heat exchanger, intake structure), will affect any possiblechange resulting from a site assessment.

From the experience no single solution seems to have emerged. Each case is a specific one anddepends, for example, on the cycle of the power plant. In the case of units with recirculatingsystems, the choice of the water treatment will depend on the concentration factor selected,maximum temperatures and the quality of the water withdrawn. The same holds true for thefight against biological developments. Although macroorganisms can generally be eliminatedby thermal shocks, this solution cannot be applied to eliminate biofilm.

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XII.10 Literature

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-R. Gras et J. Jacquet "Problèmes d´environnement liés à la source froide des centralesthermiques", École d´Eté de mecanique des fluides, 353-393, 6-10 octobre 1975.

-H.A. Jenner, C.J.L. Taylor, M. Van Donk, M. Khalanski, "Chlorination By-products inChlorinated Cooling Water of some European Coastal Power Stations", MarineEnvironmental Research, vol. 43, n°4, pp. 279-283, 1997.

-R. Ambrogi, "Environmental Impact of Biocidal anti-fouling Treatment by Chlorine Dioxide".Proceedings of the First European Symposium on Chlorine Dioxide. Collana ambiante,vol. 17, pp. 119-132, Rome, 1996.

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-L. Duvivier, "Considérations générales relatives à l´entartrage des circuits de refrigerationindustriels", Proceedings Journées Information Eaux, Vol. 1, 311-3111, 18-20septembre 1996.

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-Guide de l´environnement non radioactif - Protocole de chloration massive des réfrigerants,EDF-SPT, Départment Sécurité - Radioprotection - Environnement, juillet 1984.

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-Amy et al., "Evaluation of THM Precursor Contributions from Agricultural Drains", JAWWA,57-64, January 1990.

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Annex XII

304 Industrial Cooling Systems

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306 Industrial Cooling Systems

XII.11 Illustrations

Figure XII.1: Once-through system

Figure XII.2: Wet cooling tower

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Industrial Cooling Systems 307

Figure XII.3: Once - through cooling with cooling tower

Figure XII.4: Recirculating cooling

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308 Industrial Cooling Systems

Figure XII.5: Mechanical draught cooling tower (pressure fans)

Figure XII.6: Mechanical draught cooling tower (suction fans, cell construction)

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Industrial Cooling Systems 309

Figure XII.7: Mechanical draught cooling tower (pressure fans, cell construction)

Figure XII.8: Hybrid cooling tower

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310 Industrial Cooling Systems

Figure XII.9: Forced draught air-cooled condenser

Figure XII.10: Natural draught air-cooled condenser

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Industrial Cooling Systems 311

Figure XII.11: Closed recirculating indirect dry cooling tower

Figure XII.12: Cooling tower with discharge of cleaned flue gas

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312 Industrial Cooling Systems

Figure XII.13: Cooling system with fixed concentration factor

Figure XII.14: Cooling system with sliding concentration factor

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Industrial Cooling Systems 313

Figure XII.15: Decision-making logic diagram for the choice of the cooling system

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